• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,480 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...

The Start (Rewrite)

Mana, it manifested within every being after ‘The Awakening’ occurred. When focused and used outside of one’s body, it can be used in many different ways. This is called magic

A woman in a white lab coat walked down a lit hallway. Nothing was eye-catching about this woman. Just a normal scientist, going to do her job. However, this was her first day on a new site. She checked her map of the Laboratory before stopping in front of a room, swiping her keycard, and entering. The door slid open, revealing a room. Every surface was a pale white, from the floor, to the walls, to the desks, all the same, dull, color.

“Ah, so, you’re the new one.” A voice was heard from the furthest corner of the room. The scientist looked over to the origin of the voice to see a man, or what she assumed was a man, dressed in a black cultist-esque robe with pearl white accents. “Well, I guess I should introduce myself.” He continued through his hood. His voice was deep, yet almost soothing. “My name… well, it’s not needed for now. You can call me ‘First.’” He said and gave a playful bow. “Sorry to tell you this, but what you read on the job description wasn’t entirely the truth.” He spoke as he slowly walked towards the woman. “Your role will be more… hands on than you’d think. Oh, another spoiler.” First spoke in a nonchalant manner as he snapped a gloved finger. One of the adjacent walls of the room slid into the floor, revealing a one way window with a small boy sitting in the middle of the room. “The item you’ll be interacting with isn’t exactly an item by the normal definition. This is P.R.O.W-0034.” He finished as he handed the scientist a dossier.

Group: P.R.O.W
Item #: 0034
Description: P.R.O.W-0034 is a male human child, around 6 years in age. It has dark skin, yet light blue eyes and white hair, implying having ancestors from multiple demographic backgrounds. It was found in the year ████ in the city of ██████████, ███████. Upon acquisition, the item has undergone gene modification, as well as several experimental procedures, to give the following effects (see below).

  1. Modification of the pituitary gland, allowing for accelerated growth of the body.
  2. Modification of the parietal lobe, allowing for heightened senses, as well as an increase in reaction time in comparison to humans.
  3. Injection of the experimental drug ██████████ affecting the frontal lobe, stunting the growth, delaying the development of personality and emotions.

“We’ve acquired him quite recently, so you’ll have to forgive us for the dossier being so short, as we’re still updating it as the days pass by.” First chuckled as he took the dossier back. “Now… let me explain what you’ll be doing here. If you’ll read over the third procedure he went under, as of now, he has little to no personality or emotions. Your job will be to help develop these through any means you see fit. One thing I want you to develop above all else is his sense of morality.”

The woman thought for a moment. This was indeed not what she expected when she signed up for the job. She really didn’t like the sound of this. She opened her mouth to decline.

“By the way, this is kind of a secret project of our company so if you decline we kinda have to kill you.”

…She closed her mouth. She, like anyone else, did not want to die. She opened her mouth again to reluctantly accept.

“Great!” First gave a toothy grin. “You start now.” He said as he snapped his fingers and teleported across the room, revealing the door he was leaning on that leads to the item. The woman nodded slowly as she began to walk towards the door. As she pulled the door open to enter, she snapped her fingers, making a tablet appear in her hand. Just as she closed the door, the child that was sitting in the middle of the room pushed himself off the floor.

He turned to the woman, walking towards her and staring up at her. “You’re… new.” He said plainly.

She confirmed that yes, she was new.

He continued to stare at her. “So… what are they going to make you teach me? They already have others for combat, education, tactics, and magic. What else is there?” He asked.

She told him what she was assigned to do. She was here to teach him and help him develop morality.

“What’s morality?”

She thought of how to answer the boy. She didn't want to answer in a way the boy would misunderstand. The woman explained that morality was simply the principles that define right and wrong.

“Right? Wrong? What do you mean?” He continued to stare.

She again thought of how to answer the boy. Then, she introduced herself to him.

“Ysolda? Why did you tell me your name?” He asked.

The woman, named Ysolda, explained that it was the right thing to do when talking to someone new. She asked for his name.

The boy slid his feet together and stood as straight as he could. “I don’t have a name. They designate me as P.R.O.W-0034. I’m sorry.”

Ysolda told him not to worry, as he didn’t know, and he had nothing to be sorry about. She patted his head in an attempt to feel better. Despite being an “item”, she couldn’t help but treat him like an actual child. A part of her looked forward to working with him. She decided to just call him 34.

It was two months into Ysolda’s new job, and she must admit, she’s enjoying it more than she thought. 34 was learning morality pretty fast, but maybe that’s because he started from zero. To be fair to him, it isn’t hard to learn not to steal, not to lie, keep promises he made, the basics. However, she felt as if her work was being undone, as she had to sit through 34s combat training, taught by none other than the one who assigned her to teach 34 morality.

34 was currently getting some rather hands-on training from First. After some augmentations to 34s body, First decided to test them in combat. He snapped his fingers, summoning a ball of fire beside him. With the point of a finger, the fireball arched towards 34, who rolled out of the way. Once up-right, 34 sent a torrent of wind at the man, making him slide back from the force. First stopped himself from falling over before snapping his fingers again, making a wall of fire rise from the floor below him, blocking 34s sight. 34 sent another torrent of wind, putting out the fire wall and knocking First on his back.

First opened his eyes, panting, expecting 34 to be above him, ready to deal another blow. When he saw 34 still standing a couple feet away from him, in the same place he was when he knocked First down. He stared at the boy with a look full of hate. “Well? Why’d you stop? Didn’t I teach you to not hold back!?”

34 looked at First. “You did, but… you can’t fight any more. Isn’t it wrong to attack someone while they’re down? Wouldn’t that be immoral?”

First's look of hatred grew more intense. He pushed himself up and snapped his fingers, sending a massive ball of fire towards the boy. 34 did his best to block it, but the sheer power of the fireball sent him off his feet and into a wall. Bouncing off the wall and landing on the floor, 34 groaned as he tried to push himself up. He was stopped by First pulling him up by his right arm.

“Listen well, P.R.O.W-0034, do not mistake morality with stupidity. You see how I can still fight? How I was able to turn this farce around simply because you thought you won?” He raised his voice as he continued, bringing 34 closer to his face. “That… morality that you misunderstand so, is a plague in that little mind of yours… Now, I see you’ve been paying attention to one of your instructors more than the others… Let this be both a reminder AND a punishment.” He finished as he snapped his fingers again.

A searing pain was felt in 34s right arm. At first, 34 tried to grit his teeth through the pain, trying not to show any weakness, nor regret for his actions. That was, until he realized that First wasn't cooling down at all. The heat was actually getting hotter.

Ysolda watched on in horror from behind the glass wall of the observatory. She couldn’t tell which was worse, the smell of burning flesh and bone, or the screams of 34 echoing through the room. She couldn’t help but stare. Once over the initial shock, she banged on the glass, hoping First would stop his torture.

First, of course, did not stop. He continued to increase the heat on 34s arm. The boy screamed, yet did not beg for him to stop. A few tears were falling from his eyes as he tried to fire spell after spell at First, but each one failed, not being able to focus long enough to cast them correctly.

Finally, 34s body couldn’t withstand the suffering it was being dealt, and his arm below his shoulder was burnt black, turning to a pile of ash and charred bone on the floor. He fell from First’s grip. He grabbed for where his arm used to be, only to find empty space. He looked down at the pile of ash before looking up at First. His eyes flickered for a moment before stabilizing, a flaming white light burned in his eyes.

“...You know, that’s a much better look on you.” First mocked the boy. “That fire in your eyes… those flames of hatred… I can’t wait to see what those will bring.”

It’s been over a year since she first started her new job. There are some ups and downs. A plus is she gets paid quite well. Down side, she could never get the smell of burning flesh out of her memory. Ysolda looked over her clipboard, looking over the updated dossier of 34.

Group: P.R.O.W
Item #: 0034
Description: P.R.O.W-0034 is a male human child, around 8 years in age. It has dark skin, yet light blue eyes and white hair, implying having ancestors from multiple demographic backgrounds. It was found in the year ████ in the city of ██████████, ███████. Upon acquisition, the item has undergone gene modification, as well as several experimental procedures, to give the following effects (see below).

  1. Modification of the pituitary gland, allowing for accelerated growth of the body.
  2. Modification of the parietal lobe, allowing for heightened senses, as well as an increase in reaction time in comparison to humans.
  3. Injection of the experimental drug ██████████ affecting the frontal lobe, stunting the growth, delaying the development of personality and emotions. Said delay has been offset, due to the efforts of Dr. Ysolda.
  4. As of the date ██████████, P.R.O.W-0034 has lost its right arm below the elbow. His combat effectiveness has lowered by 30%. As a result, it has been recommended that he be given a robotic arm in its place. Pending approval.

    1. Approval granted - P.R.O.W-0034 has been given a robotic arm. The procedure required a direct attachment to the nervous system, forcing surgeons to remove the elbow due to a previous incident. The new limb will be referred to henceforth as P.R.O.W-0034-A.
    2. P.R.O.W-0034 has adapted quickly to P.R.O.W-0034-A, though has mentioned phantom pain, as well as other common after effects when losing a limb.

P.R.O.W-0034-A is a robotic prosthetic right arm, currently attached to P.R.O.W-0034. It is made from Lunarite, an ore found on Ceres which has anomalously high tensile, yield, impact, and compressive strength, due to the mana circuitry that has been woven in to increase the circulatory of mana within the body, as well as increase resistance.

Note: Lunarite has been known to be rendered ineffective when there is no mana circulation within the metal. Under no circumstance should Lunarite be stripped of all mana.

Recently, P.R.O.W-0034 has been able to control P.R.O.W-0034-A and it's more niche functions, including but not limited to:

  • Changing the configuration of his forearm into a rifle of sorts, and shooting condensed mana from it.
  • Extending a wrist mounted blade for general use.

As of recently, P.R.O.W-0034 has been shown to act rebellious, questioning the beliefs of our Founders. Due to his heightened growth rate, Dr. Ysolda has hypothesized this change in behavior to be due to hormones.

Ysolda choked, not believing she actually wrote that last part in and it was accepted. The chuckle was also a nervous chuckle. He has grown rebellious rather recently. She's also not sure if it was enough to worry about.

"Oh, Dr. Ysolda, perfect timing!" A voice said from behind her dossier. She looked up to see first in front of her path. “The Item has learned enough about morality for now. Make it a side-task. We have enough data on how he was affected, but It’s not needed anymore. Your new task is to teach him the concept of freedom.”

Ysolda blinked. She asked why, and if First was sure if this is a good idea.

“Well, first, let me ask you this: What is the purpose of our corporation?”

She thought about it for a moment before answering. To study, document, and develop magical, biological, and technological weaponry in the pursuit of our freedom from the occupiers. She remembered having to memorize that in the employee handbook.

“Good, good. You’ve memorized the employee handbook.” First said with a nod. “Now, how do we teach him what he’s supposed to be fighting for if we don't teach him the concept of freedom?”

While Ysolda admitted that, in theory, it makes sense, in practice it would not end well.

“Well… That’s not for you to worry about. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing. Anyway, you can have the day off. I’m gonna do something a bit special today with P.R.O.W-0034. You can start teaching him tomorrow.” He stated before walking past her towards 34’s containment room.

First made it to his destination, walking in the room and stopping in front of 34. “Knock knock, little guy! How's it going?”

34 looked up at him. He didn’t respond. He just gave a cold, empty stare.

“Either way, I don’t care. Anyway, I got something to give to you! You’re gonna make a new friend!”

34 blinked. “Are you going to make me kill them like the other item numbers?”

“Oh, yeah… I did make you do that. Well, no, you won’t have to fight this one. You’re gonna be real close friends.” First grinned as he held up a hand. He snapped his fingers. The two were near instantly teleported to a different room. The entire room seemed to be a white abyss. It stretched on as far as the eye could see, the horizon line fading to gray. The best way he could describe it was ‘nothing’.

34 turned around to look at First, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw what looked like a skull. Not one of a human, however. It more resembled a dragon, with a wide jaw and long, curved horns, and big enough to wear as a helmet. He also noticed that it looked to be made of the same metal as his new arm.

“Well, here you go.” First stepped to the side. He put a hand out and motioned to the skull. “Go say hi.”

34 walked up to the skull and cautiously put a hand on it. As soon as he touched it, the skull began to slowly levitate, before quickly darting in 34s direction. It snapped onto his head and began to glow a deep blue color. He tried to force the helmet off to no avail. He grunted as he felt something stab him in the back of the neck and draw his blood.

“DNA verified. Beginning the deadlock protocall.” A voice said, coming from the skull. Before he could ask what was going on, an electric pulse came from the skull, incapacitating 34. He heard First say something before passing out.

By the time he came to, he was back in his containment room. His vision was still partially blinded by the skull he had on. 34 tried to take off the helmet, but stopped when he felt it pull at the skin on his neck. He rubbed his fingers around his neck, only to find there was nothing seeming to keep it attached. He did notice that it didn't have as much wiggle room as it once had. It fit his head near perfectly. 34 felt around the outside of the skull. He jumped when a button he pressed made the jaw of the skull click open. It folded inwards on itself, the upper jaw going over his head and turning into a collar. The first word that came to his mind was “fitting.” He hated it.

Looking down at the collar, he looked for any gaps on it, in another attempt to take it off.

“Your attempts to remove me will prove futile.” A voice said. He remembered that voice. It was deep and robotic. It was also the last thing he heard before getting knocked out.

“You… what are you?” 34 asked cautiously.

“You do not have the authorization to receive the answer to that question.” It stated robotically.

“...What is the deadlock protocall?” He pressed.

“You do not have the authorization to receive the answer to that question.” The voice repeated.

34 grunted. He wasn’t getting anywhere at this rate. “Let me change my questions. What is your purpose, and why are you stuck to me?

“My primary function is to serve as a guide to you, P.R.O.W-0034. I am attached to you as that is the best way to ensure I can complete my objective.” It explained.

34 thought for a moment. “Guide… for what exactly?”

“Any and everything that will assist you and your goals. From simple arithmetic and history to simulated multi-variable scenarios, I can assist.”

“So what, you’re just an artificial intelligence with what? Infinite knowledge? That's stupid.”

“While not inaccurate, that understanding will do for the moment.”

First looked through the one way glass, seeing how quick 34 is to accept his new mechanical symbiotic parasite. Everything has been going well so far. Sure, him being unconscious for three days, but in the end, things are going according to plan.

Ysolda looked alongside First, though she was obviously more worried than satisfied. Most people would think that this wasn’t a good idea, but she couldn’t exactly say that without the chance of discipline. She asked if she should still teach him freedom. She hoped the answer was no.

“Of course you should. He’s gotta learn from a human, not a machine.” He explained. “Welp, have fun.” He smiled under his hood before snapping his fingers and teleporting away.

Ysolda looked at where her boss once was before sighing and walking into the containment room. 34 looked at her from the center of the room. Her step faltered when she saw the piercing blue eyes of the helmet he was wearing, but she continued anyway. She snapped her fingers, two chairs and a clipboard appeared in front of her. The two sat across from each other. She began to apologize, but stopped herself for some reason. She then told 34 that she was going to start teaching him about freedom, or to be more specific, the concept of freedom.

“Freedom? Is it important?” He asked.

Ysolda nodded. It was one of the most important things to know. It’s what all humans want, yet is always taken away from us in some form. Freedom is the right to act, think, or speak as you’d want without hindrance or restraint.

“...You say everyone wants it. Do you have… freedom?” He looked up at her.

She thought for a moment for an apt answer. She answered that while yes, she does have freedom, there will always be some of that freedom taken away to protect you and others. Other times, it is taken away to control you and others.

“So then… Do I have freedom?” He asked. This was the question she knew he would ask, and she dreaded to answer.

She hesitated to answer. If she answered, it’ll bring more dangerous questions. If she didn’t, he would speculate on his own. She thought it would be better to answer. No, he does not have freedom.

“Then… Why do I not have freedom? To protect me and others? Or to control me and others?”

She said that she doesn’t know.

“...Is not giving me freedom the right thing to do?” He pushed for an answer.

A wave of fear went through Ysolda’s body. She quickly stood up and walked out the room. She needs to get out of here. Soon.

Over the coming months, he did not get the answer to his questions. He tried his best to answer them himself, and sometimes with the help of the AI he called “Echo”. While he wouldn't consider echo a friend, echo has proved itself to be an ally at the very least. They were able to deduce a few things.

In certain situations, taking away someone’s freedom is the right thing to do. Murder, Human trafficking, basically anything that could or would bring harm to someone else. The exception would be that if harming someone could save someone else. War, for example, would be an exception in most cases. It would be a morally gray area.

They also deduced that as of now, he had no reason to have no freedom. Sure, he may have hurt others, but not of his own volition. He did what he was told to, else dealt with the consequences. He rubbed his metal arm as he thought about it. They, his captors were in the wrong.

Finally, he realized that if his captors were in the wrong, the right thing to do would be to stop them. Stop them from making others like him, forcing them to fight between each other for no reason other than a pursuit of knowledge. Gaining his freedom back, stopping these experiments, would be the right thing to do. Escape was not an option, as he had nowhere to run to. He had a general idea of the layout of the lab, as he had to be transported from room to room. As for the numbers of his foes, he had no idea. The only thing he was certain of was that he was stronger.

And today was the day he made his move.

A security guard, doned in black military gear walked into the room with a rifle in his arms. “Lunch time, little buddy.” He said from the doorway. He liked this guard. While he didn’t know his name, he was one of the few people here that treated 34 with some form of kindness. 34 stood up and walked towards the door. As the two walked out the room and towards the cafeteria, 34 tried to make a mental map of all the hallways he passed by and where they would lead. He then saw a map of the facility he was in. It was much larger than he expected, multiple containment cells had their numbers crossed off. He sighed sadly, remembering the other numbers he had to kill. They will be avenged.

34 and the guard made it to the cafeteria. Two more guards wearing the same attire waited in front of a table, where 34 would sit to eat. 34 sat down while the first guard went to get him his food. While he waited, he tried to ignore the two other guards trying to antagonize him. He hated it. He was human, not some lab rat. The first guard came back with a lunch tray in his hands.

34 didn’t see him as an enemy. He at least seemed to care about him. He didn’t deserve what was to come. 34 clapped his hands together under the table, sending a gust of wind at his feet, tripping the guard, getting his food on the floor and his outfit.

“Shit…” The first guard said. “Sorry man. One of those two will get you another lunch. I need to go change.” He finished before walking out of the cafeteria.

A guard groaned as he began to walk to get 34s lunch. He only made it halfway across the room before he turned back around from the sound of his comrades' screams of pain. Before the guard could aim his rifle to fire, 34 threw the second guard into him. He finished them off with a large spear of ice going through each of their chests.

Now, he had to act quickly. The moment he walked outside the cafeteria, the alarms would sound. They would also sound once the first guard came back and saw the bodies. Remembering the last containment breaches when the other numbers were still alive, he knew had had roughly two minutes before enough forces would mobilize to neutralize him.

But his goal wasn’t to escape anyway. He was here to slay as many of his captors as he could. He surrounded himself with a dense layer of magic before rushing out of the cafeteria.

As he expected, the alarms blared, alerting everyone within the facility. He began running through the corridors, making his way towards what he assumed to be the exit. Part way through, he noticed a red painted line on the walls, pointing him towards the exit. It was… convenient. They’d most likely set up a barricade at a choke point for him. Good. Saves him the trouble of the hunt.

As he followed the wall, he was led to not an exit, but an elevator. In front of said elevator, a security force set up a blockade. Some used their magic to create a wall, while the rest behind them aimed their weapons at 34 over the wall. From the looks of it, they were only about 20 strong. The guards opened fire on him. He dodged a few of the rays before ducking behind a hallway to the side. 34 threw a fireball in the center of a hallway and ignited it, blinding the guards. 34 had only a few seconds to act. He turned the corner and fired magical bullets from his arm, killing all the guards who weren’t protected by the wall. Once they fell dead, He jumped over the wall the guard set up and threw out a blade of wind in a circle around him, cutting the remaining guards in half.

He tried to drown out the sounds of the alarms as he was about to press a button on the elevator before he saw a guard out of the corner of his eye… He still had food on his gear. The nice guard pointed his rifle at 34. “Come on, kid… we don’t gotta do this. Just come with me quietly and I can help you.”

34 stared at him for a moment. “Help me? By keeping me confined here, knowing nothing of the outside world? What you want me to fight for? I don’t want to be used, held against my will, knowing that you all are doing something wrong. If you want to help me, tell me where this power generator is. First told me it was somewhere on the lower levels.”

The nice guard stared back. “...well, I’ll die anyway here. If not from you, from failing at my job. At this point, the pay isn't worth it. Sublevel 36.” He sighed as he pointed the gun to his head. “Do what you think is right.” He smiled before pulling the trigger. 34 put his hand out in a vain attempt to stop him, only to be met with the vision of his blood on the walls. He clenched his fists as he pressed the button for sublevel 36. After a few moments of waiting, the elevator door opened.

“Took you long enough.” First said, standing in front of him. Behind him stood four others in the same attire as First, yet having different color accents, as well as Ysolda. “Must say, kinda a weird escape route you’re taking here.”

“I would be escaping if I had somewhere to run to.” 34 stated angrily.

A robed figure prepared to snap their fingers. “So what, you’re just here to waste our time? Is this a-” One of the robed figures behind First wasn’t able to finish her sentence, due to 34 shooting a fireball at her, killing her in an explosion of fire, blood, and guts.

“I’m here to kill you all or die trying. However, I’ve been taught many things by you all. Kindness, Responsibility, Loyalty, but most importantly… Freedom and morality.” He released magic from his body, the sheer amount making a few of the people step back. “I know that it is wrong to take away someone’s freedom for no reason. So… for those who don’t want to fight, I will let you leave through the elevator behind me. For those who do, then your freedom will be taken.” He continued.

None took a step forward, save for one. Ysolda began walking towards the elevator. She needed to go. This was FAR above her paygrade. She still hasn't done anything wrong. She didn't trap him, she didn't send him through hell. She showed 34 kindness. She didn’t deserve this.

“...And I see someone forgot section 18.2.32 in the employee handbook.” First clicked his tongue. “Any attempt to violate the contract before the contracted time is up…” First said before snapping his fingers, sending a bolt of lighting at Ysolda, frying her instantly. “Is subject to immediate termination.” He finished as the remaining people in the room began to snap their fingers, casting magic of their own.

With tears in his eyes and a pained look on his face, 34s eyes glowed a blinding white light as he let out a roar of rage. It was four on one, their favor. However, they had the same weakness that he had. Despite their anomalous magic, they’re still human. And Humans are fragile.

First snapped his fingers, sending a wave of fire at him. It was too fast to dodge, but barely slow enough to react to. He put his hands in front of him, making a barrier of wind, diverting the flames to his sides. Two of the four came from either side of him, one sending a stream of high-pressure water, while the other, a large boulder.

He pointed one of his hands towards the ground and used wind to push himself out of the way of the attacks. He threw his fists out towards the two people at his sides, a wave of water flowing towards each one. Both snapped their fingers to put up a defense, but one was too slow, getting hit by the wave and flying into a wall. Using this moment, 34 shot a ball of ice at the downed cloaked figure. Their body was covered in ice, making sure that they wouldn’t be able to get back up any time soon.

There were three left now. He grabbed onto one of the pipes hanging from the ceiling. It was cold to the touch. From the humming that it made, it was also flowing somewhere. 34 broke the pipe, spilling coolant all over the floor of the room. First was able to teleport outside of the room before he could get covered in the coolant. The other two weren’t so lucky, getting stuck under the fluid. He quickly got out of the room through an adjacent doorway before turning back and lighting the coolant aflame with his metal arm. He only began to walk away once their screams of pain turned to silence, confirming their death.

He walked down a hallway, following the coolant pipe on the ceiling. He kept on guard, knowing First was bound to come for him sooner or later. He took another step as he thought, but quickly jumped back, narrowly dodging an explosion below his feet. First set traps… as expected. 34 looked down the hallway, seeing that the pipe lines stopped at the room at the end.

The spell traps had an activation time. Slow enough where he could run past them, and by the time they activated, he’d be out of the area of effect. So, that’s what he did. After a wind induced run and some elemental explosions going off behind him, he slowed to a walk at the end of the hallway. Upon entering the room, he saw what he assumed to be a generator. A monument of gray hexagons formed a spherical shape, containing something within as it gave off energy, flowing through glass pipes that lined the room.

Before he could look into anything else, he heard the popping of joints from above him. He looked up to see First, clinging to a wall and staring down at him. First clicked his tongue at his luck. “Well… shit.” He said before shooting a volley of elements at 34.

The boy quickly put up a ward of magic, luckily being able to block most of it. However, the amount of magic he’s been using has put a strain on his mind and body. His body was getting sore, and his mind was fading with each passing moment.

“Getting weaker eh? Losing that steam?” First mocked as he continues snapping his fingers, sending more projectiles at 34. They were getting heavier… He couldn't let this battle drag on for long.

He dropped the ward and quickly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the rain of magic where he once was. He turned his metal arm into a cannon and fired a ball of condensed magic at First, blasting him off the wall. First was able to land on his feet, but wasn't fast enough to dodge a second shot, knocking him on his back.

The scientist's head was ringing. He was only on the floor for a moment, yet in that time, 34 was able to jump on top of him and stab him with his wrist mounted blade in his right shoulder, making the rest of his arm fall limp. First tried to snap his fingers in his left hand in retaliation, but 34 quickly pulled out his blade from his shoulder and cut it off.

The pain finally hit First as he began screaming from it. After his yelling stopped, he began laughing to himself. “Heheheh… You really are a great subject. You’re everything I hoped for…” He spoke as he coughed up some blood. “Shit… guess I’m nearly gone… Well, it seems like it was worth it, getting to meet my magnum opus…” He said with a groan as he fell over.

34 stared down at the man. The life in his eyes was slowly fading away. He crouched down and spoke slowly. “I’m going to destroy this place. I’m going to destroy the reactor and blow it up from the inside. You will die here with your work. As you deserve for what you’ve done to my brothers and sisters.” He stood up and took a keycard out of First’s pocket. He tried to crawl towards the boy, but fell from the lack of strength.

34 took one final look at First before following the coolant pipes once more. A thought crossed his mind as he heard the groans of First behind him. Sure, one could argue that his captors got what they deserved, but… Was he in the right to deliver their punishment? After killing his brothers and sisters, the test subjects, the guards, the doctors… Was he allowed to be the judge? The jury? Probably not. But made sure he was the executioner, and his goal did not change.

The coolant pipe ended abruptly by turning into a wall. He was close. 34 entered one last room. The first thing he noticed was that the walls seemed to be oddly more reinforced than any part of the facility he’s seen. The second thing was that as soon as he entered the room, past the warning markings on the floor, it seemed… “cut off” from the world in a sense. He couldn’t seem to shake the feeling.

In the center of the room was a large spherical construct, made into shape from countless hexagons, all making a whirring sound. 34 walked towards the sphere and put a hand on it, only to pull it back before he could even make contact. It felt like it was absorbing something from him. Then he realized what it took. He felt somewhat nauseous from getting close to the sphere, similar, if not exactly the same as when he had mana deficiency. It was taking his mana. Meaning, it'd be safe to assume that it would absorb mana more effectively on the inside, thus, whatever is inside of the reactor is releasing mana in abundance.

Any normal human would die from that much mana. All he had to do was figure out a way to open the sphere and, depending on how much raw mana is being released, anything in a certain radius would perish from mana poisoning. Now here comes the interesting part.

Opening it. He had no idea how to open it.

There was no opening of any kind that he could see, but there had to have been somewhere. The sphere itself stopped anyone from prolonged exposure. 34 looked around the room for anything that could be of use. He spotted a terminal to the side of the reactor and walked towards it. Not tall enough to reach it, he stood on a chair and looked at his reflection on the black screen.

He pressed the power button. In return, the screen lit up, showing text asking for 34 to enter his keycard. He pushed the keycard into the slot, making a small beep. “Welcome back, First. What would you like to do today?” The machine asked through text. Three options showed on screen. Data summary, Reactor options, and Log out.

34 was about to press an option on the terminal before he was stopped by Echo. “Plug me into the terminal. You do not currently have the qualifications.” Echo stated robotically. When he finished his sentence, a cord dangled from one of the rear horns of the helmet. He plugged the wire into the terminal.

“34, the data here is overwhelming. It will take me a moment to process everything. I will share the data with you once finished. Going into standby.” Echo said, his blue eyes flashing off. After a couple minutes of waiting, his eyes flickered back on. “All data has been processed. Ask your questions.”

“...Why are you helping me?” 34 asked. “Weren’t you made to monitor me, rather than help me?” He said as suspicion leaked through his voice.

“Negative. As I’ve stated before, my primary function is to assist you to further your goals, no matter what they may be. I understand your hesitation to trust me, but know I mean you no harm.” Echo said in his robotic tone. His words however, seemed to be sincere.

34 Sighed. “Alright I guess… Then… what's inside the sphere?”

“It seems to be a… portal of sorts. To where, uncertain. Upon further digging into the data, it seems to be expelling mana at an astounding rate. The mana is being absorbed by the construct around it then spread in safe levels throughout the facility, as to not cause mana sickness. It is reasonable to hypothesize that the mana you use, as well as the others, is from inside the sphere.”

34 stood there shocked for a split second. “Then does that mean that if we open it, they’ll be able to go through?” He asked, referring to anyone still alive working in the facility.

“I can not guarantee that no one will come in after us. However, the chances are slim to none.”

“Alright… I felt something when I came through the hallway and into this room. It’s hard to describe. It’s like we were… cut off from something.” 34 tried to look for words that could best explain what he felt.

“Affirmative.” Echo started. “While I was not able to get the data on how, this room appears to be cut off from our reality. It seems to be a safety precaution in case the portal collapses.”

“Which is what I plan to do, once you deactivate the sphere around it.” 34 nodded. “If what you’re saying is right, when you deactivate the construct, all the mana will spread throughout the facility and poison everyone within. Then, you’ll force the portal to collapse, so they can't get any more mana.”

“Affirmative. However, once the portal collapse begins, I cannot guarantee your survival.” Echo said.

“Heh, is that worry in your voice?” He chuckled to himself. “...Echo, do you believe in fate? In destiny?”

“I am not programmed to believe in fate, nor destiny. Though… if I must answer, I would have to answer both.” Echo hummed.

“Destiny. Something that you can change… Through your own actions, by choosing from your own path. Meanwhile, Fate. Something that is set in stone, forced upon someone. Often in spite of your destiny… Ms. Ysolda taught me that.

“...What are you getting at?” Echo asked.

34 sighed. “Well… me being here as a test subject, meeting you, my brothers and sisters dying, losing my arm… that would be something I couldn’t control, my fate. Yet when I made my stand, when I killed those who stood in our way, that was my choice, my destiny.”

“I do… not understand.”

“Well, it was their destiny to control my fate. And my destiny to control their fate. We know that destiny can change someone else’s fate, but can I change my own fate? I don't know, but if we make it through that portal, let’s find the answer to that.” 34 offered the helmet.

“My primary function is to assist you to further your goals, no matter what they may be.” Echo repeated.

“Good. Shut down the sphere. Lets get this going.” 34 finished, giving the queue for Echo. He did so. The loud hum in the room slowly died down as the power was cut off from the construct, releasing mana into the facility at an accelerated rate. He felt a bit light headed from the sudden increase in mana and power. It was certain, any normal human in contact with this much mana would definitely be lethal.

“You weren’t kidding… Collapse the portal when you’re ready.” 34 told Echo.

“Affirmative… Warning, coordinates indicate that you could spawn in the upper atmosphere.” Echo stated.

“...What?” 34 asked confused.

“Apologies. Coordinates were only given once the collapse was activated. I suggest forming some sort of defense before this reactor room implodes.” Echo said all too calmly.

“Shoot!” 34 said as he ran to unplug Echo before surrounding himself in a layer of ice, then a second layer of stone. He realized his magic was much stronger from all the extra mana in the air. He was about to think of something else before loud cracking could be heard.

He couldn't see through the layer of stone and ice around him, but he assumed it was either the sphere itself or the walls around him. He felt himself accelerating off the floor and towards the center of the room. His body and capsule flashed a violet color before dimming. Suddenly, he was falling.

A young filly walked towards her mirror, smiling. Her coat was a light aquamarine and her mane, a pale grayish cyan. Her golden eyes lit up as she looked at herself in the birthday dress that her parents got for her. She was giggling to herself, excited to show off to her friends. Her parents were lucky enough to rent the Canterlot royal gardens for her birthday party, so saying she was giddy was an understatement.

Meanwhile, 34 could feel the heat from his capsule burning as he fell from the upper atmosphere. The ice was melting from the heat as well, and the stone was crystallizing. He did his best to brace himself for the coming impact.

“Assuming the acceleration of gravity is the same here, you will reach sea level in roughly five minutes.” Echo said. “Warning. We are entering unknown territory. I cannot assist you to the best of my ability.”

34 nodded. He was in for a rough ride.

The filly was about to open the door to go down from Canterlot tower into the Canterlot gardens, but stopped in her tracks when she heard a sharp whistling sound. Weird… it was getting louder. She looked out the window to see where the sound was coming from. The filly looked down from the tower. First left, then right, then up. She saw something burning coming right towards her. She began screaming as she jumped to the side, dodging the meteor that crashed through the wall.

The top half of the tower began to sway from the large hole that was just made. The polished stone walls turned to shrapnel, shooting in all directions, destroying a few of the adjacent towers and buildings below. Some of his capsule broke off as he crashed, spreading flames around him. In a matter of seconds, this once joyous day turned into a demolition zone.

34 pulled back a fist and punched through his ice and, now crystal, capsule. He pulled himself out to see the building he was in engulfed with flames. He grit his teeth as he realized that he hurt innocents. His thoughts were cut off by the sound of sobbing coming from his right. He looked in the direction of the sound to see the filly hiding under a table.

He thought about what to do. For some reason, he saw himself in the filly. Weak, scared, panicked. But she had someone to help her. 34 took a few slow steps towards her as he pressed a button under the jaw of his helmet, the metal plates folding aside into a collar to show his face.

“Hey there.” He said with the softest voice he could muster. The filly looked at him, only to try and back away immediately after. “Whoa, whoa, I’m not here to hurt you… well not any more than I already accidentally have.” He tried to comfort her. “Can you even understand me?”

The filly nodded slowly.

“Good.” He kneeled down. “I’m 34. I’m a human. What’s your name?”

“Im… Lyra… Lyra Heartstrings… I’m a unicorn.” She said through heavy breaths and choked tears.

“Well, Lyra. As you can see, we’re in a not too good situation. What do you say we get out of here?” He asked.

“I… I can't… I’m too scared to move...” She cried.

“...Lyra, I can get us out of here. I know you don't have any reason to, but I need you to trust me.” 34 said, putting out an open palm. “If you can do that for even a moment, then take my hand.”

The filly looked at him. Those light blue eyes of his showed no malice, manipulation, nor uncertainty. She slowly put her hoof into his hand. “O…okay.” she shook, still scared for her life.

“Alright.” He stood up, being just above the eye level of Lyra. “Hold on to me. We’ll make it out of here.” He said as he walked toward the balcony stairs. He took each step carefully to make sure Lyra stayed with him. Of course, until the staircase he was walking on began to crack. He looked up at the tower to see several large cracks spreading through the walls. “Hey, we need to go, now. This place could fall any moment now.” 34 urged her to speed up. Lyra nodded.

The two were about to continue down the stairs when the tower above them fell on a lower platform, making a hole in their path. 34 shielded himself and the filly from the stone shrapnel that fell from above. “...Shit.” He said under his breath. He looked around for anything he could safely jump on. There wasn’t. “Excuse me, Lyra. Sorry about this, but we have to jump.”

“...what?” She asked through her worried voice.

“We have to jump. We’re running out of escape routes.”

Lyra blinked. “N-no! No way we can make that jump!”

“I’m sorry, but we don't have much of a choice. The longer we stay here, the more at risk we are.” He sighed as he crouched down, turning his back towards the filly. “If you want, I can carry you. Hop on.”

Lyra took 34’s offer and climbed on his back and wrapped her forehooves around his neck. 34, in turn, put his hands under her back legs to make sure she didn't fall off. “Ready?” He asked the filly.

Lyra gulped. “Y-yeah…”

34 took a couple steps back before getting a running start and jumped off the ledge. Lyra’s grip tightened as they fell and closed her eyes. 34 sent magic to his feet, making an air current below him, slowing his fall. Once they landed on the ground, Lyra let out a relieved sigh. “See? We’re fine.” 34 said as he began to crouch down.

“Actually, um… can you keep carrying me?” She asked through unsteady breathing. “I can’t… feel my legs.”

34 nodded as he stood up, making sure he had a good grip on Lyra. “So, Lyra. Any idea where we should go? I’m kind of new to the area, if that wasn’t obvious.”

“Um… Mom and Dad always told me to wait somewhere safe if I was ever in trouble.” She thought aloud.

“Alright, the safest place for now would be an open field away from any falling debris. Can you think of anything?”

“...Mom said the hedge maze was really big and wide. Maybe there?” She offered.

“Alright, and where’s the hedge maze?”

“Next to the castle.” she answered 34.

34 looked towards the sky. Past the smoke and patches of fire, he saw what would definitely fit the definition of a castle. He began walking. “So, where are your parents?”

“Mom and Dad said that they were going to check on the cake and party favors… I hope they’re ok.” Lyra said, worried.

34 walked silently for a few moments. He’d feel terrible if any harm fell on her parents because of him. “I’m sure they’re ok. Tell you what, once I drop you off, I’ll go look for them.”

Lyra stayed silent for a moment before she had a question. “Hey, those things you’re holding me with… what are they?”

“Oh, my hands? Am I holding on too tight?” 34 loosened his grip a bit.

“No, no… I just… think they’re cool.” She gave a smile. 34 didn’t respond.

The two walked in silence. He realized that he didn’t even know who to look for. “Hey, Lyra, I need to know what your parents look like.”

“Oh… well my mom is-” She began before 34 cut her off, seeing something in the corner of his eye.

“We’ll talk later! Hold on tight!” 34 said he tightened his grip on the filly and jumped to his right, sliding to a stop a few feet away. Looking back to where he once was, he saw a bigger version of Lyra, yet instead of a horn, it had wings. It’d be safe to assume this one was an adult.

The golden armored pony looked back at him. “Put the filly down, freak show!”

34 didn’t respond. He spoke while making eye contact. “Lyra, who are they?”

Taking a moment to take in the situation, she responded. “Oh! They’re one of the guards!”

Guards… He didn’t have many good experiences with them. He decided to up his guard. “...Are they safe?”

“Yeah!” She said, pushing herself off her back. “Mom said that if I’m ever in trouble, I go to them!” She trotted over to the guard, who quickly got in front of her in turn. “You should come with us! They can help!”

He was still hesitant. Even more when the guard looked at Lyra like she was crazy. Then, the guard thought for a moment. They would have to report this… thing to the sergeant anyway. “...The kid is right. Why don’t you come with me for now.” The guard more demanded than offered.

34 stared down the guard, then looked at Lyra, as if for guidance. She stared back, innocently. 34 looked at the guard, then nodded. He approached the guard, albeit slowly. The guard was equally wary, tensing up as he got close. He stopped arms distance and looked up at the pony.

He put out his metal hand as a symbol of trust. The guard looked at it, then put his hoof out, shaking it. “So… what should I call you?”

“I am 34.” He stated.

“Not your age. Your name.” The guard clarified.

“I do not have a name. I am designated as P.R.O.W-0034. You can call me 34.”

“What, are you just some experiment or something?” The guard half joked. 34 stared back, giving them the answer. “...Sweet Celestia…” He said under his breath.

“What is your name?” 34 asked.

“...Call me Iron. Iron Armory.” 34 nodded. “Alright, I’m taking you two to the castle. 34, stay where I can see you.” He demanded. He nodded again as the three started walking.

After a few minutes of walking, they were at the castle gates. Conveniently where he needed to go. A pony in similar armor saw him from afar and saw the three coming.

“Private!” They called out. “What in Tartarus are you doing here!? We send three squads down for search and rescue, and you waddle your ass back here!?” What 34 assumed to be Iron’s superior began shouting, only to stop once he noticed Lyra and 34 next to Iron Armory. “What did you bring with you!?”

“Honestly ma’am, I’m not sure myself.” Iron rubbed the back of his head.

“You didn’t even cuff it! What is wrong with you!” The pony said as she used her horn to get the cuffs off her hip. She began to approach 34 with the cuffs, who took a step back.

“Come on, don’t make this harder than it has to be.” She said as she got closer. 34 didn’t like where this was going. His fight or flight response kicked in. He looked around for a place to retreat. He didn’t find any in the wide open area in front of the gates. He grew more distressed.

“Ma’am, please! I don’t think he’s a threat! I found him helping this filly here!” Iron said in 34’s defense. “Besides! Look at him! He can’t be any older than 10 or so!”

The unicorn continued to approach as she spoke. “Oh, when’d you become a biologist? Shut your mouth and get that filly somewhere safe. Now, back to you….”

34 grit his teeth and looked to Lyra and Iron, both giving sympathetic looks, knowing they couldn’t do anything. 34 grit his teeth, knowing his hands were tied. He stomped his foot, sending a pillar of stone from the ground into the air, knocking the cuffs out her magic grasp.

She gasped in surprise before shaking it off. She charged magic in her horn and shot a burst of magic into the air. 34 recognized it easily. It was a signal. Backup was on the way. Now he was really screwed.

“I don’t want to hurt you if I don’t have to, but I am not being put in some cell again!” He said as he prepared for another fight. It had only been mere moments before dozens of ponies came from behind the mare and surrounded him. 34 clenched his fist, preparing to cast a spell before an overpowering voice was heard.

“STOP!” it spoke as it rumbled the ground beneath him. 34 snapped his head to the direction of the voice. This one was much larger than the others, as well as having both large wings and a long horn. Their rainbow-like mane flowed behind them as they landed.

The two guards bowed as she approached. 34 kept his eyes on them as they landed. The two made eye contact. They stared down each other before the alicorn spoke. “Is this attack your doing?”

34 answered, still on guard. “Yes, though I didn’t mean to. I needed to escape.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Escape? From what? And what type of escape causes a crash and a fire?”

“My captors. I had to go through some sort of portal to get here. I ended up right over this city. It was a hard landing…” He explained.

“And what of your captors? Did they follow you?”

“No.” He stated. The alicorn lowered her guard slightly after hearing that. “They’re dead.” 34 finished. She tensed up once she processed what the boy said.

“...Did you… kill them?” She asked hesitantly. He nodded. She hid a shiver before taking a deep breath. “I’ll need you to come with me.”

34 looked up at her. “I am not going back in a cell.” He stated as calmly as he could.

“I’m sorry, but it’s where you’ll end up going. Looking at the damage you caused, I can’t let you simply roam free.” She put a hoof up to motion to said damage.

He didn’t even have to look. He remembered. 34 grit his teeth. “Fine…”

Author's Note:

Finally rewrote this. Why? the original was ass. Doo doo water. An embarrassment. And rushed. this, I hope, will be better. It was painful going back to this chapter so many times. I put it off too long.

Fixed spelling, some plot holes, terminology, and it's much longer as to not feel rushed. Also got rid of some stuff so the story and my character are more acceptable in my eyes.

I'm sorry for those who read the original. The previous commenters who shat on it, I understand. The comments will stay so I wont forget what I did, and so I can be better.