• Published 1st Jul 2020
  • 2,730 Views, 96 Comments

Forever Lasting Bonds - SonicSpeed Kaleb

A fanmade reboot of Friendship is Magic with Spike as the main character. Be warned, as it can get quite dark every now and then.

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Dark Dragon Magic

Author's Note:

Just a heads up that after this chapter, the story might be getting slower uploads due to me also working on the stories I write on Fanfiction.net. I hope you understand and don't ditch the story because of it.

Feel free to leave a comment regarding your thoughts on this chapter. Enjoy!

Spike was in his bed sleeping as he heard an alarm clock blaring, turning to the right and punching it off of his nightstand. When he opened his eyes, he realized what today was and got up, hoping that it wouldn't be as boring as he felt it would. "Don't worry Spike. (Walks over to a mirror) If what Lightspeed said was true, this school won't be a borefest." Spike yawned and rubbed his eye with his right claw, only to feel a slight pain as he did so. "Ow." Spike looked at his claw and saw the same mark from before, only it was even bigger.

Twilight was downstairs preparing breakfast as she heard a blast of energy coming from upstairs, rushing up after turning the stove off to see what was wrong. "Spike! (Goes upstairs) Are you alright!?" Twilight saw that Spike was holding his claw down, rushing over to him and having him reveal it. "Let me see your claw."

Spike suddenly unleashed a beam at the ceiling, breaking through it and leaving a hole into it. Spike and Twilight looked through it with Spike seeing a positive to what just happened. "Well on the bright side, we don't need to pay as much as someone normally would to make a sunroof."

Twilight saw the mark on Spike's claw and recognized it from when they were collecting the Elements of Harmony. "This is the same mark from when we were looking for the Elements of Harmony. I had a feeling it'd come back soon."

Spike felt another blast coming on, clenching his claw and barely managing to suppress the blast. "Did your thought include it happening right before my first day of attending the school in Ponyville? Cause if so, don't do the same with your kids." Twilight rolled her eyes while smiling at Spike's snark, knowing full well that her thinking it wasn't what caused the mark to come back.

All kinds of moments from season one were shown as Twilight was heard singing the main theme of the show, My Little Pony Friends. "For every day, I look around me, for every time I see you near. I thank the stars, whose light surrounds me, I thank the earth that keeps you here. Cause I will only follow, my true heart. And I can see it clear now, right from the start. You were my little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be; my little pony. Until you shared it's magic with me. My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be. My little pony. Until you shared it's magic, with me.

Spike and Twilight were in Canterlot as Queen Celestia and Queen Luna got a good look at the mark on Spike's claw. They weren't sure of what to make of it, but they knew where it came from, and Celestia spoke up on the matter. "It could've come from that time Nightmare Moon blasted you and you managed to absorb the magic somehow. The only question is why it came back now."

"That's what I wanna know." Spike admitted, trying to conceal another blast but failing, leading to Celestia bringing the blast to a halt and crushing it without any effort. "Now that I think about it, when I jumped in front of Nightmare Moon's blast to save my friends, this giant shield popped up right in front of it. And I had no control of that either."

Twilight got an idea of what the power was about and was proud to present it. "Maybe it's a sign that you inherited the powers of Nightmare Moon." Spike looked at his claw with indifference to the idea as Twilight explained why she took a liking to it. "If you learn to control this power, and also learn to control when it comes up, you could end up using it for good. "

Spike took a liking to the idea, rubbing his paws together as he thought about how awesome having these powers would be. "Seems like a good enough trade when you think about how you're an Element of Harmony." Spike noticed Luna showing a hint of remorse, not wanting her to feel bad about what happened. "Something wrong Luna?"

Luna sighed, knowing she couldn't keep her emotions hidden from someone like Spike, who deep down, was as pure as could be. "I'm just sorry to have placed this burden on you. I wish I'd never turned into Nightmare Moon."

"Pssh. Don't be sorry Luna. This is awesome!" Spike exclaimed, and then he suddenly launched a beam at the ground, going right by Luna's feet and sending her back a bit. "It will be anyway."

Spike and Twilight teleported right in front of the Ponyville Middle School with Spike being worried about what could happen. "Are you sure I should still go to school today Twilight? I'm worried I'll end up hurting someone."

"That's why I got (Takes out a glove) this from the magic items room from the Canterlot school." Twilight put the glove on Spike's claw, assuring him that it'll be okay. "Don't worry Spike. We'll figure this power out together. One way, or another."

Spike hugged Twilight before pulling her away and smiling. "Thanks Twilight. Just as a heads up though, you might wanna check what your insurance covers." Twilight laughed a bit before teleporting off, leaving Spike to walk into the school and get a good look as he checked around the place. The school was full of students and lockers, while having all kinds of stuff like a drinking fountain, and even a second floor. Spike breathed in through his nose and out from his mouth, ready for whatever came his way.

Spike was walking down the hallway as he heard Lightspeed's voice coming from the right end of the hallway. "Hey Spike!" Spike saw Lightspeed walking up to him and smiled upon seeing him. "You're finally having your first day of the Middle School here, aren't you. You're gonna love it here, trust me."

"Well I'll give ya this much, the school looks packed." Spike responded, and then he walked off with Lightspeed so he could show him around the school.

Lightspeed got to the first room of the highlights he had in mind for Spike, knowing he'd love the ones he picked out. "So this right here is the cafeteria. This is where most of the students hang out, and obviously, where we eat lunch." Lightspeed opened the doors to the cafeteria with Spike taking a liking to what he saw. "Seeing as you loved food so much, I figured you'd wanna see this place first."

"You were right about that!" Spike dashed into the kitchen, instantly forgetting about his claw for a bit and speaking to the lunch lady. "Hey baby. Whatya say you give me all the food I can eat later for free?"

"Yeah. I think we both know how well this is gonna go." The lunch lady stated with a smug grin, making Lightspeed snicker a bit at the sight of it.

The second highlight Lightspeed had in mind for Spike was a room he figured he'd get a kick out of. "You mentioned you like skateboarding, right? Well here's the room just for that."

Lightspeed opened the door to what looked like a skate park, much to the amazement of Spike. He looked around in awe as he saw all of the other students having a blast with what they were doing. He then saw an orange pegasus about his and Lightspeed's age doing sick scooter tricks, and she looked quite familiar to him, leaving Spike to walk up to her when she stopped scooting. "Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo saw Spike and instantly smiled upon seeing him, running up to him and hugging him tightly. "Spike!"

Spike and Scootaloo started laughing with Lightspeed walking up to the two of them. "You two know each other?"

"We dated for a bit about two years before I moved here to Ponyville." Spike explained, and then he explained why they didn't stay together. "After about two months, we realized we were better as friends, so we decided to break up."

Lightspeed nodded in understanding with Scootaloo smirking as she brought something up. "Hey, what gives? You never wrote to me after the move."

"I thought you were gonna send the first letter." Spike answered, leaving Scootaloo to nod in understanding as he then expressed his joy to see Scootaloo again. "Regardless, you have no idea how glad I am to see you." Lightspeed took an instant notice to something glowing under Spike's claw, making him worried that Spike was hiding something.

Spike, Lightspeed, and Scootaloo arrived in class with Spike feeling an itch on his claw. Lightspeed got worried for him with Scootaloo also taking notice as Spike covered it up. "It's probably nothing. Just an itch."

Lightspeed felt something was off with Scootaloo not thinking much of it, since Spike had that glove on. "It's probably the glove. (Heads over to her seat) Anyway, it was great seeing you again Spike. See ya Lightspeed."

Lightspeed was worried about Spike, but decided to leave him be for now as the two of them went to their seats. Spike found that he was sitting next to Lightspeed, making him even more excited. "Dude, we're desk mates. This is gonna be so super awesome."

Lightspeed nodded his head yes in agreement as the teacher then came in. The teacher was a dark magenta earth pony who noticed Spike instantly. "Oh, you must be our new student; Spike Sparkle." Spike gave a thumbs up with the teacher speaking up again. "My name's Cheerilee, and I'm more than happy to welcome you to our classroom. Would you like to tell us a few things about yourself?"

"Why not? (Walks up to the front of the class) The class should knew the best before they know the worst." Lightspeed checked Spike out a bit, getting a good view of his butt with a smile on his face before Spike turned around and spoke up. "As you all heard Cheerilee state, I'm Spike Sparkle, and I'm your new student, who's ready to pawn all those who prove that they're stuck up, or just flat out suck."

Scootaloo snickered a bit, instantly seeing that Spike hasn't changed a bit as the dragon spoke up about himself. "I love video games, skateboarding, eating, and flexing on the crowd. I'm also bisexual, so if you have any questions for me involving straight or gay romance, let me know and I should be able to help, and expect me to not be afraid of farting in class."

"I'll take note of that last one." Cheerilee informed Spike, and then he went back to his seat as Cheerilee started the lesson. "Now then, let's start off today's math lesson."

Spike got into his seat as he whispered to Lightspeed about how boring the start of class was. "Seems more like a ten year long bath lesson." Lightspeed snickered a bit with Spike feeling his stomach growl, making him snicker a bit as he thought about what could be causing it. "Guess my breakfast was a little too big for my stomach's liking."

"It seems like your entire posture is to your body's DISliking." Spike looked behind him to find a light blue earth point wearing a tiara and looking as snobby and stuck up as could be as she spoke to Spike. "You may be the new kid here, but I know a loser when I see one, and you're a total loser."

Spike's butt was shown as he lifted it up, grunting and ripping a loud and bassy fart right onto the earth pony (BRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUP). He hit the earth pony with a dark red flame that reeked of rotten eggs, burning the earth pony's mane with Spike rubbing his butt a bit as he sat down, ignoring the fact that the rest of the class was watching him. "A little rougher than I intended, but my butt seemed to like it at least."

Cheerilee felt it would be best to advise Spike to get that checked. "I suggest you get that checked Spike. We have a nurse's office next to the cafeteria. I trust you know where that is?"

"Yep. Thanks to Lightspeed." Spike got up with Lightspeed smiling as Spike winked to him, heading out of the classroom after turning back and saying this. "Don't worry everyone. I'll make my grand return." Spike headed off to the nurse's office, wondering what was going to happen after he got there.

Spike was lying down on the bed as he saw his claw glowing again, continuing to try and avoid worrying about it as he started talking to the nurse. "If I was in the mood for anal play during class, the timing for that fart burn would've been perfect."

The nurse burst out into laughter after hearing Spike say that with Twilight coming in and running over to him. "Spike!" Twilight showed a heavy amount of concern for Spike and hoped he wasn't seriously hurt. "That fart didn't hurt, did it?"

"A little, but I pretty much command fire, so it's nothing I can't handle." Spike saw that the nurse was still laughing and showed Twilight his claw to see if she could help with it. "Something I actually can't handle though is my claw glowing even harder. I feel like the glove's gonna stop working soon."

Twilight looked at the glove and saw that a bit of it was already gone. It was as small of a piece as could be, but it was still enough to keep her alerted. "Well I don't know if I can take you out of school for this, since I don't see any signs of an injury. I'll ask the Queens if there's anything else we can try."

"You do that." Spike replied with a nod, and he got up as soon as Twilight teleported off and saw that the nurse calmed down. She handed him some burning cream for his butt to make sure it wouldn't keep hurting later on. "Thanks."

Spike put the burning cream away as the nurse told him what to do. "Make sure you apply that stuff every time you feel a burn there." Spike nodded in understanding with the nurse laughing again after he left, still unable to believe that a kid his age would think of something like that. "Anal play. Did that kid grow up in a strip club?"

Spike walked down the hallway as he looked at his claw, noticing that the glowing had gotten a bit worse. "It's almost as if a part of me WANTS me to use these powers. For what purpose though?" Spike hoped he would be able to control these powers soon, not wanting to hurt anyone he cared about.

Spike was in the gym with everyone else, joining Lightspeed and Scootaloo, who were both glad to see him all better. Lightspeed saw Spike's hand glowing and decided to wait before he commented on it, wanting to show that he was glad Spike was okay. "I'm glad it wasn't anything too serious. Makes sense too since you're a dragon and all."

"Tell me about it." Everyone overheard the whistle as a bright red Pegasus in blue flying gear signaled Spike to head over to him. When he did, he instantly recognized her. "No way. You're Spitfire, leader of the Wonderbolts! You teach here?"

"That's right." Spitfire then got serious, instructing Spike on what she wanted her to do. "Now sit tight kid. You're gonna go through this obstacle course, and I wanna see you do the best job you can. I'd better not find you slacking off."

Spike looked at the obstacle course and found that it was a bit much for someone like him. "Not really my forte."

"You don't have to finish, you just have to get as far as you can." Spitfire assured Spike, and then she stated something else. "This time anyway." Spike gave a thumbs up, running through the course and climbing up the beginning ladder. Spitfire noticed that his claw was causing sizzles on the ladder, making her suspicious, but she decided to wait until he was done to comment on it. Spike arrived at the top, going down the slide and clenching his claw, which started to rumble a bit. He grabbed onto a rope with one of his claws and arrived on the other side.

Spike continued running, and then as soon as a shark came up, he randomly launched a dark beam right at it. This sent the shark straight into the wall, making Spike look at his claw in awe at what he just did. "No way."

Spitfire ran over to Spike, calling up to him to tell him he could hop down. "Alright kid, you can stop now! Let me get a look at your claw!"

Spike did as Spitfire instructed and then she got a good look at his claw, making him cautious as she looked into it. "You may not wanna take that glove off."

"Seems like it's already being damaged enough by that mark; but I'll take your word for it." Spitfire told Spike, and then she asked him how he got the seal. "How'd you get that mark though? Doesn't look like anything I've ever seen."

"I think I got it after I found the Elements of Harmony with my friends and sister." Spike explained, and then he stated how that relates to his mark. "I got blasted by Nightmare Moon's magic (Spitfire flinches with amazement) right before we started searching, and then when I jumped in front of another beam to protect my friends after we found the elements, I spawned this giant shield that was the exact same color as Nightmare Moon. But the mark vanished after that. I don't know why it came back, but it did, and now my sister and I are trying to learn how I can control it."

Spitfire didn't get what Spike was saying, but decided to roll with it while chuckling lightly. "Whatever you say kid." Spike was glad Spitfire believed him, since he obviously didn't lie about what happened.

Spike was at lunch with Lightspeed and Scootaloo with Scootaloo getting a good look at the mark on his claw. "I wish I had a cool mark like that. Minus the dark beams shooting out of my hoof for no reason."

Spike wondered why the mark was on his claw to begin with, knowing that it had to have something to do with that shield. "I don't think it's for no reason Scootaloo. Like I said, I spawned a shield at random when I jumped in front of that other Nightmare Moon blast. I think the mark is showing off another power I gained from the first one."

"There's a thought." Lightspeed chimed in, getting a good look at the glove and finding that Spike's claw started vibrating from under it, making all three of them worried. "That doesn't look good."

Spike held his arm tightly, only for another blast to come out of it and break the glove, striking through the roof right after. Everyone saw this and looked at Spike, who looked around before making his comment. "For the record, I did NOT have any control in doing that."

"Oh great, another reason to hate you." The earth pony from before walked up to Spike with a gray earth pony wearing glasses walking beside her. "You have a lot of nerve farting fire on me you spoiled brat! (Spike gives a blunt look) I'm suing you for everything you own, and you'll live on the streets and have to eat your own sh-"

Spike aimed his claw at Diamond Tiara after letting go of his arm, blasting her across the room and making her friend chase after her. He then looked back at Lightspeed and Scootaloo to confirm what just happened there. "Okay, that one was kind of in my control." Spike suddenly blasted the table, going right to the floor, leaving him to face palm himself and then blast his forehead, sending him onto the ground.

Spike was being bandaged up by the nurse, looking quite annoyed at how his claw was treating him today. "This, sucks."

Lightspeed and Scootaloo came into the room with Lightspeed coming in and pulling up his phone. "I just texted Twilight the news. She's looking for an answer on how to control this."

"Well that's good." Spike then realized something about his mark that he never did. "Hey, I just realized I never apologized to you guys for lying about this."

"Nah, you were just looking out for us. We get it; I would've lied too." Scootaloo assured Spike, and then she got another look at the claw. "Right now we should worry about whether or not this can be dealt with. And also if Diamond Tiara plans on making you and Twilight pay her medical bills."

Spike looked at his claw and got concerned, hoping that this wouldn't be something out of his control. He didn't want to hurt anyone with this new power of his, especially since he just got it this morning. "Well if I can't, she'll hopefully have a new way to supress this power.

Spike was walking home with Lightspeed and Scootaloo as Spike was revealed to have his claw inside of a steel glove. "Well this thing is working better than I expected. Not as well as the glove from earlier (Blasts an energy beam inside the glove)...but still pretty well."

Spike arrived home with Lightspeed and Scootaloo hoping he would be able to figure this out sometime soon. Lightspeed gave him this knowledge before he went inside. "Good luck Spike. We're rooting for you."

Spike nodded and went inside as he waved goodbye to Lightspeed and Scootaloo, seeing Twilight reading a book on the couch as he closed the door. He got a closer look and saw that it was a book on mythical powers, walking over to Twilight and sitting down next to her. "You trying to find out which power my claw keeps forcing out of me?"

"Sure am." Twilight assured Spike, and as she kept turning the pages while speed reading, she spoke about how hard it was to keep everything in check. "I can't seem to find out which power yours happens to be. There's no data on here regarding Nightmare Moon's power, or anything relating to it."

Spike was confused as to why that was, knowing that there had to be at least some kind of intel on what his power meant. "That doesn't make any sense. Queen Luna was trapped on the moon as Nightmare Moon for centuries. Didn't anyone take the time to describe her power as a warning sign or something?"

Twilight turned to a page that seemed to describe a bit of Spike's power. "Actually it looks like something WAS explained about this power. (Turns the book to Spike) Read the third paragraph right here."

Spike did as Twilight requested, reading the line aloud and becoming intrigued as he did. "Apparently this power can also be attained from others if Nightmare Moon blasts them, and also has a habit of coming out at random to cause havoc unless the one who bares this power works to control it."

Spike was feeling hopeful as he continued to read the paragraph, smiling as he got further and further. "It's been said that the first who inherited this power from one of Nightmare Moon's darkness blasts ended up mastering this power, and was able to protect the world form the horrible beings known as the sirens. The method he used for controlling this power that worked the most out of all of them seemed to be listening to the power, and what it wanted from him."

Spike wasn't so sure about being able to listen to his power with Twilight speaking up about it. "I know it might sound crazy, but think about it. Nightmare Moon was able to use HER powers without going haywire, right? It just might work." Spike thought for a moment and saw Twilight's point, even if said point involved the one who gave birth to the power being able to control it.

Spike was in his room as he sat down on his bed and waited quietly to make sure his claw wasn't making any beam blasts. He didn't exactly know what to do, so he decided to just speak to his claw, looking at the mark so he could do so. "So. I didn't expect you to come to me today. I don't know WHY you came to me today. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. But I'll do everything I can to stay positive and make sure this works out. I know I can use you for good, and I wanna know what you think of the situation."

Spike looked at the mark and saw it glow a bit, showing that it understood what he was saying. "Okay, good. I also want you to know that we're lucky I didn't get expelled from school on the first day. That would've been the worst." Suddenly, the mark made some kind of telepathic speaking portal, showing Spike what seemed to be a dark, shadowy place. This confused him, and he didn't know exactly what to make of it. "Is this a cave or your uncle's attic?"

The black dragon child from the end credits scene of the second part of the season premiere was shown to be looking over a cliff while clenching one of his claws. He felt it glowing a bit and opened it up, seeing Spike and being alerted by his presence. "Who are you?"

Spike was also alerted by the presence of the black dragon child, hoping he wasn't being called by him for evil purposes. "I'm Spike Sparkle. Who the heck are you?"

The black dragon child felt there wasn't much reason to hide his identity from Spike, especially since the mark specifically led to their meeting. "My name is Ryu. I see you're also home to the mark of Nightmare Moon's powers. Question is, how did you get it?"

"Nightmare Moon came back after a bunch of centuries and blasted me with a beam that I ended up absorbing." Ryu raised an eyebrow at that explanation with Spike laughing a bit as he made his continuing statement. "I know, right? And to think I'd end up meeting a dragon who looked almost exactly like me because of it. But why are you in the desert?"

Ryu didn't feel that he had to explain to Spike why he was on his own yet, feeling that he could hide it for now without much shame. "It's complicated."

Spike nodded in understanding with Ryu looking conflicted on something, leaving Spike to change the subject to avoid things getting awkward. "You've had this mark for a lot longer than I have, right? Do you know how I can keep it from making me go haywire with this power?"

"Well it's definitely not you can prevent 24/7 right after you first get it." Ryu informed Spike, leaving him to know that this would happen sometimes. "Once you've had it for a while though, you'll be able to adapt to these new powers and keep them from exploding. One method I used for suppressing it after I first acquired it is thinking calm thoughts. Don't think about too many things that make you mad though. That'll set it off."

"That should help. Hopefully we can meet in person sometime too so we can see how well it pays off." Ryu took a liking to that with Spike deciding to end the call. "Well, see ya later dude."

"You too." Ryu replied, and then he said something that made Spike even more glad. "Maybe I'll stop by where you live by some chance."

Spike smiled and hung up the call with a wave goodbye before taking out a quill and paper to write to Celestia. He thought to himself as he wrote, hoping he was okay with this power of his. 'Dear Queen Celestia. This is Spike. I just talked to this dude named Ryu who looked a lot like me, but his skin was black. Apparently he's a holder of the same mark as me, and he's off in the desert, I guess traveling the world or something. He gave me some advice on how I could suppress my power, and I hope it works. Just wanted to update you on the situation. Yours truly, Spike. P.S. Tell Luna there's no hard feelings. For now anyway."

Spike sent the letter to Celestia before looking at his claw and showing a highly conflicted look on the situation. He clenched his claw and sighed, knowing he would have to find a way to protect his friends with this mark on his claw now stuck with him. He lied down on his bed and looked back on when he got blasted by that beam, and also when he spawned that shield. He knew that he had the chance to control those powers one day, but he looked up to the ceiling with his conflicted look regardless, hoping that the worst wouldn't come as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.

A title card that said 'FLB Public Service Announcement: Don't Lie!' came up after the episode ended.

One gray earth pony and one orange unicorn, both Spike's age, were playing a game that involved them tossing a ball back and forth. The gray one was about to send it back, doing so and sending it straight into someone's house, making them both concerned with the gray one speaking up as he saw a somewhat skinny earth pony and getting an idea. "Let's tell mom it was Pipsqueak's mistake."

"You're making the mistake."

Both ponies looked behind them to see Applejack looking quite stern about the situation as the orange unicorn spoke up. "Applejack! You weren't even in this episode."

"That's besides the point." Applejack then insisted that the two boys were doing the wrong thing. "Doing something that breaks someone's property is bad, but lyin about it will only make it worse."

"But our mom will be upset." The gray pony pointed out, not wanting to get in trouble.

"She'll be even more upset if ya lie." Applejack stated, and then she brought up how unfair it'd be to Pisqueak. "Plus, how'd you feel if Pipsqueak got punished for something he wasn't involved in?"

The gray pony spoke up again, seeing the mistake he and his brother almost made. "Pretty bad now that I think about it."

"Exactly. And it'd be even worse for ya if you got caught." Applejack reminded the boys. telling them what the right decision would be. "Remember. Always tell the truth whenever you make a mistake. Don't take the easy way out, cause it'll never work in your favor."

"We'll tell her we did it." The orange pony chimed in. "Cause lying won't get us anywhere."

"Now we know." The gray pony added, leaving Applejack to smile as she looked at the camera.

"And knowin is half the (Tilts hat upward a bit) battle." A screen came up that said 'Forever Lasting bonds!' while also singing the words, ending the public service announcement right there.

An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.

Ryu was walking over the desert horizon as he saw a group of dragon soldiers charging at him. He spawned a sword from his claw with the mark on it and blocked the first one's slash before kicking him back, jumping back from the second soldier and slicing at his leg, sending him to the ground. He then low swept the third soldier after dodging his double slash attack and kicked him to the side before knocking the sword out of the fourth guard's claws and deflecting the strike from it. Ryu jumped up and smashed the fourth dragon soldier with his tail, walking off and putting the sword away. Ryu was shown to be walking off with the defeated soldiers lying on the ground in utter defeat.