• Published 11th Mar 2020
  • 4,414 Views, 140 Comments

Equestrian Battle Tendency - luckyboys121

On February 28th, 1939 Joseph Joestar passed away on Isola di Volgano. On March 1st in the 1000th of the Celestia Calendar a strange new arrival comes to Ponyville

  • ...

Nightmares Of All Kinds

The ground rumbled around them violently, they both knew that even if Kars wasn't dead yet, he would be soon.

"The shock of his demise triggered an eruption, let's get to safety before we celebrate further," said Von Stroheim.

JoJo smiled as he looked down at the man who sacrificed life and literal limb to save him time and again as he said, "Good call," before he reached down and grabbed hold of him saying, "Hang on tight, all right."

Once he had a secure grip he began walking away with a grin only to hear a sudden crack and see a slash of light, he turned his head towards the source and what he saw was perhaps one of the most horrifying things he'd ever see. His own arm was now flying free from his body as the stump began to spew blood. He gasped in shock as he thought, This can't... this can't be happening I don't... I don't feel any pain! The cut was so quick that my arm is now tumbling to ground and I still feel fine, the only person who could do that is."

As JoJo crumpled to ground in shock he saw that his fears where correct as a bladed arm he recognized very well was sticking out of the ground, then in a flow of lava Kars came to the surface. He freed himself from some kind of shell, likely what he used to survive the lava, and gave JoJo the most sadistic and disturbing smile he had even seen.

Whether it be from fear or pain JoJo wasn't sure, but he began to scream at the top of his lungs as Kars simply chuckled saying, "Music to my ears. You perform that aria perfectly, I've so longed to hear you sing it JoJo!"

JoJo barely heard this as his screaming became more and more intense before eventually... he woke up.

Suddenly he was back in the bed Twilight had made for him, panting in a cold sweat as he said, "Well I could have done without having to relive that." He took some time to catch his breath before getting up as he looked around thinking to himself, "I can see faint light coming from the window which means it must be about sunrise. That thankfully means I don't have to go back to sleep and risk seeing that again, or god forbid something more painful," His mind briefly turned to what exactly that would be, before he shook this out of his head and quietly made his way up the stairs.

He tentatively opened the door to Twilight's bedroom and saw both her and Spike peacefully sleeping. He breathed a sigh of relief before slowly closing the door and making his way down stairs thinking, "Good I didn't accidentally wake them up, I know I'm a bit of smooth talker, but even I don't think I could have come with an excuse for a night terror like that,"

Once he reached the bottom floor, he thought, "Now then... what should I do until they wake up." He glanced around him at the shelf of books as he made his way over to them thinking, "Well I suppose this is a library after all, I could use the time to try and lean a bit about this world so I don't have anymore close calls talking to Twilight."

He approached the nearest shelf and looked at the book titles, quietly saying to himself, "Let's see here... 'From the Three Tribes, Too Celestia and Luna, the Complete History of Equestria' that sounds good." JoJo then began pulling it off the shelf, only to become wide eyed as he realized that rather then this simple being one book on a shelf, this was a meter long book that took the whole shelf. "Yeah... no thanks. Studying isn't really my strong suit anyway," said JoJo as he looked around further. "Hmm," he said as he made his way over to a door he hadn't payed much attention to before and was greeted to a relatively modest kitchen. "Oh, now here's an idea. I could whip a quick breakfast for Twilight and Spike to show how much I appreciate their help."

He then made his way over the counter and glanced at the fridge as he said, "Now let's see here, eggs, flour, butter, EXCELLENT! Everything I need to make Granny Erina's world famous Flapjacks! I mean, I never actually tried to make them my self but she did let me help occasionaly and it never looked particularly complicated. How hard could it be?"

Sometime later in Twilight's room

Twilight tossed in turned in her sleep and began mumbling, "No, no," before eventually waking up with a scream.

Spike also woke up upon hearing this and bolted out of his basket saying, "Twilight what's wrong!?"

"I just realized we never sent a letter to Princess Celestia about JoJo or Hamon!" said Twilight.

Spike simply stared at her with a deadpan look on his face for a moment, before saying, "I'm going back to bed," as he returned to his basket and pulled the blanket over his head.

Twilight huffed at this as she levitated a scroll and quill next to him saying, "Come on Spike this is serious, I mean we should have told about JoJo to begin with since he is a new friend, but something as interesting and versatile as Hamon seems to be, that no one else knew about! What could have made me forget to tell her!?"

Spike sighed as he got out of the basket and rolled his eyes as he sarcastically said, "Yeah, I wonder what it could have been," knowing full well what it was.

"Well better late then never I suppose," said Twilight. She then cleared her throat as Spike picked up the quill and she began saying, "Dear Princess Celestia, once again I have been reminded that one can make friends in the most unlikely of ways. While being chased by timber wolves I had my life saved by a earth pony stallion named Joseph Joestar, though he prefers to be called JoJo. He seems rather odd, but is actually very quick witted and quite the gentlestallion once you get to know him."

Once again, the obvious blush and smirk came to Twilight's face before Spike cleared his throat to get her back on topic. She continued saying, "More importantly though he is able to use an energy technique that I have never heard of called Hamon. Given what he's told me so far it seems to be a sort of life energy that can be generated by breathing in a certain method. He is currently staying with me and has promised to teach me more about it, so I will report to you any new information I learn about it, and of course if you are in fact already aware of it, any information you have on it would be greatly appreciated. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle."

Spike finished writing the letter and breathed fire on it, sending it off. "Well we sent it," said Spike as he got out of his basket and starting stretching, deciding he might as well start his day now. "Still though, you didn't need to freak out about it. I mean it isn't that big a deal."

Twilight took offense to this as she said, "What could be a bigger deal then telling the ruler of Equestria about all this?"

As if to answer that question, though both suddenly heard the downstairs smoke alarm go off.

Spike briefly deadpanned, "Um... probably that." Before the two ran down stairs in concern.

As they ran Twilight started to panic more as she remembered the new house guest downstairs and yelled out, "JOJO ARE YOU OK!?"

Upon reaching the bottom floor she breathed a sigh of relief as she heard JoJo's voice say, "I'm fine, just trying to," they then heard a sudden crash followed by JoJo yelling, "DAMN IT ALL!"

"Come on Spike, I think that came from the kitchen," said Twilight as she began galloping towards the door.

"Right behind you," said Spike as he two was worried about the stallion.

They both slammed the door open, and where greeted to a smoking stove top, and a batter covered JoJo trying to make several small black disks that had once been pancakes look presentable.

Upon seeing them JoJo put on a nervous smile and gestured to the sides with his hooves as he said, "Surprise!"

As Twilight stared at the scene not knowing what to say, Spike simply walked to the side and grabbed the fire extinguisher, spraying both the stove and JoJo who was hadn't moved since his declaration.

As Twilight began approaching concerned, JoJo wiped the fluid off as she said, "Wha-what happened here?"

JoJo groaned as he said, "Sorry about the mess, I was just trying to make you two some of my Granny Erina's famous flapjacks as a way of saying thank you for all you've done for me and well... turns out cooking is harder then I thought."

Spike looked at him surprised saying, "You've never cooked before?"

"Well... I helped granny in the kitchen a few times," said JoJo nervously.

"And by help you mean?" asked Spike.

JoJo paused for a moment before sighing as he said, "She let me lick the spoon."

Spike chuckled at that as he said, "I guess that's technically helping."

JoJo looked down embarrassed at that, before looking up as Twilight approached him. Her blush and smile returned as she said, "JoJo that's so sweet that you tried to make us breakfast, but you know you didn't have to do that."

At seeing this JoJo had a bit of a blush of his own as he said, "Yeah I know I just.... well you know how it is. When someone does something nice for you want to do something nice back, even when they tell you not too."

"I know, trust me if anyone knows the ins and outs of friendship interactions it's me," said Twilight. "But REALLY you're already doing enough as is, I mean not only have you offered to teach me about Hamon, but you're gonna help in my errands today."

"Oh right," said JoJo as he nervously smiled thinking, "I guess I'm not quite taking advantage of Twilight's hospitality... but I still have this nagging feeling that I should be doing more for her for some reason, I can't rightly figure out why though." He then chuckled those thoughts away before saying, "So what time do you want to head out?"

"Well," said Twilight as she glanced at the mess of the kitchen, "Since it looks like we might need to pick up a bite to eat somewhere, we can leave now."

"Really?" asked JoJo.

"Sure, just let me grab my saddle bag and we'll be ready to go," said Twilight as she exited the kitchen with JoJo following soon behind. She then briefly turned around saying, "Oh Spike, you don't mind cleaning this up do you?"

Spike opened his mouth, about to say something about how the one who made this mess should be the one to clean it up, but then he sighed as he remembered all the time Twilight had to clean the library alone so he could hang out with Rarity. "Yeah it's fine, you two have a good day," said Spike with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, you too," said Twilight excitedly before exiting the kitchen.

Spike then looked back at the mess before him, that somehow looked to have grown while his back was turned and groaned saying, "Whelp so much for a day off."

Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle.

Princess Celestia gazed happily at her work as she made the final adjustments to the sunrise before returning to her office ready to move on with the day. It was then her smile grew as she noticed the letter now sitting on her desk as she said, "Oh look Luna, a new letter from Twilight."

"Meh," was the only response Luna offered as she sat in the corner sipping coffee in a vain effort to regain her strength after spending the night wandering the dream realm.

Celestia simply smirked at this as she approached the desk saying, "Only a sound today sister, not even gonna muster up a proper word?"

Luna groaned before saying, "Forgive me dear sister, but I saw a particularly odd dream last night that unfortunately scared the dreamer awake before I could find out who they are or try and help them."

Celestia's curiosity was somewhat peaked as she absentmindedly began to remove the ribbon from the letter saying, "What kind of dream was it?"

"I'm not sure, something about a volcano and some rather strange bipedal creatures," said Luna as she struggled to recall the exact details in her tired state.

"Hmm, that does sound interesting," said Celestia, before she glanced down at the letter and began reading it.

"Indeed, I'll tell you more about it later sister. In the mean time what did Twilight have to say?" asked Luna.

Celestia offered no response as she had suddenly turned completely still while looking at the letter.

"Celestia," said Luna as she approached her sister concerned. "Is something the matter with Twilight?"

As Luna approached she saw that Celestia had the widest smile Luna had ever seen on her face before she pulled Luna into a bear hug saying, "OH MY GOSH LUNA! TWILIGHT MET A STALLION! I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDMOTHER!"

Luna struggled to breath against the hug saying, "Sister please... I'm happy for you but if you want your grandfoals to have an aunt Luna you need to let go."

"Oh... sorry," said Celestia as she blushed in embarrassment and released her grip.

Luna sighed as she picked up the letter saying, "Well putting aside the fact that you are not actually Twilight's mother for a moment."

"Please, you try reading a filly to sleep for hours every night for years and tell me you don't think of her as a daughter. Of course first you'd need to find another filly who likes being read text book chapters instead of fairy tales," said Celestia as she smiled at those fond memories.

"Never the less, I agree that Twilight seems to have feelings for this stallion, but aren't you jumping the gun a bit. Going by what she said it doesn't even seem like she knows she has feeling for him yet," said Luna.

"Hey, a mare can dream can't see," responded Celestia with a huff.

"Very well then, playing Discord's Advocate for a moment and assuming they would get married, isn't it your responsibility as her 'mother' to determine if this stallion is actually good enough for her or not?" said Luna.

Celestia's ears perked up at this as she said, "You know what sister you're right! I've never met this Joseph Joestar before, who knows what he is like. Why I bet he's some delinquent who just had his buddies dress up as timber wolves and has made up this Hamon thing to trick poor Twilight into going to bed with him!"

Luna looked at the tirade regretting her actions as she said, "Now calm down sister, I doubt Twilight would actually fall for such a ruse, moreover she seems to think this JoJo character is rather trustworthy."

"OHHH! That's just what he wants you to think! That's it, Luna clear me schedule, I need to make a visit to Ponyville!" said Celestia before bursting out the door.

Luna sighed as she said, "Lord help this JoJo stallion he's going to need it," it was then her still kind of cloudy mind started to recall something as she thought, "Hmm, JoJo..... why does that name sound familiar?" She thought about this for a moment before shrugging saying, "Meh, it will come to me later."

Author's Note:

So then... JoJo's not in for the best day. Can the young Hamon user survive an enraged Sun goddess out to protect her daughters innocence? Find out next chapter whenever that may be.

As always thank you for reading, any constructive criticism is welcome, and have a great day.