• Published 11th Mar 2020
  • 4,422 Views, 140 Comments

Equestrian Battle Tendency - luckyboys121

On February 28th, 1939 Joseph Joestar passed away on Isola di Volgano. On March 1st in the 1000th of the Celestia Calendar a strange new arrival comes to Ponyville

  • ...

Girls Night, Guys Night, and Thieves Night

Twilight breathed in deeply as she focused and moved the crackling energy to her right front hoof. She then struck forwards with it as she yelled, "HAMON OVERDRIVE!"

JoJo watched her with a smile saying, "Very nice though... you know you don't actually need to yell Hamon Overdrive right?"

"Really, then why do you do it?" asked Twilight.

"Well... I suppose I just have a flair for the dramatic is all," said JoJo as he somewhat blushed in embarrassment.

Twilight chuckled at that as she said, "In the heat of battle though?"

"Eh, what I can say. I like to think fighting is just as much about style as it is strategy or strength," said JoJo with a smile.

Twilight only giggled into her hoof in response as JoJo looked away and blushed further saying, "Moving on though. You're actually picking up things really well."

Twilight's giggling ceased as she blushed at the slight praise saying, "Thanks, what's next?"

"Well... we've pretty much covered most of the basics. You've learned how to reliable produce Hamon and channel it into a general part of your body... you could try and focus it into a more specific and smaller part to let it flow better, but that's a more advanced move." He then thought, "And since you don't have finger tips to channel it into I'm not sure how to teach that yet," before he continued saying, "I suppose I could tell you about Sendō Hamon," said JoJo.

"Sendō? What's that?" asked Twilight as she snapped back to reality.

"Honestly... it's nothing special. It's simply what one calls it when they channel Hamon through an object that can't store it. Like metal or stone and typically this will change the color the Hamon appears to be," said JoJo before a smile came to his face as he said, "Actually thinking about it I'm not the only one with this little fighting quirk as most Hamon users like to give names to each type of Sendō they use."

"Really, like what?" asked Twilight.

"Let's see... some of the ones I heard in my training are Metal Silver Overdrive for when it's channeled into... well metal, or Scarlet Overdrive when it's channeled through fire," said JoJo.

"So... it's just-" began to ask Twilight.

"Yes, the color the Hamon appears to be and sometimes the material it is channeled through... look I said they had names, I never said the names where creative," said JoJo with a smile and a chuckle.

Twilight smiled herself as he said, "Oh and your incredible creative Mr. Clacker Volley."

JoJo blushed as he said, "Fair point," before the two of them both let out a little laugh.

As Twilight felt herself melt into the moment she thought, "OK girl, now is the moment. You're both cool comfortable and relaxed, there isn't gonna be a better time to tell him how you feel then now!" As the seconds ticked by Twilight thought, "Come on Twi! Just... OK tell him how you feel and ask him out in three... two... o," before she could finish the countdown though she heard a knock at the door as she instantly thought, "OH THANK CELESTIA! I can do it another time."

"I suppose that's Rarity," said JoJo as Twilight seemed to bolt for the door.

Indeed it was as once Twilight opened the door the door she was greeted by the startled white mare as her hoof was raised in mid knock. Twilight didn't seem to notice as she had a huge smile and said, "Ready to go when you are!"

"Oh um... alright then, we can head out now and the other girls will meet us there," said Rarity confused at how sudden all this was.

"Great let's go!" said Twilight as she quickly made her way out the door.

"Oh, um be right there," said Rarity before turning as she said, "Well goodbye JoJo, we should be home around eight."

"Righto," said JoJo as he too looked nervous at the sudden transition, "You all have fun."

The two smiled at each other before Rarity headed at the door and JoJo thought, "Well that was peculiar, why was Twilight in such a rush? Could it just be that she is excited for a spa day with her friends... or perhaps she wanted to end our training session for some reason?"

His thoughts where interrupted as he heard Spike come from up stairs saying, "Did Twilight leave?"

"Yeah... kind of quickly actually," said JoJo.

"Hmm, well maybe she just was eager to hang out with her friends at the spa," offered Spike.

"Maybe," said JoJo as thought, "That is a distinct possibility.... meh. Perhaps now is the time to come to terms with the fact that I can't figure her out as easily as others and try not to analyze her for a bit... besides I do have other things to do."

JoJo looked at Spike saying, "So you want to head out for this game night?"

Spike smiled eagerly as he said, "HECK YEAH!"

JoJo chuckled at his enthusiasm before saying, "Twilight should be back at eight."

Spike nodded at that as he said, "Works for me, games probably gonna go to eight thirty or nine."

"Sounds good, gives her a bit of time to settle in by herself before we get back," said JoJo as the two prepared to head out the door.

Meanwhile back at the alley

Bloody Butterfly looked at the mysterious mare saying, "Alright Ms. Moneybags, let's say we do this job for you."

"Why wouldn't we do this job!?" asked Wing Blade in protest.

Bloody simply raised her hoof in annoyance at him as she thought, "How exactly do you manage to not get arrested when I'm away if you're this clueless when something seems fishy!?" She then sighed before she continued saying, "Say we do it... what exactly are the details?"

"Well like I said it's fairly straight forward, I need you to break into the Golden Oaks Library tonight and steal this statue," said the mare before pulling a picture out of her cloak and showing it the two.

"Hmm, looks like one of those humans that Lyra mare is always talking about," said Wing Blade.

"Ahh, don't remind me," said Bloody Butterfly as she thought, "If I had five bits for every time I had to smile and pretend to be interested in that mares stupid speeches about made up creatures while Blade swiped something from her bag I wouldn't even need to be a thief!" She rolled her eyes at the thought before she continued saying, "So if it's so simple why can't you just get it yourself?"

"Let's just say I'd rather not dirty my hooves," said the mare.

"Hmm... you mind if me and Blade talk about this for a bit?" asked Bloody.

"Go on ahead, though I advice you to take the job as if you don't I can't guarantee that whoever I do hire will like having others who know about the plan," said the mare as they briefly saw a sadistic smile from under the hood.

This unnerved Bloody as despite her name... murder was a line she never planned to cross, and yet she knew for a fact there where more then a few criminals around who either would or already had. As she did her best to hide her nerves she gestured for Blade to follow her.

Once they did she whispered to him, "I'm not sure about this mare."

"What do you mean?! This is the ticket out of here we've been talking about! Besides you heard what will happen to us if we don't take the job," said Blade as he nervously swallowed at the thought as he too had never crossed that particular line.

"Yes, but did you see that smile she had! I don't think she's gonna want any loose ends either way," said Bloody as she looked back at the mare before turning back to her partner with renewed fear.

"Hmm, well I say we take the statue but we don't give it to her," said Blade.

"WHAT!?" said Bloody in the loudest whisper she could manage. "Why in the name of Celestia would we do something like that?!"

"Think about it, if she is willing to do all this for that statue it must be worth quite allot of bits... look we have enough from out stolen goods here for two one way tickets to Manehattan. We go there, sell the damn thing on the black market and if it's worth as much as it seems we could probably make it to somewhere like Griffonstone where if you got enough money you can literally write the laws," said Blade with renewed confidence.

"Hmm... I doubt anypony she could hire could even find us in all that... let alone contend with any griffon bruisers we hire to protect us," said Bloody as she thought about all this.

"Exactly, it's even better then what we talked about," said Blade.

Bloody smiled at this as she said, "See this is why I keep you around, you may not be the best at thinking but when you do do it, it's very outside the box."

"Hey," said Blade taking offense at the slight jab before his partner playfully nudged him and he smiled in return before they went back to the mare in question.

"Alright, we're in. So when do you want this all to go down?" asked Bloody.

"About seven forty five would be best, I'll be in a cafe near by for you to perform the drop off and we wouldn't want it to look suspicious by having it be too late," said the mare.

"Isn't that kind of early thought?" asked Blade.

"Don't worry about it, the mare who runs that library is very strict about schedules. There is no doubt in my mind she'll be in bed by then," said the mare with a smile.

Meanwhile on the way to the spa

"Once again, I'm grateful for you deciding to come with us to this impromptu girls night," said Rarity, "Especially given that it's kind of late and I know you usually like to be in bed as soon as the sun goes down."

"You know I'm always happy to spend time with you and the others, besides I haven't been that strict about schedules since that whole future me stuff happened," said Twilight with a laugh.

"Indeed," said Rarity before thinking "Too bad that couldn't have happened later, then maybe the other her could have told her to ask JoJo out or told her how she did it... the former seems more likely though."

As the two soon entered the Spa they where greeted by Lotus Blossom as she said, "Ah, Ms. Rarity and Twilight good to see you both."

"Same to you Lotus," said Rarity with a smile.

Lotus then gestured with her hoof saying, "Your other friends are waiting in the steam roam for you, if you'll grab a towel and head that may please."

The two nodded before doing as instructed and heading into the steam room where the other four mares where waiting for them.

As they sat down Applejack said, "Finally the gangs all here."

"Terrible sorry for the delay dears, Celestia knows Twilight tried to get here quickly," said Rarity looking at the mare somewhat annoyed that she had to run here.

"Sorry girls, I would have met up with you all earlier but I was training with JoJo," said Twilight.

"Oh that's fine, Rarity and Pinkie told us all about you and him," said Fluttershy.

"Oh.... oh," said Twilight with a blush as she started to realize where this was going.

"Speaking of which, just pony up already and ask him out!" said Rainbow Dash as she casually ate from a bowl of cucumber slices she took from the facial counter.

"RAINBOW DASH!" said Rarity annoyed.

"What!?" said Rainbow as she looked around at the others.

"We where supposed to be subtle about this," said Applejack as she rolled her eyes.

"Pffth, subtly is slow and boring, besides I'm sure Twilight wants to get this over with as much as I do, right Twi?" asked Rainbow only to see that the mare in question was as red as a tomato and curled up into a ball of embarrassment. "Or.... maybe subtle would have been better," said Rainbow with a nervous smile.

Meanwhile approaching Sweet Apple Acres

As JoJo looked at the farm he thought, "The name is certainly apt, allot of apple themes in the decor and roughly 80% of the fields are covered in apple trees.... don't know how that could possible lead to a proper diet though."

Spike smiled as he pointed ahead saying, "Oh there's Big Mac in front of the barn."

JoJo turned to see a fairly muscular stallion waving at them as he and Spike waved in return and he thought, "Judging by the physique I'm guessing this is more of a strong from working in the fields rather then strong for working in the fields situation. Regardless he looks nice enough."

"Big Mac this is JoJo," said Spike as he introduced the two.

Big Mac reached his hoof forward saying, "Good to meet you partner."

JoJo took it with a smile as he said, "Likewise."

As they lowered there hooves Spike asked excitedly, "So did you finish setting up the game?"

"Yup!" said Big Mac equally excited.

JoJo smiled as he said, "Alright what are we playing then gentlemen? Poker, Blackjack, if you want I know a kinda nifty game that you can play with just a shot glass and some coins."

"Oh trust me it's better then all those combined!" said Spike excitedly.

"Yup!" added Big Mac.

"Hmm, well whatever it is I warn you lady luck has always been on my side so place your bets wisely," said JoJo.

"Oh don't worry we won't be risking money... but we will be risking," said Spike before flinging the barn door open and revealing a table with a large hand drawn map on it, several cardboard figures, a few books and several odd dice with far more sides then any JoJo had seen before. Spike then excitedly continued saying, "The fate of the world of Ogres and Oubliettes!"

Back at the spa

As Twilight hyper ventilated into a bag Rarity tried to comfort her saying, "Now it will be OK dear... we only want to help you."

"HELP!" yelled Twilight, "How is telling all of our friends and forcing me into basically a relationship intervention helping!?"

"Well... it seemed like a good idea at the time," said Rarity as she looked down ashamed.

This only resulted in a groan from Twilight before she began breathing into the bag again.

"Well if it helps, we think of this less as a relationship intervention and more as pre asking a pony out party!" said Pinkie excitedly before adding party hats to them all... a change that did nothing to lighten the mood.

Rainbow crossed her hooves in front of herself as she said, "I still don't see why this is a big deal. How hard is it to tell somepony you have feelings for them?"

"Says the pony who's now met famous Wonderbolt Spitfire several times and each time failed to mention that she doesn't just feel admiration for her," said Applejack.

This only caused Rainbow to blush as she nervously and unconvincingly said, "Whhhaaat, who told you that?"

"The same pony who told me that you asked her to help you buy up every Sports Illustrated magazine in both Cloudsdale and Ponyville to try and get the rare fold out swim suit poster of her," said Applejack with a devious smile.

This only caused Rainbow's blush to increase as she yelled, "Fluttershy!"

"I um... just thought our friends should know is all... maybe help you out like we're trying to do with Twilight," said Fluttershy meekly.

"I DON'T NEED HELP!" yelled back Rainbow.

As Rarity glanced at how this was all falling apart and seemed to not even involve Twilight anymore she groaned as she thought, "I hope Spike is having better look with JoJo."

Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres

"Fascinating, I've never heard of a game like this before but it does sound rather fun," said JoJo as he thought "A game where you can virtually do anything as long as you can think of it, where has this been all my life!?"

"Oh trust us it is," said Spike as Big Mac nodded in conformation. "OK so now that you know the basics let's get down to this game in particularly. The evil Squid Wizard has learned of an ancient gem stone that will amplify his power exponentially and has revived three powerful stone golems to help him get it, and it's our job to stop him."

"Sounds interesting," said JoJo before thinking, "And oddly familiar."

"As always I will be playing as Garbuckle the magician and Big Mac will be the knight Sir McBiggun. We took the liberty of drawing up a character for you, a rogue who's mainly skill, stealth, and deception based," said Spike

"Sounds good to me," said JoJo.

"Good, then all that's left is to give the character a name then," said Spike.

"Hmm," said JoJo before thinking, "Let's see I need a name that sounds cool.... perhaps one to honor a fellow warrior!" He then smiled saying, "How about Wamuu?"

Spike smiled as he said, "Sounds good to me."

"Yup," added Big Mac.

"Hmm, stallion of few words... very few words," thought JoJo.

"Now then we start our adventure sitting in a tavern together when we suddenly notice a mysterious figure looking at us from outside, what do you do?" asked Spike.

"Hmm, what weapons do I have on me?" asked JoJo.

"Just a small dagger," said Spike.

"Who is sitting in the tavern near us?" asked JoJo.

"Several other warriors are around but they all seem to be law breakers and can't be trusted," said Spike.

"In that case I take the weapons from the bag of nearest one," said JoJo with a smile as he picked up the dice and started rolling.

Spike chuckled at this as he said, "Good luck, even with your stealth skills you would need to roll a-"

Before Spike could finish JoJo let go of the dice and said, "Next you'll say 'a perfect 20 on the first try, UNBELIEVABLE!"

As Spike watched the dice hit the table he dropped his pencil in shock saying, "A perfect 20 on the first try, UNBELIEVABLE!" JoJo simply smiled at this as Spike consulted the book saying, "Somehow you managed to take a crossbow and several fire bombs from their bags without being noticed."

JoJo's smile only increased as he said, "Good, now I tuck these weapons into my clothes and go out to have a nice chat with our visitor."

Back at the spa

As the group moved from the sauna to the massage room, only a few of them had there tension relieved.

"Look Spitfire is different, she's a celebrity... there are dozens ponies who feel this way about her," said Rainbow.

"True but how many of those ponies are actually going to be on the Wonderbolts with her?" asked Pinkie excitedly.

"Well I mean... it's not for sure that I'm gonna join the Wonderbolts yet," said Rainbow.

Applejack chuckled at this as she said, "You choose now to be humble and doubt yourself."

"Fair," said Rainbow Dash with her own chuckle. "Well... I suppose when I actually get into the Wonderbolts and see her everyday I could tell her... but not before then or anything! I don't want her to think I'm trying to flirt with her to get on the team or anything."

"That sounds like a very good plan," said Fluttershy with a smile.

"OH YES VERY GOOD!" shouted an annoyed Rarity. "I'm so glad we've gotten Rainbow's love life figured out, aren't you Twilight?" asked Rarity sarcastically as she gestured towards the literal ball of stress the masseuse was trying and failing to work on.

"Oh," the four mares collectively said as they suddenly remembered why they where here and Rarity face hooved at it all.

Sweet Apple Acres

"OK the golem has shrugged off all of our strongest attacks and is now preparing to strike the killing blow," said Spike nervously as despite how well the campaign had gone until now, it looked like it was about to end.

Meanwhile the smile still hadn't left JoJo's face as he said, "Well then I simple tell the golem, 'you know if you want a real challenge you would let us go to finish our training.'"

Spike looked at this confused as he said, "Um, the golem is almost entirely loyal to the Squid Wizard, the only way that bluff would work is if you rolled."

"Another 20!" said JoJo excitedly.

"Damn Spike, I don't know where you found this guy but you should invite him more often!" said Big Mac as he became excited to see how this would all end.

Back at the Spa

As the girls now sat in the hot tub together Twilight was thankfully slightly better as she said, "Look I understand you girls are only trying to help me and... honestly I might need it, but I still would have liked for you all too have asked first before springing this on me."

"I'm truly sorry about all this dear, I may have had the best of intentions but I suppose it doesn't matter whether ones intentions are good or bad if the're being forced on others," said Rarity.

"We're all really sorry about this sugarcube," said Applejack.

"Yeah, and I'm sorry for kinda taking the attention away from you," said Rainbow.

Twilight chuckled saying, "It's fine... at least one of us is confident enough to ask their crush out now."

The mares looked down briefly in awkwardness before the one they least expected came forward.

As Fluttershy now stood in front of Twilight she said, "Look... I know more then anypony how hard it is to talk to other ponies and be confident... it was only about a year ago I could barely get a whisper out to anypony new. But that all changed one day when I met a brave strong pony who was trying to save all of Equestria by herself and decided to help her."

"I... you're right!" said Twilight as she was filled with a renewed sense of confidence. "I was so scared of all these new feelings that I forgot about all the other times I acted even though I was scared... what time is it girls?"

"Um, about seven forty," said Pinkie confused.

"Good, that means if we leave now I'll be home at around eight like we said, and then I can ask out JoJo tonight!" said Twilight as she got out of the tub and started drying off.

The girls all smiled and cheered as Rarity thought, "Well, this didn't get off to the smoothest start but it still went better then expected."

The back door of the Golden Oaks Library.

"How much longer is this going to take?" asked an impatient Wing Blade.

"Shut up! I'd like to see you try and use magic to move the tumblers of a lock in just the right way to open it without breaking any of them or leaving a trace behind!" said Bloody as she tried to focus her magic.

"Eh, whatever," responded Blade.

Soon there after though the lock clicked open as Bloody pulled the door with a smile saying, "And this is what happens when you let me work in peace," and as the two entered in she continued saying, "Now you check downstairs and I'll look upstairs."

Just in front of the library that very same moment.

"OK Twi you got this," said a confident Twilight as she approached her front door. Meanwhile the five mares whom she thought had went to their own homes were watching her from a cafe to see how this all went.

Once she got through the door she saw a stallion standing in the back of the dark room as she said, "JoJo, I'm glad your home."

The stallion seemed to stiffen up nervously as Twilight said, "Look I know this may seem sudden but.... I think I'm really staring to like you.. like like you that is," she said with a giggle and a groan before saying, "Sorry that sounded like something a school filly would say I'm just new to all this and... I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you go out on a date with me?" Twilight looked at the stallion who only offered a nervous twitch as a response. As Twilight began to worry she may have made a big mistake she noticed something that shouldn't be there, that being wings twitching on the stallions back. As she turned the light on and got a good luck she saw that this certainly wasn't JoJo.

At the cafe.

"What do you think is happening in there?" asked Applejack in a whisper.

"How should I know?!" responded Rarity.

"Don't you know some kind of like x-ray spell or something to take ponies measurements while the're wearing baggy clothes?" asked Rainbow.

"Of course not... though it's not a bad idea," said Rarity as she made a mental note to borrow one of Twilight's magic books later.

As they conversed they were suddenly interrupted by a voice saying, "Ah, I see you girls decided to have lunch after your spa day."

"Not now JoJo we... wait JoJo!" said Rarity as she looked at the stallion in question.

"What the, what are you doing here!?" asked Fluttershy as a sense of worry flooded her.

"We finished our game night a little early, thanks to me that is," said JoJo with a cocky smile.

"IT WAS INCREDIBLE! I've never seen anyone get so many perfect rolls in a game!" said Spike excitedly as already he was planning for the next game night with him.

"Wait but... if you're here then who is Twilight-" said Rarity before being interrupted by a scream from library as they all rushed towards it in panic.

Once they got there though they where greeted by a pony cowering in fear while another threatened them... and honestly they weren't sure who to help.

"PLEASE I'M SORRY JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" said Blade as he tried to blow out the magical burns on his wings.

"YOU'RE SORRY!? I POUR MY HEART OUT TO YOU THINKING YOU WHERE SOMEONE ELSE AND YOU'RE SORRY!" said Twilight as she prepared her horn for another blast.

Thankfully for Blade, Bloody choose this moment to intervene as she tackled the stallion out of the way saying, "Come on, let's get away from this crazy bitch!"

Without thinking the assembled crowd moved away from the door to clear a path for the thieves as Twilight followed behind saying, "I don't think so," before something odd happened. She took in a huge breath which caused that familiar crackling energy to form on her horn and mix with her magic in a bright array before yelling, "LAVENDER STASIS OVERDRIVE!" and letting the Hamon infused beam go.

The two thieves looked back in horror as the beam hit them, but they where soon filled with relief as aside from a slight lavender glow on them the beam didn't seem to do anything. That relief was short lived as they saw the mare as well several other ponies approaching them at seemingly blinding speed. As they started to turn and resume running they soon came to realize it was no use as somehow their top speed couldn't get away, "WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" yelled Bloody.

Meanwhile the ponies all looked at what was going on in confusion as Rainbow was the fist to ask, "OK, what's up with them?"

As before them the would be thieves seemed to be moving at a snails pace. A thankfully calmer Twilight approached saying, "I.. I'm not exactly sure." She along with the others all moved forward to get a look at whatever this was as they all noticed it looked like the unicorn mare was trying to say something but all they heard was a dragged out w sound.

Twilight thought about this as she said, "I tried to cast a stasis spell to hold them still but at the last minute I channeled Hamon into it. Somehow the stasis spell must have mixed with the life energy of the Hamon to put their minds and bodies into some kind of slow motion state."

As the group looked at all this, JoJo couldn't help but turn to Twilight as he blushed thinking, "Now she's using Hamon on instinct and coming up with new moves on the fly.... not to mention that fighting spirit she showed... she's... she's," and then something happened that never happened before. The brilliant tactician suddenly stopped thinking and gave way to instinct as he said, "Twilight will you go on a date with me!?"

"WHAT!? asked Twilight

"WHAT!?" repeated the group in collective confusion.

JoJo's brain suddenly started back up again as he blushed and nervously said, "I know this may seem sudden but seeing you fight, I know now more then ever that we are two of a kind and that I would be a fool if I didn't at least try and go out with you so again... would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I... YES!" said Twilight excitedly as she suddenly jumped forward and hugged onto JoJo.

The two simply embraced with a smile as the group around them suddenly started to feel awkward. "Um... I guess we'll just go and get the sheriff for these guys," said Rainbow gesturing towards the thieves who had to move an inch despite their best efforts.

Twilight and JoJo didn't seem to hear them as they started going over the finer details of their first date. As the others walked away Rarity smiled down at Spike saying, "Good job on your end. It looks like you worked wonders with JoJo."

"Oh yeah it was nothing," said Spike as he smiled awkwardly thinking, "I knew there was something I forgot about."

Author's Note:

Well the robbery plan failed and while it didn't go exactly as planned Twilight and JoJo now have a date together. How will that go? Find out next chapter whenever that may be.

Sorry for the extra long chapter, it didn't feel right splitting it into two

Anyway, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day.