• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,484 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...

Sleep walk

Skystrike was in his dream, sitting across from a silent Nightmare Moon in the inner machinations of his mind. Well, it wasn't an enigma at all, in fact he made it an empty void. That way, the only thing they could see were each other. Of course, she could just... leave. While Skystrike doesn't know exactly how his and Luna's minds got... 'merged' for lack of a better word, Nightmare Moon is able to travel to and from both of their minds. She was staying here for a reason.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Skystrike broke the silence.

"...If I answer it, will you finally stop bugging me with these attempts at talking?" She asked.

Skystrike nodded. "Depends on how talkative you are. But know I'm not trying to annoy you. You're in my mind. You can probably read it. I genuinely want to know you."

Nightmare narrowed her eyes, then nodded hesitantly. "Very well. You may ask, but know this human, you cannot 'fix' me. I am what I am. A monster."

Skystrike shook his head. "So that's what you think this is..." He stared into her cat-like eyes. "I know full well that beings like you and me can't change what we are. But we can change how we act... What is better: to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"

"She did put in the effort... and the ponies that we swore to protect abandoned us. In the war against Sombra, we've had great expeditions, stopping legions of ponies from crossing into our borders. But when the war was over, their fear did not end... It was only moved to the next thing to be scared of... Luna." Nightmare growled at the memory. Skystrike let her continue as she got angrier with every word. "Every action we made, thousands of eyes judged us, and thousands of mouths voiced their hatred. Soon, it was too much for Luna to bare... and it birthed me."

Skystrike hummed. "I think I can pick up from there... on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, she broke."

Nightmare grumbled. "Indeed... the ponies didn't even want Luna to be next to her sister as she raised the sun!" She stood on her hooves and spread her wings in rage. The emotions coming off of her were changing the white void to a shade of grey. "Can you believe that!?" She calmed herself down, breathing out as she sat back down. "...In that moment, I gave Luna a choice. Those ponies knew the gentle kindness of the day. It was only fair they knew the brutality of night... And then our sister stood in our way... we-... I only made things worse for Luna."

Skystrike's eyes widened a bit. She felt guilty... that was unexpected. From the way she spoke, it also implied that she was born from the anger of Luna... so she shared all of Luna's memories until she was created. They're the same pony, just different paths. "Well... that's enlightening. Thank you for telling me... I'm not going to act like I even begin to understand... honestly, I don't blame you for what you did. I guess that's what you meant by 'It's too late now' all those months ago." Skystrike got up and approached the alicorn. She hesitated at his approach, but was even more surprised when he hugged her. "But... I can at least give you this... Luna did not deserve what happened to her, and you didn't deserve what happened to you."

Nightmare Moon would be lying if she wasn't a bit surprised at the sudden gesture, and if she said she didn't appreciate it a bit. She could feel her heart open a tiny bit. She awkwardly pushed herself off, quickly ignoring what Skystrike did with a flustered look. "...Ahem, don't misunderstand, I did not tell you our story for you to pity me. I say this as a warning for you."

Skystrike was a bit surprised. "A warning?"

"Just like us, who've done more than we can remember to help these ponies, you're doing the same, believing that it is your duty to these ponies to save them." Nightmare stood up. "The moment they can... they will hate you, disregard you, see you as a monster... do not make the same mistake we made. You hiding your humanity, pretending to be a pony, will not make them see you as an ally."

Skystrike took her words to heart. "Well... I'll make sure to keep that in mind... Though I hope you're wrong, there's that tiny chance you're right... But look, I already showed you my past. I appreciate you being willing to share yours." Skystrike sat back down, Nightmare Moon doing so too. "My offer still stands, from those months ago, and to right before the mission. I was given this chance at living. I feel that you too deserve the same chance. Again, I'm not asking you to change, I just... want to give you an experience that I feel you would have never gotten."

Nightmare sighed. "You're too naïve... Lets say I got out. Ignoring how the Elements of Harmony would be against it, as well as Celestia and Luna, who'd forgive me?"

"I would." Nightmare looked at him for a long, long while. "I believe that you should be given the chance to do better. The fact you showed regret is enough for me to do that. I can tell since we share my mind that it is genuine. Failure is just a learning experience after all. I believe that you have the gumption to put in the effort again. Even if no one stands by you, whether it be the Elements, the princesses, or even yourself, I'll be someone who believes in you."

She shuddered a bit. "I... thank... you..." Nightmare was able to push the words out. "...I would need time to think on it. A part of me, and most of Luna, believes that-... it's best I stay gone. Can't even leave here anyway..."

"Well, let me try and convince you, then." Nightmare's ears perked up in interest. "I know you can see through Luna's eyes, or at least her memories. Do the same to me. See the life I live. Imagine a life you could live too."

Nightmare thought about it for a time. "...It is a possibility. Though it will be dangerous. If your mind is too weak, I could end up corrupting you... the only reason Luna isn't anymore is because of the Elements of Harmony."

"Well... I know I don't have much to trust you off of, but you were kind enough to share your story, as well as stop my nightmares from time to time. I'm willing to give you that trust." Skystrike put out his hand to shake her hoof.

For the first time, Nightmare Moon smiled. Not a sinister one, but... one of hope. She hoped it'd be right to place it in him. "Very well... I'll use a spell to see through your eyes then. It may be a bit disorienting. You'll hear my thoughts along with your own. Are you... sure you're ok with this?"

"If you're willing to ask that, then I believe I put my trust in the right pony. Yes, I'm sure Nightmare."

It felt a bit weird at first, getting used to Nightmare Moon sharing his eyes. When he looked in the mirror, he noticed that his purple eyes shared some similarities with hers, being cat-like. It'd be best to keep his eyes covered for a little while. Skystrike rolled his shoulders as he got off the train at Canterlot station. "You know, in hindsight... probably wasn't best to do it today of all days."

"You don't have to speak out loud, idiot. I'm in your head." Nightmare sighed.

"Oh, right... Is this what having schizophrenia feels like?" Skystrike thought to himself.

Today was the day. He'd sneak into the castle and into Celestia and Luna's bedrooms. Now... Skystrike was deciding if he wanted to do this the challenging way... or the fun way... The fun way would be really silly.

"There's no way in Tartarus the fun way will work!" Nightmare laughed in his mind. Skystrike decided, fun way it is. He put on a bright yellow reflective vest, a tool belt and a hard hat, and got a ladder leaning on the side of the train platform. Then he began walking. Past the Canterlot ponies, past the guards at the castle gates, past the castle entrance, and then past the guards in the royal wing of Canterlot castle.

Two of the guards eyed him as he walked past. "...Did that pony seem strange to you?" Idiot one asked the other.

"Meh, probably here to fix the lights. He has the gear and everything. Somepony probably already checked him." Idiot two answered.

Skystrike stopped in front of Celestia's bedroom door, a large set of double doors with her cutie mark engraved on it. She had to be expecting him, not even knocking and pushing open the door. Surprisingly, both she and her sister were in the room. They looked at him awkwardly as he stood in the door way. What Skystrike saw was... not what he was expecting. They seemed to be in the middle of a pillow fight. Well, more of a pillow war, as somehow, Celestia built an entire castle out of dozens of pillows, while Luna had a trebuchet and a battering ram. Skystrike snickered at the sight.

"Uh... heeeeeeey... Skystrike..." Celestia greeted nervously.


"We... weren't expecting you today. Or this early..." Luna put down the several pillows surrounding her.

"Oh no, don't mind me. Keep going. I kinda wanna see how this ends." Skystrike sat down.

Celestia put down her pillow bazooka. "...Wait. Is this where you said you'd sneak in and kidnap us?" Skystrike nodded. "How-... how'd you get in so easy?"

"Yellow vest, tools, hard hat, and a ladder." Skystrike answered.

Celestia blinked. "You... you used a ladder to climb up here? From where?"

"Oh no, not at all. I walked in through the front door." Skystrike said, making their jaws drop.

"You're joking, right?" Luna asked. Skystrike shook his head. "...By the moon, there's no way security is this bad."

"They didn't even check me. They just assumed I worked here. I think it was the hard hat."

They all sat in silence for a moment. But Celestia couldn't help but laugh as she stomped her hooves. "Ahahahaha! There's no way you're serious! Oh my, this is amazing!" She laughed a while longer before she let out a sigh. "Well... I suppose this is the part where you kidnap us? How do you plan to do that?"

Skystrike shrugged. "Well, I was kinda hoping we could just walk out of here, but if I have to actually force you out..."

Luna hummed at the idea. "It... would be a bit amusing to see you try and take both of us out."

"I'm interested as well." Celestia admitted.

Skystrike thought for a minute, then had a sinister grin. "Well, I found certain diaries when exploring the abandoned castle months ago. One with a cutie mark of the sun, and the other, a moon." The princesses eyes both went wide, with faces of embarrassment on their muzzles. "Has some rather spicy stuff in them... whoever wins this pillow fight not only gets their deepest secrets back, but also gets their sisters."

Celestia and Luna stared at him, then slowly, slowly turned to stare at each other across the room, their embarrassment turning to ones of determination. They only had one thought on their minds: war. They each gave a battle cry as magic flared and Skystrike dove for cover. Luna completely ditched the trebuchets in favor of cannons, while Celestia made a barrier of pillows. The pillow cannon balls broke through her defenses easily, and Celestia got upper-cutted by a pillow. Celestia regained her senses and teleported in front of Luna, delivering a right hook with a pillow of her own. Then they pillow clashed, several times over, sparks flying. He swore he heard boss music.

Skystrike chuckled. "Hehe, I'm in danger!"

"I'm quite enjoying this." Nightmare laughed. Skystrike was about to respond, but then they started shooting pillows surrounded with magic at each other as they teleported around the room, jumping off walls. A stray almost hit Skystrike, doing a useless backflip to dodge. "...what was the point of that backflip? It was like, two feet away from you."

"I'm pretending I'm Spiderman in an Insomniac game." He thought to Nightmare Moon.


"The reader will get it." Skystrike looked at you.

Then he got hit directly in the chest, getting sent back against the door. "AAEGH!" Skystrike coughed. He looked back up at the fight, seeing Celestia make a sun out of pillows surrounded by her magic, making it a burning white light. Luna stood there, clenching her pillow spear. The music relayed that it was the climax. Celestia threw her hooves forward, sending the ball of pillows at Luna. Luna jumped towards it, thrusting her pillow spear at it in an epic clash. The energy radiating off of it was blinding. Then it exploded, pushing the two alicorns back against opposite walls.

The two alicorns bounced off and laid on the grounds for a while. But then they decided their battle wasn't done. They stood up and limped towards each other. Their strength was sapped away as they weakly began hitting each other with pillow after pillow, running out of magic and using their hooves to swing them. They both simultaneously swung at their cheeks, ending it in a double K.O.

Skystrike saluted. "Respect." And a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"That was the stupidest, yet greatest thing I've seen." Nightmare couldn't stop laughing.

Skystrike looked at the two unconscious princesses as they laid on the floor. He shoot the dust off of himself before thinking a bit. These two would be heavy as fuck... and very hard to hide. Then he remembered that Casta's tower had a teleporter to his house. Much easier to get these two there than onto a train. Skystrike made sure to stretch before purring one on each of his shoulders... aaand he was lopsided. Man, Celestia got a gyatt. Lay off the cake, Celesterol. Nightmare laughed at the name Skystrike gave her.

He used his teeth to unlock the window. Thankfully, it the tower was within sight, being a short flight to it. Now, he just had to figure out how to get there unnoticed. Couldn't fly too high, everypony would be able to see him. As he watched, he noticed there were some blind spots lower to the ground, and the guards patrolling this area wouldn't come back around for two minutes. He went for it, jumping down before pushing off the wall with his hind hooves and gliding towards the mage tower.

Perfect landing. He opened a window on the lower tower before pushing the princesses in, then picking the two up and going up the flights of stairs. Looks like Casta is out for the day. He put the two down on the teleportation circle in the middle and activated it, sending the two to his house. He rolled his shoulders. "God damn... I need to lift more."

Not being able to teleport, Skystrike left the tower and went to the edge of Canterlot, looking over the cliff to see Ponyville. If it was an overnight train ride to Canterlot, then it should be about a two hour flight if he flew at his normal speed... but that'd take too long. Besides, he felt like going fast. Skystrike got into a running stance before rushing forward and jumping off the edge, spreading his wings co catch the wind as he dove. Getting the angle right, he accelerated as he followed the cliff down, pulling up just before the ground met him. He flapped his wings to get used to the speed he was going.

It took him about an hour, but he was home. Skystrike made sure to tell Tethys and Elytra before he left so they wouldn't be surprised our out of character. Opening the door to his house, he saw Celestia and Luna awake, sharing a pot of tea with Tethys and Stardust. "Yo."

Skystrike saw all of the girls slowly turn to them. Stardust spoke first. "Sky... where are the princesses diaries? And how long have you had them?"

Skystrike sat down in his reclining chair. "Uh... hidden somewhere and about three months. Why?"

Celestia cleared her throat. "...Can we get them?"

"Did you win?" Skystrike smirked as they stared at each other for a minute. "Imma hold onto them for a while. Have something to hold over your heads."

Luna shuffled in her seat. "...How much did thou read?"

Skystrike remembered the lines he read. "Out of Celestia's, and later mentioned in Luna's, 'ok so 18 pounds of cocaine, 12 pounds of crack, and 7 male strippers. But make sure none of them are white. I can't see the coke on them if they are.' And honestly, didn't know you guys had cocaine over 1000 years ago."

Stardust was shaking. Her hooves spilt drop after drop as she tried her best not to laugh. Meanwhile Tethys was spewing mist out of her nose as she tried her best to do the same. Celestia hid her face with her wings in embarrassment, and Luna was the only one having a good time, laughing with a stomp of her hoof. "We remember that! That party was great!"

"...I feel like a bad influence." Celestia sighed.

"There was also the part in Luna's where she wrote like, two pages on how she was jealous of how big Celestia's rear was, and Imma be honest..." Everyone paid close attention to the words about to come out of his mouth. "I didn't know the whole 'Celestia's butt is big' thing was going on this long either."

Tethys snickered. "For a minute, I thought you were gonna say she had nothing to worry about."

"...I feel like I am going to be flamed no matter the answer I give. Despite that, I will answer that yes, I do indeed think you have nothing to worry about, Luna."

Celestia blew air out of her nose. "Quite forward, aren't you?"

"I mean, I always figured you two were twins or something, with the sun and moon thing. You just had an extra thousand years to grow." Skystrike shrugged.

She was a bit surprised. "You know, it's been a while sense it was mentioned. But to clarify, we are fraternal twins, so no guarantee she'll grow to my size. And seriously though, where are our diaries?"

Skystrike stood up and motioned for them to follow him. He walked to the library wing of his house. "You know, we've never realized how massive your home is, nor how many items you have." Luna noticed as she looked past one of the many glass cases holding some rather important books.

Tethys looked at one. "Oh, I remember this one!" Skystrike stopped to look at her. "Didn't we get this one from some abandoned crypt?"

Luna raised a brow. "Abandoned crypt?"

Skystrike nodded. "When me and Tethys first met, she took me to the cave she was living out of. Turns out that the cave was the entrance to a crypt, one used by a pony studying high level conjuration spells. Necromancy to be exact. The wizard died before they were any to use any of their research, and that book is their Magnum Opus. After that and a few other similar situations, I started gathering any items that could be dangerous that a pony could stumble upon. I made this place to protect those things, making sure they don't get into the wrong hooves."

Luna backed away from one of the books she was touching. "And... what types of dangerous items are those?"

Skystrike thought for a moment. "If I remember right, that book you just put back down has various incantations. One of which can trap a beings soul into gemstones, using that soul as a magic source for demonic enchantments. And I keep the least dangerous ones in the glass cases."

"...Skystrike, that one is already pretty dangerous. And you have some that are more dangerous?" Celestia put a book she had back in its casing."

"Well, that one is only dangerous if you know where to get the specific gems to trap souls in, as well as any other prior knowledge that's been forgotten to time." Skystrike explained, stopping at a desk, opening the third drawer, removing various papers, then taking out the false bottom. Two books, one with the sun and the other with the moon on the fronts. He took them out and handed them back to the princesses. "The ones that are really dangerous are kept somewhere else. Those will never see the light of day. Like, there's one that can open a gate to Tartarus. I covered that in layers of metal and had threw it into the bottom of the sea. Only I remember where it is."

"Well that's... good? And thank you for these back." Celestia picked up her book with her magic. Then she remembered. "Oh, right. About a week ago, we met with your... friend."

Skystrike nearly froze at that. "Oh, I see... figured you'd want to talk about that after your vacation. No matter." Skystrike pushed the drawer close. "I... hope you all came to a peaceful conclusion."

Celestia nodded. "Stardust, Tethys, could you leave us for a time?"

"Every damn time!" Tethys threw up her hands as she turned to walk off. "Oh right, Sky, remember, we're going to the gym with Rainbow!" She finished before picking up Stardust and leaving.

Celestia heard the front door close before continuing. "While things did not go as planned, that is not something you should worry about. But know that the human is safe for now... however, he also told us about a human lab that is still functional in this world. He also said to ask you about it..."

Skystrike nodded. "Oh yeah, I know what he's talking about. Come on, I'll show you."

The princesses looked at each other, confused at what he meant by that. Skystrike pulled on one of the wall mounted candles above the fire place. The fire place raised up and revealed an elevator. He motioned for them to walk in. They did so, Skystrike entering with them and hitting the only other button in it. "...Skystrike, where are we going?"

Skystrike began boppin to the elevator music. "Well, the lab of course."

She thought about that for a minute. "You-... you built your house atop a human laboratory!? How did you know it was here!? How deep underground are we going!?"

"The human told me, and from my calculations, about half a mile... Kinda makes sense why you never found it now that I think about it. The human said that it needed a human for it to be opened when he first found it. The actual entrance to it is somewhere within the Everfree Forest. He just dug a way up for me when I made this house." Skystrike explained as the elevator slowed to a stop. The doors opened as Skystrike stepped off.

Luna and Celestia looked around with a look of both interest and worry. As their eyes darted around the white room, their questions grew. On their left, several mechanical arms reached down from the ceiling over a grey metal table, connected to a screen with various words on it. To their right was shelves upon shelves of various materials, from metals, to fabrics, even noticing the magic stones they rewarded him. Next to that were crates of various labels seemingly organized in alphabetical order.

Celestia shuddered. "...How long has this been here?"

Skystrike checked one of the terminals in the room. "This says... the last login from a user that wasn't me was over one thousand years ago. Doesn't say exactly, but if your worry is humans using it, only that one has, and only when I'm with him."

Luna looked at the mechanical arms. "We haven't seen these in millennia but this one doesn't look like it was made for battle. What is this for?"

Skystrike booted up the apparatus that Luna was standing in front of. The limp mechanical arms quickly whirred to life, running their start of routines, flexing their joints and the like. "Well, from what I was able to tell, this is a prototype workshop. That's how I use it at least..." He put out his hooves, a holographic screen showing up in front of him. Celestia and Luna took several wary steps back as the arms followed Skystrike's commands. They moved across the ceiling and picked up various metals, gems, and armor pieces. "It's all good. Just putting the last parts on my new armor."

Luna moved to stand next to him. "I... see..." She said as Celestia did the same. A claw held the chestplate in place as a saw cut out a small diamond hole in the center of the chest. Then, the two arms froze in place. Another arm came and held one of the Null stones that he got as a reward in place as he used a pressure gun to cut the gem into the shape of a diamond, to then put it within his armor. A bar of metal was then melted and molded into shape to keep the null stone in place. It was doused in a liquid to rapidly cool it.

Skystrike rolled his shoulders. "You two can keep talking, I'm paying attention." He said as he put aside the now finished chestplate and moved on to the leggings.

"...It's... rather big for you, isn't it?" Luna asked.

"Yeah, I originally wanted to keep it the same as my last armor, but after doing a lot of calculations and testing the durability of my last armor, I realized I needed to make a stronger set. Two layers of metal, a suspension system, a cooling and heating system, and an integrated magic circuit on the inner most layer of metal to transfer all of the magic around within the armor. Made it increase in size by 30%, and in mass by 60%." Skystrike paused for a moment to make sure the left leg guard lined up with the left hip. "Because of that, I have to enchant each part with an lightweight enchant to make it the same weight as my last set."

Celestia asked the more concerning question. "How long have you been using this place?"

"Since I met the human about four years ago. We stumbled upon this place together in the Everfree." He had to quickly make up a story that sounded believable. "He told me he'd let me keep the place if I helped him make a new arm. He broke it. and needed a replacement. Took a couple weeks to get circuitry and electrodynamics down, but I did it. And that's how I'm making my new armor." He moved onto working on the back and wing guards.

"Skystrike... if I knew you were alive years ago, and I knew how deep you were already in this human business, it would've saved so much trouble." Celestia sighed. "Still, I don't think you quite grasp how much trouble this could cause you... Honestly, I have half the mind of just seize your property because of this lab but... with how easy you got past our guards, it'd have to wait if I wanted to."

"Celestia, this is like the safest place that this could be. Not only do only the three of us and the human know, but I'm like... the third most dangerous pony alive right now... Besides, I set this place to self destruct. And honestly, whoever wants dig through a half mile of rubble, I think they deserve to get whatever is left in here."

"This isn't a joke, Skystrike!" Celestia stomped. "If that human decides to use this place against us, it would be a disaster!"

"Well, he seems passive... So you're probably right, but personally, I wouldn't want to give him a reason." Skystrike answered as he finished the back and wing guards. "But I will say this: I've been talking to him. He... doubts that the labs he traveled to are the only points of contact with humanity." Skystrike moved the pieces of armor onto an armor stand for later. "He's looking outside of Equestria. One of the reasons I wanted that airship was to help his search."

Luna didn't like what that was implying. "You... think the humans have allies with the other races?"

"Oh, no, I heavily doubt it. The humans only seemed to stay in Equestria. We're seeing if there are any traces left by humans that you weren't able to erase. What I do think is that there are some humans still in contact with ponies... That's why I asked for access to all sections of the Royal Library. Just in case there's something hidden."

"...And you plan on sharing it with 34?" Celestia asked as the two alicorns followed Skystrike back to the elevator.

"Only if I find something... hopefully I don't." Skystrike answered as the doors closed.

His time with the princesses came and went as soon as it started. It was up to them to figure out how they'd spend however many away on their vacation. Right now, Skystrike pushed open the doors to Bulk Biceps, gym.

"HEY, NEBULA! CAME TO PUMP SOME IRON!?" Bulk said with his indoor voice.

"Hey, Bulk. Swole as always." Skystrike greeted him.

Bulk got up from his chair and gave a hoof bump. "MAKE POSES WITH ME!"

Skystrike took off his sweat shirt and did so as phonk music played. The two began Jojo posing. Skystrike stood on his back hooves and made gang signs with his front, putting his right arm up and his left arm down, his elbows bent and he flexed every muscle in his body. Simultaneously, Bulk spread out his back hooves and put his right arm out, covering his face with his left hoof. This continued for several minutes.

The two were interrupted by Rainbow Dash and Tethys who both cleared their throat. The two stopped their poses and looked at the two. Rainbow was wearing a grey track suit and had her mane in a pony tail, while Tethys wore a pair of white sweat pants similar to Skystrike's and a sports bra. He got down on all four hooves. "Fiiiine... We'll continue next time, Bulk."


The three began doing their own sets. Rainbow Dash was doing pull ups with ankle weights, Skystrike was going to work on the punching bag, and Tethys was working the hex bar with half her weight on it. The three started making small talk with each other.

Rainbow pulled herself up . "Nnnngh... By the way, Nebula... I tried out that look you suggested... how's it look?"

Skystrike was focusing on his form as he landed a punch. "The one I told you while high? A bit surprised you took it seriously. But it looks good. Honestly, I'm just biased towards ponytails. You rock it though."

Tethys chuckled. "Just ask her out already, dude."

Skystrike put out a hoof to stop the bag from hitting him. Rainbow stopped mid pull up. "I mean... I always thought you saw me as a sister, Nebula... I thought of you as a big brother for a while while we were your foster family."

"Oh, cool. I thought the same about you... I didn't want to assume otherwise." Skystrike was a bit relived, and the two continued their routines.

"Well... if we're being honest, I think I did when we first met, but... I think it was more like puppy love than actual love."

"Huh..." Skystrike did a roundhouse kick. "Interesting... I was oblivious back then, so I didn't notice. But I kinda am glad that we stayed just friends... It's annoying at times. Mares want to get close for something more, but when I want to stay friends, I end up losing them." Skystrike gave a jab, then a right hook.

"Is that why you got four mares under your hoof?" Rainbow chuckled.

Skystrike shook his head. "More like friends with benefits. I make sure to set boundaries. I don't want to lead them on. They all deserve better."

Tethys dropped the hex bar, signaling for the three to switch. "What, you don't think you're good enough?"

"It's partially that. Partially because I still have some unfinished business. Mostly because I've no experience in this area, so I don't even know if I felt love besides platonic." Skystrike thought of a way to explain himself. "It's like... I've always been on the giving end, so when I receive something, I don't know if it's an act of kindness, or flirting."

Rainbow blinked. "That's... exactly how I feel every time I talk to a stallion. I just don't feel like I'm attractive at times, there's just so much competition... I mean, who would not like me? I'm awesome!"

Tethys changed her focus from the punching bag to the rainbow mare. "Stallions? Wait you're-... Rainbow, we thought you were-... gay?"

Rainbow dash stopped mid lift. "What!? No!? Wait, we!? Who's we!? Does everypony think I'm a lesbian!?"

Skystrike couldn't help but laugh. "Ahahahaho my god" He dropped from the pull up. Rainbow looked at him with a flustered and angry look. "I'm-... I'm sorry!" Skystrike said between laughed. "I was just caught so off guard."

"Sorry, Dash." Tethys rolled her shoulder before delivering a punch to the bag.

She groaned. "It's... fine..."

Skystrike began lifting the hex bar again. "Well, if you need a wingman, I got your back." Skystrike half joked. "Just tell me who you fancy and I'll put in a good word."

Rainbow thought for a minute. "Honestly, there aren't many stallions in town in the first place, and none that I like. Honestly, seeing and hearing how you treated those mares made me want better than what we have."

"That's... good I guess? Not so much how you realized." Skystrike laughed. "But yeah, don't lower your standards for anyone. I'd say go for that Soarin guy you spent all day with but I know for a fact he's gay... Hooves is a pretty alright dude, but I need to get to know him better to actually tell you if I think you'd be a good match. Damn, there really aren't many stallions in Ponyville."

"What about Applejack's brother? I haven't met him, but he exists." Tethys offered.

"Ew." Rainbow had a gross look on her face.

Skystrike coughed. "Damn, the worst she could say was not 'no'." He set down the hex bar. "Switch."

Rainbow started on the punching bag. "I didn't mean it like that... He's a good guy, just-... not my type. He's more laid back, and I always want to do something. But enough about me, what about you Tethys? Any ponies you're into?"

Tethys shook her head as she pulled her head over the bar. "Nothing against ponies, I just like beings in general stronger than me..." Then she looked at Skystrike. "Problem with that is that my wants are a bit unrealistic... some asshole here decided to make me one of the strongest dragons out there."

"Well, hasn't Nebula beat you before?"

"Oh yeah, several times over. There's just... a lot of circumstances around me and relationships." Tethys tried to not use her wings.

"What do you mean?" Skystrike asked.

"Well, because I'm a rare breed of dragons, to keep the bloodline powerful, I'd need to bring my spouse to my family, where he'd have to prove his own strength through trial by combat." She sighed. "It was part of the reason I left... Well, that was the first reason. The second reason was because by tradition, every 200 years, dragons of age in my clan must leave and bring back a being they follow to show that we have grown stronger. It's easier for our clan to just become one with the one that leads them."

"...When do you have to go back with that being?" Skystrike raised a brow.

"Well, three months. I planned on just not showing up, but my mother and father would probably come looking for me." She shrugged. "Figured I'd deal with it when it comes."

Skystrike shook his head. "Tethys, it's best not to delay the inevitable. We'll stop by on our travels."

"You'll fight form me?" Tethys asked. Skystrike nodded. "I... appreciate it. We'll talk about it more later then." Silence passed as they continued their set. "Hey, wait, no fair that we share who we do and don't like and you don't. Spill."

"Yeah, what any of the girls?" Rainbow asked.

Skystrike chuckled. "Alright, alright, I guess I owe you two that." He thought about it. "Honestly, I don't really know. From my immediate circle, I could see it in all of them... except Rarity. For now at least."

"Well that's surprising. She's the pretty one in the group!" Rainbow moved her hair over her shoulder as she kept giving quick punches to the punching bag, continuing the gossip. "I thought she had the best chance out of the group?"

"Yeah, Sky, I'm kinda surprised myself. You like clothes a lot and she knows how to dress." Tethys admitted.

Skystrike began grunting as he did one hoof pull ups. "Nngh... Don't get me wrong, she... is pretty, and a great friend. You all are... The only up she has is that she wears clothes while the rest of you, save for Tethys just walk around naked..." He huffed. "But... that is all overshadowed by how she treats Spike... We all pretend we don't know he has a crush on her, but it rubs me the wrong way. She just keeps... leading him on, even though she knows nothing serious will actually happen. She just wants the attention from a boy is what it feels like."

"Oh, so it's not just me." Rainbow stopped punching to look at him. "I felt the same, I just didn't want to start drama by saying it."

"Already said something to Spike about it. But that was the major gripe. Small one is that I know if I went for Rarity, Spike is gonna be upset, and you don't go after a crush of one of da bois." He gave a small chuckle. "Moving on, Twilight is the least likely. I don't really like how she treats Spike as a pet at times. I'd say something about it, but Spike sees her as a sister, so he needs to set his boundaries in that family dynamic. But she's gotten a lot better about it, actually letting him go to school and meet ponies his age."

They all finished their workouts, wiping their sweat off with towels. Tethys pulled on her sports bra to air out her chesticles before wiping. "Hey, you two feel like anything specific?"

Rainbow rubbed her growling stomach. "I need to watch my diet more. Now that the Wonderbolts got their eyes on me, I need to be a bit more mindful."

"Honestly, you don't really." Skystrike began to explain. "They don't do events year around, so they just make sure to eat differently like a month or so before each show. It's too much a strain on your body to be at that peak for long periods of time. You'd be surprised how often pro athletes basically starve themselves to make sure they look like they're all muscle and no fat."

"Well yeah, I know that, but I also don't want to gain weight. I'm trying to keep my figure, don't want to look like Pinkie."

Tethys stretched a bit before leaving with them in tow. "Hey, don't slouch on Pinkie Pie. If she's anything like her sister said, She's like, the second strongest mare in Ponyville."

Rainbow Dash looked at her. "...Who's the first?"

"Fluttershy." Skystrike and Tethys said together."

"Fluttershy!? I was expecting Applejack, but Fluttershy!?"

Skystrike nodded. "Applejack is on par with you, seen from that competition a while ago. Pinkie may be out of shape, but years growing up on a rock farm makes her a fucking unit."

"Then what about Fluttershy!?" Rainbow flew in front of them.

Tethys and Skystrike looked at each other, then laughed at the memory. Tethys answered. "We saw her wrestle a grizzly bear and win."

Rainbow landed. "Oh... dang... that's fair, I can't even be mad then."

A day came and went. He enjoyed the day he spent with the two, first time they did it in a while. Skystrike was glad that he got closer with Rainbow Dash, and was even more glad that Tethys found another pony to get along with. It was one of his bigger worries about her when she moved in. Tethys still had a bit of trauma with ponies, given how they hunted her for a while. He's glad she didn't close off her heart.

As of now, it was early in the morning, and Skystrike was helping out Applejack on her farm. She said it wasn't much to do, about 150 trees between Skystrike, Applejack, and Applebloom who decided to join the two as Big Mac helped Granny Smith make breakfast. The three made sure to stretch properly before getting to work.

Skystrike watched as Applejack and Applebloom did their jobs flawlessly. "You know, I never understood... How do you buck the tree in a way for all the apples to fall in the baskets?"

"Huh..." Applejack looked up at the now empty tree. "Y'know, I don't know, actually. I think I just kinda picked up on it as I grew."

"Yeah, me neither. I guess it's just because we have big baskets?" Applebloom loaded one of the baskets onto their wagon.

Skystrike shrugged and punched a tree with his forehoof, most of the apples falling into the baskets, and a few outside. He picked them up and put them back in said baskets before balancing them on his wings and loading them into the wagon. "I forget how massive these apples are."

"You can have one if ya like." Applejack threw over an apple to Skystrike, who caught it with his hoof.

He winced. "Look, AJ, Bloom, this was gonna come out sooner or later, but I... don't really like apples."

The two turned to stare daggers at him. "WHAT!? HOW!? WHY!?"

Skystrike put up his hooves defensively. "Oh, no, don't get me wrong, they taste great. I like the tart ones actually." He bit into one. "As for the why... I don't like how it makes my throat scratchy."

The two apple mares paused in their tracks. They looked at each other before Applebloom asked "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, kinda like how ponies don't like lemons because they're sour." Skystrike explained as he took another bite, then coughed.

Applejack took the apple out of his hoof. "Nebula, apples aren't supposed to do that! You're buckin' allergic!"

Skystrike mourned for the tart fruit that was taken from him. "Nah, no way. I don't die or anything, just gets a tiny bit harder to breathe."

"That's what being allergic does, you..." Applejack rubbed her head with an annoyed look. "How many products have we fed ya 'fore you thought it was a good idea to share?? We sold ya pies, cider, fritters, there's so much!"

"And they all taste good?? I don't see the problem here??" Skystrike and Applebloom watched as Applejack banged her head against a tree, making all of the apples fall into the baskets under it. "Uh... my bad?"

Applejack grunted as she fixed her hat. "Moving on, Applebloom, how's school going?"

Applebloom went back to bucking apples. "It's been fun! Since Spike joined, me, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo got a new friend! Oh yeah, and Mr. Nebula taught us about physics!"

"Interesting!" Applejack looked at Skystrike. "I was never too good at maths. Make sure to keep learning things. Education is important!" She turned to rub her sister's head.

"Hey, Mr. Nebula! Can you teach me something cool?"

Skystrike thought for a minute. "Well, what I taught you were the very fundamentals. Anything more, I'd have to teach you about geometry, then calculus, then multi-variable calculus... If you're really interested in it, then just keep doing good in school. Hell, I have my old college level books if you wanted to start right away, but I think it'd be a bit much for you."

"I'm nine! I'm a big girl!" Applebloom puffed out her cheeks.

"Take it from me, kid, you don't want to grow up too fast. Enjoy the time you have now." Skystrike patted her on the head.

The three finished their work, Skystrike hitching himself to the wagon and pulling the dozens of buckets to their barn. Applejack said that she'd organize them all later, but for now, it was time to eat. Skystrike, to the light worry of the apple sisters, ate and enjoyed everything apple related. Apple juice, apple sauce, apple oatmeal, and pancakes.

They were all amazed at how much he could eat. "So, whipper snapper, how is it?" Granny Smith wanted to ask. She got the answer she wanted, a hum of approval. She laughed. "You know, come over more often an' I'd be happy to cook you food."

Skystrike swallowed. He had do admit, it was tempting. It'd be safe to give a non answer, he thought. "Eeeeeeeh, maybe? If I'm free."

"I'd love to have another strong stallion around the farm. I'd give you permission for gettin' with Applejack. Our bloodline is known for our birthing hips."

Skystrike choked on the food, coughing at the absurdity of what Granny Smith said. Big Mac face hoofed, as if he was used to this. Applebloom was confused on that entire sentence her grandmother said.

Meanwhile, Applejack hid her face in her hooves. "Granny! I swear to Celestia, stop tryin' ta set me up with stallions!"

"Hey, I won't be 'round forever. I want grandkids!"

Skystrike swallowed his food and immediately began bursting out laughing. He was about to say something, but as soon as he made eye contact with Applejack, he began wheezing. He couldn't even get words out as he kept laughing at the what the old mare said. He nearly fell out of his chair. It took him minutes to regain himself. "Oh my god, my stomach hurts... I was not expecting that."

They all finished their breakfast before Skystrike and Applejack went back out to the orchard. Applejack showed him her favorite spot, a lone apple tree atop a hill, letting them see the entire orchard. They sat next to each other, their backs against the tree, enjoying the breeze as it went by.

Skystrike shook his hair out. "Damn, this is a nice spot. I might come here more often."

A strand of hay hung our of Applejack's mouth as the crossed her legs. "Yeah, I come here during the down times. Just nice to watch the sun move by." The two sat there in silence for a bit, enjoying the moment. "Hey Sky, I don't think I ever asked about your job. Do you mind?"

"No, go for it." Skystrike spread out his wings to stretch before folding them back in.

"Well, when I was drinkin' with Tethys back at your party, she told me you went on a lot of adventures. What made you decide to settle here in Ponyville?"

Skystrike rolled his neck. "Well, after the mercenary group split, I just wandered around, helping ponies with the little I had on my back. After a while, I learned that Nightmare Moon would return, so I decided to set up a place to camp out, and deal with her if it came to... I thought about leaving once she was dealt with, but then I met you all. Guess I felt nostalgic, remembering the good times we had when we were younger. Glad I took the chance."

"Where'd you plan to go if you didn't stay?"

He tapped his hoof. "Honestly, I didn't think that far. Planned on just going in a direction and keep walking... Maybe go to the Badlands or Diamondia... Go across the Celestial Sea to Griffonstone or Zebrafrica. I was just looking for a place to belong."

Applejack flicked her hat up with her hoof to look at him. "Well, I hope we make you feel like ya do, even with how you know-..." She trailed off, referring to how the village treated him when he first came.

"Yeah, you all do. Of course, still not entirely over that, or Zecora's and Tethys' experiences to be honest, but I'm willing to move past it. You, our friends, all the ponies in this town, I like to think they've grown to be better."

"Yeah, after what you told me and Fluttershy about Blueblood, I figured you wouldn't let things like that go, or at least not so soon." Applejack chuckled. "...Do you ever plan to tell Rarity about him?"

"Applejack, I'm not going to lie, no." She turned to look at Skystrike for an explanation. "Not because I don't think she deserves to know, but... one of my gripes about her is that she's shallow. Figure she needs to learn for herself."

"Meh, Fair 'nuf." She hummed. "You're the harshest one out of the group. For a while, I thought you just didn't like R.D."

Skystrike sighed. "Yeah, she talked to me about that. I realized that I was harder on her than the rest of you, and I apologized for that. She's like a sister to me, hell I lived with her in Cloudsdale for a few years. Out of all of us, she has the most potential growth, I just want to keep her, and all of you on a good path. She's rash, she says things without realizing what affect her words could have."

"Yeah. Well, if we're on the topic, what about me?" Skystrike turned to look at her. "What can I do to be better?"

"Well, your blessing is also your curse. You're one of the most stubborn mares I know." Skystrike chuckled. "Hell, took me and Twilight to convince you on the last day of the apple bucking season to ask for help on the complete other half of this orchard. It's good at times, knowing when to stick to your morals, but you don't know when to ask for help."

"Well yeah, but... kinda hypocritical, ain't ya? You do the same."

"And that's exactly why I can critique. I know where that feeling, and thus those actions, come from. Believe it or not, I've grown a lot in that aspect. Main reason I don't ask for help is because I don't want to put my friends in danger. From what I observed, your reason is similar, you don't want to inconvenience your friends, and you want to prove your own self worth."

She nodded. "Yeah, your half right." Applejack sighed as she moved her hat to her chest. "Before Ma and Pa left... they told me they'd be back, and that they loved us. I promised them I'd have a farm they'd be proud to come back to. That's why Applebuckin season means so much to me."

"I see..." Skystrike sat up straight. "I haven't met them, but I know they'd be proud. You're a great pony, Applejack." Skystrike pulled her into a side hug. "But if you don't mind me asking, I thought your parents passed? They left? How do you know?"

Applejack had a sad look on her face. "Well, about a year after they left, we were sent back this hat, my fathers. He'd never let this off of his head."

Skystrike knew what she meant, not wanting her to finish the sentence for her sake. "I'm sorry."

She sighed. "Think nothing of it. It's in the past now." She put back on her hat. Despite the touchy subject, Skystrike and Applejack sat in a comfortable silence for a long while. Applejack's ears perked up. "Hey Sky, can I get your view on somethin'?"

"Shoot." Skystrike said.

She steeled her resolve. "Do ya see me as a mare?"

"...Nightmare, you're a mare. What do I do here?" Skystrike quickly thought to himself.

"You're on your own here. Leave me out of this."

"FUCK!" Skystrike said to Nightmare's amusement. "Well, yeah, why?"

"You laughed really hard at Granny's... 'offer' for lack of a better word."

He realized. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean for it to come off that way. I was laughing at the absurdity of your grandmother's comment, as well as all of your reactions. Not because I don't see you as a mare." Skystrike laughed a bit more.

Applejack grew a bit flustered at the reminder. "Well, thanks for clarifyin'... It... sucks sometimes." She sighed. "Every colt I asked out were intimidated by me. 'ventually I just dropped out of the datin' market."

"...Huh, didn't think you saw it like that. Figured you'd try again once Twilight came to town."

"Why's that?"

"Well, you and the rest of the girls are Elements of Harmony. On top of that, you all have the princesses in your back pocket, and more specific to you, your family, and you as I assume the future head of it, owns over half of Ponyville. Honestly, I thought you'd have problems getting any good stallions, and not gold diggers or politicians."

Applejack thought on that for a while. "...Buck, you might be right."

The two took a long nap, waking up as the sun approached the horizon. Skystrike and Applejack talked a bit more before the two went their separate ways. Another day came. Skystrike was invited to Rarity and Fluttershy's tea time and Carousel boutique. The three of them sat there in the early hours of the morning, Rarity floating over the tea sets and serving her friends with fine china.

Skystrike went to pick up his tea cup, before Rarity moved it away with her magic. "Let it cool down first darling."

"Oh, right, it's hot." Skystrike said, then reached for it with his metal hoof.

Fluttershy tilted her head. "I thought you said you could feel through your right hoof?"

"Oh, I can turn that on and off." Skystrike explained as he bought the tea to his muzzle, taking in the smell. It was a pleasant, he didn't know how to describe it further. "So, what's new?"

Rarity did the same with her tea. "I just figured it's been a while since we sat down and have a chin wag. You and Fluttershy are the only ones who actually like tea."

Fluttershy nodded. "My favorite is Oolong tea. It's just hard to get your hooves on it. I don't even know how it's made, I just know its somewhere to the east."

"Oh, I know that. Kirins are the creators, and they're isolationists. How it's made, no idea, but I believe they live at the Peaks of Peril." Skystrike took a sip. "Mmm, not bad."

"How do you know that? You've been?"

Skystrike shook his head as he took another sip. "I have a talent of remembering hyper specific knowledge of random trivia. For example, I can explain... the origin of each statue in the Canterlot bush maze, but I don't know where they came from, or who carved them."

Rarity decided to test it. "How is a fire ruby formed?"

"They form normally, like any other gem but where they emerge matters. Fire Rubies get their names and attributes by emerging from the bottom of lava pools and absorbing the essence of fire."

"Now, what part of Equestria are they most commonly found?"

"I don't know, Baltimare?" He shrugged.

Rarity giggled. Fluttershy tried it out for herself. "What's the main difference between big cats like a lion, and small cats like a lynx?"

"Oh easy. There's some special bone in their throats. The big cats have rigid ones, allowing them to roar, and small cats have flexible ones, letting them purr."

"Now, what's the smallest cat that can roar?"

"Uh... a bobcat?"

Fluttershy giggled. "A leopard, actually."

"Close enough." Skystrike finished his cup before Rarity poured another. "...Random thought, but I got into this with Applejack yesterday; do apples make your throats itchy?"

"N-no? What? Are you allergic?" Fluttershy got a bit confused.

"Maybe? Probably at this point." Skystrike shrugged.

"Skystrike what is wrong with you?."

Rarity giggled at that. "Oh, that reminds me, I was talking with Pinkie Pie the other day. Told me that you visited the red light district in your youth to make money." Both Skystrike and Fluttershy froze in place. "You absolutely must tell me about it."

He winced. "...Not much really to say about it... the orphanage was low on funds, so I needed to make some money to put food on the table. You'd be surprised how ponies won't recognize you if you just wear a mask or a wig and contacts."

"You were a stripper?" Fluttershy asked.

Skystrike blinked. "Oh god, is that what I implied?. I did cage fights!"

"Oh, good- well, not good, but... you know what I mean."

Skystrike regained his composure. "Oh, right, Rarity, been meaning to ask, how much do I owe you for the suit?"

Rarity thought back. "Oh right, the Hydra. Don't worry about that, darling, I've already started making a new one for you. And I've started designing a dress for Tethys, and Zecora's too. I will say, the former has been a bit of a challenge."

"How so?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, for us mares, we can just cover both bits with the dress... Her 'girls' are further up." Rarity make quotes with her hooves. "I'm trying to make it fashionable while also making sure she doesn't show too much skin, and making sure she has enough space up top."

Skystrike hummed. "I don't know how well armor can transfer over to clothes, but proportions wise, I might be able to help? I made Tethys's armor, and working on a new set right now."

"Well, thank you, but I like the challenge. I want to work on this myself."

Fluttershy jumped in. "Oh, speaking of Tethys and Zecora, they're pretty close."

Skystrike nodded. "Oh yeah, Tethys and Zecora were the first and second to join me in my travels. They're like sisters at this point. Relating over their shared history of leaving their homelands. I'm glad they can, I couldn't really help them with their loneliness."

"I always wanted to visit Zecora's homeland. What was it called? Zebrafrica?"

He nodded again. "That's the continent, to be more specific... She doesn't seem to have good memories of the place. I decided to stop asking, as the only thing I got out of her was her country of origin's name, Farasi."

"...Are you all so mysterious on purpose?"

He sighed. "We came together because we had nowhere else to go. Following whatever little hope we had left as we clung to the loose shreds of life. I'm just glad it worked for all of us. We only really shared when we could really trust one another. I know Zecora trusts me, but... she has different demons to deal with than me."

"I mean, I can understand different, but not necessarily easier..." Rarity poured herself another cup of tea.

Skystrike twitched. He calmed himself down before responding. "Rarity, from an outside observer, sure it may seem easier, but do not compare your pain with another. Zecora still has to deal with them, and we all handle things differently."

"...Your right... sorry."

The three sat there in awkward silence for a few minutes. Rarity decided to change the subject. "So... word around town is you landed two more mares?"

"God fucking damn it..."

Fluttershy jumped in. "I feel like a pony dying of thirst watching another pony drown."

Skytrike chuckled. "Ok, that was a good one."

"You must give me the details, you mare killer." Rarity crossed her hooves and smirked.

"God, you're thirsty. Get a coltfriend."

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle said appearing in the hallway. Skystrike almost lost it at that point. "Anyway, hi Nebula, hi Fluttershy."

"Hey." Skystrike and Fluttershy greeted.

Sweetie Belle's stomach growled. "Rarityyyyy I'm hungry!"

"You don't know how to cook?" Skystrike swiveled in his chair to look at the filly.

"I do, I just like Rarity's cooking."

Rarity leaned over to Skystrike's ear. "It's mainly because she doesn't know how to cook."

"...Hey kid, wanna learn how to cook pancakes?"

"Yeah!" Sweetie Bell jumped.

Skystrike finished his tea as he got up. "Alright, so what's the first thing we do before we start cooking?"

"Wash our hooves?"

"Your right!" Skystrike said as he turned on the sink to wash his hooves with Sweetie Belle. "Now, for pancakes, we need flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, milk, butter, and eggs. Do you know where those are?"

"Yeah!" She got her step stool to grab the items from the cupboards and refrigerator. Skystrike got some bowls to mix the ingredients in the soon to be future.

But as soon as he but the bowl down, Sweetie Belle poured in half the bad of flour. "Sweetie, what're you doing?"

"Adding the flour."

"Well yeah, but we gotta measure it."


Oh fuck, is that why Rarity said she's bad at it? "Because if the ingredients aren't balanced, it wont... make it taste as good as it can be." Skystrike poured back in the flour into the bag. "Can you measure out a cup and a half of flour?"

"Oh, ok!" She ran to get the cup measurers, coming back and doing so.

"Nice! Now, we need... 3 and a half teaspoons of baking powder...." He began listing the measurements, pausing as the filly poured in each. "one tablespoon of sugar, a quarter teaspoon of salt, one and a quarter cups of milk, three tablespoons of melted butter, and one egg."

"Got it!"

"And now mix it until it's smooth with a whisk." It took a little while, and Sweetie Belle's arms were getting tired, but it worked. "Nice job, kid. Now all you gotta do is cook them." Skystrike grabbed a pan and put it on the stove, the stove clicking on with the turn of a knob "Pour half a cup of the batter on the pan, and when the batter is bubbling, flip it. I'm going to set the table. A few minutes passed, and some of the pancakes came out looking weird, but Sweetie Belle did it.

Skystrike set the plate for the four of them and pulled up a seat for the filly. He poured some syrup on his food before digging in. "Hey you did pretty good, Sweetie! Made a whole meal by yourself."

Sweetie stopped mid bite. "...Oh yeah I did!" She smiled before eating.

"Oh, this is quite good." Rarity used her magic to hold her utensils.

"You're quite good with kids." Fluttershy noticed.

"She reminds me of my sisters." Skystrike patted Sweetie Belle on her head.

"Oh, speaking of your sisters, could you get me into contact with Dawnstone? She's so beautiful! She'd be a perfect model!" Rarity asked between bites.

"Really? I'll tell her about that then. She is trying to be a professional model, so it'd be nice to get her before she's massive." Skystrike nodded.

"...Why'd you say 'really' like you didn't believe her?" Fluttershy said with a confused chuckle.

Skystrike was about to open his mouth to speak, but he needed to figure out how to best explain it. "Well... when I describe the looks of a girl, it all depends on what I see them as. Thinking back on it, Dawnstone is definitely a beauty, but I've never chosen that word to describe her since she's my sister."

"Well, what words do you use?"

"Stoic, inspiring, sweet, stuff like that. Honestly, I've never seen an ugly mare, so I more focused on... not describing their physical attributes."

Well now Rarity was interested. "Well, what words do you use to describe a pony's looks?"

"Pretty, hot, beautiful, and cute."

"What's the difference?" They both asked at the same time.

He sighed. "Alright, so, cute means that the mare in question looks good. Like if I was walking down the street and saw a pretty mare, I'd go 'Oh, she's nice.' And keep going on with my business. Nothing more than a passing glance. With me so far?"

"Yes." Rarity and Fluttershy nodded.

"Pretty can mean the same thing, but it's more meant for mares who I can see a future friendship with. For example, Dawnstone or Astral can be both pretty and cute, but they prefer to be called pretty because they're adults."

Rarity felt like she understood. "So... fillies and colts are cute, and mares and stallions are... handsome and pretty?"

"Right." Skystrike nodded. "You for example, Spike is cute, Big Mac is handsome."

"...Didn't need you to call me out, but I get it. Go on."

"Hot means that she looks nice you know what I mean? Like, damn. I'm walking by, and I do a double take because damn." Skystrike laughed. "I'd explain better, but you know." He motioned to Sweetie Belle, who was obliviously eating her pancakes.

"I get what you're implying." Rarity crossed her hooves again and leaned in. "So, what's beautiful?"

Skystrike leaned back. "Harder to explain than the previous ones... When I say someone is beautiful, it means I see attributes within that being that means I could see a potential future with."

"Aww... didn't know you could be such a sweetheart." Fluttershy smiled at him.

Rarity wasn't satisfied though. "Give some examples of each, just so I can understand this better."

"...I feel like I've walked into a trap, but I'm in this deep already, so sure, why not." Skystrike finished his pancakes. "Mmm... so... somepony like Roseluck or Carrot Top, they're cute. But I've never really interacted with them besides passing conversations. Uh... as for pretty... well, I already said Astral and Dawnstone. Another example would be... Derpy Hooves. As for hot, well, that kinda speaks for itself. Beautiful would be... Tethys and Zecora? I guess? Best examples I have as of now. They're my best friends."

"Aren't we?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well yeah, but we haven't..." He was about to say it, then looked at Sweetie Belle. "...rolled in the hay."

"So, difference between hot and beautiful is how well you know them?" Fluttershy was trying to understand.

Skystrike shook his head. "Bare bones, kinda. Sure, main difference between those two and Mayor Mare and Cheerilee is that I'm better friends with the former, but with the former, we respect and know each other enough where we aren't simply FWB."

"This... makes more sense than I thought it would?" Rarity admitted.

"What's a FWB?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Rarity stammered at the question, while Fluttershy froze up. Skystrike decided to answer. "When you're older."

"Oh come on! Rarity says that all the time! Not you too!" Sweetie wined.

Skystrike decided to do the funniest thing he could here. "Sweetie Belle, FWB is short for 'Fairy Wants Bones'."

"...What?" Sweetie Belle tilted her head.

"Ever heard of the tooth fairy?"


"She has an older sister called the 'Bone Fairy'. If you aren't a good filly, she comes at night and takes your bones. One time I woke up without my spine." He tried his best not to break out laughing as her face turned to one of mild horror.

"...Rarity I'm sorry for eavesdropping on you while you were talking with Frank! I won't do it again! Mr.Nebula please save me from the Bone Fairy!" Sweetie Belle said between tears as she jumped on Skystrike.

Skystrike was shaking as he held it in. "S-sure Sweetie Belle. I'll go stop the Bone Fairy!"

Rarity and Fluttershy hid theirs as well as they could at her reaction. Then Fluttershy thought about what she said. "Wait... I don't know anypony in Ponyville named Frank?"

Sweetie wiped the tears welling up in her eyes. "I-I... don't know him either. Rarity just... yells his name really loud sometimes when I'm asleep."

Skystrike and Fluttershy slowly turned to Rarity. Her blushing face told them everything. Skystrike couldn't hold it it anymore as he burst out laughing, Fluttershy following his actions not even a moment later. Fluttershy was snorting while Skystrike was wheezing as he held onto the table to not fall out of his chair. Fluttershy's laughter slowed down for a minute, then picked back up when she looked at Rarity's face again. Sweetie Belle jumped out of Skystrike's arms before he fell to the floor.

"Holy SHIT!" He wheezed. "I'm never gonna let you live this down!"

Sweetie Belle looked confused. "I don't get it."

Another day came and went. Skystrike laughed all day about what happened with Rarity, but today was a new one. He, Spike, Twilight, and Zecora were doing some magic spells. Well, more talking about spells. Also, since when did a tree library have a basement? And why does Twilight have a lab?

Skystrike decided to ask. "Twilight, why does this place look like you'd lure somepony here?"

Zecora snorted. Twilight stammered for a response. "I- you- I'd never do that!"

"Oh, I know, but it's kinda off putting when you have restraints and something that reads brain waves." He smiled.

"Can we just go back to you doing your spells?" Twilight sighed.

"Yeah, we've talked about it for a while!" Spike said from his bean bag chair and put down his comic book. "I wanna see something cool!"

Zecora nodded. "I'm intrigued to witness your magic brew, to see the wonders it can strew."

Skystrike nodded. "Alright then. What type of magic do you want to see?"

"Can you turn an apple into an orange like Twilight?" Spike rolled over.

"Well, no, or at least, not with my understanding of magic and my abilities. But I could turn lead into gold because of my understanding of physics."

Twilight's ears perked up. "Interesting... can you do it now?"

"Technically yes, but it'd be dangerous. If you want me to explain it, I'd use my magic to turn the oxygen atoms around the lead into nitrogen. With all of those extra protons, I'd induce proton bombardment onto the lead to turn it into gold. However, that'd require many, many different layers and types of magic. Also, the energy released from that nuclear reaction would be dangerous."

"...I barely understood that." Twilight admitted. "I haven't even heard of nuclear physics."

"You understood that?" Spike asked.

Oh right, they're magic focused. "Sorry, forget that physics isn't studied as heavily here. It'd take too long to explain to you atomic theory and particle colliders and the like... Basically yes I can, but it's dangerous."

"Could you unveil magic with a useful touch, practical spells that would impress us much?" Zecora sat down as she waited.

Skystrike thought about what to do before he clenched his forehooves. Small bolts of electricity jumped from his hooves as it traveled up his arms, into his head, and then down through the rest of his body. He shook off the extra static as his hair stood on end. "There... just... a bit tedious to keep this up."

Zecora tilted her head. "I am a bit confused at the spell you just used?"

"I'm using electricity to speed up my perception speed, as well as increase the nerves in my body to react faster."

"...You... you're-... That's dangerous! Stop it!" Twilight nearly begged.

Skystrike discharged the electricity. "Alright, calm down a bit. Something not dangerous then..." He thought for a bit more, then put his hoof towards Twilight. A weak green aura floated over to her and surrounded her. "There. I gave you a stamina buff. You won't get tired as fast, but you're going to sleep a long while when you go to bed. Sorry, most of my spells are... combat oriented."

"Oh, well... I guess that makes sense." Twilight had to admit.

"Can you show us one? Maybe one I can do?" Spike asked.

Skystrike thought about it for a time, then decided to do something silly. He stood up on his hind legs and put his forehooves to his side, charging energy between them. Then he pushed his hooves forward as he yelled. "HADOKEN!"

Spike saw the slow moving projectile come towards him. He side stepped it, watching it hit the wall. "Cool! And an even cooler name!"

"That's what I'm saying!" Skystrike said as he bro hoofed the baby dragon.

"What do you mean cool? That was silly."

Skystrike looked at her. "Nuh uh!"

"The buck you mean 'Nuh uh'??" Twilight put out the palm of her hoof. Skystrike laughed even harder.

Zecora laughed a bit too. "Skystrike, honesty's key, your name is a tad silly."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Skystrike crossed his hooves. "They're not silly. All of them are sick as hell!"

Zecora had an amused look. "Like your sword you called 'Black wind'? Or the spear called 'Tale's end?"

"Yeah, those go hard!" He defended himself.

"It sounds cringe, is what I'd aver. A sentiment many would echo, I'd wager."

Skystrike roared at the top of his lungs, making them all laugh. He waited for the laugher to die down. "But fine, why don't you and Twilight think of better names? A blue sword for example."

Zecora rubbed her chin in thought. "If I had to choose a name for a sword, what about... 'Cold-Forged'?"

Twilight pitched in with one of her own. "What about 'Storm'? Like lightning."

Spike stood up and stretched. "Personally, I think 'Epilogue' sounds cool."

"You see, Spike, that name goes hard. Name your scythe that."

Spike shook his head. "I already named it 'Crescent Moon'. It looks like one."

"Yeah!" Skystrike picked him up. "That does hard, man! Oh, and I might use that name if you don't mind."

"Sure, go for it."

Zecora jumped in. "Speaking of names, let's take a trip. What is the name you chose for your airship?"

"Oh, I could've sworn I told you. I named her 'Wind Waker'.

Twilight sighed. "I mean... could be better..."

"Twilight, you'd probably offer some obscure name that you have to explain the meaning behind. At least mine are straight forward."

Zecora smirked. "While that probably would occur, don't you have a Zweihander named 'the Throngler'?"

Twilight snickered. "The Throngler? Heheh, that sounds silly. What does it mean?"

"Just to beat the crap out of someone. And while it might sound silly, there's only one way to truly be throngled" Skystrike said the last part with a straight face. Then they all laughed at the absurdity of the word.

Twilight laughed a bit more. "Well, getting back on topic, we were studying how exactly you turn this 'mana' stuff into magic. I haven't read up about it yet, since there haven't been any public copies of Casta's Thesis, but she's court magician for a reason... Can you continue what you were saying?"

Skystrike nodded. "Right. So, not going into my biology, or any super specific fields of science, there's some sort of organ near my heart, or my heart itself, that can convert mana into magic. For example, when I want to use any magic, I first charge my magic, then transfer it to the limb needed to cast that magic."

Twilight wrote it down on a note pad. "And you do this consciously?"

"Yes, though that is part of the reason why I believe that my destruction magic is higher level than the other types. Unicorns are trained to use their magic by focusing it into their horns, so obviously has to go directly through their brain. Because of that, there's a sort of limiter that stops unicorns from using magic too powerful for them, else their brain can get literally fried." Skystrike put out his hooves and casted some weak water spells, making two orbs of water float in the air. "Because it doesn't have to go straight through my brain, that limiter isn't there for me. But... because of the way I was trained, I have an affinity and exclusivity for destruction spells."

"Hmm... I think I get it... and what was the highest tier destruction spell that you've used?"

"If I used them, I'd be in a cell."

Twilight blinked. "Well... what's the highest spell you can use?"

"Uh... spells on the master level. In tandem."

"...Sweet Celestia." Twilight was astounded. "You have to be lying..."

"Well that's why I don't use them or my magic in general."

"I don't... really know what those types of spells can do?" Spike asked.

Twilight gave him an answer. "A single master spell is banned, as a destruction master spell can destroy small towns. Anyway, back to you Zecora. How exactly do your potions work?"

Zecora pulled one out from her bag. "Ways about in its function, diverse and vast, Some draw magic from beings, like a spell being cast. Others absorb the essence, the mystical hue, each brew's spell depends on its magical brew. Primarily for support, their powers do cast, In a myriad of ways, their aid unsurpassed."

Twilight thought for a minute. "Sorry... just... translating it out of rhymes. I... think I got it? I don't know how you do it, Skystrike."

"You get used to it. It's also really fun if you think about everything she says as a rap."

Zecora stared at him. "Bruh."

Twilight carried on. "So, you were talking about support potions... I assume offensive potions are more chemical based, not requiring much magic?"

The zebra nodded. "Indeed, akin to a unicorn's spell so bright, yet with certain items, I can enhance their might."

Skystrike watched as Zecora's and Twilight began asking and answering each others questions. They were talking so fast that he kinda zoned out most of their conversation. Spike walked up to his side. "...Are you gathering anything they're saying?"

"Bits and pieces..." Skystrike admitted. The two boys watched them keep talking for another few minutes. "...Wanna go get some food?"

"Ooh, can we go get tacos?" Spike jumped on his back as Skystrike began to walk out.

"Tacos sound good." Skystrike nodded as they walked. "Anything happened at school? You've been there for a few months now."

"Yeah, it's really fun! Everypony- well most of the ponies are nice. Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon keep picking on me and my friends. Keeps calling them 'blank flanks' and saying mean things."

Skystrike thought for a moment. "There's not... really a good answer I can tell you on how to deal with that. Take it as a life lesson. There are beings that only intend to be hurtful, and using words doesn't fix anything. How we deal with those types of beings defines who we are, who we grow to be."

"Well, how do you think I should deal with them?"

"That's the thing Spike. It's a lose-lose. If you don't act, you're enabling them in a sense. If you do, then it might stop, sure, but it could also get worse. Honestly, the main problem is that your bullies are two of the ponies who's parents have a lot of power in this town... that being said, I can deal with them if I need to. The choice is yours. Just think it through."

"Ok I guess..." Spike thought on if for a minute. "Twilight and Rarity keep saying that they're being mean because they like me."

"Don't listen to that bullshit." Skystrike growled slightly, making the baby dragon flinch. "Sorry, just... bought up some bad memories. They only say things like that because they haven't been on the receiving end. Think about it for a moment. Even if they're right, would you want to be with somepony that treats you like that? And to prove that they're wrong, neither of them have a coltfriend."

"Really? Sweetie Belle told me about a guy named 'Frank'."

Skystrike shook as he internally laughed. "Spike, you're too pure. Do not bring that up around Rarity." Spike gave a confused nod. "Good, moving on, how're the friends that you made? You hang out a lot with Sweetie, Bloom, and Scootaloo."

"Oh yeah! They're fun! Yesterday, we went to Fluttershy's cottage and she was telling us about her animals. Did you know that hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards?"

Skystrike and Spike sat down at the restaurant to get their food. "Really now? Tell me more about what you learned."

Another day passed. Skystrike and Spike enjoyed their guy time, talking over a meal. They decided that they'd make that and a visit to the spa a monthly thing when he got back from his mission. He was glad Spike is around ponies his age. For now, Skystrike, Stardust, and Pinkie Pie were all sitting on a park bench, talking about random things.

Pinkie took a bite of her taffy, chewing it with a smile. "We don't hang out too often! You're always so busy, Skystrike! Thanks for coming to hang out with us!"

"Yeah." Stardust nodded. "For a bit, I kinda thought you were avoiding us."

"Oh, no, not at all. It's just that when my social battery isn't dead, almost everyone else is out doing something or hanging out with someone else." Skystrike explained. "Also, while I was joking back in the capital, I didn't realize how awkward that was for you. I'm sorry."

"Oh, don't worry about that." Pinkie laughed and waved a hoof. "You think too hard about little things." Then her demeanor changed. "Seriously though, what did you mean by 'return on investment'?"

Stardust spit out her drink. "You said WHAT???"

Skystrike laughed a bit. "Well, if you want me to say it, I was complementing you, your sisters, and your mom. She is kinda bad. And I know how this is going to sound, but I mean this in the best way possible: I would've mistaken her for your sister if I didn't know her years prior."

"...I don't-... I don't know how I'm supposed to take that in a good way. It's... implying that my sisters and I look old."

"Yeah, Pinkie, I'm with you. What the buck?" Stardust raised a brow at him.

"Oh, no, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that you ponies just age really well. Like, I honestly can't really tell the difference at times." Skystrike admitted.

"...How old do you think my mom is, Sky?"

"Well, using you and Maud as a basis I'd guess... mid forties?"

"Yeah, in the ball park." Pinkie took another bite of her taffy.

"Skystrike, societal standards have made it so us mares have to keep looking young. By Celestia you're so god damn stupid sometimes." Stardust sipped her water.

"Well excuse~ me, not my fault that stallions have been hyped up so much that you mares have to hold yourself to near impossible standards." He crossed his hooves.

Stardust sighed. "I mean, yeah, but... didn't have to say it like that. I'm going to turn thirty one in a few months. It's already really hard to find a good stallion, let alone one ok with my age."

"You aren't even old!"

"How old is old to you?" Stardust asked rhetorically. "Any mare pushing 35 is considered old."

Skystrike had to think on it. "So that's why Rarity said I was into older mares... Damn, sorry you girls have to go through that bullshit. Your worth as a pony shouldn't be tied to how young you all look, or if you have a stallion or not."

"...That was one of the most realest things you've ever said. Thanks." Pinkie smiled at him.

"Yeah, I appreciate it a lot." Stardust nodded.

"Honestly, I did get quite a bit of attention when I moved to Ponyville years ago back when I first moved here. But since I stopped working on the rock farm, I started gaining weight." Pinkie pulled at her belly fat. "I need to work out..."

Stardust sighed. "Tell me about it. Wasn't until I joined the guard that I started losing weight."

Skystrike leaned back. "I dunno, some guys are into it. Like Carrot Cake... or maybe it's because she counts as a short stack?"

"Oh yeah, fair enough." Stardust put down her now empty cup.

Pinkie Pie pulled another piece of taffy out of her hair. "There aren't many ponies here into it. Figure I should try and change something."

"Another real line then." Skystrike put a hoof into Pinkie's hair and pulled out a boombox, playing some music that made his words sound much more real. "You do not change yourself for others. You must first change yourself for yourself. Those who want you for you will come eventually."

"Well, since we're on the topic..." Pinkie bit into her second piece of taffy. "Mmm... what about you, any mares you fancy?"

"Bruh, I just can't escape this topic, huh?" Skystrike gave a small sigh. "Well, I already said I don't have a type, and you two heard about my 'escapades', but if I had to think on mares I see as an actual option, I don't really know. If someone is able to know and accept the real me, they're an option."

"The real you?" Pinkie tilted her head. "What, are you hiding more of yourself?"

Skystrike looked at the two who awaited an answer... well Stardust, being Elytra, already knew. It was more an answer for Pinkie. "...Pinkie, I hide many parts of myself because I feel like if I get too close, I end up hurting those around me. It's more of a shitty defense mechanism."

"Oh..." Pinkie blinked in surprise. "Well, maybe I'm ok with being hurt."

Skystrike wanted to say 'AYO???' but this was a serious talk. He looked around to see if anypony else was in earshot. Luckily, nopony was. "Pinkie, I... appreciate the sentiment. Trust is... a very hard thing for me to have in beings, but I think I can trust you. I'm-"

"An alien from an alternate universe that's been living as a pony to fit into society but is in a sort of cold war with the government because you're seen as a danger while the alien brethren that you're running from are also after you?"

Skystrike's and Stardust's jaws dropped. Stardust closed her mouth to say "HOW THE BUCK!?"

Pinkie shrugged. "Lucky guess." And then stuck out her tongue with a wink.

"Pinkie, I don't think I will ever get used to you." Skystrike laughed. "But yeah, you're basically right. With your 'power' I guess I don't need to explain all of my backstory. You can just guess, huh?"

"Like how Stardust is a changeling? Probably."

"HOW THE BUCK!?!?" Stardust yelled as she stood up. "YOU'RE NOT NATURAL!! WHAT ARE YOU!?!?"

Skystrike couldn't help but laugh harder. Pinkie hummed as she rocked back and forth. "Don't worry, I wont tell anypony. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

"Well, just so you do know if you wanted to talk about it, Zecora, Tethys, Casta, Stardust, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy know. I'll tell you more about my history later." Skystrike couldn't help but laugh some more.

"If I can ask, Stardust, how did you sneak into the guard?" Pinkie asked.

Stardust blinked. "Oh, sorry, I just... was in shock of your insanity. To answer, I wouldn't be a stealth operative if I couldn't do that."

"So is your ass an illusion too, or is it just that fat naturally?"

Skystrike lost his shit at that as Stardust's blush grew. "It's-... not that big, is it?"

Skystrike mimicked Stardust's voice. "Princess... I'm trying to sneak around.... but I'm dummy thicc. And the clapping of my ass cheeks keep distracting the cadets!"

Stardust slapped him in embarrassment, making Pinkie start snorting. Skystrike did a small show of holding his cheek and face crying like a yoda hand puppet, sniffling to sell it. Stardust couldn't help but join in on the laugh a bit, quickly forgetting her past embarrassment.

Pinkie finished her taffy. "Oh, right, can I ask you something, Sky?"

"Go for it."

"Tethys told us you got with her and Zecora-"

Skystrike already knew where this was going. "You sure you want the answer to that question?"

Pinkie rubbed her chin. "You're right. I got what I wanted anyway!" She said between going back to her usual happy demeanor.

Stardust looked at her. "I can never read that mare."

Skystrike patted Stardust's back. "Honestly, it's easier on the mind to stop trying."

Stardust whispered into Skystrike's ear. "Look, I know you're dense as Tartarus, but you do realize that you basically said Pinkie was an option?"

Skystrike and Stardust turned to look at Pinkie who was rocking back and forth on her butt. "Oh, I guess I did. Eh, not against it. She's a sweet girl... but I'm going to wait until after the gala."

Stardust gave a small smile. "Good to see you at least thinking about it. You deserve to be happy."

Sleep came pretty quickly for Skystrike that day. He enjoyed the last several days with his friends. But for now, he was within his mind, dreaming. He sat in a large field atop a hill in his human form. The wind against his skin felt great, cooling him off. He always found it weird how he could feel in a dream.

But that was besides the point. For now, he waited. The setting sun marked the changing of time, and a presence arriving. He heard decorated hoof steps come towards him. Skystrike turned around to see Nightmare Moon. No words were said as she sat down next to him.

The two sat next to each other, staring at the night sky before Nightmare said. "Skystrike, you're bucking weird."

Skystrike chuckled. "You're in my mind I call my home, yet you complain about how I arrange my furniture?"

For the second time Skystrike's seen, Nightmare Moon gave a small smile. "If I am being honest, I'm more surprised at how guys work... like, you can actually think about nothing, then immediately go to thinking about the most inane, useless things. Why do you need to know how big a waffle you can make?"

"Just because." Skystrike laughed.

"Also, is it just a guy thing that you're constantly horny?"

Skystrike laughed harder. "Haha! Yeah, pretty sure it's a guy thing. Sorry, I'm still not used to both of us being in here."

Nightmare shrugged. "It's alright. At least it's not too weird. I'm just more surprised that less changed since our banishment than I thought."

"Really? Like what?"

"Well, I was going through your memories when you were a colt in Canterlot. The layout of the castle is nearly the same as the now abandoned one. But so much has changed too. The food is so much better!"

"Wait, you can taste what I taste?"

She shook her head. "More that I can remember what the food you ate tasted like... among other things." Skystrike began giggling like a school girl. Nightmare Moon couldn't stifle hers much longer. "There's so much I want to say, so much more I want to see in this new world." She leaned on him, putting her head on his shoulder. "It's been barely over a week, but I can feel myself changing... thank you, Skystrike. For now, I'd like to keep seeing things through your eyes."

"Sure. Just tell me what you want to see. I'll try and go see it." Skystrike kept looking at the horizon. "It's kinda nice with you around."

"You know I can read parts of your mind right?" She used her magic to take off her armor. "You can pet me, just make it quick. I feel naked."

Skystrike did not hesitate pulling her onto his lap and stroking her neck and back. "Oh man, I always wanted to do this. You ponies always looks so soft."

Nightmare moon was a bit embarrassed at first from the sudden petting, but it grew on her is he continued, cooing at the feeling of his hands. "Oooh, your hands are divine... You're lucky you're the only being in this world I could tolerate, else you'd never get this chance..."

"Well, I'm flattered." Skystrike smiled as he brushed her hair. "You're coat is so smooth. Also, I just want to say, you have such a nice mane. If you couldn't tell from the name I chose for myself, I always loved staring at the stars. It's like I'm staring into a nebula."

She giggled. "Quite the charmer, aren't you? Mmfh... move your hand a bit lower." Skystrike did so, moving his left hand right above her tailbone. "As much as I don't like to admit things, I... mmm, have grown to see you in a better light. Maybe when I get out of here, I'll help you out with your problem... How do you plan to get me out of here?"

Skystrike thought about it. "Well, any idea I've had is illegal, but helping you out in the first place probably is anyway... My first idea was to just make a clone or artificial body, then create a link between my mind and the body's, so you can cross over and have that body. But the main problem is how exactly I'd get said body."

"Nngh... by the moon, that feels good." Nightmare cooed. "I suppose that could work if you... ignore the morality... and the next idea?"

"Find a genie."

"Genies are real?"

"We live in a world where two ponies can control the sun and the moon, six control a giant friendship laser, and an alien from an alternate dimension all exist together. I'd be surprised if genies don't exist. Or some sort of wish granting being."

Nightmare was about to say something, but the stimulation she got from her tailbone was amplified from Skystrike suddenly scratching behind her ear. "Unf~!" She moaned.

Skystrike immediately pulled back both of his hands, while Nightmare pushed herself up. The two made eye contact before quickly avoiding each others eyes, turning away and backing up a few feet. Awkward silence fell between them for a long while.

Skystrike cleared his throat. "I'm sorry. I guess I was getting a bit too into it. I pushed a boundary."

"It's... fine... I should've explained to you what it means when you pet a pony there." Nightmare admitted.

Hindsight hit him like a truck. "Oh god, that was sexual?" Nightmare nodded. "FUCK!"

Suddenly, the sky seemed to crack, it growing to span the zenith of the area. The area they were in shattered like glass, returning to the empty void that was normally Skystrike's mind. Princess Luna stood within the void, her glowing white eyes beginning to dim as she no longer needed to use her magic to infiltrate his dream.

"Skystrike, we came as soon as we saw something awry! Are you-" Luna made eye contact with her alter-ego, seeing the two with an awkward tension between them. "You... what did you do to him, Nightmare Moon!?"

"Calm down, Luna nothing happened." Skystrike sighed.

Luna began taking steps towards Nightmare Moon. "The faces thou art making, and her scent upon you tells us otherwise." She glared at Nightmare. "What did you do?"

Skystrike stepped between them. "Luna, you do not want to know. Nothing bad happened."

"I'll be the judge of that." Luna said. Her eyes glowing as she used her magic in an attempt to get into Nightmare Moons's mind.

Skystrike grabbed her by the horn, making her stop in her tracks. "I know you don't like her, but even if she is you, it is still immoral to peak into her mind without her permission."

"Don't stop us, Skystrike. You don't have to protect her because you feel bad! She is a being born of my hatred! She won't change!"

"She's you, Luna!" Skystrike threw her back. "Or at least, a you that you don't want to confront! And look at you! You changed! All I'm doing is giving her the chance you were!" Skystrike cracked his knuckles. "I'm not going to pretend I know the pain that you went through for the past thousand years, but she must be given a chance to change. We must be better than this!"

Luna was about to flare her magic, but at that last sentence, she realized that the human was right. With an annoyed roar, she released all the magic she could straight up, the blue light lighting up his entire dreamscape. She huffed from the sudden expelling of magic. "Fine... then you tell me what happened."

Skystrike sighed and loosened the tension in his body. "Well if you must know... I wanted to pet Nightmare moon. I didn't know where I was touching was sexual. I only found out when she moaned."

Luna spread her wings in surprise and embarrassment, his testimony being confirmed by the growing blush on Nightmare Moons muzzle. "O-oh..."

"Yeah I be you feel real dumb right now." Skystrike crossed his arms.

"...We are sorry, Skystrike."

"Not me who you should be apologizing to, Luna." Skystrike tapped his foot before stepping out of the way.

Luna grit her teeth a bit. "We... apologize to you as well, Nightmare moon."

Nightmare moon shuffled a bit. "It's... fine. I don't blame you..." She admitted as she teleported her armor back on.

Skystrike sighed as he turned his body to stretch. "Great, now that that's solved, how's your vacation going, Luna?"

Her ears perked up a bit. "Oh, well... we are enjoying ourselves. We've decided to stop by Las Pegasus."

"Oh god, is she going for the cocaine and strippers?" Skystrike cracked a smile.

Luna and Nightmare Moon couldn't help but giggle at the memory. "Well, we would be lying if we said she didn't want to go there for that. But to my knowledge, not yet at least."

"Wait, I was joking, she was serious?" Skystrike laughed.

"Only about the strippers. Thou would be surprised how lonely an alicorn can get over the years." Luna sighed.

"Is it the ageless part, or the princess part?"

"A mix of both, but mostly the former for us... It's why we decided to travel as ourselves before our ascension."

"Ah, I get it. You two feel like you can't be your true selves because of your title?"

Luna nodded. "Indeed. It pains me to say it, but hindsight has granted me that not having to deal with politics for a thousand years was... calming."

Nightmare Moon wanted to say something, but held her tongue. It didn't go unnoticed by Skystrike though. Skystrike sighed and put his hands behind his head as he looked up to the void. "Luna, you've done a lot for me, from accepting my humanity knowing what my kind did in the past, to not telling Celestia. I want to know I appreciate you. Saying that... I know what I'm about to ask for is a lot..."

Luna could tell this was serious. She sat down. "You do not have to be afraid to ask us anything. What is it?"

Skystrike sat down too, figuring out how to best word this. "...Over the past couple weeks with Nightmare Moon in my mind, we've been able to share thoughts. Adding to that some... circumstances, I've realized that I cannot hold on to the anger of my past. While I cannot let go of a certain rage towards Blueblood, I've been trying to let go of my anger towards Chrysalis and the hive."

"Well, that's quite noble of you, Skystrike."

"We are kindred spirits, Luna. I say this because you'll live much, much longer than me. I believe it is best for you to try and let go of your anger too."

Luna's brow furrowed a bit. "If thou art trying to say what I think thou is, no. She has done far too much to be forgiven."

Skystrike sighed. "You can't forgive Nightmare Moon for luring you in with the thought of comeuppance? Or you can't forgive yourself for giving in?"

She stood up and stomped her hoof at that, the entirety of Skystrike's mental space shaking. Luna's eyes glowed white in anger, even using her royal Canterlot voice. "DO NOT SPEAKETH UPON A SUBJECT YOU DO NOT KNOW, HUMAN! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT US!?"

Skystrike stood up. "More than you think, less then I should... but enough where I know that this isn't healthy. I know how it is to give in to that urge..." He said sadly. In the next moment, he changed his mental space, the grey void turning to a red one, and dozens of voices rolled in. Luna and Nightmare Moon both looked around, trying to figure out where the voices were coming from.

They recognized the voices. Each one of them were his, Skystrike's, begging, pleading him to listen, with each more violent than the last. "Make them pay!" "This world will abandon you when they learn the truth!" "They're just pretending!" "Fight!" "Kill!" "Slaughter!" "Make them feel the pain you have!"

Skystrike let the voices continue as he did. "I only gave in once, but like you, I see it as the worst mistake I've ever made... I had to protect my friends from Blueblood... I don't regret protecting myself or the others, but... the brutality that I showed, the smile plastered across my face... it disgusted me. I regret it every moment, and I can never forgive myself, but if I wanted to keep living, have a hope for a better tomorrow for myself, I know that I had to accept that part of me, no matter how I viewed it."

The voices of hate screamed at him when he finished. Skystrike closed his eyes as he forced the voices into silence. He felt his ears ringing, and waited for the ringing to stop, as well as his anger to subside. "Haaah~... sorry you had to see that. Just needed to prove that I can at least relate."

Luna stammered. "W-we are sorry..."

"Don't be." Skystrike waved a dismissing hand. "But I showed you that to say that I don't expect you to forgive Nightmare Moon. You're your own pony, and can make your own choices. All I'm saying is that if you truly want to forgive yourself, you need to confront Nightmare Moon."

Luna turned to see her alter, who was staring back at her. They both took slow, hesitant steps towards each other. They stopped about a foot away from each others faces. Nightmare broke the silence between them first. "No matter how much I apologize to you, it does not change the pain that I bought upon you, your sister, your subjects, or your life... I don't blame you for your hatred of me, nor would I blame you if you hate me for the rest of our days. But know that I truly regret what I did."

The princess of the night felt it in her. Maybe because of the sincerity of her words, or because she could tell from Nightmare Moon being her, but she meant it. "...We do not know if we ever can forgive you... but he is right. We have to confront you sooner or later. We cannot continue to blame you for every one of our actions from a thousand years ago. We must take accountability... we must be better." She sighed. "Skystrike, this was an... eye opening talk. For now, Nightmare Moon and I must go. We have much to speak about."

Skystrike watched as the two faded out of existence, the two leaving his mind and going back to Luna's. Skystrike sat in his mind, alone, wondering if he did the right thing at the right time. He hoped that the two of them would get better. He didn't want to lose either.

The grey void slowly turned to black as he stopped his dreamscape and drifted into a deep sleep. Skystrike would check on them next time.

Author's Note:

Got this one out quicker than I thought I would. I enjoyed this one a lot, and hope you did too.

Next couple of chapters will be focusing on the soon to be revealed members of the mercenary group, as well as touching on Tethy's story. Then, the gala.

I also remembered before starting this chapter that the show kind of forgot about Nightmare Moon, and she was kind of replaced with the Tantabus. I want to try exploring Nightmare Moon a bit. She'll come around now and them, as I still need to decide what I want her role to be.

One of the things I want to touch on over the course of this fanfic is touch on characters that should've gotten more screen time, as well as show the daily lives of the characters, rather than when there's a problem all the time. Again, I'm trying to stick to the source, but we all have our own little gripes with the show. Thus, another thing I want to do is make things "better." Though, I won't be doing anything insane.

I might touch on the comics, since I've been going through some of those recently. The comics did a lot of good things, like reforming sombra, that I might include. Of course, depending on what happens, the show gets retconned in a sense.

If any of you read this far, I do want some opinions. How do you think Nightmare Moon should be? Personally, I was thinking of something similar to Discord, not being fully reformed, but not evil.

Thanks for the read, I'll see you all next time!