• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 5,830 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony - Equestria Boy - OliverSparkle

Shining and Cadence adopt a young alicorn colt that has no family

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Chapter 7

They didn’t go too far from the castle as the location Cadence was taking them was behind the castle.

There behind the castle was Constantine’s house, it’s been behind the castle ever since Constantine first got to Equestria and been living in Equestria after Cadence adopted Oliver.

Cadence, Shining, Celestia and Luna stopped walking as they were two miles away from the house, the nine girls, Spike, Discord, Thorax, Sunburst and Ocellus stopped behind them as the mane eight, Trixie and Spike all had shock looks on their faces as they saw where Cadence has taken them to.

“Cadence, was this house always been behind the castle?” Asked Sunset still in shock mode.

“Well, let’s just say it’s been here for about, fourteen months,” Cadence replied.

“Fourteen months?!” Shouted the mane eight and Spike still in shock after hearing what Cadence just said, which made Cadence giggle.

“Yep, we had a reason why though. But we’ll tell you all later once you’ve met our new member of the family.”

Cadence then walked to the house, knocked on the door and took a few steps back as the door was then opened by John Constantine.

“Oh Hello Cadence,” Constantine said happily as he then bow in respect.

“Hello Constantine,” Cadence said back, “Is our son in the house safe and happily?”

“Yes, he’s upstairs in my bedroom,” he answered, “But I think he’s still nervous about meeting the guests.”

“Oh dear,” Cadence said sadly, “Well I’m sure he’ll be happy once he meets them and his new aunt.” She then felt a tap on the shoulder, she turned her head round to see that Spike was the one who tapped her.

“Uh Cadence, Who is that?” Spike asked as he pointed at Constantine.

“Oh sorry, forgot to introduce you to the owner of the house,” Cadence said before letting out a giggle. She then turned to the nine ponies, the two sisters and said, “Girls, Spike, Aunt Celestia and Luna, me and Shining would like you all to meet John Constantine. He’s a human with magical powers and has been helping our son out with learning magic ever since we adopted our new child.”

Constantine walked towards the girls as he then stopped near Twilight and bowed to her in respect.

“At your service,” he said as he then gently took Twilight’s left hoof and lifted it up a little. "It's truly an honor to meet the princess of Friendship.” Constantine then kissed Twilight’s hoof as she blushed and giggled.

Rarity however was looking at Constantine’s trench coat, she then had a disgusted look on her face after looking at the coat for twelve seconds.

“Oh my word, Constantine. Your trench coat is, so awful! How could you wear such a hideous coat with a rubbish colour?” She said not liking the trench coat looks at all.

Constantine had an annoyed look on his face after hearing what Rarity just said as he find it very insulting.

“Cheers.” Constantine then gave Rarity the L finger with his right hand.

“Alright,” Shining Armor said getting everypony’s attention, “Before we go inside, we should warn you that our son is a bit shy at the moment so don’t go too hyper towards him, don’t scare him and try to keep calm towards him so that he knows he can trust you.”

Everypony, including the two Changelings and Discord, nodded in understood as Constantine walked towards the front door, opened it and stood aside to let the princess of love go in first.

“After you, Cadence.” He bowed to her in respect again.

Cadence, with Flurry Heart still on her back, walked into the house with Shining, Spike, the two sisters, the nine ponies, the two Changelings and Discord following after her, once they were all in, Constantine walked inside closing the door behind him.

The girls and Spike were looking around the house and how clean and tidy it was while Thorax was sitting near the fireplace with Ocellus sitting between his legs resting her head on his chest. Twilight, however, was looking at all the shelves with books in, she was amazed at how many books there were since she loved books so much, it was like Constantine had a library in his house.

“Wow, Constantine!” Said Twilight very happily and amazed. “You’ve got so many books here! It’s like a library in here!” Constantine smiled after hearing what Twilight just said.

Just then, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs, they turned and saw Vincent walking downstairs with a smile on his face whilst everypony, except for the two princess, Shining, Cadence, Flurry Heart & Constantine, had shock looks on their faces while looking at him.

“Ah they’re here already,” he said happily, “Good.”

Trixie had her mouth wide open as she pointed at Vincent in shock. “You’re... You’re all... Purple!!”

“Yeah I am all purple,” he said, “I was born like this. Create like this to be honest.”

“Create?!” The nine ponies and Spike shouted in shock.

“Yep, by me,” Constantine said before anypony could ask who created him. “He’s our security purple guard to make sure no one bothers Cadence’s son or threaten him. He even guards the boy's bedroom every night, making sure he’s safe and sleeping peacefully.”

“Okay. And what is your name?” Asked Sunset in confusion.

“The name’s Vincent,” he replied before taking a bow in respect and raising up again, “And you lot must be the guests that are here to see Cadence’s son.”

“Mmhmm,” Twilight said excitedly while nodding her head, “So when do we get to see him? I so wanna meet him and get to know him so much!” Hearing what she said made her friends, brother, niece and sister in law giggle.

“Hang on, let me go get him first,” said Cadence as she levitated Flurry Heart off her back with her magic and placed her on Shining’s back.

She then went upstairs, walked to the right side when she was at the top and went through the open door way where the bedrooms are so she can get Oliver.

After one minute, Cadence came back through the open door way with Oliver walking behind her, as they reached the staircase, walked downstairs and stopped at the bottom of the last step, Pinkie decided to make the first move by running close to his face, smiling and said,


This made Oliver jump a little and walked backwards with a scared look, but he was stopped by Constantine as he quickly placed his left hand on his neck to stop him, then he slowly moved his hand and stroked his mane slowly to calm him down, which it work quite quickly as Oliver smiled at Constantine as he smiled at him back. Constantine then looked at Pinkie with a cross look on his face before saying,

“Hey we just told you not to do that, Pinkie.” He then pointed at Pinkie with his right hand, “Don’t you ever listen?”

Pinkie just laughed nervously while rubbing the back of her neck before saying, “Sorry. Guess I got over excited.”

The other ponies, Spike, the two Changelings and Discord either had smiles or happy shock looks on their faces, Celestia and Luna only have smiles on their faces, as they looked at Oliver who had a shy and nervous look on his face as he looked at the guests. Twilight just had a smile on her face as she looked at him.

“How new is this one?” Asked Sunset since she spent most of her life in the human world and never really saw an boy alicorn in her life, even before she went to the human world.

Constantine looked at Oliver before answering, “Not what you think.” He looked at Oliver for a few seconds before turning to the ponies. “It’s the magic of pony birth from my point of view. Probably decided to create something new and gave a boy pony a pair of wings to go with the horn.”

Oliver started to walk towards the group of ponies to get a closer look at them, he then stopped in front of Twilight who still had a smile on her face showing him that she was friendly.

“It sure did,” Starlight, Sunset, Spike, Applejack, Discord & Thorax said all at once.

Twilight wrapped Oliver’s hoof with hers as she then slowly lifted them up gently.

“Wow,” she said happily, “My new nephew is a pony who’s an alicorn like me, and a future prince of the Crystal empire. You must be very lucky to get adopted by a princess.”

Oliver just looked at Twilight for a few seconds before answering to her.

“Ummmm, yeah, yeah,” He then let go of Twilight’s hoof before scratching the back of his neck with it and placing it back down before saying, “Guess so.”

“Come on son,” Shining said before gently patting him on the back. “They’re friendly, they won’t hurt you.”

Rainbow Dash walked towards Oliver with a shock look on her face as she looked at Oliver’s wings as she became to grow a huge smile on her face which made Oliver feel uncomfortable.

“This is so awesome!” She shouted but not too loudly so that she doesn’t scare Oliver as she flew into the air. “A boy pony with wings! I so can’t wait to fly along with you soon since you’ll becoming my first boy alicorn friend when we get to know each other!”

But she had a question she wanted to ask Cadence about Oliver, so she landed, turned to Cadence and said, “Hey Cadence, can Oliver actually fly since he has wings?”

This made Oliver look at Cadence with a sad but also shy look as Cadence looked at him before turning to Rainbow and responding to her, “I’m afraid he can’t, Rainbow. We haven’t been able to teach him ever since we adopted him and been teaching him how to use magic.”

She then looked at Oliver again as he looked away from the ponies, closed his eyes in sadness before letting a tear run down from his right left. Applejack notice this before the others did and walked towards him.

“Sugarcube,” she said as she placed her left hoof on Oliver’s shoulder, “I can sense something's bothering you and making you upset. What’s troubling you?”

Oliver looked at Applejack, still in sadness, before responding to her,

“I don’t wanna talk about it.”

He looked away again leaving the girls, Spike, the sisters, the Changelings and Discord confuse and worried at the same time, they really wanna know what was wrong with him so they can try to help him. Before any of them could try to get him to tell them what’s wrong, Constantine spoke up,

“I’m sure he’ll tell you lot when he’s feeling like he wants to talk.”

He then rubbed his hands together as a small dark golden grasp ball appeared in between his hands, then two mugs and a bag of sugar appeared as Constantine grabbed the mugs in one hand and the bag of sugar in the other.

“Well I guess we should have that breakfast right about now.”

Author's Note:

Was gonna try to finish it this Saturday, but I didn’t feel like waiting for Saturdays to come anymore

But still gonna write the chapters on a Saturday