• Published 1st Jul 2020
  • 2,730 Views, 96 Comments

Forever Lasting Bonds - SonicSpeed Kaleb

A fanmade reboot of Friendship is Magic with Spike as the main character. Be warned, as it can get quite dark every now and then.

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The Grand Galloping Gala Part One

Spike and the others were allwearing their fancy clothing while getting ready to head off to Canterlot for the Gala with Spike shown to be looking into a mirror. He thought he looked quite handsome in his tux, and it made him more confident about asking Lightspeed an important question. Twilight saw him admiring himself and giggled a bit as she walked up to him. "Someone's ready for the Gala."

"You bet I am Twilight." Spike responded, and then he turned to Twilight as he filled her in on his plans. "Tonight's the night. after almost a year of getting to know him, I'm finally gonna make the step." Spike gained a look of courage as he finished his statement. "I'm gonna ask Lightspeed to officially be my boyfriend."

Twilight affectionately rubbed Spike's head as she encouraged his love for Lightspeed. "You two will be a perfect couple Spike. And since two males can't conceive a baby, I'll also help you find a suitable infant or child to adopt."

Spike was grateful for that, and Lightspeed called over to them from the carriage. "Spike! Twilight! We're almost ready!" Rarity was shown to be looking flirtatious and beautiful as she led two stallions to the carriage. "Let's not stallion too long!"

Spike couldn't help snickering at the bad pun Twilight rolled her eyes while smiling when the two walked over. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were getting quite cuddly in the carriage with Fluttershy easily taking notice. "And when I get in with the Wonderbolts, I'm gonna make sure they get as much of your stock as they can afford.

Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle softly as she warned Applejack about something. "Be careful Applejack. Dating Rainbow Dash has it's benefits, and it's struggles."

"Thanks Fluttershy, but I think I can handle her." Applejack assured Fluttershy, gently nuzzling Rainbow Dash as she finished her sentiment. "Just wait until we walk into that castle together."

Everyone else got into the carriage, sans Spike and Lightspeed, with Rarity expressing her excitement for the Gala. "This is going to be a magical night girls. Let's make it the best night it can possibly be!" The girls all cheered in response to that, and Spike and Lightspeed showed their excitement as well. Their way was a little more subtle though, as they looked to each other and blushed softly, but nodded to show that their excitement was mutual. The group then took off in the carriage to get to the Gala in style.

All kinds of moments from season one were shown as Twilight was heard singing the main theme of the show, My Little Pony Friends. "For every day, I look around me, for every time I see you near. I thank the stars, whose light surrounds me, I thank the earth that keeps you here. Cause I will only follow, my true heart. And I can see it clear now, right from the start. You were my little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be; my little pony. Until you shared it's magic with me. My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be. My little pony. Until you shared it's magic, with me.

Spike was riding everyone to the Gala, and as he rode the chariot, he made some suggestions on what to do before they got there. "We could also visit my favorite donut shop in Canterlot. They have some of the best sweets in all of Equestria, and I know Pinkie Pie would love giving them baking tips."

The girls however, were so busy chatting, that they didn't hear what Spike was suggesting. Lightspeed was quick to inform him that he was down for whatever he wanted to do. "Anything you like has to be a fun time for all of us, right?"

"Good enough for me." Spike then felt like speeding up, so he grabbed the reins and signaled the stallions to move faster. "Hyah!"

The light brown stallion then got in Spike's face while clenching his fist angrily. "Excuse me?"

Spike then raised his right palm with a deadpan grin and slapped the stallion, making him rub his cheek in frustration. "I said, 'hyah'. Not get in my face and try to dunk on me to impress a unicorn you probably don't have a shot with because you think threatening to beat up a thirteen year old makes you look sexy."

The stallion was clearly crushed by what Spike said and simply sped up for him, as did the light blue stallion, who called Spike out. "If you weren't friends with Rarity."

"And if YOU weren't our ride." Spike shot back, leaving Lightspeed stunned at how easily he was able to shut down the stallions. It was clear that Spike was not someone to mess with.

Everyone arrived at the Gala, and as Spike and Lightspeed got off, they opened the carriage door for the girls. As they all got out, Twilight thanked Spike and Lightspeed for taking them to the Gala. "Thanks for riding us here you two. Who knew you could ride a carriage so easily?"

"It wasn't all fun and games." Spike admitted, and then he gave Lightspeed a flirtatious look as he explained what went down. "I had to ditch slap one of the stallions for thinking beating on a teenager was gonna win him babes."

Lightspeed wasn't exactly sure if that was worth looking flirtatious about, whereas Twlight just looked worried. "Ooo-kaaay." She then decided to brush it off and head into the castle with the others. "As long as it was in self defense." She then walked inside with the others as she explained her plans for the Gala. "Queen Celestia asked me to talk to her about something yesterday, so I'm gonna see what she wants to talk about before I start socializing. Then I'll probably find my older brother and see what he's been up to in life."

The others seemed okay with that, and a white stallion who was standing guard at the front entrance by the bridge noticed his siblings as Rainbow Dash spoke up. "My plan's the same as it was before. Wonderbolts, then sweet time with Applejack."

Applejack was about to flirt with Rainbow Dash as the stallion called down to his sister and brother. "Twily! Spike!" The stallion slid down the wall of the castle after jumping off and arrived on the bridge to happily greet Spike and Twilight. "It's been ages; I missed you two!"

"Yeah, it's been a real busy life since we moved to Ponyville." Spike admitted, and then he showed that he was excited to see the stallion again as he hugged Twilight. "We missed you too Shining Armor! We were hoping we'd find you at some point tonight."

"You have no idea." Twilight chimed in, and then she introduced Shining Armor to the other girls and Lightspeed. "Girls, Lightspeed, this is our brother, Shining Armor. Before we moved to Ponyville, he was the only pony I could genuinely consider a friend."

Spike then whispered something to Lightspeed in response to that phrasing. "And that's not supposed to be totally sad."

Lightspeed couldn't help but snicker in surprise as Twilight then brought something else up. "And he just so happens to be the captain of the royal guards, so he's the stallion to count on in Canterlot if you run into trouble." Twilight then introduced Shining Armor to the others, and they were happy to meet each other. The others even made poses showing off their personalities "Shining Armor, these are the friends Spike and I made in Ponyville. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Lightspeed, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy."

Rarity couldn't help but admire Shining Armor's stature. It just screamed that he took his job seriously. She admired a pony who was committed to their work, and she couldn't help but get a little flirtatious as she stepped forward. "Any chance you're open to slow dancing tonight? My date stood me up for a Manehattan girl, and I could use a night killer."

Shining Armor chuckled nervously, not wanting to upset Rarity with what he had to say next. "Believe it or not, I'm taken. I plan on slow dancing with HER later tonight."

"Oooh, someone who's committed to work, AND makes time for their lover." Rarity couldn't help admiring Shining Armor even more, despite backing up so he could feel more comfortable. "You must be a real lady killer."

Shining Armor was admittedly flattered by Rarity's words. Lightspeed couldn't help asking about Rarity's date as Shining Armor escorted them inside however. "You were stood up? I find that pretty hard to believe Rarity."

"I get that." Rarity admitted, knowing that she wasn't someone who you would normally want to turn down. "Still; that just goes to show that the two of us weren't meant to be. I'll find my Prince Charming one day." Spike then started holding Lightspeed's hoof tenderly when he saw Rainbow Dash and Applejack doing it as well. Lightspeed was a little surprised, but he still smiled, glad that he was at the Gala with Spike tonight.

Pinkie Pie was quick to chime in, believing that they could all still have a good time. "Just remember Rarity. Even by yourself, it's still possible to have a super duper fun time wheerever you go!"

Shining Armor led everyone inside and showed them what the Gala had to offer upon first glance. "Take a look everyone! This is what the Gala looks like on the inside!" The Mane six, Spike, and Lightspeed looked around, and they were a little... less than impressed. It was certainly a big party, but it was mostly just ponies talking and having a good time. Nothing too disappointing, but it felt like something they could get anywhere in Ponyville as well. Shining Armor could tell and spoke up when he did. "It's definitely... a party."

The others were determined to have a good time though, and Spike was quick to gesture Lightspeed to the dance floor. "Maybe we can see how well you can tear down the dance floor. Then we won't have to miss each other's funeral to to deadly boredom."

Lightspeed burst out laughing at Spike's jab at the party with the two walking off with Pinkie Pie following as well. "Ooh! I wanna go dancing too!"

As the dragon and two ponies headed for the dance floor, Fluttershy tried to ask Shining Armor a question. "Shining Armor, would it be... um..."

Rainbow Dash then chimed in, knowing that Fluttershy was struggling to ask the question, since she just met Shining Armor. "She wants to see the animals in the Royal Garden."

"Odd reason to go to a party." Shining Armor admitted, and then he directed Fluttershy to where it was as she silently mouthed a thank you Rainbow Dash. "It's through that door over there."

Fluttershy was grateful for the help, and smiled as she headed over to the door. "Thank you."

Rainbow Dash then took Applejack and went to where she saw the Wonderbolts, surprising Applejack and making her laugh a little. "Slow down there RD! I still gotta sell my Sweet Apple Acres stock later!"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack talked about that on the way over there as Rarity stated her new plans. "Well there's no point in sulking while the rest of you can still handle your plans just fine. (Smiles confidently) I'm off to find a way to enjoy myself, or my name isn't Rarity Gemicorn!"

Rarity rushed off to go have a good time with Shining Armor pointing out how quirky some of them were. "Your friends are definitely... diverse."

"I know. That would've certainly annoyed me before I moved to Ponyville." Twilight playfully snarked, and then she and Shining Armor headed off to where Celestia was, as Twilight had filled Shining in on her plans before coming here.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were on there way over to the Wonderbolts with Spitfire instantly recognizing her. She was excited to see her, even when she noticed the mare walking with her. She let her friends know as she headed over to them. "Rainbow Dash! I was hoping you'd show up here!"

"It's a good thing I was awesome enough to get a ticket to this place." Rainbow Dash bragged, and then she introduced Applejack to Spitfire. She hoped that would clear things up from the last time she went to Cloudsdale. "Spitfire, this is my girlfriend Applejack. Applejack, this is Spitfire; the leader of the Wonderbolts, and I guess a... friend?"

Spitfire nodded her head yes, being cool with being a friend to Rainbow Dash. She couldn't help but admire Applejack however. It was clear that Rainbow Dash made a good choice, as she looked exactly like a hard working mare. "She's a lucky lady. Especially if you become a Wonderbolt one day."

"It's not a matter of IF Spitfire." Rainbow Dash corrected confidently, being sure that she would become a Wonderbolt one day. "It's a matter of when."

Spitfire admired that confidence and happily shook Applejack's hoof, having her claim about her being lucky further amplified. "It's a pleasure to meet ya Spitfire. Any friend of Rainbow Dash's is a friend of mine." Spitfire was glad to hear that with Applejack speaking to Rainbow Dash tenderly. "I hate to leave so soon sweetheart, but I gotta get to sellin' my Sweet Apple Acres stock for the party now."

"Sell em like crazy." Rainbow Dash kissed Applejack on her cheek, making her smile as she walked off. Rainbow Dash hoped she could hang out with the Wonderbolts all evening, and dove in swiftly to ask. "So. Any chance you wanna hear about my epic moves?" Spitfire couldn't help but be tempted. Especially if the Sonic Rainboom was anything to go by.

Pinkie Pie was currently tearing up the dance floor, having the time of her life and being the spotlight in the party. "Oh yeah! Shake it everypony! Let's make this the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!"

As Pinkie Pie caught everyone else's attention on the dance floor, Spike and Lightspeed were laughing at the sight of it all. They should've known Pinkie Pie was gonna be the life of the party as soon as everyone walked in. Spike was still determined to ask Lightspeed to be his boyfriend however, and knew he had to act as much as he could to make it happen. "Any chance you're open to a dance when they start playing slow songs?"

"I would love that." Lightspeed answered, knowing that even if they were both bad at it, he would have a great time dancing with Spike. "Just promise me you won't step on my hooves too many times." Spike laughed a bit at Lightspeed's joke and decided to keep it in mind for real. He certainly didn't want to be responsible for an accident involving Lightspeed's hooves.

Fluttershy was currently out in the royal garden as she got a peek through the gate, and when she did, she couldn't help gasping in awe. She saw all kinds of wondrous and beautiful animals from a meadowlark, monkeys, bears, and all kinds of animals roaming around and relaxing in the garden. She loved the sight of it, and as she opened the gate, she made sure not to startle the animals as she went in. She wasn't sure which animal she wanted to approach first. Even if there were some rabbits, like Angel back home.

Fluttershy saw the meadowlark and slowly walked up to it, and at first, the meadowlark was startled upon seeing her. She was quick to assure her that she was a friend when she noticed. "It's okay little birdie. I'm just here to see you and the other garden animals. That's all." Fluttershy laid out her hoof for the meadowlark to land on, and sensing Fluttershy's kind and trustworthy nature, it flew down to her and landed on her hoof. That was one animal down, plenty of others to go.

Fluttershy was glad to see herself doing so well at first. If there was one thing she could do, it was work with animals. She softly hummed to the meadowlark's tweeting and gathered everyone else around with her incredible singing skills. They couldn't help but gather around to listen. Fluttershy was at first nervous by the large crowd of animals, but then she remembered that they were animals and calmed down. She just had to smile as she spoke up about how peaceful this was. "It's just like some of the animals I look after back home."

Meanwhile with Applejack, she'd just gotten set up and started waiting for some customers to come on by. She also made sure to announce her stand being at the gala to get some attention. "Come on down everypony! If you want some Apple family goods made from the heart, I'm more than willin' to provide!"

The result was... less than ideal. Not a lot of ponies went by, but a very pale cornflower blue Pegasus in Wonderbolt attire did come over to place an order. "Apple family goods, huh?" As the Pegasus got a look around, he got a good look at the apple pie and just had to purchase it. "I'll take an apple pie please. My grandma made the best before she passed away."

Applejack could always respect a decision based on family. She was still happy to get the bits though. After making sure it was all there, she handed the Pegasus his apple pie. "Here's hoping this brings back some good times. Mighty thanks for the patronage."

"Not a problem." The Pegasus happily picked up the apple pie and headed back to where the rest of the Wonterbolts were supposedly at.

Applejack got a good look around and couldn't seem to find many other customers who were willing to try her goods. "Not as much business as I'd like." Applejack was determined to get some sales however, deciding to go ahead and make her her cart mobile. She kicked the wheels out and got ready to help business boom. "Good thing I came prepared!"

Rainbow Dash was currently talking to Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts, including the one who was eating his apple pie. She was currently learning from Spitfire, some of the stuff they did as Wonderbolts. "We mostly just do performances for the people of Equestria, but we do actual military stuff when it comes up for us."

"I should know. I saw all of your missions on TV from when I was a filly." Rainbow Dash replied, being more than stoked to do some actual military stuff with the Wonderbolts. "And I actually managed to turn in my tryout letter this time, so starting this summer, you'll be seeing my awesome moves up close!"

The pegasus with the apple pie, despite listening, was loving his pie so much that he just had to start gobbling it down. Spitfire snickered a bit before commenting on it as the other Wonderbolts started laughing. "Cmon Soarin. We're at a party."

Rainbow Dash laughed a little too. She was glad to confirm that the Wonderbolts had personality. "I like Soarin already."

Spitfire then noticed something that she felt would have Rainbow Dash's attention. "Hey Rainbow. Isn't that your girlfriend over there?"

Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts caught sight of where Spitfire was pointing with Rainbow Dash smiling as she saw her commitment. "Yep. That's Applejack alright. Always determined to help her family." Rainbow Dash then eyed Soarin, letting him know what would happen if he was faking his love for that pie. "And she's observant, (Glares) so don't think you can throw that out behind her back."

Soarin chuckled a bit before assuring Rainbow Dash that this wasn't the case. "Not a problem. Her baking skills are amazing!" Soarin continued to gobble down on his apple pie with Rainbow Dash then looking satisfied. She knew how important this was to Applejack, and she didn't want her to be let down after all her hard work.

Twilight and Shining Armor headed into the throne room with Celestia, Luna, and to Twilight's surprise, Ryu, waiting for them. She wasn't sure why he was there, and hoped that it wasn't anything too much for her and the others to handle. "Ryu? I didn't know you were invited to the Gala."

"You could say that." Ryu responded, and then he spawned a dark energy orb that revealed what looked like Claws and her army coming for Canterlot. This shocked Twilight, as she knew what that meant as soon as she saw what it was. "This is the army of Claws, aka, Spike's birth mother. They're coming to Canterlot right now in an attempt to kill him and me."

Twilight was furious when she heard about Claws wanting to kill Spike. What kind of crazy mother would want to kill their own son for any reason? "She's coming to do what!?" Shining Armor was also angry when he found out about this, not wanting anything dangerous to happen to Spike. Twilight then got down to business, refusing to let anyone her her younger brother. "Let me know what I can do to stop them."

Celestia thankfully had plans for what Twilight could do, along with her friends and siblings. "For starters, we should warn your friends about this oncoming attack. Then we'll all be prepared to fend off against Claws when she comes in an attempt to kill Spike and Ryu."

Shining Armor then put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder as he showed his determination to protect Spike. "And I've already got the army on lookout for Claws' army. They'll alert the Kingdom as soon as the army gets here."

"Perfect." Twilight responded, and she then looked into the orb again with pure disgust towards Claws. She couldn't believe that anyone would want to kill their own child, no matter what the reason was. "Just you wait, Claws."

Meanwhile with Rarity, she was currently looking for a pony who looked like they could use someone to have a good time with. She wasn't having much luck in finding a stallion who was by himself, and she hopes she could find someone before the night was over. "Well in a party this crowded, I suppose it makes sense that everyone has someone to hang out with." Rarity then found a Pegasus with with a dark grey coat seemingly eyeing Rainbow Dash and went over to see what it was about. "Does my friend interest you in some way?"

The Pegasus turned to Rarity, hoping that he wouldn't come off the wrong way after he explained himself. "Oh, no. I just noticed that she seemed tight with the Wonderbolts, and I was hoping to find the time to talk to her and figure out how she did it." The Pegasus then chuckled a bit as he finished his explination. "Maybe I can do it myself too and increase my own chances of becoming a Wonderbolt."

"Ah, I see." Rarity responded, and she felt it was important to give the Pegasus a helping hoof there. "Well Rainbow Dash and I don't have solo hangout time that often, but I'm sure I can convince her to give you some tips."

The Pegasus was surprised to hear that. He'd only just met Rarity. Why was she so willing to help him? "Really? But why?"

Rarity then giggled a bit as she then brought up her own reason for helping the Pegasus. "To be honest, my date stood me up and my friends have plans, so I'm struggling to find something to replace that." Rarity then whipped her mane as she flirted with the Pegasus a bit. "And even without your dashing looks, you seem like somepony I'd enjoy the company of."

The Pegasus smiled softly upon hearing that and then blushed a bit. It was clear that he wasn't used to mares this beautiful speaking to him. "Thanks. Oh; my name is Thunderlane by the way."

"A pleasure to meet you Thunderlane." Rarity happily shook Thunderlane's hoof as she introduced herself. "My name is Rarity." Rarity got a look at Rainbow Dash talking to Spitfire and started thinking of a way to help Thunderlane without being a bother. "Perhaps we should wait until Rainbow Dash isn't having a conversation." Thunderlane felt that was fair. The Wonderbolts clearly enjoyed her company.

Spike and Lightspeed were talking to each other at the Gala as Lightspeed expressed how great it felt to be in Canterlot that night. "It's just so crazy to think that I was able to attend a royal event in Canterlot! In all thirteen years I've been around for, I never could've concluded that I'd have such an honor!"

"Hehe. Yeah, it's one of the perks of being tight with Queen Celestia." Spike boasted modestly, and seeing as no one else was watching, he decided to go ahead and ask him the big question. If there was any good opportunity, it was one where they were alone. "Lightspeed. I gotta get something off my chest." Lightspeed gave Spike his full attention as he then expressed how great having Lightspeed in his life was. "After Scootaloo and I broke up, I spent some time wondering if I was the type who could hold down a relationship."

Considering what Spike told Lightspeed about that breakup, Lightspeed could get that. "Yeah, that's understandable."

Spike then went into detail on how safe and loving he felt with Lightspeed beside him. "And then we met when Twilight and I came to Ponyville, and I didn't know for sure at the time, but... I think I felt something there. And I'm hoping you felt it too." Lightspeed felt he was catching on as Spike gently grabbed his hooves. "Spending time with you... getting to learn more about you... believing that this could work... these past eight months we've known each other for have been some of the best times of my life."

Lightspeed smiled brightly as Spike then breathed through his nose, and out from his mouth. He was really about to do it. He was about to ask Lightspeed something he'd been hoping to do for almost every moment they've known each other for. His sincere smile, and soft tone, made it clear that he wanted this to be perfect. And as he asked the question, Lightspeed could see the sincerity in his eyes. "Lightspeed Speedbreaker... will you be my boyfriend?"

Lightspeed was so excited to hear that question come from Spike's mouth that he couldn't contain himself as he beamed and made his answer. "Yes! A thousand times yes!" Spike was ecstatic to hear that, but before the two could act upon it, Spike got a text from Twilight. When he checked it, it was revealed that it was urgent. As much as he hated to leave the moment he officially became a couple with Lightspeed on hold, the two knew this was important. The two nodded to each other and set off to the throne room, knowing Twilight was there.

Spike and the others were all gathered in the throne room with the situation already having been explained to them. Spike was horrified for two reasons in particular; one because it was his mother who was after them, and two because it was his visit to Claws' lair, along with Lightspeed and Ryu, that led to them tracking him down and figuring out where to attack. He couldn't bare the thought of anyone dying here and now. "You're sure it's her? She can't be the only bad dragon out there."

"The details matched perfectly Spike." Ryu informed Spike, sighing as he teleported in front of Spike and put a claw on his shoulder for support. "I know it's hard, and that this is coming on such short notice... but you have to be ready to fight." Spike still wasn't sure if he could bring himself to fight his own mother, even if she WAS evil. "I'll keep you from fighting Claws directly as much as I can."

It was clear to everyone in the room that this was a huge burden for Spike to bare. He finally learned about one of his parents, and they were setting out to kill him. He then looked at the Nightmare Moon mark on his claw, and it started glowing violently, as if to show that the danger was growing close. Luna instantly showed remorse for what she gave to Spike and was about to make him an offer. "I can take the power back Spike. It's only a minor amount and-"

"No." Spike interrupted, surprising Luna as he then looked at her with determination, giving it his all to not show how big of a dilemma he was under right now. "Thank you Queen Luna, for giving me the choice of whether or not I keep this power. But I started training with it to protect my friends in Ponyville, Canterlot, and wherever else I make friends in." Spike clenched his fists as he fought through his hidden emotions to fight for his friends. "It may be my mother... but I'm not gonna stand by and do nothing, knowing I can help!"

Everyone else admired Spike's determination, but Twilight was quick to notice how he really felt. Rainbow Dash noticed quickly as well, and whispered something to Spike as a means of helping him. "Take it from me Spike. Fluttershy could totally become a therapist if she chose to." Spike looked to Fluttershy, who smiled happily to him as she caught onto what Rainbow Dash was doing. Spike smiled in response, glad that he had friends who were always willing to help.

Just then, Spike's mark started glowing even more violently, and the shout from Claws quickly revealed the reason. "SPIKE!" Spike and the others quickly ran over to the nearest window, and surely enough, Claws was right outside with her army, ready to attack. "I know you're in there! You can either face your death gracefully, or brutally! Regardless of whether or not you decide to run, I will kill you!"

Spike wasn't ready to give in to Claws' demands however and made his response as soon as he opened up the window. "How about neither!?" Claws wasn't happy about that however, and Ryu nodded to Spike, who jumped out of the way and let Ryu take the lead. Ryu managed to block Claws' strike as she dove into the castle, only to get knocked into the wall. "Ryu!"

Claws set her sights to Spike, but Ryu started holding her back with his own Nightmare Moon magic. His glare towards her screamed that he wasn't going to let her touch Spike, and Claws couldn't help smiling with admiration. "So you finally got the balls to stand up to me."

Claws charged at Ryu, leaving Celestia to guide the others on what they could do. "Ryu will most likely need some help, so Luna and I will stay up here to assist him! The rest of you should head back down to the first floor and fight back against the dragons!"

"We're on it Queen Celestia!" Twilight assured Celestia, knowing that everyone was going to give it their all in order to help defend Canterlot. "We won't let you down!" Everyone then rushed downstairs to help defend Canterlot with Celestia and Luna aiming their magic at Claws to help hold her off. As they did with Ryu backing up to let them do their work, they stared Claws down in an attempt to make her reason with them to leave. Claws grinned evilly however, possibly having planned for Alicorn magic being involved.

The ponies who were attending the Grand Galloping Gala were all running away from the dragons in fear as the guards fought them off. The guards were able to hold their own in one on one matches, and some even managed to take two dragons down on their own. But it wasn't until the dragons started attacking them in groups of four or five where they started to struggle. The guards then got the idea to do the same thing, and they had a better chance at fighting them then, but the dragon army was noticeably large.

The Wonderbolts also helped out with the battle, and they were all dealing with one on one battles. Spitfire in particular was doing a great job fending her dragons off, and she noticed her teammates doing a good job too and called out to them. "Keep it up team! We've got lives to save!" She then knocked out the dragon she was fighting to keep up the momentum.

Spike and the others made it to the first floor with all of them being shocked by all the chaos that was going on. They never thought it would ever get THIS bad at the Gala. But they didn't have time to waste. They all took their fancy attire off so it wouldn't get hurt during battle, and Rarity put it all away in her bag. Spike then stepped forward as he looked on at the battle. As messed up as his emotions were in the moment, he showed all of the determination he could to protect everyone in the castle. "Let's, get, ruthless."

To be continued.

An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.