• Published 1st Jul 2020
  • 2,730 Views, 96 Comments

Forever Lasting Bonds - SonicSpeed Kaleb

A fanmade reboot of Friendship is Magic with Spike as the main character. Be warned, as it can get quite dark every now and then.

  • ...

An Evil Enchantress

Spike was riding his skateboard through Ponyville as he made a grind on one of the house roof railings and jumped off to grab a lamppost. As he slid down it while spinning on it, he let go when he reached the bottom and continued to skate on. He saw two ponies carrying a long tray of food up ahead and ducked under it, snagging himself a cupcake and eating it. After taking the wrapper off of course. He saw some weird wagon outside of his school and walked up to it with curiosity. "This better not be a horror movie wagon."

Just then, a light blue unicorn in a magician's outfit resembling stars jumped out and greeted the dragon. "Not at all my dragon friend." The unicorn moved her mane upward a bit before announcing who she was. "The great, and powerful, (Raises hoof) Trixie! (Puts hoof down) Wants to get a peanut butter shake before getting ready for her show."

Spike could tell that Trixie saw highly of herself, walking up to her and asking a question. "So you're a traveling magician pony? My sister told me about travelers. What's it like making money off of your performances?"

"I am indeed, I bet she did, and it's a lot of fun." Trixie responded, answering all three of Spike's questions as she then gave him two tickets to her show. "If you have a special someone, feel free to take them to my show."

Spike looked at the tickets and shrugged, putting them away as he spoke up. "I guess it'd be fun for us to laugh at how bad you are compared to Twilight." Spike laughed a bit with Trixie giving a blunt look, leaving Spike to further discuss his statement. "Seriously though. Twilight could totally flex on you."

"Very few can flex on Trixie herself." Trixie stated, brushing off Spike's words as she walked off to get her shake. "She might need to get training from Zecora. Talk to me after my show if you want more details." Spike was intrigued by this mention for some reason, wanting to know if Zecora was worth knowing about.

All kinds of moments from season one were shown as Twilight was heard singing the main theme of the show, My Little Pony Friends. "For every day, I look around me, for every time I see you near. I thank the stars, whose light surrounds me, I thank the earth that keeps you here. Cause I will only follow, my true heart. And I can see it clear now, right from the start. You were my little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be; my little pony. Until you shared it's magic with me. My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be. My little pony. Until you shared it's magic, with me.

Applejack was with Applebloom at Sugarcube Corner after school as she got a good look at a piece of paper she gave her. "Vandalizing the lunch room!? Applebloom, we've talked about this. If you keep tagging stuff then you'll go down the wrong path. And you could get expelled if you started beating up students."

"That's why I wait until AFTER school to floor Diamond Tiara and her slave." Applebloom snarked, making Applejack flinch as Applebloom then clarified what she meant. "Relax, I only do it if they taunt me by calling me 'blank flank' or whatever. It's not like I'm doing this unprovoked Applejack. I have SOME common sense."

Applejack sighed and put the paper away, hoping Applebloom would stop acting so rebellious soon. "I just don't want you turning into a thug Applebloom. And don't forget that-"

"Diamond Tiara's daddy is the reason our farm is able to stay afloat, and he's only helping us because he hasn't found out it's me yet." Applebloom was starting to get annoyed, as seen by her interruption of Applejack. "I get it Applejack, I'm a wreck and bullying is better than responding to it. What're you gonna do now, reference that movie everyone's so obsessed with that they memorized every single lyric in the most iconic song FROM said movie?"

Applejack was about to retort as Spike and Twilight then entered Sugarcube Corner as Spike spoke up. "And she said she'd tell me more if I met her after the show."

"I guess it couldn't hurt." Twilight admitted, seeing as she was always ready to improve upon her magic skills. "This Zecora sure does sound interesting."

Pinkie Pie suddenly dashed up to Spike and Twilight after hearing the name 'Zecora' being said. "Zecora!?" The shouting of Zecora's name is what shook Applejack, making Applebloom roll her eyes as she saw what was coming. "You mean the witch from the Everfree Forest who's seriously peeved off at Ponyville Zecora!?"

Spike and Twilight were confused as Applejack ran up to them and grabbed Twilight's chest. "You can't learn her magic Twilight! She's too dangerous!"

Applebloom walked up to her sister and saw that Pinkie Pie was about to sing before she put her hoof up. "Save it Candy Queen. Why's this chick such a big deal?"

"I'm just about to tell you." Pinkie Pie responded happily, and then she stood on her hind legs as she started singing. "She's an evil enchantress, (Jumps in front of Spike and Twilight) who does evil dances, (Pinkie Pie's eyes move forward a bit and then move back, repeating a couple times before stopping) She'll trap you in the forest and hit you with her trances!"

Applejack was shivering when holding Applebloom as she gave a blunt look to the audience. "You'll never forget the fear, she brought up from your rear, (Spike and Twilight look at each other and nod) and she'll turn your confidence into something you'll never go near! (Pinkie Pie jumps onto the table on all fours) So, watch out!"

Applebloom made her sister let go of her as Spike then expressed how interested he was now. "Well that Trixie girl said she'd give me more info after her performance tonight, so that might decide whether or not I go."

"Can I come with?" Applebloom asked, being excited to see if this Zecora was for real. "I love mythological things, and any sort of rumor that could relate to them! If Applejack wasn't hugging me like a five year old, I'd be squeeing like a baby."

Spike took his tickets out and handed the other one to Applebloom, much to Applejack's fear as Spike spoke up. "I was gonna go with Lightspeed, but Rainbow Dash said he's sick, so I don't see why not. You seem cool."

Twilight saw Applejack hyperventalating as she then comforted her in regards to this mission. "Don't worry too hard on this Applejack. Spike managed to defend all of us from a giant laser once. If he goes through with this mission then I think he'll be capable of protecting Applebloom. (Whispers to Applejack with a sly grin) Plus I can spy on them and teleport us to them whenever you like."

Applejack was put at ease with that as she then looked at Applebloom with concern. "Just be careful, okay sis?"

"That should be easy with dark dragon over here as my bodyguard." Spike took a liking to that nickname, fist bumping Applebloom as the two thought about how tonight would go.

Spike and Applebloom were currently watching Trixie's show as the two of them found what she was doing to be fun to watch. Spike had to admit though, he felt that Twilight could easily flex on Trixie if she wanted to. "We gotta put this chick up against Twilight sometime. It'd be fun to see the two of them have a magic duel."

Applebloom liked the sound of that, but she was still unable to resist her excitement about what would be happening after the show. "I still can't believe we're going after the Zecora myth. It's gonna be so cool!" Some of the audience members were alerted by Applebloom's mention of Zecora, making her and Spike nervous as Applebloom whispered to Spike. "For the sake of everyone's sanity, let's make extra sure Trixie's the only one in earshell when we talk to her."

"Good call." Spike whispered back, and the two of them continued to watch the show, enjoying what they saw and glad they were able to check it out.

Ten minutes after Trixie's performance, Spike and Applebloom were behind her wagon as she went out the back door to see them. She wasn't surprised that Spike decided to come, since she knew he was the type who suck out danger. "So you came."

Spike gave a thumbs up with a confident smile as Trixie gave him a letter stating that she sent them on this mission. "So Zecora's in the Everfree forest, huh? So she's not actually an evil enchantress like Pinkie Pie said?"

"Nah, she's pretty cool." Trixie assured Spike and Applebloom, much to Applebloom's disappointment as Trixie then said something that could raise her spirits. "Oh, don't worry. She IS an enchantress, she's just not as sadistic and dictator-like as the ponies here think she is."

Applebloom got excited again as she asked about how the letter was going to find her, being curious as to how words on a piece of paper could do that. "How's this letter gonna help us track her down though? It's not exactly a map." Trixie signaled Spike to turn the paper over, which he did, revealing a map to Zecora's place from Ponyville. "Oh yeah, that makes sense."

Spike put the letter away so he and Applebloom wouldn't get caught by anyone passing by. "Thanks Trixie. And I'll be sure to check in with my sister to see if she's okay with a magic duel."

"If she is, let her know I'm not one to underestimate, if my show said anything about it." Trixie informed Spike, who nodded as she started to feel a bit parched. "Ugh, I'd kill for a smoothie. Where's that Sugarcube corner place I heard about?"

Applebloom signaled Spike to hurry up, being way more into this mythological stuff compared to him and starting to get annoyed as Spike gave quick directions to Sugarcube corner. "Keep going right from the entrance of your wagon, and it's the building with a big cupcake on it. Ya can't miss it."

"Thanks. (Runs off) Good luck with your quest!" Spike nodded to Applebloom another with the latter squeeing with excitement as she ran off with Spike.

Spike and Applebloom were at the entrance of the Everfree Forest with Applebloom being so excited to meet Zecora herself. "This is gonna be so cool! Applejack would NEVER let me do something like this on my own."

"Do you have any magical powers that could save your life?" Spike asked with a smug grin, leaving Applebloom to nod her head no as Spike then made his reply. "That's probably why." Spike and Applebloom entered the Everfree forest with Spike expressing his indifference to mythological creatures. "I can't say this mythological srap interests me, but a creature rivaling Twilight's magic is cool in my book."

Applebloom already knew Spike was here for the thrill seeking, figuring it wouldn't hurt to comment on it with a smirk as Spike took the map out. "You're mostly coming because of how insanely dangerous it's gonna be, aren't you."

"What can I say; I'm a thrill seeker." Spike replied, being ready for whatever came their way as the two of them noticed the trees making faces. "Don't worry, just think happy thoughts and they'll buck off." Applebloom did as Spike said and the tree faces started to vanish, leaving Applebloom impressed as the two continued onward.

Spike and Applebloom were going in the direction of the map as Applebloom remembered what Spike did when he started going to the Ponyville middle school. "So. Regarding that flame fart you did on Diamond Tiara the first day you came to school. Can you...fart, on cue?"

Spike was quite proud of this little talent of his that Applebloom asked about, being more than ready to confirm it for her. He handed her the map as he then got ready to demonstrate his talent of on cue farting. "You're about to wish you didn't ask." Applebloom gave Spike a look that was practically daring him to try her, leading Spike to lean forward casually a bit while clenching his fists and cutting a loud and bassy thirty second fart, letting out a yellow cloud of rotten eggs that made at least a dozen of the trees behind his butt wither and die, stunning Applebloom with just how powerful his farts were (PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT).

Applebloom was stunned by how toxic Spike's fart was as he then whiffed it a bit before responding to her expression. "And I doubt that's even a hundred thousandth of a percentage of how long I can fart for."

Applebloom laughed at Spike's flatulence as the two of them continued onward with Spike taking the map. "Applejack could learn a thing or two from you." Spike and Applebloom laughed about how good he was at farting with Spike being more than glad to have shown it off.

Twilight and Applejack were watching Spike and Applebloom through a crystal ball as Twilight commented on Spike's toxic fart. "Still no sign of danger that they can't handle Applejack. (Applejack is shown to be drinking cider nervously) I'll let you know if they get into a situation that looks like they won't be able to handle."

Applejack looked at the crystal ball with Spike and Applebloom coming across a vulture, only for Spike to punch it as it came down. Applebloom fist bumped him upon seeing this with Applejack calming down a bit from the vision. "Well...I guess as long as it's not anything Spike can't face off against that stops them." Applejack saw a bunch of wolves that looked like trees and started to panic. "Are those timberwolves!? Spike is NOT gonna be able to punch those without any effort!"

"I take it this is where you want us to go into spy on them and wait to do something while looking cool mode." Applejack nodded her head yes desperately with Twilight starting to cast the spell. "This should give us a chance to see Spike's powers in person again if they activate."

Spike was telling Applebloom about the mark on his claw that caused him to use his Nightmare Moon esc powers. "Yeah, I don't know much about it. All I know is that it can spawn giant shields if I jump in front of a death beam ray to protect my friends and also give calls to this dude who has a similar mark. I forgot what he said, but I think he's coming over to Ponyville."

Spike and Applebloom saw Twilight and Applejack appear before them with Applebloom giving a blunt look with pure sarcasm dripping from her tone of voice. "I'd adore it if he was an overprotective nut like my sister."

"Be as indifferent to us coming as you want Applebloom, but I'm not letting you go through the Everfree forest without me, with or without protection." Applejack stated sternly, making Applebloom roll her eyes as Applejack spoke up. "And as far as I'm concerned, you shouldn't be seeing Zecora at all. Do you know how dangerous she is?"

Applebloom was about to speak up as Spike chimed in with his own words to say to Applejack. "Do you have any evidence to justify thinking that besides rumors and Pinkie Pie's dumb song?" Applejack paused for a bit as Spike finished his retort. "Stick to farm work Applejack. You're more of a peasant than a witch."

Applebloom started laughing with Applejack starting to get mad before Twilight stepped up and scolded Spike. "Spike, what have I told you about roasting people?"

"I forgot." Spike admitted, and then he walked on after Applebloom finished laughing as he spoke up when looking behind him. "You can come if you want, but I doubt it'll be an easy ride."

Applejack was anxious with Twilight letting her know about the kinds of magic practice she's been doing. "I've been practicing my magic strength and durability for at least a week. I'll stop anything that looks like too much of a threat." Applejack trusted Twilight, walking with her to catch up with Spike and Applebloom.

Spike and the others were walking through the Everfree Forest as they came upon a field of some suspicious looking flowers. They had thorns on their stems, and there were seven petals on them, one red, one orange, one yellow, one green, one blue, one purple, and one pink. Twilight and Applejack stepped forward to make sure Spike and Applebloom didn't get hurt, seeing the flowers up close with Twilight explaining what they were. "These look like Flowers of Randomization. If they spray you, pretty much anything can happen."

Spike and the others tried to look for a way around the flowers as Twilight got an idea. "I think our best bet is for me to levitate is over the flowers."

"Sounds good to me." Applebloom stated, looking at the flowers and getting a sinister plan in mind. "Hopefully none of us get sprayed when landing." Spike nodded to Twilight, who levitated the others over the flowers first, making sure they were all over safely before her. First Spike, then Applebloom, and then Applejack, and then she got herself over there. "Ya know, Spike's right. You could totally flex on Trixie in a Magic Duel."

Twilight giggled a bit, being flattered that Applebloom felt that way. "Thanks Applebloom, but I'm not interested in using my magic for competitive sport."

Spike hopped onto Twilight's back as he commented on what he thought her reasons were. "Probably because you'd flex on the entire competition."

Twilight rolled her eyes while smiling with Applebloom sitting in front of the flowers, leading to Applejack freaking out and dashing in front of her. "Applebloom, careful!" Applejack unwittingly sat on a flower without noticing, being more concerned with keeping Applebloom safe. Twilight was about to alert Applejack, but she'd already started talking before she could. "Twilight said these flowers could do-" Applejack suddenly started shrinking, making her give a blunt look as she finished her sentence "...anything to us."

Applejack ended up growing down to the size of a bee, making her concerned as Applebloom playfully taunted her as Spike started snickering. "Look who needs to be careful now. It's one thing for a kid to sit on a flower knowing it's dangerous, but it's even more hilarious for an adult to do it."

Applebloom laughed a bit more as she turned around, leaving Applejack to jump onto her tail. "This isn't funny Applebloom. (Applebloom turns her butt in an upward right position away from the flowers) We gotta find out how to reverse this and hope-" Applebloom ended up cutting a five second fart in Applejack's face, letting out a green apple cloud that made her fall off her tail and onto the ground, where she coughed from the scent and compared to her current size, giant cloud (phhhhhhhhhht). "Never, do that again!"

"You're not the boss of me." Applebloom stated bluntly as she sat down on Applejack, making her scream in horror as Applebloom grunted, ripping a loud and bassy ten second fart onto her sister, hitting her with a big green cloud of rotten apples (BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP). Spike was laughing at the scenario with Twilight covering her nose as Applebloom continued to let out rancid farts onto her sister (phhhhht) (pfffft) (brat) (blllllaaaaarrrrrp).

Applebloom started laughing as the green fart gas surrounded her, only for Applejack to bite her butt as hard as she could. "Ow!" Applebloom got up and saw Applejack biting her butt, jumping and landing on her butt to get back at her. She then released a loud and bassy fifteen minute fart, making her butt vibrate as she let out a fifteen second cloud of rotten eggs that got so close to Spike and Twilight, that the latter ended up using her magic to push the fart gas back (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT).

Applebloom smiled proudly, wafting the fart downward towards her older sister's muzzle, unaware that she'd passed out until she picked her up. She laughed a bit as she walked off with Twilight and Spike, putting her sister onto her mane as she spoke up. "At least she's not nagging me to get a bath." Spike fist bumped Applebloom, being proud of her for how good she was at farting.

Spike and Applebloom were currently farting up a trail with Twilight wearing a nose plug to ignore the smell the best she could. (PHHHHHT) (PFFFFFT) (BLLLLLAAAAARRRRRP) (BRRRRRAAAAAT) (PFFFFFT) (PHHHHHT). Twilight was starting to get annoyed as she called out her younger brother and his friend on their gas. "Do you two mind? You're making the Everfree forest even more nasty than it already is."

Spike and Applebloom looked at each other and then back at Twilight with Spike speaking up. "Isn't that why you're wearing the nose plug?"

"Yeah, but when Applejack wakes up, she's gonna start complaining about it too." Twilight pointed out, and she was only met with shrugs from Spike and Applebloom, leading to Spike cutting a massive fifteen second fart, giving a look of relief as his butt was shown vibrating while letting out the yellow eggy cloud, much to Applebloom's laughter and Twilight's annoyance (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT).

Applejack woke up, only to smell the nasty farts Spike and Applebloom had been letting out as the four friends continued onward. "What's going on? And why are we surrounded by green smoke that smells real bad?"

"You can figure it out." Applebloom replied, leaving Applejack to groan in annoyance as she realized what Spike and Applejack were doing the whole time. "Honestly, you should smell your own from my body. What do you et every day, an egg factory?"

Spike got a good look at the map as Applejack and Applebloom were bickering, finding that they were close to Zecora's house. "Looks like we're close Twilight. Try not to let Applejack have a heart attack when we're right at the door."

Twilight looked back to find Applebloom singing poorly on purpose to drown out Applejack's scolding, being well aware of how unlikely that'd be. "I don't think that'll be an issue."

Spike and the others stopped when they saw they were a few feet away from a small house. Spike got a good look at the map and saw that the house was right ahead, indicating that they were in front of the right place. "Yep. This is the place." Spike and the others walked up to the house with Applejack quivering in fear, much to Applebloom's annoyance as she rolled her eyes. When Zecora opened the door, she was revealed to be a zebra. Just a normal zebra. No mysterious danger or anything. "You Zecora?"

Zecora smiled in response, glad to see that she wasn't being feared by those who came to her doorstep. For the most part anyway. "You search for Zecora, that is me, to which I answer your question with glee." Spike and Applebloom weren't exactly on board with Zecora's talking methods as she allowed them to come in. "I don't get many visitors in my home. It is a rather lonely dome."

Spike got a good look at the place and decided to play along with Zecora's way of speaking. "The legends we've heard about you make you sound scary, but I don't really see any reason for me to be wary."

Zecora caught onto Spike's sense of humor and responded to it happily. "It must be fun to have a friend to joke with. As you can tell, I lack them due to that horrendous myth."

Applejack stood on top of Applebloom's head as she asked Zecora about fixing her current state. "Um...excuse me Zecora. (Zecora gives Applejack her full attention) If it's not too much trouble, could you please reverse this state I'm in? My sister tricked me into sitting on one of those Flowers of Randomization, and I-"

"Oh, I'm sorry; since when did I make you sit on those flowers?" Applebloom interrupted, demanding to know what Applejack was getting at here. "You're right, but you SITTING on the flower was your move. I just wanted to get you sprayed by it."

Zecora intervened before the banter between Applejack and Applebloom could escalate too far. "Regardless of who this situation was caused by, I shall send you back to your normal size on the fly." Zecora went over to one of her shelves and took one of the potions off of it, taking it to Applejack and she started growing back to her normal size, leading to her sitting on Applebloom's head as she looked down and smirked.

Applebloom grunted, struggling to get Applejack off of her, since behind Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, she had the biggest and most weight on her butt out of everyone in the mane six. "Get your butt off of me!"

"Sure. (Stomach growls a bit) Oh. (Smirks) You guys may wanna take cover." Applebloom flinched with Applejack's butt shown over her horrified face as she grunted, ripping a loud and bassy twenty minute fart that made her butt vibrate as she unleashed a massive green cloud that reeked of moldy apples, making Applebloom gag and go close to puking. (BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP).

Applejack got off of her younger sister as she gagged and glared at Applejack with seething rage. "If you weren't big again, I would sit on you over and over again until you passed out again."

Applejack smiled proudly with Twilight wafting the fart away as Spike explained to Zecora what Applejack beef stewing Applebloom was about. "Applebloom beef stewed Applejack like crazy right after she turned small and that was her method of getting her back. Honestly though, Applebloom and I were really gassy during this mission."

Zecora nodded in understanding as she opened up a window to allow the fart cloud to go out of her house. "Regardless of your flatulence inside of my cottage, I hope your visiting time isn't facing a shortage."

"Ah. Loneliness from being alone for a long time, right?" Spike asked, and Zecora nodded her head yes with Spike seeing how excited Zecora was to have visitors in so long. "I can feel that. Tell ya what. Applebloom was all about that whole visiting you thing, so maybe I can have her come over to visit from time to time, and maybe sometimes I can join her."

Applebloom looked at Applejack with excitement, leaving Applejack to think for a moment and eventually decide that it was fine. "Oh alright. My butt gave you enough punishment anyway."

"Don't remind me." Applebloom snarked, and then she dashed over to Zecora, hoping she would say yes. "So do we have a deal?"

Zecora took a liking to this, knowing that it would benefit both her and Applebloom by a great deal. "I don't see how I could decline the company, as I see us growing a bond involving harmony."

Applebloom was happy to hear that as she dashed up to Zecora's face and grabbed her chest. "I don't know what you said but I'm gonna say that's yes!"

Applebloom started jumping around excitedly, making sure not to break the potions as Twilight walked up to Zecora with a statement in mind. "And just so you know, I'm not interested in a magic duel. Not yet anyway." Zecora nodded in understanding, not wanting to force Twilight to participate in something she didn't want to partake in.

Spike and the others were heading home as Zecora noticed the mark on Spike's claw, grabbing it just before he could leave the house. "This mark on your claw to me is quite new. It holds quite a massive power, is that true?"

Spike saw that Zecora was catching onto what his mark was all about, feeling comfortable with confirming her belief. "Yeah, it's got a lot of power inside. I can't find out how to control it though. Sometimes it goes berserk and sometimes it doesn't really do anything at all."

Zecora found this fact quite interesting with Twilight, Applejack, and Applebloom taking notice to the conversation as Zecora spoke up. "I hope you manage to control this mark someday, as the last thing I want is for all life to decay."

Spike shrugged, not really sure how powerful the mark itself would be. "Well I don't think it's that powerful, but yeah, I hope I can gain full control over it myself one day. I met this one dude who has the same mark as me when it spawned something that let us communicate and see each other. I think his name was Ryu."

Zecora was concerned from this fact, but decided to wait before she made her move on Spike's claw mark. "Perhaps you should let me see this when you return. I feel we both look at this mark with immense concern."

"Well you're not wrong." Spike admitted, feeling that it wouldn't hurt to at least give it a shot. "I'll think about it. (Walks off) Catch ya later Zecora." Spin walked off with the others as Spike looked at his claw mark again, but then stated that he liked Zecora so far. "She's cool from what I've seen so far."

Applebloom was still rubbing her muzzle from Applejack's beef stew as she stated something on Zecora of her own. "She's way cooler than my spiteful, overprotective sister." Applejack rolled her eyes as Applebloom leaned in towards Spike to whisper her own two cents on sibling-hood. "You're SO lucky your sister lets you do whatever you want."

"With SOME restrictions." Spike whispered back, knowing that Twilight wasn't the type to just let a kid do whatever they wanted.

Spike was at Sugarcube Corner with Applebloom the next day as the two of them were waiting for their orders to come. As the two of them were sitting at their booth, Pinkie Pie came over to them with some chocolate milkshakes, setting them down as she asked about last night. "So what was Zecora like? Was she as evil as the legends told?"

Spike and Applebloom looked at each other and nodded with Spike giving the response. "She was actually pretty cool. Only thing about her that was creepy was how lonely she was, but she managed to restrain herself when we arrived."

"Apparently those bogus rumors led to no one visiting her." Applebloom added, wondering who started the rumors to begin with. "Now I wanna know who made them up so I can pound them into the floor."

Pinkie Pie didn't seem entirely on board with this revelation, but she was also accepting to it, and glad that Zecora wasn't evil. "Sounds sketchy, but I'll take your word for it. If I'm lucky she can give me ideas for a cake recipe. (Skates off) Enjoy your shakes!"

Spike and Applebloom started drinking their shakes as Applebloom asked about what Twilight was like. "So what's Twilight like? Ya know, how does she treat you and is she fun?"

"Twilight can be fun, yeah." Spike answered, glad he had as good of a relationship with Twilight as he did. "She's a total nerd, and before she moved to Ponyville she was a friend atheist. She just abstained from it out of complete disinterest."

"Heh. Sounds like a code 101 introvert to me." Applebloom responded, and then she brought up how close Spike was with Twilight. "You seem to be a lot closer with Twilight than I am with Applejack. Ever since our parents died it's been hard to bond over much at all. Big Mac spent most of the past ten years responding with 'yep' and 'nope' to pretty much everything."

Spike started to think about who his parents were, and then he brushed it off to express sympathy over Applebloom's loss. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine what it's like to lose a loved one, let alone two. (Smirks) Though I'm interested to know how they died."

"Maybe in the future edge lord." Applebloom responded with a surprised laugh, and then the two of them went back to drinking their milkshakes as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.

An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.