• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 5,830 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony - Equestria Boy - OliverSparkle

Shining and Cadence adopt a young alicorn colt that has no family

  • ...

Chapter 30

The afternoon sun shined across Equestria as Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle made their way over to Fluttershy's cottage. When they arrived, they knocked on the door and it was soon answered by Fluttershy.

"Good Morning Fluttershy, happy Hearts and Hooves day!" Applebloom said cheerfully, "Is Lightning here?"

Fluttershy shook her head before saying, "He took several bits and left early this morning. He wanted get a gift for Smolder."

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded their heads in understanding before handing three cards to Fluttershy.

"Well, Sweetie Belle's parents invited us to a vacation with her and them for a week, we already asked Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and they both said yes," Scootaloo said happily, "Could you give these cards to Lightning? Tell him they're from me, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle."

Fluttershy nodded her head and the three fillies said goodbye before running off. Fluttershy closed the door and smiled.

"I hope my little boy has the best Hearts and Hooves day ever," She said softly.

At Sugarcube Corner, Lightning Twister walked near the entrance with a card on his back.

"I hope Smolder likes this gift I’m getting for her," Lightning said to himself. Spreading his wings out, Lightning flew into Sugarcube Corner. Once he was inside the shop, he saw Pinkie Pie working at the counter. The hyper pink pony saw Lightning and bounced over to him.

"Hey there Lightning, how's my cutie of a nephew?" She asked playfully before ruffling his mane.

Lightning giggled a little bit and straightened his mane out before saying, "I'm doing good, Auntie Pinkie."

Pinkie then bounced back behind the counter.

"Are you here for your order?" She asked him earning a nod in return.

Pinkie took out a large chocolate cupcake with orange and purple frosting. She put it in a box and gave it to Lightning as the little colt then gave his Aunt the exact amount of bits he owed her. She put the bits in the register before smiling at her nephew.

"So is this cupcake and that letter for a special filly?" She asked with great interest.

Lightning nodded his head before saying, "It's for Smolder, I just hope she likes what I’m giving to her. I also hope she wants to be my special somecreature."

Pinkie just ruffled Lightning’s mane again and said, "You're worrying too much, sweetie. I just know Smolder's gonna love it."

Lightning softly smiled at her and nodded his head.

"Thanks Auntie Pinkie, I better get going," Lightning said before saying goodbye and exiting the shop.

Arriving at the Ponyville park, Smolder looked all around for Lightning. She finally smiled when she saw him flying down a hill with several items. When he landed in front of her, he put the box down on the ground and began sweating nervously. He could feel his heart racing and Smolder could feel hers doing the same. This was the moment they had both been waiting for.

"Um...Hi Smolder," Lightning said softly with a gentle smile.

Smolder blushed a little bit and softly smiled before saying, "Hi Lightning, happy Hearts and Hooves day."

"Y-you too. Do y-you wanna fly for a bit?" Lightning asked nervously hoping it would give him a chance to let his nerves settle.

Smolder nodded her head in response. The two took to the air and flew all around the park. Both were way too nervous to give each other a gift right now, but they both knew if they wanted to let one another know how much they felt about each other, they would have to do it soon. They decided to fly for a few more minutes. However, neither of them realized that since they took off from the ground, they were holding each other’s hooves and claws. Lightning and Smolder both noticed this and blushed before quickly letting go of each other’s hooves and claws, even though neither of them wanted to.

After about ten more minutes of flying, Lightning left Smolder’s side and went back to the gifts he left on the ground. He picked them up while in the air and flew over to a nearby tree by the lake. Smolder eventually landed beside him with a card in her claws. She presented it to Lightning.

"Um...I made you this card, Lightning. I-I hope you like it," She said shyly and nervously.

Lightning opened the card and read what was inside.

"When I see you smile, I can face the world, I can do anything."
"When I see you smile, I see a ray of light shining through the rain."
"When I see you smile at me."
"Happy hearts and hooves day, Lightning."

"Love, Smolder."

Lightning felt tears sting his eyes as he wrapped his hooves around Smolder with a smile on his face.

"Thank you Smolder, this is one of the greatest gift I've ever gotten."

After a few minutes, he broke the hug before grabbing a card of his own. He gave it to Smolder with a shaking hoof as the dragon took it, opened it and read what was inside.

"I wish a happy hearts and hooves day to the most awesome dragon in all of Equesrtia.

Love, Lightning Twister"

Tears were already forming in Smolder’s eyes as she then wrapped her arms around him.

Her tears of joy continued to flow as she said, "Lightning, this is the sweetest, most thoughtful gift I've ever gotten."

Smolder continued to hug Lightning and he eventually wrapped his forelegs around her. Smolder then kissed Lightning on the cheek for what felt like an hour. Lightning was blushing like crazy when Smolder broke the hug. He put his hoof over the cheek that she kissed him on for a moment before smiling at her.

"S-Smolder?" Lightning stuttered nervously.

"Yes, Lightning?" The orange dragon asked softly.

Lightning let out a shaky sigh before asking nervously, "W-would you b-be my special somecreature?"

Smolder simply nodded her head before saying, "Lightning, there is no other colt or dragon I would want to have as my special somecreature, than you."

She then went up to Lightning and kissed him on the cheek once more making him blush again. The two of them hugged each other and nuzzled one another while both were smiling and crying tears of joy. Neither of them noticed that Twilight, Fluttershy and Spike were laying on a cloud right above them, watching the whole thing. The three of them smiled at one another before flying off to let the two be alone for a while.

Lightning gave Smolder the box he had and she opened it. The box revealed the chocolate cupcake, Smolder couldn't help but kiss him on the cheek again. Lightning blushed once more even though she kissed him on the cheek three times now.

"Thank you Lightning, chocolate is my favourite flavor. Do you wanna share it?" Smolder asked sweetly.

Lightning softly smiled at her and nodded his head. The two sat down under the tree by the lake and shared the cupcake as the sun began to set beautifully on the lake. Both Lightning and Smolder had never been happier than they were right now. Both of them laid down beside each other and Smolder put one of her claws on top of one of Lightning's hooves. Lightning looked into Smolder's beautiful eyes and Smolder looked into Lightning’s dark blue eyes. A few small tears escaped Lightning’s eyes as they both smiled softly at one another. Smolder brought the claw and gently brushed away Lightning’s tears from his eyes. She then rested her head on top of his and closed her eyes before letting out a sigh of happiness. Lightning smiled and let his head rest gently under her head before closing his eyes. The two stayed this way, happy to be with one another, as the beautiful sunset shined across the lake.