• Published 1st Jul 2020
  • 2,730 Views, 96 Comments

Forever Lasting Bonds - SonicSpeed Kaleb

A fanmade reboot of Friendship is Magic with Spike as the main character. Be warned, as it can get quite dark every now and then.

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The Sonic Rainboom

Disclaimer: In regards to a comment I got on the previous chapter regarding this story turning into a fetish fit, I have to stress; this story having farts in it doesn't make it a fetish fic. There's nothing wrong with writing farts in your story, and I have every right to add them into my story. The only chapters that are debatably fart fetish material are chapters seven, eight, and ten. Chapter twelve only had two farts in it, and most of it was about Rarity making the dresses and accessories for her friends for when the Gala comes. If you don't like farts or fart jokes then that's fine, but please understand that it's not the only thing to look for in my story, and that Forever Lasting Bonds has other things to read it for. This is a fantasy slice of life story that does have dark and/or serious moments, but isn't afraid to have gross out humor, and I would appreciate it not being labeled as a fetish story, when anyone who reads it, would understand the difference between this, and actual fetish work.

And I realize the irony in me saying this considering what's about to come up, but if you're going to read my story, please see that the farts aren't the only thing in it, and that there are other things about it that could be worth looking into.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were out in an open field as Rainbow Dash was trying to prepare something with Fluttershy's help. As she got ready, she made sure that Fluttershy was prepared, wanting to make sure that everything went well. "Alright Flutters. I'm gonna go for the Sonic Rainboom again. You ready?"

"I'm ready." Fluttershy was currently cheering for Rainbow Dash as she prepared for something that was coming up. She wanted to be ready for it, as she wanted to give Rainbow Dash everything she had. "I just hope I'm loud enough this time."

"I don't expect you to be perfect right away; that's why we're working on this now." Rainbow Dash reminded Fluttershy, and then she got into a takeoff position and instructed Fluttershy to stay ready. "You say you're ready, prove it." Fluttershy nodded in response as Rainbow Dash then took off, flying up as high as she had to before flying back down, high enough for her reflection to be shown in the sun. She then dashed down at mach speed, seemingly trying to do something with her speed, but after three seconds of struggling to break the sound barrier, she got knocked back before she could pull it off.

Rainbow Dash managed to regain her balance but was frustrated by her struggle, and then took it out on Fluttershy when she realized she wasn't cheering. "Fluttershy, what gives?"

"Did I not cheer loud enough?" Fluttershy asked innocently, leaving Rainbow Dash to give her a deadpan look as she nervously backed up her statement. "I'll take that as a yes."

"You SHOULD take it as a yes." Rainbow Dash informed Fluttershy, reminding her what she was preparing for and how important it was to her. "If I'm gonna pull off a Sonic Rainboom to win the Best Young Flyer competition, one important key factor I'll need is a good cheer squad. And I know you're aware of the element of a good cheer." Fluttershy nodded her head yes as Rainbow Dash then went through things again. "Remember. Loud, proud, and encouraging. If I'm gonna get this right, I need you to be on point."

Fluttershy made an attempt to show her cheer for Rainbow Dash, but it was quite obviously, too quiet. "Yay."






Fluttershy gave a deep breath for her last one, but all she could let out was a slightly louder version of the last one "Yay." Rainbow Dash then groaned as she sat down and put a hoof on her forehead. This made Fluttershy wonder if she was doing it right. "Too loud?" Rainbow Dash gave her another deadpan look, and that was enough to tell Fluttershy that it was in fact the opposite of too loud. The last thing Rainbow Dash needed was a quiet cheer, especially since she was still struggling with the Sonic Rainboom.

All kinds of moments from season one were shown as Twilight was heard singing the main theme of the show, My Little Pony Friends. "For every day, I look around me, for every time I see you near. I thank the stars, whose light surrounds me, I thank the earth that keeps you here. Cause I will only follow, my true heart. And I can see it clear now, right from the start. You were my little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be; my little pony. Until you shared it's magic with me. My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be. My little pony. Until you shared it's magic, with me.

Spike and Lightspeed were admiring their tuxedos with Spike especially getting a kick out of his. He couldn't help but admire how fancy he looked in his tux, even if he wasn't going to be all stuck up and fancy at the Gala. "Rarity really knows her stuff. I just might pick up the entire party next month in Canterlot with how good I look."

Lightspeed laughed at what Spike just joked about, knowing for a fact that said joke would never happen in real life. "All the teenagers, maybe, if more will be there. The adult, not so much."

Spike shrugged with a confident smile just as Rainbow Dash crashed through the living room window, leaving her to struggle with regaining her vision as Lightspeed helped her up with concern as Spike called up to Twilight. "Twilight! Rainbow Dash just crashed through our window and I refuse to clean it up! Instead I'll just get her an ice pack!"

"No need Spike, but thanks. You too lil' bro." Rainbow Dash was grateful for seeing how quickly Spike and Lightspeed were to give her aid, but all she really needed was to sit down and relax her impact off. "Sorry about the window by the way. I'm training for the Best Young Flyer's competition in Cloudsdale, but I can't get this technique I'm trying to redo down."

Spike took his tuxedo off and set it to the side along with Lightspeed and spoke up as they both set them on the coffee table. "Like I said; I'm not cleaning it up. Good thing you and LS have wings."

"Hey, LS. I like that." Lightspeed chimed in, leaving Spike to blush softly and smile while scratching the back of his head, glad to see that Lightspeed was fond of the nickname he made for him, even if it was mostly just an abbreviation.

Just then, Fluttershy came in from the window and flew over to Rainbow Dash, hoping that she was okay after that impact. "Rainbow Dash! Are you okay? I got here as fast as I could!"

"And you're as good at speed as you are at cheering." Rainbow Dash snarked, leaving Fluttershy stunned by her sudden bitterness. Rainbow Dash instantly regretted it though, and knew that Fluttershy didn't deserve that, so she quickly tried to fix it. "I'm sorry Fluttershy, I know you don't deserve that. I'm just so peeved off about the lack of progress I'm making. (Punches couch cushion) I've been practicing this Sonic Rainboom for three weeks now and I still can't recreate the one I made from when I was a filly. It sucks!"

Fluttershy understood Rainbow Dash's struggle and sat down next to her, putting a hoof on her shoulder as she tried her best to comfort her. "I know you'll get it when the moment counts Rainbow Dash. When we head up to Cloudsdale tomorrow, you'll see. You'll have more than enough determination to use the Sonic Rainboom then, and you'll get it that time."

Lightspeed flew next to her sister, letting her know that she would be there to support her. "Plus you'll have your shining motivation, named by yourself, there to help you. You've been trying to help me unlock my true potential since I was born, and now it's my turn to help you." Rainbow Dash was grateful for the support, but she still wasn't quite sure, and then Lightspeed got an idea and gained a confident look on his face. "I think I know someone else who can help too.

The next day...

Rainbow Dash, Lightspeed, and Fluttershy were flying up to Cloudsdale, and Spike was on Lightspeed's back as they went up. Spike got a good view of Cloudsdale from a distance and was excited to see what it was all about. "My first time in Cloudsdale. Well, second time actually. I came here once for that Wonderbolt convention last year for a Wonderbolts convention, so this is my first time as a visitor."

"How did you stand on Cloudsdale the first time anyway? You don't even have your wings yet." Spike pulled out a potion Twilight made for him that allowed him to stand on clouds, leaving Rainbow Dash to laugh a bit at how she didn't consider that herself. "Of course Twilight had a hand in it." Rainbow Dash and everyone else landed on Cloudsdale with Spike hopping off of Lightspeed's back as they headed off to where the Best Young Flyers competition is being held. "They're holding it at the Coliseum. Let's hurry!

On the way to the coliseum, Fluttershy spoke to Rainbow Dash about her cheering skills. "I did some private training with Angel yesterday to improve my cheering skills. I think I've managed to increase my volume output by a decent amount."

"I should hope so." Rainbow Dash replied, being glad to see that Fluttershy was taking this as seriously as she does. "And even if you flop again, at least Spike and Lightspeed will be able to reach their own levels of max volume." Rainbow Dash then looked back to Spike to confirm that he was there to support her. "You did come to support me, right?"

"Yeah; that, and so I could get a better idea of what's in Cloudsdale." Spike informed Rainbow Dash, which she could get behind. Spike had only been there once and that was for a convention, so he likely didn't get to see much of Cloudsdale. "Honestly, I'm not even THAT big of a Wonderbolts fan; I just used the convention as an excuse to check this place out."

Rainbow Dash snickered a bit, finding Spike's methods of checking out Cloudsdale to be funny. "Well if you're not into the Wonderbolts Spike, that's fine. But I can give you at least three dozen better excuses to come to Cloudsdale."

Spike nodded and took note of that with Lightspeed getting an idea and spoke to Rainbow Dash about it. "Hey Rainbow, is it okay if I show Spike around before the show?" Rainbow Dash nodded her head yes and Lightspeed got excited and grabbed Spike's claw as the two of them happily ran off. "Thanks! We'll be there in time for your performance!" Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy continued walking to the Coliseum, being ready for what was to come with the show.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were at the coliseum with Rainbow Dash instantly recognizing someone ahead of her. "Oh my God it's her!" Ahead of Rainbow Dash and Spitfire was an orange Pegasus with a fiery red mane wearing a full Wonderbolt body suit. It was all blue with a Wonderbolt logo on the chest of it, and it seemed to look rather tight, but she didn't seem to mind. Rainbow Dash was starting to gain hearts in her eyes but quickly snapped out of it and spoke to herslef ."No rainbow! You can't crush on Spitfire after you kissed Applejack!"

Rainbow Dash suddenly cut a loud and bassy nervous fart that was so loud the entire room heard it, making her big butt vibrate as the scent of burnt bacon started to linger (PHHT). Usually Rainbow Dash was okay with farting, but she was desperate to not do so in front of her idol, and after Fluttershy wafted the fart away, she tried to calm Rainbow Dash down. "Just go over there and talk to her Rainbow Dash. If she gets to know you first then it could help you feel better about your performance."

Rainbow Dash sighed and had to admit that Fluttershy's plan did sound useful. She could only hope that she could keep her nervous gas under control for that, although, it was proving to be a struggle (PFFT) (BRUP) (BLARP). "Let's hope you're right Flutters."

Rainbow Dash went over to Spitfire with Spitfire noticing her and hoping she wasn't here for an autograph. "Sorry ma'am. I'm waiting until after the competition to sign anymore autographs." Rainbow Dash's stomach started growling hard with Spitfire taking notice and hoping that Rainbow Dash was okay as the latter held her stomach. "You alright there?"

"Yep. Just trying not to fart in front of you is all." Rainbow Dash tried with all of her might to avoid farting in front of Spitfire, only for her butt to be shown as she let out an incredibly loud and bassy ten second fart in the room, causing Rainbow Dash's butt to vibrate violently as she unleashed a massive yellow cloud of rotten eggs that instantly started clearing out the coliseum (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT) Rainbow Dash instantly started blushing like crazy as Spitfire held her nose with Rainbow Dash apologizing as she noticed her surprised face. "Sorry will NEVER be enough to explain how embarrassed I am right now."

Rainbow Dash continued to fart without being unable to stop as most of the other ponies started panicking from her constant nervous farting (BRRRRRAAAAAT) (BLLLLLAAAAARRRRRP), and even after she started trying to waft her farts away by getting on her hind hooves, which pointed her butt out as the farts continued (PHHHHHHHHHHT), it was no use, causing Rainbow Dash to blush a crimson red with the thought of her farting in front of her idol (PFFFFFFFFFFT) (BRRRRRUUUUUP) (PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT).

Spitfire then made a choice to leave, hoping that she wasn't crushing Rainbow Dash's spirits as she tried to let her off easy as Rainbow Dash continued farting (PFFFFFFFFFFT) (PHHHHHHHHHHT). "Hey, um...I think we should continue this when you feel less...this."

"Good call." Rainbow Dash suddenly started letting out another loud and bassy fart as Spitfire left, one that made the entire coliseum shake as her big butt vibrated violently from the impact (PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... Fluttershy then went over to her and put a hoof on her shoulder while covering her nose, showing that she was more used to Rainbow Dash's gas than most (HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... Rainbow Dash couldn't be more embarrassed if she tried however. "Today. Officially. Sucks."

A full two hours after Rainbow Dash started her last fart, she was finally able to stop with the last minute making Cloudsdale shake when it happened (HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but still feel humiliated about what happened with her and Spitfire as Fluttershy went in to comfort her again. "I understand if you wanna leave. You'll have plenty of time to impress Spitfire, and when you do, you'll look amazing."

"Thanks, but I'd prefer a milkshake, and maybe a super long shower instead." Rainbow Dash spoke while trying to avoid showing any hint of lingering embarrassment. Though, Fluttershy could easily tell through the crack in Rainbow Dash's voice that this moment hit her, leaving her to hope that she could help her feel better in time for the competition.

Meanwhile, Spike and Lightspeed were getting a look around Cloudsdale with Lightspeed commenting on what happened as he and Spike arrived at a waterfall. When Spike got a look at it, he became amazed, as the waterfall was seemingly going right through a rainbow. Lightspeed saw his interest and decided to give him some context on the waterfall. "This waterfall is the start of every rainbow in Equestria. Depending on which place is scheduled for a rainbow, we have the guys who make rainbows send one over there from it."

"What, like some sort of rainbow factory?" Spike asked with curiosity, and Lightspeed happily nodded his head yes with Spike finding that to sound very cool. "Hehe, nice. So Pegasi even make their own rainbows, huh?"

"Pretty much, yeah." Lightspeed response, and then he and Spike leaned on the hoofrail that kept them from falling off the ledge. The two of them got a look downward at the pool the waterfall was descending to with Lightspeed pointing out its purpose. "That pool is so we don't accidentally send rainbows to EVERY location at once. Too many rainbows could mean a lack of power soon after, and we can't risk that."

Spike started to wonder what it felt like to touch the pool and gave a sly grin to Lightspeed. "Any chance we're allowed to go swimming in this pool?"

Lightspeed chuckled a bit before making his reply. "I doubt it. Rainbow Dash tried that once before I was born and as far as I know, they haven't changed the rule not to do it."

"Noted." Spike responded, and then Lightspeed's watch started beeping as Spike pointed out what time it was. "Ah crap, we gotta get back to support Rainbow!"

"Hop on!" Lightspeed allowed Spike to hop onto his back as he then flew as fast as he could, making sure they got to the Young Fliers competition in time without hurting any of the other Pegasi in the area.

Spike and Lightspeed arrived safely at the coliseum and hi five just as they overheard something when walking in. And that was Rainbow Dash's voice. "This mocha really does help Fluttershy," Spike and Lightspeed saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy at the cafe in the coliseum and wondered what they were talking about. "but I still can't shake the thought of bombing it in front of the Wonderbolts out of my head. What if I choke and start farting on the entire crowd, including them?"

Spike and Lightspeed took notice to Rainbow Dash's rare showing of insecureness and nodded to each other, heading off to develop a plan that could guarantee Rainbow dash pulls off a successful Rainboom. As they did this, Fluttershy continued to try and lift Rainbow Dash's spirits. "Just give it your all Rainbow Dash. I'm sure Spitfire would want that more than you quoting because of what happened earlier."

Rainbow Dash thought about Fluttershy's point and felt that she was right about that. Spitfire didn't like quitters, so the best possible outcome could only happen if she stayed to continue competing. "Yeah, you're right! Okay. I'll do it. But I'll still need you to deal with these butterflies when I'm done."

"Gladly." Fluttershy said while giggling softly, and Rainbow Dash left some cash for the mocha before the two of them headed off to the coliseum, since the competition was about to begin.

The Best Young Fliers Competition was currently ongoing with the third of many performances to come taking place. This one showed four mares doing some kind of flag show, and Rainbow Dash was currently giving herself a mental pep talk to keep herself in line. 'Okay RD, you got this. Or at least you hope you do. Just remember what not to do and you'll be fine. Don't choke, don't fart, don't freeze, and don't make the Wonderbolts think less of you in any way. And also pray to Celestia that Spitfire isn't disgusted by you from earlier's incident.'

The third performance was finishing up with Spike and Lightspeed shown at the top of the coliseum roof as they went over the plan again with Lightspeed seeming skeptical. "Spike, are you sure about this? There's only a fifty fifty chance that you won't lose your life over this."

"Technically it's a third of a chance." Spike then pointed out what he meant by that, since he felt that Lightspeed would be confused. "Maybe my mark will save me if I reach the bottom. Plus (Pulls out a potion and shakes it a little), Twilight gave me this levitation potion right before the competition in case the cloud walking, which she also sent me a second one for, wore off. I'll find a way to pay her back for the extra weight one."

Lightspeed gave a deadpan look regarding Spike stealing from his sister as he then sighed and showed a look of concern for Spike's safety. "Look, just be careful. And we only get one shot."

"That's all I need." Spike stated confidently, knowing that this would be a success no matter what. "Rainbow Dash is gonna come flying for me so fast that the Wonderbolts can't keep up. Hopefully this is what activates that Rainboom along with that."

After the sixth performance, Rainbow Dash was up as the seventh contestant, and she breathed in and out to avoid any stress following her. She didn't want to screw this up. She had to make sure that Spitfire didn't see her as some walking fart bomb, if what happened earlier was anything to go by. Actually, she wanted the Wonderbolts in general to see her as more than that. Little did she know that Spike and Lightspeed were already planning on helping her out.

Spike was getting ready as he positioned himself in just the right place for the plan to work. Lightspeed was able to get him up to one of the balloons that was floating above the Cloudsdale coliseum, and he was about to take advantage of that for his plan. "Okay. Jump right before Rainbow dash spots me, and then execute the plan. If it fails, I've got backup plans to keep me safe."

Rainbow Dash was preparing for her Sonic Rainboom and was starting to get nervous again. She flew above the crowd high enough to fly through the crowd and not hurt them with the Rainboom. As she was preparing this however, she got a text that showed Spike about to execute his plan, as he gave her a peace sign and she looked down to find him pulling off his 'stunt', much to her fear, as he'd already fallen through the clouds of Cloudsdale. "Spike!"

Rainbow Dash started diving down at max speed in an attempt to save Spike, who'd already fallen through the clouds, and right now, she didn't care about her performance. She knew that Spike's life was more important than that. If only she knew it was a setup. Lightspeed got a good look at the action and saw Rainbow Dash fly down to Spike at a speed so great that the unexpected happened. A rainbow boom wave formed right above the Coliseum as Rainbow Dash raced towards Spike, going so fast that even the Wonderbolts were impressed.

Rainbow Dash caught Spike when he was at least twenty feet above ground and was relieved that she saved him, flying back up to Cloudsdale as he took out another potion. Rainbow Dash was confused by this as she then looked up and saw the Rainboom before seeing that the potion Spike was drinking was a potion for being able to stand on clouds. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but chuckle. "I see what ya did there. Just don't think I'm gonna lie to the press for you."

Spike shrugged as she and Rainbow Dash arrived back up at the top and Rainbow Dash set Spike down. "Well if they do interview you, make sure you mention that you pulled off the Sonic Rainboom. Ya never know; they could be suckers for that." Rainbow Dash took note of that as the crowd started cheering in regards to her accomplishment. She just had to smile in that moment. She was skeptical about the act that Spike set this whole thing up to help her, but she was glad she could still do the Sonic Rainboom.

Rainbow Dash was currently on the news with Spike, Lightspeed, and Fluttershy watching from the Tv in the Coliseum cafe. "Believe it or not, I was totally oblivious to the plan until I saw my friend drinking that potion to help him stand on the clouds again. I knew it was underhanded, but I was so stoked about still being able to pull off a Sonic Rainboom that I couldn't be mad."

The news anchor, who was a red Pegasus with a silver mane, was a little skeptical about Rainbow Dash's attitude. He couldn't exactly get behind how the rescue she performed was fake, and that she wasn't upset about it. "So, you're not bothered by the fact that you're not a hero."

"Dude; I helped save the entire world and reawaken the Elements of Harmony." Rainbow Dash pointed out, revealing that this whole event was basically worldwide news by this point. "That's enough confirmation for anyone to believe they're a hero. Yeah I don't agree with what happened today, but honestly, the only thing I'm worried about is how the Wonderbolts will take this."

Rainbow Dash laughed a bit with Fluttershy speaking up about what happened. "You could've gotten seriously hurt Spike. I hope you're really okay from the fall."

"I'll be fine Fluttershy." Spike assured Fluttershy, knowing that this was the least of his troubles. "Like Rainbow Dash, I'm more concerned about other things, like how Twilight will react when she finds out I stole some of her potions."

"Let me know if you need help lying to her about that." Lightspeed joked, leaving Spike to laugh a little as he said that. He knew Lightspeed would never stoop to the level of rebellion he went to today.

Rainbow Dash was heading out of the News tower as she was greeted by none other than Spitfire, much to her surprise. She wasn't sure how to respond, since she didn't exactly prepare for if Spitfire went to her. There were two possible outcomes she could think of right now. Either Spitfire was impressed with her Sonic Rainboom, or she WASN'T impressed by what led to the Sonic Rainboom happening. All she could do was greet Spitfire and hope for the best. "Oh. Hey Spitfire. (Blushes softly) I guess you heard what happened."

"I did. That dragon friend of yours sure is crazy." Spitfire responded, and then Rainbow Dash was about to speak up, before Spitfire started laughing. Rainbow Dash didn't expect that. Not that she didn't think Spitfire had a sense of humor. "It's just a miracle you dove in to save him when you did. I was about to dive in before I saw you dashing down." Spitfire laughed a bit more as she then walked up to Rainbow Dash and whispered into her ear. "Also. Guess what."

Rainbow Dash was about to reply, only for Spitfire to rip a loud and bassy ten second fart, letting out a green cloud of protein shake gas as her butt vibrated in her track suit (BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP). Rainbow Dash laughed upon hearing that and then lifted her leg and released her own gas on cue, letting out a loud and bassy twenty second fart that made her big butt vibrate as well (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT). "That one was on purpose."

"I can tell." Spitfire responded, and then when she was about to kiss Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash flinched and backed up a bit. This confused Spitfire, but then again, she couldn't blame Rainbow Dash since they'd only just met. "I get it. You need more time, right?"

"No, believe it or not." Rainbow Dash admitted, still being conflicted about something she did last month. "You see, I kissed a friend of mine last month after we participated in this event back in Ponyville, and I don't think it's fair to hook up with you knowing she could be expecting me to take her to the Gala."

Spitfire was aware of the Grand Galloping Gala, since the Wonderbolts, like all celebrities, had tickets to go there. She understood what Rainbow Dash was getting at and smiled towards her loyalty to her friends. "You said you revived the Elements of Harmony with your friends, right?" Rainbow Dash nodded her head yes with Spitfire putting a hoof on her shoulder as she walked up to her. "I think I know which element you are. And I could use a lot of it if you join the Wonderbolts one day."

Rainbow Dash was stoked, but held back her fangirl attitude and smiled confidently at what Spitfire just said. "Thanks Spitfire. Both for being so understanding, and for what you just said." Spitfire nodded in response. She knew that Rainbow Dash would be nothing more than a valuable asset to the Wonderbolts team, whether it was performing in shows, or helping to defend Equestria as their military force.

Rainbow Dash was getting ready to leave with everyone else while remaining conflicted over her feelings for Applejack and Spitfire. She'd known Applejack personally for a lot longer than Spitfire, especially since she and Spitfire only had two interactions, with one of them ending rather poorly. Coming out wasn't easy, but committing to one pony wasn't much better. It's not that Rainbow Dash had never dated before, but rather, she could never seem to figure out who her special somepony was.

Spike, Lightspeed, and Fluttershy were walking over to Rainbow Dash with Spike seemingly holding some to-go boxes of their dinner. As they were walking over to Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy instantly noticed her conflicted look and felt it was best to help her. "Are you okay?"

Rainbow Dash flinched and instantly tried to think of a good way to hide what she was going through. "Yeah; I'm fine. Still stoked that I can still pull off a Sonic Rainboom after all these years." Fluttershy gave a concerned look and Rainbow Dash sighed, knowing that she couldn't hide this as she spoke to Spike and Lightspeed. "You two can meet us at the entrance of Cloudsdale. We won't be long." Spike and Lightspeed nodded and headed off as they started talking about life, leaving Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to talk in private. "How'd you know?"

"Rainbow Dash, we used to date." Fluttershy reminded Rainbow Dash concernedly. "I should know when you're conflicted about your romantic life."

Rainbow Dash then started explaining her situation, hoping that she wouldn't come off the wrong way about it. "Spitfire and I talked after my interview, and things got a little...intimate." Fluttershy looked surprised as Rainbow Dash continued. "We almost kissed, and it was tempting, but I knew it wouldn't be right after I kissed Applejack. And I'm not Polyamorous or anything; I can settle down with one mare. I just don't know what to do right now."

Fluttershy gave a caring smile to Rainbow Dash as she offered her own advice about her best friend's situation. "I can't say I've ever been in your hooves before, but you did only just meet Spitfire." Rainbow Dash saw Fluttershy's point as she then listened to the rest of what she had to say. "Maybe you should try asking Applejack out first and seeing how it goes. You two already know each other really well, so you'll have a lot to talk about."

Rainbow Dash felt that Fluttershy's advice was sound. Applejack sounded much easier to hold a relationship with than her idol that she just met in person. "I can't argue with that. Thanks Flutters." Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy heads off to where Spike and Lightspeed were as Rainbow Dash laughed about something from the past. "I'd ask why we broke up, but I think it's pretty obvious we weren't meant to be." Fluttershy giggled a bit, knowing that Rainbow Dash's comment pretty much was spot on.

Spike and the others arrived back in Ponyville with Spike being excited to tell their friends about his Cloudsdale trip. "I don't know how Scootaloo feels about Cloudsdale, but she's gonna lose her mind when we tell her we went there!"

Lightspeed laughed a bit as he commented on how he thought Scootaloo would react. He, didn't think it would be pretty. "Just don't try to rub it in. Remember, Scootaloo can't fly."

"Got ya." Spike and Lightspeed continued talking with Spike bringing up an idea for a revisit to Cloudsdale. "So I was thinking that maybe after I get my wings we could..."

While Spike and Lightspeed were talking, Rainbow Dash took her phone out and got a good look at it with Fluttershy putting her hoof on her shoulder for support. The look on Fluttershy's face said to only do this if Rainbow Dash knew she was ready. After thinking for a few seconds, going through a couple of different emotions from conflicted, to concerned, to scared, she eventually breathed in through her nose, and out from her mouth, as she made her decision. She was going to spend her entire life simping over two mares.

Rainbow Dash went to her contacts, chose Applejack's number, and gave her a call. After a couple rings, she started to worry about how she would respond, but she knew she couldn't back out of this now. When the third ring hit, Applejack answered the call. "Howdy Rainbow. What can I do ya for?"

Rainbow Dash gave a smile as she made request, hoping that the outcome wasn't unfitting. "Hey AJ. I know it's not ideal to hear this over the phone, but..." Rainbow Dash closed her eyes with the screen cutting to black as soon as she finished her sentence. "You wanna go out with me next Friday?"

An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.

Spike popped up after the credits were finished rolling as he explained the couple situation. "Also, for anyone who's wondering why this isn't going the same way mine and Lightspeed's relationship is developing, I think we both know that the romance in this story would be at a risk of being boring if all the couples had the same amount of pacing. Just sayin'." Spike gave a peace sign as he then left the screen on his skateboard.