• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,451 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...

Griffon The Brush Off

It was almost 10 a.m when Skystrike was interrupted from his work by a loud knock on his door. He threw on his armor and grabbed his swords. He put them on his waist and walked towards the front door. He looked through a camera in his mask that was hidden outside in one of the various bushes he decorated his land with. He saw Rainbow trying to look through a window. The door made a loud creaking sound as he opened it, catching the visitor’s attention.

“Hey Skystrike! How’s it going?” Rainbow asked greeting him.

“It’s been going fine. Just finished the armory, started on the trophy room. How about you?” He answered.

“Well, me and Pinkie found something you may like over in Ponyville!” She said smiling.

“Neat. What is it?”

“It’s in front of Sugar Cube Corner! I’m going ahead so no one else can get it!” She said trying to hide a snicker.

He decided to play along. “Alright. I’ll meet you there.” Rainbow flew away as Skystrike began jogging towards town.

When he arrived, Rainbow was standing there with a box on her back, trying her best to hide a grin.

“So? What is it?” He asked.

“The cakes made a batch of cookies from a new recipe they've been trying, and I got them fresh! Want one?” She said handing him one.

He eyed the cookie curiously. It seemed like your normal chocolate chip cookie. He took a bite, the chocolate melting in his mouth. “You know, i often don't like chocolate, but this is good.” He said taking another bite.

Rainbow pointed at Skystrike with a grin before Pinkie appeared out of nowhere behind him with her party cannon. Skystrike turned around, seeing straight down the barrel of the cannon. The strike of a match could be heard as Pinkie set the fuse. As soon as he heard this, Skystrike pushed against the ground and rolled out of the way. He landed on his hooves, his body low to the ground. A large boom was heard as a very large cake came out of the cannon, along with confetti, and streamers. All of those landing on Rainbow Dash who did not react fast enough. She looked like she dove straight first into a cake, but it was the other way around.

“Well you tried.” He said as he stood up straight.

Pinkie was laughing as Rainbow tried to get the cake off of herself. “How’d you know we were doing that?” She asked, freeing one of her eyes.

“I didn't. I just heard the fuse burning and smelt smoke.” He said as he scraped a glob of cake off of her and ate it. “This is also good.”

“But you did it so fast!” She exclaimed.

“When I was fighting, I had to react fast. If I didn't, I’d die. If you wanna prank me, you're gonna have to try much, much harder than that.” He said as he got the last of the cake off of Rainbow. Pinkie was still laughing. Skystrike however, decided to play a little joke of his own.

“Hey, you missed a spot.” He said pressing a hoof against her chest.

“What?” She said as she looked down to try and see where he was pointing. He grinned as he dragged his hoof up, making the back of it rub against her face.

“BUCK!” She shouted as Pinkie laughed even harder. She just fell for one of the easiest pranks ever.

“You got played.” He said as he walked away from a pissed off Rainbow who give him a glare before chuckling to herself


He knocked on the door of the Carousel Boutique. “Come in!” Rarity said in the middle of sneezes. He walked inside to see her mannequins dressed up in various outfits as he heard running water from down the hall.

“You ok?” He asked as he continued hearing sneezes from her direction.

“Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie put sneezing powder in some flowers on my doorstep. I’m almost done washing it off.” She said before coming out to greet him. “So Skystrike, what do you need?”

“I want you to make me a cape.”

“But dont you already have one?” She asked as she rubbed her nose.

“Yes, but I want a different one.” He said to her. “I already got it planned out too.” He said as he pulled out a sketch of his cape. It had a look of a normal cape. It was a midnight blue that faded to black as it went further down. On the back of the cape was a large white four pointed star. It had lines going through it, being the same shade as the rest of the cape. In the center of the star was a hour glass that was surrounded by the same gradient as the rest of the cape. It was to be held in place by two steel circles like his last cape.

She hummed to herself. “I think I could do this. I think it’ll take me a week tops. Is that fine with you?” She asked putting on her reading glasses and taking the sheet of paper from Skystrike.

“Yup. And how much will it be?” He asked as he reached into his bag, his whole arm going in.

“How did you do that?” She asked. “And don't worry about payment. We’re friends, aren't we?”

He gritted his teeth, Rarity not being able to see it due to his helmet. “Do what?”

“Your bag. It’s like it’s bottomless.”

“Oh, I found this bag while adventuring some ancient poni ruins.” He explained. “Apparently, it was enchanted by a group of powerful unicorns. They made it so if you put something in, it doesnt age at all in the bag. And anything you put in the bag, it stays in until you take it out again. It may be endless, but there isn't much in here anyway.”

“So it’s like an endless storage?”

“Ye-” He was about to confirm her question before the sound of the door opening could be heard.

“Hey Rarity, I’m home!” A filly’s voice could be heard from the front as the door shut behind her.

“Oh my, I forgot today was a half day. Sweetie belle! I have someone I’d like you to meet!” She said as hoof steps could be heard coming towards the two.

A white unicorn filly with pink and purple hair walked into the room. Her green eyes widened when she and Skystrike made eye contact.

“Uh… Hi.” He said awkwardly. He was about to introduce himself before he covered his ears due to the loud high pitched squeal coming from Sweetie Belle. She then began hopping around him.

“Oh my gosh! It’s really Atlas Nebula! I’m your biggest fan!” She said as she stopped her jumping. “I didn't know you were friends with my sister!”

“You could say that. Right now, i'm here for business.”

“I’m making him a cape. It’s rather large for one, but he is too.” Rarity said showing her sister his design. Skystrike stopped himself from making a size joke.

“Oh, can I help?” Sweetie Belle offered.

“Uh sorry Sweetie Belle, but this seems really important. You can't-”

“You know what, why not.” Skystrike said as both Rarity and Sweetie Belle were both surprised. “I’ll just see what happens. Maybe it’ll be good.”

“Are you sure? It could go horribly wrong.” Rarity asked.

“If it does, i’ll pay for the lost materials.” He said, fine with whatever the outcome may be. “You two have fun. I gotta go work on my house.” He waved goodbye as he walked out the door.


It was a new day, and Skystrike finished his daily work out. He had just finished breakfast before he heard knock at his door. He looked through his cameras once again to see a large being at his door. It was as tall as your average stallion, so still shorter than Skystrike. It had an eagle like face and wings, along with its front legs. It’s back legs were like a lions along with its tail. It was carrying a large bag on it’s back.

He opened the door to the griffon. “Got a package here for Atlas Nebula?” She said pulling out a large box and reading the name tag.

“Thats me.” He said taking the package and giving her her payment. He looked at her, getting a better view. Their eyes made contact. “...Gilda? From Junior speedsters flight camp?”

She looked confused. “Do I know you?” She asked wearily.

He pressed the button on the side of his mask, allowing her to get a good look at his face. “Long time no see.”

“No way. Skystrike? I thought you were dead!” She said in surprise.

“Nah, just hid for a while.” He stated as he shook his head.

“Hey dude, you wanna come hang with me? I was planning on meeting up with Dash after I delivered your package.”

“Why not. I got nothing else to do.” He said as he locked his door.

“Hey Strike.” She started. A grin crept onto her face. “Last one there is a dodo bird.” She said before she sped off towards Rainbows house.

“You’re on.” He said before pushing against the ground, pushing him forward. He began flapping his wings, and in seconds, he was neck and neck with Gilda. She gave him a look of surprise before she flapped her her wings harder, going past Skystrike. He however, was just getting started. He flew high into the air, Gilda now much farther ahead. She looked back and smiled, thinking she was going to win. Skystrike dove down at an angle and built up speed. He pulled up slightly, allowing him to fly horizontally, being able to keep all his speed he had gained. He flapped his wings hard, and in mere moments, he flew past Gilda at speeds that she couldn't keep up with. Seeing Rainbows cloud mansion in the distance, he flew upwards, the gravity against him slowing him to a stop before he began flying just above the clouds. A long moment passed before Gilda’s claw grabbed onto the cloud, pulling herself up. She was sweating heavily.

“You’re slow.” He said as Gilda looked at him, panting heavily.

“You only won because of that thing you did.” She said looking back at him.

“I just worked out. I don't want to use up most of my energy again. Besides, no one realizes how heavy this armor is. It weighs as much as me.” He defended himself. “And as long as we’re up here, I gotta fly.”

“But you're a pegasus. You can land on clouds.” She said, stating the obvious.

“Normal pegasi can. I have no magic, meaning I can't land on magic clouds.” He said crossing his front hooves.

“Oh right.” She said as she knocked on Rainbow’s door.

The sound of the door unlocking was heard before the mare poked her head out.

“Gilda! Long time no see!” She greeted her old friend. “How have you been?”

“It’s been going well. Guess who I bought to hang out with us?” She said before stepping to the side, revealing the armored pony.

“Wus poppin’” He said as he waved to her, still flying.

“Hey Nebula!” She greeted him. “You remember Gilda, right?”

“Yup. already showed her my face.” He answered. “By the way, beat Gilda on the way here even though she got a head start.” He said, jokingly puffing his chest out.

You beat Gilda?” She asked, her jaw dropped.

“Is that surprising?” He asked confused.

“Yeah! You never beat anyone in a race! Not in flight camp or in school!”

“That’s because every race I had during those times, I was always flying, so I was understandably tired. And if I did race, where would I rest?”

“Oh yeah… I guess that makes sense.” She said as she thought about it.

“Aside from flying, I was the top athlete in gym, and got the highest grades in our grade.”

“Egghead.” Both girls said in unison before giving each other a hoof-fist bump.

A voice could be heard from below the three. “Rise and Shine, Rainbow Dash! It’s a brand new day and we got a lot of pranking to-” Pinkie was cut off by Gilda stretching her head over the clouds, looking down at her.

“Mornin’ Pinks!” Rainbow said before flying down.

“Oi.” Skystrike said as he dove down before skidding to a top. “What are you wearing?”

“Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie.” She introduced her. An eagle like screech was heard before gilda landed. Pinkie’s facial wear all fell to the ground.

“Hey, what’s up?” She asked uninterested.

“Pinkie, this is my Griffon friend, Gilda.” Rainbow pointed a hoof motioning to her.

“What’s a Griffon?” Pinkie asked.

“The love child of a lion and eagle.” Skystrike said getting a glare from Gilda.

“The what?” Pinkie said laughing.

“She’s half eagle, half lion.” Rainbow explained.

“And all awesome.” Gilda said landing next to Rainbow and giving her a side hug. Rainbow pushed her away before doing a secret hoof-hand shake.

“Gilda is my best friend from Junior Speedster Flight Camp.” Rainbow’s eyes lit up in realization. “Hey, you two remember the chant?”

“Of course I do. They made us recite it every morning. I’ll never get that lame thing out of my head.” Gilda said with a groan.

“You mean the song that was extremely cringy, boring, and seemed to be made the day before camp started? Yes.” Skystrike also said with a groan.

“So~” Rainbow said hoping to get them to sing it.

They both let out a sigh. “Fine…” They both said as all three flew up into the air.

They all sang in unison.

“Junior speedsters are our lives!
Sky bombs, soars and daring dives!
Junior speedsters, It’s our quest!
To come and be the very best!”

They finished by standing on their hind legs, waving their arms in the air. Pinkie’s only reaction was to laugh as Rainbow bowed while Gilda slid her hand across her head feathers. Skystrike had a look of pure disappointment.

“Can't believe I did that..” He said as he facehoof

“That was awesome!” Pinkie said walking up to the three. “I just got a great idea for a prank!” She smacked her face against the ground, her facial wear put itself back on. “Gilda, Nebula, you game?”

“Huh… well i grove on a good prank as much as the next griffon. But dash! You promised me we’d get a flying session in this morning.” She said as she flew into the air.

“Don't get me wrong, pranking is funny, but I wanna hang with Gilda for a little while. Haven't seen her in years.”

“Yeah, uh, well, Pinkie Pie? You don't mind do you?” Rainbow said as the two flew up into the air after their griffon friend. “We’ll catch up with you later!”

“Oh, um, sure, no problem! Have fun you guys! I’ll catch up …” She let out a sigh as the three flew away, none but Skystrike looking back. “Later.” She said sadly


The three friends were flying over Ponyville doing loops, corkscrews, and other various flying tricks. They were enjoying themselves. Gilda flew past Rainbow, making her speed up. Skystrike caught up to the two from behind easily. Skystrike flew just above a large cloud ass gilda landed on it. Rainbow tackled the cloud making a ‘poomf’ sound as she landed. The two girls laughed as Skystrike opened his helmet, wiping away a little sweat.

“Can we land on the ground? I'm getting a bit tired.”

“Come on, Sky. You can handle it.” Rainbow said reassuring him.

“We’ve been flying for almost 3 hours. I can handle it, but I don't wanna wake up tomorrow with my wings feeling like jelly.” He said with a slightly annoyed tone.

“Come on, just a little longer you filly.” Gilda said teasingly

“Fine, you chicken.” He said getting a chuckle from her.

“So know what?” Rainbow asked.

“Hey there!” Pinkie said poking her head through a cloud before falling.

“Huh?” All three said.

“It’s later!” Pinkie said poking her head back through before falling again. “And I caught up!”

The three looked down to see Pinkie jumping on a trampoline. “Well, she’s determined.” Skystrike said in awe.

Rainbow laughed. “Pinkie Pie, you are so random!” She said with a snort.

Gilda gave Pinkie an annoyed look.

“Hey Dash, Strike, Think you got enough gas left to beat me to that cloud?” She asked pointing a claw to the furthest one she could see.

“A race? You are so on!” Rainbow said getting ready to take off.

“Ok. Guess I gotta beat Rainbow now.” Skystrike said as he got ready.

“One, two, three, go!” Gilda said as the three took off, Skystrike taking the lead. He was meters ahead from the two as he touched the cloud, going through it.

“Winner winner, make me dinner.” He said in victory.

“I was just going easy on ya.” Bluffed Rainbow as she came in second.

“Sure you were, Dash.” Said Gilda being a close third. “Besides, you got last.”

“What! No way, I was way ahead of you!” Claimed the blue pegasus.

“As if!” Gilda said crossing her arms.

The two began to argue between each other as Sky strike watched a slowly rising pink pony being held up by balloons coming up to their cloud.

“What?” He asked in disbelief as Pinkie came up.

“Wow guys!” Pinkie shouted, startling the two girls. “That was really close! Buy Rainbow just beat you by a teeny-meanie-itty-bitty-smidge of a hair! Or a tinie-meanie-itty-bitty feather!”

Rainbow laughed as Gilda’s glare of annoyance tightened. Skystrike gave the griffon a curious look before turning back to Pinkie.

“See? Good thing Pinkie Pie is here to keep you honest, G.” Rainbow said jokingly.

“Ok, Dash! Last one to that cloud up there is a gnarly dragon!”

“I’ll go and call the winner.” Skystrike said as he flew ahead, looking back. Gilda didnt her him however, allowing him to get a full view of what happened between the griffon and the flying earth pony. He looked past an oncoming dash to see Gilda popping Pinkie’s balloons. A face of worry appeared on the pony’s face as she slowly fell toward the ground. “Rainbow won.” Skystrike said, acting like he didnt see a thing.

“Wow! You guys almost got away from me that time!” Pinkie said flying up in her own makeshift helicopter. She peddled the pedals to keep the propellers spinning. Gilda was now undeniably angry. She put on a face to her friends as if it was normal.

“Say Dash, Skystrike, got any moves in your tricktionary? I mean 100% old school!”

“New moves?” She asked as if she was being underestimated. “It’s gonna take a while.” Said Rainbow as she flew away, Gilda giving her a fake smile.

“I gotta go sharpen my swords.” Skystrike said making an excuse to leave.

“Alright, bye.” Gilda and Rainbow said as they waved.

It was time for Skystrike little stealth mission to begin. He flew away from the three and dove toward the ground. He pulled out a pastel blue potion and drank it. Almost instantly, he became invisible, the light seeming to bend around him. He quietly flew back up to Gilda and Pinkie as Rainbow was doing flips and turns. He began to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Hey Pinkie, com’ ere.” Gilda said motioning a claw.

Pinkie did so. “Yeeees?”She asked innocently.

Gilda grabbed the pole connecting her to her rotor blades. She got uncomfortable close to her face. “Can you not take get lost for an answer?” Glda asked angrily. “Dash doesn't need to hang with a dweeb like you now that i'm around. You're dorkin’ up the skies Stinkie Pie.” She mocked as she grabbed her nose. “Now make like a bee, buzz off!” She yelled as she pulled back both claws and grabbed Pinkie’s rotor blades, causing her to spin instead. Pinkies face was a mix of dizziness and fear as she fell towards the ground.

Skystrike cursed under his breath as he dove after the pink pony. She was going towards the earth fast, but he was faster. He quickly grabbed her out of the seat while the machine was still spinning. He watched a dizzy Pinkie in his hooves and her contraption dive towards the ground, ending with a crash. Pinkie snapped out of her dizziness as Skystrike landed on his hind legs. She jumped out of his hooves an looked up from where she fell as a look of puzzlement formed on her face.

“Skystrike? I thought you went to sharpen your swords?” Pinkie asked surprised to see him. “And thank you for catching me.”

“When you lived the life i’ve lived, stealth becomes your second nature.” He explained before looking at the scrap heap that was once pinkie’s mini helicopter. “I could probably fix that if you need me to.”

“Dont worry, I got a spare. C’mon! I wanna go talk to Twilight about this. You were there, so you could help!” She said as she pulled him along. Skystrike sighed.


The two were now in Twilight’s home. Pinkie was ranting to Twilight about what happened, said mare was listening, or barely seemed to be.

“So, Pinkie Pie, Skystrike, are you sure this friend of Rainbow Dash is really so mean?” Twilight asked as she skimmed through a book she was reading.

“Uh huh!” Nodded Pinkie. “Yeah! She keeps stealing Rainbow Dash away, she pops my balloons, and she told me to buzz off! I’ve never met a Griffon that mean!”

“I don't think you've met any others, but i assure you, they aren't all like that. She is right though. Gilda may not have noticed, but i saw all the things she did to Pinkie.

“You know what I think Pinkie Pie?” Ask Twilight finally looking up from her book. “Well, I think you're jealous…”

“Jealous!?” She asked in disbelief.

“Green with envy.” Said Spike butting in. “Or in your case, pink with envy.”

“Well, yes, jealous.” Confirmed Twilight.

“Twilight, you haven't known Gilda like I have, let alone met her.” Skystrike started as he crossed his hooves. “Everything Pinkie said about Gilda is true. She has been pushing her away….Wait, if she’s been doing that during JSFC, that would explain why those two are best friends. She pushed away the other candidates, and she tried with me. That was Rainbows only friend during that camp.”

“Lets not make baseless claims, Skystrike. You may be a little jealous too.” Said Twilight as she levitated a book towards her.

“I could care less if Rainbow doesnt want to hang out with me. I just care about who she’s with.”

“Look, I don't want to upset either of you, but just because Rainbow Dash has another friend doesn't make Gilda a grump.” Pinkies eyes widened in shock as Skystriker narrowed with anger. “I mean, perhaps it’s you two who needs to improve your attitudes.

“OUR attitudes?” The two said in sync.

“Nice to know you don't believe us....” Skystrike said as he walked towards the door. Hey Pinkie, you said you wanted to hang out today right?” He asked looking back at the angrily stuttering Pinkie. “Well let's go.” He said as he pulled open the door hard.

An angry grunt was all that came out of her as she followed him out. She slammed the door behind her. The two were walking around Ponyville quietly for a good while before Pinkie broke the silence with a sigh.

“Maybe Twilight is right, maybe Gilda isn't a big mean grumpy mean meanie pants. Maybe I’m just a big jealous judgemental jealous jealousy pants…” She said as she looked down.

“Pinkie, don't doubt yourself. In some situations, we may end up being in the wrong, but in this one, only we and Gilda know the truth. We have nothing to be jealous about.” Skystrike reassured her, hoping to get her spirits backup. “Wanna go to Sugarcube Corner? My treat.” He asked as the shop came into distance.

“Sure... “ She said as she kept looking toward the ground.

Skystrike enter the store, greeting Mrs. Cake as he walked towards the counter. He bought a medium smoothie for Pinkie and an extra large vanilla milkshake for himself. He paid the bill as he balanced his milkshake on his head and held Pinkie’s in his hoof. He bought the drinks out to a sad Pinkie who was lying her head on the table she was sitting at. After putting her drink down, she lifted her head just enough to reach the straw. Skystrike got to work on his own, sucking through the large straw from his 1 liter drink. The sweet taste of vanilla entered his mouth, soothing each one of his taste buds. “This is unnaturally good.” He said to himself, almost half of his milkshake gone.

“Haahahah! That was sweet!” Said a familiar voice from above as Pinkie hid under the umbrella shading her table. Skystrike took his mouth off the straw and hid as well.

“I gotta take care of some weather around here, shouldn't take long.” Rainbow said as she and Gilda flew by. “So hang out in town and i'll come by when im done.”

“That’s cool I guess. Imma go chow down.” Gilda said as she landed

“Later!” Rainbo said as she flew off.

“Hey Pinkie, wanna help me on a stealth mission?” Skystrike asked as he finished his drink.

“You know it!” Said Pinkie with a smile. The two quickly hid behind a building. Skystrike peeked around the corner as Pinkie stood on his back as she did the same, keeping an eye on Gilda. Said griffon looked over to Granny Smith who was smelling some fresh produce for sale. Gilda appeared behind the cart and put her tail up, scaring the elderly pony.

She shrieked. “A rattler, A rattler! Run for the hills, everypony save yourselves!” She yelled as she slowly ran away.

Gilda stood up and patted her tail against one of the tomatoes the pony was selling. “This stuff and fresh dude.” She said as she walked away.

“That was just messed up.” Skystrike said as Granny Smith slowly ran away. “Wasn't even a joke.”

“Yeh, how mean!” Pinkie agreed before shaking her head. “No no, I cant misjudge her. It was kind of funny.” She said as they kept watch. “I guess…”

Gilda walked up to a group of ponies talking around one of the produce stands. She looked around to make sure nobody was watching before swiping an apple from one of the buckets and eating it, core and all.

“I knew it!” Pinkie gasped. “I did misjudge her. She’s a meanie, and a thief!” She said, slamming a hoof on the ground before shaking her head again. “No no no no no. She might give it back!” She said hopefully.

“She ate it Pinkie. How is that gonna happen?” Asked Skystrike as he kept looking towards Gilda who was walking down the path.

“Almost there. This way.” Said Fluttershy gently as she was leading a mother duck, father duck, and her ducklings through the town. A few ponies were watching the scene as Gilda was walking directly into Fluttershy. They met with a bump.

“Hey!” Gilda shouted.

“Oh, please excuse me..” Said a quiet Fluttershy.

“Watch where you're going!” Shouted Gilda as she spread her wings to look bigger. “I’m walkin’ here!”

“I'm sorry, I was j-just…” Stuttered the shy pony as she backed away.

“Im sorry, Im sorry.” She mocked. Why don't you just watch where you're going, Doofus!” She screamed as she walked closer to Fluttershy, scaring the ducks away.

“B-b-b-but I… I…” Fluttershy could barely speak.

Gilda let out a lion like roar, Fluttershy running away crying. The ponies around her watched as she ran towards her house.

“OK, that's it.” Skystrike said walking out from his spot next to Pinkie. He walked directly in front of Gilda. “Gilda, the fuck do you think you're doing.”

“That pony ran into me. She should've looked where she was going.” She said grinning. A crowd was starting to form around the two.

“You knew damn well you were going to run into her.” He said, his eyes turning an electric blue. “But you know what, I guess it’s fair. You ran into something you didn't see coming just now.

“And what was the-” he was cut off by his left hoof colliding with her right cheek. The crowd gasped in shock as she skidded across the ground. She went back a few meters before the dirt painfully rubbing against her stopped her momentum She stood up, clutching her cheek. A look of anger appeared across her face.

“I have to go comfort a pony, so I’m gonna have you do one of two things. Leave now and don't fuck with anypony here, or let my knock your non-existent teeth out of your mouth. He said as he threw his swords to the side. “Your choice.”

“I don't need to deal with a dweeb like you anyway.” She said trying to regain her pride before sluggishly fling away due to her hurt wing.

Skystrike looked around at the crown. A few took some steps back in fear as most stood completely still. One pony walked up to him in puzzlement.

“Hey Bon Bon.” He greeted as he rolled his wrist.

“Dear Celestia, Nebula, why did you do that?” She asked throwing out a hoof.

“If you remember the last time we met, I said I protect those who cannot protect themselves.” He said as he picked up his swords. “If she did the same to anyone of you here.” He said motioning to the crowd.” I’d doubt the outcome would be different. He tightened the straps around his waist, letting his swords stay in place. He pulled two bits and threw it to a pony with a white coat and cobalt blue mane. “That's for the apple Gilda stole.” He said as she caught it. He flew off in the direction that Fluttershy ran into. He followed the path, leading to her house. Landing on her doorstep, he knocked on the door. Fluttershy opened the door to her cottage to greet him, and it was obvious that she’d been crying.

“Hey Flutters.” He said putting a hoof on her back before pulling her close into a hug. She cried some more. “I’m sorry I was gone for so long. I’m sorry that I wasn't there to help you. But I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.” He comforted her as she cried into his shoulder. They spent the next few minutes in a hug before Fluttershy stopped crying. She invited him in for tea, and he gladly accepted, even taking off his helmet. The two caught up on the past, telling each other what they've been up to, sharing laughs and such. The animals slowly began to warm up to Sky after Fluttershy introduced him to them. Some birds even picking out some of his hair to make their nest, much to Fluttershy’s amusement. They spent so long talking that their tea had become cold. It was relaxing for the both of them. A knock was heard at the door as they were talking.

“Hey Fluttershy wanna come to a party i’m hosting for Gilda?” Pinkie asked quickly.

“Oh um…” She pondered.

“Sure, we’ll come.” Skystrike said appearing next to her.

“That might be a bad idea after what you did earlier…” Pinkie said trying to hint at a ‘no don't come’.

“What did you do earlier?” Asked the yellow pegasus as she raised an eyebrow.

“You know how I said I protect those who cannot protect themselves?” He said as Fluttershy’s eyebrow raised more.

“He hit her in the face.” Pinkie said innocently.

Fluttershy sighed in disappointment. “I’m not surprised. It does sound like you.” She said holding her hoof to her face.

“I’m still going to the party.” He said laughing. “Just to make sure the party goes well. I also got some stuff to say to her. She’s going to get slayed.” He grinned.


Pinkie was waiting at the door for ponies to come. She welcomed each in as more came. The
Room had streamers hanging from the ceiling an a table packed with food on top of it. Many games were set around the room, though no one played any yet. Pinkie welcomed Skystrike in, and almost instantly, everypony who was at the fight earlier looked at him before murmuring to themselves. He sighed at did what he normally does. Or so he thought.

“Hey Nebula, over here!” He looked to see Applejack waving at him and Rarity standing next to her with a package on her back.

“What’s up you two?” He asked as he walked up next to them.

“We’re fine, darling, and I finished your cape!” She said handing him the package. “We’ll me and Sweetie Belle. Hope it’s to your liking.”

“I’ll open It later.” He said as he pushed it into his bag. “Don't want to get it dirty.”

“Anyway, who’s this Gilda fellow that i've heard nothing’ about?” Applejack asked.

“I hear she’s an old friend of Rainbow Dash, and you Skystrike.” Rarity noted.

“She was my friend. Not anymore.” He looked over to his left to see Twilight and Fluttershy talking. “You two enjoy the party, I gotta go talk to Twilight.” He said before walking away.

“You’ve met Gilda! What’s she like?” Twilight asked Fluttershy, who avoided eye contact.

“Oh um, well… I’d think it’s best if you meet her.” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Hey Flutters, it’ll be alright. I got a plan.” He said before walking towards Rarity and Applejack, leaving a confused pony.

“I’m back.” He said greeting the two again.

“Darling, what do you mean by used to?” Rarity asked slightly confused.

“You mean with Gilda? She’s not the griffon she used to be. I guess I just don't want to handle that.”

“Now sugarcube, you can't abandon one of your friends just because they changed.” Applejack said not believing what he said.

“You’ll see what I mean when she comes here.” He said with a sigh

“Gilda!” Pinkie shouted.

“Speak of the devil.” He said with a chuckle.

“I’m so happy that you came to my signature Pinkie Pie Party!” She said smiling. “And I really, truly, sincerely hope you feel welcome here amongst all us ponyfolk!” She finished as she put out a hoof. She slowly put up her claw to shake it. As soon as she grabbed it, a surge of electricity went through her. She fell dizzily to the ground.

Pinie and Skystrike both laughed at this until Pinkie revealed the cause. Rainbow came up Laughing. “Oh Pinkie Pie, the old hoof shake prank. You are a scream!”

“Yeah.” Gilda faked a laugh. “Good one Pinkie Pie.”

“Come on G, i'll introduce you to some of my other friends.”

“Right behind ya, Dash!” She turned to Pinkie. “I know what you're up to.” She warned.

“Great!” She replied smiling.

She growled. “I know what you're planning!”

“Well I hope so, this wasn't supposed to be a surprise party!” She laughed.

“I mean, I got my eye on you.”

“Any i've got my eye on you!” Pinkie joked before going to the center of the room. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Gilda! A long time dear friend of Rainbow Dash and Atlas Nebula!” She pulled her into a hug. “Let’s welcome her to Ponyville.” The crowd cheered for her, making her snap out of her death glare to Pinkie and putting on an awkward smile.

“So she does have teeth.” Skystrike said aloud as he kept watching Gilda.

“Help yourself!” Offered Pinkie as they walked up to the snack bar.

“Vanilla lemon drops! Don't mind if I do!” Gilda said not noticing Rainbow Dash having a wide smile. She popped one into her mouth and her face turned a hot red. Fire bursted out of her beak as Pinkie roast a marshmallow. “Hot, hot!” She puffed as she ran around.

“G, the punch!” Rainbow laughed as Gilda ran to the punch and got a glass of the drink. Only for it to run down the cup and spill onto the floor.

“Hah! Whaddaya know! Pepper in the lemon drops and punch in a dribble glass!” Pinkie said as everyone laughed along with her.

“Your face was priceless!” Rainbow laughed.

Gilda ran to some water cups on the counter. She threw it into her mouth and breathed heavily. “Yeah hilarious…” She growled.

“Hey G!” Rainbow caught the griffons attention. “Look, presents!”

She dashed up to the table with the gifts sitting on top. She grabbed one and pulled the ribbon off with her beak. Spring snakes jumped out in every direction, the surprise leaving her feathers all puffed out. Skystrike laughed harder than normal.

“Spitting’ snakes! Somepony pulled that prank on me last month!” Applejack giggled along with Rarity.

“Ha ha.” Said an annoyed Gilda. “I bet I know who that was…” She said looking toward Pinkie.

“You do?” She asked as she fluttered her eyes.

“Wasn't me!” Skystrike yelled calming down from him laughing fit. Gilda ignored him.

The party went on quite peacefully, ponies chatting with each other and Fluttershy orchestrating some birds to sing together. Pinkie came out with a large cake just a tad smaller than herself. “Cake time everypony!” She called.

“Hey, can I blow out the candles?” Spike asked childishly.

“Why don't we let Gilda do it? She is the guest of honor after all.” Twilight tempted.

Gilda elbowed Spike out of the way. “Exactly!” She said before taking a deep breath. She blew out the candles with a large smile only for the candles to light back up. She blew them out again for the same thing to happen. She blew them out again, and they lit up again. This continued until she was out of breath, panting heavily as everyone was once again laughing.

“Relighting birthday candles! I love that prank!” He clutched his belly as he laughed harder. “What a classic!”

“I wonder who could have done that?” Pinkie thought.

“Yeah, wonder who?” Gilda glared.

Spike ate his way through the cake, bursting out of the top. “This cake is amazing!”

“Spike!” Twilight said annoyed.

“What? It’s great!”

Gilda ha her wings spread out in ander as a scowl formed on her face. “Hey G,you're not upset over some silly candles, are you?” Rainbow asked after she stopped laughing.

She put on a relaxed face. “No way, Dash! Like I said, I’m down with a good prank.”

“C’mon then,” She ran towards a game. “Let’s try this one!”

Gilda pulled Pinkie behind the cake as Skystrike was eating his way through, ignoring any cake or frosting getting on his mask. He ate his way around the side of the cake.

“Hey I’m watching you, like a hawk.” Gilda warned.

“You're half eagle, and hawk.” Skystrike said as he made his way around towards them.

“Besides, you can watch me like a griffon?” Pinkie snorted.

“Hey y’all! It’s pin the tail on the Pony!” Applejack said as ponies gathered around the game. “Let’s play!”

“Oh, my favorite game! Can I go first? Can I have the purple tail?” Rarity asked as she went to grab the fake tail lying on the floor.

Gilda ran up and grabbed it from under her nose. “Well I am the guest of honor, and I’ll have the purple tail.” Gilda said as she got a glare from Rarity.

“Yeah, Gilda should definitely go first!” Pinkie pitched in. “Let’s get you blindfolded.”

Spike walked up to her and put a blue blindfold on her.

Gilda cried out in protest as spike tied it and Pinie spun her around. “We’re spinning you around and around so you can pin the tail on the pony!” Pinkie got her lined up with the picture. “Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail!”

“Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail!” Gilda mocked. “Yeah right, this is another prank isn't it? i’m going this way.” She said turning around. Only to slip on some cake icing and run into the storage room. She came out covered in cake with the tail over her beak like a mustache.

“Uh Gilda? You put the tail on the wrong end.” Pinkie said before the room howled with laughter.

Gilda let out an angry roar shutting everyone up. “This is your idea of a good time? I’ve never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life! And Pinkie Pie, Skystrike! You two are queen and king lamoe with your weak little party pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool?”

“You did, and you haven't even triggered my prank yet.” he said holding back a laugh.

“Shut it! Dash and I have ten times as much cool as the rest of you put together!” She said pulling her into a side hug.

“Ten times zero is zero.” Skystrike said barely containing himself.

“I said shut it! Come on Dash, we’re bailing on this pathetic scene.” Rainbow stood there, giving Gilda a glare that rivaled her own. “Come on Rainbow Dash, I said we’re we’re leaving.!

“You know Gilda, I was the one who set up all those pranks.” Rainbow stated to the griffon.

“What?” Gilda asked dumbfounded.

“Oooooooooo.” Pinkie said in suspense.

“So I guess i’m queen lamoe.” Rainbow said as her glare tightened.

“Come on, Dash, you’re joshing me.” Gilda said not believing her.

“They weren't all meant for you specifically, it was just dumb luck that you set them all off.

“I should've known! That dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it.” Pinkie realized getting in Spike’s face.

“No way, it was Pinkie Pie and Skystrike! They set up this party to trip me up, to make a fool out of me!”

“Me? I threw this party to improve your attitude!” Pinkie said hurtfully. “I thought a party could turn that frown upside down!”

“I didn't know this party was happening until an hour before it started.” Skystrike defended himself.

“Skystrike?” A party goer asked.

“That’s the nickname she gave me.” He lied.

“And you sure didn't need any help making a fool out of yourself.” Rainbow said continuing the argument. “This is not how I thought my old friend would treat my new friends. If being ‘cool’ is all you care about, maybe you should go find someone ‘cool friends’ to hang out with.”

Gilda was undeniably angry now. “Yeah, well, you, you, you're just a flip flop! Cool one minute, then lame the next.”

Skystrike burst with laughter as everyone stopped to look at him.

“What’s so funny dweeb?” Gilda mocked.

“I’m sorry, it’s just your insult was so bad.” He said wiping a tear from his eye.

“I doubt you could do better, dweeb.” Gilda challenged.

“Ok.” He cleared his throat. “One of the griffons most notable traits is that they have a lot of greed and pride. As you know, you're a mix of an eagle and a lion. You however, are an exception. You pick on beings smaller than you. You made Fluttershy cry for no reason, you stole from a pony in the market, and to butted spike out of the way just before the candle prank. Not once did you try any on that with me. I offered you a perfect chance when I threw my swords aside earlier, yet you ran. And to top it all of, you were envious of Pinkie, afraid that she’d take away your only friend. You are nothing like griffons are described. You aren't half eagle, you're half chicken.” He finished as everyone’s jaw dropped onto the floor.

“That was just heartless.” Spike said under his breath.

“You, you're a, urg!” Gilda said as she walked out the door, only for a giant plastic hand with pounds of whipped cream on it smacked into her from the roof.

“There’s my prank!” Skystrike said as everyone roared with laughter. Gilda flew away faster than he could believe past the outskirts of town.

“Wow, talk about party pooper.” Spike said as the laughing died down.

The ponies began to chat among themselves. “I’m sorry, everypony for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was.” Rainbow said looking down at the ground in disappointment. “And Pinkie, im really sorry for hanging out with her instead of you.”

“Hey, if you wanna hang out with others, that’s your business.”

“I’d rather hang out with you. No hard feelings?” She put out a hoof.

“No hard feelings.” Pinkie confirmed as she shook it. They both shocked eachother as they laughed together.

Twilight walked up to Pinkie and Skystrike. “Pinkie, Nebula, I’m sorry for saying that you were misjudging Gilda. Looks like i'm the one who misjudged you.”

“It's all good Twilight.” Skystrike waved a hoof.

“Even you can't be a super smart smarty pants all the time!” Pinkie agreed.

“But she tries to anyway.” Skystrike said as Pinkie laughed. “Come on everypony, there’s still a lot of party to finish!” Pinkie said as everyone cheered. Spike however burped up a letter.

“A letter from the princess!” Twilight said as she took up the letter and began reading with her eyes closed. “My faithful student Twilight, I…” She opened her eyes. “Nebula, this is for you.”

He took the note, allowing only himself to read it, despite the main 6 trying to look on. He let out a loud groan as he pulled out a ticket. “Rarity, i'm glad i got the cape. I’m going to Canterlot.

“WHAT?!” Everypony and dragon yelled in surprise.