• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,451 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...

Suited for Success

Skystrike opened the door to his house, creaking slightly. After the events of the Falling of the Leaves, and what he assumes is brain damage, he planned to rest for a bit before taking a bath. Planned. Skystrike turned around to the girls, Spike, and the two princesses.

“So… why is everypony following me?” He said as he rubbed his eyes.

“Oh, um… I was just making sure you were ok…” Fluttershy said from behind her mane.

“Same here, darling. You did take quite the fall.” Rarity agreed.

“Im here to-” Pinkie started before Skystrike put a hoof on her mouth.

“I appreciate the enthusiasm, but please keep it down, Pinkie.” Skystrike groaned as he rubbed his head.

“I'm here because I wanted to bake Zecora a ‘Congrats on winning’ cake.” Pinkie said, in her high pitched voice.

“Pinkie promised me a cake.” Zecora said.

“Applejack and I wanna raid your fridge.” Rainbow Dash said, flying above him.

“I need to stay with the princesses.” Stardust spoke from Celestia’s side.

“I'm bored.” Spike said from Twilight’s back.

“...kids are always honest. And you two?” Skystrike said, looking at the princesses.

“We’ve both come for our separate reasons. Could we speak inside?” Celestia asked.

“...look, i'm gonna try not to be… as rude as I am, but could it wait until another day.?” Skystrike asked the princess.

“It would be more convenient for us if we just spoke today. Otherwise, we’d have to have you come to us.”

Skystrike frowned as he thought. “Well I know you didn’t take a train, as you would’ve had your royal guard here with you if you did. Meaning, you more than likely teleported here, am I right?”

“...thou are correct.” Luna answered.

“So you’re telling me…” Skystrike pointed a hoof at the princesses. “You both have enough magic to move Celestial bodies, but not enough to teleport here again?”

The princesses looked at each other as Skystrike continued to look at the two. Celestia returned with a stare of mild annoyance. “As I said, it would me more convenient for us if we just spoke today, as to not waste magic.”

“My take away from this is that you’re lazy.” Skystrike glared back. Celestia looked down at him. An awkward silence went by as the two stared at each other. Skystrike sighed. He took off his helmet and rubbed his forehead. “Just tell me before hoof next time.” He said as he turned to walk into his house.

Skystrike walked into his home, past the living room and into the kitchen. He grabbed two aprons off the hanger in the corner. One, he threw to Pinkie. The other, he tied around himself. “Alright, Pinkie, bake Zecora’s cake, everyone else, set the table. I’m gonna start cooking… Actually, nevermind helping me, I have a feeling like half of you can't cook.”

“...what’s that supposed to mean?” Twilight asked through narrowed eyes.

“It means that you have an assistant for a reason, Twilight. You’re welcome to help me cook if you’d like.” Skystrike said as he reached above him and pulled down a couple jars. “Anyone have any allergies? I never asked.” Everyone shook their heads no. “Great. I'm making Chimichurri Portobello Rice and Potato salad. I want something spicy.” He pulled out a sack of potatoes and dumped them into a large pot. He filled it with enough water to cover it and lifted it onto the stove, turning up the heat.

“Wait, you can't just drop it like that. Who do you think can't cook?” Twilight said, bringing back up the subject.

“Well there’s you, Stardust, then the princesses… Now that I think about it, it’s more like a third of you can't cook.” Skystrike pulled out a bowl from under the kitchen island. After wiping the bowl with a paper towel, he threw in some parsley, cilantro, and garlic. Once those were mixed, he poured in some olive oil and vinegar and began mixing with a whisk.

“How’d you figure that? I don't remember telling you I could cook. We’ve only eaten together a couple times, and it was never at my boutique.” Rarity asked as she used her magic to straighten a table cloth she put on the table.

Skystrike stopped mixing, the mixture being finished. He dropped onions into a skillet on the stove, letting it brown. He then added vinegar, water, sugar, salt, and pepper to the pan for the potato salad. Then, he got another pot and began making Mexican rice. “Well, Twilight has Spike to cook for her, and since I doubt she’s changed much since we were kids, she probably reads while Spike cooks. Stardust, well I always cook here and she seems the type to roam the cafeteria for food. Rarity has her sister, and wouldn't want her to potentially get hurt while cooking, so she learned to do it herself. Rainbow Dash lives alone, and at some point, she probably realized it’s too expensive to eat out all the time. Applejack, I figured she cooked with her family when Twilight first came to Ponyville. Pinkie, it’s literally her job. Fluttershy, she cooks for her animals.”

“And ourselves?” Luna asked, pointing her hoof between her and her sister.”

Skystrike drained the boiled potatoes and set them aside to let them cool. “Oh, easy. The last time I heard either of you cooking was to boost soldier morale on the frontlines for the war against Sombra.” Skystrike set aside his bowl of ingredients and put a skillet on the stove. Dropping in some mushrooms and bell peppers, he salted and peppered them before pouring in the mixture and letting it slowly cook on medium heat. “...well in that case, I guess you’re just MAD rusty.”

“...I can't tell if we’re easy to read or if you're just really good at putting pieces together.” Stardust thought aloud.

Skystrike scooped the now finished rice out of the pot and put it in the same bowl as the chimichurri mixture and began mixing. “A bit of both, actually. I notice a lot of little things about you all that I don't think any of you realize you do. Helps a lot actually. Chimichurri is done.”

“For example?” Applejack asked as she set the silverware.

Skystrike picked up the potatoes and put them into the skillet for the potato salad to heat them. “Potato salad is done, and you, Applejack, dig at the ground with your dominant hoof when you’re nervous.”

“And me?” Rarity asked.

“You hide a laugh behind a hoof or stutter when you’re uncomfortable.”

“Oh, oh! Do me next time!” Pinkie jumped. “Also, the cake is done!” She smiled.

“Your lip twitches when you wanna get angry at somepony but don't show it because you try to make everypony smile.”

“You’re quite observant.” Celestia said as she sat down at the table.

“It comes in handy. Tells me if I fucked up somewhere in conversations.” He chuckled before beginning to put everyone's servings on their plates.

“Why are our servings so big?” Luna asked.

“Because you, Celestia and I are much bigger than the average pony, and thus, we need to eat more.” Skystrike said as he untied and hung up his apron.

“...Are you calling us fat?” Celestia looked at Skystrike. Skystrike sighed.

“Celestia, when have I ever not been straightforward with you? If I wanted to call you fat, one, I’d say it, and two, I’d be much more creative with saying it.” Skystrike said as he took a sip of water.

“Besides, sister, we already know it all goes to your rear.” Luna giggled.

Skystrike choked on his water as Celestia’s face went red. “Luna!” She said in embarrassment.

“ANYWAY, let’s start eating.” Skystrike said as he steadied his breathing and took a bite of his potato salad. He really needed something on his stomach. Yawning and rubbing his eyes with his hoof, he continued eating.

“Mmmm…” Luna hummed, taking a bite of her own. “We must say, we are pleasantly surprised by your culinary skills.”

“Oh, thanks. I learned from Sister Paprika.” Skystrike said as he took another bite.

“Wait, you have a sister?” Rainbow asked, looking up from her plate.

“Not biological. I was an orphan, remember?”

“Wait, you were an orphan?” Rainbow Dash stopped mid bite.

“...Rainbow, don’t tell me you never noticed?” Skystrike looked at her. She avoided eye contact.

“Er, well, to be fair, darling, I don't think any of us knew.” Rarity put her hoof up.

“Really? I just figured you guys knew and just didn't want to be rude and bring it up.” Skystrike shrugged.

“Well I knew. I thought telling them would be something best left to you.” Zecora spoke.

“Ok… Well anyway, yeah, I was an orphan. Sister Paprika took me in when I was around 9 or 10. During my stay, I helped with all the cooking, since you know, kids are picky.”

“Where was it at? You’ve never really spoken about the places you’ve called home.” Twilight asked.

“It was in Canterlot. It was called the Church of the Two Sisters. Good place, just didn't have good funding at the time, so we had to make do with cheap food.” Skystrike sighed as he thought about the past. “Not to mention some of the Noble kids messing with me and the little ones because of our social standing.”

“Wait, how old are you?” Rarity asked.

“Uh… 23 I think.” Skystrike said after finishing his plate.

“23… wait, I was living in Canterlot at that time! We were so close to each other! If only we met a bit earlier…”

“We did meet. I met both you and Twilight up there, though I met you later, Rarity.” Skystrike clarified.

“We’ve met? I feel like I would’ve remembered if we did.” The unicorn said, trying to think back to her past.

“It was brief. I met you and your family at a park. You were having a picnic with your mom and your dad decided to play with me and the other orphans. Cool dude, kinda wanna see him again, see how he’s doing.”

“...You have a freakishly good memory. And how’d you meet Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, that’s easy. Celestia put him in magic school with me, so she could watch us both!” Twilight said as she finished her plate. “Can I get another serving?”

“She’s right, and go crazy, Twilight.” Skystrike waved a hood. “It wasn't fun being the only pegasus in a school full of unicorns, but it’s whatever. I was only there for a few years anyway.”

“So has EVERYPONY met Skystrike but me in the past!?” Pinkie said, putting her hooves on the table.

“Oh, well, I met him at the same time as Flutters, up in flight school. It was only for a short while until he said he had to move back to Canterlot.” Rainbow said as she put her hooves behind her head.

“I met Skystrike at a summer camp. We were makin’ music. I played the guitar, he sang.” Applejack said after a moment of thought.

“Actually Pinkie. I think you know about me, but you just haven't realized. A couple years ago, I worked on a rock farm. They were mining deep into a cave and awoke some monster there. Needed someone to clear it out, so I came. Turns out, there were a lot more than one Graveworm in there.

“Wait, you were the one that took care of it!? They sent me letters about you! And what are Grave Worms?” Pinkie tilted her head.

“Basically giant scaly worms. Their scales are made from the stone that they eat, and they appear in the shape of gravestones. The fucker decided it wanted to start a nest.” Skystrike shivered.

“Wait, I just realized what Applejack said.” Rainbow said, going back on the ever changing subjects of this conversation. “You can sing?” Rainbow asked with a hint of amusement in her voice.

“Yeah. I feel I'm average at it. Don’t do it that much though. Why?”

“Well, I don’t think we’ve ever heard you sing.”

“That’s because I have not sung yet, silly. I can’t just drop a musical at the drop of a bit like you all do.” He waved a hoof. “That being said, if you want to hear me sing, Naga’s birthday is coming soon.“

“Ooo, it’s Naga’s birthday!? I need to prepare! I need to make her a basilisk sized cake! Speaking of cake…” Pinkie jumped from the table to Skystrike’s oven and pulled out a cake. “Here’s your cake for winning, Zecora!”

“Thank you, Pinkie.” Zecora smiled as she set the cake in front of the Zebra.

“So when do we get the party invitations!?” Pinkie asked, jumping back to her seat.

“Naga said she’d hand them out herself later today.” Skystrike thought aloud. Just then, a tapping on the window was heard. Skystrike looked over to see his pet, Naga, looking in the window expectantly. “Speak of the devil.” Skystrike said as he got up from his seat and opened the window. Naga slithered in before coiling around him in a hug. “Nice seeing you too.” He hugged back. She let go and gave him an invitation to her party. She then slithered around the whole table, handing each pony and dragon an invitation, including the princesses.

“Oh, Naga, I never asked. How many ponies are you inviting?” Skystrike asked. Naga made a slow circle motion with the tip of her tail and cooed. “What do you mean anypony that wants to come?” She cooed again, then made a raspy sound by rubbing her scales together. “Oh, so anypony that won’t run away from you?” She hissed and pointed at Skystrike. “What do you mean I need more friends!?” She slapped her tail on the ground. “No, if I wanted more friends, I’d go make some. I don't want to right now.” She hissed once more. “I can make friends, yes. As I said, I don't want to right now though.” Naga turned her head and slithered back out the window. “Wait a minute... when did she learn to write?”

Meanwhile, everyone else was looking on, trying not to giggle. “I don't want to hear it.” Skystrike said, mildly annoyed. Anyway, Celestia, Luna, you two wanted to speak with me?”

“...Yes, but for our own separate reasons.” Celestia said as she finished her plate.

“Um… should we leave?” Twilight asked, referring to everypony else.

“Nah, you should be fine. If it was super important, they would’ve had me come to them… Well, either that or they want something done privately.” Skystrike sat back down and looked at Celestia for confirmation.

“It is the latter, we need you to do some things privately.” Celestia nodded.

Skystrike pressed a button on the underside of his helmet, it loosening from his neck. The metal creaked as it opened. The pegasus took it off his head and set it on the table, revealing his face, as well as some matted fur around his neck. “Guess it has to be pretty bad if you had to come to me, huh?” He chuckled.

“Well, as much as It pains me to admit it, you’re more reliable than most of my guards, despite your… methods.” She grimaced. “There’s a settlement forming in the North-Western part of Equestria on the coast of the North Luna ocean. It’s about 3 days north of Vanhoover. Yesterday, we received word from one of their representatives that a ‘beast’ of sorts was spotted in their forest, eyeing the ponies and their livestock. There have been a confirmed 6 missing out of the 30 or so that went.”

“Ok… and why can't you send your Guard? Or some other mercenary? I’ll need more deets on the whole situation.” Skystrike put his elbows on the table and put his forehooves together.

“To clarify, Vanhoover is in Count Caesar’s territory, but the ponies sent to start the new settlement were sent by Upper Crust.”

Skystrike sighed. “It’s one of these situations again, isn't it?”

“..what do you mean?”

“I’ve dealt with nobles before. It’s either Caesar offered help, and Upper Crust feels like his pride was attacked, or Caesar is using this as a chance to prove Upper Crust is incompitent and develop another city. How close am I on the money?”

“Nearly spot on. Upper Crust is a very… prideful pony to say the least.” Celestia sighed.

“So what, you want me to go in privately and solve the problem to solve this dispute?” Skystrike asked as he leaned back into his chair.

“Yes.” Celestia said as she nodded.

“Echo, I need info on the local fauna in the area north of Vanhoover. Specify for ones that can fit the term monster.”

“Affirmative. Information on the area is limited, so we can only make assumptions. The most likely candidates are: Cragadile, Diamond Dog, Frost troll, Ursa, and if we’re unlucky, a dragon.”

“Well SHIT!” Skystrike yelled before quickly calming himself down. “Haaah… Very well, I accept. I’ll leave in a week. I’ll need to prepare.”

“Good, but...does your helmet just… store knowledge for you?” Celestia asked.

“That’s one of Echo’s functions. He’s more of a second voice of reason for me, in case I’m blinded by emotions or dont think something through.”

“You speak of it as if it’s a pony.” Celestia looked at his helmet in mild interest.

“I am a sentient construct, yes.”

“Construct? You were created by Skystrike here?”

“Negative. He discovered me. I know not of my creators. I only know that it is my main objective to assist Skystrike.”

“And I appreciate it.” Skystrike said, stopping Echo from revealing more than they needed to know. “Anyway, we need to discuss my reward.”

“Yes... of course. I’ll be giving you a large sum of bits, of course.” Celestia nodded.

“Yeah, no, Imma need a bit more than some bits, sorry.” Skystrike waved a hoof as Celestia looked at him. “Now, I'm not unreasonable, so I’ll give you some options. I’d like you to fulfill at least three of my asks if I’m going up there.”

Everypony looked at him like he was crazy, making demands from the princesses like it was nothing. Celestia glared at him. “...Go on…”

“One, Access to all parts of the Royal Library. Two, a scheduled meeting with the Court Magician. Three, Access to the Royal archives. Four, two items of my choosing from the Royal treasury. Five, several of each type of elemental stone. Six, a large magic stone.” He said as he wrote it down on a piece of paper.

“That-... wha… you said you were reasonable!” Twilight stood up with her hooves on the table. “How was any of that reasonable!? You’re given a mission by the princess, and you’re making demands!? You can't even USE magic! Why do you need all that magic stuff!?”

“Twilight, first off, lower your voice, please. Second, that’s how requests work when on the giving end. When one asks somepony to do something, they must agree to their demands. Third, if you must know… I plan on doing some experiments. Now, Celestia, what do you say?” He said, looking the sun princess in the eyes.

“To be quite honest, I find your… ‘requests’ as you put them, quite unreasonable. For the things you’re asking for, It’d make more sense to send the guard. I fail to see how your demands are reasonable.” Celestia explained.

“Well, allow me to explain my reasoning, then.” Skystrike started as he took a sip of water. “First, sending a whole squadron of your guard will cause civilians to be more worried than I assume they already are, since multiple ponies have gone missing. Second, amassing the amount of resources, food, water, warmth, etcetera, needed for said squad would cause the Nobles to get suspicious. It’d be much more efficient to send a pony that can take the minimum needed for the mission.” Skystrike continued to write on a sheet of paper. “Third, you’re on a time limit. Either until that whole settlement disappears, or until one of the nobles get fed up and cause some infighting.”

Celestia looked at Skystrike. While reluctant to, she had to agree with him on his points. It would be more efficient to send one Pony, especially somepony used to fighting in unusual conditions. “Then-” Celestia started.

“Oh, I'm not done. There’s one more important thing you may have failed to realize.” Skystrike put up a hoof.

“...And that is?”

“Well, you said their representative said that there were 6 ponies confirmed missing. Not dead, missing. If they were dead, their bodies would’ve been found, or at least some of their belongings when they went missing. Tartarus, even blood would’ve been a good sign.”

Celestia frowned. “And how would my little ponies spilt blood have been a good sign?”

“It would’ve meant that there was a struggle, or they’re dead. Not exactly good, but it would be much better compared to the potential hostage situation that this implies. Something out there is either smart enough to bring it’s food back to it’s den to save for later, or smart enough to keep 6 ponies held captive. I assume it’s the latter, as they would’ve reported a metallic smell, the smell of blood.”

The word “hostage” rang through everyone's heads as they stared at each other, eyes wide. Celestia looked down in thought. She never even considered a hostage situation. The thought of her little ponies suffering sent a chill up her spine.

“Now…” Skystrike continued. “Assuming that what I said is true, that means we can narrow down our list of what I’m going up against. Diamond Dog or Dragon. Since in this scenario, they’re holding multiple ponies hostage, it means I’ll be facing multiple.” Skystrike elaborated before tapping the table to get Celestia’s attention. “You’re sending me to potentially fight several high level threats, to a hostage situation, where I have to both slay my enemies, and save the hostages. In essence, a mission with VERY high demands to meet. That being said, I feel my demands are reasonable, wouldn’t you say?”

Celestia tried to gain back her composure. “Yes… I can see why you’ve asked for so much as a reward… I’m amazed you thought so far ahead and so thoroughly off of so little information… We will agree to your terms, on the condition that you save everypony you can and neutralize every threat.”

“Seems fair to me. Today’s monday, so I’ll need time to prepare. I’ll depart Friday morning.”

“Sir, will we be coming?” Stardust raised a hoof, referring to herself, Spike, and Zecora.

“...What type of dumbass question is that, of course not! Did you miss the whole ‘super dangerous and high stakes’ mission part!?” Is what Skystrikes stare said. What came out of his mouth was a simple “No.”

“Aw, come on, Skystrike, we can handle it!” Spike said with way too much confidence.

“Spike, you and Stardust can barely handle a warm glass of milk, let alone a posse of dragons.”

“But it’s our chance to prove ourselves! Come on, give us a chance!” Spike pleaded.

Skystrike looked at everypony at the table. Twilight was giving him a stare full of daggers. Skystrike sighed, thinking of a way to get out of this. After a moment, he thought of something. “Very well, come outside then. Get your armor and weapons ready. I’ll give you a chance.”

“Skystrike, you can't be serious! You can't be thinking of putting Spike in danger!” Twilight shouted in anger.

“He’s just a baby!” Fluttershy sided with the unicorn.

“He’s like, 10 or something.” Skystrike said walked past Twilight, he gave her a wink. Putting on his helmet and grabbing his two swords, he pushed open the door. Everypony followed behind.

“Now…” Skystrike started. “Spike, Stardust, go over there. I’ll explain the rules briefly. All you two have to do is last against me for 10 seconds. Think you can handle that?” He said, glaring at the two.

Spike and Stardust both gulped as they nodded and walked over a few feet away from Skystrike. They both drew their weapons, prepared to fight.

“Zecora, give us a countdown.” Skystrike sighed. He got onto his hind legs, his armor folding outwards, making a tail for balance and claws to grab his swords, one in each hand.

Zecora held her breath. “Three… Two… One… Go!”

Spike only took a step forward before a loud boom was heard by everyone present. A wave of dust passed everyone, making them look away. As the dust settled, everyone looked in anticipation to see the outcome of the match. Skystrike stood over his disciples, a blade centimeters away from each of their throats. Spike and Stardust both dropped their weapons and fell backwards. An aura radiated from Skystrike as he stared both of them in the eyes. Stardust began to sweat. The only thing the two could feel was a primal fear.

Skystrike sheathed his swords as he got back down on all fours. “Now, what did we learn?” His killing intent began to dissipate.

“...That... we aren't ready…” Spike said, looking up at him.

“Right. Not yet. Maybe another time, but I make no promises.” Skystrike nodded before helping the two up. “And sorry for scaring you. Didn't mean to scare you that bad.”

“Skystrike, darling, was that really necessary?” Rarity asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

“Well, no, but it was the quickest way for me to get the point across. I’m going into a situation where stealth and speed are the best options. A prolonged battle will give the enemy time to call for help. Quick, deadly strikes is what’s needed.”

“Wait, ignoring that, did you just make a sonic rainboom!?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew to his side, looking behind him.

Skystrike turned around to see a blue ring expanding and dissipating as it went farther and farther out. “...Huh, didn’t know I could do that… Well I guess in my case, it’d be a Skyboom… No, that sounds silly…”

“Dude, you’re missing the point! You just accelerated at the speed of sound!” Rainbow grabbed his face and looked him in the eyes. “Do you have ANY idea how amazing that is!?”

“Not really. I mean, you can probably do it if you try hard enough. It took me years to do that.”

“But HOW!?” She pulled his face closer.

“I dunno. One day I was just able. Sorry, I don't really know what else to tell you.” Skystrike shrugged. “Oh yeah, Luna, you said you wanted to talk with me right? What for?”

The night princess blinked, realized she was being referred to. “Oh, yes, we do!”

“You zoned out, didn’t you?” Skystrike smirked.

“...We did not.” Luna lied.

“Yes you did.”

“What we wish to discuss is more… private than what our sister wished.” Luna said, moving along the conversation.

Skystrike stood still and thought for a moment. Before he had the best idea he’s had today. “Ok I guess. This sounds kinda updog though.”

“...We must apologize, we are yet to be fully immersed with the modern slang… What is ‘updog’?” Luna tilted her head.

“LUNA NO!” Celestia put out a hoof in dismay.

Skystrikes smirk turned into a wide, toothy grin as he began laughing. “Nothing much, what’s up with you?”

Pinkie Pie snorted. “Hehehehe, He got her! He got the princess!” Pinkie rolled on the ground in a laughing fit.

“...Are you proud of yourself?” Luna gave a look of disappointment.

“Yes.” Skystrike smiled. “So, anyway, we need to talk alone I’m guessing?”

“Yes. We apologize, but you all will have to leave now.” Luna said, referring to the others.

“Well girls, you heard the princess. It was nice to see you both, Celestia, Luna.” Twilight said with a bow.

“Oh yeah, and thanks for the food, Sky. It was great.” Applejack said, nudging him with her elbow.

“Oh, thanks. I’ll see you all later.” Skystike said. His friends began walking down the path to his house. “Well, head back inside. I need to go get something.” The pegasus said, walking back to his armory. Walking past his armor stands, he opened a cupboard and found a small box of pearl white orbs. Taking one of the ball-sized orbs in his hooves, he began walking to the living room where the princesses were waiting. He sat in the chair across from the two.

“...And that is?” Celestia asked, referring to the orb.

“Oh, this? A little something called a Silent stone. Helps keep eavesdroppers from listening. He said, nodding his head towards the now closed door. The two princesses looked at the door.

“...We are confused, there is nopony there?” Luna looked back at him.

“Luna?” Skystrike asked.


“Updog.” Skystrike said plainly. A giggle was heard behind the door followed by several shushes. “And that’s why I have the Silent stone.” Skystrike said with a sigh as he twisted the stone. A pale white dome formed around the three, swirling around like a blizzard. “As you can see, it creates a small space around the center where no sound can enter, nor leave. Useful, isn’t it?”

“And where did you get these Silent stones? It was to my knowledge that they’re in limited supply, and you can only buy a certain few at a time?” Celestia asked.

“I have my ways.” He chuckled. “So, what did you need to talk about, Luna?”

Luna sat silent for a moment, thinking of how to say what she needed to. She breathed in deeply. “We’ve noticed that thou hast not been sleeping soundly as of late. The times thou are awake, though have been plagued with nightmares that I cannot save thou from. We find it a blessing if thou sleep at all.”

Skystrike blinked. He should’ve expected this talk to be about his nightmares. He sighed. “Well… I have my reasons.” He said as he leaned forward, dropping his joking tone.. “My past hasn’t been… the best one to have.”

Luna gulped. “Yes, our sister has told us about thou’s upbringing. We’re sorry about what thou-”

“Not that.” Skystrike sighed. “Celestia found me when I was around 10. My… nightmares… are from before we’ve met.”

Luna looked at her sister, who returned a look to her. “He hasn’t told me about his adolescence either. It’s a topic he tended to avoid.”

“Heh, it still is....” Skystrike gave a nervous laugh.

“Why is that?” Celestia asked.

“...Well, a couple of reasons. It was a time in my life where I was never in control… where I was treated as a tool, an item… instead of a sentient being. Just a means to an end.” Skystrike looked at his hoof, clenching it. “I’m plagued by those nightmares nearly everyday. I’ve gotten used to it.” He said sadly.

“...And it made you feel weak?”

“Why do you think I try to be so strong?” He asked rhetorically. “I want to be strong so I have the strength to overpower those that used me.”

“And thou hasn’t asked for help?” Luna asked.

“One, that would be showing weakness, two, innocents would get involved. It’s something I prefer to handle myself.”

“There’s no shame in asking your friends for help, Skystrike. Even I ask for help sometimes.” Celestia tried to console him.

“Celestia, you don’t know how deep this rabbit hole goes. It’s more than nightmares, than feeling weak. They are the reason I fight.” He explained.

“They? Who’s they?”

“They-” For a moment, he thought of admitting it. Everything. But something in him, as if instinct, told him not to trust them. At least not yet. “...They are not important yet. Given time, I will tell you. I can’t yet. It would put you in too much danger.”

The two sat in silence for a moment, trying to think of who this ‘they’ were. Luna then asked a question. “And can thou not handle them thouselves?”

Skystrike thought for a moment. “...Can and should are very different… I can go to them and attempt to defeat them, at the cost of my life, and many others. It wouldn’t be worth the lives of the innocents lost. Right now, I'm gathering resources… buying time.”

“It sounds to us like thou hast it planned out.” Luna egged him on.

“Somewhat, but not fully. I have another few years before I assume they’ll come for me. Until then, I’ll keep building my strength.” Skytstrike explained. “Even then, I’d estimate it could go either way.”

“It’d be an even fight with how strong you are? How powerful are they?” Celestia asked.

“...I'm not sure. That’s why I'm uncertain of my chances. I’ll tell you more another time, but we’re getting off topic, and the silent stone is almost out of time… Let me ask this, why do you worry about my dreams? Well, nightmares in this case.”

“Ah, yes…” Luna said, clearing her throat. “We’ve noticed during your nightmares, we are not able to interrupt them, let alone enter them.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s because I’ve set up a mental barrier.” Skystrike said plainly.

Luna stared at him, thinking. “wha- … that means that thou art conscious enough to be lucid dreaming!”


“Thou could have stopped the nightmares themselves!”

“Yep. I have my reasons as to why I refuse to. Now, why do you want to enter my dreams in the first place?” Skystrike frowned.

“...Because it is our duty as the princess of the night to make sure everypony gets a good night's rest.” Luna explained.

“Cool, cool, but hear me out. Excuse my harshness, but I didn’t ask you to, nor did you ask me if you could enter my dreams.” He said, a hint of coldness in his voice.

“...Will thou allow us into thine dreams?” Luna asked.

“I don’t see why not.” Skystrike shrugged as he leaned back in his chair.

“...Really? Just like that?” Luna asked, incredulously.

“I am a simple stallion. Ask something reasonable, and I’ll probably say yes. I’ll open up my dream when I want though, so stay vigilant on that. Anyhow, the Silence stone’s effect will wear off soon, so I’m gonna say something silly to screw with the others, is that ok?” Skystrike asked, looking at the pale white dome around them slowly fading away.

“Go for it.” Celestia waved a hoof.

The barrier fell, the silence stone turning a grey color, notifying it’s been used. Skystrike smirked. “And that’s why I'm wanted for grave robbery in 14 territories and 3 seperate countries.” He said loudly.

The door burst open. “You W H A T!?” Everypony asked.

Skystrike laughed while the princesses giggled.

The next day came quickly once the princesses took off back to Canterlot. After his morning routine, Skystrike decided to take a walk through Ponyville. He figured that it’d be a good idea to get around town more, since he only came out for major events. Touring the town, he sat down at a park bench for a small break. Closing his eyes, and letting in the sounds around him, he felt calmed. The Gentle breeze against his fur, the sounds of the trees rustling as the wind went by. Even the sun was the perfect autumn warmth. Nothing could ruin this moment for him.

“Well howdy, Nebula!” A filly with a southern accent said. Well… it ended the moment, not ruin it.

Skystrike opened his eyes to see three filled. Applejack, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all looked up at him. Skystrike leaned forward. “Oh hey, what’re you three doing today?”

“Oh, nothing really. We were actually looking for something to do before we found you!” Applebloom said, jumping on the seat next to him.

“Yeah, we can't think of anything else.” Scootaloo shrugged. “We’ve already played tag, hide and seek, red light green light, you name it.

“Oh, so you’re bored… You know, when I was your age, I sat down and pretended to squish really far away ponies with my hooves.” Skystrike said with a chuckle. “Look, try it with me. It’s more fun if you make sounds while you do it.”

Skystrike pointed to a mare walking by in the distance. He put his hooves in front of his eyes and made a squishing sound with his mouth. “Heh, still kinda fun.”

The fillies next to him did the same, each trying to make a funnier squishing noise. “Hey, this is kinda fun!” Sweetie Belle giggled. The four sat together for a while, squishing ponies as they walked by.

“Oh, Nebula, there you are, darling!” Rarity said coming from behind them.

“WHOA JESUS! You came out of nowhere.” Skystrike said as he got over his mild shot to turn around and see the mare. “What’s poppin’?” He then looked behind Rarity to see Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “And hello to you two, too.”

“Nebula, I have a surprise for you at my boutique!” Rarity smiled.

“Oh cool, what is it?”

“I… I just said it was a surprise, dear.”

“Oh, so a surprise surprise, then. Alright, I guess we’re going then. I’ll chill with you another time, kids.” Skystrike said as he got up and gave each filly a pat on the head.

Skystrike walked in with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, all three following Rarity with their eyes closed.

“That’s it!” Rarity said in excitement as she led the group with her voice. “Keep them closed! Dont look~!”

Skystrike stood still, eyes closed, trying his best to not fall asleep. He really needed to get some sleep. He felt something furry brush against his hoof, but decided to ignore it for now.

“Ok, you can look now!” Rarity squealed. Skystrike opened his eyes, seeing all his pony friends, Stardust included, standing to his right. After looking at them, he looked in front of him to where Rarity was standing next to some clothes she’s made for them. A green and brown cowgirl style dress with boots and crocheted apples placed periodically around it, which he assumed was for Applejack. A blue dress with a large collar and stars near edges and a star hair piece. Probably Twilight’s. A grass green dress with flowers stitched in with a pair of greed vine-like shoes. Fluttershy’s definitely. A rainbow dress that flowed like a waterfall with a headband and shoes of roman design. Rainbow Dash’s. Wait, they got romans here? Ignoring that, he looked at the last three dresses.

A pink, white, and blue dress that looked as if it was made from cake, candy canes and candy corn, as well as cute bows in some places. Pinkie Pie’s. There were two dresses left. A navy blue dress with white and sky blue glitter with a necklace in the shape of a star. That’d fit Stardust pretty well.

The last dress Skystrike looked at was raven black in color with white circles spread around in a chain-like pattern. It also had a blue under-dress as well as a black jeweled necklace in the shape of his four pointed star.

“What do you think of your old duds now, Applejack?” Rarity motioned towards her dress. “Pretty swanky are they not? And Twilight, I made this dress for you and designed each dress to match each ponies specific personality!” Skystrike stared at her. “Oh, it took forever to get to colors right on this one, Rainbow Dash.” She continued as she walked by each dress. “And It turned out beautiful, don't you think? And I know you’re going to LOVE yours, Fluttershy. It just sings spring!” Skystrike continued to stare at the mare. “And Pinkie Pie, look! Pink! Your favorite! Stardust! Yours came out almost on instinct! And Skystrike! The dark colors to contrast your fur, it came out just perfect! Aren't they amazing!?” She looked at the group with a waiting smile.

The group stood silent for a moment, staring at their dresses. THEIR dresses. Skystrike has a dress now. He took his eyes off the smiling mare and back to ‘his’ dress, processing the information he was given.

“Wow… they’re....” Twilight started.

“Yeah, they’re…” Rainbow tried to continue.

“They sure are… somethin’.” Applejack gave an awkward smile

“Yes!” Twilight pointed to Applejack. “They’re something!” She said as she gave the same smile.

“I love something! Something is my favorite!” Pinkie gave a wider awkward smile.

“It’s… nice.” Fluttershy pointed her ears down.

“I like mine.” Stardust gave an actual smile.

“What’s the matter? Don’t you like them?” Rarity asked as Skystrike’s brain crashed andwas currently rebooting.

“They’re… very nice!” Twilight said, the awkward smile never leaving her face.

“And we’re plum thankful you worked so hard on them!” Applejack smiled.

“Mine’s just not as cool as I was imagining!” Rainbow said flatly. Applejack and Twilight glared at the pegasus. Rainbow looked pack at the two before putting up a hoof. “What? She asked.”

Skystrike finished rebooting. “At least she’s honest.”

“Skystrike, darling, you haven't said anything yet. What’s your take?” Rarity asked.

Skystrike sighed and removed the latch keeping his helmet on. He stared at her, letting her see his unamused expression.

“Skystrike… are you… are you alright?” Rarity took an awkward step back.”

“Is there some inside joke I'm missing out on?” Skystrike asked with a tone of annoyance.

“Wh-... what do you mean?”

“What I mean is when I saw this dress, I thought you were going to tell me it was for Zecora or something, not for me. Why, pray tell, did you make ME a dress?” He said as he stared at Rarity.

“Well… I thought you’d like it? It goes with your style fairly well, wouldn't you say?” Rarity gave an awkward smile of her own.

“That doesn't answer my question. Why. A. Dress?” He asked, emphasizing each word.

“W-well… I… I…”

Skystrike’s stare narrowed. “You what?” He said, egging her on.

“I… well… you… are into stallions... aren't you?” She asked hesitantly.

Skystrike stared. His brow furrowed. “Im not gay, Rarity.”

“Skystrike, you know it’s ok to be gay. We aren’t going to judge you.” Twilight tried to reassure him.

“The hell? You thought I was- HOW MANY OF YOU THINK IM GAY?” Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash all rose a hoof. Skystrike was about to yell again, but was able to calm himself down. “Elaborate.” He said flatly.

“Well… when we’re together, you act… marely?” Twilight said.

“...The fuck does marely even mean?”

“It means you act like a mare.” Rainbow Dash said. “Like, when you fought Nightmare Moon, or Gilda, or that Ursa Minor. Normally mares are the ones who do the fighting.”

“Or when something bad happens, you take charge of the situation.” Twilight added.

“Or how you talk to the princess like you’re on equal hoofing.” Fluttershy added more.

“Or how you’re good with kids, since I saw you with my sister and her friends earlier today.” Rarity said.

Skystrike stared before he realized the mistake he made throughout his whole life in this world. He never considered gender roles. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Nearly every being with power, political, magical, or otherwise, was female. Then the six to one ratio of mares to stallions. It would make sense that if a stallion did things that mares traditionally did, it would leave some implications.

“Wait, y’all’re serious? I thought this was a joke or something.” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “I thought it was obvious he was straight.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty obvious when you think about it.” Pinkie added. She pulled a pair of reading glasses and a notepad out of her hair. Putting on the reading glasses, she read what was on the notepad. “Starting with you, Rainbow Dash. If you pay attention to how Skystrike acts, you will notice that he’s the type of pony to do a job solely because nopony else will. At those times, the only one who’d stand up to them was Skystrike.” She spawned a pixie stick and smoked it like a cigar. “Twilight, Skystrike takes charge as he normally plans things out before-hoof. I could tell when he came to Ponyville solely to prepare for Nightmare Moon when she came. Fluttershy, Skystrike knew Celestia since he was a kid, so it makes sense they’re familiar. And Rarity, he was the older sibling at an orphanage. He has to be good with kids.”

“Huh, so Pinkie is the smart one. Couldn’t have explained it better myself.” Skystrike nodded.

“Plus, he also looks at our plots sometimes.”

“Aaaaand I instantly regret coming here.”

“Well, it’s only fair. We look at his.” Applejack admitted.

“Oh, he knows we look at his.” Pinkie laughed.

“He knows!?” Every girl in the room shouted.

Skystrike covered his ears. “Well, none of you are exactly discrete.”

“...I regret this day a lot” Rainbow Dash said with a blank stare.

“Yeah, I think we all do.” Skystrike said matter-of-factly. “So, to alleviate the awkwardness, I’mma dip. I’m also gonna act like none of this happened.” He said as he made his way towards the door. “Call me when you need me.”

“Wait!” Applejack stopped him. “So who’s is best?”

Everypony stared, waiting for an answer. Skystrike frowned. “You know, every day, I wake up and ask myself “what am I willing to put up with today?” And you know what? Not fucking this!” He yelled as the mares laughed.

A few days passed as Skystrike prepared for his mission. Preparing some potions and solutions with Zecora, as well as sharpening his swords, as well as making some disposable weapons. He decided to take a break from that to check on the now suit that Rarity said she’d make for him. Skystrike just asked for a base, so he could tell her what he’d want on the suit. Currently, he’s meeting with her about said suit. It was raven black in color, with a blue undershirt and a white bow-tie, with white chain pattern running horizontally around each hoof. It also had a pocket square to add a bit of extra fashion to it.

“So, it looks good overall. As I expected of somepony of your talent, Rarity.” Skystrike said as he looked himself over, wearing his suit.

“Thank you, darling, but you don't seem to be… as ecstatic as I thought you’d be.” Rarity rolled her hoof as she looked for a word. “What would you want to change about it?”

“Well…” Skystrike thought it over as he looked in the mirror at his outfit. “I’d like an evening tailcoat, same color, in black worsted barathea wool with matching pleated trousers. With my size, I’d probably need shoulder suspenders. Black silk lapel facings, with a boutonniere-hole on the left side with a stem holder behinds. Three ornamental blue buttons on each breast, four on each sleeve, in the same material. Blue lapel-less waistcoat, cut to line up with the tailcoat, while covering my trousers and waistband. White bowtie, same fabric, with prench cuffs. Patent leather shoes, whole cut, with inner quilting, since we’ll be dancing. Two pairs of blue kidskin gloves, both having my 4-pronged star on the back of them. Keep the chain patterns, I love it. If you don't have the materials for some of that, go with the next best fitting thing, and if you need me to, I can try and draw a sketch.”

Rarity stared at him with her jaw ajar. “...What?” Skystrike asked.

Rarity whipped some drool about to fall from her mouth. “Well… I must admit, I… like a stallion who knows his way around fashion.”

Skystrike looked at Rarity, somewhat surprised. “Huh, well thanks then?” He responded, not exactly sure what to say in this situation. “Anyway, I trust you’ll make me look good with the design. I need to go back to preparing for the mission.”

“Alright! I’ll call you back when I finish everypony’s clothes!” Rarity nodded as Skystrike left through the door.

Another few days passed by until Skystrike and the rest of his friends were told that their outfits were done. The group entered Rarity’s boutique to look at their outfits.

“Ok.” Rarity started with a sigh. “I did exactly as everypony asked, now don't hold back! Let me know what you really think!” She said as she tried to look away from the clothes. Skystrike noticed this, raising an eyebrow, before looking back at the outfits. He first looked at his. He was impressed. It was exactly what he asked for, down to the T. He then decided to glance at the other mare’s dresses. His eyes shrunk in horror at the utter abominations he looked at. Rarity’s cat agreed with him, gagging and swiping at a dress with it’s paws.

“It’s exactly what I asked for!” Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie. said in unison. Skystrike looked at Stardust, whose dress was nearly the same as the last time he saw it. They both spoke with their eyes.

“They can't be serious.” Skystrike stared.

“I hope not.” Stardust stared back.

Rarity let out a sigh of relief as a lot of pressure was off her hooves.

“Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight walked up to the mare.

Pinkie jumped up to the unicorn happily. “Are you as excited about them as we are? Huh? Huh?? Huh???”

“Well…” Rarity said hesitantly. “I’m… happy that you all are happy. I’m just relieved to finally be done.”

“Rarity?” Skystrike raised a hoof as the group looked at him. “Are you gonna say what you actually think of this, or can I say it?”

Before Rarity could answer, Spike busted in, huffing as he just ran here. “You’re never gonna believe this! You know Hoity Toity?”

“The big wig, fashion hot-shot in Canterlot?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah! He heard about your fashion show. Well, maybe I've mentioned it to him. He’s coming here! All the way from Canterlot to see your work, Rarity!” Spike pointed at said mare.

“Whoa, Nelly!” Applejack said in surprise. “You could sell a whole load of dresses to this guy! Your business will be booming!” Rarity gave an awkward smile and an eye twitch as Applejack spoke. The rest of the mares, save for Stardust, congratulated her.

“No.” Skystrike said plainly.

“...what do you mean no?” Spike asked.

“I mean I won't- I CAN’T let you all go out there wearing those...things.” Skystrike seethed.

“Aw come on, Rarity worked hard on them. I bet they look-” Spike held his tongue as he looked at the outfits for them before also gagging.

“Spike, that’s uncalled for! These outfits look great!” Twilight scolded the dragon.

“Yeah, for nightmare night.” Skystrike scoffed. “You’ll look ridiculous going on stage with that, in front of the whole town, tourists, AND Hoitty Toitty.

“Skystrike, our outfits don’t look ridiculous! They look great!” Applejack said angrily.

“Applejack, I know you ain’t talking when your dress looks like you’re about to do electrical work while SIMULTANEOUSLY telling timmy turner that you own the Dimmsdale dimmadome.” Skysteike pointed at the mare.

“Hey, lay off!” Rainbow Dash flew up to him.

“Rainbow, do not start. Your dress looks like you put on too much hair gel on your way to Rome.” Skystrike stared her down. “The-... Wh-...” Skystrike tried to find the words to properly explain his frustration. “...You know what? I changed my mind. Go ahead and do the show. If me saying it doesn’t make you see reason, maybe half the town will.”

“We’ll show you! We’ll have all of Ponyville in awe of Rarity’s outfits!”

Skystrike stared at her, nodded, then left.

The evening came as the show was about to start. Ponies gathered around a stage set up in the town center. A cushion was set down for a phthalo bluish grey pony with a light sapphire bluish grey mane with light grey stripes. He straightened his attire before sitting down on the cushion.

Skystrike sat next to him. “Oh, so I’m guessing you’re Hoity Toity? Nice to meet you.”

Hoity Toity looked to his side to see the stallion talking to him. “Ah, you must be Atlas Nebula.” He nodded at him. “I know you. You caused quite an uproar in Canterlot with that stunt you pulled.”

Skystrike chuckled. “Yeah, I bet that would have had my name come out of a few mouths huh? Wish I could say the same about you, but I don’t know too much about fashion. I have visited your boutique in Canterlot though. I must say, you’re pretty creative!”

“Why, thank you. I appreciate that! I must say, I’m surprised somepony like you is even interested in my work. No offense, but I expected you to be more… antagonistic.”

“None taken. I get it. Kinda set myself up for that, huh?” Skystrike waved a hoof as they both chuckled. “You know, I’m surprised somepony like you cares about a fashion show like this. Figured you’d have other things to do then come to Ponyville.”

“Oh, on the contrary. I like seeing up-and-coming designers try and put their hoof in the market. Few of the other ponies in my field would give these ponies a chance. I’d like to see the mare’s work. What was her name? Rarity was it?”

“Yeah, her name’s Rarity. And thanks for that. She does try and put her best into the outfits she makes. Under different circumstances, she’d be glad you were here.” Skystrike sighed.

“...What do you mean, ‘Under different circumstances?’” Hoity Toity raised an eyebrow as he pulled down his purple reflector shades to look at him.

“I don't mean to be ominous, but… I’ll tell you after the show if you don't figure it out by then.” Skystrike said as the stage lights dimmed, signaling the show was about to start. He heard some music play from the surround sound speakers as a voice began to speak.

“Since the beginning of time, the elites of Equestria have longed for pony fashion that captured the essence of their very soul.” Spike said from the shadows.

Oh dear fuck.” Skystrike cringed.

“Patiently waiting decades… no, CENTURIES, for the perfect pony gown.”

“Oh god damn it…”

“Today, at long last, Equestria. Your wait is over!”

“Damn it Spike, stop hyping it up.”

“Let’s hear it, for the breath-taking designs for Ponyville’s very own… Rarity!”

As Spike finished, the stage curtains opened to reveal Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie wearing their outfits. The crowd gasped as they looked at their…

“Oh god I didn’t even get a good look at them, what the HELL are those!?” Skystrike thought as he cringed even more.

As the five walked to center stage, the on looking ponies watched, and Skytrike got a better look at their design choices. Twilight had a robe of sorts that, to be honest, looked more like a rug, had multiple constellations on it, as well as the sun and moon. To be fair, everything was accurate on it. It did not help, however, that it would look better as a bedsheet.

Pinkie Pie… well her outfit definitely suits her. She had yellow ribbons on each hoof, as well as her chest. She also had a blue tu-tu on, and to top it all off, a giant cupcake on her head and balloons as a hair tie on her tail.

Applejack. Dear Lord, Applejack. Her dress was a patchwork of red, green, and brown that was held up with overalls. On her hooves were… Are those fucking rainboots? Is that a red 20 gallon hat with an apple buckle? Dear lord.

Rainbow Dash had… something on that Skystrike could barely describe, much less process. It was… Roman? In design. EVERYTHING had a rainbow. Rainbow socks, helmet, and chest piece. To add onto all that, there was a cape with a cloud and thunderbolt on it.

Fluttershy had… a whole ass nest on her head. Are those quail eggs? She had either a large orange flower or leaves around her neck. Her dress looked like a literal bush with flowers blooming on it. But the most atrocious thing is the damn moss slip-ons.

Everypony there had a look of disgust on their face, many gagging or making a face of disgust. Skystrike couldn’t blame them. It was pretty horrific to look at. If he had to describe what he was seeing…

“Eugh, it looks like a piled on mish-mash of everything but the kitchen sink!” Hoity Toity said in disgust to the crowd around him, who laughed in return.

Yeah, Skystrike couldn’t really blame him. He would’ve preferred the word ‘pain’ but that was pretty spot on too.

“It’s a travesty, it’s what it is! Those outfits are the ugliest things I’ve ever seen, oh for shame!” Hoity Toity ranted. “Who is responsible for subjecting our eyes to these horrors!?” He finished as he stomped a hoof. “Not to mention wasting my valuable time…”

Spike walked into the spotlight and was about to answer his question, before Stardust quickly pulled him back behind the curtain.

“All according to plan.” Skystrike smirked under his mask. He flew up over the stage, getting the crowd's attention. “You thought it was Rarity who made those outfits, BUT IT WAS ME, NEBULA!”

The crowd and Hoity Toity gasped at his announcement. “That’s right! I made those outfits! I replaced Rarity’s with mine, mere MOMENTS before they were to get dressed!” He lied, hoping to get the crowd to believe him. “Y’all got P R A N K E D!” He let out a convincing evil laugh as a few ponies in the crowd began to boo him. Soon, others joined in, booing him for the outfits he supposedly made. He continued to antagonize the crowd as his friends watched on in shock. Skystrike made a motion with his hoof signaling them to go back behind the curtains.

The five quickly ran behind the curtains before the crowd thought about throwing things. “What’s he doing out there!? Is he trying to get ponies to hate him!?” Rainbow Dash spoke first as she took off her helmet.

“Well, no, but he said that it’d be an unwelcome side effect.” Stardust said, letting go of Spike.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “He didn’t even want to be involved in this show, and now he’s… I’m not even sure what he’s doing!”

After looking out from the curtains to see the chaos Skystrike caused, Fluttershy spoke. “He’s… he’s being the fall guy.”

Rarity’s ears perked up. “What do you mean?”

“From what he’s told me, he knew he couldn’t stop the show in time, and everypony knew Rarity was to make the outfits, so he planned to take the blame for the outfits so Rarity wouldn’t potentially ruin her career.” Stardust sighed. “He also said he didn’t tell anypony else because you’d all be against it. I was against it too, but he was adamant on it.”

“But… but he… He doesn’t want ponies to hate him! He talks about how he wants to make friends, not lose them!” Twilight said in confusion and fustration.

“I said that to him, and he responded something along the lines of ‘Even if I did make friends, the way I act will make me lose them anyway. It’s no big deal.’ And then chuckled.”

“Does he not think about himself at all!?” Twilight asked angrily.

“Well, knowing Skystrike, he probably has a plan… Even though that doesn’t change the problem with him….” Applejack rubbed her hoof.

“Indeed I do.” Skystrike stated as he walked through the curtains.

“Skystrike, sooner or later, we’re gonna have to talk about you and these stunts you pull.” Applejack sighed indignantly.

“Later then. So… Here's the plan. You five…” Skystrike put his hooves together, referring to the ones that went on stage. “Are going to explain to Hoity Toity how those weren’t Rarity’s designs. If all goes well, we can do another show with outfits that Rarity is proud of. The last train left already, so he has to be staying somewhere in Ponyville at least for the night.”

“And what about you?” Rarity asked.

“What about me? I’ll be fine. Sooner or later, rumors will spread, and the ponies of this town will realize that I lied out my flank up there.” Skystrike sighed. “Now, I’m sure you all have a lot to talk about amongst yourselves. I’m going home before anypony vandalizes my house…”

“Why do you always walk away from things like it isn’t your problem!?” Rainbow Dash flew in his face. “You’re the one that causes these things!”

Skystrike stared at her for a moment, growing impatient. “Because, Rainbow, it’s not my problem, nor is it up to me to fix the problems that you all cause between each other. Whether it was between you and Applejack during that race, Applejack and her pride during Applebucking season, all of you going for Twilight’s and my ticket, or now, as you held no regard for the original dresses Rarity made and put effort into for you all, the problem lies between yourselves.” He spoke as he stared her down. “I can, however, as your friend, help you fix the problem. So, talk amongst yourselves, figure out how you can stop something like this from happening again, and listen to each other. Rarity did her best on the original dresses to suit each and every one of you the best she could. Just to make you all happy. Don’t let her efforts go to waste. Now, before I come off as more passive aggressive, I’m. Going. Home.” He stated flatly before walking off the stage.

After heading to bed for the night, Skystrike woke the next day to some rather interesting news. Good news is, Rainbow Dash flew over to tell him they were able to convince Hoity Toity to come watch the little private show they’re going to have. Just him looking at the outfits Rarity has made. The interesting news…

“You want me to join in the show?” He asked the question like it was a joke.

“Well of course we do! Rarity made that suit for you to wear, you know.” She answered, then bumped him with her elbow. “Besides, we all want to see you in that suit. Mostly Rarity. She said something about how you’d look ‘absolutely dashing’ in your outfit, and now we all kinda want to see it.”

“Eh, that’s fair. Let's go then.” Skystrike sighed as he stepped outside his house.

“Last one there owes the winner 5 bits!” Rainbow Dash said quickly before flying off at a rather amazing speed. After a few seconds, Skystrike quickly caught up.

“Silly, silly Rainbow…” Skystrike said, flying backwards as he pulled up next to her. “You forget… I’m not wearing my armor!” He laughed before zooming ahead of her.

“So, I’ve never done one of these before. Anything special I do besides just… walking out there?” Skystrike said, looking over himself.

“Nebula, you’ve been standing back here for a while. All the others have already walked. Just get out there!” Rarity said as she pushed him out onto stage.

Skystrike staggered onto stage before quickly straightening himself and walking down the catwalk, not knowing what he was doing at all. However, he pretended to have the one thing he needed here. Confidence.

Walking to the end of the catwalk, he stood up straight, puffed his chest out and spread his wings, then turned around, walking back behind the curtains. Hoity Toity, who was gazing at his outfit, clapped his hooves together. “Oh ho ho! Now this is a fashion show! These are some of the most amazing dresses I’ve ever seen!” He said, complementing Rarity. “And that suit, it’s on a whole different tier! I must see who’s responsible, show yourself!” He stood up as he looked around.

Rarity illuminated her horn, opening the curtains to show all the outfits she made for her friends, as well as her own dress. Rarity’s dress was a violet pink with golden stripes going horizontally down the dress. The dress also extended to her chest, the sleeves and collar ending with magenta frills. To top it all off, she even made herself a golden tiara with a purple gemstone in the center of it.

“I want a crown now.” Skystrike thought to himself.

“Oh, Magnifico! Encore!” Hoity Toity clapped again as he cheered.

“Oh thank you, thank you! Thank you so much!” Rarity squealed with glee.

After the show ended, the group began to clean everything up. Turning on the lights, Twilight writing a letter to Celestia, most of the mares looking at Skystrike…

“You know, you REALLY clean up well.” Applejack smirked.

“Yeah, I thought I’d laugh when I saw you, but I’ll admit, you look nice.” Rainbow Dash said, flying over him.

“You even used the right stitch.” Fluttershy added.

“It was kinda hot.” Twilight blurted without thinking.

Everyone stared at her. Twilight recoiled, realizing what she said. Skystrike was gripping his helmet trying not to laugh. “Imma ignore that.” He said through stifled laughter before calming down and finishing his sentence. “I’m still surprised this all worked. Didn’t expect him to stay… Also, Rainbow, just want to say, sorry that I came off as… aggressive yesterday.”

“Oh, well, thanks. Don’t worry too much about it. You were kinda right.” Rainbow sighed. “She put all that effort into these dresses to make us happy… And we asked for more, which ended up making her unhappy… and almost ruining her career…” She said as she looked to the side.

“Well hey, at least we all learned something.” Skystrike said as he loosened his bow-tie.”

“Wait, what did you learn?” Applejack asked.

“Apparently I’m hotter than I thought, and Twilight is still socially awkward.”

Author's Note:

So me trying to get this out quicker than normal was a fucking lie. This semester hit me like a truck. Thanks to all of you readers who've stuck with the story despite the crappy upload times. I do have a few good ideas planned for the next 2-3 chapters, so hopefully my creativity will stay with me for a while. The next few chapters will happen alongside a few episodes in the show, so expect some "skipped" ones. Might decide to do a short 0.5 chapter from Zecoras or Stardusts perspective if I feel it's needed. Until next time, friends.