• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,451 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...

Applebuck Season

Waking up with a yawn, Skystrike got out of bed. He went to the bathroom, the tiled floor tapping as he walked across it. He looked in the mirror and brushed his teeth, getting out any plack that was once there. He spat out the toothpaste and rinsed it down the drain. Looking out the window, he saw that the sun was just about to rise. He walked outside and took a quick glance at his house. The small hut he once had has been refurbished into an entrance room. A large two storied building was behind it, a door inside connecting the two. To the right of his house was a part under construction, the scaffolding still there.

“I’ll work on that later.” He said with a sigh. He stretched his limbs, his metal arm creaking in response. He quickly put his arm out straight, signaling for his armor to come. Pieces of black metal flew towards him, coming out of the windows of his bedroom. The metal slowed down as they neared him. They started around his chest, combining to make his chestplate. They then moved to his legs, starting at his hooves and moving their way up. His helmet instantly turned on and formed around his head.

“Armor online. Current mode: Balanced” Echo said, giving a status report. “Good morning, Skystrike.”

“Morning.” He said, greeting his friend. “I’m about to start my work out. Can you time me at each section.”

“Of course.” He said. A small digital timer appeared in the helmet, Skystrike being able to see it. “Start when ready.”

“Your time has decreased by 12 seconds. Impressive.” Echo said comparing his last time.

‘Nice’ He thought to himself as he went inside his house. He went to the kitchen and took out same things from the fridge. Milk, Hay bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns. He opened one of his cabinets and pulled out a frying pan. He turned on the stove, allowing for the pan to heat up before throwing on all of the food. The food was making a sizzling sound as it was cooking. Skystrike inwardly thanked himself as the oil popped on his armored hoof. After a few minutes, his food was done. He put all of it on a plate and set it at the table in the living room. He poured himself a glass or milk before digging into his food. He quickly cleaned up and walked out the door.

He was now heading towards town, planning to find something to do. Besides Nightmare moon and Twilight’s breakdown, the last few days have been uneventful to say the least. Being an adventurer meant something different each day. He began wondering if he made the wrong choice settling down this early. He didn't. The ground began to shake as the sound of hoof steps could be heard in the distance. He knew full well what it was, as it wasn't the first time he’s seen one.

“STAMPEEEEEEEEDE!!” He heard Rainbow shout from the air. He then heard loud ‘Moos’ from the same direction that the trampling came from. He flew up into the air to get a better view. Many cows were running towards Ponyville at an alarming pace. Multiple ponies were running around, getting into their houses and locking their doors.

Pinkie however, was laughing. “Hey, this makes my voice sound silly!” She said, her voice distorted from the small earthquake.

“Pinkie, are you crazy? Run!” Twilight shouted before running around like the other ponies.

“Everypony, calm down!” Mayor Mare said, trying to stop the panic.

“But mayor, whatever shall we do?” Rarity said, putting a hoof over her head in anguish.

“Let Applejack handle it.” Skystrike said, landing next to Rarity.

“What do you mean?” She said confused.

“Look over there!” Rainbow said pointing to a pony running alongside the stampede.

Sure enough, Applejack and her dog was running beside the cows as the crowd cheered for her.

“Other side, Winona!” She said as her dog barked back before moving to the other side. The pony and dog worked together to move the cows close together. Skystrike smelt butter before looking over to see Pinkie eating popcorn and Rarity acting like she’s about to faint. He rolled his eyes before looking back at Applejack.

“Come on, lil’ doggies. Turn!” Applejack said nudging one of the cows towards the herd., letting out a Moo in response. She whistled, getting Winnona’s attention. “Put em up Winnona!”

The dog barked before jumping from cow to cow, riding on their backs before landing in front of them, leading the herd. Applejack got on a cows back before pulling out a lasso and grabbing the lead cow. She joined Winnona at the front and pulled hard on her lasso, narrowly causing the cows to avoid the town. The crowd of Ponies cheered for her, Pinkie even holding up a flag.

Applejack pulled them to a stop before throwing the lasso away. She turned to look at the cows. “Now what was that all about?”

“Moooooooo.” One cow started before clearing her throat. “Oh my! Begging your pardon Applejack, but Moorealla here was startled because of a snake.” All of the cows ears perked up to the mention of a snake. “And it just gave us all the willies, dontcha know?”

“Why I completely understand, just next time, try and steer clear of Ponyville.”

“We certainly will, Applejack.” The cow said as the herd began walking away. “So long, Winnona~” She said before joining the herd. Winona barked a goodbye.

Applejack stood in front of the crowd of ponies, receiving more cheers from them. She ran towards her friends.

“Woohoo! Ride em’ cow pony!” An ecstatic pinkie said as she began doing flips.

“Why Applejack, that was just… just...” Mayor mare paused, looking for the right word to say.

“Apple-tastic!” Pinkie pitched in from above before falling down.

“Gotta say, that was something else.” Skystrike said.

“I must say Applejack, you must be rewarded for single hoofedly saving the town.” Mayor mare began.

Pinkie let out a gasp. “I know! We could throw… A party!”

“That’s a great idea! Can it be ready by next week?”

“Okie Dokie lokie!” She said before running off.

“Hey uh, Skyst-” Rainbow was cut off by Skystrike’s hoof over her mouth.

“Please call me Nebula in public. Very few know im alive remember?” He said to both Rainbow and the group.

“Ok then Nebula... I should've asked you way earlier, but where were you for all those years.”

“Not in Equestria foor the most part.” He said plainly.

“Ok, but why?”

“Family issues.” He again said it plainly.

“He doesn't want to talk about it.” Twilight said butting in.

“Fine…” Rainbow said giving up. She landed on the ground in defeat while Skystrike lifted himself up into the air. He flew off at high speeds towards his house, planning to finish some chores he needs done.

The ponies he left however, their jaws were on the floor.

“Wow…” Fluttershy said quietly.

“He’s quite fast, even with that ghastly armor on.” Rarity said, Twilight nodding in agreement.

“But I… well, he’s not THAT fast…” Rainbow said, looking away.

“Not with that armor on. It’s weighing him down.” Twilight said observing his apparel.

“But he’s still not as fast as me, right?” She let out a nervous chuckle.

“Uuuuuuuuhh…” The three said in response, causing Rainbow to fly away in Skystrikes direction

A week has passed since the stampede incident. A knock was heard from Skystrike’s front door, along with the voice of the visitor.

“Skystrike? Are you awake?” Rarity said from the other side of the door. Skystrike quickly put on a crimson red cape he had hanging up, it draping over him, yet not long enough to touch the ground. It was held in place around his neck by two intertwining steel circles.

As for his right arm, he had a difficult way of hiding it. Because of his armor, he didn't need to hide it, with it looking the same. He faced the palm of his hoof towards himself, and a small holographic screen came up. It quickly scanned his face before a menu came up.
Manual Handling: Off

Appearance: Bulky

Mode: Pony

He changed the appearance to thin. Layers of armor folded in on itself before sealing itself in place. His metal limb was now the same size as his actual limb. Finally, he pulled out a white sleeve from his dresser. He put it over his metal arm and fixed his fur to make it match the artificial fur on his sleeve. It looked and felt realistic. Of course, he put on his helmet and met Rarity outside.

“Yes. what is it?”

“I need your help with Applejack’s party. Everyone else is busy, do you mind helping?” She asked, trying to butter him up, even rapidly blinking her eyes to try and sway him.

He was having none of it. “That might have worked on other stallions, but it wont work on me.” He said in a disappointed tone, causing her to nervously laugh. “Fine, i’ll help. Let me lock up.”

He stepped outside and locked the door. A small click could be hear from it. “So what do you need help with?”

“Just decorations. Ribbons, banners, you know.” She said, pulling out each item from a saddle bag as she said them. “By the way, what happened to your armor? It’s quite unusual to see you without.”

“I was in the middle of waxing it.” He said as he stretched his body. “Walking around with it half waxed is not visually appealing.”

“I see. Well, we should start heading to town. It takes a while to walk here you know.” She said getting ready to start walking.

“Then we have no time to lose.”

“Huh? W-Wait!” she cried as Skystrike picked her up wedding style. He stood on his hind legs before letting off a strong flap of his wings, propelling him into the air. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!” Rarity screamed as they took off at high speeds toward Ponyville.

It took all of two minutes to get to the town square, the rest of the main 6 save for Applejack was already there. He landed on the ground with a loud thud, a gust of wind was spread across the ground kicking up dirt and his cape. He put Rarity down hooves first, though she was frozen stiff from the shock. After she realized that she was on the ground, she breathed in large gasps of air.

“Sweet Celestia, Skystrike! What did you do?!” Rainbow said in shock.

“She said that it was a long walk here from my house, so I picked her up and flew her over here.” He said, dusting dirt off of his cape and himself.

“You flew her over here because it was a long walk?!” She said in disbelief.

“I just saved us about a half hour so i’d say it was worth it. Besides, I flew slow enough so G forces wouldn't have a large effect.

“G forces?”

“The effect that gravity has on your body. I figured you learned this in school Rainbow.” Twilight said looking up from a clipboard she was holding.

“That’s besides the point! You can't just do that!” She said trying to get back on topic.

“Rainbow, dear, i’m fine…” Rarity said standing up. Her legs still slightly shaking. “Just, warn me next time, please?”

“Sure thing.” He said before stretching out his wings. “Well, let's get started.”

“And that finishes it.” Rarity said as Skystrike hung a banner over town hall. “Thanks for the help Sky!”

“Don't mention it.” He said as he flew down, once again kicking up dust.

“Now all we need is Applejack.” Twilight said Walking towards the two ponies. “Is she ready?”

“Actually, I haven't seen her all week.” Rainbow said slowly flying over.

“Not since the stampede!” Pinkie said joining in.

“Don't worry, she’ll come.” Twilight reassured them.

“For sure. Applejack is never late!” Rainbow agreed.

The time for the party had come. Everypony in town had come to the event. Twilight walked up onto the stage beginning to make a speech. She took out some note cards and quickly sorted through them and straightened them out before taking a deep breath. “Welcome everypony! Today, we are because of the pony we can always count on! A pony who’d contributions to-” She was cut off by Rainbow flying right next to her, her flashcards dropped to the floor.

“Did you see Applejack out there? What an athlete! This week, she helped me with y new flying trick, and I know it's going to be so awesome!” She squealed.

“Exactly!” Twilight said as she pushed the pegasus out of the way. “And-”

She was cut off again by another pony. “This week, I get to run Sugarcube corner for the first time!” Pinkie said in excitement.

“And how does that have anything to do with Applejack?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

She blinked. “Oh! She’s a really good baker, and she’s gonna help me! Applejack makes everything great, sofree samples for everypony!” The crowd cheered in response.

“Ok, that's great.” Twilight said pushing pinkie out of the way. “If i could just make a point without being inter-”

“Twilight?” Fluttershy spoke softly.

“-rupted” She said annoyed as she moved over to let her friend share the podium.

“I'm so sorry, but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the bunny counting.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “We’re counting up all of the baby bunnies born this season. Shes gonna help gather them with her herding skills.” She looked over at Twilight who was giving an annoyed look in return.

“Anyone else?” Twilight groaned looking into the crowd. No one came up. “No? Well then, as I was trying to say-” Mayor mare gave her a large smile. Twilight let out a loud groan as she threw her stack of cards into the air. She walked off the stage.

“And so, without further adieu, it is my privilege to give the prized pony of Ponyville award to our guest of honor. A pony who’s trustworthiness and reliability and integrity. Ponyville’s most capable and dependable friend, Applejack!” A curtain was pulled back to reveal the earth pony, only for her to not be there.

Skystrike tapped Spike on his head to stop his shouting. He still didn't realize that she wasn't there. He let out a chuckle in realization. Mayor mare cleared her throat as awkward silence came from everypony.

“Awkward…” Spike spoke as he scratched his arm.

“My thoughts exactly.” Skystrike said as he looked above the ponies for any sign of Applejack. “Speak of the devil.”

“Im here!” Applejack said from the back of the crowd. She made her way though with a large bucket of apples on her back. She yawned. “Sorry i’m late. I was just- Did i get your tail?” She stumbled onto the stage. “Ms. Mayor, thank you kindly for this here uhhh… art thingy.” She yawned again. Her eyes had large bags under them. “It’s quite shiny and…” She looked into her reflection off of the trophy and giggled. “I sure do look funny ont I?” She moved her head back and forth, Pinkie going up and joining her.

“Ok? We just want to say thank you Applejack for saving us from that scary stampede.” Said a slightly worried Twilight. “And always being there for everypony.”

She yawned again. “Yeah, I like helpin’ pony folks… n’ stuff.” She said in between a yawn. She fell asleep on stage. Standing up.

“PPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT” Skystrike held in a laugh, Twilight glaring at him.

Applejack quickly shook herself awake. “Huh, wuh? Yeah, thanks!” She said as she started to drag away the trophy.

“...Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little…” Twilight was looking for the right word.

“Tired?” Rainbow said.

“Dizzy?” Fluttershy chipped in.

“Messy?” Rarity asked. Rainbow looked at her. “Well, did you see her mane?”

“She seemed fine to me!” Pinkie said as jumped up and down laughing.

“I’m going to go finish waxing my armor. Watch out for Applejack, she looks terrible.” Skystrike said as he turned to leave.

“Oh yeah, what’re you doing with Applejack?” Pinkie said in curiosity. “Are you going on an adventure? Are you gonna do a sword fight? Are you gonna play games? Are you-” Pinkie was cut off by Skystrike holding up a hoof..

“We aren't doing anything. I can do most things myself.”

“But darling, you can't do everything by your lonesome.” Rarity said.

“That's why I said most. Besides, I’m never alone.” He said tapping the side of his helmet.

“Are you for real? Helmets cant talk.” Rainbow said laughing.

“Are you sure about that?” Echo said in a John Cena like voice. Everyone jumped at the sudden voice.

“Who said that?” Pinkie said looking around.

“Me. The helmet on Nebula’s head.”

“Ooooooooo! What’s your name?” She said grabbing the helmet and Skystrike’s face?

“I am designated as E.I. 15, though I am referred to as Echo.”

“E.I,?” Rainbow said raising an eyebrow.

“Endless intellect.” Skystrike said answering her question.

“I still don't believe this ‘talking helmet thing’. How do we know that you aren't just making a fake voice?”

“Ask me any question that I will know and Nebula doesn't know. This can be about anything.” He said confidently.

“What order to I categorize my books?”

He paused for a second. “Sunday through Tuesday, alphabetized by author. Wednesday through Thursday, alphabetized by title. Friday and Saturday, you take out every book and dust them, check for stains, then repeat the schedule.”

To Twilights surprise, he was right on the mark. Rainbow however expected this.

“I always knew you were an egg head.” She said crossing her hooves.

“You have got to let me study him! He could give us so much information!” Twilight said in excitement.

“Nebula knows almost everything i know. He has a photographic memory.”

“You dick. Now she’ll want to do experiments on me or something.”

“You said we’re in this together all those years ago. You said it. Own it.” Everyone laughed at Echo’s roast. Twilight however inched closer.

“You must let me do some test. Aside from your armor, you have nothing else to do, right?” She said with an unsettling smile.

“I do have other things. It’ll take a while.”

“What are you doing? I can help it go faster.”

“Um…” He quickly thought of an excuse. “I'm thinking up of names for my moves. No offense, but I think you’ll be bad at it.”

“Hey, I can think of great names!” She said defending herself.

“You seem like the pony that keeps your pet’s species name in its name.”

“Only if it fits!”

Everyone face hooved to Twilights confusion. “I’m going home…” Skystrike said in a disappointed voice.

“But-” Twilight began.

“I’m going home.” He said again before flying away.

Skystrike was now sitting on top of his normal workout boulder. His front hooves were crossed and his eyes were closed. He wasn't asleep nor meditating. He, along with Echo, were thinking.

“Alright, I come down from the sky and hit the ground hard, staggering anyone around me. Any ideas?”

“Heaven Fall.” Echo said after giving the name thought.

“Meteor Strike.” Skystrike said competing.

“Sounds good to me.” He said in approval.

“Ok, so the next one. Remember that time that I was in the air and i span towards that guy while kicking him? Why don't we call it ‘fleet hoof’.”

“Too simple. Remember that really old fighting game with ryu?”

He nodded. “Street fighter right? What about it?”

“We call it the ‘Tatsumaki Senpukyaku’.”

“First off, that's a mouthful, and second, kinda weebish.” He said inwardly cringing.

“And who’s here to call us a ‘weeb’?”

“Your right.” He said with a chuckle. They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Echo thought up a move.

“So you charge up an Incinerate spell in your hoof right?”

“Yeah…” He said, not sure where he was going.

“Then you compress it and move it to your fingers, right?”

“Is this Dragon Ball Z?” He said like he was joking. Sadly, he wasn't.

“Then you shoot it out in a straight line, right?”

“I cant believe you're doing this…” He said in disbelief.

“Then it explodes, right? Lets call it ‘Special Beam Cannon’.”

“Wow.” He said surprised. “You even got the name the same. I don't like it. Besides, cannons don't burn things.

“That’s what makes it Special.” He said that as if it was obvious.

“What are you talking about?” The two were interrupted by a Twilight looking up at them.

“Nothing…” He said brushing off the previous conversation. “We will continue this later.” He whispered to Echo as he hopped down from his bolder. “So what’s up? From the rainbow streak that went across the sky earlier, I guess it’s about Applejack?”

“Yes.” She said with a sigh. “Big Macintosh injured himsalf so she decided to buck every apple herself. I was hoping you could talk to her?” She asked with pleading eyes.

He sighed. “I cant.”

“But why? Don't you care about your friends?”

“Friends are ponies you can trust. It is earned, not given like an unneeded extra.” He looked her straight in her purple eyes. “So far, none of you have done anything substantial to earn my trust.” He turned around and got back on his boulder. “The main reason is because I’d rather not be any more of a hypocrite than I already am.”

“What do you mean?”

“Twilight, for as long as you've known me, have you ever seen me ask for help or get help from anypony?”

“No, but I don't think that matters.” She said boldly.

“It does. Me refusing help from ponies then offering help to the same ponies just doesn't feel right.”

“But…” She was stumped on how to respond.

He let out a loud groan. “Tell you what, you get her to let the others help, and ill help too. Will that get you off my back?” He said in annoyance.

“Yes. Thank you, Sky.” She said with a smile.

He grunted. She began making her way back to Ponyville as Skystrike decided to start meditating.

“What are you doing?” Echo asked.

“I’m meditating!”

“You're not meditating, you're sleeping, I know the difference!”

“We came as soon as we heard!” Twilight said to the nurse.

“What the hell happened!? Skystrike yelled.

“Thank you both for coming. We need all the help we can get!” She pulled back the curtain to see over a dozen ponies sick, one puking in a bucket. Some he knew.

“It was a mishap of home of the baked goods.

“More like baked bads.” Skystrike laughed to himself as he walked inside, everypony groaning save for one.

“Heh heh… I get it…” Pinkie said before barfing.

“Alright, I got this.” Skystrike said before stopping at one of the beds.

“Nebula, we have medical training. We just need you to-” The nurse was cut off by Skystrike speaking over her.

“Do you know how many times ive had to take care of myself out there?” Broken bones, poison, heat stroke, frostbite, etcetera. I know what I need to do.” He said as he opened up his saddlebag. Inside were a large amount of small red vials with corks on each one. He walked up to a grey pegasus, getting ready to barf in the bucket under her head.

“Hey Derpy.” He said looking at the mare.

“Oh hey, Mr. Nebula.” She said in an uneasy voice. She barfed in the bucket as her face turned green. “How are you?” She said looking up at him.

“Nevermind that. How did this happen.?” He asked.

“I ate some really weird muffins that Applejack made. She held back a barf. “I don't know what was in it, but thats why everyone’s here.”

His blue eyes turned a lighter shade, even faintly glowing. “From the sound of it, you all have food poisoning.” He said as he put his saddlebag on the ground. He pulled out one of the red vials that he bought with him. “Drink this. It should make you feel better.”

“What’s in it?” Twilight said watching on.

“Sorry, you’ll never get my recipes.” He said with a smirk.

“If we don't know what’s in it, it could make her feel worse!” The nurse yelled.

“I know what im doing, ok?”

“But-” The nurse was cut off again.

“Derpy, drink.”

“Ok.” She said as she was handed the vial. She put her head back as she drank it. She made a weird face as the fluid was probably not tasty. She coughed as she finished the vial, giving it back to Skystrike, who put it back in his bag.

“Derpy, are you alright?” Twilight said as she held the mare. “What did you give her? It didn't make herr better at all!.” She screamed at him.

“I gave her one of my potions. Aside from broken bones, it cures all diseases. And it did make her better, medicine just needs time until the effects are shown.” He said as he pulled out another vial.

“Wow, I don't know what that was, but it did make me feel better!” She said as she stood up on her bed. She stretched her wings before she took to the air, flying around the room as if it was the best she felt in months. Twilight and every nurse in the room looked at him.

“Well? Help me pass them out. It’ll go faster.” Twilight picked up the vials and passed them out to each pony.

“Drink it everypony!” She said. They did just that before handing the vials back to her, Twilight putting the vials back into Skystrike saddlebag. Each one of them got up and ran out thetent they were in, all with wide smiles on their face.

A nurse with a white coat and pink mane put her front hooves on Skystrike shoulders. “You must tell us what’s in those! It’ll be a huge help!” She said shaking him.

“Choose your wishes wisely.” He said as he began putting corks back on his vials.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She said confused.

“If I did, you all would be out of business. So, i'm not gonna tell you.”

She bit her lip knowing he was right. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a certain earth pony to see.” He said as he left the tent.

Skystrike was on his way to Fluttershy’s cottage before he felt the ground under him shake. “That's the second time this month!” He yelled in annoyance. His eyes were now an electric blue.

“STAMPEEEEEEEEEEEEEDE!!” Rainbow screamed again as the crowd panicked. Again.

He saw a herd of bunnies rushing through the town. A pony fainted right before the bunnies were about to trample her. The bunnies just went around however. After the herd of bunnies past, he looked around to see many of the town’s residents lying on the ground. Twilight just came back from wherever she was to witness the aftermath.

“The horror, the horror!” A beige and red pony cried.

“It was awful!” A pink and blonde one whined.

“Disaster! A horrible, horrible disaster!” Daisy whined.

Twilight looked around the town. It was empty, but seemed untouched. “I don't get it.” She said in a deep, confused voice.

“Our gardens!” The pink one said, looking over her ruined flowers. “Destroyed!”

“Everylast flower, devoured!” The beige one said.

“They, they, THEM!” Daisy said pointing to the bunnies eating the town’s flowers.

“Um, please stop little bunnies!” Fluttershy said trying her best to get their attention. “No, no! Please, let’s go home! Oh my goodness!”

“Fluttershy!” Skystrike yelled.

She jumped. “Y-yes?”

“Who caused this?” He said, his eyes were now a sky blue.

“Applejack scared them and they ran into town!” She said quickly.

“Thank you!” He said before trotting off. Twilight followed ust behind him.

“Skystrike! Where are you going? And what’s with your eyes?”

“My eyes get lighter the angrier I get! I take back what I said earlier! I’m going to talk with Applejack!” He yelled going towards Sweet Apple Acres.

He walked up a hill to see the orange earth pony bucking a lone tree.

“Just keep buckin’...Just keep buckin’...Just… a few… more...” She said to herself half asleep.

“Alright Applejack, your apple bucking hasn't just caused you problems, it’s over propelled a pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies, and terrorized bushels of brand new bouncing baby bunnies. You. Need Help.” Twilight said firmly.

Applejack kicked a tree, the last of the apples falling from in. “Ha! No I don't! Look! I did it! I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help.” She said with a smirk. “How’d you like them apples?” The three looked over the orchard. It was void of any apples.

“I'd like them alot more if you didn't put other ponies lives at risk, did not nearly give Rainbow a dislocated limb, and didn't drive a hoard of bunnies through the town. You don't seem to care at all for the others or yourself! You denied help even though you clearly needed to.” He poke a hoof into her chest. “You were blinded by your own pride to get help, and you're blinded by it again!”

“What's that supposed to mean?” She said letting out a light growl.

“LOOK!!” He yelled pointing to her left. Her jaw dropped as she looked over the other half of the orchard.

“How do you like them apples?” Big Mac said coming out of nowhere.

“Huh? But.. wha…” Applejack stuttered until she finally collapsed from exhaustion and shock.

A few minutes passed until Applejack regained consciousness, “Applejack? Applejack!” Twilight called out before she answered.

“Huh?” She said in response.

“Oh good,” Twilight said with a smile before her stern look came back. “Look, we know you respect the apple family ways. You're always there to help anypony in need. So maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and ask your friends to help you.

She looked over the appletrees before sighing in defeat. “Ok, Twilight.”

“I am not taking no for an answer-what?” She cut herself off.

“Yes Twi. Yes please! I could really use your help. You too Sky.” She pleaded.

“Will do. Twilight, can you get the others? I plan on getting this done quickly.” He said as he pushed one hoof into another, a cracking sound being the product.

“Will do.” She said before teleporting away. She came back with the gang in tow.

“Alright, you're here. So, you girls wanna see something cool?” Skystrike said looking back at everypony.

“...Yeeeeeeeeeeees?” The girls said carefully.

Skystrike flew up into the air. He could feel the air thin as he got higher. He positioned himself over a large amount of the trees.

“What do you think he’s doing?” Rarity asked holding a hoof over her eyes to block the sun.

“Probably just some lame trick.” Rainbow said not expecting much.

“Ooooooooooo!” Said Pinkie hopping up and down. “This is going to be so cool!”

“I think I know what he’s doing…” Twilight said wearily.”

Skystrike began do dive towards the ground, a navy blue streak following him. He flapped his wings hard as he came closer to the ground. The air began to bend around him, forming an acute angle.

“Hold on to something girls!” Twilight yelled as the group hugged the ground.

A large boom was heard as a Navy blue and sky blue circle expanded behind him as he hit the ground. “HEAVEN FALL!” He shouted as he punched the ground. The land shaked and a large gust of wind went by everything in sight. Every apple in every tree fell to the ground, as did some of the leaves and small branches. Everypony's jaw dropped

Skystrike stood up and dusted himself off. “Pretty cool if I do say so myself.”

“Cool!?” Twilight shouted. “That was-”

“AWESOME~” Rainbow said, throwing her hooves up into the air.