• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,452 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...

Trouble in Canterlot

Skystrike had just woke up from his overnight trip to the equestrian capital. He was sitting on one of the train benches when he awoke. He wiped the sleep out of his eyes and yawned before sticking his face out of the window. He could see Canterlot in the distance as the wind brushed against his face. He looked around, seeing a few passengers still asleep. It seemed that it would be another hour before the train arrived at its destination. He decided to keep himself busy by sharpening his swords against his armored hoof. A scraping sound was heard as he rubbed the metal together. He let out a tired sigh as he thought about what happened yesterday. He looked over the letter that Celestia sent her.

Dear Skystrike Nebula,

It has been some time since we’ve seen each other.
I ask of you to come to Canterlot to meet
With Princess Luna and I over a cup of tea.
I have attached a train ticket for your departure.
I believe the train leaves this afternoon.
My apologies if you had any plans for this evening.
I have also assigned an escort to meet you
When the train arrives.
I have also prepared a place for you to stay
During your visit here.

Princess Celestia

He could remember each of the ponies reactions when he told them he had to go. Rarity was begging him to bring one of her outfits, saying his armor was not fit for a meeting with a princess. Twilight was hyperventilating, worrying of what could go wrong after what happened with Nightmare Moon. Applejack and Fluttershy wished him luck. Pinkie remembered that she still hadn't given him a welcome party, so she’d give him the best welcome back party ever. Rainbow Dash hoped that he would get the wonderbolts on her good side if he met them. Each one of them met him at the station that evening, even Derpy and Bon bon came to say goodbye. The former gave him a basket of muffins to eat on the train ride. He thanked each of them before leaving.

The train was about 10 minutes away from Canterlot as the passengers were awaken by the loud root of the train’s whistle. They began to prepare their luggage as Skystrike looked around. Remembering Rarity’s gift, he pulled it out of his bag and opened the box. It was neatly folded, and seemed almost exactly the way he asked, A blue that faded gradually into a black. The only difference was that it seems that the blue parts had glitter mixed into the dye. The four pointed star was still the same, the white circle around it with the blue surrounding it. He put it around his neck, keeping it in place with the two steel rings that were attached to said cape. He pulled to out with one hoof to look at it once more. He reminded himself to thank Rarity and Sweetie Belle later. Right now, he was forced to spend the next 5 days in Canterlot doing who knows what. The train finally came to a stop with the last blow if it’s whistle. He ate the last muffin Derpy gave him and stepped of the train, the passengers walking around him pulling their suitcases. He checked his bag to see if he had left anything.

“Excuse me, are you Atlas Nebula?” He was interrupted by a feminine voice. He looked up to see a mare with a almost white coat and sky blue mane. She wore a spartan-like helmet that her hair hung down from, as well as a golden chestplate that covered her whole body, save for the legs. Her hooves were covered by golden shoes, the front going up to her ankles. She had rose red eyes, which currently, were looking directly into his navy blue.

“Yes, that's me. I’m guessing you’re my escort, miss?” He said as he closed his bag with his wing.

“My name is Stardust, sir!” She said confidently, saluting him.

“Just call me Nebula, none on that ‘sir’ stuff.” He said as he put his hoof on hers, trying to lower her salute. He failed.

“I cannot do that sir!” She said keeping her salute on her head. “I was ordered by Princess Celestia to treat you with the utmost respect, as well as to follow every order while you stay here!”

Skystrike couldn't tell if this was serious or one of Celestia’s jokes. “So, you're supposed to listen to any order I give you?” He questioned.

“Yes sir!”

“Then I order you to refer to me as Nebula.”

“No sir! Princess’ orders!”

He sighed as he stretched his wings, a cracking sound coming from them. He checked his wings, making sure the tips had their razors on them, also making sure they were sharp. “Alright, i’m guessing we go to the castle?”

“Yes, sir! Right this way, sir!” Stardust said before she began walking away from the train station and into the capital. Skystrike quickly trotted up to her and began walking next to her. As the two walked through the city with her, he realized that the city barely changed since his first visit all those years ago. He looked around to look at the ponies walking by. Each of them wore formal clothing and held their heads high, ignoring most passerby. Some occasionally gave Skystrike a look before turning their heads to continue doing whatever they were doing. He combed his hoof through him mane in annoyance.

“So, Stardust, what do you find fun?” He asked trying to make small talk.

“Whatever you find fun, sir!” She said said.

“Ok, what do you do in your spare time?” He asked, trying to get a real answer.

“I practice my swordsmanship sir!” She responded.

He nodded. “You’ll have to show me later after the meeting with the princess.”

They walked further towards the castle, crossing the moat that divided the castle from the city. As he got closer, the royal guard stepped out of their way so that he could enter the castle They walked through the castle hallways, passing large wooden doors that lined them. They stopped before an even larger pair of wooden doors that were guarded by 10 unicorn guards. They stepped to the side, two of the guards lit up their horns and pulled on the handles of the door, slowly opening it. Skystrike and Stardust walked into the throne room. Its ceiling was high enough for a large dragon to fit in, being held up by dozens of pillars, even more royal guards ponies standing in front of them. Both Celestia and Luna stood up from their their thrones as the two came closer. They stopped in front of the princess’ and Stardust bowed.

“What’s up.” Skystrike said as he stood there. Loud gasp could be heard from both Stardust and the guards in the room, all while Celestia was giving him a cold glare.

“What are you doing?” A pegasus guard spoke up. “Bow!”

Skystrike took out one of his wings and held it under his head. He positioned one of his finger-like feathers and put one under his chin and his thumb-feather under his cheek, being careful not to cut himself with his tipped feathers. He hummed to himself before giving an answer. “Naw.”

A grey unicorn with a silver mane and tail stepped out from the crowd of gods. His only armor was some silver shoes and body armor. He gave Skystrike a stern glare. “The princess has invited you to meet her. Show some respect.” He remembered this stallion from all those years ago. He was the pony that questioned him while he was in the Canterlot dungeon. He was going to have some fun.

“To be fair, I could have sent the letter and ticket back because it never said I had to come, but that would be rude, so here I am.” He said with a smug grin, though the unicorn wasn't able to see it through his helmet.

“How dare you!” He said getting up in Skystrike face, who was currently slouched over. “Do you have any idea who you're speaking to?”

Skystrike let out a yawn before standing up straight, looking down on the unicorn. “I could care less who you are. There are few of high power that I respect. Prove to me your strength, and you will get the respect you wish for.”

“Then i’ll have to take you up on that offer.” He said as Skystrike raised an eyebrow. “I, General Magnus of the royal guard challenge you to a duel!” He said as he pointed a hoof at him. Everypony’s eyes widened, including the princess’. “If I win, you will show the princess’ the utmost respect. If I lose, I will let this slide.”

“Wait!” Luna said trying to stop the confirmation of the duel.

“Don't worry Luna. This isn't the first fight I have been in, nor will it be the last.” He assured her before he turned to Celestia. “You do realize what’s at stake, don't you?” He asked.

“What do you mean, Nebula?” She asked confused, although still keeping her glare..

“If I win, i'm sure it’ll lower the moral of the guard. That being said, it is very disrespectful to and nor do I plan on losing purposely. With knowing that, will you allow this duel?”

A moment of silence went past as she thought for a moment. “Thinking that far ahead, my goodness… Yes. The duel will be held tomorrow at noon in the Canterlot coloseum. I hope that is to your liking?”

“Couldn't be better. I could barely sleep on the train anyway.” He said as he tapped Stardust on her shoulder. “I’ll have Stardust here lead me to my quarters. I suppose you’ll want to meet with me later, Celestia, Luna?”

They nodded before they stood up from their thrones and left from a door behind them.

Skystrike, Luna, and Celestia were sitting around a tea table, quietly sipping their tea and eating cake. A moment of silence went by until one of the princess’ spoke up.

“Why did you pick a fight with Magnus earlier? Now you’ll lose your status that you've build up.” Celestia said as she sipped her tea.

“Why do you think i’ll lose to him, so easily? Just because I cant use magic doesnt make me helpless.” He said slightly annoyed. “Wasn't trying to pick a fight anyway. I was just saying that i'm not going to respect you anymore or any less than your average pony just because of your social status.” He sipped his own tea.

“But should a pony be respected by their power? They must make a lot of decisions that affect their ponies.” She said putting down her her tea cup before cutting a rather large slice of cake for herself.

“And because of those decisions, I respect them off of what decisions they've made, no matter how big or small. You fuck up, my respect is gone.” He looked up from his tea to see Celestia to see her cutting herself another slice.

“Apart from thous show earlier, thou is quite admirable.” Luna said speaking up. “Ever since our meeting in Ponyville, we have tried to learn much about thee, but barely anything has came up?”

“That’s because I leave before questions can be asked. I’m sure you heard of the group of travelers, ‘stormcloak’?”

“They disbanded a few years ago, I believe?” Celestia said, covering her mouth as she finished another slice of cake.

“I believe so. Twas a group of nearly every race in this world.” Luna said as she raised her tea cup with her magic.

“Yes. We had many. We consisted of an earth pony, pegasus, unicorn, dragon, hippogriff, griffon, diamond dog, avian, changeling, and zebra. I was the founder and leader of said group.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. “A changeling? They're extremely dangerous and untrustworthy and could attack at any moment!”

“Each one of us could've as well. But we didnt believe that things that their race did in the past should affect who they are. For example, I don’t believe you judge ponies now, despite that they nearly went to war in the founding of equestria. Besides, she helped a lot in stealth missions.”

“What dost thou mean?” Luna asked confused.

“There were only three times that you could see all of us together. When we finished missions, when we’re at each others funerals, or when we fought an enemy that was too powerful. That hasn't happened yet, anyway.” He said in a serious tone. “We mostly worked in groups. I was in each one, due to my abilities, and she, along with me and the other ponies were stealth ops.”

“So you specialize in sneaking about? I don't see where that would be useful.” Celestia said stopping from her cake.

“There were a number of corrupt nobles and generals in the past, as well as royal guardsmen in Canterlot. Both I and the changeling were able to easily disguise as the royal guard and expose stop them from the shadows.” He said as he closed his eyes. “Sad to say, on one occasion, we had to take one's life due to proof that he was planning on assassinating you.”

The room grew silent as he finished his sentence. “If we may ask, what caused thou to disband?” Luna asked.

“We all were attacked by a group of trained assassins called Hydra. They were a group of 10 that attacked us, and there were more outside of battle. Everyone got out mostly unharmed except for a few. The diamond dog lost an hand, so I had to give him a metal one. The avian lost her foot, so she made herself a peg leg, the griffon lost an eye and had a grandson to take care of, so he retired, and I held them off while the others escaped to safety.”

He waved his hoof, his armor falling off, and his helmet turning into a collar. He was covered head to hoof in scars, large stab marks all over his abdomen and deep cuts on his legs. Parts of his hair that was under his helmet was grey from the scars on his head. He had a small scar on his neck, seeming to just barely cut his throat. Both of the princess’ had looks of horror on their face.

“I was too afraid of my power back then, so I held back. My friends almost died because of me. I disbanded them because of that reason. Out of my own rage, I killed each one of the assassins and hunted down the ones in hiding, knowing who they were by a tattoo of a hydra somewhere on their body.” He waved his hoof, the pieces of metal levitating towards him and snapping back together. “That was three years ago. I do not regret the lives that I have taken, but I do have pity on their souls. That is why I accepted Magnus’ challenge. I’m not afraid of my power anymore, and I will prove it during our duel tomorrow.” He sighed as he stood up, getting ready to leave. “You must realize, I respect you either way, I just won't call you by your titles or bow until i see you as worthy for me to bow my head.” He said as he opened the door. “And Celestia, no offense, but you might want to lay off the cake a little.”

“It’s all going to that ass, so it’s not that bad.” Echo said out of nowhere. Luna bursted out laughing as Celestia’s face turned a deep red.

“Im turning off your ability to speak until we’re alone.” Skystrike said as he pulled up the settings.

“You can silence me but you can't silence the tru-” He was cut off by the voice setting being muted.

Skystrike looked at Celestia who was still blushing, then Luna who was on the floor laughing. Then at Stardust who was standing at the door. ”We have to go. I wanna explore the city.” He said before trotting away, Stardust following behind.

“Yes sir!”

Skystrike and Stardust were currently walking around Canterlot. Skystrike was currently going off of memory as to where he wanted to go. They were currently walking in silence, being able to hear the rustling of his armor as he walked.

“Sir, if I may ask, what were you thinking back there?” Stardust asked breaking the silence.

“You think i didn't notice you or the other guards eavesdropping?” He said with a chuckle. “You always have to be aware of your surroundings.”

“But sir, I think you’re underestimating General Magnus! He-”

“Trained Shining Armor, i know. I used to spar with him before he was captain. He was good, and I hope that he’s gotten better.”

“You're still underestimating him, sir! He has never lost a battle one on one to anypony!”

“Then i’ll be the first.” He said with a grin. “Besides, no one has ever documented any fights i've been it, except me of course. They don't know how strong I am.”

“Well how many fights have you been in, sir?” She asked curiously. In response to this, Skystrike pulled out a thin book and handed it to her.

“In that book is almost every fight i’ve been in, including the date and who i was against.”

She quickly began to skim through it as her eyes shrunk in realization. “I can't believe these. They seem too vague to be true.

“I wrote down every fight and drew pictures of the creatures I fought. Each has its own separate book.” He said as he pulled out another thin book. “Here’s one where I fought a Tatzlwurm.”

Her eyes widened as she stuttered and failed to speak, making Skystrike laugh. “I’ll tell you more about my battles at another time. We arrived.” He said as he stopped walking. They both looked in front of them to see a donut shop.

“Sir, if you wanted some donuts, the royal guard could've had it delivered to you?” She said raising an eyebrow.

“The donuts are just an added bonus. I’m here to see some ponies. We used to meet here every wednesday. If they're still friends, then they should be coming in few minutes.” He said as he looked at the clock in his helmet. “Wanna get a donut? My treat.” He pulled out a small bag of bits.

She nodded as they walked in the door, there was a ring of a bell as Skystrike opened it.. “Just a minute!” A stallion’s voice could be heard from the back. The clanking of bowls and silverware could be heard as he came out to the counter. He had a light amber coat and a moderate orange mane. He had grey hooves and a horn, mentioning he was a unicorn. “Welcome to… Well if it isn't Atlas Nebula, my favorite customer!” He said as he greeted his old friend. “I see you finally got a marefriend!”

Stardust let out a blush. “We’re not dating!” She yelled obviously embarrassed.

“Nice to see you too, Joe. She already knows who I really am.” He said as they gave each other a brohoof. “How’s business going?”

“It’s been great since that investment you made all those years ago. Thanks to you, I was able to buy this place! I can't thank you more!” He said thankfully. “I’ll give you the usual, on the house! And for your friend?”

“Um… A chocolate donut with sprinkles please…” She asked, still flustered. Donut Joe nodded before going under the counter into the glass display case. He put Stardust’s order into a small paper bag and set it on the counter. He then went back under and pulled out a large paper bag. He began putting various donuts and donut holes into the bag before handing the bag to Skystrike.

“There you go, one of each!” He laughed. “I know how much you eat!”

The doorbell could be heard as the hoof steps of three ponies could be heard as they entered the shop. They stopped as they made eye contact with Skystrike, or Atlas Nebula to them.

“Looks like I remembered correctly.” Skystrike said as he put the large bag on a table.

“Do we know you?” The unicorn with a maya blue coat and periwinkle mane and tail with a pigment blue streak and blue eyes asked as she took a weary step back.

“Oof, im so hurt. You don't remember me after all these years, Minuette.” He said sarcastically.

“How do you know us?” The unicorn with a yellow coat, a cerulean mane and tail with a lighter tail streak, and raspberry eyes asked as she took a step forward.

“Aw, and I even spent time to come meet you here. Mah feewings are a hurted, Lemon Hearts” He said as he laid a hoof against the wall as he looked away from them as Donut Joe laughed hard.

The unicorn with an ivory coat, curly pink mane and tail and electric blue eyes spoke up. “Just tell us who you are!” She yelled at him.

Skystrike chuckled to himself as he took off his helmet after making sure the store was empty. The three gasped as he greeted them. “Long time no see, girls. How have you been?”

A moment of realization went by until Minuette jumped on him, knocking him over with a hug.

“Oh my gosh! It’s been so long!” She said, tightening her grip around his neck..

“It has. Almost 6 years, right?” Twinkleshine asked as she peeled Minuette off of him.

“What happened to you? We looked everywhere but we couldn't find you!” Lemon Hearts asked as she gave him a hug of her own.

“I was outside equestria for a little, then came back and went under an alias to hide from some ponies.” He said as he got his bag and pulled out a donut. “You guys want some? We did this every week when I went to school here.” They gladly accepted. The group including Stardust sat down at one of the tables in the shop.

Twinkleshine took one from the bag before the group sat down. “You’ve gotten huge, Skystrike. You’re as tall, if not taller than Princess Luna!” She laughed as the others joined in.

“Why do you think I eat so much? This body needs fuel.” He said as he ate a blueberry donut in one bite. “And you can tell by this armor, but i've been working out, so that’s more fuel I need.”

“And when did you take up swords?” Asked Minuettee as she pointed to his swords.

“I actually was self taught and have been practicing since I was 3. And swords aren't the only things I use. Heh, one time I used a horned helmet in a fight.” He laughed to himself.

“Speaking of fights, did you hear about the fight General Magnus will have tomorrow? They haven't named the other fighter yet.” Lemon Hearts said as she put down her donut on a napkin.

“We were asked by the challenge to not disclose his identity.” Stardust said as she got over her earlier embarrassment.

“Oh yeah, we didn't get your name earlier. You're lucky to get a stallion like Skystrike.” Minuette said as Stardust’s blush came back.

“First off, i’m flattered. Second, her name is Stardust, and she’s not my marefriend, she’s my escort. Besides, if you thought she was, probably wasn't a good idea to hug and snuggle me.” He ate another donut.

“Well it doesn't matter since that new law.” Minuet defened.

“What law? If it’s recent, then I probably don't know it, traveling all the time.”

“We’ll get back to that. Where are you living now?” Twinkleshine asked as she finished her donut.”

“I bought some land and built a house in Ponyville.”

“How’s Lyra doing?”

“Lyra’s in Ponyville?” He stood up from his chair.

“I figured you met her already.” Lemon Hearts.

“For the first month, ponies avoided me because of my looks. I actually made my first acquaintances the day I came, but it was just delivering mail to a mail carrier.” He took out another donut. “Now, what's this about a new law?”

Twinkleshine let out a sigh, “You're gonna need to calm down for this. I’m sure you noticed that mares outnumber stallions nearly 10-1.”

“Yeeeeeeeeees?” He said as he side eyed her, taking a bite of a glazed donut..

“Because of that, The princess and the nobles realized a huge population problem.” She continued. “As of three years ago, because of the population issue, stallions are able to have more than one spouse.”

Loud coughs and wheezes were heard from Skystrike as he choked on his donut. He got a glass of water to drown down the food in his throat. He took deep breaths before answering. “WHAT!?” The girls laughed. “I should've expected this, but the fuck!” They laughed harder.

“So far, they don't have a limit to how many you can have, either” Lemon Hearts said with a grin.

Skystrike breathed heavily before recomposing himself. “You girls should come visit me at my house some time. Imma go practice my swords, see you at the duel tomorrow!” He said quickly before awkwardly trotting out the store, leaving his friends laughing behind him.

Skystrike walked into a large circular arena. The crowd was oddly silent as he came out from his side of the colosseum. He looked around to see the crowd. There was two halves of the arena, one for the royal guard, and the other for commoners. In the middle of both were a seating section for nobles, and above that were three thrones, two were occupied. Each of the nobles below the two princess’ were giving him a strange look aside from one with a monocle. He looked at the commoner crowd to see Donut Joe, Twinkleshine, Minuette, and Lemon Hearts, all having looks of extreme surprize, realization, and confusion. He gave them a slight wave before making sure his mask and armor isn't loose. He looked around the guards area to see them all giving him harsh glares. He saw Stardust in the front row giving him a smile and a salute. He looked straight ahead to see Magnus come out of his tunnel. Skystrike gave him a bored look as Magnus returned it with an angry glare, as if he had something personal against him.

“Surprised you didn't apologize by now.” Magnus said as he stood tall.

“I’m surprised you didn't run.” Skystrike replied as he stretched out his wings from under his cape, revealing his bladed feathers. Magnus’ glare deepened as he gritted his teeth. “There is nothing left to say. We will hear each other's words through battle.”

Celestia stood up from her throne and spread out her wings before addressing the audience. “Welcome all, to the Canterlot coliseum! As you know, a duel will be held today between General Magnus of Canterlot, and Atlas Nebula of unknown origin. This duel will continue until one of you are knocked unconscious, rendered immobile, or receives a fatal wound! Do you two agree to these terms?”

“I do.” They both said.

“Battle, begin!” She shouted as the crowd roared, mostly in support for Magnus.

Magnus drew a steel sword from his sheath with his magic and held it in front of him. Skystrike flapped his wings, as he stood on his hind legs. His armor folded out, creating his look of the dragon, exactly the same as the fight with Nightmare moon. The crowd gasped as he did this, but he wasn't done yet. From under his cape was four longswords that had 10 foot chains attached to the hilt of each sword. The swords were razor sharp and glowing blue, being able to slash and peirce. The blade had hooks on the end, being able to latch onto anything it’s forced into.He drew all four, holding one in each of his claw-like hands. The other two were laying on his back, the chains being attached to a swivel joint under his cape.

Without hesitation, Magnus shot a red, burning magic blast at him. Skystrike ran at it, swords in tow, before using the flat of his blade to slap the blast to his right. It scorched the wall as it landed. Skystrike rose his other sword and tried at an overhead slash, it being stopped as sparks came from the clash between Magnus’ sword and his own. He spun his body over him delivered a hard kick to the unicorn’s side, sending him flying into the wall. Magnus got up and breathed heavily as Skystrike ran at him. Magnus swung his sword horizontally, a magic wave coming out and zooming towards the pegasus. Skystrike gave his wings a heavy flap before rocketing over it. He threw one of his longswords at him, only for it to be intercepted by a magic barrier. The sword bounced off, breaking the barrier. Skystrike quickly threw another sword at him, grazing his back leg as blood fell from the wound. Skystrike landed on the ground before taking the two swords in his hands and throwing them at Magnus again. Magnus side stepped and prepared a magic blast, only to be stopped by Skystrike pulling on the chains. A neon blue trail followed the swords as they ran into Magnus’ side, denting his armor as he was sent flying again. Magnus caught himself before falling over. He stood up again, obviously tired from the beating he received, though Skystrike wasn't tired at all. He threw his swords into the ground and crossed his arms. A gust of wind went by, his cape flapping with it.

“Prepare yourself!” He taunted, making Magnus grit his teeth.

“I could say the same to you!” He shouted back before sending a barrage of small magic blast at him. Skystrike picked up his swords and helt up the one in his right hand. He let out some of the chain before moving his arm in a circular motion, the sword spinning in response. He walked forward as he spun his sword, Magnus sending a barrage of magic at him. The spinning sword seemed to make a circular blue shield as the magic ran into the sword. He stopped the spinning before letting out the full length of the chains. The chains under his cape was retracted as his equipped swords’ chains now about 20 feet long. He threw the swords behind him before pulling the chains in front of him, the swords arcing at Magnusband delivering a cross slash, shattering his chestplate. As it fell off, a look of anger appeared on Skystrike face. Everypony in the stadium gasped as they saw a large scar on his chest. In the shape of a Hydra’s head.

“So the truth has been exposed…” Magnus said as he looked at Skystrike. “Nice to see you again after all these years, Atlas Nebula.”

“So you're the sole survivor, then. I’m disappointed that I let one of you live.” Skystrike scoffed as he evened out the chains.

“I’ve waited so long for my vengeance. Because of you, my brothers and sisters are dead. I am alone because of you!” Magnus shouted as he picked up his sword again.

“And because of you, my friends, no, my family, have to live with something they can never get back. I’ll give you a fate worse than theirs.” Skystrike said as he looked at the princes’. “Celestia, Luna, the duel is called off. One question though.” He pointed his sword at Magnus. “Dead or alive?”

“We need him alive.” Celestia said before she addressed everyone. “Everypony, you don't need to worry. I have faith in Atlas Nebula.”

“It wont be that easy!” Magnus shouted before taking out a pendant. It had the shape of a phoenix with a small blue crystal in the center. He put it on with a devilish grin as his eyes glowed blue.

“Just because you have stat boost…” Skystrike lunged at him. “Doesn't give you an advantage!”

Magnus shot large flaming blast at him at a fast pace, only for Skystrike swinging his swords faster, cutting through each blast as the blades absorbing the magic. He tried to kick Magnus, only for him to jump out of the way. His speed and magic increased significantly, as expected of the phoenix amulet. In mid air, Magnus charged up a spell, only to be interrupted by Skystrike throwing a sword at him. He missed purposely before waving the chain, the sword and chain wrapping around him. Skystrike stabbed the two hanging swords into the ground and ther the fourth sword at the unicorn, it also wrapping around him, locking his legs in place. He turned around and pulled on the chains with amazing strength, sending Magnus plummeting into the ground. A puff of dust went up as he landed. He got air back into his lungs before sending an electric shock through the chains. Skystrike was paralyzed by the current going through his arms, but he powered through it and succeeded in sending it back at him, a scream in pain being the outcome. He pulled the chains back as they untangled, a still conscious Magnus coming with them. Skystrike short hopped and hit him directly in the chest with a double kick. Cracks could be heard as some of his ribs broke. Blood was pouring from his mouth, staining his grey coat.

“Mercy…” He pleaded to Skystrike, only for him to pick him up by his hair.

“You’ve got some nerve asking for that.” He growled. “Where was the mercy for that griffon when you slashed his eye? Where was the mercy for the avian when you cut off her foot!?” He was now screaming as his eyes were glowing brighter. “Where was the mercy when you cut off the Diamond dogs’ hand!? You want me to give you something that you wouldn't?!”

Skystrike sent him into the air with a strong uppercut. He jumped into the air and hovered there, all the while he was delivering punches and kicks, keeping Magnus there, blood coming out his mouth. He quickly flew backwards and let out his longswords. He held onto the chains and span sideways, the blades cutting Magnus as they passed. He stopped his spinning before grabbing two chains in each hand, the swords all next to each other.

“CLEAVER!!” He yelled as he brought down all four swords on him. A fiery explosion was seen as he released the magic the swords absorbed. He flew down and landed to see a beaten, burnt, and unconscious Magnus below his feet. He sighed as he walked up to him as took of the phoenix amulet. He checked his pulse. He was alive. He looked around the crowd to see everypony, including the princess’ gave him fearful looks. He walked up to Magnus and looked down on him.

“He’ll wake up in a few hours. Treat his wounds or let him die, I don't care. I’ll be in my room.” He said before turning his armor back into its pony form and sheathing his swords. He flew towards the castle.

The darkness in his room was overwhelming. It was pitch black, the only light that could be seen was the glow of his helmet’s inner visor. Skystrike sat in silence as he took in what he just did. Out of his own rage, he beat a pony until he could barely move. It may have been justified, but his heart felt heavy. He laid down on his bed and looked at the ceiling. He needed to find a way to slow, if not stop, his wrath. There was no question that he should, but it was rather if he could. He let out a sigh as he made up his mind. He would not let his emotions overcome him, no matter the cost. That was the promise he made to himself.

“Skystrike?” The call of his name could be heard from the other side of the door. It was Celestia.

“It’s open.” He said. She pulled on the handle, the outside light poured in more and more as the door opened.

Celestia, Luna, Stardust, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, and Twinkleshine all walked into the room. Skystrike sat up and looked at them, not saying a word. Minuette walked forward a few steps. “Why didn't you tell us you were going to fight? Do you not trust us?”

“If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't have met you at our meet up spot, nor would I have shown you my face.” He said before giving her a glare. His eyes wavered in color before staying its normal blue. “I didn't tell you because you would've wanted me to forfeit due to a mixture of my safety and your ignorance of my skill.”

“Your ‘skill’ almost killed a pony. You could've held back.” Luna said somewhat annoyed.

“You ponies don't know true strength. He was holding back.” Echo spoke up, surprising the three unicorns. “He used just enough strength to overpower him. I’m surprised you lot haven't realized yet.”

‘...Is what he’s saying the truth?” Celestia questioned and gave him a weary look, only for Skystrike to nod in response.

“I’ve held back more than you realize.” He chuckled to himself. “It got annoying to open doors without breaking the handle. But you can trust me not to abuse it. If I wanted to, I would've blackmailed you years ago.” Celestia’s eyes shrink at his statement. “I got three days left before I go. I’ll try to be discreet.” He said as he layed back down on his bed. “I’ll see you girls in the morning.” He rolled away from them. A few moments passed before the sound of hoof steps could be heard leaving him room before the door closed slowly. It seemed that he made more trouble for himself. He cursed under his breath before forcing himself to sleep. He knew that they wouldn't come see him again. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last time he lost some friends due to fear.