• Published 11th Mar 2020
  • 4,414 Views, 140 Comments

Equestrian Battle Tendency - luckyboys121

On February 28th, 1939 Joseph Joestar passed away on Isola di Volgano. On March 1st in the 1000th of the Celestia Calendar a strange new arrival comes to Ponyville

  • ...

A Breakfast "Date"

As JoJo and Twilight walked through the town together, Twilight still had somewhat of a slight blush and smirk.

JoJo didn't seem to notice though as he asked, "So Twilight, where do you want to eat?"

"Oh, there's a great place up ahead," said Twilight as she pointed forward with her hoof.

JoJo turned to where she was pointed, and instantly shuttered as it was the same sugar coated nightmare building he saw yesterday. "Um... not that I'm ungrateful about a free meal or anything but can you really get a proper breakfast at a place like that?"

"Oh trust me, I know it looks like your standard sweet shop, but any place with Pinkie Pie behind the counter is never standard," said Twilight with a smile.

"Well Ok... if you say so? So I'm guessing this Pinkie Pie is one of your friends then. What is she like?" asked JoJo.

"Well she's," began Twilight before she stopped to think on that question. As they reached the door she finally said, "I think it will be best if you just find that out for yourself."

JoJo was somewhat unnerved by this, but decided to trust Twilight as he followed her through the door. Once inside they where greeted to a nice large lobby with plenty of seating options. Thankfully due to the early hour there where only two other customers who had already ordered leaving no line at the counter.

As JoJo approached he saw the pink mare icing cupcakes with a cheerful grin as he thought to himself, "Hmm, she honestly doesn't look as odd as Twilight implied. That homely grin as she does her job makes me think that she is the bubbly upbeat type, probably gonna be so excited to see her friend that she doesn't notice me at first."

As they approached the counter Pinkie looked over at them as she said, "Oh hi Twilight what can I get for you and," as she caught sight of JoJo she let out a large gasp before running in back.

This through JoJo for a loop as he asked, "Is this normal?"

Twilight chuckled before saying, "Give it a minute."

As if in on cue Pinkie then burst back into the lobby now pulling a small wagon as she pushed a button on it and began to sing.

"Oh I..." said JoJo, not sure how to respond to this.

Twilight chuckled saying, "Pinkie Pie this is my new friend JoJo, JoJo meet one of my closest friends, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie then fired off another round of confetti as she grinned ear to ear.

"See what did I tell you, no one can properly describe Pinkie or predict her beyond a few things like this... believe me I tried," said Twilight with a sigh and slight smile.

JoJo took this as a challenge as he leaned to her with a smirk and whispered, "We'll see about that." He then put his mind into overdrive as he thought, "Let's see, my initial prediction was right, she did say hi to Twilight and not notice me first. So it wasn't her personality I got wrong, just the intensity... she actually reminds me a little of Esidisi. Unassuming at first, but with intense bouts of emotion... if that's the case then.

As Pinkie was just about to open her mouth JoJo pointed at her with a smirk as he said, "Next you'll say, 'sorry if I startled you, it's just I've never seen you before and if I've never seen you before that must mean you're new, and if you're new then I HAVE to give you a welcome!'" he then took a deep breath thinking, "Damn, I think my prediction actually might be off this time, I mean who could say all THAT in a single breath without Hamon training?!"

To his surprise though she opened her mouth and said, "Sorry if I startled you, it's just I've never seen you before and if I've never seen you before that must mean you're new, and if you're new then I HAVE to give you a welcome!" She smiled for a moment before she realized what just happened and gasped in shock.

Meanwhile Twilight's mouth had pretty much touched the floor as she dropped her jaw in shock thinking, "In just two seconds he just did what I couldn't do after several hours of scientific observation! He... he really is amazing," as her blush now returned more intense and her mind began to wander.

"Oh my gosh are you psychic!" asked Pinkie excitedly.

JoJo chuckled and with a cocky smile he said, "I don't think so no... reading people is just one of my special talents."

At this Twilight snapped out her slight daze as she said, "Oh so that's what your cutie mark means."

JoJo was confused by the statement, but didn't let it show hoping Twilight would continue, which thankfully she did as she pointed to the magnifying glass tattoo he noticed before as she said, "You notice things that other ponies don't and can make prediction based off them."

"So these tattoos are called 'cutie marks', once again a somewhat emasculating term but whatever, and they tell what a ponies special talents are. In that case I'd assume they appear naturally, likely around adolescence when a pony is staring to figure out who they are," thought JoJo. He then smiled as he said, "Spot on guess Twilight. Out of curiosity what does your cutie mark mean?"

Twilight chuckled as she said, "Are you sure you don't want to try and guess first?"

JoJo thought for a moment before smiling as he said, "Well I suppose I can give it a go." He then moved over and took a look saying, "Hmm, let's see it is one large sparkle, I'm guessing that would be you for... obvious reasons, with five smaller ones around it. Are you perhaps the leader of a group of six?"

At this Twilight had a look of shock and realization as she said, "Wow!"

JoJo smiled at this as he said, "I take it I guessed right?"

"WOW TWI! I didn't know your cutie mark was that detailed," said Pinkie as she excitedly looked at Twilight's flank.

"Neither did I," said Twilight as she now looked at her own flank in a new light.

"Hmm?" said JoJo confused.

"Don't get me wrong, that is right JoJo... well kind of. I don't know if I'd call myself the leader," said Twilight somewhat nervously.

"I WOULD!" said Pinkie happily.

"But yes that is right though, the large sparkle does represent me and my Element, magic,... and I guess that the other five sparkles would represent my friends and their Elements then," said Twilight as she looked back at JoJo, happy to learn something new about herself.

"Elements?" asked JoJo curiously.

"Well you see-" began Twilight only to stop as she saw more ponies coming in. "We should order, then we can talk." She then turned to Pinkie saying, "I'll have just milk and cereal, I'm not really feeling too hungry."

"Okie dokie lokie," said Pinkie before turning to JoJo saying, "and what would you like?"

"Well I would like flapjacks, eggs, and bacon but-" began JoJo but he was quickly interrupted.

"Okie dokie lokie, you two can take a seat over there and I'll have your food out in a minute," said Pinkie before suddenly disappearing into the kitchen.

As they walked JoJo confusedly said, "Wait, I thought you said you couldn't get meat in this town?"

"The average pony can't no, but Pinkie is not average," said Twilight with a smile as the two of them sat at the table.

"Right then... so what are these Elements you where talking about?" asked JoJo.

"Oh well... OK this might be a little hard to believe but... basically me and my friends are connected to these magical gemstones called the Elements of Harmony and we've used them to defeat ancient evils," said Twilight somewhat nervously as she thought, "Shoot, I never thought I'd have to explain this to someone so out of the loop. I mean no one outside of Ponyville heard about Nightmare Moon until after it was said and done, most of them just thought their clocks where off and that's why the sun rose an hour late. And sure, Discord may have been well known but he hadn't touched anywhere outside of Equestria so unless you read the paper every day, there is no way someone in Liverpone could have heard about it."

To Twilight's surprise JoJo flatly said, "I find no part of that hard to believe."

"Really?" asked Twilight.

"Well... let's just say I've seen some weirder things," said JoJo.

"Oh, like what?" asked Twilight with a newfound curiosity.

JoJo wasn't sure how to answer that as he simply stammered, "Well you see..."

Thankfully he didn't have to say more as Pinkie arrived with their food saying, "Here you two are! Enjoy!"

As quickly as she came she then went away as JoJo looked down at his plate saying, "Hmm, well I'll be damned. She really did have bacon and eggs."

"I told you," said Twilight with a slight chuckle as she put a bit of cereal in her mouth. "So what are some of the odder things you've seen?"

JoJo flinched at that as Twilight chuckled saying, "What, do you think I'm some kind of ditz who forgets a question just because of a distraction?"

"Well...," said JoJo as he trailed off. He thought to himself, "I'm honestly not sure what you are anymore. One minute you're the quite bookish type I pegged you for, the next you're a giggling happy go luck and possible overly trusting girl. And now I find out you've had your own bizarre adventures... perhaps there is more to this girl then meets the eye, even for someone like me." This caused a slight blush to form on his face as he thought on this.

"Well don't keep me waiting, I already told you stuff about my life knowing you might think I'm crazy," said Twilight as she continued eating.

This snapped JoJo back to reality as he thought, "Right then. OK, I gotta pick something weird but not to insane, so the Pillar Men and Vampires are out of the question.... perhaps something Hamon related to get her curiosity peaked about that... I GOT IT!" "I once knew a Hamon user who's primary techniques involved being covered in a layer of soap 24/7!"

"I'm sorry what?!" asked Twilight confused by such a statement.

Meanwhile back at the Golden Oaks library.

As Spike took one last look at the kitchen floor, he smiled with pride as he picked up the mop and bucket and moved towards the door.

Before he could make it though it burst open, knocking several items down as Spike heard a booming Canterlot voice yell, "WHERE IS MY DARLING TWILIGHT AND THE SCOUNDREL CALLED JOJO!?"

Spike looked to see the princess of the sun as he had never seen her before as he stammered, "They-they went out to get something to eat."

Celestia then seemed to appear in front of Spike in the blink of an eye, the only evidence that it wasn't teleportation being that the cabinets where blown open by the wind generated from her speed. She bent down to Spike with pure glowing white eyes as she said, "WHERE!?"

"AH- SUGAR CUBE CORNER!" said Spike, somewhat fearing for his life.

This seemed to satisfy her though as her expression softened slightly before she said, "Thank you."

She then left as quickly as she came as Spike took a few moments to calm down before looking at the once again ruined kitchen as he sighed saying, "Whelp today is just not my day," before picking the mop back up and getting to work again.

Author's Note:

Well, Spike certainly isn't having a good day and the way things are looking JoJo might be about to have a worse one. What will happen next? Find out next chapter whenever that may be.

Sorry this chapter is both shorter then the others and took me longer to write (also might not flow as well) it's a bit of a long story but basically my school work doubled and I have less time to write so I'm going to have to write chapters peace by peace in downtime.

Anyway, thank you all for reading, hope you liked it, have a great day