• Published 1st Jul 2020
  • 2,730 Views, 96 Comments

Forever Lasting Bonds - SonicSpeed Kaleb

A fanmade reboot of Friendship is Magic with Spike as the main character. Be warned, as it can get quite dark every now and then.

  • ...

Spike's Mother

Author's Note:

Yes, farts return in this chapter. And it's not a fart fetish fic. Those who know the difference between that and a story with farts in it, will get the point. Enjoy!

Spike and Lightspeed were currently at the Golden Oak Library as Spike was admiring himself in his bottomless tux while Lightspeed tinkered with the couch. He was adding some kind of heating source to it that would allow the couch to head up the rear ends of whoever sat on it, while also making sure that it wasn't too hot, or too cold. While he was doing this, Spike turned around and started admiring his butt in the tux. While he did this, he gave a smug grin before clenching his fists and closing his eyes, letting out...


...A five second, rotten egg fart with a yelow cloud right onto the mirror, making it shatter and startling Lightspeed with the commotion. As Lightspeed got a whiff of the substance that was going on. He then looked to Spike who was smiling proudly as he let the smell sink in. Lightspeed then cracked a joke about the fact that Spike ended up breaking a mirror while giving a sly grin to match said joke. "You know that's seven years bad luck, right?"

Spike and Lightspeed laughed as Spike walked back over to the couch and taking his tuxedo off. "Good thing neither of us are addicted to that superstition crap." Spike and Lightspeed laughed together as Spike then heard a knock on the door. "I got it!"

Spike hopped over the couch and answered the door, being shocked to find Claws standing at his residence. "Hello little dragon. You wouldn't happen to be Spike Sparkle, would you?"

Spike was amazed by what he saw, and he couldn't help but smile. He'd actually met another dragon just like him, only an adult, and a female. He was more than happy to answer that question. "Don't wear it out."

All kinds of moments from season one were shown as Twilight was heard singing the main theme of the show, My Little Pony Friends. "For every day, I look around me, for every time I see you near. I thank the stars, whose light surrounds me, I thank the earth that keeps you here. Cause I will only follow, my true heart. And I can see it clear now, right from the start. You were my little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be; my little pony. Until you shared it's magic with me. My little pony. I used to wonder what friendship could be. My little pony. Until you shared it's magic, with me.

Claws gave a friendly smile to Spike as he stood in amazement at the sight of another dragon at his doorstep. He had no idea what to say, other than, oh, I don't know; a bunch of questions he had on his mind "I have so many questions! First off, why was my egg abandoned!? if you know why anyway! Second, do dragons live in caves, or do they live houses like the rest of us!? Third question, is Ryu helping all dragons or just me with my powers!? (Claw flinches) Oh, wait; that was a dumb question. Do you even know Ryu?"

'I always questioned whether or not Ryu had betrayed me. Executing him will go on the list.' Claws looked down to Spyro, kneeling down to him and being willing to answer all of his questions. "I actually came here looking for you Spike." Claws put on a nice and sweet act to give Spike a false sense of security, and Lightspeed went over to meet her for himself. Claws paid no attention to him as she looked into Spike's eyes with fake love. "Believe it or not... I'm your mother."

Spike gained a look of astonishment upon hearing those words. He couldn't believe it. Claws was his mother? The same mother who conceived him and lost his egg along with his father? He had no idea how to take this in. Claws then made him an offer, knowing that he couldn't decline now that he could learn more about his kind. "Perhaps you would like to see more of your kind? I'm sure the other dragons would love to meet the lost egg." Spike liked the sound of that. He didn't even think before shaking her claw to accept the offer, much to Lightspeed's concern.

Spike was writing a letter to Twilight in his room as Lightspeed tried to talk him into thinking this over. "This could be a trap Spike. I mean, random dragon comes to your house and offers to take you to your fellow dragons? That's a red flag for something's up."

Spike showed a look of dismay as he set the letter down and explained to Lightspeed why he was doing this. "This could be my only chance to learn more about my species Lightspeed. My whole life, I've never lived amongst ponies, and I never got a chance to learn more about dragons. If Claws is right, then-"

Just then, Ryu teleported into the room from the roof, being horrified as he heard Claws' name. "CLAWS IS HERE!?" Spike and Lightspeed looked to Ryu, who ran over to Spike and grabbed his shoulders with immense fear in his eyes. "You can't trust her Spike! She's a dictator; a mad woman! A psycho! If you find yourself alone with her in the wrong room, she'll kill you without a second thought!"

Spike found Ryu's words to be alarming, but he still wanted to learn more about his species. He removed Ryu's claws and gave him an extra detail to his plan. "You two are more than welcome to come with me. But my mind is made up."

"We shouldn't go at all!" Ryu shouted, knowing what Claws was capable of more than anyone. "How do you know she won't rip your head off!?"

"How do you know she WILL do that!?" Spike shouted back, and then he and Ryu stared into each others eyes with Lightspeed unsure of what to say. Spike breathed in through his nose and out from his mouth, giving Ryu an ultimatum as he made his next words come out. "My mind is made up Ryu. You either come with me, or stay here. Your call." Ryu was clearly frustrated. He knew Spike couldn't be persuaded, and it annoyed him greatly. But he knew he couldn't let him go with Claws all on his own.

In the same wasteland Claws resided, she used her powers to teleport herself, Spike, Lightspeed, and Claws there, and they appeared at the entrance. Claws was more than happy to guide Spike there, but not for the reasons he expected. He was excited to be meeting more dragons himself, with Lightspeed still being concerned, and Ryu being filled with fear. The four of them went into the cave, and showed them the base inside as she spoke. "Behold! The home of the dragons!"

Spike was amazed with Lightspeed suddenly becoming astonished at everything he saw. The cave was full of all kinds of amazing tech, and they still had some of the dragons in there crafting weapons and cooking food. He was mostly interested in the tech that was in there however, unable to contain his love for it as he gazed upon it's features. "How did you get all of this high tech stuff!?"

"Dragons can adapt to new life as well as ponies can." Claws responded, kneeling down to Lightspeed as she stated how exactly the dragons have adapted. "We did some less than ideal methods, but they were still more than effective enough."

Lightspeed wasn't sure about that however, and then he noticed that Spike was heading down the steps to greet the other dragons and chased after him. "Spike; wait up!"

Spike quickly ran over to a blue teenage dragon who was playing guitar and leaning on the wall. "Hi there!" The dragon looked at Spike, who held out his claw for a fist bump. "My name's Spike!"

The blue dragon looked at Spike's claw, and seemed indifferent towards him as she spoke up. "Never seen you around here before. You here to join the army?"

Spike was caught off guard by that remark; not because of the refusal of a fist bump, but because of the mention of an army. "Can't say I am." Spike then laughed a bit as he explained what he was actually doing there, and made sure to be somewhat vague. "Believe it or not, I'm Claws' son. (The dragon flinches) She brought me here after she found me in the town I live in."

The dragon was astonished by the information she'd just learned with Lightspeed walking over to them as he spoke up. "We came here so he could learn more about dragons. (Pulls out a tool and grins) Got anything that needs tinkering?"

"Feel free to look around. Claws won't care." The dragon spoke up, and then she shook Spike's claw and let him know a little something about herself, while also making sure to be vague. "I can't say for sure Spike, but I think we could work together if we-"

"Ember!" Claws called from above, causing Ember to go into a straight, tall standing stance as Claws descended to her and spoke to her strictly. "I suggest you remember what I told all of the dragons about Spike's arrival. Don't even consider acting out of order with him during his visit."

"Yes mom!" Claws raised an eyebrow, making Ember flinch as she corrected herself, and Spike gained a look of surprise. "I mean ma'am! Something about professionalism!"

Claws sighed in disappointment as she went over to her soldiers as Spike then looked to Ember and smiled excitedly. "I have a BLOOD sister too!?" Ember chuckled a bit while scratching her head with a nervous smile. She never expected to have a blood sibling; let alone one who was alive.

Ryu was still cautious about Claws, and made that clear as he watched her giving orders to her lead soldiers. While Spike and Ember were talking, Lightspeed saw that Ryu was sitting beside a power module and decided to head on over to see if he could help with that. When he saw Ryu's look of distrust however, he had to ask about it. "Is she really that bad?"

"If by 'that bad' you mean the reason I was shunned since birth, then yes." Ryu answered bitterly, and then he saw that some of the dragons were avoiding gaze at Ryu with one of them giving him a harsh glare. "I'd rather not exactly say what she did."

"Okay. Let me know if you wanna talk about it." Lightspeed offered, and then he opened up the power module, which led to Ryu grabbing his arm and making sure not to be too rough. "Hey; if I'm gonna become an inventor one day, then I might as well learn if I can work with power modules."

"Can you at least wait until you're working with a GOOD dragon?" Ryu asked while trying to be patient, and then he saw that this could backfire and gave a supportive smile as he patted Lightspeed's back. "Actually, go right ahead." Lightspeed was confused by the sudden turn around, but shrugged and got to working on the power module anyway.

Spike was still speaking to Ember as the two of them got to know what they were like and what they enjoyed doing. "I never thought I'd have a sister other than Twilight before! She's the unicorn who adopted me after hatching my egg."

Ember found it fascinating that Spike was being cared for by a Unicorn. She'd always wanted to meet ponies to see what they were like. "What's Twilight like? She's gotta be something great if you consider her a sister."

"She is, but she's also a total nerd." Spike stated before laughing a bit, leaving Ember to allow him to elaborate on that. "Before we moved to Ponyville, the only thing she liked about the trip was the fact that we were staying in the library. We still live there now too! When we're not hanging out with our friends, you'll usually find her reading or testing out some fancy new spell she's working on, often having an all nighter just to get it done."

Ember laughed a bit upon hearing that last one. She knew what all nighters were like. "I can relate to that. I've tried writing songs before, and sometimes I would spend until breakfast time trying to get them done."

Spike couldn't help but snicker at that, and then he remembered another case of an all nighter. "Actually, Twilight isn't the only one who can relate to that level of dedication. Lightspeed once told me that if it weren't for school, he would've worked an endless week on inventing mechanical wings for earth ponies and unicorns to use to fly around and stuff."

Ember thought that sounded awesome and couldn't help but exclaim it to Spike. "That would be epic!"

"I know, right!?" Spike obviously loved the idea too. Though, he did have to admit that there was something else about Lightspeed being setback that he didn't know about. "Though, I do have a feeling there's more to it than that. I'd ask Lightspeed myself, but it sounds like a touchy subject."

Ember took note of that as Lightspeed was then shown to be almost done with the power module he was tinkering with. He managed to upgrade it a little, and when he did, Ryu pointed out how this could contrast from actually inventing. "Ya know, this could classify more as 'engineering' rather than actually inventing stuff."

"It's an introduction to dragon technology for me." Lightspeed explained with the dragons all noticing the upgraded power and that everything was working a little faster than normal. "If I want to invent a dragon related device or machine, then I have to know what kind of technology they use so I can learn how to adjust it to the appropriate level for each invention I make with it."

Claws found herself impressed and walked over to Lightspeed as she saw a benefit to her plan right in front of her. "A Pegasus who can work with technology. You must be talented young one." Lightspeed chuckled a bit and blushed as Claws then noticed that his cutie mark wasn't there yet. "Odd. I thought ponies had cutie marks by this age."

"During their teen years, yes. I'm thirteen." Lightspeed explained, and Claws took note of that as Lightspeed continued to speak about his passion for inventing stuff. "I've always found the idea of inventing stuff to be amazing, and I hope to become a professional in that field someday."

Spike saw an opportunity to help Lightspeed and told Ember to come with him, which he did. He went up to Lightspeed and made a suggestion for some stuff he could do. "You just improved their power module, right? Maybe you can help make some more stuff to help them (Ryu flinches) improve their craft."

Ryu teleported in front of Spike, grabbing him by his chest and pulling him up to his face with his teeth clenched and whispering to Spike. "Help Claws wipe out the universe, and you'll be my pick for a sacrifice."

Spike gave a deadpan look as he then requested that Ryu let go of him. "Will that be more likely if I DON'T burp in your face to make you let go of me?" Ryu sighed, letting go of Spike as he then looked to his mother nervously, still being blinded by the revelation of his mother, and the fact that he's finally in contact with other dragons. "Don't let him get to you. He's just being a (Glares at Ryu with teeth clenched) pain in the butt today."

Ryu gave Spike a serious glare as Claws then made a suggestion of her own for how Lightspeed could help. "Perhaps you'd be interested in developing a dragon exclusive weapon for us. I'm sure the blueprints you come up with will be phenominal for a Pegasus." Lightspeed squeed with Ryu clearly shown to be baffled by this. Was this really happening despite his clear fear and warnings? He then gave a deadpan look to the audience that said 'I'm surrounded by idiots'.

Lightspeed was currently working out blueprints in the weapons room with Spike, Ember, and Ryu talking nearby. Ryu was still against the idea of helping Claws and made it clear while Spike was talking to Ember. "It'll be a huge setback if you let Lightspeed finish those blueprints Spike. If that weapon's as good as the upgrade he made, then Claws will most likely destroy all of Equestria."

"Most likely, or definitely?" Spike asked with his arms crossed, starting to get tired of Ryu's panicking.

Ember was confused about what Ryu meant and felt it wouldn't hurt if she asked why. "Wait. Ryu, is it?" Ryu nodded his head yes and Ember asked her question about her mother. "What do you mean about my mom destroying all of Equestria?"

Ryu then gained a conflicted look in regards to that. He hadn't even considered that this whole time, he was talking about Spike's mother of all dragons. And to make matters worse, now it's known that he had a sister as well. He didn't even take the time to consider how Spike would feel about this. He knew he couldn't avoid this now, so he decided to go ahead and explain what he could. "Ember, this may be hard for you and Spike to hear, but... Claws is the one who got me shunned by all the other dragons here."

Spike and Ember were shocked to hear this, darting their eyes at each other before darting them back at Ryu. "She did WHAT!?"

"After she found out I was connected to Nightmare Moon, she got me banished." Ryu explained, and then he had a flashback to when he found this meteorite near the Dragon Cave. "I was ten years old, and I was right outside of Dragon's Cave when it happened. This meteorite fell from the sky and had a dark glow to it." Ryu went down to the meteorite and touched it, causing it to explode and send him into a wall. "I made the mistake of touching it." Ryu then saw his mark on his claw when it started glowing and panicked. "That's how I got my mark."

Ryu was showing Spike and Ember his mark as Ember then took the time to make a joke about it. "Sounds like you found a meteowrong on that day."

Spike couldn't help but laugh a little as he then pointed out the bad pun. "Meteor pun."

Ryu smiled at the corniness of the joke while rolling his eyes, and then frowned again as Lightspeed spoke up while walking over to them. "Hey guys; check out my blueprints!" Lightspeed showed what looked like a flamethrower that also doubled as a laser shooter. "It's a flamethrower that doubles as a laser shooter. The more dragon fire inserted into the fuel tank, the more powerful the attacks!" Lightspeed noticed the tension as he set his blueprints down and started to get worried. "Hey. Are you guys okay?"

Spike looked to Ryu, who nodded just before Spike told Lightspeed what Ryu told him and Ember. "Ryu got his Nightmare Moon mark three years ago, and Claws used that as an excuse to try and get him shunned, which he succeeded at."

Lightspeed was shocked to hear about this, and then he looked at his blueprints in remorse. He couldn't believe who he was helping with this kind of stuff. "And I'M designing weapons to make for them?"

"It's my fault Lightspeed." Spike assured Lightspeed, finally out of his delusion that Claws had his best interests at heart. "Claws revealing herself as my mother messed with my head so much that I couldn't think rationally enough to notice the obvious signs that she was using me. I'm the reason we're even here."

Lightspeed couldn't deny that, even though he didn't blame Spike. He couldn't deny how excited he was though. "I still did it willingly. I'm as much to blame." Lightspeed sighed as he then opened up to Spike about something else. "Believe it or not, I didn't even tell Rainbow Dash that I wanted to become an inventor. She's so excited about me reaching my name's potential that I never had the courage to tell her." Spike and Ryu started to feel bad for Lightspeed with Ember being a little confused. "I don't want to let her down."

"Is Rainbow Dash your sister or something?" Ember asked, and Lightspeed nodded his head yes in response with Ember having a follow up to that. "Does she need to be scorched in the face?"

"No no no; definitely not!" Lightspeed assured Ember, still loving his sister more than just about anything. "She's the best older sister I could ask for." Lightspeed then folded his blueprints up and held them tightly as he expressed his worry of letting Rainbow Dash down. "That's why I'm worried about telling her I don't want to train to the point where I can go at light speed. If I tell her she can't have the super fast younger brother she's always wanted, she could get crushed. I can't let her down when her hopes are so high."

Spike knew exactly what to do and stepped closer to Lightspeed. He then put both of his palms on his shoulders as he spoke up. "Look at me dude." Lightspeed looked at Spike, who gave him a sincere, honest, compassionate look as he assured him that he would be okay. "I know how you feel, worrying about how someone will feel about you if you reveal something about yourself you've kept hidden out of fear. Regardless of what it is, that feeling can be scary. Believe it or not, I came out to Twilight by her catching me gawking at a guy."

Lightspeed had to admit that he was surprised to hear that. Spike seemed so confident compared to him. He couldn't ever see Spike being unable to confess something that anyone could feel. The only thing he's ever seen him worried about regarding himself was his Nightmare Moon powers. "That's unexpected. With how confident you are, I could've sworn you did it without having to worry about how Twilight would feel about you afterwards."

"You don't have to worry about that either Lightspeed. I'm not saying nervousness and fear aren't stuff you're allowed to feel, but I know Rainbow Dash will be fine with this." Lightspeed saw the comfort in Spike's voice as he continued to assure him that it'd all be fine. "I've seen how well you and Rainbow Dash get along. I know she'll understand how you feel. You just have to tell her yourself if you want to make any progress." Spike then smiled, which made Lightspeed feel more secure. "And the progress, will be knowing your sister loves you, no matter what."

Lightspeed smiled gratefully as he felt a huge weight being lifted off of his shoulders. He was still worried about confessing to Rainbow Dash, but he saw every point Spike was making. Ryu and Ember were smiling, knowing that the two of them had calmed down, and they looked at each other and nodded in response to show this. Spike and Lightspeed's feelings for one another started to intensify in the moment, and the two closed their eyes as they leaned in close...

"I'm back everyone!"

...only for the door to slam open and for Claws to come in with a fake friendly smile on her face. The others were cautious, especially Ryu, and Claws could tell. She decided to get to the point and snatched the blueprints from Lightspeed, knowing his caution could lead to him keeping the blueprints from her. She inspected it, and she was certainly impressed. "Quite impressive young Pegasus. (Looks at Lightspeed) Just gather the materials to test this and you've proven your worth."

Lightspeed chuckled nervously and tried to think of an excuse to not help Claws find the parts she needed. "I'd love to Claws, but I... have to get home for dinner soon. My sister gets worried if I'm not home by then."

"Then perhaps I should visit her as well." Claws suggested, and then she gave a stern glare to Lightspeed, one that made fear shiver down his spine with Spike stepping in front of him as Claws spoke. "Unless you're having second thoughts."

Spike got his dark powers ready and Claws lost it when she saw his mark, snapping and grabbing Spike violently. "YOU KILLED MY HUSBAND YOU DISGRACEFUL TYRANT!"

"What!?" Spike exclaimed, unable to believe the words that just came out of Claws' mouth "What are you talking about!?"

"You have Nightmare Moon's magic inside of you now!" Claws shouted, pointing to Spike's mark and explaining to him exactly what happened as she threw him to the ground. "Nightmare Moon's magic killed my husband long ago!" Lightspeed helped Spike get up as Claws continued. "He was also your father!"

Spike flinched when he heard that and tried not to let it get to him. Ember then stepped up, refusing to let Claws talk to her own son, let along HER own brother, like that. "Don't talk to your son like that mom!" Ember's words caused Ember to glare at her, but Ember didn't care. She just wanted confirmation on one thing. "Is it true what you did to Ryu? (Ryu steps up) That you had him shunned by everyone because some of Nightmare Moon's magic courses through his veins now?"

"What's he doing, screaming it to anyone who'll listen?" Claws asked with incredible annoyance, and then she sighed as she spoke up about the situation. "Yes; I had him shunned by everyone, but are you really surprised? He holds Nightmare Moon's magic! Nightmare Moon must be perished from all light for what she did to me!"

"That wasn't Ryu's fault!" Spike shouted, tired of listening to this nonsense and walking off while signaling the others to follow him. "Regardless of what killed my father, I'm not listening to this. Cmon guys." Lightspeed and Ryu went to leave with Spike, and Ember stayed where she was, leaving Spike to look back after chuckling a bit and smiling. "That's fair. We've only known each other for one day."

Claws then pinned Spike to the ground and was about to slash him before Ryu slammed her into the wall with his magic. He managed to pin her there as well, using his magic to form a strong tape of some kind that held Nightmare Moon's magic inside of it. He then snapped his fingers, teleporting himself, along with Spike, Lightspeed, and Ember out of there. The four of them arrived at the entrance with Spike being relieved about what he just avoided. "Thanks Ryu. Now I know why my mom gave me up for adoption."

Ember walked over to Spike, Lightspeed, and Ryu, while expressing regret for what she was about to do. She didn't want to leave her brother after one day, but she knew it wouldn't help to leave her mother unattended to. Someone had to keep an eye on her after all. "I'm sorry Spike. Believe it or not, I wanna go back with you guys. But someone has to watch over our mother, and it clearly isn't safe for that to be you."

"I get that. That's why I took it so well." Spike admitted, and then he looked at the mark on his claw. It made him disgusted and the others could tell with Spike clenching his fist in anger as he then put his palm down and spoke to Ember again. "I just hope you can join us one day. (Smiles) Twilight's handled ME for this long; one more dragon won't be too much."

Ember smiled upon hearing that warm welcome as Spike laughed a bit, but Ember knew she had to stay, at least for now. She then expressed empathy as she frowned and spoke about her intentions some more. "Our mother was hit with a tragic event that scarred her for life Spike. That much is true. I'm hoping that there's still some goodness left in her, knowing that the turn to evil wasn't a choice she made for no reason. If there's a chance we can save her, then I have to take it."

Spike had to respect that. Ember was clearly a loyal dragon, and one that he would hope to be true sisters with one day. The two weren't sure how to embrace, starting with a hug, but then stopping, and then feeling a claw shake was too formal. The two of them settled for a fist bump as Spike asked Ember a question. "So you're gonna look for a way to help Claws then?"

Ember nodded her head yes, and then she said something that stuck with Spike in a good way. "Let's hope I can. Whether it's with a song, or with a slap in the face."

Spike snickered a bit at that last part, and then he headed over to where Ryu was with Lightspeed as the two waved goodbye to her. "See you around Ember!"

Ryu got ready to teleport away, and he looked at Ember, who gave a genuine smile to him, letting him know that there were no grudges. "Yes." Ryu then smiled back, glad to see that he and Ember were on good terms. "See you." Ryu then snapped his fingers, and he, Spike, and Lightspeed were off. Ember then looked back at the cave and gave a determined look. She walked over to the cave, and she knew what she was about to face. She had one goal in mind; and that was to find a way to save her mother.

Spike, Lightspeed, and Ryu were back home as they explained the situation to Twilight, who was horrified by what she'd just heard. "Your mother is actually that crazy!?" Spike nodded his head yes with Twilight hugging him instantly, knowing this had to have been hard on him. "Spike, you have no idea how sorry I am. (Pulls Spike away) Both because you almost died, and because of who your blood mother turned out to be. That must've been horrible for you to bare."

"Can't say it was easy." Spike answered, and Twilight continued to show concern as Spike looked at Ryu, feeling bad about ignoring his warnings. "Ryu. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you about Claws. If I wasn't so blinded by getting to know my blood family and more about my species, I would've listened to you sooner and that whole mess could've been avoided."

Ryu sighed with discomfort. He knew that he was partially responsible for why things went as bad as they did. "I can't act like I was completely innocent. The way I handled things was far too insensitive towards your perspective." Spike was surprised to hear that. He didn't blame Ryu one bit for what happened today. "I should've considered that we were talking about your birth mother when telling you not to go."

Lightspeed was quick to chime in, bringing up a good thing about this whole event. "Look at it this way Spike. If we didn't go, you wouldn't have met Ember."

Spike had to smile a bit upon hearing that, and Twilight then became curious as to who Ember was. "Who's Ember?"

"She's my blood sister." Spike explained, and then she assured Twilight that she was much nicer than Claws. "Don't worry, she's way nicer than Claws. Actually, she stood up to her after we all found out what happened to Ryu before."

Twilight looked at Ryu, who she felt bad for as well. She obviously cared more about what happened to Spike since he's her brother, but she still wanted Ryu to know that he cared. "That must've been terrible for you Ryu. I can personally assure you that won't happen to you here."

Ryu could already believe that and smiled in response. He only believed it more now, that coming to help Spike was the right call. "Thank you. I'll remember that."

Spike then turned the couch heater on and loved the feel of it on his butt, leaving Lightspeed and Ryu to smile as they enjoyed it as well. Just not as much as Spike. "Okay, seriously Lightspeed. You'd better give the family you make in the future stuff that's as cool as this." Lightspeed laughed a bit and blushed softly at Spike's words as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.

An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.