• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,451 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...

Tell me, how does one... "Party"?

"Happy Birthday, Naga!" Skystrike said, walking into the basalisk's cave. "It's the big day! Pinkie Pie said she's setting up the party, and Rarity is finishing your clothes!" He continued to call out to her as he walked deeper in. Turning a corner, he gazed upon Naga constricting a rather large Manticore in preperation for her meal.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to interupt..." Skystrike said as he stopped in place. The Manticore fell lifeless from strangulation before Naga swallowed it whole. Once finished, she gave a friendly chirp to Skystrike before slithering onto her rather large nest. The pegasus flew over and layed beside the tamed beast. "So, I assume you had a good meal. I can't cook you anything with meat, since, you know, we'll have guest over. I do hope you'll like the clothes Rarity is finishing for you... Well, not really sure if it counts as clothes, since it's kinda a long sleeve." Skystrike scratched his chin.

Naga cooed and rubbed her head against him. Her scales were surprisingly smooth.

"Oh yeah, so any idea how many ponies are even coming?" Skystrike asked.

She clicked her tounge 3 times.

"Around thirty? Damn, you're more popular than I thought." He looked at her in surprise. "...I wonder what it'll take for you to be the town mascot..." He spoke to himself. "Anyhow, your clothes will be here in a few hours. Rarity said she'll be done around 3 p.m.

Naga nodded and wrapped the tip of her tail around Skystrike, picking him up and nuzzling him.

"Hey, careful! Static fric-... OW! Mother fucker!" he said as his hoof was shocked as he went to push himself off of her. "Damn... you lucky I like you." He said as he shook his hoof. "Anyway. I'll let you rest. I need to go check up on some stuff. I told Rarity the way here. She and Fluttershy will come by with your clothes." Skystrike said as Naga put him down. Naga nodded before curling up, ready to take a nap. "Alright, I'll see you later."

Skystrike walked out of Naga's cave and began making his way towards Zecora's hut, just to double check everything the two made in preperation for his trip. He was about to take off into the air before realizing that the Everfree Forest is nearly pitch black on the inside. There was no chance he would see her hut from above. Deciding to stay on the path, he walked deeper into the Everfree, following the path and making sure to not touch any poisin joke. Even armored, he didn't want to test his luck.

After a few minutes, he stopped in front of the Zebras house and knocked on her door. After a moment, Zecora swung open the door to greet Skystrike.

"Greetings, my friend. It is nice to see you again." Zecora smiled at him.

"...That barely rhymes... Anyway, just came to chat and check up on the stuff for the mission tomorrow. So, how's it going?" Skystrike asked as Zecora stepped to the side to let him in.

"I am doing well, my friend. Just writing some things down, I have a letter to send." She answered.

"Oh, cool. Where to? Your lover~?" He teased.

Zecora turned to look at him. "Skystrike, do you remember how we met?"

A younger Skystrike made his way towards Horseshoe Bay. He decided to take a break from his travels in Baltimare. He wore the same helmet, however he wore light armor compared to his current heavy armor. He wore silver boots on his hooves and a silver chest plate, allowing for greater mobility for a coming mission he had to do. But he didn't want to think about that. Right now, he wanted to relax, listen to the sound of the waves crashing agains the docks. Walking by the many crates and ponies running on the dock, something caught his eye. A zebra walked down the ramp of a docked ship, large saddlebags on each of her sides. She walked in Skystrike's direction, not paying attention to where she was going as she had a book in her hoof.

"Huh, first Zebra I've seen in this world. Neat." He thought to himself. He looked away towards the waves, deciding to take in the view of the ocean. He sat in silence for a moment before something bumped into his side. Out of the corner of his eye, something was about to fall into the water below. On instinct, he leaned out to, and thankfully did, catch it.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you, twas an act of folly!" The zebra apologized.

Skystrike took a look at the object he caught. A book on magic. "Don't worry about it. So, what's a zebra like yourself doing in Equestria? And on top of that, studying magic?" He asked, handing the book back to the zebra.

She took the book back then looked at Skystrike. "Well, for both of those questions, the answer is the same. To study and harness magic is my game."

"Huh... interesting. Never figured anypony other than a unicorn would want to harness magic." He smiled. "Seems we have similar goals. I actually travel around from place to place, gathering magical artifacts myself."

The Zebras eyes lit up in interest. "Would it be too much to ask to come with you? In this new country, I've much to learn and do."

"Really? Figured you'd have somepony waiting for you here..." He said as he thought. "...You sure? It'll be pretty dangerous, and my group is quite diverse to say the least."

"I am sure." She answered as she put out a hoof. "I'm quite excited at the thought of adventure."

Skystrike took her hoof and shook it. "Well, welcome to All. You'll fit right in. What's your name?"


"And then you screamed like a banshee as soon as you saw Tethys." He laughed.

Zecora giggled thinking back to that moment. "Well, I ask the question because I've been thinking. And to be honest, it's been giving me a feeling that's sinking."

Skystrike processed what he heard for a moment. "Oh... well, what's up?"

Zecora leaned over her cauldron. "When I met you as a youth, I didn't tell you the whole truth. I came to Equestria not only to study magic. There is more, quite sad, yet not quite tragic." She stared at the cooling liquid before continuing. "I came to Equestria to escape my past. Though, by leaving, the relationships I had did not last. My... friends, if I could call them that, did not support my goal. They thought of it as just the ramblings of a naive foal. When I came to this country, I expected hostility. But when you came and offered me an opportunity, I was happy that somepony gave me a chance. One who didn't find my dream silly." Zecora turned to face Skystrike. "For that, I must say thank you."

Skystrike looked at her for a moment before responding. "Well, you're welcome, Zecora. I don't feel like I did that much, but I see it was a huge impact on you." He smiled at her. "...But since we're admitting stuff, I need to come clean about something. Sorry to ruin the mood, but this mission gives me a bad feeling. It's like... it came at too convenient of a time. Like something planned for me to come."

"Are you sure you aren't being paranoid?"

"There have been very few times where a gut feeling of mine has been wrong. I don't mean to worry you, but... For this mission, I'm not 100% confident I'll come back alive." He sighed.

Zecora's eyes went wide. "Wha-"

"That being said, I have no intention of dying. So, if I come back, everything will be fine, I'll be able to get stronger, and it'll be the good ending of this chapter... But if I fall... if somehow I die there..." He pulled out a book from his saddle bag. The cover was raven black with a picture of his iconic four pointed star on it. To add to it, there was a lock keeping it from being openned. "I'll leave this to you. This is my diary. Every day I've been in this world, I've wrote down what happened. From the friends I made, to the friends I lost, to every emotion I've felt, everything is in here." He pushed the book into her chest. Zecora put a hoof over his as Skystrike continued talking. "Whether you decide to read it or not is up to you. That book will tell you who... no, what I really am. Zecora, over the years we've known each other, you are one of the few ponies... well Zebras... beings, I can say with certainty I trust. I'll trust whatever decision you make on that. If I die, I ask you to share what's in there with all my friends, as well as the princesses. If I come back, I ask you keep what's in there a secret for now. I know this is a fuck ton to take in, so ask any questions that come to mind."

Zecora stared at him for a moment before sitting on the floor and thinking of which question to ask first. Time went by in silence, nearly 10 minutes, before she started her questions. "...You said 'what you really are', so I suppose I have to ask, what is under that figurative mask?"

"I am..." He began, trying to say what he wanted. But something in him, compelled him... no, Ordered him to not answer it. At least not directly. "...While I do look like this, I am not a pony. I am also not a changeling. I'm sorry, I wish I can tell you more. I don't know why, but I just can't. I promise you, the answer to that question is in that book."

Zecora thought on the answer he gave. Something wouldn't let him answer fully, yet would let him give enough information to keep her guessing.

"So, direct questions would do me no good. This will not be as easy as it should." She spoke to herself. "Then let me ask this, when did you plan to tell anypony about this?"

"Originally? Never. I hoped to live my life in quiet. I've done a pretty good job so far, as you're one of the few to know about this hidden part of me. But after the last mission a few years ago, and this next one, there's no garuntee that we'll live to see the next day. I needed to tell someone before death... sticks." He admitted. "I'm sorry. While I haven't been entirely truthful with you, know that I've never lied out of malice. I have to admit that if Celestia never came to me for the mission last week, I'd probably wouldn't told you this."

"Is the trust you have in your friends so little?" Zecora asked, somewhat hurt.

"No. However, the fear I keep hidden is very large."

Zecora was about to ask him to elaborate, but figured it'd be best to ask another time. She decided to go with one of her original questions. "You said you weren't a pony or a changeling, yet you can change your appearance. Does this mean you are involved with the insect race?"

"I am... well was. They took me in as a child, noticed my combat prowess, and let me help around the hive. Once I was there long enough, I was sent to 'infiltrate'." He said making hoof quotation marks. "But in actuality, they wanted to give me an excuse to live for myself and not for the hive. After a while... something... happened." He said with a pained voice. "...Someone I loved was lost, and her death was blamed on me. While not all agreed with the decision, the princess, now queen of the changeling hive, banished me."

"And when was this?"

"I was 17... so almost three years before I met you." He answered.

Zecora thought for a moment before asking her next question. "So then, why did you fake your death?"

Skystrike stood silently for a moment, thinking of what words to use. "...I felt that I put too many ponies in danger, and the only way I saw was to take myself out of the equation. They, my enemies, went after my friends to get to me. So far, it's been working."

Zecora was about to ask another question, then realized the answer was probably in the book. She had just one question left. "Where is the key?"

"Remember what I'm about to say. It's not a physical key, it's a phrase you have to say." He said as Zecora nodded. "In darkest day, in brightest night, stow your fear, show your might. Beware your fears made into light. Do not falter, do what is right." He finished. The lock on the book shined a white light before seemingly disintegrating. "Sounds kinda silly I guess, but it helps keep me going. If you don't mind, I have a few more things to do before Naga's party and the mission tomorrow. I'm gonna go ahead and take the potions and vials for the trip. I'll see you at the party." Skystrike said before leaving rather quickly. He closed the door behind him, trying to think of this feeling he felt.

While he felt this was the right thing to do, he was still worried. About how Zecora will react. About how his life could... would change once he came back from the mission. Will Zecora still want to be his friend? Will any of the beings he's met want to? There's no plan for him to fall back on. Will he have to change his identity again? He felt...

"Your heightened heart rate and change in breathing patterns signals to me that you're nervous." Echo spoke suddenly, startling Skystrike.

"Dude you need a notification sound or something. But yeah, I guess I am nervous." He sighed.

"So, what do you plan to do?"

Skystrike thought hard about it hard as he walked through the Everfree. "I... don't know... about Zecora when I come back I mean. I need to learn some things about myself first."


"Well..." Skystrike started. "First, I need to figure out why I can't just say out right that I'm human... Actually, not that I think on it, I could only say I'm human to changelings. Well, maybe not just changelings... maybe just beings who's seen me as a human. Second, I need to figure out how to run some tests on myself. I've noticed some thing about the way I think and act that I don't quite like, and I'd rather not ignore it for much longer. Figured that it was just hormones as a teenager. It's like... my first instinct is to say something mean and nasty, so I have to think about what I'm going to say all the time."

"Your assumptions on your first statement is accurate. You have been..." The overlay in Skystrike's helmet flashed red before a word showed up, blocking his view.


"I am not able to clarify, I am sorry. As for your second statement, I will run some test to get the results you desire. I am not able to clarify." He repeated.

Skystrike, understandably, was seconds away from a panic attack. The only thing stopping him from doing so was the sheer amount of questions he had to think about. Not even all of them were questions, just... random thoughts, one on top of the other, each trying to overpower eachother. But one question came out on top. What does it mean by "redacted?" This was the first time Echo was cut off, and to top it off, while talking to Skystrike. It means that his access was updated in real time. This meant one of two things. They're blocking the data as they're trying to access it.

Or he's being watched.

Correction: He's been watched for quite some time, he's just now aware of it. "How long... no, it couldn't have been too long... I was able to ask about similar things before, so it had to have been recently... Echo they had to update you. They HAD to, we crossed dimensions. Can you trace the signal?"

"Affirmative." He said after a moment. "The origin is from the northern mountain range bordering the former Crystal Empire... This is a cause for concern. The signal originates-"

"From the same settlement that village is located." Skystrike finished. "So... this is a setup... I knew this came at too opportune of a time." He frowned. "Celestia better pray to whatever god she believes in, because if I find out she's involved, I will make Nightmare moon seem like a folk tale.

"While the probability is non-zero, I do not believe she is involved. This would imply two scenarios. She's trying to kill you, or she knows you're human. The second scenario is near impossible. The first scenario, is indeed probable." Echo stated flatly.

"...Well, the stakes have been raised even more... Echo, let's do a little more prep-work." Skystrike said through gritted teeth. He now has a new objective: Don't become the hunted.

Naga's party came fast. Too fast. Skystrike was still nervous over the new information he got. He decided to put on the suit that Rarity made him for the gala. He straightened his tie as he looked into the mirror. "You can do this, just stay calm... no need to go crazy... keep your composure." He spoke to himself. He tried to keep a steady breathing pattern. Emphasis on tried. He was failing.

"Skystrike?" Stardust knocked on the door to his room. "You've been acting strange since you came back from the Forest." She stated with mild worry. "Did something happen?"

While he didn't want to lie, he couldn't exactly tell her that yes, something in fact did happen. So, he went for the next best option. "Eeeeh, yeah, got some no info im not exactly over the moon for. Shit is gonna go down when I go up north to do my mission, so yeah." He ended with a sigh.

"Are... are you going to come back?" Stardust asked, somewhat worried.

"More than likely. I don't plan on dying. It's just... a lot of old wounds are going to open back up."

Stardust stood on the other side of the door in silence for a moment, trying to think of what to say. "...Skystrike... I don't know if this'll help any, but... somepony taught me a while ago that worrying now over something you can't control can only worsen the outcome. I know it doesn't mean much... but just... deal with the blows as they come for you. Thinking on it too much won't help much."

"I... huh... I guess some of that is true." He said. "No point in worrying over something I can't control... just try and make the best of what I got in the moment... Thanks, Stardust."

"Sir... can I ask you something kind of personal?" Stardust asked hesitantly.

"Sure, go for it."

"Why do you do so much for others, even if it hurts you in the end?"

Skystrike thought of what words to use before answering. "Because it is the duty of the strong to help those weaker. Those who are strong and who bully those who are weaker because they can are tyrants. I also do it to set an example. If you believe in your ideals enough, you should have the resolve to stand by them in times of danger. And finally, because I know that if I don't do it, few others, if any, will." He said as he finished brushing his hair and stepped outside his room. "Is that a sufficient answer?"

"Yes, thank you, Skystrike." She smiled at him. "You know, that suit fits your helmet surprisingly well."

"Ahaha thanks. Anyway, how many ponies are here for Naga's party so far?"

"Oh, uh... about forty ponies." Stardust answered.

"Forty!?" Skystrike yelled in surprise. "I new Naga was popular, but D A M N!"

"Yeah, I was surprised too after the tenth pony. Also, Pinkie went pretty crazy with the party, too. Don't ask me where she got the ice sculpture of Naga."

Skystrike stared in disbelief before walking over to the window, opening it, and looking at an admittedly well carved 20 foot sculpture of Naga. "How the hell... You know what? Fuck it. I should know not to question Pinkie Pie." He monochromed before closing the window. "Welp, imma head out."

"Alright, let me go look presentable." Stardust said before walking down the hall to her room.

"That was kinda a weird question." He thought to himself before going through his front door.

He was only able to get a few steps out the door before Pinkie Pie appeared from behind him. "HEYA!"

"WHOA JESUS!!" Skystrike shouted in suprise.

"No, it's Pinkie."

"How do you even do that? Just... appearing like that?" Skystrike asked genuienly.

"Silly Neby!" She pulled out a top hat from her mane. "A magician never reveals he secrets."

"I'm gonna get you to tell me one of these days..." He said under his breath. "Also, where'd you get a life sized ice sculpture of Naga?"

"From my freezer, silly!" She beamed.

"I-" He began before rubbing ridge of his nose. "Ok..." He said with a sigh. "So, magic mare, how's everything going?"

"Good so far! Naga is enjoying all her friends being here. I've just been mingling, and everypony is having a good time."

"Honestly, I'm still surprised that Naga got forty ponies to come." He said.

"Oh, it's 57 now." Pinkie said as Skystrike's eyes went wide. "I can name them all. I know everypony! There's-"

Skystrike put a hoof over her mouth. "The offer is appreciated, however, no need." He said before removing his hoof. "I wonder how she got so many ponies to come... Actually, I'll just ask some ponies. Hey Pinkie-" He was about to ask her something only to realize that she was no longer where she was next to him a litteral second ago, but was instead standing on top of the ice scuplture. "...Fuckin..." He sighed as he started walking towards the food and drinks layed out on the tables.

He was about to reach for the punch before he realized two things. One, he deserves to loosen up a little bit. Two, he ain't no weak ass. He poured himself a large glass from a bowl labled "Amaretto Sour". This might be a bad idea, but he's had worse before. He took a sip, then a few gulps. It tasted good. He decided to try and talk to some ponies.

Lucky for him, he was able to see a familiar face. "Hey Mayor Mare. Long time no see. How've you been?" He asked the mare. The mayor turned from her group to look at him.

"Ah, Mr. Nebula. I was wondering when you would show up. I've been well. And you?" Mayor Mare asked.

"Eh, pretty good so far. Was stressing a bit earlier, but trying to let loose a bit." He admitted.

"Will you be alright? If I can do anything as mayor, just ask."

"Heh, I appreciate the offer, but I should be fine." He said in a thankful tone. "So, I see you didn't come alone. Who are these two?" He motioned to the mare and stallion behind her. The stallion had a greyish amber coat and brown mane, while the shorter mare had a light grey coat and a brownish grey mane up in a bun.

"Ah, my apologies. The stallion here is Time Turner, our treasurer, and the mare is Raven Inkwell, my secretary." She introduced her colleagues.

"Good evening." Time Turner nodded.

"A pleasure." Raven waved.

"So, mind me asking how you all came to know Naga? I'm surprised she knew this many ponies, and how she made good relationships apparently." Skystrike asked.

"Oh, well, the first time she came to town hall, we didn't let her in, but then she started leaving these cool little geodes at our doorstep every once in a while." Time Turner smiled. "After that, she came by bidaily and we have a little routine. She comes by for tea and cookies, and we have a good 30 minute break time chatting."

"Yeah, it's really nice." Raven nodded. "I have a geode as a decoration on my desk, and she also helped me find my clipboard one time. She's a lot smarter than your average animal. She even knows how to communicate through pictures and body motions. It's quite funny to see her spell out words with her body." She ended with a giggle.

"...Huh, I never knew she did all that. I wonder how she gets by without me or anypony seeing her." Skystrike wondered alound.

"Well, from what I was able to gather from her charades, she made tunnels under Ponyville? I think thats what she meant... It seems kind of dangerous, so I wanted to ask you about it?" Mayor Mare pushed Skystrike for info.

"Oh, don't worry about that. Digging tunnels that dont colapse is second nature for her. I'll tell her not to dig anymore through town." He reasurred. "Hopefully they aren't too close to the surface."

"Uh, well I think they're pretty deep. We dont hear her comming until she's already there." Time Turner clarified.

"Oh, then it should be fine." He waved it off, then noticed that Naga was coming towards him with Pinkie and Rarity riding on her head.

Skystrike was going to say hi, but was taken back by Rarity's and Naga's matching outfits. "So... any reason why you're both wearing virgin killer sweaters?" He asked, motioning to Rarity's black sweater and Naga's white.

"Well, hear me out darling, it was her idea." Rarity pointed to Naga.

Skystrike flapped his wings to get eye level with Naga. "Ayo Naga?" Skystrike said, making Naga straighten in attention. "Dab me up!" He said as he drew his hoof back. Naga responded, making the same motion with her tail before the two swung their limbs forward, hoof meeting tail. "My girl!" He said, the two exchanging a nod and a laugh.

"Wh- you two planned this!?" Rarity asked in disbelief.

"Oh, no, we just have similar taste." Skystrike explained with a laugh. Naga nodded. "Besides, all guys like virgin killers."

Mayor Mare and Raven blinked before turning to Time Turner. Time Turner knew what their next question would be. "I won't answer that."

"My man!" Skystrike pointed at Time Turner and laughed. "Aaah, man, this party is already great."

Naga grabbed Skystrike with her mouth and picked him up to show him to her friends. Like a trophy. "Alright, we'll talk later I guess." He waved bye to the three. Naga happily carried him to her other friends, Rarity and Pinkie in tow. She was about to set Skystrike down before she paused. Something's wrong... he could feel it.

"...You're gonna throw me, huh?" He asked Naga. She responded with throwing him into the air. Skystrike spread his wings to stable himself so he wouldnt go completely flying. After doing a few front flips, Skystrike landed, still holding his drink. He sighed as he closed his eyes and chugged.

"Sweet Celestia, Nebula, slow down!" Pinkie took the glass from his hoof.

"Come on, I need to let loose a bit. Besides, it's my first glass." Skystrike waved a hoof.

"Nebula, you gotta drink responsibly!"

"Pinkie, I weigh almost 300 pounds. I can handle a bit more than the average pony. I limit myself to four drinks, max." He reasurred her, taking his glass back.

"Wow, you're huge! You're even heavier than Big Macintosh!" Pinkie grabbed the sides of his helmet. "How do you even FLY at that size?"

"I normally have to get a running or jumping start. It's much easier to go at a cruising speed, rather than keeping myself afloat. I don't really have the magic like other pegasi to fly easier, but thanks to my bigger size, I got stronger muscles and bigger wings, to put it simply." He explained to Pinkie. "So, who's Naga showing me next?"

"Howdy, Nebula!" Applejack waved him over. She was standing with Big Mac, Applebloom, Twilight, Spike, and the flower sisters, who all greeted him once they saw Nebula.

"Hey everypony. What's popping?" He greeted.

"Roseluck, Daisy, and Lily Valley were telling us about how much Naga helped them out with their flowers." Twilight said as she sipped her own drink.

"Oh cool. Tell me about it. I don't know much about flowers." Skystrike urged them to continue.

"Oh, Ok! So a while ago, we noticed that we didn't have nearly enough of a variety of pink flowers. We had a lot of blue hydrangeas, but didn't pay much mind to it." Roseluck began.

"After a little while of testing, Naga came and asked what happened... you know, through gestures. She cant talk." Daisy continued. "Anyway, we complained to Naga about it, since we just needed somepony else to just hear us gripe."

"After a few days, out blue hydrangeas turned purple and pink! Thanks to Naga, if you add Limestone to the soil, it'll raise the acidity in the soil, and make the flowers turn pink!" Lily Valley finished.

"...Naga is a lot smarter than I realized. Never thought she paid attention to me or Zecora doing chemistry. I actually did a research project for a science fair back when I was a colt about those flowers. Apparently, blue and pink hydrangeas are the only flowers who's colors change from soil conditions. It's a bit expensive, but if you infuse the water you use with some magic powder, the hydrangeas sparkle like stars once in full bloom from the abundance of magic in the soil. I can see if I still have my notes on it if you're interested."

"Really? We'll have to try it out!" Roseluck clapped her hooves. "I didn't take you for one to be into botany!"

"Honestly, I did the project because I had to work in a group, but it was much more interesting than I thought it'd be." Skystrike smiled.

"Say, you've been coming by our flower shop for quite while now. you never told us who's the lucky mare." Daisy took a step closer, pressuring him.

"You got a marefriend?" Applejack, Twilight, and Spike all looked at him and spoke in union.

"He has to by now! He comes by every saturday!" Lily Valley smirked. "Has to be somepony special if it's that often... You do spend a lot of time with Stardust, you know."

"Nah, I doubt she looks at me that way. And no, I don't have a marefriend." Skystrike said plainly.

The flower sisters looked at each other confused. "Wait... you don't have a marefriend?" Roseluck asked for clarification.

"Nope." Skystrike confirmed. Twilight begrudgingly handed Applejack a sack of bits. "...Fuck you both." He monotoned.

"...So then why do you buy flowers every weekend? Aren't you supposed to give them to somepony you fancy?" Roseluck asked.

"...Roseluck, what does one normally do once they recieve flowers?"

"Say thank you?"

Skystrike nodded. "Mmhmm, and then?"

Roseluck put a hoof to her chin and thought. "...Put it in water... or... wait... you can't be serious... you bought them for yourself and ATE them!?"

"I was hungry. Your flowers always go good on my sandwiches." Skystrike shrugged. "Also want to try those pink hydrangeas. The pink color from the low pH levels in the soil might make them taste different."

The three sisters sat down in sheer awe and astoundment of what he said. Everypony there looked at Skystrike like he was crazy.

Spike spoke up. "I feel like I'm missing something here..."

"Why are you all looking at me like I'm a psychopath?" He asked, putting his hoofs out. "Do you guys not eat flowers?"

"You're supposed to give our flowers to somepony you like!" Daisy slammed her hooves on the ground.

"I was fucking HUNGRY!" He countered. "Your flowers taste GOOD! DAMN!"

Skystrike and the three flower sisters were getting heated. To be fair to the sisters, their flowers that they've grow to spread love and happiness is being countered by "Bro, I was hungry." Understandibly, they were annoyed. Skystrike, however, made a valid point. They were going to be eaten anyway, and he was hungry. They argued for quite a bit over some flowers.

Twilight leaned over to Applejack and Big Mac. "...Should we stop them?"

"Nope." Big mac said plainly.

"Nah, this is funny. I wanna see where this goes." Applejack agreed. "This is funny."

"Eeyup" Big Mac agreed.

"Well I don't see why this is such a big deal! You had to have thought of this!" Skystrike said, growing annoyed.

"What do you mean, we had to think of this!?" Daisy asked, annoyed as well.

"You wan't ponies to give their flowers to the ones they like, right!?"

"Yes! That's why we grow our flowers in the first place!" Roseluck answered.

"Ok! Good! So, how many bouquets have you sold?" Skystrike asked, leading them on.

"A lot! We've made a lot of-"

"Couples? WHAT COUPLES???" Skystrike shouted. "There's like 20 stallions in Ponyville! Like 8 of them are married or old. How many couples have you seen in this village huh??" The sisters stayed silent. "NONE! No pony in this town gets any bitches!"

Applejack, Big Mac, and Twilight burst out laughing at the last remark. Spike, of course, was still lost. Before Skystrike could continue his rant, Naga grabbed him by the tail and picked him up, carrying him along to her next friends. "Alright, i'm going! I'll see you next saturday! Your flowers taste good!" Skystrike yelled as he got further away. "...Jeez... what was their problem?" He shook his head. "Alright, who's next?" Skystrike asked. Naga reeled her head back. "Please don't throw me again.

Naga set Skystrike down gently, then gave a playful pat on his back. "Alright, who's next?" Skystrike said, turning around. A few feet away stood Stardust, Rainbow, and Zecora, the former in her guard uniform. What was new was the two ponies that Stardust was standing next to. One was an off-white pink with a pink mane and tail with wings. The other was a greyish blue with a persian blue mane ant tail, having a horn of her own. Both were about the same size as Stardust. From the looks of things, Zecora and Rainbow were already introducing themselves to the new mares.

Skystrike, however, knew exactly who they were, and he was gonna mess with them. Skystrike looked at Stardust, who made eye contact. She gave him a look that said "Do not.", which made him reply with a look that said "Heh, nah."

"Hey girls! I see you made some new friends?" Skystrike said, walking up to the five mares.

They all turned to give their seperate greetings. The two new mares wispered to eachother. "Remember, just like we've practiced." The pink maned one said to the blue one. She cleared her throat before introducing herself. "Good evening. My name is..." She paused for a moment, as if trying to remember her name. "...Sunny Skies. Me and my sister... Starry Night. We were invited by Naga from out of town." She greeted, Starry Night showing their invitations with her magic.

"Well, Nice to meet you. I'm Atlas Nebula. It's a pleasure. I didn't take Naga as one to travel. So, where you two from?"

"Oh you know Canterlot? Well of course you'd know it, it's the capital!" Sunny Skies laughed.

"We went to that duel you had with Magnus. Who knew he was a criminal?" Starry Night added.

"You know... has anypony told you two that you kinda look like the princesses?" Skystrike asked. The two mares began to sweat. Stardust glared at him. Zecora was hiding a smirk with her hoof. Rainbow Dash looked confused. "...Nah, I'm probably just trippin'. Anyway, how'd you two meet Naga?"

The two sweated some more, realizing they haven't thought this far. They had to make up something believable. "Uh..." Sunny Skies started, but stopped, looking for something to say. "You know... places..."

"The last time we came to Ponyville, she was here and gave us some nice rocks!" Starry Night blurted out.

To Skystrike, it seems like they made it up on the spot. Of course, he knew they definitely did. "Oh cool. What type?"

"Uh..." Sunny Skies thought again. "I don't... know rocks that well. I think it's called a... Sun stone?"

"She gave me a Moon stone." Starry Night added.

"...That's odd. Kinda like the princesses, huh?" He hinted. The sisters looked at each other and sweated more. Stardust elbowed him, making him let out a chuckle. "Alright, alright, I know it's you two, Celestia and Luna."

"...How'd you know?" Celestia asked.

"Well, same speech patterns, same body motions, and you took your looks from when you were younger" Skystrike counted on his wing. "Also, I know it's been a while, but some ponies still remember your old looks. Overall though? Nice job. You could've fooled anypony else."

Rainbow Dash took a double take, realizing what Skystrike said, before quickly bowing. "I'm sorry princesses! I didn't realize!"

"Raise your head. That was supposed to be the point, but somepony here seems to be a bit of a historian." Celestia sighed, slightly annoyed that she and her sister was found out. "Raise your head, Rainbow Dash. We wished to come here to escape our status."

"Yeah, I get it. Don't worry, I won't tell anypony." Skystrike promised. "Actually..."

"...what are you thinking, Skystrike?" Celestia eyes narrowed.

"Nothing... I just imagine it will be quite humorous if somepony's student interacted with you without knowing it's you, only to be revealed weeks later?" He smiled.

"...You know, that is a great idea! I'll go do that!" Celestia grinned as she put some pep in her step towards her student.

"Watch Princess Luna for me." Stardust said before following behind her. Skystrike nodded.

He stood there with Zecora, Luna, and Rainbow Dash. "So... I'm about to make some stew for Naga. you three wanna help?"

Zecora clapped her hooves in excitement. "It has been a moment since you've last cooked for her. I'm happy to help, just don't fall in while I stir."

Skystrike looked at Zecora. "I never fell in the stew."

"I know you have not, I just know rhymes like these annoy you... Pot." She said as they both snickered.

"Ok, I guess I'm helping too. I'm not that good at cooking though." Rainbow Dash shrugged.

"I'd like to help if able." Luna put up her hoof. "What do we need to do?"

"Well..." Skystrike began, only to be cut off by Pinkie Pie pulling a panel behind them. "SCENE TRANSITION" She shouted.

Skystrike looked around him to see himself at the back of his house standing next to Zecora, Rainbow Dash, and Starry NIght. "Wh-... how'd we get here!? What happened!?"

"...We... walked here?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Skystrike, are you ok?"

Skystrike took a deep breath. "Yes... It's just... fucking Pinkie..." He exhaled. "Anyway, help me push this alarmingly large pot." He changed the subject as he patted the pot the size of a small building behind him.

"...That is an alarmingly large pot. How do you even cook in that?" Rainbow Dash asked as the got behind the pot.

Skystrike got behind the pot and started pushing alongside her. "Well, normally, Tethys would be here, but she has her own life to live now. But, Zecora and I do have a trick for being able to cook in this pot, plus, we have an Alicorn in disguise here in case we need... literal firepower."

"Well, I'm not as adept in fire magic as my sister, but I should be able to light a large fire." She smiled with a spark of her horn.

"Perfect." Skystrike said. "Zecora, can you get Naga and help get the ingredients? I left them in the floorboard under the pantry." Zecora nodded and turned to do what she was asked.

Twilight looked up to see a new mare approaching her. "Hello..." She stopped herself, remembering what made Skystrike realize it was her. "The name's Sunny Skies. Nice to meet you. I'm new here, and Nebula told me you're a good pony to make friends with."

Twilight smiled at her. "Well, nice to meet you too, I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm currently learning friendship myself, but I'm more than happy to be your friend."

"Great! So, learning friendship, right? How many new ponies did you make friends with since moving here?"

Twilight nervously laughed. "Well... only six, but they're all nice ponies. Other than that, I read books!" She answered with a smile.

Sunny Skies took a double take. "You... read books. On friendship?"

"Yeah! They help a lot!" Twilight floated the book in front of her. "I'd be more than happy to let you borrow it if you'd like."

Sunny Skies blinked. "Did you ever think of... just going outside and meeting ponies?"

Twilight also blinked before rubbing her chin with a hoof. "That... is a good idea."

They were both interupted by Pinkie Pie shouting "AYO NEBULA HAS AN ALARMINGLY LARGE POT!"

Sunny Skies and Twilight both looked, along with everypony else, to Skystrike, putting an alarminglt large pot over a firepit. "That is an alarmingly large pot..." They both said.

Meanwhile, Skystrike, Zecora, Starry Night, and Rainbow Dash were standing at the base of the firepit. "So... how are you gonna light this?" Rainbow asked.

"Remember back when I blew the leaves off that tree with my voice back when Trixie was in town? I had Tethys teach me how to do a few of those dragon shouts years ago. I'm rusty on this one, but it should start a fire." Skystrike explained.

"Wait... dragon shouts?" Rainbow flew closer to him and squinted.

"Yeah, from my understanding, it's an old style of dragon magic. Before they could actually spit fire and stuff, they had to use their voice. Each word had power, and combining words in different orders gave different effects. For example, 'Yol' translates to fire. Weak on it's own. The next word 'Toor' means inferno. Finally, 'Shul' means sun. "

"That's... actually pretty cool!" Rainbow smiled. "You gotta teach me sometimes!"

"I'd probably not be a good teacher on the subject. Besides, it took years of meditation and practice, and I only learned two. Unrelenting force and Fire breath, which admittedly are only situationally useful. It also strains your voice a lot. I can only shout 5 times without destroying my vocal cords.

"That seems like a lot of downsides. Is it even worth it?"

Skystrike gave Rainbow his drink to hold. He got lower to the ground and widenned his stance. After a deep breath, he shouted. "Yol Torr Shul!" A blast of fire was sent from Skystrike, hurdling towards the logs in the firepit, lighting them on in a spectacular burst of flame. "...On ocasion." He grinned taking his drink back. "I will say it makes you feel fucking sick."

Starry Night looked confused. "I... I thought that dragon shouts required magic? And you don't have any?"

"It's confusing, yeah. Tethys told me that dragon magic is more dependent on the soul rather than thought like unicorns. Those with a strong will can do it given practice. That's also why there's the trope of angry dragons being more powerful. They're more powerful because their emotional state is heightened, thus their soul is more powerful. It's really confusing."

"Wait, so... all you have to have is a soul to use things on par with magic?"

"That's my understanding of it, yeah." Skystrike shrugged. "Wish I could tell you more."

"Well, how about you tell me how we plan on getting all the ingredients in there?" She pointed to the rim of the pot above her.

"See, that's the fun part! Quick question though, you two know how to throw well?" He asked Rainbow and Starry. They both nodded. "Perfect. Now you two get to help me and Zecora cook! Hop on the levers. We're gonna cook up a storm!"

"...I feel like im not being told enough here..." Starry night looked to her side at Rainbow.

"Yeah... Same here..." She looked back.

Skystrike picked up a large wooden platform on stilts that was lying beside him. He flew up and put the platform down in the pot, giving him enough room to stand on. "It's not much. Basically, one of us stands up here and cuts up the ingredients that the others throw in! After a few minutes, we switch places, and keep going until the stew is done!" He yelled from atop his perch. "Zecora! Throw me my sword!" He put his hoof out, ready to catch it.

Zecora did so, grabbing his sword and throwing it up at him. Skystrike caught it by the sheath and drew his sword. He tapped his hoof rhythmically, nodded his head to a beat in his head, then did a small spin. "Lets get cooking!" He shouted to no one in particular. A decent size crowd gathered around them as Zecora began emptying the barrels of cooking supplies by throwing them up at Skystrike, who in turn, began swinging his sword and finely cutting the ingredients, letting them land into the boiling water below him.

"First, the onions, carrots, celery, and garlic!" Zecora said as she began throwing more of the ingredients. "Starry, Rainbow, help me out! We'll get this soup done faster, no doubt!"

Starry used her magic to open a barrel and began throwing more ingredients up towards Skystrike. Rainbow, deciding to make it harder for him, grabbed some in her hooves before flying around and throwing the ingredients at him from various directions.

Skystrike laughed a bit, deciding to put on more of a show as the crowd around him grew larger. He did an upward slash cutting three vegetables, following with a backflip, landing on a forehoof and cutting another five with a spinning horizontal slash. He continued to cut the ingredients as he danced with his blade. For his grand finale, he flapped his wings and flew around at astounding speeds, finely cutting each vegetable before they fell in the pot. "Hoo-" He exhaled. "Zecora! Ready to switch?"

"Tired already? And it seemed your stamina was going steady!" She teased. Skystrike jumped down from his platform and stopped half-way to help Zecora up. She got a running start and jumped up to him, hooves out. Skystrike responded by grabbing her hooves and throwing her up the rest of the way onto the platform. "I'll get the salt and pepper, and seeds!" He said as he flew to grab some premeasured barrels of the ingredients, already mixed together. "Starry, mind helping me with this?"

Starry looked at the barrel, then up at the height of the pot. "I'm not sure... it's quite high. Not sure about the stability of the levitation spell when I can't see it." She admitted.

"...Just jump on his back?" Rainbow said.

"...That's a great fucking idea!" Skystrike smiled as he landed on the ground. "Hop on!" Starry hesitated. "I promise I'm stable."

Starry did so, laying on his back and wrapping her forehooves around his neck. "...You sure I'm not heavy?"

"Yeah. why would you be?"

"Well, while I may look smaller, my mass and weight stay the same." She explained. "I'm not sure if you can carry me on your back while flying."

"Don't worry, you aren't heavy at all. My armor is actually around the same weight as you, so this feels kinda normal for me." He said, trying to reassure her.

"...How much experience do you have with mares?" Starry Night squinted.

"...More than you think, less than I should." He stated.

"Well, for the future, do not compare a mare's weight to your armor." She monotoned.

Skystrike stood still for a minute. He thought. He thought some more. He realized and looked back at her. "...I just called you fat didn't I?"

"Albeit indirectly and accidentally, yes." She nodded.

"...ffffffffffffFFFFFUCK" He groaned. "My bad, as you can see, I'm kinda stupid." He face hoofed as he began to flap his wings.

"Don't fret over it." She giggled. She turned his head towards Sunny Skies with a hoof. "My sister however..." Starry Night looked back towards the two. Starry spoke just loud enough for her sister to hear. "You think you could carry her?"

He looked at Sunny and rubbed his chin. "I think I could." He took off into the air. "Size wise, she's about forty percent bigger than you, assuming mass would have the same factor of 1.4, taking into account how much cake she-... GOD DAMN IT I DID IT AGAIN!" He groaned as he grabbed his face. "Man I'm missing some brain cells!" Starry Night laughed at his outburst while Sunny Skies looked at the two with her cheeks puffed out, turning red. "Pick up the damn barrel please." He sighed. Starry did so as the two flew higher. Once high above the pot, she began to sprinkle the contents of the barrel into the soup.

"Mmm... it smells great!" Starry admitted as the smell wafted towards them. "Did you put anything special in there?"

"Oh you know, just the Nebula original secret ingredient" He put out a hoof as he glided down towards the ground, letting Starry hop off. "And no, I won't tell you. Maybe when I die so then the ponies of the future can have bomb food." He looked around for a moment before finding what he was looking for. A whip sword, silver in color with a golden edge. The hilt was a plain grey with black markings on it. He grabbed it by the hilt and threw it up at Zecora, who caught it in her hoof. "Ready?" Skystrike asked.

"Yes, my friend! Let these veggies meet their end!" She gave a practice swing of her sword, releasing the whip part of it.

"Jeez... ok, all that's left are the potatoes, apples and cabbage." He looked at the last few barrels of ingredients. "Let's get-"

"Did somepony say APPLES!?" Applejack ran over to Skystrike, Rainbow, and Starry.

"Well damn, AJ, I get it... would you like to throw some apples?" He offered, knowing exactly what she was going to ask.

"Would I!?" She grabbed a barrel and started chucking.

Skystrike chose to ignore her actions and began throwing cabbages at a steady rate. Zecora was putting on a show of her own up there. With a spin of the heel and a flick of the wrist, she was able to cut multiple vegetables with a single swing. She shot her forehoof forward, making the tip of the whip hit a falling cabbage. A grand crack was heard as said cabbage exploded. She did this a few more times, each exploding and falling into the the soup below. Continuing with a spin, she made a diagonal slash, cutting a few more. For her finish, she jumped into the air, spinning faster as her blade went out in many different directions, the fruits and vegetables seeming to stop in mid air as she cut through them. She even stuck the landing.

"That was actually really cool!" Rainbow flew up to Zecora as the crowd cheered. "Where'd you learn how to do that?"

Zecora retracted her sword. "My mother taught me when I was young, telling me we all have a song that must be sung."

"...I don't know what that means." Rainbow admitted.

"I believe it means... we all have our own purposes in life." Zecora explained. "I have decided to find my own, though it is still not yet known."

"Hey, jump down when you're ready! We gotta let it sit for a little!" Skystrike yelled up to them. He was about to walk away before he realized something. "...Actually, after it sits for about 10 minutes, start serving the ponies! I have somepony I need to find!" He said before walking off, said walk turning into a trot. Normally, he'd see her by now, normally with Twilight or Rarity. Now that he thought about it, it's even odder that she isn't with Naga. After a few minutes searching around, he found just the pony he was looking for.

Fluttershy was sitting by a tree, away from the crowd. She looked on at the ponies talking amongst themselves. Then, she looked to the side to see somepony approaching her. "Hey, is this seat taken?" Skystrike patted next to her. Fluttershy shook her head no, letting Skystrike take a seat.

"So... haven't seen you around much. I guess you just got here?" He leaned back against the tree.

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, I... was one of the first ponies here."

"Oh, well you could've came over and said hi you know." He said, waving his hoof towards himself. "We all would like to see you."

"I know, it's just... I didn't want to interupt you all having your fun. I'd just ruin the mood." She said, her glum feeling seeping out from her words.

Skystrike sighed. "Fluttershy, listen. you're my friend. You're OUR friend. It's because we like your company that we're your friend." He explained.

"I know... I know... but you and everypony else always have fun talking with each other. I'm always just in the back, having nothing to talk about or relate to you all with."

"And that's ok. You don't have to talk a lot. You're the type of pony that can spend quality time with somepony else by simply sitting in silence with them. Your simple presence richens our friendship. We like you being around."

She sniffed back some tears. "It's just, every time I want to have fun with you and the girls, it's like... something in the back of my mind just... tells me that I'll mess things up if I talk to any of you for too long. Like you'll all will stop talking to me once you realize how weird I am."

Skystrike shifted himself to look at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, look at me." She turned her head, hiding part of her face with her mane. "It's exactly because of your quirks that we like you. That's what makes you special. Same goes for Spike, Stardust, Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and especially Pinkie." She giggled a bit at the last part. "Now, I'm not one to make promises, since if I break it, that counts as lying, and I've never lied to any of you. That being said, you have my word that I will do my best to make sure you feel welcome. I won't stop talking to you, no matter how weird you are."

She wiped a tear. "Pinkie promise?"

"Trust, I know how it feels to be you right now. We're more alike than you'd think." He smiled.

"You have to say the verse."

"...what? There's a verse for pinkie promises? We don't even have pinkies?" He put up his hooves for emphasis.

"No, not like minotaurs. A PINKIE promise. As in, Pinkie Pie. It goes 'Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.'" She said while making gestures to match the words.

"...That both looks and sounds silly, but I'm all for it." He chuckled as he mimicked her motions. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Now, let's go. We got some friends waiting for us, and I think we both want to have fun tonight" He stood up and put out a hoof. "Plus, we don't want the soup to get cold."

Fluttershy took his hoof, pulling herself up. "...You're a good friend, you know that? I really missed you when you have to move from Cloudsdale. Then when me and Rainbow found out you... well we know you faked your death now, but we cried all night."

The two began walking. "Wait, really? I didn't realize you two cared that much."

"Well, you know you have more of an affect on ponies than you think. Like when you helped me and Rainbow Dash with some bullies, we were grateful. After you left, and I was still to scared to do anything, Rainbow took on that role. I like to think she got at least some of her loyalty from you." She pondered the last part.

"...Huh... I-... wow." He looked for words to say. "I just try to help ponies where I go. Didn't expect all that. I just expected to be that one pony that ponies will always have in the back of their mind, but won't remember their name."

"Skystrike, we will never forget you." She assured him. "With all you've done for others, no grateful pony will forget you. Besides, remember that time you were in the newspaper for challenging Celestia to a duel for wining that tournament for that school thing? No pony will forget that."

"In my defense, I wanted to test how truly strong I was back in that military academy. Plus, I held out pretty well for a 16 year old."

"You still need to tell me the whole story behind that. I want to know what happened. They never published the results."

"Tell you what, I'll tell you when I come back the week after next." He nudged her. The two stopped.

"...that is an alarmingly large pot." Fluttershy looked up at the rim of the pot, seeing Zecora, Starry, and Rainbow handing out bowls to the guest.

"Ah, Nebula, Fluttershy, we were just serving the last few ponies before Naga comes get the rest. As always, Nebula, your food is the best!" Zecora complimented, jumping down and giving the two wooden bowls of soup and spoons.

"It's what I do." He chuckled before he openned the jaw of his mask and had a spoon. "Aw yeah, this that good shit." He said as he took another spoonful of soup. He looked over to the others, hearing their hums in agreement when eating their bowls of soup.

"Ok, Nebula, you gotta give me some pointers. This is some of the best soup I've had in years. How do you make this so good? You could make a business out of this!" Rainbow Dash said, taking full sips of the soup.

"Well, glad you enjoy it so much. You've seen everything I put in it. I do have a secret ingredient, but aside from that, it's actually a chemistry thing. Many food ingredients come with 'taste enhancers' that add more molecules that generate additional taste or smell sensations. The effect changes depending on how the ingredients are prepared before hoof."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "I understood like half of that."

"You know how you can taste the difference from Sea salt and rock salt? Similar concept. They were made in different ways. That affects taste." He explained before taking another spoon of his soup.

Naga slithered up behind the group, letting Rarity and Pinkie off her head. She poked Skystrike with her tail. "Hey, Naga, what's up?" She bellowed in response and looked at the soup. "Only a spoonful!" She then proceeded to pull out a comically large spoon and scooped up the soup. "Man I fucking love that joke." He said to himself.

"So, Nebula, don't mean to rush you, but one of the main reasons I came was kinda so I could hear you sing." Rarity said. "And the soup was lovely, darling." She covered her mouth as she let out a slight burp. "Pardon me..."

"Oh yeah, you did say you would." Rainbow dash looked up from licking the now empty bowl. "I do wanna hear you sing. In fact, you're one of the few ponies I never heard sing."

Pinkie appeared next to him. "Oh! What are you gonna sing!?"

"A certified Skystrike origional." He chuckled. "Man, I say one thing and you guys don't forget it, huh?"

"Well, it's just... we don't expect it from somepony like you. You always keep to yourself, so when you finally express yourself, we have to see it." Fluttershy said, the others nodding.

"Alright, alright, I'll get ready." He slurped down the rest of his soup. "Give me a moment to talk to the DJ."

"Great! I'll go tell everypony!" Pinkie whizzed off towards the crowd. "Hey everypony! Nebula's singing soon for Naga's birthday!" The crowd cheered.

"Damn... Well now I got expectations to live up to." He gave a nervous chuckle. "I'll be up on stage in a moment."

His friends gave him some reassurance, telling him he'll do great up there. He thanked them as he headed towards the DJ. He began to wonder who Pinkie asked to DJ before he recognized the mare. "Ooooh, it's you! DJ-Pon3, right?"

The mare turned to him, looking through her iconic glasses. "Hey, glad you remembered me! Just call me Vynil by the way. Didn't expect my next show to be thrown for you and your pet though!" She smiled.

"Well, the world has it's way of sorting things out. How's the crowd treating you so far?"

"Pretty good! Some of these ponies know how to party! Especially Pinkie, she really livens up the place!." She pulled off her headphones.

"Yeah, sounds like her." He laughed. "So, the ponies want me to sing. Can you get things set up for me?" He asked, pulling out a vinyl record with a blue center. "I'm about to put out a Nebula origional." He said in a joking manner

She took the record with her magic and spun it around. "I can do that for ya, big guy!" She slapped the record down on her setup. "Give me a moment and we can get this place on their hind legs."

"Alright, let's put on a show." He smiled as the two hoof bumped. She floated him over a microphone. He tapped it a few times to make sure it was on. Skystrike looked out at the crowd of ponies and Basalisk cheering for him as he walked to center stage. He looked at his friends, all together in one large group.

He smiled as he tightened his grip on his microphone. "Alright, ponies, you already know what time it is. Just before we get started, happy birthday, Naga! Originally, this song was supposed to be a duo, but I can manage this bad boy myself. This one's just for you! I call this one, 'Calling'."

Vynil began to play the instrumental, Skystrike tapping his hoof in response. The beat was fast, though that wasn't a problem. He gave his mic a twirl before starting.

"So, as you can see, this ain't my first time, In my prime! Come on, let's make some noise and have some fun while we got time!
Life's a fickle thing, you know we gotta spend it wise! Break out, come out and show the world what we can do tonight!" Skystrike was admittingly getting into it more than he thought.

"Keeping the flow, We got our whole lives ahead of us, ya know. Reap what you sow, Only got one time to get it right, don't you know?
In my nature Bringing these bars to the streets all year-round! No time to waste Foster, Nurture your skills before your sundown." As he continued, Skystrike became more animated through his performance, doing a spin and spreading his wings.

"Some may call it reckless, Leaving life up only to fate. So carve your own path, Know there's no time to hesitate! Knowing you can change things, make things better before you act way too late! So, come on, while life is great, Why don't we appreciate it?" Vynil lowered the lights to a dim hue.

"Can you hear that? The voices calling? That melody. Your inner calling." The lights began to flicker to the tempo. "Telling you to carve your path. Keep your chin up, no need for wrath. Take a chance, no harm no fowl. Keep that smile, don't throw that towel." Skystrike used his hood to lossen his shirt and tie. More colors came as the music began to pick back up.

"Havin' fun in life can be hard to do! Always trying hard and failing at something new! But that's how it's gonna be, you know! Life's not patient, we can't take it slow. It favors those of us bold! So take that first step, good as gold!"

The lights flashed rainbow in rythm to the music, and Skystrike leaped onto his hind hooves. He was really getting into it. "It cant be only me, hearing it calling out for us! Silent voices growing louder, having dreams in the late hours! There's no need for others standards, set your sights then go and gander. Universe is on our side, so make some noise and have some pride!"

Skystrike jumped into the air, taking flight and doing a small show or loops and corkscrews as he sang. Lasers from the light show shot out into the sky in a rainbow pattern, waving back and forth. "Destiny, some higher power, leaving us to come devour ,as we bathe in Celestia's light! Bask under Luna's lit night! Don't need no rules to chain us! Lets have fun while friends are with us! We won't be here for that long, so don't go living it wrong!"

He landed back down on the ground as Vynil turned the lights down, having them flicker to the beat again. He took off his jacket and slung it over his shoulder, waving it around as he moved his arms. "They never believed in me! Mocked, terrorized for all to see! Negativity overwhelmed me! Was close to my breaking point! Didn't let them keep me down. Got a smile from their frowns. Took my path, no stopping me! The universe is singing to me!"

The lights grew brighter under Skystrike as he put his fore arms out wide. "Sure wish I could see their faces now! Seeing me do what they disallow! I'm on the top of my success! None of them's my match, but I digress. And we all got this world to see! So stand with pride and sing with me!"

A few ponies in the crowd join in with him on the first lines. "It cant be only me, hearing it calling out for us, Silent voices growing louder, having dreams in the late hours."

More joined in as they recognized the lyrics. "There's need for others standards, set your sights then go and gander. Universe is on our side, so make some noise and have some pride!"

Soon, almost the entirety of the crowd sang along with him. Skystrike flew into the air as the spotlight focused on him. Vynil even added in the extra effect of some fire works. "Destiny, some higher power, telling us to come devour as we bathe in Celestia's light! Bask under Luna's lit night! Destiny, some higher power, telling us to come devour as we bathe in Celestia's light! Bask under Luna's lit night!"

Skystrike said the final line. "Hear our calling!" before the crowd burst into cheers for him. Skystrike put all four hooves onto the ground and stood there, huffing.

"Hey!" Vynil called out to him. Skystrike looked in her direction, seeing a water bottle thrown at him. He caught it, openned it, and drank half of it.

"Damn, big guy, I can tell that song took some effort." She smiled as he walked over. "Nice voice by the way. Didn't expect your voice to be so... smooth and dulcet."

"...I've never heard that word in my life, but thanks. Honestly, I forgot I had it in me. I am glad I was able to pull that off without any mishaps." Skystrike sat on the floor of the stage.

"What do you mean?" Vynil took his record off the player with her magic and floated it over to him. Skystrike shook his head. "Keep it. You put on a great show. You definitely found your calling." The two chuckled. "And I mean that when I wrote that song, it was meant to be sang by two ponies. That was hard to sing solo." He finished the water bottle.

"Well that's even more impressive." Vynil smiled. "I can't wait to see what your cutie mark will be if you're already this good at something you don't have a mark for!" She put the record back on the player.

"Heh, thanks for that. Same here." He said as he got up.

"Hey, before you go..." She put out a hoof. Skystrike turned back to look at her. "I hope this won't be the one and only time we do something like this. We could have something going here. Well, if you want I mean."

Skystrike nodded at her. "I'd like that. No way we can let this be the one and only collab. I'll make sure to hit you up once I come back. Maybe we can record it and publish it!"

"Yo, that'd be radical! You better keep your promise!" Vynil ran up and hugged him quickly. "Ah... sorry about that. Got a bit excited." She pushed herself of him.

"No apology needed. Anyway, the birthday girl wants to see me, so I'll see you next time." Skystrike put out a hoof for a high hoof. Vynil give a high hoof before waving goodbye and switching to some mellow music, signaling the main event was done. Skystrike jumped off the stage, sighing with mild fatigue.

He wasn't even able to look up before he heard a thump from far away. Followed by a dirt pillar shooting up from under his hooves and launching him towards Naga. He put his wing out as he flew, slowing his fall as he landed in front of his friends with a loud thump. He sighed under his breath. "A warning would be nice, damn."

Before he could look up, he felt somepony jump on him. "WOWNEBULAYOUWEREGREATUPTHEREI-" Pinkie Pie began to ramble on from atop his back.

To be honest, he zoned out most of it once the words started to blend together. "Thanks, it's appreciated." He streched a bit as he talked. The next thing he felt was something scaly rubbing against his cheek and neck. "Hey, Naga. I see you liked the music. I'm glad."

"Wasn't just her, Skystrike. You were great up there." Twilight repeated what Pinkie Pie said as she walked up. "...I am curious though, where did you learn to sing like that?"

"Eh... I'll tell you next time." He said as he tapped Pinkie to get off his back.

"Damn, dude!" Rainbow Dash flew to a stop next to him. "Never told us you could sing like that! You got a great voice! Gotta use that more!"

"Seriously? At first I thought you guys were being nice, but am I really that good? Thought I was average."

"Dude, you got talent! Imagine how good you'd be if you had a cutie mark!" She said, hyping him up.

"Oh, thanks." He smiled. He looked around for a moment. "Wait, where's Starry and Sunny?" He asked as he continued looking.

"Oh, those two sisters? They said they had to catch the train to travel back home. It's a shame they left so quick. They were so fun to talk to." Twilight pondered.

"Oh really? You'll have to tell me about it when I get back." Skystrike smirked.

The group looked at him. "...What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm leaving tonight. Train will get me to my destination by morning, then it's a few days walk. Cant keep them waiting you know?" They all looked at him with various expressions. Twilight, Fluttershy seemed afraid. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were worried. Zecora and Stardust was indifferent. Pinkie Pie was- "Why are you crying so damn hard?" Skystrike broke his train of thought.

The pink one sniffed. "...Because... because you're leaving!" She bawled as she jump him with a hug. Skystrike was about to attempt to calm her down, but then he heard quiet sniffles to his side. He looked to see that it was Twilight.

"Skystrike... when... when we last heard of you before you came back, you died. It was all over the newspapers." She rubbed her nose. Skystrike thought back to what happened. Why he left.

"It's your fault that I did what I had to." A colt's voice was heard behind him. He turned to see who it was.

Skystrike stood still, his break in the castle garden being interupted by him of all ponies. "You... what did you do this time..." Skystrike snarled.

"Oh, nothing too important... Just figured while we were enjoying the gala, I'd have some fun of my own." The colt said with a sinister chuckle. "See, you bastard..." The colt's mocking tone changed to an angry one. "You've been a thorn in my side since Auntie adopted us. Always making yourself useful, acting like you're better than me. You're nothing but a filthy pegasus!" Skystrike stayed silent as his rage filled rant continued. "Because of you, Auntie always compares me to you. I finally got out of that shithole of an orphanage, and she brings you with us! But you couldn't just leave them behind, could you?"

As the colt continued, the rant became more about Skystrike's family. "Oh, Skystrike raised money for his old orphanage! Oh, Skystrike helped some brat find their talent!" He spit on the ground. "So... I know I can't get rid of you... but I can get rid of the source. What you deem important."

Skystrike finally turned to look at the colt. "...You... piss... stained... RAT" Skystrike's eyes flickered a pale white."

"When there's smoke..." The colt pointed to a pillar of smoke in the distance. Skystrike flew off before the colt could finish another sentence. He knew exactly where the smoke was coming from him. He didn't think his hatred for him was this much, and it was the one time he hoped he was wrong. He could've sworn somepony called out to him as he zoomed by, but he didn't pay attention. There were more important matters.

It was the fastest he ever flew at the time... he just wished he was faster.

He landed in front of the Church of the Two Sisters. He wished to whatever god there was that he wasn't seeing what he was seeing. Roaring flames engulfed the building, dancing behind the windows, as if mocking him.

"Skystrike!" He heard a voice call for him. He snapped his head to where the voice was coming from. A mare earth pony with a cream colored coat and dark magenta mane with a maroon highlight ran up next to him. She gave a worried look with her grey eyes.

"Sister Paprika!" He responded with a sigh of relief. "Glad you're ok."

"Aren't you supposed to be at the gala with your friends? Why are you here?" She huffed, slightly winded. Taking a closer look at her, the tips of some of her hair was burnt, and her hooves were blackened with soot.

"Nevermind that- is everypony ok!?" He asked, wiping some soot off her face.

"Aside from the scare and me hyperventilating a little, yeah, I think so." She coughed. "I don't know what happened! Everypony was just out playing in the courtyard while I was making dinner with Astral. I thought I saw somepony walk by... then I just hear a crash... like glass breaking, and then a fire started right in the hallway! I couldn't put it out..." She let a few tears fall from her eyes.

Skystrike looked around, seeing the other fillies and colts. Some hugging one another, others crying. They were all distraught about the home they just lost. He felt the same. But something caught his eye. A young unicorn and earth pony ran up to him.

The first one, Lucky Clover, was a seafoam green with an emerald, shamrock, and jade mane topped with a large green bow. The second, Blue clover, had a cyan coat with an off white mane and tail, donning the same large green bow in her mane. Lucky spoke first. "We're missing some ponies!" Blue nodded. "Yeah! Mystic and Dawnstone aren't anywhere!" Lucky blinked, remembering something. "Astral isn't here too! She ran when she told us to come tell you!"

Skystrike's heart sank. She didn't just run, she ran in to help. "Fuck! Paprika, make sure they stay safe!" Skystrike turned to head inside before Paprika grabbed his shoulder.

"I'm not letting you go in there! There's no telling what'll happen to you!" She tried pulling him back.

"The fire ponies wont get here nearly fast enough! I am not leaving my brother's and sisters in there to die!" Skystrike pushed her hoof off.

"And I don't want you to die either, you stubborn mule!" She insulted him out of worry and tried to grab him again, pulling on his clothes.

He grabbed her front hooves and held them together. "Sister, you know how much you all mean to me. Don't worry, I'll get them out. He took off a necklace he had under his shirt . It was something they all pitched in together to get him for his birthday. Nothing fancy or flashy, just a simple piece of bismuth that fit into a locket. He put it in her hoof, closing it. "But you know I hate making promises... so I want you to give this to Celestia in case anything happens. That locket means a lot to me. I'll be coming back for it when I get out of there."

Paprika let some more tears fall. "You better come out of there safe, you got that, mister!?" She was able to squeak out through the tears.

Skystrike nodded before turning to give the clover sisters a hug. "Stay here, I'll be back soon." He finished before flying into the maw of flames. He used his dress coat to cover his mouth and nose, trying not to inhale too much smoke. He thought about his options. The kitchen was at the back of the orphanage, below the bedrooms, but the stairs were near the entrance. Everypony would've evacuated the first floor along with sister Paprika. Meaning that Mystic Falls and Dawnstone had to be somewhere on the second floor. Astral Night must also be looking for them. He still did a quick check of the first floor in seconds, just incase. He ignored the pain of his wing tips searing, he had more important things to worry about.

Skystrike flew up through a hole in the floor, then through a few door ways, calling out their names as he flew. "Astral! Dawn! Mystic!?" He said, growing more worried as he flew deeper. He had to stop his thoughts of the worst on multiple occasions.

Then, Thankfully, he heard a voice call out to him. "Skystrike! Is that you?" Skystrike's ears perked up. "Over here!" He recognised the voise.

Skystrike flew in to see the three in various states. "Astral!" He called her name, seeing her on the other side of the room. . Astral Night was a unicorn who had a light lavender coat, and a mane and tail of peach, purple, and pink. On the floor next to her was Mystic Falls was a younger unicorn colt, having a blueish grey coat with an indigo mane and tail with a grey highlight, as well as Dawnstone, another unicorn filly with a cream coat with a curly white and sky blue mane and tail. Astral was fighting back tears in front of Mystic, crying over the unconscious body of Dawnstone. "Give me a rundown!" He demanded as he made his way across the room, stepping over and ducking under various supports.

Astral the older one, about 15, coughed up some smoke. "I- I came in to get them, since nopony else would do it, a-and... I found them, but a plank of wood fell earlier on my back leg... I had to limp my way to them." She said, showing that her right back leg had a large burn mark from the lower thigh to her hoof. "Mystic stayed with Dawnstone. He told me that they were getting some more toys when the fire started, and some shrapnel fell on Dawn's head."

"Shit... I can't carry you all..." He spoke to himself.

"Get the kids first! I can wait a half a minute!" She coughed some more. Skystrike wasn't sure, but he had no choice but to trust her. He grabbed Mystic and Dawn, put each under a hood, and began flying towards the exit.

"Sky! You can't leave her!" Mystic cried into his arm.

He made it to the entrance and dropped them in front of Paprika. "I don't intend to!" He said, flying back in. He had no time to catch his breath, landing back in front of Astral a few seconds later, huffing. He tried not to inhale more smoke than he already did. They stared into each others eyes. "You can cry now if you want. I won't tell." He tried to lighten the mood as he walked over.

Astral Night let out a small chuckle before to both Skystrike's and her surprise, she actually did. She tried wiping away her tears, only for more to fill their place. "I-...I... You were at the gala... I didn't think... you'd make it here..." She spoke through the tears.

Skystrike couched down. "Look. I won't ask you why you decided to run in here, and honestly, your reason's probably the same as mine... Can you walk?" He asked.

She was able to stand, but as soon as she put pressure on her back right hoof, she winced in pain, bringing it back up. "I... think I can manage."

Skystrike grabbed her and put her across his back. "No need to act strong. I got you." Skystrike couldn't fly. Her legs were stopping his wings from spreading out. He'd have to run. So, that's what he did.

Astral Night's crying lowered to light sobbing. "I'm sorry... you always have to help us out... I tried to do what you'd do..." She coughed some more. "I tried to save them, and I... ended up being somepony that had to be saved..."

Skystrike ran through, jumping over burnt beams and crawling under half-collapsed ceilings. He huffed. "Don't worry about it..." He stopped talking for a moment to focus. "Listen, if you're every gonna take anything I say to heart, it better be this." He was about to take another step forward before the floor collapsed below him. He cursed under his breath and jumped over it. When he landed, the burnt floor cracked below him. He took a few more steps forward, barely missing falling from where he once was. "...There are times when you have to help, and let others be helped." He continued running. The stairs were in eyesight. "No point helping somepony else when you put yourself at risk. But-..." He sidestepped some falling debris. "Sometimes, you have to ask how much you value a pony's life. You, Dawnstone, Mystic, and everypony else that lives here, I'd sacrifice myself for any of you in a heart beat. That is how much you all mean to me."

He finally made it to the stairs. He started making his way down. "You'll find somepony you love like that sooner or later, if you haven't already..." He had to skip a few stairs, as well as dig his hoof under some that collapsed under their weight. His adrenaline was still high, so while he couldn't feel the pain, he'd have to dig the shrapnel out before it wore off. "Help those who need it. Protect those you deem important." He began running towards the door at the end of the hallway. Skystrike could tell at the rate this building was coming down, it wasn't long before it ran out of oxygen and collapsed in on itself. Debris fell all around the two. He did his best to dodge the major pieces, but as more and more fell in front of his path, he knew he wasn't going to make it.

Skystrike grit his teeth, knowing what he'd have to do. He pulled off Astral Night from his back and hugged her. Tightly. "This is one of those times I have to make that sacrifice..." He sighed before letting her go. His adrenaline didn't last as long as he hoped. the pain got to him. His lungs burned from the soot and the increasing lack of oxygen. He was scared, but he had to get through it.

"...Sky... what are you-" She couldn't finish her scentence before Skystrike used the the last of his strength to throw her towards the exit and out the door.

"You got... a long life ahead!" He coughed as he shouted to her. "You, and everypony else... live it to the fullest!" He collapsed to the floor. He didn't think it would end like this, but surprisingly he didn't have any regrets... Well there was one... but that didn't matter anymore. He looked up at Astral Night, Paprika helping her to her hooves. The two mares looked at him for the last time before Skystrike spoke his last words. "I'm sorry." He smiled for the last time they'd see before the building collapsed in on itself. He felt pain all in his body, his skin searing, his lungs burning, his bones breaking. Then he felt cold. But the worst thing he felt was the pain behind the screams for his name as his consciousness faded.

He didn't know how long had passed when he came to. Just that it's been a long time. His memory was hazy, but that wasn't important right now. What was was where he currently is. His vision was blurry, his ears were ringing slightly, and his body was begging him for more rest. Despite it's pleads, he had to get up.

He pushed himself off the ground. Once he got up and rubbed his eyes, he looked around. He was inside a cave, lanterns hanging around the room, evenly spaced from each other. He looked down, seeing the makeshift bed of hay he woke up on. Skystrike winced, looking down at his hooves. His sleeve covering his metal forehoof was gone, and the rest of his body was covered in bandages. Someone tended to his wounds. Someone pulled him out of the rubble of that fire.

Skystrike looked around the room for more info. There was one chair next to the bed, a blanket folded on it. There was a table and one chair. On that table was a candle, some paper, and an ink and quill. Someone lived here. This didn't make sense to him. Considering they bought him out the fire, they had to know who he was and where he lived. No, they had to have been following him since the gala at least. But if that was the case, why live in this cave? Why not take him to some hospital?

He needed answers. He looked around the room once more, noticing a wooden archway declaring the doorway to the room he was in. He put his hoof on the wall to balance himself. Going through the doorway, he turned, coming face to face with something he definitely didn't expect. Skystrike stood face to face with a black unicorn. Well, not exactly. Upon further inspection, it had bug-like wings, and holes going through its legs. The pale blue eyes stared back. A changeling.

So this is the one that saved him. First changeling he's seen in a long while. He bowed his head. "Thank you for everything."

The changeling dropped the items in her magic and rushed under his arm. "Nevermind that! Why did you get up? Your wounds aren't fully healed yet!" She said as they walked back to the room he was in. She laid him back down, sighing. "I was just coming to replace your bandages, but you're already trying to walk. You're a lot more hardy than I thought."

"Heh, thanks I guess." He chuckled, only to wince in pain. "So, what all happened, and how'd you get me out of there?" He asked. "Especially without anyone seeing you?"

"Well, before that. Let me change your bandages. That fire did quite a number on you." She agreed as she helped him take off said bandages. It took longer than he thought it would. It covered many parts of his body. His back, ribs, legs, and neck were all covered, though the damage varied from place to place. The worst area was the large burn mark across his back from where a beam fell on him. "You got lucky. I got there quick enough where the worst injury you got was the 2nd degree burn on your back. Other than that, a few fractured bones and some first degree burns."

Once all the bandages were off, she opened a jar of some type of salve before Skystrike put up a hoof to stop her. "Hold on. Get me the towel first. I feel... naked." He stated as simply as he could. The changeling looked at him, blinked, then realized that his meat was out. She apologized with an embarrassed blush before getting the towel and levitating it over to him with her magic. Skystrike put the towel around his waist.

Skystrike breathed in deeply, preparing himself for what he was about to do. When he changed for the first time from a human to a pony, he realized that it wasn't a simple illusion like it is for changelings. He had to change nearly his entire biology. How his blood flowed, where his organs were, the whole nine yards. Upon further testing his transformations, he realized three things. One, he can't turn into something with less mass than he started with. Two, he couldn't channel his magic as well as he normally could when he wasn't in his original form. Third, his wounds transferred between transformations, and transforming while wounded was painful.

However, he needed to heal faster than he is right now. He's have to power through the pain. He sat up and breathed deeply. A green fire started from his chest and creeped out towards his extremeties. The burning sensation he felt as his white coat turned to dark skin was painful, but bearable. The most painful parts were when his snout turned into a familiar human nose, and where were once his hooves were hands and feet, the digits seemingly growing from the fire. His white hair flowed down his back and rested on the floor. He'd have to cut it later.

The changeling looked at him, in awe of the form he took. She saw him like that as a child, but didn't realize how much he's grown over the years. Skystrike thought the same as her. It's been a good few years since he transformed. He focused more on the injuries he had, deciding he needed to heal them.

Skystrike focused the magic around where he was injured. Of course, due to how many he had, he surrounded his whole body in a green aura. He felt bones move back into place and the skin regrow, only leaving scars where the burn marks once were. While he could heal, it wasn't the ideal way. There were two ways for him to heal. His first choice was to use the unused energy in his body, such as fats and carbs, to speed up his natural regeneration. His second choice was to shave off some of his lifespan to heal wounds. A last resort. He chose the former.

"Now... I have some questions." Skystrike sat up straight to look at the changeling.

She stood at attention. "Yes sir! Ask away!"

He sighed at that. 'Sir.' "Don't call me that... I stopped being your captain when I was banished... when I let her die." He gripped his knees.

She gulped. "Of course... Skystrike. Ask away."

Skystrike leaned forward, getting to her eye level. "First, I'll need to know your name. What is it?"

"Caddis." She said with a flare of her wings.

"Alright, Caddis. No need to be so tense. How long have I been out for?"

"...Almost a week." She answered. Skystrike sighed at hearing that.

"Alright... Where are we, and how'd you get me here? Don't mean to be rude, but you don't seem strong enough to carry me."

"We're in a cave on the underside of Canterlot. And I didn't carry you?" She said the second part confused. "When I went to check on you, you were already standing. You asked me to take you somewhere safe. Though your voice was different, thinking back on it."

Different voice? Already standing? He leaned forward. "Was I wearing a helmet?" Caddis nodded. He gripped the collar around his neck. That's new... Echo is able to control him when he's unconsious at the bare minimum. That's scary, to say the least. But... he did save him. If Echo didn't, he's still be in the rubble. Despite that, he'd still need to talk to him later. "One more question, Caddis..."

"Yes?" She tilted her head.

"How long were you watching me for, and who ordered it?" He narrowed his eyes.

If a changeling could sweat, Caddis would be doing so right now. "Uhm... well..." She started.

"Go on." He said, but came off as more a demand.

"...The queen... told me to start watching you since you came to Canterlot years ago. There was a different changeling watching you in Cloudsdale."

"...Since Cloudsdale, huh?" He growled. "So, I see Chrysalis never trusted me since the beginning..."

"Oh, no no no, I meant the past queen. She was worried about you. We were just a sort of failsafe." Caddis explained. She began to explain further. "To be honest, I don't... have any loyalty to Chrysalis anymore. She banished all who were vocal on siding with you. Most of us sent to look after you included. I just... don't like leaving a job half done I guess..."

Skystrike looked at her for a moment before pulling her into a long hug. "I'm sorry..." He said. The only thing he could do was apologize. "You shouldn't have had to give up your family... our family... for me."

"No need to apologize. It was my own choice to stay in Canterlot." She said, returning the hug. She did her best to not drool.

Skystrike chuckled. "If you're hungry, just say so." He said as he opened his arms, letting her go. Caddis took a few steps back. "I'm ready when you are."

Caddis cleared her throat before beginning. She openned her mouth in a way that could only be described as creepy. Her fangs showed and what would be called her pupils shrank as a pink mist came from Skystrike's form and condensed in her mouth. She bit down on it and smiled. "Ah... you have no idea how much I needed that..." She shuddered in satisfaction.

Skystrike's expression didn't change. In fact, his face got more serious. "...Caddis, I don't mean to lay it on you like this, but... I do need a second opinion." Caddis burped, then nodded. "Thinking back to you, the other changelings, the former queen... and now the orphanage... I've noticed that I am the common denominator... I think it's best if... if Skystrike stayed dead. You and others were banished because of me... Mom was killed trying to save me... and my other brothers and sisters were targeted to get at me... I-... if Skystrike must die for those I care for to be safe... then it should be done."

The two sat in silence for a moment. The howling wind from the outside air echoes throughout the cave. After minutes of thinking, she finally replied. "Well... if you think that's for the best... I won't argue with you. But the ones who think you are dead, the pain that you'll deal to them is irreparable." She said. Skystrike thought on the words she said, contemplating. "But, no matter the choice you make, I'll be by your side."

Skystrike looked up at her and smiled. It may not be the best choice, but it was one he had to make. "Thank you, Caddis."

It was not a pleasent memory to relive, but one he had to nonetheless. "Skystrike..." Twilight started. "When I thought you died, it broke not just me, it hurt everypony. When your memorial was finished, everyone was crying. We lost a friend. A brother. A son. You don't know how many ponies cared for you." She sniffed.

"And then you come to Ponyville, show us your face, actin' like nothin' happened." Applejack butted in. "On top of all that, the first thin' ya do is go fight Nightmare Moon? Rainbow nearly cried herself to sleep that night!" She raised her voice in anger.

Rainbow Dash gave Applejack an embarrassed look. "Hey, I was with Fluttershy. She actually did."

"Not important here, Rainbow!" Applejack snapped her head onto her in anger. Rainbow quietly backed down.

The waterworks were coming to Fluttershy too when her name was mentioned. "We... we finally get to see you again after all these years, and now you're going off again... We-... we don't want you to die!" Fluttershy began crying as much as Pinkie and hugged him too.

Rarity made eyecontact with the stallion. "Skystrike... I know I don't know you nearly as well as the rest of us but... you are my dear friend. I speak for all of us that we don't want to see you hurt, let alone you disappear from our lives again." Rarity put a hoof on his shoulder. "Just... make sure you come back safe, alright, darling?" She tried to smile, but tears came out of her eyes too. She quickly tried to wipe them away to not ruin her mascara.

Skystrike looked over to Zecora and Stardust standing next to eachother. "I know that this is something you must do, but know that for every mission you go on, my worry only grows for you." Zecora sighed. "Into your thoughts, I will not dive. I merely ask you come back alive."

Stardust took a step forward. "You always worry about others before you... Just... put yourself first sometimes, alright, sir?" She pleaded.

Spike didn't say anything. He simply walked up to him and hugged his leg. He could feel it begin to grow damp with his tears. Naga brushed him gently with her nose. She could be surprisingly careful when needed.

Skystrike looked down. He's be lying if he said that their words didn't get to them. He took in a deep breath, then exhaled. "My actions need no justification, as it wouldn't change the irreparable damage I've done to you all." He began. "I know my actions may not be forgivable, but rather than dwelling on the many mistakes I made in the past... I want to make a better future for all of us. I want an ending that we can be happy with. I normally don't make promises, as I'm afraid I can't keep them, but I'll do this for you all." He said as he took a step back. He put a hoof over his chest. "You have my word that I will come back. And when I do, we have a lot to catch up on over the years I was gone." They all smiled back at him. "Now the night isn't over yet. We got until the train station parts us. Thirty minute walk." He offered.

They took that offer, Pinkie jumping on his back, her normally happy self. The group began walking towards the train station. He remembered it's been a while since the last time he did something like this. Spending time with friends. Put simply, he enjoyed it. Telling jokes, sharing laughs, just having a good time. He'd make sure to do this more when he got back.

Of course, there'd be no good times if they lasted forever. Their time eventually came to an end. Skystrike put his helmet back on as they approached the station. The conductor looked up from his seat. "Finally here." He coughed as he put the cigar in his mouth out. "We've already packed your train car. Got a lot of stuff in there for just a simple trip to Manehatten." He raised an eyebrow and pointed to the train car at the far end of the train.

Skystrike ignored that last statement from the stallion, deciding to turn to his friends instead. "Well, this is it. My time to go" He said. "I'm bad with goodbyes, and I'd rather not set any flags." He chuckled to himself.

"Don't worry about it. Just make sure you come back safe." Applejack smiled at him.

"Hey! Maybe we can have a party when you do!" Pinkie offered.

"Eeh, I'll think on it. Thanks though." Skystrike shrugged. "But you all take care of yourselves while I'm gone. I'm going straight to sleep one I get on the train." He said as he jumped to the top of the train car.

Twilight looked up, stunned. "...How-"

"Alright, Conducter, ready when you are!" He yelled to the conductor, who pulled the wistle on the train. It made it's well known sound before the wheels started to rotate and take him away from Ponyville. He turned to wave at his friends one more time before they were soon out of eyesight. He climbed down and into the train, changed out of his suit, and made a make-shift bed. He stared out the window at the night sky for a few minutes before falling asleep.

"We see you've finally came." He heard a voice in his dream from behind him.

Skystrike turned around to see Luna floating amongst a background of stars. "Alright... I guess you got some questions. Shoot."

Author's Note:

I live! And I'm motivated! This one took so long since I also rewrote the first two chapters, and changed how I want the story to progress. Thanks for the patience. The next few chapters will get a bit dark, so be prepared. The red tags now have a reason to be there!

This chapter was fun, and very challenging. The lyrics were hard to come up with, since I was going with a certain theme. But I think it turned out great! to be honest, this chapter was done back in like, October. Yeah, the rewrites took THAT long. Don't worry. Unless life plans otherwise, chapters will come out faster!

Another thing that took me a while, I made most of my ocs in pony town, so you guys can put a picture behind their description. I plan on uploading their pictures in the authors notes in previous chapters and future chapters where they're introduced. These took a while too, getting the colors right. Give me some time to get some other ocs made and I'll post them soon!

Also, lore drop next chapter