• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 5,830 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony - Equestria Boy - OliverSparkle

Shining and Cadence adopt a young alicorn colt that has no family

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Chapter 5

In the city of Ponyville, the sun was beginning to light up the village as ponies began waking up and starting their daily routines.

In the Rainbow Kingdom castle, a purple alicorn, with dark sapphire blue with moderate purple and brilliant raspberry streaks with a Pink six-pointed sparkle surrounded by five small white sparkles cutie mark, was getting out of her bed and walking towards her mirror getting ready for the day.

As soon as she finished combing her mane, she walked towards the kitchen just as when a yellow unicorn with brilliant amaranth and light apple green striped mane and tail with a Red and yellow shimmering sun cutie mark, a light purple unicorn with moderate purple with lighter purple and pale light, greyish aquamarine highlight mane and tail with a purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams cutie mark and a purple flying dragon with green spikes came out of their rooms.

“Morning Sunset, Starlight and Spike,” she said in a friendly tone.

“Morning Twilight,” the three said in unison.

“So did you all sleep well last night?” Twilight asked.

“Sure did,” said the yellow unicorn. “Still getting use to sleeping in a bed as pony since I’m no longer in the human world.” She then let out a nervous giggle.

Sunset Shimmer once lived in the human world not too long ago, she returned to Equestria after the last strange magic from Equestria was found and dealt with by her and her six friends.

She still misses them, even though they said she can come visit them anytime she wants, plus they said they were gonna miss her after hearing she was returning to Equestria, but they did promise her they will use their magic for good use and in case of an emergency.

She then had a sad look on her face, as she was thinking about her friends back in the human world. She then felt Twilight rubbing her left shoulder with her hoof as she then looked at her smiling.

“It’s okay, Sunset. I know you still miss them, but you can still go visit them whenever you want. The mirror is still open anyway.” She then lets out a little giggle.

Sunset’s smile came back as she then let out a giggle of her own.

“You’re right, Twilight. But it’s still good be back on Equestria. Oh and thanks for letting me stay here in your castle by the way.”

“No problem, Sunset.”

“So, should we go have some...” before Spike could finish his sentence, he suddenly burped out a scroll as Twilight catches it with her purple magic gasp before it hit the ground.

“A letter from Celestia? In this time in the morning? That's not like her,” Starlight said in confusion.

Twilight unrolled it and began to read it.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I wish to inform you that your brother and sister in law, Shining Armor and Cadence, has invited us to breakfast at the Crystal empire, cos they want to introduce us to a new member of their family that they've adopted. She also wants Trixie, Thorax and Discord to meet him as well. Me and Luna will meet you at the Crystal Empire train station with Thorax and Discord as soon as you lot are ready. Oh and bring Ocellus with you, Thorax wants her to meet Cadence’s new son as well.

Your former teacher,
Princess Celestia”

After reading, Twilight was in shock before turning it into a big excited smily face which made Sunset, Starlight and Spike confuse at her looks.

“Twilight? You feeling okay?” Asked Spike as he landed on his feet, walked towards Twilight and waved his right claw to her face.

“Not only do I have a niece,” Twilight finally spoke, “But now, I have a nephew!” As she then bounced up and down in excitement.

Sunset then levitated the scroll with her magic and took a look at it.

“They have a new family member now?” Asked Sunset.

“When did that happen?” Starlight asked in confusion.

“Who cares! This is the best day ever!” Twilight shouted still excited and bouncing up and down like a hyper pony. “Not only do we get to have breakfast at the Crystal empire but we also get to see their new son! Come, we must get the others and tell them we’ll be having breakfast at the Crystal empire as soon as possible! We don’t wanna be late!”

With nothing more to say, Twilight zoomed off without telling the three which one of their friends she was gonna tell first. The three either rolled their eyes or giggled as their reaction.

“Come on,” Starlight said after giggling, “Let’s try to catch up with her.”

With that said, the two unicorns ran, while Spike flew, to try to catch with Twilight.

Meanwhile at the Crystal empire, Oliver was in the bathroom still getting ready for when his new aunt, her friends, the two princesses, the Changeling King and the master of chaos arrive for breakfast. But he was still worried about what they might think of him when they meet.

“Mum and dad said that everything will fine,” he said to himself.

“But what if they’re wrong? What if they don’t like me, what if they think I’m a monster if my ink magic goes out of control?”

He then looked at the mirror as some tears went down his face as if memories from his past were coming back to him.

“What if they also make fun of me for being an boy alicorn in Equestria? I don’t want my new life to be like the times at that orphan when I meet them.”

He closed his eyes as he let more tears run down his face while still thinking what might happen when he meets his new aunt and her friends. But then all that thinking was put to a stop when he heard a knock on the bathroom door.

“Oliver? It’s me, Vincent. Am I allowed to come in or are you still getting ready?”

Oliver quickly brushed his tears away not wanting Vincent to see he was crying before shaking his head trying to snap out of what he was thinking and turning to the door.

“Yeah you can come in, I just finish getting ready.”

Vincent opened the bathroom door as he poked his head through before asking, “Anything alright, lad?”

“Yeah, Yeah, everything’s fine, Vincent. Nothing to worry,” Oliver lied. He was worried that Vincent might get mad that he’s still thinking that his new aunt and her friends might hate him, make fun of him and even call him a monster with ink magic.

Vincent was concerned about what he just said, but decided not to see if he was lying or not and gently said,

“Okay, just making sure nothing's wrong and you’re feeling good. Anyways, your mother just wanted me to tell you that she wants you to meet her in the house of mystery. We’re having breakfast with the new ponies at Constantine’s house instead of here in the castle.”

Oliver just nodded his head and said, “Thanks for telling me, Vincent.”

“Anything for the future prince of the Crystal Empire and captain of the royal guards,” Vincent said with a smile.

He then pushed the door open wider, stood aside near it and bowed to Oliver, allowing him to go out first. Oliver walked out of the bathroom with Vincent following behind him and shutting the bathroom door behind him as they walked to Constantine’s house.

“Try to keep calm. Everything will be alright,” Oliver said to himself without having Vincent hearing him. But he was still worried that something might go wrong. "I hope."

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long, I wanted more information about Ocellus, the little Changeling that Thorax brought to the school of Friendship in season 8, spoiler alert if you haven’t seen the premier yet