• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 5,830 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony - Equestria Boy - OliverSparkle

Shining and Cadence adopt a young alicorn colt that has no family

  • ...

Chapter 34

Fluttershy, her friends and Constantine were going as fast as their bodies would allow them to go to reach Cold Wind's house and rescue Lightning from him. Fluttershy had tears flowing down her face as she thought of how much pain her son could be in right now. Sunset ran beside her and rubbed her shoulder to keep her calm.

"Don't worry Flutters, we're almost there. I promised you we would get Lightning back, and we will," Sunset said as gently as possible, even though she was ready to tear Cold Wind limb from limb.

Fluttershy nodded her head and picked up speed trying to get to Cold Wind's house faster.

At his house, Cold Wind went downstairs to the basement to get a look at the tied up Lightning Twister. When he saw him, he saw that Lightning was crying and trembling uncontrollably out of both being cold and being afraid.

"D-Daddy p-please, l-let m-me g-" Lightning was cut off by a sharp strike to the face making his eye turn black.

"I told you I didn't want to hear a sound out of you, you sniveling little freak," Cold Wind snapped harshly before going to a nearby box and pulling out a cloth.

"If you won’t shut up, then I guess I'm gonna have to make you," he said cruelly.

Cold Wind tied the cloth around Lightning's mouth making his cries muffled. Once it was good and tight, Cold Wind got to his hooves and spit right in Lightning's black eye.

"I'm gonna go try to find a place in Cloudsdale to stay, and you’re coming with me when I do find one. Until then, you’re staying down here!" he snapped harshly.

He flew back upstairs and slammed the basement door closed once again, leaving Lightning in darkness. Once he was back in his living room, he quickly opened one of the window curtains to see if there was still nothing outside. However, when he looked out the window, he saw eight ponies, a human and an Ink demon coming his way at an incredibly fast speed.

Cold Wind quickly grabbed a key and locked the basement door shut as the ponies, demon and human drew closer. However, once he turned around, his front door was immediately broken down by Rainbow Dash and Ink Bendy. The second Rainbow laid her eyes on him, she charged at him and tackled him with enough force to break down the kitchen door with both his and her body. Before Cold Wind could even react, Rainbow grabbed him by his mane with her hooves and threw him back into the living room where he was now laying in front of seven other furious ponies with Ink Bendy and Constantine.

Applejack turned around and tried to buck him, but Cold Wind was able to avoid it and get back on his hooves. He did not stay on them for long though as an Enraged Fluttershy tackled him and pinned him to the floor. She stomped on his stomach, knocking the wind on him. She then sat on his stomach and began bringing down several sharp hooves to his face, causing him to get a black eye and a broken nose as blood began to run down from it. This side of Fluttershy began to make the others feel a little uncomfortable. They knew she was upset and angry, but they’ve never seen her like this.

"Fluttershy darling, you need to calm down," Rarity said.

“She’s right, love. Stop!” Said Constantine.

Fluttershy however wasn't listening as she got off of Cold Wind and pinned his body to the wall before giving him the stare.

"Where is my son?! Where is Lightning Twister?!" Fluttershy snapped in a cold venomous tone that made all of her friends, Ink Bendy and Constantine step back and made Cold Wind cringe somewhat.

"Wait, you’re his Mother?" Cold Wind asked with a look of confusion on his face.

Fluttershy however said nothing and threw him back onto the ground where he was finally bucked by Applejack. Before he could even make another move, he was grasped around the neck and began being choked by Twilight's magic. She trotted up to him and glared at him coldly before speaking in a low furious tone.

"I suggest you be quiet and listen, Cold Wind. I'm going to give you three seconds to tell us where Lightning is, or I will let my nephew here break you into two."

Cold Wind shook as he looked at Ink Bendy growling at him as he finally revealed Lightning's location.

"He's in the basement!"

Twilight released her magical grip on him and he fell to the floor, but just as he caught his breath, Fluttershy immediately brought her hoof down on his neck and snapped, "Where is the basement?!"

Cold Wind knew he couldn't fight anymore and he pointed towards the basement door. Fluttershy immediately flew over to the door as Ink Bendy and Constantine watched Cold Wind to make sure he doesn’t move or try to escape. She tried to open it, but it was locked. She was about to go back and attack Cold Wind once more, but Applejack and Rainbow worked together to kick the door down. They stepped aside to let Fluttershy fly inside to get Lightning.

When she flew down the stairs, she gasped when she saw Lightning tied up in the center of the room.

"Lightning!" She shouted before flying over to her injured son.

She untied the cloth from his mouth and then untied his wings and hooves. Lightning turned over and was blinded a little bit by the light, but when the blurriness from his good eye began to clear, he gasped as he recognized the pony in front of him.

"M-Momma!" Lightning cried as he embraced his mother.

He began shaking and crying so hard and uncontrollably that he was having trouble breathing. Fluttershy scooped the little colt into her forelegs and cradled him close to her. She gently rocked him while nuzzling and hushing him.

"Shh...it's alright, sweetheart. Momma's here. Momma's going to make everything alright," She softly cooed. Lightning continued to cry as Fluttershy got a look of his rope burned hooves and wings as well as his swollen black eye. Lightning continued to tremble and cry uncontrollably as he buried his head into his mother's soft chest fur. Fluttershy became enraged when she saw the condition her son was in. She flew upstairs and glared angrily at Cold Wind.

"You did this to him, didn't you?" She hissed coldly to the stallion making him shudder a little.

Sunset Shimmer trotted up to Fluttershy as she gently grabbed hold of Lightning and cradled him close to her.

"N-No! M-Momma!" Lightning screamed in fear as his eyes were closed and he was unaware of who was holding him.

"Shh..It's okay, honey. It's only your Auntie Sunset," Sunset softly cooed into the scared colt’s ear in the gentlest of voices.

With her son safe in Sunset’s forelegs, Fluttershy immediately shot towards Cold Wind and tackled him back onto the ground.

"You monster!" She screamed in his face, "How could you do all this to your own child, you sorry excuse for a father?!"

Cold Wind had enough of Fluttershy and he used his hind legs to kick her off of him. Fluttershy grunted and landed hard on the ground leaving everyone in shock. Cold Wind used the opportunity to escape from the ponies, human and ink demon.

“Oliver! Stop that child abuser!” Constantine said as he pointed towards the broken doorway.

Ink Bendy nodded as he began to run after him.

Cold Wind only made it a few yards away, but he then bumped into two hooves as he then looked up and saw he was now face to face with two royal guards and a very angry Princess Celestia.

Cold Wind recognized her and immediately flew in the opposite direction, but was stopped by Ink Bendy as he appeared from the ground and let out an angry gurgling roar at him, which made him flew in the other direction. The princess however was able to catch him and bring him back to the house with him in her magical grasp. Two royal guards immediately flew over to Cold Wind and pinned him to the ground before shackling his hooves.

"Cold Wind, you are under arrest for child abuse and avoiding arrest!" Princess Celestia snapped as the guards began taking him away.

Cold Wind fought as hard as he could to avoid being taken, but the two guards were stronger than him. With an enraged look in his eye, he looked into his son's terrified and tear filled eyes before screaming at him at the top of his lungs.


The guards eventually got him out of the house as Celestia began to trot over to Lightning who was back in Fluttershy's forelegs and was crying and shaking in fear after hearing his father’s cruel words. The princess softly nuzzled the little colt and hushed him.

"Shh..It's alright, my little pony. Your father’s gone, and you’re safe now," She said to him softly as Lightning continued to cry.

The princess looked at the rest of the ponies, Constantine and Oliver, who was back into his pony self, in the room and said, "I must leave now. I thank you all for helping capture Cold Wind and I congratulate you all for getting Lightning back."

The princess stepped out of the house and beside a now exhausted Cold Wind. She glared at him coldly before disappearing with him in a flash of light.

Fluttershy was satisfied that Cold Wind was gone and then looked down at her son who was still shaking and crying uncontrollably. He hadn’t stopped crying since Fluttershy freed him, but she thought it would be best for him to let it all out. He was hurt and scared to death.

"Shhh...It's alright Lightning, Momma's got you," Fluttershy softly cooed into Lightning's ear as she gently nuzzled him. "Everything's gonna be alright, sweetheart...shhh."

While Lightning cried quietly, Fluttershy looked at her friends and Constantine and said, "I think we should take him to a doctor to have him looked at."

Everyone nodded in agreement and then left the old house and made their way back to Ponyville. Fluttershy cradled her crying son close to her soft warm fur and gently kissed him on the forehead. He was safe now.