• Published 11th Mar 2020
  • 4,422 Views, 140 Comments

Equestrian Battle Tendency - luckyboys121

On February 28th, 1939 Joseph Joestar passed away on Isola di Volgano. On March 1st in the 1000th of the Celestia Calendar a strange new arrival comes to Ponyville

  • ...

Training and Planning

As Twilight looked up at the glowing moon, she thought that there could only be one thing more breathtaking... well more accurately two things as she turned her attention to the calming blue of JoJo's eyes.

As she stared into those oases she couldn't help but smile as she noticed JoJo do the same as he began to say, "Twilight, the time I spent with you has been the best time of my life.... and there's something I need to ask you."

He then reached into his pocket as Twilight thought, "Oh Celestia, is he doing what I think he is doing?!"

He continued to fumble through his pocket as he said, "Twilight Sparkle, would you do me the honor..."

"HE IS!" thought Twilight as her mind began to race as she pictured there lives together from here on out.

A picture that was shattered as from out of JoJo's pocket came his clackers as he excitedly continued saying, "Of becoming my full time Hamon student and learning all of my techniques!?"

"Wha-what!?" said Twilight in other shock.

"Well what did you think I would ask, I mean you always seem more interested in Hamon then in me anyway," said JoJo.

"No no no," stammered Twilight as the images of the thousands of times Twilight failed to ask JoJo out only to change the subject to Hamon played before her. As she watched the stallion begin to describe how his clackers worked she realized she would never get another chance as she screamed out, "NOOOO!!!" before she suddenly woke up.

She began to pant as she now found herself in bed in a cold sweat.

Spike barely opened his eyes as he yawned saying, "Let me guess, forget to send a follow up to Celestia thanking her for visiting yesterday?"

Twilight slowly calmed her breathing as she lied saying, "Something like that." She thought to herself, "I seriously need to ask out JoJo,"she then pictured doing this and caused her nerves to flair back up again as she added on "Soon."

Meanwhile in Canterlot

As Luna exited the dream realm she chuckled saying, "I always feel bad using my magic to read ponies still sleepy minds after they wake up since it feels like spying, but that was honestly worth it. If 'soon' is the best she can muster after a nightmare like that I can see why Celestia said she and JoJo won't go out for some time.... speaking of JoJo it's odd that I didn't see a dream from him last night, I wonder what he was doing."

The lobby of Golden Oaks library.

JoJo took one final glance at the anatomy book before throwing out another practice strike. This seemed to satisfy him as he smiled and said, "All right, it took staying up most of the night, which considering the dream I had before isn't necessarily a bad thing, but not only did I find out where the Solar Plexus is on a pony, but I'm confident I can hit it on the first try. I'd hate to do this only to miss and have to try again.... especially since I honestly have no idea if Twilight can Hamon breath or not... the idea of doing this in general is somewhat unsettling but doing it several times with no results is even more so."

As he thought on this he glanced down at his hoof as he chuckled saying, "I never thought about this before but I'm glad Kars cutting off my arm didn't transfer over to me only having three hooves.... makes me wonder if perhaps I am turned back into a human by one thing or another would I have both arms or still be missing one?"

His thoughts on this where interrupted though as he heard movement upstairs and saw Twilight and Spike descend as he said, "Oh good, you two are up."

Spike yawned as he said, "Barely."

Twilight, who was thankfully more alert, smiled at this before saying, "So should we start the training now or have breakfast first?"

"Hmmm, it would be best to start now," said JoJo as he thought, "On the off chance I slip and strike your stomach I wouldn't want anything to come back up." He then glanced over to Spike saying, "In the meantime, could you do us a favor and make breakfast while we train, something hearty if you don't mind."

Spike yawned again saying, "Sure why not, it beats cleaning up after you trying to make breakfast anyway."

Twilight chuckled at this comment as JoJo scratched his head embarrassed saying, "Fair point."

As Spike entered the kitchen Twilight looked at JoJo and thought, "OK, the dream was ironically a bit of a wake up call. I don't want to use my desire to learn Hamon to take my mind off my feeling too often.... but I suppose it will be OK to do for now." She then let her nerves melt into her desire to learn as she smiled saying, "Alright, so how do we start?"

JoJo's smile briefly faltered at this as he looked down saying, "About that... Twilight... do you trust me?"

"Of course," said Twilight just a little too quickly as seeing him look so down heartened briefly made her feelings bubble back up.

JoJo briefly perked up at this before going back down as he continued saying, "I mean it do you.... do you trust that I would never hurt you out of cruelty or anything like that?"

Twilight became concerned as she thought, "Why is he so worried about me all of the sudden? I mean, I suppose I always kind of thought Hamon training could be a little dangerous but it can't be much more so then magic training was... could it?" She then looked at JoJo's face and without even thinking said, "Absolutely."

JoJo's smile briefly returned before he suddenly rushed up to her and swung his hoof only to stop mid way as he jumped back saying, "AHH! I just can't do it!"

Twilight briefly blinked at the sudden turn of events before gathering herself as she said, "What exactly are you trying to do?"

JoJo sat up sighing as he said, "To see if someone can use Hamon all one has to do is strike them in the Solar Plexus. If they are capable of using Hamon they will instantly start Hamon breathing and if not then not."

"Oh, well that sounds simple enough," said Twilight.

"Indeed, the only problem is.... well I had it done to me and I remember it hurts like hell and that's with Hamon breathing making me start to heal instantly," said JoJo.

"Oh," replied Twilight as she began to understand.

"Moreover I've never actually done it before so it's possible I could slip and have to try it multiple times. Add that to the fact that again you may not even be able to use Hamon and... it's just something I'd rather not do to you," said JoJo as he sighed and laid on his back. "I thought that if I quickly surprised you with it I could do it but no such luck."

Twilight approached him in concern as she said, "I can't believe I'm saying this but I want you to hit me."

"What?!" asked JoJo.

Twilight shrugged as she said, "Well like I said, I trust that you wouldn't hurt me out of anger or anything and if I need to do this for Hamon training then so be it," before looking down at him with a smile.

JoJo blushed at seeing that warm smile as he sat back up saying, "Are you absolutely sure about this?"

"Of course," nodded Twilight as she stepped back and spread her front hooves to give him a clear shot.

JoJo chuckled as he thought, "Damn, this reminds me of when Von Stroheim asked me to cut off his leg... though I suppose it isn't quite as dire... then why is it giving me the same feeling? Regardless Twilight wants me to do this and I should!"

He then got on his hooves and sighed saying, "Well then I hope you can forgive me for this!" Before Twilight could respond he struck her Solar Plexus dead on as her eyes bulged from the sudden hit, her chest flared from the lack of air, and finally she partially crumpled onto the floor.

Now logically JoJo knew he should wait a bit to see what happened but upon seeing the pained look on her face he couldn't help himself as he began running forward to heal her, only to have her hold her hoof to keep him back. As he stood back in concern watching her struggle to breathe as every part of him wanted to help her and then suddenly it happened. As Twilight took in her first breath that familiar yellow glow spread across her chest and began healing the newly formed bruise.

JoJo grinned ear to ear as he laughed in relief and said, "That's it Twilight! Now just focus on how you are breathing right now and memorize it. This is how you Hamon breath!"

Twilight smiled at this, in spite of her breaths still being labored, as she did as instructed, taking a mental note of exactly how this felt relative to normal breathing. Once she finally got a hold of herself she stood back up proper and did a few more of the breaths before she had her own ear to grin as she asked in disbelief, "I really did it!?"

"Indeed," said JoJo proudly.

"That easily!?" asked Twilight.

"Well what can I say, Hamon is just one of those things you either can or can't do and it looks like you can," said JoJo.

Twilight clapped her hooves in excitement as she said, "Alright then what's next!?"

JoJo laughed at this as he said, "Eager for more I see, well then next you need to know how to channel the Hamon energy into various parts of your body so you can properly use it deliver a good strike, imbue it in some objects, or even channel it into your hoof tips to walk on water."

"Wait, walk on water!?" said Twilight as her excitement perked up even higher.

"I knew you'd like that new bit of information, yes we can-" said JoJo before being interrupted by a knock at the door.

Twilight looked over in confusion as she said, "Now who could that be this early in the morning?"

JoJo shrugged as Twilight opened the door and greeted the unicorn on the other side saying, "Oh hey Rarity is everything OK?"

"Well... not exactly dear," said Rarity looking concerned.

"Oh dear, do you want to come in and talk about it?" asked Twilight.

"Oh no, it's nothing like that dear, it's just... I was going through my drawers when I found this spa voucher good for a day of full treatments for six and to my dismay it expires today," said Rarity.

"Oh," said Twilight now seeing where this is going. "Well believe me Rarity, I'm grateful that you considered me but this is kind of last minute and I was in the middle of that training session I mentioned to you yesterday."

"Well yes of course dear, and I don't expect you to leave this very second. The appointment isn't until this afternoon, I'm just stopping by to make sure you and the others are free then is all," said Rarity with a only somewhat convincing smile as she thought, "Please don't ask how I could have an appointment with a voucher I just found today!"

Thankfully Twilight didn't pick up and that small inconsistency as she said, "Oh, well then of course I'll join you and the other girls," she then turned to JoJo saying, "If you think the training will be done by then that is?"

JoJo smiled saying, "Of course, we're just covering the basics today after all."

Rarity's smile turned somewhat devious as she thought about how her plan was coming together before saying, "Wonderful, I'll see you then darling," before walking away.

As soon as Twilight shut the front door, the kitchen door swung open as Spike called out, "Alright every things ready."

"Just in time too," said JoJo with a smile.

As they all began walking towards the kitchen Spike looked back saying, "Oh, I couldn't help but over hear that you're having a spa day with the others Twi and I figured me and JoJo should have our own day, so would it be alright if the two us went over to Sweet Apple Acres for a game night with Big Mac?"

"Of course," said Twilight. "That is, as long as JoJo is OK with it."

JoJo smiled as he said, "I don't see why not, a game night sounds like fun."

Soon they all sat down for breakfast with Twilight and JoJo totally unaware of the plan they where now caught in.

Meanwhile in a nearby back alley a darker plan was taking root.

As Bloody Butterfly absent mindedly spun the butterfly knife she got her name from with her magic, she glanced at her partner saying, "Any good looking marks out today Wing Blade?"

The pegasus stallion groaned at this statement as he said, "Negatory, nothing but chump change out there. Same as always in this little backwoods town."

"True, but at least the closest thing we have to worry about to cops here is just the one sheriff," said Bloody Butterfly as she once again had to remind her more simple minded companion why they worked here instead of a richer place.

"I guess.... I just wish we could have one big score you know. Just one hustle that could set us up with enough cash to make any Manehatton or Canterlot cop look the other way while we do whatever we want," said Wing Blade.

"PERHAPS I CAN HELP WITH THAT!" said a voice from just beyond the alley.

As the two looked towards the source they saw what appeared to be a cloaked mare approaching them, Bloody Butterfly stepped forward with her knife saying "Oh yeah, and who the hell are you?"

As if to answer the mare simple threw a fairly large bag of bits in front of them as she said, "Just a mare with more of that stuff then she knows what to do with and a dirty job that needs to be done."

Upon picking up the money and seeing that it was real, Wing Blade smiled saying, "So what kind of job is it?"

"Oh nothing special, I just need you to break into a library tonight and steal a statue," said the mare.

"That all! You got a deal lady," said Wing Blade excited.

Bloody Butterfly on the other hoof simply nodded as she thought, "There's definitely more to this then this mare is letting on.... if she's got this kind of money though we should go along with this at least for now."

Meanwhile the mare didn't seem to notice this as she laughed thinking, "These idiots can have whatever they want, once I get that statue back I can leave this po dunk town and my soft hearted ATM of a husband behind and relax on a beach in Hoofaii!"

Author's Note:

So Twilight learned to use Hamon, Rarity's plan has begun, and Spoiled has a plan of her own. How will this all play out? Find out all this and more next chapter whenever that may be.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day.