• Published 1st Jul 2020
  • 2,717 Views, 96 Comments

Forever Lasting Bonds - SonicSpeed Kaleb

A fanmade reboot of Friendship is Magic with Spike as the main character. Be warned, as it can get quite dark every now and then.

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Two Tickets, Five Whiners

Twilight and Applejack were walking around Sweet Apple Acres while bringing along apple carts with Spike on Twilight's back. Applejack was grateful for the help, since Big Mac was currently too hurt to provide it for her. "Thanks again for helpin me out Twilight. And, Spike too, since you're here." Spike gave a thumbs up with Twilight rolling her eyes while smiling as he went through the apples. "Big Mac worked himself out and he's gotta stay off it for about a week."

"Considering that he lives on a farm, he'd have to do that at least once." Spike pointed out, and he picked up the perfect apple as Twilight's stomach growled, looking at it with delight as he then saw that Twilight was hungry. Looking at the apple, he divided it in half and handed it to Twilight, who smiled as she started eating it. "Don't expect me to do this every time you skip breakfast."

Twilight finished her half quickly and was grateful to Spike for giving it to her. "Thanks Spike. You really knew the right one to eat." Spike shrugged and then burped out a letter, jumping up and taking it after eating his half of the apple. "Our first letter from Celestia in Ponyville!"

Spike opened up the letter and started reading it, doing so in his usual snarky, not caring manner. "Here yee here yee, blah blah blah, a bunch of boring words, (Twilight nods her head no while snickering) getting to the point." Spike grabbed two tickets that were attatched to the letter, getting excited as he heard what they were. "Twilight, we got party tickets!" Spike waved the tickets in front of Twilight, making her squee with a giant smile.

All kinds of moments from season one were shown as Twilight was heard singing the main theme of the show, My Little Pony Friends. "For every day, I look around me, for every time I see you near. I thank the stars, whose light surrounds me, I thank the earth that keeps you here. Cause I will only follow, my true heart. And I can see it clear now, right from the start. You were my little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be; my little pony. Until you shared it's magic with me. My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be. My little pony. Until you shared it's magic, with me.

Twilight was getting a good look at the tickets with Applejack showing her amazement regarding the situation. "You got two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!? That's the biggest party in all of Equestria!"

Twilight was just as excited with it showing quite well indeed. "You're telling me! I went once when I was a filly and was still taking care of Spike in his early years, but this is my first time going as an adult! It's going to be amazing!"

Applejack saw an opportunity and grabbed Twilight's shoulders with a big smile. "Twilight, you have to let me go to that party. I could make so much money selling Apple Family products!" Fantasies of everything Applejack had in mind were shown one by one. "I could fix Granny Smith's him...I could get better tools for the farm...I could pay off the rest of Applebloom's school tuition!"

The fantasies ended with Spike pushing the screen aside as he pointed something out. "You know you can just sell all that apple stuff here, right? There isn't exactly a law in Ponyville that prevents you from doing stuff for business."

"I know that Spike, but if people invited to the Gala buy our stuff then we'll get more business than ever before! It's a win-win!" Applejack explained, and Spike felt he couldn't argue with that, since Gala invitees buying her stuff could be a good help with that point of view.

Twilight was about to invite Applejack to the Gala, only for Rainbow Dash to land on both of them. She got up instantly and spoke up about what she heard. "I heard every bit of your conversation, and I want in. How many tickets are there?"

Twilight and Applejack got up with Applejack confronting Rainbow Dash on something. "Just two. And you said you were too busy to help me with the farm today. What were you busy doing?"

Rainbow dash pointed upward to a tree branch as she stated what she was doing. "Napping."

A blanket was shown on the tree branch as Applejack gave a blunt look. "Of course you were."

Rainbow Dash zipped over to Twilight and got a good look at the tickets. "You have to take me Twilight! If I went there, I could finally meet the Wonderbolts!" Rainbow Dash fantasized about meeting the Wonderbolts and shaking the leader's hoof. "They may not seem like much, but they're more than just a flight show. They're the military force of Equestria! I could help them fight all kinds of evil while doing so right alongside them!"

Rainbow Dash's fantasy ended with Spike popping it with his claw as he explained what just happened. "That sounds like a pretty stupid reason to go to the party if you ask me Rainbow. (Rainbow Dash flinches) They hold auditions for new members every year. You can just meet them then and try to convince them with your actual skills."

"That's the thing though. The tryouts aren't for eight whole months, and I missed the deadline for the last one, so this could help me get a head start." Rainbow Dash explained, and then she looked back at Applejack with a smirk. "Sorry AJ. Guess I got the ticket now."

Applejack dashed up to Rainbow Dash as she made a retort to her bold statement. "Now hold on a minute Rainbow Dash. I stated my reasons for wanting to attend the gala first."

"That doesn't automatically mean she'll give YOU the ticket."

"That doesn't mean she'll give it to you either."

"You're right. It means both of you are stupid, and you should think about what Twilight wants to do." Spike snarked as he sat on Twilight's head with Rainbow Dash and Applejack raising an eyebrow each at him as he explained his words. "Look, Twilight has five new friends she has to consider the reasons for wanting to attend the Gala. And while I'd like to have BOTH tickets so I could take someone special with me, I'm gonna play it smart, and not stoop to your levels of arrogance."

Twilight chuckled nervously as she put Spike on her back and decided to leave before Rainbow Dash and Applejack got violent. "I think it's best we head to lunch Spike. (Looks at Rainbow Dash and Applejack) I'll let you two know what my decision is as soon as I get it. (Gives stern look) So don't think I'll give it to you if you peer pressure me with your low income or lifelong dreams."

Twilight walked off with Rainbow Dash and Applejack nodding to each other, zipping over to a tree stump and putting their hooves down. They started hoof wrestling and were getting deep into it for about five seconds, only for Rainbow Dash to suddenly cut a loud fart that reeked of apples and let out a green cloud (PHHT). Rainbow Dash chuckled a bit with Applejack smirking as she wafted the fart away. "Sorry. Those apples you grow here make for a good snack, but aren't the best smelling when making the aftermath."

Spike and Twilight were walking around Ponyville as they discussed who was going to get the extra ticket. "So Twilight, who do you think you're most likely to give the extra ticket to?"

"I'm not sure Spike." Twilight admitted, feeling that everyone would have their reasons for wanting to go. "Applejack wants to help out her family, and Rainbow Dash wants to meet her idols. And the way they worded their reasons made them sound like logical reasons to attend a party as big as the Grand Galloping Gala."

Spike got an idea, feeilng that it would help Twilight with her problem. "Hey Twilight, why don't you just ask Celestia for six more tickets? That way I can ask Lightspeed, and you can bring all of our new friends. Everyone's happy, and you don't have to take a quarter of a year deciding it all."

Twilight considered the option, but then reached a conclusion regarding it. "I don't think it'll be that easy Spike. The Grand Galloping Gala is extremely hard to get invited to if you don't know Celestia personally. It's not like Celestia can just spawn tickets at random and give them to me." Twilight noticed that Spike was gone, and so were the tickets, leaving her to give a blunt look as she realized the reason.

Spike was walking with Lightspeed as he showed him the tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. "And they're technically Twilight's tickets, but I figured she'd eventually get over us using them to attend the Gala together. Just think of how awesome it'll be."

"And just think of how (Snaps the tickets out of Spike's claw) grounded YOU would be if he agreed." Twilight replied with a smirk, leading to Spike trying to reach for the tickets with Twilight stopping him. "Sorry Lightspeed. The gala's a huge deal in Equestria."

Lightspeed laughed at the sight of Spike failing to get the tickets back as he made his response. "No problem. Rainbow Dash told me about the Gala the last time it happened and it sounds really cool. Too bad you only have two tickets."

Spike moved Twilight's hoof as she continued to give him a smug grin. "Look Twilight, our friends are gonna dogpile you for hte tickets anyway. Just think of it as me stopping their attack for you."

"That's one interpretation." Lightspeed admitted, and then he saw a bunny running over to them. "Hey, who's bunny is that?"

The bunny tried to snatch the tickets, only for Spike to stop him by grabbing him and pinning him to the ground, making sure he was unharmed. "Back off little dude. Stealing Twilight's stuff is MY job."

"Angel!" Spike let the rabbit up upon hearing Fluttershy's voice and allowed him to hop over to her. "Good, he's not hurt. Sorry about that. Angel has a knack for taking stuff that-" Fluttershy noticed the gala tickets and gasped upon sight of them. "Tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!?"

"Of course she notices." Spike snarked, and then Fluttershy dashed past him and made him spin around a bit, having Lightspeed stop him from falling. "Thanks. (Looks at Fluttershy) Spill Fluttershy. Why do YOU want to go to that party?"

Fluttershy was about to start speaking as Spike pulled down a screen that showed what she was describing. "The most rare animals in all of Equastria can be seen in the Canterlot Garden! It would be amazing to get to add all of that knowledge to my animal library, and maybe I could even bring an animal home for Angel to play with."

Spike pulled on the screen and sent it into the air as he commented on how dumb he thought Fluttershy's idea was. "And there we have it, the dumbest idea I've ever heard to attend a party. Twilight's the star pupil of Queen Celestia herself Fluttershy; we can just ASK to see the animals."

Fluttershy considered Spike's words as Lightspeed then asked with curiosity as to why Spike wanted to go. "Why do YOU wanna go Spike?"

Spike flinched, not wanting to reveal his feelings for Lightspeed just yet. "Me? Um...no reason. (Scratches the back of his head) I just wanna have a blast I guess."

Lightspeed was suspicious, but he didn't want to force the answer out on Spike. "You don't have to tell me yet. I just know you're not into acting all super fancy."

Spike sighed of relief with Rarity then heard to be walking up to them from afar. "You'll nail that interview Sweetjaw! I just know it!" An earth pony was waving to Rarity and catching the interest of everyone else as she explained what it was. "I got a homeless pony spiffied up and ready for a job interview. Cupcake stand's don't make much, but we both agreed she had to start somewhere."

Rarity then caught sight of the tickets with Twilight putting them away as soon as she opened her mouth. "No."

"At least let me explain why I want to go." Rarity asked, and Twilight sighed with Spike snapping his fingers and bringing the screen down. "Prince Blueblood himself is attending the Gala this year, and I'm on the top of his list for ponies to attend the gala with." Spike moved the screen to the side as Rarity finished her words. "Only problem is that I don't have a ticket yet. I guess he never informed Queen Celestia on this matter."

Spike snickered a bit at something with Twilight catching onto what it was as she spoke up. "As much as I want for all of my friends to find that special somepony Rarity, assuming this is talking about the friends of mine that are into romance, I can't just give you the ticket. I haven't even heard Pinkie's reason yet."

Spike's stomach started growling, indicating that he was getting hungry. "Twilight. The dump truck's calling."

Twilight giggled a bit as she put Spike on his back and headed off as the two waved goodbye to the others. "I'll see you guys later."

Lightspeed could see that Fluttershy and Rarity wanted to go to that gala badly as Pinkie Pie popped out of his sack and whispered to him. "No special reason for me. I just wanna party." Lightspeed gave Pinkie Pie a sly grin, feeling like she had the best idea out of the ones he's heard so far.

Spike and Twilight were at some kind of restaurant as Spike explained the reason he wanted to attend the gala. "Alright. So we both know that the reason I wanna go to the gala is so I can start dating Lightspeed, right?"

"Right." Twilight replied, and then he saw a poster Rainbow Dash was holding while in the air saying 'I won; give me that ticket!' and then one Applejack was holding that said 'She's lying; I won!' and then the two started fighting with Twilight rolling her eyes and sighing in annoyance, which Spike thankfully knew wasn't directed at him. "You could just ask him out on a date. You know that, right?"

"I want our dating start time to be as memorable as it can be." Spike explained, feeling that the gala was the best chance he had at convincing Lightspeed that they were the best match. "I just hope we end up together in the future."

Twilight nodded in understanding as a waiter came up to their table and spoke in a phony male voice. "Why hello there madam. May I take the orders of you and your brother?"

Twilight wasn't buying this disguise and instantly took the mask off, revealing it to be Pinkie Pie as Spike happily snarked towards her. "I'd like a plate of cancelled parties with a side order of get lost on the side, thanks."

"Coming right up!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed in her normal voice, and then she dashed off before dashing back over with a suspicious look. "Hey, wait a minute."

Pinkie Pie dashed off again with the real waiter, a white stallion, coming over to their table with confusion. "Was that a friend of yours?"

"Yes, and she's currently being a nuisance." Spike stated, and he got a good look at the menu and instantly found what he wanted. "Don't flip, but I want (Points to what he wants) this one."

The waiter was a bit shocked by what Spike ordered, but decided not to say anything yet. "A rare dish to be ordered here. Although, we did prepare for when dragons would come to visit." Spike nodded his head yes with approval as the waiter looked at Twilight. "And what would you like madam?"

"I'll have the hayburger, thank you. Extra everything." Twilight stated, and then she said the drinks she and Spike wanted. "And my brother's favorite drink is cherry soda, and I'll have a lemonade. (Waiter opens his mouth) Pink."

The waiter nodded in response with Spike pointing out the concern he showed over his order. "And don't take my order personally either. Dragons eat meat all the time; it's just a part of my heritage."

"Fair enough." The waiter replied as he set the menus on his back before walking off. "At least you're not eating a pony."

Spike and Twilight continued talking about what Spike was feeling about asking out Lightspeed. "It can't be easy just asking someone out on a simple date for the first time Twilight. The introduction has to be something worth remembering for one reason or another, and the Gala is the perfect place for that to happen."

"I guess true love is the best reason to have these tickets." Twilight admitted, and Spike became surprised when he heard that. "Just don't get your hopes up. If I give you both tickets then they others will be on my case for weeks. Maybe months."

"Is that why Rainbow Dash is moving those clouds over the restaurant?" Spike asked as he pointed up to the sky, leading to Twilight looking up and seeing the clouds with the sunlight going right over her. Spike was more than willing to call Rainbow Dash out on her little stunt. "We know it's you Rainbow Dash! You're literally the leader of the weather ponies; it couldn't be anyone else! Other than some punk kid, but you're both, so whatever!"

Rainbow Dash peeked out of the hole as she explained her reasons for doing this. "Okay, so it's not actually a good deed, but look around you. I'm not doing this for anyone else right now."

A bunch of ponies were shown to be running around as the waiter brought Spike and Twilight their food as Spike snarked to Rainbow Dash. "That so makes this better. Bravo Dashie."

Twilight sighed, starting to get tired of the childish behavior her friends were showing. "You can't make me promise you the ticket Rainbow Dash. You might as well just give up."

Rainbow Dash scoffed, knowing she was gonna have to try something else. "Fine." Rainbow Dash vanished with the waiter setting down an umbrella as soon as the hole closed, rushing back inside to get back to work right after and allowing Spike and Twilight to enjoy their food.

Spike and Twilight were headed home as they passed by the Boutique with Rarity noticing them. She dashed outside with a beautiful dress that she had Twilight put on. "Perfect timing Twilight! I made you this dress for the gala. It matches the one I made for myself perfectly."

Twilight raised an eyebrow with a blunt expression, making Rarity chuckle nervously as Twilight spoke up. "I was gonna ask you to make this after choosing who to take with me anyway Rarity. All you did was help me prepare."

Rarity was about to tear the dress up, only for Spike to stop her and push her back. "Sorry sweetheart. You can destroy this thing AFTER it's been used, and has no purpose being in our possession."

Rarity growled with Applejack zipping up to Spike and Twilight with a wheelbarrow full of deserts. "Howdy do Twilight; Spike." Spike and Twilight saw the tray of deserts with Applejack explaining what it was all about. "I figured you might still be hungry, so I made you a bunch of apple baked goods. (Grabs an apple brown betty) Even the family's famous apple brown betty, freshly made with the most refined ingredients. (Leans in closer) The food, not my nanny."

Eating sounds were heard with Applejack seeing Spike and raising an eyebrow to him, and he got in her face with a blunt look. "Oh, sorry. Was I supposed to eat before, or after your bribe to Twilight totally bombed? I forget."

Spike walked off with Twilight clarifying that he was right in saying that the bribe bombed. "Word of advice Applejack. (Looks at Rarity) Listen up Rarity, this is for you too. (Looks at Applejack) I don't give in to bribes." Twilight walked off with Spike as the latter took the wheelbarrow with them, indicating that he was still hungry as Twilight brought it up. "Well, at least you stopped trying to get the tickets. For now anyway." Spike shrugged, implying that he might try again later.

Spike and Twilight were walking around town with the wheelbarrow as Twilight commented on the fact that they still had it. "You know we're gonna have to return the wheelbarrow to Applejack, right?"

"I don't care about that." Spike revealed, and then he saw a pink hair in the wheelbarrow, pulling it up and revealing Pinkie Pie. "Oh, hey Pinkie. You got a bribe too?"

"No, I just felt like riding in here." Pinkie Pie replied with a smile, and then she sat on the edge as she spoke up. "So I heard you two got some Gala tickets in a letter from Celestia earlier. Seems like the others are putting you on edge about it."

Twilight groaned in annoyance, knowing that the others were going to keep at it for a while now. "I've been trying so hard to keep my cool about the whole thing. These nice gestures would actually be acceptable to me if it weren't for the scummy reason of trying to get the second ticket off of me."

"Can I still talk about why I wanna go to the party?" Pinkie Pie asked, and Twilight shrugged, feeling it'd be better than boring silence. "Thanks. So it's not for any real reason, I just wanna have a good time."

Spike and Twilight were heading home with Pinkie Pie sitting on the wheelbarrow as she talked about why she wanted to go to the party. "So really, I just wanna help liven the place up if things start to feel stale."

"Luckily for you Pinkie, out of all of our friends, I'd say you're the closest to getting the ticket, since you haven't done anything childish to get it yet." Twilight entered the house with Spike and Pinkie pie as Twilight offered Pinkie Pie something. "Wanna try out this new potion I recently learned about?"

Spike, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie saw Fluttershy cleaning the inside of the library with a bunch of animals, making Spike snicker as he joked about it. "Finally Twilight, you got the funds we needed to get a maid."

Fluttershy saw Spike, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie before flying down to them and clarifying her reason for doing this. "Since it's obvious enough as it is, yes, I'm doing this to increase my chances of getting the ticket."

"Yeah, because breaking and entering will definitely help with that." Spike snarked, walking over to the fridge to get a drink. "I'm gonna get a soda."

Rainbow Dash was outside the library as she popped out of a bush with a mask on as Twilight spoke up. "What's ironic is that you're being more honest than the actual Element of Honesty."

Rainbow Dash suddenly pinned Twilight to the wall at supersonic speeds and held a fake knife to her neck. "Gimme the tickets or I'll-"

Twilight slammed Rainbow Dash to the ground with her powers, leaving Spike to look down at her while drinking his soda. "Hey Rainbow."

Twilight used her unicorn powers and sensed Applejack and Rarity in her basement. "I know you're there!" Applejack and Rarity came out with a sign that said 'Choose now!', leaving Twilight to speak up. "Look, I get it. The gala is a huge deal and you're all desperate to get the extra ticket; I'd be desperate too. But these bribes and childish actions aren't going to get you anywhere, and I'm honestly astonished that I haven't flipped out from all of the stuff you've been pulling yet. And now you're breaking into my house and pretending to mug me!? Show some restraint!"

Everyone started to show some regret, except for Pinkie since she hadn't actually done anything, and then Pinkie spoke up. "Ya know what surprises me? The fact that you haven't given the ticket to Spike yet."

"Oh, I tried to take both of them at one point to get Lightspeed to go with me." Spike explained, leaving Pinkie Pie to nod with intrigue. "Didn't work out as planned."

Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up as Spike took out a scroll and started writing something. "I guess now that you actually had it hammered into my skull. I could add a couple moves into my showcase for the Wonderbolts to see."

"And Spike did have a good point about me doing business for the Apple family here in town." Applejack pointed out, leaving Spike to smile as he continued writing.

"And I should probably get to know Blueblood first before we start dating." Rarity chimed in, revealing that she didn't know a thing about Blueblood yet. "I still have quite a bit of mystery in him due to not knowing what I'm up against.

"And I suppose I'd have to learn about the animals in the Canterlot royal garden to know what makes them feel safe." Fluttershy finished off, leaving Twilight relieved that all of them learned their lesson.

Pinkie Pie then popped out of Twilight's mane as she spoke up. "So, does that mean I get the ticket, or what do you plan on doing?"

Twilight shrugged with Spike putting the tickets in the letter here as he wrote the final words 'P.S. Can you send an extra one for Rainbow's brother Lightspeed? Thanks.' before sending them off. "I'll tell you what I plan on doing once the plan's in full effect." Spike was glad to see that everyone was over the ticket, especially since his plan was now about to go into full swing. "Just you wait. In the next half minute, you're all gonna look so dumb over how you didn't think of this sooner."

Spike laughed a bit before feeling the need to burp, punching his stomach to do so and letting the letter out. He grabbed it instantly and read it aloud, very proud of what he said. "Dear Spike. Thank you for notifying me of this event. Here's six extra tickets." Spike proudly showed everyone the tickets, leaving Twilight amazed that he thought of that before she did. "When someone has you for a sister, they're bound to have the ability to think ahead."

Twilight giggled a bit with everyone else cheering at the thought of going to the gala, and even having Twilight rub Spike's head. "Thanks Spike. Here's to the gala being a night to remember."

Spike gave a thumbs up to Twilight with Lightspeed heading inside, much to Spike's joy. "Oh, Lightspeed. (Runs over to Lightspeed) Perfect timing." Lightspeed gave Spike his full attention with Spike showing him the tickets. "I was able to get some more tickets for the gala, and I was wondering if maybe (Scratches the back of his head) you'd like to be my date."

Lightspeed smiled and happily accepted his ticket, making Spike smile upon seeing it. "Yeah, I'd love to. I'm glad you asked me out first too. I'm not good with this stuff."

Spike laughed a bit at that statement, looking back at Twilight to find that she was giving him a magical thumbs up. He gave a thumbs up to her as well before turning back to Lightspeed and speaking up. "What made you come over here by the way? I don't think any of us were expecting you to drop by."

"Well I got bored, so I decided to see if Rainbow Dash could give me a flying lesson."

"I think she'd be more than happy to with the ticket barrage we faced not even a minute ago."

Rainbow Dash zipped over to Twilight, smiling at how their brothers were getting a long so well. She was also glad to see that their first date was finally going to happen. "They'd definitely make a cute couple." Twilight nodded her head yes in agreement, being fully on board with Spike and Lightspeed dating.

Twilight was shown to be writing a letter to Celestia as she thought to herself about her day. 'Dear Queen Celestia. Today I learned that sometimes, friends can get pushy when they really want something, and that it's okay to speak up if it's annoying you, and to tell them to stop. And I think my friends learned that bribing and peer pressuring isn't the best way to get what you want. Oh, and thanks for the tickets. I know we'll have a blast at the Gala."

Spike was downstairs as he opened the freezer and spotted a tub of chocolate ice cream. "Hey Twilight; can I have some ice cream!?" Spike didn't get a response and grinned happily as he took the tub out, closing the freezer before walking off. "Silence is the best yes." Spike got ready to start eating the ice cream as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.

A title card that said 'FLB Public Service Announcement: Don't Steal!' came up after the episode ended.

Two male fillies, one yellow and one green, about Spike and Lightspeed's age saw a carriage nearby. The yellow one was quite mischievous and spoke up when he and his friend walked up to it. "Nice carriage. Should we 'borrow' it?"

"Nah. That's stealing." The green filly pointed out, knowing what his friend was getting at.

"Pssh. Cmon; I'll ask for permission later." The yellow filly stated, taking out some kind of stick to fiddle with the lock.

Just as the carriage opened, Spike was shown standing inside with his arms crossed and giving a stern look. "Looks more like you're asking for trouble now."

"Spike!" The yellow filly spoke up with shock. "I figured I wouldn't get caught."

"That still wouldn't make it right." Spike pointed out, knowing a thing or two about what happens if you steal. "How would YOU feel if someone took something of yours that was this valuable?"

The yellow filly chuckled a bit, having an idea as to how bummed out he would be. "Pretty lousy."

"That's right." Spike stated, and then he got to the main reason he stopped the fillies. "And if you get caught with a stolen item, you'd get punished big time. Especially for taking someone else's mode of transportation."

The green filly spoke up, knowing a good chunk about what would happen as well. "And some crimes are so bad that they could ruin your reputation if you get caught."

"If the place you live in arrests children, then yes." Spike chimed in, and then he spoke to the yellow filly with a smile. "Remember. Just because something looks fun to use,"

"Doesn't mean we should take it without asking first." The yellow filly finished, and then he smiled as he looked at Spike. "Now I know."

"And knowing is half the battle." Spike finished as he winked to the camera and snapped his fingers when pointing to the audience, and then a screen came up that said 'Forever Lasting bonds!' while also singing the words, ending the public service announcement right there.

An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.