• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 5,829 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony - Equestria Boy - OliverSparkle

Shining and Cadence adopt a young alicorn colt that has no family

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Chapter 3

In the throne room at the Crystal empire castle were two unicorns and an alicorn with a levitating stroller containing a baby Princess standing in front of the throne waiting for Constantine and the little colt to arrive.

One unicorn was light grey, had a moderate sapphire blue with moderate cerulean and dark phthalo blue streaks mane and tail, moderate sapphire blue hooves and his cutie mark was a Pink six-pointed star on a purple shield with three small light blue stars above.

The other unicorn that was levitating the stroller had a brilliant gamboge with Light Apple greenish grey spots coat and had a vivid and brilliant vermilion mane and tail along with black glasses on his face.

The alicorn had a pale, light greyish cerise coat, a moderate violet with moderate rose and pale gold streaks mane and tail, and her cutie mark was a Crystal Heart.

And lastly, the baby alicorn had a light magentaish grey with tinges of pale, light greyish fuchsia and a Gradient of light cerise to greyish violet with light artic blue mane and tail along with a blue diaper.

The white unicorn was tapping his right hoof on the floor feeling impatience and wondering what’s taking the guards so long to get here with the colt and Constantine.

He then let out a sigh before saying, “When are they going to be here? They’ve been gone for like fifty minutes and still not back yet. We really need to see the colt and that strange creature that was with him, I feel like they haven’t found them yet and still searching for him.”

“Shining honey,” said the pink alicorn before placing a hoof around his neck giving him a soft hug. “Let them take their time, I’m sure they’ll be here soon as possible.” She then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Shining just looked at her before saying, “Yeah you’re right, Cadence dear. Guess I should learn to be more patience next time something like this happens.” He then smiled at Cadence before giving his wife a kiss on the cheek in return of her kiss.

“But I still don’t know how that creature got here or why that colt was there all alone with no parents and was getting beaten by that strange looking creature thingy.”

“I don’t know either,” Cadence agreed. “But I’m sure we’ll have the answers from them as soon as they get here. But I do wanna see the little colt though.” She began to have an excited look on her face which made Shining rolled his eyes before giggling at her wife.

Just then, the front big doors open and two of the royal guards came through as they then bowed to the princess.

“Your highness,” one of them said, “The colt and the strange creature, have arrived.”

Cadence just nodded her head before saying, “Let them in, Guards.”

“Yes Your highness,” the same Guard said before they both got up and went out of the throne room to let Constantine and the colt in.

Shining and Cadence then heard hoofsteps coming towards the throne room, and there they saw Constantine walking into the room with hands in his trouser pockets along with the colt walking behind him. The two stopped in about five metres from them as Constantine then bowed to Cadence in respect.

“You may rise,” said Cadence as Constantine then stood back up. The colt still hid behind Constantine in shyness and worried that the princess might do something to him after meeting Constantine.

“Now, if a princess may ask, what are you and what’s your name?”

“Your highness,” Constantine started to answer, “I am a human being, and my name, is John Constantine.

“Well it’s nice to meet you, Mr Constantine,” Cadence replied, “I’m Cadence, Princess of love and ruler of the Crystal empire. This is my husband, Shining Armor.”

Shining Armor waved at him before saying, “Hello.”

“This is my baby daughter, Flurry Heart.” Flurry Heart then cooed and giggled at Constantine in her way of saying hello.

“And this is Sunburst.” Cadence finished.

“Hi,” Sunburst was all he can say for now.

“Nice to meet you all,” Constantine said even though they’ve just met.

Cadence then started to look for the little colt, but couldn’t seem to find him anywhere.

“Hey Constantine, where’s that little alicorn colt that was with you?” Cadence asked. "I can't see him."

Constantine looked behind him and saw that the little colt was hiding behind his legs while shaking in fear. He then bent down and started to stroke the colt’s mane gently as he looked at Constantine.

“It’s alright, little guy,” he said to the colt. “They won’t hurt you, they just wanna see you.”

The colt then looked at Cadence who was just standing near Constantine waiting to see him, he still had butterflies in his stomach thinking that Cadence might do something to him or even worse, take him back to the orphanage. But he then looked at Constantine again before saying, “Okay.”

So without being said, he slowly walked from behind Constantine and towards Cadence, but he stopped near Cadence so he wasn’t so close to her since he’s still scared and shy of her. Cadence just gasped with delight at seeing the little alicorn colt, she then bent down to his level with a smile on her face showing him that she was a nice princess.

“Hello there, little one,” she said in a soft motherly voice, “I’m Cadence, princess of love and ruler of the Crystal empire. What’s your name, cutie?”

The colt looked down to the floor in sadness knowing that she was gonna ask the same question Constantine asked him when they first met, he then shook his head before saying, “Haven’t got one.”

Cadence’s smile went into a shock look on her face after hearing what the colt just said. Constantine begin to feel worried, cos he can tell what Cadence was gonna say next.

“What’d you mean you don’t have a name?!” Cadence asked in shock that she had never seen a pony with no name before in her life.

“But everypony has a name, didn’t your mother and father gave you one?” Then Cadence saw some tears coming down the colt’s eyes, she knows that can only mean one thing, he didn’t have a mother or a father.

“You don’t have a mother or a father, don’t you?” She said in a sad tone.

The colt shook his head while more tears roll down his face, that’s when Constantine walked to the colt and Cadence, bent down and placed his right hand on his left shoulder which made him look at him.

“I’ll tell her the rest,” Constantine said to him.

Constantine then got up and went towards Cadence, he let out a sigh before saying, “Cadence, since the kid doesn’t want to explain the rest of his story, I think it’s best I tell you his story for him.”

Cadence nodded in agreement after seeing the colt having more tears coming down his eyes.

Constantine let out another sigh before saying, “You see, this colt didn’t know his parents. He’s an orphan, and the orphanage he came from.... is horrible. The owners and every orphan there have been calling him names, abusing him, hurting him and making him do all their work as a slave.”

Cadence, Shining and Sunburst let out a gasp in shock after hearing what Constantine just said, and Flurry Heart then began to have a sad look on her face feeling bad for the colt now after hearing the sad story.

“And then,” Constantine continued, “Before I’ve found him being attacked by that demon, he told me he ran away from the orphanage and begged me not to return him to that place.” He then looked at the colt who was now looking down at the floor still in sadness. “My guess is that he has had enough of that place and wants to be somewhere that he can call home.”

Cadence looked at the colt after hearing the story, she was sad on the outside, but she was very angry on the inside, she couldn’t believe that every orphan at the orphanage as well as the owners would do such a thing to a poor colt that hasn’t even got a name.

“Oh you poor sweet little alicorn,” Cadence said. “I am so sorry you’ve been through all of that.” She then opened her hoofs out wanting to give the colt a motherly hug. “Come here, sweetie.”

The colt looked at Cadence after hearing what she said, he saw that she wanted to give him a hug. That was when he couldn’t fight it anymore, he let his tears run free from his eyes and ran straight to Cadence, wrapping his tiny hoofs round her neck and buried his face in her chest. Cadence then started to rub the colt’s back before saying,

“Shhhh, it’s okay sweetie. It’s okay. I’m here, I’ve got you. Shhhh.”

The tears from the colt’s eyes soaked onto Cadence’s chest as he continued to cry.

“P-please don’t s-send me back.” He begged.

Shining walked to Cadence and gently rubbed the colt’s head comforting him as well.

“It’s alright, little guy,” Shining said, “There’s no way we're gonna send you back to that orphanage. We promise.”

The colt looked at Shining with a smile on his face after hearing what he just said but still had tears running down on his face.

“T-thank y-you.” Was all he could say.

But then, Sunburst came up with the question he now just thought it, “So what exactly are we going to do with him? I mean, we’re not going to send him back to that terrible orphanage, and I don’t think he wants to go to any new orphanage here.”

Cadence and Shining looked at each other after hearing what Sunburst just said before looking at the colt who was now resting his head on Cadence’s warm chest while resting his body in her left hoof but still had a couple of tears left in his eyes as Cadence then brushed them away with her right hoof.

Just looking at him made Cadence shed a tear from her right eye, and that was when she came up with the perfect idea to do with the colt.

She looked at Shining and said, “Shiny honey, I know that Flurry Heart was born not too long ago and is our first child. But after hearing this poor colt’s sad story and knowing he doesn’t want to go back to that orphanage, I’ve been thinking. How about we adopt him as our first son?”

Hearing that made the colt look up to her with a huge smile on his face with no more tears in eyes.

“Really?! I can stay with you?!”

Shining actually thought that would be a great idea to have the colt as their first son, which also means he’ll be the future prince of the Crystal empire and Flurry Heart’s big brother cos the colt’s actually older than her since he was five years old.

“You know what, Cadence dear. That’s not a bad idea, besides there’s enough room for one more member for the family. And we have been thinking about getting Flurry Heart a brother or a sister to play with one day.”

Flurry Heart just giggled while clapping her tiny hooves and jumping a little on her stroller which made them think that she’s liking that idea, even Constantine thought it was a brilliant idea.

“So what’d ya think, kid? You wanna stay with us and be part of the family?” Shining asked the colt.

The colt still had that big smile on his face as he nodded his head before saying, “Yes, I would like to stay with you. Thank you so much!”

Cadence giggled before giving the colt a kiss on the forehead. “No need to thank us, sweetie. We’re just doing what we can to make ponies like you feel better.”

“So,” Sunburst said, “What name should we give him since he’s now part of the family? Surely we can’t just call him ‘colt’, he’s going to need an actual name now that he’s living with you.”

Cadence looked at the colt, then thought about it. She wanted to give him a name that’s perfect and it’ll be a name the colt will never forget. Then, she came up with a perfect name.

“How about we call him... Oliver Sparkle.”

Shining and Sunburst was on board with that idea, Oliver Sparkle was the perfect name to give for their new son.

“What’d ya think, kiddo?” Shining asked the colt, “Is Oliver Sparkle a good name for you?”

The colt thought about it, being called Oliver Sparkle means he doesn’t have to be called other names anymore. Plus the name has a nice ring to it, so he just nodded his head and said,

“Yes, I love it! Thank you so much, I promise I’ll be a good colt for you for ever.”

Cadence just giggled and started to nuzzle Oliver on the nose.

“You’re already are, Oliver. I can promise you that.” Cadence said as she continued to nuzzle Oliver on the nose.

Seeing this made Constantine feel so happy for Oliver, now he won’t have to worry about that horrible orphanage now he has a family of his own.

“But,” Oliver said, “Does that mean I won’t be able to see Constantine again?”

Hearing that made Constantine have a sad but also shock on his face, he forgot that it was just today the two first met and will be the last since Oliver now has a family.

Cadence slowly nodded her head in sadness before saying, “I’m afraid so, dear.”

Oliver’s happy face went down to sadness and started to look at Constantine who looked at him with a sad shock look on his face still. Oliver then looked down to the floor while letting a few tears run down his face again. But then Cadence thought of another idea.

“Although Constantine, since you two have first met and you did save him from that demon. How would you like to stay here with us?”

Hearing that made Oliver smile again and looked at Constantine once more. Constantine was no longer in sad shock mode but was back into shock mode after hearing what Cadence just said, he then smiled and nodded as a yes. He then looked at Oliver while smiling and thinking about the good times they’ll have together as friends.

Author's Note:

The story is not over yet, Oliver will get to meet the mane eight, Spike and the royal sisters in the next chapters

Maybe even Thorax, Trixie and Discord If I’m that thoughtful, but we’ll see what I come up with for the next chapter