• Published 1st Jul 2020
  • 2,717 Views, 96 Comments

Forever Lasting Bonds - SonicSpeed Kaleb

A fanmade reboot of Friendship is Magic with Spike as the main character. Be warned, as it can get quite dark every now and then.

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Lazy Dragon

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait on this one. Let's hope I get the next chapter out faster. Enjoy!

Fluttershy was walking in front of her cottage home with a carrot basket, walking up to Angel, who was playing by himself. "Alright Angel. Time for your lunch." Fluttershy set down a basket of carrots for Angel to chow down on with Angel being indifferent as Fluttershy remembered something. "Oh, right." Fluttershy then pulled out some lettuce for Angel to eat, much to his joy. "Sorry, I had to help Rainbow Dash today and I almost forgot."

Angel started eating with Fluttershy taking notice to a big black cloud of smoke in the sky. She became cautious when she saw it, hoping it wasn't anything too serious. "Oh boy." Angel saw Fluttershy looking up and looked up as well to find the same cloud she saw. "Do you know what that means Angel? There's a chance that there's a dragon living near Ponyville!"

Angel liked the sound of that with Fluttershy picking him up, as well as his food, as she rushed inside. "If Ponyville gets engulfed in that smoke cloud there's no telling how fast it'll be before we all suffocate." Fluttershy set Angel down with his food and got ready to head into town. "I have to warn the town residents Angel. Be good, and I MIGHT have something for you when I get back." Fluttershy rushed off to warn everyone in Ponyville about the smoke cloud, leaving Angel to continue eating his food while looking for the tv remote.

All kinds of moments from season one were shown as Twilight was heard singing the main theme of the show, My Little Pony Friends. "For every day, I look around me, for every time I see you near. I thank the stars, whose light surrounds me, I thank the earth that keeps you here. Cause I will only follow, my true heart. And I can see it clear now, right from the start. You were my little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be; my little pony. Until you shared it's magic with me. My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be. My little pony. Until you shared it's magic, with me.

Twilight was walking around town as she took notice to the flowers that a yellow earth pony was watering. "Looking great Bon Bon. These will really lighten up the town."

"Thanks Twilight." Bon Bon responded, and then she saw Fluttershy struggling to get everyone's attention. "Hey, isn't that your friend Fluttershy?"

Twilight saw Fluttershy and nodded to Bon Bon, who nodded back as Twilight walked up to the struggling pegasus. "You okay Fluttershy? You look scared about something." Fluttershy pointed up to the smoke cloud with Twilight taking charge when Fluttershy tried again but failed to speak up. "Everypony, stop what you're doing and listen!" Everyone put their eyes on Twilight with Fluttershy being glad that Twilight was speaking up. "There's a dragon smoke cloud up in the sky at this very moment. If it reaches Ponyville then we could all be suffocated by it!"

Everyone nearby ran past Twilight and Fluttershy with the latter being grateful for the former's support. "Thanks Twilight."

"Anytime. Now let's get the others and investigate this cloud of black smoke." Twilight suggested, leaving Fluttershy frightened at the thought of what could happen up in that cave.

Twilight was telling the others about the situation with every one of them paying attention to what she had to say. "And so, I think it'd be best if we all went up there to investigate and see if we can get the dragon to make a compromise on how to deal with his smoke. Or convince him to move. Whichever one works."

Spike saw the chance for adventure and immediately stood up, being ready for whatever came his way. "Sounds like a blast. You're taking me with you."

"Whoa, the dragon kid decided to grow some balls." Rainbow Dash joked, though she didn't mind Spike's company at all. "I like that. (Looks at Twilight) Let him come Twilight; he could prove useful, especially if that mark thing helps us out again."

Twilight looked down to see Spike giving a thumbs up and confident smile, smiling as she obliged to his request. "Fine. But I'm teleporting you home as soon as you get too badly hurt."

"That's barely a restriction; you're just using common sense." Spike noticed Fluttershy hiding in a tree outside when everyone headed out, running over to it and peeking inside. Everyone else stayed behind to make sure she was doing okay. "Fluttershy, if you have to fart then I doubt half of us will care."

Rainbow Dash sighed, flying over to Spike and Fluttershy as she clarified the situation. "It's not gas Spike. She's been scared of pretty much everything since we met, and I've always had to drag her into whatever she wanted to try out but couldn't. Or stuff like this."

Spike caught onto what Rainbow Dash was saying as he spoke to Fluttershy himself. "Cmon Fluttershy, we'll all have your back."

Fluttershy started to come out, but was still scared with Rainbow Dash speaking up. "I'll get you closer to making that animal sanctuary." Fluttershy squeed and dashed over to the others with Spike being impressed. "We've been friends for way too long for me not to know that one."

Spike and the others arrived at the mountain with Fluttershy trembling with each step she took. Rainbow Dash made sure she stayed stable, knowing she would need help to get up there. "Take it easy Flutters. It's gonna be okay in the end."

Rarity looked up at the smoke cloud and found it quite annoying that it was headed right for Ponyville. "Honestly. Does this dragon have to have manners so bad that he gets an entire town poisoned? What's he doing anyway to cause that smoke anyway?"

"Masturbating?" Spike chimed in, leaving Rarity unamused as Spike stated an actual possible cause of the smoke. "Kidding. He could be sleeping. I don't know if that makes smoke, but dragons are as capable of breathing out of their nostrils as ponies are."

"Well the least he could do is close his windows so he doesn't cover any major areas in the world." Rarity pointed out, not being fond of the dragon's lifestyle. "I know some caves in this world have windows too. I looked it up when researching what dragons like to wear so I could get your preferred fashion choices for the gala."

Spike took appreciation to what Rarity just revealed as a loud thump was heard from the inside of the cave from above. "Let's hope your research goes beyond that, cause it looks like this dude hates visitors." Just then, a rockslide went down to the others, leaving Spike to view it as not far from what his best was, jumping off of Rarity and onto the first rock. As he jumped on them, Rainbow Dash and Lightspeed flew over the rockslide with Twilight blasting the rocks she could get past, making sure not to hit the others with the debre.

Applejack slid under the rocks she could evade and kicked the ones she could break, leaving Rarity and Pinkie Pie to defend Fluttershy, which they did as Pinkie Pie took out a massive shield and blocked the rocks with it as Rarity comforted Fluttershy the best she could. Once everyone was at the top, Spike jumped off of the last rock and landed safely on the ground while also insulting the rockslide. "Ha! Eat that rockslide! I don't even have my wings yet and you're nothing more than a bucket of pebbles to me."

"Save it Shara Croft." Twilight joked around as Spike walked over to them. "We still have to save Ponyville from this dragon's smoke, so let's take our comebacks to said dragon if you don't mind." Spike was cool with that as everyone took notice to how terrified Fluttershy was about the situation. "Fluttershy, if you need to-"

"I'm scared of dragons!" Fluttershy blurted out, leaving Spike to snicker a bit as Fluttershy continued. "And I know, I'm friends with Spike and all that, but this dragon is way bigger, way nastier, and way more likely to eat us alive! (Spike walks up to Fluttershy) I can't-"

Spike slapped Fluttershy across the face twice and snapped her out of her panic attack. "Get it together Fluttershy! This is for Ponyville, remember that. Use it as your motivator to get this done." Fluttershy understood what Spike meant and nodded, doing her best to calm down as Spike and the others walked on ahead.

Lightspeed had to admit he was indifferent to Spike's method, but he was glad to see that it worked. "That was...less than ideal. But it worked."

"I try." Spike responded, and the others continued climbing to get to where the dragon was sleeping.

Spike and the others had arrived at the top of the mountain with Spike looking inside and seeing a big gray dragon in there. He could barely see past the smoke however, and he'd hoped that he and the others would be able to convince this dragon to get lost. Feeling that he should go first since he's also a dragon, he looked at the others as he explained his plan. "Alright. I'm gonna go in there and talk to this dude, dragon to dragon, and I'll see what he's like so we can decide how to get him to leave and not endanger Ponyville."

Twilight handed Spike some kind of energy capsule, and he put it away to make sure he meant peace. As he went into the cave, the dragon was right there, and he woke him up by knocking gently on his jaw. "Alright buddy. Let's talk dragon to dragon for a bit."

The dragon looked down at Spike, who wasn't scared by his structure, since he'd faced worse before. The dragon laughed as he tuanted Spike for his size. "You're a dragon!? You look like an anthropamorphic turtle!"

"I'm thirteen dude. Dragon puberty isn't exactly an easy process." The dragon had to agree with that, but he still attempted to crush Spike, who dodged his finger slam and started shouting. "Hey, watch it dude! You're breathing smoke over Ponyville and I'm only here to convince you to move somewhere you won't cause us any damage!"

"And why should I listen to a teenage brat like you?"

"If you want an adult my sister's twenty two."

"Don't get smart with me!"

The dragon attempted to smash the ground with the dragon breathing fire at him, only for an energy blast to deflect the fire. This was Twilight, who aimed her horn right at the dragon. "I don't care who you are, or what level of importance you have to Equestria! Attack my brother again and I'll blow your brain out of your head!"

The dragon looked at Spike with confusion as he then explained the story. "She hatched me from my egg as her first lesson at Canterlot's magic school. I didn't exactly say I lived with other dragons, and the fact that I live in Ponyville should've clarified that."

The dragon was indifferent to this and slammed both of his claws on the ground as he let out a massive roar that threw Spike and Twilight out of the cave. Spike took the energy capsule out and threw it at the dragon just before he and Twilight got sent out, hitting him with some firecrackers that blinded him for a bit. "Hey! Who attacks someone with firecrackers!?"

Spike and Twilight got sent out with Spike skidding on the landing, but managing to make it, and Twilight using her powers to land safely. Spike walked over to the others as he expressed how badly the plan failed. "Well. That was a bust."

Lightspeed got an idea himself, and he looked at Pinkie Pie to see if he could have her help with it. "Pinkie Pie. How would you like to help me out with MY idea on getting the dragon to leave?"

"I say you've got the right pony for the job! Assuming it involves baked goods." Lightspeed chuckled a bit before he decided to work with Pinkie Pie on what the plan was really about.

Lightspeed had just finished making a sound making machine with Pinkie Pie that he was sure would work. "I don't have a name for this thing, but that won't matter in a few seconds to a few minutes. Once the dragon starts hearing all of this noise, he'll leave the cave and go somewhere else. Preferably a cave that's not near any towns or cities."

"Sounds like it'll work to me Lightspeed." Pinkie Pie assured Lightspeed, being completely on board with his plan, and excited to execute it. "It's a good thing I had my instruments with me."

"From what I've seen from you so far, you have EVERYTHING with you at all times." Lightspeed turned on the device with the drums banging and Pinkie Pie blowing into it, causing the trumpets and trombones to start blowing as she walked into the cave. When she did, the dragon immediately smashed her out of the cave, leading to her dragging on the ground as the device broke down as Lightspeed expressed concern about the situation. "Maybe I should've considered whether or not the dragon was no nonsense."

Everyone was thinking long and hard about this one as Rainbow Dash then remembered something about Fluttershy. "Hey Flutters. You have that stare thing, right? Why not try that out on him?"

Fluttershy looked into the cave and didn't think she could pull it off, deciding to go against it for now. "I think we should save it for a last resort."

Rainbow Dash shrugged with a grin as Rarity then got an idea, pulling out her laptop and opening a tab of the best dragon caves. "I think it's time I go for MY method. Wish me luck." Rarity went into the cave and showed the dragon her laptop as she started talking about the caves she had on it. "Excuse me Mr. dragon." The dragon gave Rarity his full attention as she started talking about how she could move him to a better cave. "I'd like to show you what could prove to be much more suitable caves than this dump of a cavern you call home."

Just then, the dragon breathed fire on Rarity, and when she walked out, she brought up the flaw she'd just realized in her planning. "Perhaps insulting his current home wasn't the best way to convince him to move out."

"Ya think?" Spike snarked, and then he looked back into the cave and called over to the dragon. "The sooner you move out buddy, the sooner we'll get out of your life! Just sayin!" The dragon roared with Spike scoffing as he then turned to Fluttershy, who was stunned with fear. "You know we're not gonna let him eat you, right?"

"That doesn't change the fact that he COULD eat me." Fluttershy replied, and then she started breathing heavily before Rainbow Dash flew over to her and calmly stroked her mane, calming her down a bit, although she was still worried about the dragon. "Thanks." Rainbow Dash nodded in response with Fluttershy then turning to Applejack to see what she had in store. "You're good at dealing with vicious animals Applejack. (Looks at Spike) No offense Spike. (Spike shrugged with Fluttershy turning back to Applejack) Maybe you could get him to leave."

Applejack tried to think of something from her experiences of dealing with dangerous animals that could help with the dragon. "Well it's not Timberwolves, but it shouldn't be too hard for me to handle." Applejack rushed into the cave and faced the dragon head on without fear, dodging his flame blasts and tail smacks before launching a rope at his mouth. She managed to get it around his mouth, only for the rope to snap as soon as he opened it. He then breathed fire at Applejack and used his tail to smack her out of the room.

Applejack skidded across the ground with Spike and Lightspeed helping her up as Rainbow Dash then got fed up. "Alright, I've had it with this guy! I'm goin in!" Rainbow Dash flew into the cave and without hesitation, kicked the dragon right on the snout, flying against his roar and shouting at him right after he was done. "Get, lost!"

The dragon looked into Rainbow Dash's eyes as she then stood on top of his snout with him beginning to talk. "Why should I listen to you runts!?"

"Because if you don't, I can personally assure you that you're gonna get a major butt kicking from me!" Rainbow Dash promised the dragon, pointing to the outside of the cave as she spoke up. "So either beat it, or answer to my hoof, in your face!"

"How about my tail in YOUR face!?" The dragon tried to slam Rainbow Dash into the top of the cave, only to hit his head as Rainbow Dash then taunted the dragon, who then breathed fire at her, which she dodged before immediately getting hit with the dragon's tail.

Rainbow Dash was able to regain her balance and land solidly on the ground with the dragon walking over to Spike and the others as Fluttershy felt an urge of bravery coming from within her and glared at the dragon. Spike took notice to this and got Lightspeed's attention before bringing it up. "It's gonna happen dude! Fluttershy's about to go ditch mode!"

Fluttershy flew up to the dragon and yelled at him to stop whatever he was planning to do. "STOP!" Fluttershy's shout echoed through the sky with Twilight wearing ear muffs to read her book while watching Fluttershy do her thing. "I'm sorry we disturbed your nap, and making someone leave their home is the last thing I want to do! But you've shown absolutely no care in the world about what your nap smoke is doing to our town, and I'm now tired of it!"

The dragon started to point fingers, pointing at Rainbow Dash as he spoke up. "But that rainbow one kicked me."

Rainbow Dash was sitting on a high up rock as she made a gesture to the dragon that indicated flipping him off. Fluttershy continued her words, showing barely any sympathy towards the dragon. "Well maybe if you didn't start attacking us, she wouldn't have tried to hurt YOU herself. Did you ever think about that? I will happily help you find a new cave, and I'll make sure you're left alone since it'll be away from any nearby towns that could disturb you. But I will NOT allow you to get away with attacking all of my friends! Especially, not, Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow Dash flew down to Applejack to fill her in on why Fluttershy said what she said. "We dated for a bit back in Cloudsdale before deciding to be best friends again."

"No one was doin the math, but I'm glad Cloudsdale understands being into your own gender is normal too."

The dragon saw that Fluttershy was serious and decided to do what she wanted him to do. "Well...I guess you have a point. If I'd just left when your dragon friend asked me to we could've avoided all of this."

Fluttershy smiled, glad to see that the dragon stopped putting up such resistance. "That's what I like to hear. Now come with me, and let's go cave hunting." The dragon allowed Fluttershy to sit on his head with Spike giving her a thumbs up of respect. This made Fluttershy proud of herself for managing to overcome her anxiety a bit.

Fluttershy was flying on the dragons head as he commented on the fact that she was a Pegasus. "Ya know, you don't HAVE to ride on my back. You have wings."

"I know. I'm just doing it to show that I'm not scared of you. I mean, I'm still scared of dragons, but standing up to you is helping me get over it." Fluttershy explained, making the dragon smile as the two of them landed by the cave they were flying over to. "Here's the cave Rarity mentioned. And not a town in sight, so you won't be able to cause any harm."

"Well that's good." The dragon responded, being glad that he would be able to sleep peacefully with his horde of stuff now. "Now I can guard my gems with every town and city being safe. Why didn't I do this sooner?"

Fluttershy wasn't sure how to answer that, and as the two were looking around the castle, she thought about how they would get the dragon's treasure horde here. "I know most dragons have treasure hordes. Do you want Twilight to bring yours her with her magic?"

The dragon took a liking to the cave and found that it'd be perfect for him to stay in. "That would be just perfect. I'm moving in!"

Fluttershy was glad to hear that and flew up to the dragon as she let him know that she would get what he needed soon. "I'll let Twilight know right away. Sit tight." The dragon nodded in understanding with Fluttershy flying off to find Twilight and have her teleport the gem horde into the cave.

The dragon was happily making himself at home in his new cave with the gem horde surrounding him like it did in the previous cave. He was taking quite a liking to his new home as he had everything arranged the way he wanted it to be while also making sure that he was comfortable when he was sleeping. He did hope that he would be able to see Fluttershy again though. He wouldn't mind seeing her friends again, but he had a special liking to her now. As a friend anyway. He wasn't really into romance and all that.

Spike and the others were at Sugarcube Corner with Twilight writing out her friendship letter as she told Fluttershy about what she taught her. "I still can't believe we didn't consider if he had another place to go. You really thought ahead of us today Fluttershy. Even me believe it or not."

Flutterhsy giggled a bit as she brought up why she offered to help the dragon. "I just got tired of his nonsense and couldn't hold back my anger anymore. I'm glad I was still able to consider what his circumstances were."

"Eh, I would've called him out for the fact that he held back on telling us why he wouldn't leave." Spike pointed out as he was lying down on Twilight's back, feeling that he could've fixed the problem a lot faster with some context. "I could've fixed the issue if he decided to think for forty five seconds."

Twilight rolled her eyes while smiling as she brought up Spike's words. "Not everyone is as willing to explain their issues as we are Spike. You're right, but it's pretty clear that dragon is an introvert."

Spike saw Twilight's point, taking her letter and sending it to Celestia before making his reply. "That's true. Still, I would've at least considered it before breathing fire on us and smacking us with his body. (Looks at Fluttershy) Good on ya though Fluttershy. Your method certainly worked the best." Fluttershy was glad to hear that, knowing that she did a great thing for herself and her friends today.

Fluttershy was trying to get Angel to eat his vegetables again when dinnertime hit, and as always, he wasn't really up for it. "Cmon Angel, I know you wanna get to your desert, but I can't just give it to you. You have to earn it." Angel turned his head away from the vegetables with Fluttershy deciding to use the same tactic she used on the dragon to get him to move out of his cave. "Angel, if you just try it then you'll see if you actually like it or not. And if you end up not liking it, I'll find something that'll help you like it without ruining your health."

Angel found Fluttershy's argument to be compelling and grabbed some lettuce, biting into it and taking quite a liking to it. When he shoved his face into it and continued eating it, Fluttershy sat down in front of Angel and smiled as she told him an important life lesson. "You should always try something before deciding you don't like it Angel. It's smarter, and helps you balance out what you eat." Angel gave a thumbs up to Fluttershy as he continued eating with Fluttershy then getting a phone call. "One sec Angel."

Fluttershy answered the call with the dragon being shown on the other end, surprising Fluttershy a bit as he spoke up. "The unicorn that helped us find this place managed to find a phone that I could hold without breaking. I wonder why I didn't start using one of these things sooner."

Fluttershy was glad to see that the dragon was enjoying his live at the cave, which she could tell from his cheerful voice. "I'm glad things are working out for you. And that we can keep in touch. What's your name anyway?"

"Limestone." The dragon answered, and then he asked Fluttershy if he remembered her name correctly. "You're Fluttershy, right?"

"That's right." Fluttershy stated happily, and then when Angel started gagging, she giggled a bit before correcting his thought. "He's a friend Angel, don't worry."

Spike and Twilight were at the Golden Oak Library as Twilight was explaining to Spike what she learned from Fluttershy about friendship. "So basically I learned that not everyone is willing to ask for help, and that you have to offer it to them in the hopes that they accept."

Spike shrugged, feeling like the lesson Twilight learned could use some work. "I mean, I guess that works for some, but others might just keep resisting. I'd personally accept the help eventually, but some may just not want it."

Twilight saw Spike's point and then brought up his mark thing, noticing that it wasn't acting up yet. "So...if I asked if you needed help dealing with your mark, what would you do?"

Spike looked at his mark and smiled as he looked at Twilight, knowing that she would like what he had to say in response. "I'd happily accept and see what you had in mind. My point though is that it's not the choice everyone will go for. I like the message; it shows that you shouldn't instantly abandon people who have trouble asking, but you also have to take into account whether or not they want it, or they just can't ask." Twilight saw what Spike was getting at as he then ran off into the kitchen. "Example, I'm about to help myself to some ice cream!"

Spike ran over to the fridge with Twilight rolling her eyes while smiling as she took the ice cream from Spike as he got it from the freezer. "Nice try." Spike jumped at the ice cream, grabbing it and causing the freezer door to close as the screen went to black due to the door closing, ending the episode off.

A title card that said 'FLB Public Service Announcement: Accepting Help Is Okay!' came up after the episode ended.

Rainbow Dash was hanging out with Applejack, who was clearly tired from bucking apples out of Sweet Apple Acres' trees. She was clearly worried about the Earth pony, not wanting her to take another kick at these trees. "Cmon AJ, you're exhausted. And you would've been done by now if you'd just take the help and move on."

"I already told you Rainbow Dash, this is an Apple Family responsibility." Applejack was getting tired of being offered help she didn't need, or didn't want I should say, as she clearly needed assistance with this apple bucking thing. "I told Big Mac I'd cover his fields since he was injured, and I plan to do that myself."

Applejack went to buck another tree, sending down only one apple, which Rainbow Dash caught in her hoof and took a bite out of before talking to Applejack. "AJ, you've clearly forgotten what Fluttershy did for the dragon last week. He kept throwing us out of his cave because he didn't wanna ask for help in finding one where he wouldn't hurt anyone, and he got it." Applejack remembered that day with Rainbow Dash pulling out her cellphone to give her the impression that she was about to call the others. "It'll be worth it."

Applejack didn't see that she had any options left, looking around and seeing that there were still hundreds of trees to buck. She looked at Rainbow Dash with a sigh of defeat, knowing that she was just doing what she thought was best. "If you say so."

Rainbow Dash happily called the others in a group chat and spoke up when they came online. "Guys, she's on board!"

Everyone was helping Applejack with the apple trees with Twilight levitating them out of the trees, Fluttershy having the critters bring them out of them, Rarity holding the buckets in place, and Pinkie Pie shaking them out of the trees to have them fall into the buckets. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were taking a break as they saw Spike eating what looked like worm filled cupcakes, catching Applejack's attention as she asked about it. "Where'd you get those cupcakes Spike, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Pinkie Pie's trash can." Rainbow Dash and Applejack gave shocked looks of disgust with Spike defending why he was eating them. "Hey, dragons eat gross things compared to ponies. At least I think they do. Let's hope I don't have to wait until season two this time to figure it out."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack brushed off what Spike was doing as he walked off, leaving Rainbow Dash to speak up. "See Applejack? Accepting help from others isn't gonna ruin your reputation or anything dangerous."

"You're right Rainbow Dash. Even though I had to learn that lesson again." Applejack chuckled a bit before admitting that she learned her lesson. "But now I know."

"And knowing is (Whips mane stylishly) half the battle." A screen came up that said 'Forever Lasting bonds!' while also singing the words, ending the public service announcement right there.

An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.