• Published 11th Mar 2020
  • 4,422 Views, 140 Comments

Equestrian Battle Tendency - luckyboys121

On February 28th, 1939 Joseph Joestar passed away on Isola di Volgano. On March 1st in the 1000th of the Celestia Calendar a strange new arrival comes to Ponyville

  • ...

"Mom" Meets JoJo

As Twilight stared down at what was left of her cereal bowl she struggled for words, only getting out, "Oh JoJo I..."

"No need to apologize, after all I'm the one who brought Caesar up after all," said JoJo as he finished his own food and sighed. He thought to himself, "Now old lad, gotta keep it together right now... don't want Twilight feeling bad again... though it looks like I might be a little late for that."

Twilight looked up as she sadly said, "I'm so sorry for your loss... and I understand if you don't want to tell me what happened."

JoJo took a moment to compose himself before returning to his trademark smile as he said, "Maybe some other time, but for now we should get on with the day. After all the dead want us to live in their stead, not mope about them."

"Ri-right," said Twilight as she did her best to smile thinking, "His parents... his best friend... this poor stallion has lost so much and yet he's still able to put on a happy face like this... I suppose his true strength runs deeper then muscles of Hamon."

The two of them then got up as they made their way to leave... only to be stopped as they heard the door slam and where greeted by a tall white alicorn stepping through.

JoJo flinched at seeing her as she was the first pony he saw that was bigger then himself, she also had both wings and a horn which he had not seen, indicating she might be special in some way, and finally and most importantly she seemed to be radiating poor hatred that for some reason seemed to intensify when she turned and saw him.

Twilight didn't seem to notice though as she smiled and approached the mare saying, "Princess Celestia, it's so good to see you," she then bowed before she continued saying, "You must have been very eager to meet JoJo and learn about Hamon if you came all this way."

Celestia glanced down at the smiling mare as her expression softened and she said, "Yes of course, I'm grateful you made me aware of all this." She put on a slight smile seeing Twilight grin as she thought to herself, "]Oh my poor sweet little girl. Please tell me this JoJo hasn't done anything to you."

JoJo warily approached as he thought, "Hmm, well she has visible calmed down, but at the same time still seems to have anger boiling below the surface... though given her attire, if you can call a crown, necklace, and shoes alone attire, and the fact that Twilight called her Princess she is a royal figure... perhaps she is always like this. Always putting on a brave face for her subjects but still feeling the pressures of her position... in which case she would just need someone to treat her like an average Joe... or I guess it would be average Jolyne since she is a woman... though that doesn't particularly sound like an average name. Regardless Twilight seems to trust her and I should too."

JoJo shook off his fear as he approached saying, "My my, it is quite the honor to have a princess come all this way to meet me, though I can see why you would," he then did a pose pointing his hoof at Celestia with a large smile.

Celestia didn't look amused by this, slightly unnerving JoJo, as she though, "YOU! Just as I thought, a muscle bound smooth talking egotistical jackass!"

Twilight once again failed to notice the tension in the air as she chuckled at JoJo's antics saying, "Princess Celestia, this is JoJo, JoJo this is my mentor and one of the members of the royal diarchy, Princess Celestia."

"Charmed to meet you JoJo," said Celestia as she reached a hoof out.

"Uh-likewise," said JoJo as he nervously stepped forward and shook her hoof thinking, "What is wrong with me... I've faced down death countless times and yet this woman who seems to be pissed at me for some unknown reason wants to make me run for the hills... I have to try and figure out what this is all about and remedy it quickly."

As he went to move he flinched slightly as he felt a pain in his hoof before getting it away as he thought, "OK firstly, HOW THE HELL DID SHE JUST HAVE A TIGHT GRIP WITH A HOOF!? Secondly... yup definitely gotta figure this out soon."

"Well princess, me and JoJo where just about to run errands, but if you want we could go back to the library," said Twilight with a smile.

"Oh that won't be necessary, I'd be happy to accompany you and JoJo on these errands," said Celestia as she briefly glared at him thinking, "Gotta make sure he doesn't try anything!" She then softened her expression again as she said, "I'm sure you and Twilight can explain everything as we walk."

Twilight smiled at this as she and Celestia made there way to the door with JoJo soon following after. He had a smile and slight chuckle of his own though as he thought, "Well that was easier then expected. Wanting to tag along, glaring daggers at me specifically. The exact same things granny did to that neighborhood girl I used to play with. So she is simply a mother figure worried about her daughter's new 'boyfriend'. A rather humorous assumption... though I suppose not totally out of the question, she is cute after all, and it is rather rare that I meet anyone I can't figure out too easily... those are thoughts for later though. Back on track, all I need to do then is act like my normal charming self and Celestia will see I'm nothing to worry about."

As they all walked Celestia asked, "So Twilight where are we heading first?"

"Well first we're heading to Carousel Boutique so Rarity can take JoJo's input and start making a couple outfits for him," said Twilight.

"Hold on now, I don't think we need to go as far as a custom outfit, just something off the rack should be fine," said JoJo as he dreaded the idea of being treated like a dress up doll.

"Oh trust me, it's no trouble at all for Rarity, plus.... I don't think any of her default sizes will fit you," said Twilight as her blush and smile returned.

"Well if you insist," said JoJo.

Celestia slightly groaned as she thought, "Well he has the decency to FEIGN reluctance to accept Twilight's generosity. Though if Twilight's face is anything to go by she truly has just fallen for this muscle bound stranger hard. I knew I should have given her dating advice, I could have even asked Cadence to help, but I just could never even think about her dating." She then glanced at Twilight as she smiled thinking, "Every time I look at her I see that sweet little filly who read countless history books just so she could find out my birthday and make me a hoof painted card."

Finally her glance turned back to a sour one as she thought, "And if you do ANYTHING to make that filly cry, I swear you will feel the weight of the sun itself crashing upon your head!"

JoJo noticed this glare as he only smiled and thought, "Now that I know that this anger is harmless, might as well have some fun with it, let's see... Twilight thinks she's hear to learn about Hamon."

"So princess, or do prefer Celestia, or perhaps a nickname like Celie or Tia?" asked JoJo.

Celestia briefly allowed her rage to come to the surface as she thought, "Such a brazen attitude before a royal figure of all things! Why this stallion is too foolish to even be a royal jester!" ignoring the fact that in any other circumstance she would revel in this treatment and find it refreshing.

She then put on her usual happy face for Twilight as she said, "Just Celestia is fine for now."

JoJo briefly grinned as he saw her lose her cool and he said, "Well then Celestia, is there anything in particular you would like to know about Hamon, or is there perhaps anything you know about it yourself?"

Celestia was somewhat taken aback by the sudden change to a serious subject as she said, "Well not really. Twilight has already informed me of the basics you told her, beyond that I had never heard of it before."

"Hmm, that's actually kind of surprising," said JoJo.

"How so?" asked Celestia.

"Well I couldn't help but notice that your cutie mark is the sun and from what I've been told Hamon energy is the same type of life energy that the sun bathes our planet in daily," said JoJo as he gestured towards the sun.

"Fascinating," said Twilight as she once again had her pad and paper and was making notes on it.

"Indeed," said Celestia as she rolled her eyes thinking, "Generating the life energy of the sun through a breathing technique, what kind of obvious lie is that!? Next he's gonna tell us that he can manifest his 'fighting spirit' or something as a physical entity who fights with him and stands by him or some nonsense like that."

She sighed before saying, "So Twilight what else do you want to do?"

"Well after that is done we can head over to Barnyard Bargains to pick up a few things and that should be it," said Twilight as she smiled and pointed towards the aforementioned outlet store. She then put the pad back in her saddle bag. She then pulled out a scroll and said, "I have a list of everything we need, so it shouldn't take long."

"That's good," said Celestia.

"Indeed," said JoJo.

Twilight smiled at her two compatriots approval as she put the scroll away and said, "I'm glad you agree, especially because we're already at Carousel Boutique," as she gestured to the business in front of her.

JoJo looked up at it as he thought, "Well the name is certainly apt, it looks like a carousel alright... wait wouldn't a carousel be kind of odd to ponies? I mean it's not like we humans ride statues of other humans around... more questions for later I suppose."

Outwardly JoJo simply said, "Looks nice," as the three of them entered.

As they walked in they where greeted by the usual bell followed by Rarity saying, "Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, I'll be with you in-" she stopped and gasped as she caught sight of one of the three who just entered.

She rushed towards the princess and bowed saying, "Oh Princess Celestia, why.... it is such an honor to have you in my store."

"As always the honor is mine Rarity," said Celestia as she moved her hoof for Rarity to stand back up.

Rarity did so saying, "Oh you're too much," with a nervous laugh. "To what do I owe this prestigious honor?"

"Oh it's nothing really. I'm just accompanying Twilight and her new friend today," said Celestia as she gestured towards the two ponies whom have seemed to slip Rarity's notice.

She turned her attention to the two of them as she said, "Oh sorry Twilight I didn't seem to notice you there, and oh my," she then had a slight blush of her own as she said, "And who is this with you?"

"Oh, Rarity this is JoJo, JoJo this is my good friend Rarity," said Twilight.

"Nice to meet another friend of Twilights," said JoJo as he reached his hoof out towards her.

"Likewise," said Rarity as she took it with a grin. After shaking it, she leaned towards Twilight and whispered, "Nice work darling, he is quite the catch."

As Twilight formed a blush of her own she was about to respond to that, but could not as Rarity quickly turned towards JoJo and asked, "So what brings you all here?"

"Well I'm afraid there was a bit of a mishap, resulting in the outfit I am currently wearing being my only one and well... while I can see that is not the case for all of you I feel more comfortable with a little something on," said JoJo.

"Oh I totally understand dear, honestly I would wear one of my dresses every day if I could but sadly, as much it pains me to admit it, Applejack is right about them not being practical to move around in," said Rarity with a humph as she levitated a measuring tape around JoJo taking a few quick notes before she moved over her design notebook saying, "Now what exactly did you have in mind?"

"Just the standard stuff tight jeans and shirts, leather boots and gloves, and maybe a jacket or two," said JoJo.

"I see," said Rarity as she began sketching a few outfits thinking, "I don't know where he's from, but if these kind of clothes are usual there then sign me up for a visit!"

As JoJo looked at the sketches approvingly he thought about the mare sketching them. "Hmm, the accent makes me think she might also be from this worlds England. Perhaps London given how much more posch it is. But, given her personality and reaction to the princess I doubt she actually is from there. Likely she is a young fashion designer, explaining why she jumped at the possibility for designing for Celestia, who is merely trying to look sophisticated like some fashion idles she has. Regardless she seems to know her stuff, already I'm seeing pony versions of outfits I wore back home... which reminds me."

"Oh, and if it's not too much trouble I'd like to have two headbands commissioned as well," said JoJo.

"Oh of course dear," said Rarity. "What kind would you like?"

"Both should have triangle patterns with one being green and yellow and the other purple and yellow," said JoJo.

"Well... if you say so, though if I'm being honest dear purple and yellow doesn't seem like it would really fit you," said Rarity.

JoJo simply smiled as he said, "Maybe not, but I'd still like it if you don't mind." He then thought, "Caesar I'm sorry I had to destroy the head band you gave me, but I promise to wear this replica in your stead."

"Of course dear," said Rarity as she finished up her sketches before saying, "I actually just recently got in some new fabric and was wanting a project to help warm up the creative muscles for today. So if you don't mind waiting I should be able to finish one of these in just about twenty minutes."

"Oh we don't mind waiting, do we?" asked Twilight.

"I have no problem with it," said Celestia.

"I... actually would prefer to keep moving," said JoJo as an idea struck him.

"Oh?" said Twilight.

"Tell you what, how about you give me the list and some money and I'll pick up the groceries while you and Celestia wait. Have a little student mentor time and all," said JoJo.

"Oh good idea," said Twilight with a smile as she reached into her saddle bag. "Thanks JoJo, oh and if you see something you like feel free to buy it for yourself, what's mine is yours after all."

"Thank you, and I promise not to spend too much," said JoJo as he made his way out the door and towards the store Twilight had pointed out.

Soon after JoJo had walked out as Rarity spoke up saying, "Now shame on you Twilight."

"Excuse me?" asked Twilight confused.

"When where you going to tell us you had such a handsome coltfriend," said Rarity as she began sewing a piece of fabric.

"WHAT!?" said Twilight as she blushed once again as she said, "OK, I tried to tell you this earlier, but JoJo and I are just friends."

"Oh please darling, I know you're friendly but anyone can see that your feelings for him are more then just that," said Rarity.

"That-that's ridiculous," stammered Twilight. "Sure... maybe I treated him a little differently then I usually treat you, but friendship comes in all kind of forms, right princess?"

Twilight gazed up at her mentor for reassurance, only to see a mare who's rage had finally boiled over as she said, "YOU SERIOUSLY GAVE HIM YOUR WALLET!"

"Wha-what?" said Twilight even more nervous.

Celestia then sighed as she said, "Look Twilight, I get it, your first love can be new and exciting and you think that whoever you've fallen in love with is perfect. And there are plenty of stallions out there who know that too and will take advantage of it!"

"But I-" said Twilight unsure what to say as she had never seen Celestia like this.

"I don't know princess, he seemed trustworthy enough, and certainly handsome. Though not the kind of stallion I would ever go for," said Rarity.

"And what's that supposed to mean!?' said Twilight as she inexplicably found herself suddenly angry at that comment.

"Nothing darling, I just like my guys with a little more charm," said Rarity as she briefly glanced at Twilight's face.

"And you don't think JoJo has charm!?" asked Twilight.

"Well not that I've seen," said Rarity.

"I CAN ASSURE YOU HE DOES!" said Twilight as her anger suddenly intensified.

Rarity simple looked at Twilight and smiled smugly as she said, "Are you sure you don't like him?"

Twiight's anger suddenly turned to blush and realization as she said, "Oh my Celesita."

Celestia meanwhile was pouting as she quietly said, "Don't look at me, I'm just waiting for that idiot to come back and say he blew all your money away on something stupid."

Meanwhile at Barnyard Bargains

As JoJo watched the annoyed mare before him finish ringing up the items she asked, "Is their anything else I can help you with today?"

"Yes, I was wondering if that sculpture in the window is perhaps for sale?" asked JoJo.

The mare glanced to what he pointed at saying, "My that's an antique. Been in this shop for generations.... though I suppose I could give it to you for five thousand bits."

"Five thousand bits, that's outrageous," said JoJo, despite having no idea how this worlds currency worked. He wasn't going to let trivial details like that stop him though as he laughed saying, "Don't take me for a fool, that's way too much for just one statue, antique or not."

"Oh then, how much would do you think it's worth then?" asked the mare as her annoyance turned to anger.

"I'd say it's only worth about three hundred bits," said JoJo.

This caused the mare to laugh as she said, "If I sold stuff for that cheap I wouldn't be able to make my usual charitable donations, and my poor daughter Diamond Tiara's school needs a new window after what happened with that horrid Discord character."

"I see... well it's just as well then, I'm pretty sure I saw a statue like it in a shop down the street anyway," said JoJo as he grabbed the groceries and pretended to walk away.

This resulted in the mare stopping him as she said, "Well... I suppose I can let it go for only three thousand bits. You do have good taste if you like it after all."

"How about for five hundred bits instead," said JoJo.

"Two thousand five hundred!"

"Seven hundred and fifty!"

"Two thousand!"

"Eight hundred!"

"One thousand five hundred!"

JoJo then looked around at this latest offer in thought before noticing something familiar in a nearby discount bin as he grabbed it and said,"One thousand even and you throw in these!"

"Deal," said the mare as she wrung up the new item and made her way to the window to get the statue.

JoJo smiled to himself thinking, "Haha, I got it for less then half her original price, and a little favorite of mine to boot!"

Meanwhile as Spoiled Rich put the statue in the box she had a smile of her own as she thought, "Haha, I actually got someone to pay for this tacky window decoration and one of those toys that where recalled for being too dangerous!"

As they approached each other they both thought, "I won!"

Author's Note:

And so Twilight has now realized her feelings for JoJo and his haggleing skills are well... there as good as they always are. More importantly what will Twilight do now that she knows how she feels? What did JoJo buy? How will Celestia react? Will something else inexplicably destroy the kitchen once Spike finishes cleaning? Find out all this and more next chapter whenever that may be.

Now then I accidentally forgot to put the "to be continued" and Roundabout on the last chapter and am wondering if I should just outright stop doing that or keep it going. What do you think?

Beyond that I hope you liked this, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day