• Published 1st Jul 2020
  • 2,730 Views, 96 Comments

Forever Lasting Bonds - SonicSpeed Kaleb

A fanmade reboot of Friendship is Magic with Spike as the main character. Be warned, as it can get quite dark every now and then.

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Winter Wrap Up Shenanigans

Twilight was sleeping in her room at the Golden Oak Library as the morning sun shone in her bedroom window. When she woke up, she realized what day it was and got out of bed, putting on a winter coat and walking out of her room. She then went into Spike's room with a cheerful smile, "Morning Spike!" only to realize that her younger brother was still sleeping. She went over to him to wake him up, hoping he would participate in today's event. "You awake sleepyhead?"

Spike woke up and rubbed his eyes, being irritated that Twilight stopped him from sleeping. "If it makes you leave me alone the fastest."

"It's Winter Wrap up." Twilight revealed, making Spike give a look of realization, but then he gave a look of indifference as he got off of his bed and left the room with Twilight. "This is going to be different from how we do it in Canterlot. The residents of Ponyville do everything without magic."

"Sounds thrilling enough to kill me." Spike stated sarcastically, opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle of cherry, chocolate soda. "Can we talk about this later Twilight? You know I hate everyone until I've had my favorite drink. At least on days where I wake up earlier than seven A.M."

Spike started drinking his soda as Twilight pointed out just how unhealthy that was for him. "Spike, you know that stuff isn't a healthy morning drink. You've gotta stop drinking it as soon as you wake up."

Spike finished his first bottle as he then let out a loud burp and also farted at the same time, letting out two green clouds that let out a chocolaty, cherry flavored scent (PHHHHHT). Twilight rolled her eyes as Spike give his usual smug grin that came with his farts. "Do, not, care."

Twilight sighed, knowing that this was going to be a rough morning. "I should also point out how gassy it makes you."

"That's why I love it." Spike reminded Twilight as she levitated him onto her back, and the two left the house with Spike pulling out another bottle of his soda before the door closed.

All kinds of moments from season one were shown as Twilight was heard singing the main theme of the show, My Little Pony Friends. "For every day, I look around me, for every time I see you near. I thank the stars, whose light surrounds me, I thank the earth that keeps you here. Cause I will only follow, my true heart. And I can see it clear now, right from the start. You were my little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be; my little pony. Until you shared it's magic with me. My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be. My little pony. Until you shared it's magic, with me.

Spike was drinking his soda as he continued to let out quick farts that annoyed Twilight, since he was still on her back at the time (pfft) (brat) (blarp) (phht). "Spike, can you please stop farting? I don't wanna smell like chocolate when I'm helping with Winter Wrap up."

Spike finished his bottle and put it in the recycling bin before letting out a big burp that knocked out a few birds with how big the noxious cloud was, giving a smug grin when he was done. "Why do you think I usually let this all out in the library? If you didn't forget that then we wouldn't have this problem."

Twilight sighed with Spike lying down on her back as she looked around to see how everyone was contributing to Winter Wrap up. She saw that Pinkie Pie was just having fun ice skating, and that Rainbow Dash and Lightspeed were on the whether team. Twilight decided to troll Spike for a bit, since he had feelings for the latter of the Pegasi siblings, gaining a smirk as she did. "Ya know, Lightspeed probably won't like it if you fart in front of him too often."

Spike flinched, wondering if he'd be able to get away with doing it silently. "Do Pegasi have hyper hearing?" Twilight giggled as she nodded her head no, much to Spike's relief as he wiped his head. "Good. I'll just hold in the burps and do the farts SBD."

Twilight nodded in response as she went over to the others with Spike as Lightspeed noticed him while he and Rainbow Dash were arranging the clouds and got excited. "Spike!" Lightspeed rushed down to Spike and Twilight since he and Rainbow Dash had just finished up the cloud, leading to Spike jumping off of Twilight's back and being happy to see him. "I was wondering when you and Twilight were gonna arrive. What are you guys gonna do for Winter Wrap up?"

"Hate to break it to ya Lightspeed, but I'm not really in the helpful mood right now." Spike explained as he then went into detail on it. "Twilight woke me up early today and I had to drink my favorite soda to get me going."

Spike's stomach suddenly growled loudly with Lightspeed instantly catching onto it and laughing a bit. "You know I live with Rainbow Dash, right? Let it out." Spike was relieved to hear that and released a loud and bassy ten second fart into the air, causing a bunch of birds to pass out from the yellow rotten egg cloud (PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT).

Rainbow Dash saw Spike and Lightspeed laughing together, smiling as she flew down to them and wafted the cloud away with her wings before landing next to Lightspeed. "You go ahead and take some time off Lightspeed. I'll take whether patrol from here."

"You sure?" Lightspeed asked, wanting to make sure Rainbow Dash was confident about this.

"Yeah, I won't be too bombarded with chores today." Rainbow Dash assured Lightspeed, making him happy as he walked off with Spike.

"Thanks Rainbow Dash! I'll be back as soon as I can!" Spike and Lightspeed walked off with Lightspeed wondering how Spike's gas could be put to use."

Twilight walked over to a lake of ice and watched Pinkie Pie ice skating before the earth pony noticed her and skated over to her with a wide smile. "Hi Twilight! Welcome to your first ever Winter Wrap Up in Ponyville!"

"Thanks Pinkie." Twilight responded, seeing that Pinkie Pie was having a blast showing off her skating skills. "I'm glad to see you're having as much fun as ever, but I don't see how this helps with he wrap up."

"Oh, it doesn't." Pinkie Pie confirmed, and thens he explained why she was out here. "See, I was baking the sweets and making all the sugary drinks for the ponies to have at Sugarcube Corner, and I made so many that Mrs. Cake let me go out and have some fun while she finished with the decorations."

Twilight appreciated good work ethic, even if not as much as Applejack, and she was open to trying out figure skating. "You have an extra set of skates? Figure skating looks like fun." Pinkie Pie pulled out an extra pair of figure skates for Twilight and she put them on, making sure not to use her magic to keep up with tradition. She struggled a little, but she was eventually able to put them on. "Thanks."

"No problem. It may take you some time to get the hang of things, but I think you should be able to get it down." Pinkie Pie helped Twilight onto the ice rink, and although Twilight was struggling to stay up, Pinkie Pie was able to stop her from landing on her private area as she cracked a joke about it. "Good thing we're both girls."

After a few more seconds, Pinkie Pie allowed Twilight to try and skate on her own. However, she ended up falling flat on her face, leading to her rubbing her head as Pinkie Pie helped her up. "You made it look so easy."

"That's because I've been doing it for years. Just stay calm and collected. That should help." Twilight did as Pinkie Pie said, and although she wasn't going that fast, she was glad to be getting the hang of it. Pinkie Pie was glad to see this herself, knowing that Twilight could become a figure skating master yet.

Spike and Lightspeed were walking around Ponyville while looking around and seeing how beautiful the snow made everything. Lightspeed loved every inch that the snow had to offer, at least when it wasn't causing anyone harm. There was just something about the beauty and softness that it had to offer for him, and everyone else in the world. He was admittedly bummed out that winter was ending. "Sometimes I wish Winter could last forever."

Spike knew how Lightspeed felt, even if he preferred Summer over Winter himself. "I know the feeling. Every time Summer ends I feel like the best part of the year is over. (Smiles as he looks at Lightspeed) I can see why some people don't like it though. (Snickers a bit) Sometimes it feels like the sun's throwing a tantrum for three months."

Lightspeed laughed a bit at Spike's joke towards the sun as he then spoke up about the four seasons. "When you think about it, every season has at least one disaster going against them. For Summer it's the drought, for Winter it's the blizzards, for Fall it's the wind, and for Spring it's the risk of bees when the flowers start to bloom."

Spike saw where Lightspeed was coming from there, knowing that every season had it's pros and cons. He had to admit though, that the Summer disaster was least annoying for him. "The problems with each season really depend on who you're talking to. (Looks ahead) Since dragons are cold blooded, it makes me a lot easier to handle the droughts. And event hen, we still have cold drinks and umbrellas to hold the ponies over. When the world doesn't feel like a volcano that is."

Lightspeed saw a snow pile just outside of town and looked at Spike with a hopeful smile. "Can dragons still play in the snow?"

"I've been out here without any winter attire for at least an hour!" Spike exclaimed as he ran towards the snow pile, and he jumped in right before Lightspeed, leading to the two of them laughing as this happened, along with the two of them just relaxing in the snow before Spike shuddered a bit, catching Lightspeed's attention as Spike then chuckled a bit. "Though I probably should at least put a scarf on at least."

Twilight was looking around to see how she could help with Winter Wrap up as Pinkie Pie walked with her, since she was done with her break. "You did great Twilight! We'll have a lot more time to practice next winter, and you'll have the chance to become as good as me."

Twilight giggled a little, glad to see that Pinkie Pie was willing to help her become a figure skating pro. "Thanks Pinkie. Also, do you know if anyone else could use my help for Winter Wrap up? I wanna know if there's a way I can contribute to the end of winter."

Pinkie Pie thought for a moment and came up with something that could work for Twilight. "Well now that you mention it, one of Fluttershy's helper ponies got sick with the flu the other day. Maybe you could help her with the animals."

Twilight felt that helping Fluttershy could be something she's capable of doing. "Yeah, I could see myself helping with the animals. (Gives a smug grin) I kept Spike after all." Pinkie Pie ended up bursting with laughter at what Twilight just said with the unicorn walking off to find Fluttershy when Pinkie Pie pointed in the direction she was in. "Thanks Pinkie."

"No problem. (Snickers) Kept Spike." Pinkie Pie continued to laugh as she made her way back to Sugarcube Corner.

Twilight was looking for Fluttershy and eventually found her in the part of the forest near town making some sweaters for the animals. She went over to her and made sure not to startle her, waiting until she noticed her to say anything. "Hi Fluttershy."

"Hi Twilight." Fluttershy walked over to Twilight and brought her a sweater that perfectly matched her color, albeit, sounding a bit muffled when saying the first few words. "It's your first Winter Wrap up in ponyville, right? (Twilight puts on the sweater) I knitted this for you when I first realized that a week ago. It's not perfect, but I think it gets the job done."

Twilight loved how warm the sweater felt, unable to believe she didn't have this on until now. "Thanks Fluttershy. It feels like I'm hugging a thousand bunnies."

Fluttershy smiled upon hearing that, glad to see that Twilight was enjoying her gift for her. "I know Pinkie Pie's usually the one who gives gifts at random, but I figured it'd be fitting for your first Winter Wrap up here. Plus I noticed you didn't have any winter attire on."

Twilight realized that too and giggled a bit, wondering why that was at first. "Yeah, I don't know why I came out without any protective wear for me or Spike. (A snake is shown to be slithering) I'm usually as prepared as can be. Maybe I'm just excited because-" Just then, the snake hissed, startling Twilight and making her fall back and land on a skunk with her butt landing on his face. "Well, as you said, it's my first Winter Wrap Up in Ponyville."

Twilight giggled a bit with Fluttershy showing concern for the skunk as Twilight's butt was then shown as she cut a loud and bassy ten second fart, hitting the skunk with a yellow cloud of rotten eggs that made Twilight's butt vibrate, as well as making Twilight flinch and look down as she saw the gas cloud leave her rear end (PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT). Twilight looked back at Fluttershy, blushing as the latter covered her muzzle. "Sorry about that. Spike's gassiness from earlier must've rubbed off on me."

Fluttershy noticed that the animals were walking away from Twilight due to her fart, wondering what else she could do as she then smiled and remembered that Rarity was with her. "I think it'd be best if you helped Rarity with the Winter Wrap up baskets. She's nearby, and the animals might not come back for a while."

"Good call. (Walks over to Rarity) Thanks Fluttershy." Twilight went over to where Rarity was as Fluttershy then noticed the skunk Twilight farted on had been knocked out, making Fluttershy surprised by how powerful Twilight's gas was as she started tending to the skunk.

Spike and Lightspeed were making a snowman with Spike pushing up the snow ball they were using for the head. When it was finished, Spike put it on top and Lightspeed put the carrot in the middle, and then put the top hat on top. When the two were done, they backed up a bit and got a good look at the snowman with Lightspeed asking Spike about Canterlot. "Did you do this a lot in Canterlot too?"

"Eh, not really." Spike answered, feeling that life in Canterlot could be kind of boring at times. "Believe it or not, Canterlot wasn't the type of place where anyone was expected to play. It wasn't a prison, but most of the time it felt like you made an impact, or died trying."

Lightspeed didn't know what to say when he heard that. He couldn't imagine himself living in a place that didn't know how to have fun. "It couldn't have been THAT bad, right? I know you dated Scootaloo when you both lived there."

Spike suddenly realized what he was unintentionally implying and quickly corrected himself. "Oh-no, don't get me wrong; it wasn't a prison or anything like that. I had loving parents, Twilight, and our older brother, and we all got along great. It's just that...success seemed to be the top priority for most people in Canterlot. Not like Manehattan, where the ponies were already making their names mean something. It was more like them starting to make their lives matter, and at least eighty percent of ponies were focused on that."

Lightspeed already knew that there was more to Spike than being upbeat and confident in his skills, but he was starting to see something deeper inside of him. "Is that why you tried to convince Twilight to have friends?"

"Yep. And that's actually kinda why I like Ponyville now that I think about it. They know there's more to life than having your name known." Lightspeed smiled at Spike's response with Spike taking notice and laughing a bit as he started talking. "What're you so flattered about? You and Rainbow Dash were born in Cloudsdale." Lightspeed saw Spike's point, and then the two of them looked at the snowman again, glad that the two of them could just enjoy the day together. "Speaking of Rainbow Dash, we should probably head back before we go over your break limit."

"Good call. Want me to fly you back?"

"Okay. But fair warning, I might randomly get soda gas on the way back."

"Noted. That could actually make this a little easier." Lightspeed let Spike get on his back anyway, and although he struggled a bit, he was able to fly him over Ponyville just fine, leaving the two of them to smile at the sight of it.

Twilight was walking over to Rarity as she inspected that she was making the baskets with her magic rather than her hooves like she expected. She walked over to her and greeted her as she finished up a small basket. "Hi Rarity. If you don't mind me asking, why're you using your hooves to make the baskets? I thought Ponyville didn't use magic for Winter Wrap up."

"We used to neglect using magic ourselves, but some of the unicorns struggled so much a few years back that we decided to let them use it when needed." Rarity explained, and then she noticed Twilight's odor and pulled out some perfume, sounding more disgusted and worried than enraged and distant as she spoke. "Oh heavens, that smell! It's almost as if you took a bath in rotten eggs this morning."

Twilight blushed a bit, but didn't put her head down in shame as she bluntly stated what the smell was from. "I farted while talking to Fluttershy."

Rarity wasn't one to be the biggest fan of natural gas, but she also couldn't deny that it was something that was hard to control at times. "Well it's better than letting it build up inside of you and then come out like scorching fire." Rarity sprayed Twilight up, leaving her to smell good as new, with a scent of roses added in on it, and then Rarity demonstrated to her how to make the proper basket. "I assume you're here to help me. One demonstration, and you'll be ready to dazzle everyone with your raw talent."

Rarity was estatic to show off her craftsmanship when it came to baskets, having plenty of experience alongside making clothes. She instantly started demonstrating her grace to Twilight, perfectly crafting a small basket and allowing her to see how much detail she puts into the pattern, which is green, then yellow, then red. "The green of the grass, the yellow of the sun, and the red of roses. The perfect pattern for Springtime in my opinion. Feel free to make any pattern you like."

Twilight decided to give it a whirl, deciding to start off simple with red, pink, and yellow, catching Rarity's eye. "Ooh, nice touch. Pink also does a good job at showing what flowers can do." Twilight was happy to hear that, and appeared to be struggling with her design, having not been used to using her powers for crafting before. Rarity decided to give her some advice when she saw this, smiling patiently as she did. "Try calming yourself of any nerves you might have. A calm designer is always the best at their job. Unless they work well under pressure that is."

Twilight took Rarity's words into account and calmed herself down completely, breathing in through her nose, and out from her mouth. She found that she was able to craft much easier that way, and went at a slower pace just to make sure of it. When she finished the basket, Rarity smiled proudly along with her, leaving the two of them to do a hoof bump as they continued to make baskets for everyone in Ponyville as Twilight spoke up. "At this rate I just might be able to get to the big baskets."

"Good luck keeping up with me." Rarity replied jokingly with a sly grin before giggling, leaving the two of them to continue crafting their baskets as Twilight did her best to catch up to Rarity. Rarity usually wasn't one for competition, but if Twilight felt she could catch up to her, she was more than willing to see it happen.

Spike and Lightspeed arrived back to where Rainbow Dash was as Lightspeed landed on a cloud she was guiding to rest. Rainbow Dash was surprised by how tired Lightspeed was, giving a smirk to Spike as she spoke up. "Geez Spike. Did you eat a whole grown up dragon before getting on Lightspeed?"

"Beats me, I don't know any other dragons." Spike jokingly replied as he went to step off Lightspeed. "Well except for the one Fluttershy helped-" Just then, Spike fell off the cloud and continued talking as Rainbow Dash flew down to him. "find a new home!" After Rainbow Dash caught Spike, he laughed a bit and thanked her for the save. "Thanks. Totally forgot cloud walking was exclusive to Pegasi."

Rainbow Dash flew Spike back up to Lightspeed as she commented on his lack of winter clothes. "I'd also recommend putting on a scarf or something. As far as I know you dragons are supposed to be cold blooded."

"Oh, right!" Lightspeed grabbed another scarf from his bag and gave it to Spike. It was red, just like his, and when Spike put it on, he felt all kinds of warm, fuzzy feelings surrounding him as Lightspeed chuckled a bit. "Believe it or not, I took knitting class back in Elementary school. (Blushes a bit) Turns out I'm crazy good at it for a Pegasus."

Spike was glad to be wearing something that Lightspeed himself made, and the two looked at each other with smiles that showed just how the two felt about one another. "Well I'd say it paid off." Rainbow Dash winked to the audience as she allowed Spike and Lightspeed to gawk it up.

Twilight had mastered the basket crafting, having made at least ten baskets after finishing the first one with style. Rarity was impressed, but she had to admit that she might've been a little TOO impressed, since she was well aware of how skilled Twilight was with her magic. "I must say Twilight, you've more than shown me how good you are with your magic. It's no wonder you used to be Celestia's pupil."

"Well I still have a lot to learn if I wanna be a magic teacher, but I think I can make it to the top as long as I keep learning more spells." Twilight stated proudly, and then she went into detail on what she meant. "To think I used to abstain from friendship. If it wasn't for Spike's support and also the pilot, I would've never discovered that I was so good at basket making."

Rarity was glad to see that Twilight was accepting to friendship now, and that she could participate in Winter Wrap Up with her. "It would admittedly be interesting to see what you would be like if Celestia never sent you and Spike to Ponyville."

"Pssh. I'd still be buried in my books thinking that everything else lacks purpose." Twilight snarked, and then she started to think about Applejack after realizing that she never saw what she does for Winter Wrap Up. "Hey. Do you know what Applejack does for Winter Wrap Up? She's the only one I haven't seen today."

"I could show you where she is. I could use a break. And one of Pinkie Pie's vanilla milkshakes." Twilight happily agreed to that and walked off with Rarity, organizing the baskets by color combinations before they headed off so they looked just right for their station.

Rainbow Dash and Lightspeed were guiding clouds as Spike sat on Rainbow Dash's back and watched. Lightspeed didn't mind this too much since he still got to hang out with Spike, but Rainbow Dash felt he could at least try to help out. "It's not that I don't like your company Spike, but you could at least go down there and see if there's anything you can do to help with Winter Wrap Up."

Spike sat up and looked down at everyone in Ponyville, finding that there wasn't really much he could do by this point. "Looks like the town's almost done with the cleanup where I'm looking. Same with you two. I think this is your last cloud."

Rainbow Dash looked at the clouds and saw Spike's point, finding that just about everything looked perfect for Springtime to come in. "Hey, you're right. Heh. Guess I was working so hard I forgot how little we had left to do." Rainbow Dash and Lightspeed put the last cloud into place with Rainbow Dash cracking a joke about when Spike and Lightpeed were hanging out together. "So. Did you to get...close, while you were gone?"

Spike and Lightspeed instantly caught onto what Twilight meant and instantly started blushing with Spike speaking up as they looked at each other. "I mean..."

As Spike started scratching his head, Lightspeed said what he could to finish his comment. "We DID lie down in the snow for a bit."

Rainbow Dash could tell that Spike and Lightspeed were still struggling to express their feelings for one another, deciding that it'd probably be best if she talked to Twilight about it. "Hey Spike, let's go find your sister. She can't be too far from here."

"Yeah, I have been wondering what Twilight's been up to." Spike admitted, hopping onto Rainbow Dash's back as she and Lightspeed flew off to find out where Twilight was.

Twilight and Rarity were heading over to the snow plowing field where Applejack had just finished plowing the last of the snow in her assigned area. Twilight took notice to all the hard work Applejack did and found her job to be quite fitting for someone with her work ethic. "Sure looks like a fitting job for Applejack. And just look at how big this field is."

Applejack unhooked herself from the snow plowing machine and walked over to Twilight and Rarity when see them. "Howdy Twilight, howdy Rarity. How're ya'll doin' today?"

"We're doing pretty good, thanks." Twilight answered, being glad that she was as good as she was at basket crafting, and that Rarity had a good time as well. "I can see you put a lot of work into your station. Plowing all the snow out of an area must be a lot of hard work."

Applejack couldn't argue with that, but she was proud of herself for putting in as much work as she did. "The way I see it, the ways I help the town are just as important as helping the farm. I always give it a hundred and ten percent."

"And that's why the town loves ya!" Rainbow Dash and Lightspeed landed with Spike getting off of Rainbow Dash and walking over to Twilight with Rainbow Dash whipping her mane. "Of course, thanks to yours truly and the coolest little brother in the world, the sun will be shining as bright as can be tomorrow for the first day of Spring."

Applejack got a good look at the sky had to admit that she could see what Rainbow Dash was getting at there. "And I know we'll all love the feeling of the sun on our skins with that perfect Springtime heat."

Just then, Spike's stomach growled and he asked Twilight if he had any plans for food. "Hey Twilight, you know if you have any lunch plans today? Cause I don't want my stomach to start eating itself."

"I think I can get us a thing or two at Hayburger." Twilight responded, and then she looked at the others to see if they wanted to join. "You guys wanna come? You'll be buying your own food, but we could all use the treat I bet." Everyone was in agreement on that plan and they all headed off to Hayburger to see what they could chow down on.

Spike and the others were at Hayburger while talking about life as Rainbow Dash got a little flirtatious with Applejack at the booth. "Ya know Applejack, you must've broken a sweat today when you were plowing that snow. As hard working as you are, (Scoots a little closer to Applejack) that must've been nothing compared to what you do on the farm. Just imagine how much energy one would have to be able to put that much work in every day of their life."

Applejack decided to get flirty with Rainbow Dash too, even though she wasn't as good at it. "Well there's no denying the hard work you do yourself. I'm surprised your not tired of clouds already with how high your work ethic is when on the job."

Rarity could see what was going on and looked at Twilight when speaking quietly about it. "I think it's quite obvious those two will be a thing in the future."

"Oh yeah, definitely." Twilight responded before noticing that Spike and Lightspeed were sitting quite close to each other, leading to a smirk from his older sister. "Seems like there's plenty of room there for you two to relax." Spike and Lightspeed caught onto what Twilight was saying and blushed lightly before sitting up and going back to their food, leaving Twilight to speak to Rarity telepathically with her unicorn magic. "I think Spike and Lightspeed would be even cuter though." Rarity squeed telepathically at the idea, wanting to see what Spike and Lightspeed would be like as a couple.

The next day, Spike was writing the letter to Celestia as Twilight told him what to write down. "And so, our first Spring in Ponyville is looking like it'll be a great start. Sincerily, your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Spike decided to add in a little something extra when giving a smug grin. "P.S. Give Spike and Lightspeed special privladges when the Gala comes around next month." Spike sent the letter with Twilight giving him a blunt look about that last line, which he ignored. "So. Two month time skip. How's it feel that the Gala's coming closer because of it?"

Twilight smiled after hearing that, having to admit she was excited for the Gala. "Believe it or not, I'm still really excited for it. And now that it's Spring, it'll finally be an appropriate time to ask Rarity about all our dresses. And (Playfully boops Spike's snout) your tux."

"In one of the few occasions I'll actually bother to wear one." Spike informed Twilight, and then he started to think about how he and Lightspeed would interact with one another at the Gala. "I'm so glad Lightspeed can come with us. Hopefully Celestia will let the two of us swim in the chocolate fountain, and if she does, I swear I won't fart in it." Twilight rubbed her younger brother's head, which he liked the feeling of as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.

Celestia was reading in her room as she got the message Spike and Twilight sent, reading it and being impressed with it, before she got to Spike's little message where she scoffed and grinned upon seeing it. "Sorry Spike. (Sets the letter down) I'm not getting involved in your little romance story." Celestia continued to read with the screen fading to black and ending the episode off again.

An instrumental version of the main theme plays during the credits.