• Published 11th Mar 2020
  • 4,419 Views, 140 Comments

Equestrian Battle Tendency - luckyboys121

On February 28th, 1939 Joseph Joestar passed away on Isola di Volgano. On March 1st in the 1000th of the Celestia Calendar a strange new arrival comes to Ponyville

  • ...

Everyone Has A Plan

Spike breathed a sigh of relief as he once again finished cleaning the kitchen. That sigh quickly turned to one of concern as he dreaded the idea that something else would come up and make him have to clean it again. He hung up his apron and began to back away slowly fearing another such catastrophe.

This unfortunately was his undoing since as soon as he entered the door way he was startled by Twilight yelling, "Spike, we're home!" and he ended up breathing fire onto the very apron he just hung up.

Immediately he ran to grab the fire extinguisher as he muttered, "Why couldn't this have been the type of fire that just sends stuff to Celestia!?" He finally reached the extinguisher and fired it at the apron... only to have nothing happen. He then began shaking and poking at it in frustration saying, "Come on don't be empty now! This is the last time I'm gonna use you today... hopefully."

At hearing the commotion Twilight and JoJo ran towards the kitchen, only to get caught in the crossfire as Spike's tampering caused the extinguisher to go haywire dossing them, the apron, and finally several surfaces of the kitchen itself... basically making it look exactly as it did this morning.

"Oh my, Spike what happened?!" asked Twilight in a mix of concern, surprise, and just a touch of annoyance at the foam now embedded in her coat.

"Ehh, where do I start?" asked Spike sarcastically.

"Let me guess, you've been trying to clean all day only to have something ruin it again as soon as it looks like you're done," said JoJo.

"How'd you guess?" said Spike.

"Meh, it's what I do," said JoJo with a smile. "Speaking of which," he then turned to Twilight who was trying to get some of the extinguisher foam out of her mane as he said, "Why don't you go up stairs and take a shower and I'll help Spike clean up."

"Oh, are you sure?" asked Twilight.

"Absolutely, like I said even though you said you don't need me to help out more I'm still happy to do it, besides most of this stuff got on my tang top that I was going to throw in the wash anyway," he then chuckled before he continued saying, "Lucky for me that I changed back into my old clothes before coming back here."

Twilight smirked with a slight blush as she said, "Well OK, thanks once again JoJo," before exiting the room.

JoJo then smiled as he turned to Spike saying, "Right then, let's get to work little fellow."

"Thanks for the help," said Spike as he once again grabbed a towel thinking, "With all the rags and towels I've used today there might not be enough room in the wash for JoJo's stuff without doing multiple loads." before handing it to him.

"Oh it's no trouble at all, after all I'm the one who made the mess that started this all this in the first place... speaking of which what exactly happened because given your disheveled state I'd assume it's been quite the long day," asked JoJo.

Spike simply groaned saying, "EHHH! I don't want to talk about it... how about you tell me about your day instead? What happened with you and Twilight?"

JoJo had a slight blush of his own as he thought for a moment before saying, "Oh not much, Celestia stopped by and talked to us a bit but I was getting groceries throughout the majority of her visit so I'm sure Twilight will tell you more about that."

"Yeah.. I'll ask her about it," said Spike as he remembered his encounter with the mare earlier today and though, "Well JoJo's in one piece so it looks like he made a good first impression."

"Beyond that we simply got the clothes and stuff like we said and... OH! I got a statue of my families guardian angel to replace the vase in the lobby and hopefully bring a little luck," said JoJo.

"Wow! I bet Twilight liked that," said Spike excitedly.

"Yeah, about that... how would you describe Twilight?" asked JoJo.

"Hmm," said Spike as he thought about the question for a moment. "I suppose I'd call her the bookish type."

"That's what I though at first too but... she doesn't seem like that all the time," said JoJo.

"Well you wouldn't have said that if you met her a year ago, she was a regular purple hermit back then," said Spike.

"The tarot card?" asked JoJo in slight confusion.

"What? No, I just meant that she's purple and she spent most of her time alone... what's a tarot card?" asked Spike.

"Never mind just... please continue," said JoJo.

"Oh, well I just meant that her new friends and the experiences they've gone through have really helped her unwind... honestly I never thought it would happen but then again I never thought we'd be doing the half the stuff we do now," said Spike as the thought about how so much had changed in this past year.

"Hmm, I suppose that explains it," said JoJo as he leaned back in thought.

"What do you mean?" asked Spike.

"I've been having a few issues figuring her out lately and I'm starting to think the reason for that is because she's... like me. She's had experiences that changed her in ways no one thought possible and... it's just interesting. It's not often I meet someone who I can't immediately figure out, let alone because they have so much in common with myself," his blush then increased as he smiled saying, "I wonder if I ever could figure out someone like that."

Spike thought, "Looks like Twilight isn't the only one here with their first crush, as smart as this guy he seems just as clueless as she is." He was about to comment on this only to be interrupted as he heard a knock at the door. This resulted in JoJo saying, "Oh that must be Rarity, she said she'd stop by tonight to drop off the other outfits she made for me. Would you please answer it while I finish cleaning up in here?"

"Sure!" said Spike as he excitedly exited the room upon hearing who was at the door. He ran to it before pausing to make sure his scales where clean and checking his breath before opening it.

Upon seeing the little dragon Rarity smiled as she said, "Oh good Spike, I was hoping it would be you."

"You where!?" asked Spike excitedly.

"Yes... would you mind stepping outside for a minute so we can talk?" asked Rarity.

"Of course," said Spike grinning ear to ear as he thought "Oh Celestia this is a dream come true!"

As the two stepped out Rarity glanced around to make sure no one was ease dropping as she said, "Now then, don't think I haven't noticed that someone seems to have quite the big crush."

"You have!?" said Spike in a mix of excitement and concern.

"Well of course I have darling, I mean how could I not?" asked Rarity, not noticing Spike's sudden nervousness.

"Oh well," said Spike scratching his head as he though, "So Twilight was right about it being obvious." He then looked up saying, "Well.. what do you think?"

"Well obviously we should try and help poor Twilight confess to JoJo before some other mare tries instead," said Rarity.

"Eh, right... Twilight and JoJo," said Spike now disheartened.

Rarity didn't seem to notice this though as she continued saying, "Honestly, how has JoJo not noticed it himself yet, I mean what kind of pony is that oblivious to somepony else so obviously liking them!?"

Spike snapped back to reality at the irony of that as he said, "Yeah well... I was talking to him and it looks like he has his own crush on Twilight and is just as clueless about it."

"Oh dear, that could make things trickier. If they are both to shy to confess we'll have to work double time to create the right situation... though at the very least that means they both want to date each other I suppose," said Rarity. She then turned back to Spike as said, "OK, I already talked to the other girls and we came up with a plan to invite Twilight out for a girls night after there training session tomorrow where we'll help her relax, get her talking, and just try to pepper in advice to help her, you know very casually. Do you think you and Big Macintosh could have one of your little game nights and invite JoJo to do the same for him?"

Spike perked up at this as he said, "Oh heck yeah! I've been working on a new campaign idea but I need someone with a rogue class to really make it work."

Rarity glared at him as he then nervously scratched his head saying, "And of course give him advice like you said."

"Excellent, well you better get back in before they start to get suspicious, here are the clothes I brought," said Rarity.

"Oh, thanks," said Spike as he took the bags she was levitating.

"Well goodnight Spikey Wikey, and good luck with JoJo tomorrow," said Rarity with a smile.

"Oh," said Spike with a blush at hearing his nickname. "Thanks and good luck with Twilight."

As the two parted ways Spike reentered and gave the clothes to JoJo.

The rest of the evening went by very quickly and somewhat awkwardly as each of them had there own things on there mind.

As the night winded down JoJo laid in bed saying, "Well then I guess I become a Hamon coach tomorrow... wait how exactly do I do that?" He thought for a moment as he said, "I could probably teach her how to channel it once she unlocks it but how exactly do I unlock it for her... I know I heard how at one point." He laid there as slowly the memory came back to him.

Several weeks ago, just after overcoming Hell Climb Pillar.

Caesar sat on his bed trying to read as JoJo groaned and fumbled in the bed next to him. He sighed before closing the book saying, "You do realize you can't get that mask off right?"

As JoJo continued to pull on it he said, "Well then you help me get it off then because there is no way in hell I can actually sleep in this thing!"

"I will not, sleeping with it on is part of the training. Why is it bothering you so much anyway? All it does is make it so you can only Hamon breath, witch if you ask me is better then regular breathing anyway as each breath I take reinvigorates me and fills me with determinazione," said Caesar proudly.

"Easy for you to say," said JoJo as he continued to struggle with the mask before eventually falling back into bed and giving up. He sighed before saying, "Can I tell you a secret?"

Caesar was somewhat taken aback by how serious JoJo suddenly looked as he said, "Um sure."

JoJo sighed once more as he said, "I... I don't actually know how to Hamon breath."

"Che chosa.... wha- what do you mean you don't know how to Hamon breath!? I've seen you do it, you've overcome Hell Climb pillar for god's sake! That's something even some of the finest Hamon users can't say!" said Caesar in a mix of confusion and concern.

"I know that! I didn't say I couldn't Hamon breath just that I didn't know how!" said JoJo which only resulted in Caesar looking more confused as he continued saying, "Look, up until now I've pretty much only Hamon breathed on instinct, in the heat of the moment. I have no idea how it's actually technically done or how to consciously do it!"

JoJo shut his eyes ready for a verbal assault from Caesar about how everything until now had just been dump luck, but instead he heard a slight chuckle as Caesar said, "Is that all?"

"Eh, yeah," said JoJo as he looked up at a now bemused Caesar.

"Mama mia, you had me worried for a moment there JoJo," said Caesar.

"Wha- you mean this is normal?" said JoJo.

"Of course, it's a common problem among children and grandchildren of Hamon users. In fact I myself had the same issue when I first came here," said Caesar.

"Wait, does that mean you know how to fix it then!?" asked JoJo excitedly.

"Of course," said Caesar, "Sit up for a moment."

JoJo excitedly got up as he closed his eyes expecting Caesar to walk him throw a meditation technique. What he got instead was sharp intense pain as Caesar struck him in the chest and knocked all the air out of him.

JoJo tried to say, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?' but couldn't as getting air back into his lungs was a battle, as soon as he did it though he noticed that familiar yellow glow begin to radiate from his chest as it began to heal the newly acquired bruise.

"That's it, focus on how you're breathing right now. Remember exactly how it feels to take in air this way relative to taking it normally," said Caeasar.

JoJo did as instructed and began memorizing this breathing pattern, to the point where he was able to continue it even after his wound was all healed "Tha-thanks, what was that exactly?" he asked

Caeasar smiled as he said, "A simple test to identify new Hamon users, though used in a different context of course. A hard strike to the solar plexus will force the air out of anyone and if they are able to Hamon breath they will instantly start doing so."

Back to the present.

"Alright then one quick strike solar plexus and... wait do ponies have those?" asked JoJo as he began quickly and quietly looking around the lobby for a biology book.

Meanwhile in Canterlot

As Luna finished raising the moon she saw a tired Celestia enter as she said, "So how was your little excursion to Ponyville."

Celestia humphed as she said, "OK I guess."

"You guess?" asked Luna.

"Well JoJo seems nice enough... I suppose, and Twilight does intend to date him, though it might be some time before it actually happens," said Celestia.

"So, what happened to the enthusiastic soon to be grandmother who greeted me this morning?" said Luna with a smile.

"Ehhhh, I don't know. I mean when I think of Twilight handing me her newborn foal I feel a joy beyond compare but thinking about... all that would need to happen to get to that point," said Celestia dejectedly.

"Ah, I believe this falls under the modern metaphor, 'you like eating the sausage but don't want to see how it's made'," said Luna.

"I wouldn't quite put it like that but... yes. I just can't bare the ideas of the thousands of bad things that could happen to my poor little girl," said Celestia.

Luna placed an assuring hoof on her shoulder as she said, "I may not have walked the path of romance in some time, but I do indeed remember how it is rot with pain and misery, but you have to also remember that if one is brave enough to reach the end it has the promise of joy beyond compare as I'm sure your joy at seeing that newborn foal will pail in comparison at Twilight's joy at seeing it."

"I suppose you are right," said Celestia as she made her way to bed. "Thank you for the kind words sister and as always good luck with the night."

"Thank you sister, sleep well," said Luna.

Celestia chuckled at that as she said, "Isn't it your job to make sure we all sleep well, miss 'walker of the dream realm'?"

"Fair point," said Luna with her own chuckle as she watched her sister leave. She then thought to herself, "I best not tell Celestia that the odd dream I saw was JoJo's, she seems to have a very basic trust of him as is. Besides it was simply a bad dream, what's the worst that could happen?"

Author's Note:

And so our love birds have everyone trying to get them together with the only things standing in there way being themselves... is this romance doomed before it even starts? How will the Hamon training go? Well JoJo be good at Ogre's and Ogubliettes? Find out all this and more next chapter when ever that may be.

Hope you enjoyed reading, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day.

p.s. once again I had to write late at night as what with every member of my family having to stay inside all day it's the only time I get to myself, but because of that I'm barely keeping my eyes open and might not have edited best so feel free to point out any mistakes and I promise to fix them tomorrow with a clearer head