• Published 11th Mar 2020
  • 4,419 Views, 140 Comments

Equestrian Battle Tendency - luckyboys121

On February 28th, 1939 Joseph Joestar passed away on Isola di Volgano. On March 1st in the 1000th of the Celestia Calendar a strange new arrival comes to Ponyville

  • ...

Dinner and Day Plans

As the day progresses the three of them eventually sat down to dinner together as JoJo took in the the sight before him saying, "Um, forgive me if this sound rude, but what exactly is this?"

"Oh, the're hay fries and daffodil sandwiches," responded Spike. "If you don't like them you're welcome to try one of ruby cupcakes?"

"Um, no thanks," said JoJo as he made sure that the Red Stone of Aja was totally tucked away as he thought, "Note to self, dragons eat gemstones, keep Red Stone out of reach of dragons."

"Sorry about that, I remembered you saying you wanted fish and chips but unfortunately Ponyville is a small town and doesn't have a specialty meat market," said Twilight apologetically.

"Oh that's quite alright," remarked JoJo as he made a mental note saying, "Ok second note to self, so meat isn't eaten by the average pony but it luckily isn't unheard of. That's good, was a bit worried I'd have to transition to a vegetarian diet for a second there."

His thoughts where interrupted though as Spike said, "Woah, you eat fish? Where exactly are you from?"

JoJo stammered, "Um well," as he tried to come up with an explanation.

Thankfully he had an out as Twilight asked, "It's somewhere in Liverpone right?"

"Hmm," responded JoJo at the somewhat familiar word.

"Well, it's just your accident reminds me of an exchange student I knew in magic school from Liverpone," said Twilight.

JoJo chuckled at this as he thought, "Further note to self, look's like all I have to do to fit in is change the names of Earth locations to horse puns." He then smiled as he said, "Spot on guess, I grew up and spent of my life in Liverpone with my Granny Erina."

"Oh, you're really close to your grandmother?" asked Twilight.

JoJo smiled somberly at that as he looked down saying, "You could say that, my parents both died when I was rather young so she and old man Speedwagon practically raised me."

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that," said Twilight feeling a little bad about touching onto such a shore subject.

"Eh, not like anything can be done about it," said JoJo with a shrug as he thought for a moment, "I bet those two are worried like crazy about me."

Spike looked at the two of them as he said, "Well on a lighter note, what brings you too Equestria?"

JoJo perked back to his usual self as tried to come up with the best words to use as he said, "Oh um, nothing too serious. I just had some business to take care of nearby, one thing led to another and here I am with no place to stay and with nothing but the clothes on my back."

He smiled at that trying to make it seem charming, like he was some kind of globetrotting man of adventure, which to be fare he sort of was. This failed however as both Twilight and Spike appeared to be curious for more details. "Damn, I'm not sure if I can come up with a whole story on the fly... Twilight seems reluctant to say anything, most likely worried she might accidentally touch a nerve again, but Spike seems to be seconds away from asking more questions. Come on think Joseph THINK!" He then glanced at his plate for inspiration and soon got it as he wrapped some hay fries around his fork saying, "Hey Twilight, you want to see another Hamon trick?"

"Oh, yes please!" said Twilight as she excitedly clapped her hooves together before leaning on the table in interest.

Spike looked in confusion at Twilight's sudden outburst as he thought, "OK, I get Twilight is always excited to learn something new but this seems... different." He then turned to JoJo in curiosity as he thought, "Let's see exactly what this Hamon stuff is."

With his usual cocky smile back, JoJo moved the fork to his face and let out a Hamon breath on the fries, causing them to all suddenly become rigid and straight as Hamon sparked off them like electricity.

Both the dragon and unicorn now watched in awe as JoJo said, "Haha, I've only ever done that trick with spaghetti, but it looks it works just fine with hay too." He then noticed an ugly old vase a few yards away as he said, "Say, do you particularly care about that vase by the door?"

"Not really, it was here when we moved in and I keep meaning to replace it with something but it feels like every time I try something comes up," said Twilight.

"I keep telling you, we should just throw it out now and then the empty space will bother us too much to not fill it," said Spike.

"Say no more then," said JoJo as he bent his fork and pumped just a little more Hamon into it, before releasing it causing the hay fries to fly as quick as bullets into the vase and shatter it to bits. He then chuckled as he said, "There we are, I don't think you'll be forgetting to replace it anytime soon."

"Woah... that was pretty cool," said Spike staring at the shattered ceramic in a mix of being impresses, and annoyed as he knew he'd be the one who had to clean it up.

"Cool!? That was amazing! How did you make the hay so hard, and go so fast?" asked Twilight as she mysteriously had the notepad again.

"All in due time," said JoJo, with a slight bead of sweat forming behind his head as he didn't actual know the a lot of the science behind Hamon and couldn't actually answer it all.

"Oh, of course," said Twilight as she blushed at her over eagerness and put the note pad away. "It would probably be best for you to get settled into town before we do any training anyway."

"Sounds good to me," said JoJo. "Like I said, I need to get some spare clothes and it would be nice to just look around a bit maybe get a souvenir or... bugger all! I still don't have any money, so I guess window shopping is my limit."

"Oh, don't worry I have a friend who'd be more then willing to make an outfit or two for you free of charge, and if you just need a few bits to bum around I'd be more then happy to lend you some," said Twilight.

"You... you really don't have to do that," said JoJo as he was actually starting to feel a little guilty taking advantage of all this kindness.

"Oh it's no trouble at all, after all what's a few bits among friends," said Twilight as she smiled warmly at him.

This caused any shame JoJo felt to entirely melt away as, with a huge grin, he said, "Well if you insist, though I promise I'll pay you back when I can."

"Of course," said Twilight with a nod a light smile of her own. "I was going to run errands tomorrow morning anyway, so that will be the perfect time."

"It's a date then," said JoJo happily, before finally digging into his food as he said, "Say, this is allot better then I thought it would be... in fact it's downright delicious!"

What JoJo failed to notice while he was chowing down though was that Twilight now had a blush and a slight smirk from his words as she turned to Spike saying, "So I guess you can have tomorrow to relax Spike, since JoJo will be helping me."

Spike had a slight smirk of his own as he said, "Of course," and thought to himself, "So that's why she's acting different around this guy." He then turned to watch JoJo wolf down a sandwich as he thought, "Honestly didn't expect this to be her type."

Later that night

JoJo sat up in his bed as Twilight looked at him from the stairs asking, "Is everything comfortable for you?"

"It's perfection, thank you once again for your hospitality Twilight," said JoJo with a sincere smile.

"Oh, like I said it's not trouble at all," said Twilight with a slight blush before saying, "Well goodnight JoJo," as she turned to go up the stairs.

"Goodnight Twilight, I'll see you in the morning," said JoJo as he watched her walk up before resting his head on the pillow.

He took this time to finally remove the Red Stone of Aja from his tank top and place it in a drawer next to his bed saying, "Better make sure I don't lose you, Lisa Lisa would kill me if she found out I just dropped her greatest treasure somewhere."

He then laid down and shied at that before saying, "That is if I ever see her again... I wonder how everyone is doing right now." He paused for a moment before his smile returned as he said, "Well like I was always say, no point in sitting around moping. The point is I'm fine and so are they, and that's good enough for now." As he rested his head down he took comfort in that knowledge, before eventually drifting off to sleep.

Once Twilight reached the top of the stairs she looked at Spike already curled up in his basket but still awake as he said, "Quite an eventual day wasn't it?"

"I'd say that's an understatement, I mean we are on the verge of learning about a new type of energy technique that no one in Equestria has ever documented before," said Twilight excitedly as she made her way to her bed.

"Yeah, but are you sure JoJo will be able to teach you everything you want to know about it?" said Spike, already knowing what she'd say.

"Of course, I know he seems like kind of a goof but he's actually very intelligent, you should have seen how quickly he came up with a plan to save the both of us in the forest," said Twilight as she pulled the blanket over herself and Spike noticed she had the same blush and smirk from earlier as she yawned and said, "I'll tell you more about it tomorrow."

As Spike watched Twilight quickly drift off to sleep he quietly said, "I'm sure you will." He then rested his head on his own pillow as he thought, "You know as mature as Twilight can be, she's acting like a school filly with her first crush right now. Well I suppose that might be because between how focused she used to be on her studies and how she pretty much just spends all her free time with her friends now this IS her first crush.... and of course if JoJo is her type that might have something to do with it too, not many stallions like him." He then turned his head towards the stairs as he thought, "Speaking of which, you may seem like a nice guy right now JoJo but if you do anything to hurt Twilight well... let's just say you're gonna learn first hand what dragon fire is like."

Author's Note:

And so Spike has figured out why Twilight is acting a little off but the question is has JoJo and more importantly... has Twilight? (first crushes can be confusing after all, even for our little purple egg head) Find out all this and more next chapter whenever that may be.

Hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day