• Published 11th Mar 2020
  • 4,422 Views, 140 Comments

Equestrian Battle Tendency - luckyboys121

On February 28th, 1939 Joseph Joestar passed away on Isola di Volgano. On March 1st in the 1000th of the Celestia Calendar a strange new arrival comes to Ponyville

  • ...

Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 Part 1

As the sun came over the horizon the assembled crowd watched in horror as the figure before them simple chuckled as he bathed in the warm glow of the sun for the first time he's time in his life.

"HE'S FEELING FINE!" cried out Smokey as his face contorted in sheer horror.


Kars's chuckle grow to a full laugh at this development as Speedwagon backed away in fear saying, "JoJo... this is a horrible nightmare! We're doomed, this is the day all of us die, humanity is done for!"

Finally Kars's laughter came to an apex at hearing this statement as he turned his face to a simple smirk saying, "Alpha and Omega both, I am the pinacle of all life that has ever walked the Earth, all of their forms are mine to take." He then pointed towards JoJo as he pulled the unconscious Lisa Lisa closer to his body for fear of what Kars would do. "And you, my old nemesis I see how entrancing you are, yours is a beauty the likes of which I've never seen." He raised his hand smiling as he continued saying, "I once feared you," before clenching his hand to a fist as he said, "But now I fear you no more," as he once again stated laughing.

Something about those red eyes staring at him with pure murderous intent while simultaneously letting out the most innocent giggle terrified JoJo beyond belief as he began to hyper ventilate before suddenly... he woke up.

Once again he found himself sitting up in a bed in the Golden Oaks library drenched in sweat as his breath was ragged. This time there was a notable different though, as he quickly found two hooves reach over his shoulders and hug him from behind as he felt the warmth of Twilight's face nuzzle next to his as she said, "Another nightmare."

Instantly Jojo's breathing began to relax as he laid back down and found himself being spooned by Twilight as he said, "Yup... this time it was when he first became perfect."

"That Kars guy really messed with your head didn't he?" asked Twilight.

"Indeed he did... in a way I pray you will never understand," said JoJo as he thought, "The mere concept of fighting a being absolutely incapable of death is beyond comprehension. Can the mind ever really accept something that every single fact and instinct within it says is without a doubt impossible... or am I doomed to have this fear lingering in me forever?"

Twilight could feel how deep in thought he was as she buried her face in the fur of his back saying, "Well at least Luna was able to use those nightmares to help convince everyone else you where telling the truth."

JoJo smiled at that as he said, "Quite right," before thinking, It's been about two months since Twilight and I officially became an item, and just about one month since she had convinced me to tell her friends and the Princesses where I really came from." He remembered seeing how their faces ranged from skeptical to full on rage on Celestia's as she began accusing of him of lieing to lure in Twilight. He shuttered as he thought, "I hate to think what would have happened if Luna hadn't come in when she did and showed everyone my dreams backing up the story... even if looking into my dreams does feel like an invasion of privacy."

As the pair simple laid in bed together for a moment, Twilight briefly glanced at her clock as she bolted up saying, "Oh, there is actually some more good news here! I was going to get you up in a little bit anyway so we could get in line for the first day of Cider Season."

JoJo sat up looking at her as he said in confusion, "Cider Season? But can't you get cider year round?"

Twilight hopped off the bed as she went over to get her saddle bags saying, "Normal cider yes, but this is the only time of year the Apple family makes their special cider recipe in mass quantities. They usually only make a barrel or two for special occasions, and even then it just goes to members of the family or close friends. But this time of year they want to celebrate with all of Ponyville."

"What for?" asked JoJo as he got out of the bed, confused but ready to follow anyway.

"It's basically to celebrate the end of a good harvest and use up the last of the apples before the cold would kill them," said Twilight.

"I see," said JoJo as he thought, "So a special event that serves as both reward for hard work, and clearing out the last of the crop... I should have expected no less given how practical that family is."

He chuckled as he said, "Sounds like a fun time, let's head out," as he grabbed his tank top, scarf, gloves, and boots and got into them seemingly effortless despite how form fitting they where.

"I mean... yeah it will be fun if we can get cider," said Twilight.

"If we get cider?" asked JoJo as he cocked his head in confusion. "I mean, I get that it's being made from spare apples and most likely takes a lot for this special recipe, but do THAT many ponies seriously wait for it?"

Twilight chuckled as she said, "You have NO idea, we're probably gonna be spending at least an hour waiting in line," as she picked up a book to move to her saddle bag.

The two soon got down stares as they found Spike still sleeping in his basket, him having moved down stares after the young couple started sharing a bed.

Twilight lightly shook him saying, "Hey Spike, it's the first day of Cider Season."

Spike lightly grunted as he rolled over saying, "Meh go without me, I don't really want to get up right now."

Twilight chuckled as she said, "Alright sleep tight," before turning to JoJo as she continued saying, "Looks like it's just you and me today."

"Well then," said JoJo before he moved over to the door with a smirk saying, "I suppose their are worse things then spending a day standing next to you."

Spike groaned once again as he mumbled, "Oh give me a break."

"Aww," said Twilight oblivious to the little dragons comment as she put down the book and moved next to him saying, "That was really cheesy you know."

"True... but it worked didn't it?" said JoJo.

Twilight chuckled at that as she leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek saying, "This time, but don't press your luck," before heading out the door.

"Wouldn't dream of it," responded JoJo as he followed after her.

Several minutes later

"WOAH! You weren't kidding about the line," said JoJo as what appeared to be the entire population of Ponyville and then some stood between him and the cider stand.

"Yup," said Twilight before she pouted saying, "Why'd you have to talk me out of bringing a book?"

JoJo laughed at that saying, "Fret not my dear, for I have lived a life more interesting then any book and can simply recount stories from that."

"Hmm, and what stories pray tell have you not already told me?" asked Twilight skeptically.

"Ahh," stammered JoJo as he thought, "Shoot what haven't I told her... I suppose I kind of glossed over most of the fight against Esidisi... YEAH! I could tell her about how it started when I was looking at Lisa Lisa and NOPE NOPE CAN'T TELL HER THAT!" As JoJo looked around he thankfully got a distraction as two familiar ponies where entering the line behind them. "OH LOOK RAINBOW DASH AND FLUTTERSHY! How are you two doing?" asked JoJo far too enthusiastically.

Twilight rolled her eyes at the obvious ploy to change the subject but turned to the newcomers anyway as Dash grumbled saying, "How do you think I'm doing!?"

Fluttershy placed a hoof on her comfortingly as she said, "It will be OK, I'm sure we'll be able to get some, if not today then we'll get up even earlier tomorrow."

JoJo leaned into Twilight as he whispered, "Let me guess, every year she has the worst luck and it's a miracle if she can get one cup of cider."

Twilight whispered back, "Yup, and more often then not the pony directly in front of her gets cider and they run out right as she gets up there."

"That is some terrible luck... I suppose if that happens though I'll just give her my cup, I'm sure the cider can't be that good," said JoJo.

Before they could continue this conversation though Pinkie walked by carrying a totally obscene amount of cider as JoJo jokingly said, "Wow Pinkie, save some for the rest of us."

Pinkie turned to them at hearing that and smiled as she said, "Oh, do you want some JoJo?"

Rainbow's jaw dropped at the casual statement.

"Um sure... actually if you don't mind, I'm sure Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow would like a cup while we wait if you don't mind," said JoJo as he looked at her with a smirk as he realized what happened.

Pinkie continued to smile as she gave each of them a mug saying, "Sure, I mean I obviously have more then enough."

Rainbow blinked in disbelief at the mug in front of her before downing it all in one gulp for fear that it would dissapear if she didn't drink it now. She let out a satisfied moan before returning to reality as she said, "Wait Pinkie, what gives? Every Cider Season you walk past of us with a huge amount of mugs and you never gave us one before."

Before Pinkie could respond JoJo pointed his hoof at her while his smirk grew wider and he said, "Next you'll say 'well you never asked silly.'"

Pinkie smiled as she said, "Well you never asked silly," before pausing for a moment as she gasped and her smile only grew wider as she said, "OH MAN! I love it when he does that!"

Rainbow just stared in disbelief before turning back to JoJo as she said, "How'd you do that?"

JoJo simply chuckled as he said, "Please, that one was child's play," before taking a ship from the cider mug. Upon tasting the golden liquid JoJo's smirk grew wider as he said, "Say, this stuff is really good... sorry Rainbow but from here on out it's everypony for themselves."

Rainbow looked at him confused before shrugging it off as she was in a much better mood at having gotten some cider.

As the four waited in line they soon got towards the front but didn't have much time to celebrate that since as soon as they where close enough to see Applejack they where greeted to her looking disappointed as she tried in vain to get more cider to come out of the tap before yelling out, "SORRY EVERYPONY, BUT IT LOOKS LIKE WE'RE OUT FOR THE DAY!"

This resulted in several groans from the assembled crowd, groans that where soon interrupted by the sound of an engine as the crowd turned to see a strange carriage approaching.

JoJo glanced at it saying, "Hum, so you do have automobiles here?"

Twilight shrugged as she said, "Sort of, though the're not very common. The engine is powered by magic as opposed to the fossil fuels of your world, so only unicorns can use them."

As the carriage pulled to a stop two tall unicorns in striped blue and white vests hopped out as Twilight gestured to them saying, "Case in point."

Before JoJo could respond the one without a mustache began to belt out in rhythm, "Well lookie what he got here brother of mine, it's the same in every town."

"Wait... is he?" asked JoJo in disbelief.

"Ponies with thirsty throats, dry tongues, and not a drop of cider to be found," continued the pony as he did some gestures with a purple mare in order to make his point.

"He couldn't be?" said JoJo.

"Maybe the're not aware that's really no need for this teary despair," continued the stallion as he moved back next to his brother.

"Then the key that they need to solve sad cider shortage, you and I will shaaaareeee," said the mustached brother dragging it out and squashing any doubt JoJo had.

He quietly leaned over to Twilight as he asked, "Um... why are they singing?"

"Oh, that's pretty normal here," said Twilight.

"Wait really... do you break out in musical numbers too?" asked JoJo.

Twilight simply shrugged as she said, "Sometimes, if you're going to live in Equestria you better get used to it... heck it wouldn't surprise me if you break out into your own song soon."

"Yeah right, like that would happen," said JoJo as he rolled his eyes.

Twilight chuckled at that as they simply listened to song for a bit before JoJo said, "Wait... did they just say their names are Flim and Flam?"

"Apparently," said Twilight.

"Like literal Flim Flam salesmen... what do they also sell snake oil?" asked JoJo only half joking as Twilight let out another chuckle at that.

As the song continued the brothers used an apparatus on their carriage and began to suck up apples and turn them into cider as Granny Smith briefly joined in for a verse. As JoJo thought, "I suppose this is common then, given how seamlessly she joined the song as well as everyone's reaction, or rather lack there of."

As the song wrapped up the two brothers looked at Applejack as Flam said, "So what do you say Apples, with us supplying our machine and you supplying the... well apples, we could quench this whole towns thirst in a matter of minutes."

Flim then spoke us saying, "With the profits shared between us of course... I'd say 75% us and 25% you?"

Before Applejack had a chance to respond JoJo stepped forward saying, "Well that's a terrible deal."

Flim looked at him somewhat annoyed as he said, "I don't think this involves you friend."

"I suppose not, but the least you can do is tell the Apples what you're REALLY after," said JoJo as he stepped right in front of them with a smirk.

"Why good sir I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about," said Flam as he already looked somewhat nervous.

JoJo chuckled as he said, "Please, it's fairly obvious you want to do more then just help the Apples, even if it's at a rather high profit to you both."

Flim twitched for a moment as he said, "Alright friend I'll bite, what pray tell do you think we're after?"

"Well it's simply, you where likely aware of the local Cider Season and how they never have enough cider available, how else would you explain you arriving just as they ran out?" said JoJo as his smirk only increased.

The crowd began to murmur at that as Flam said, "Um... just luck I guess?"

Unperturbed JoJo kept going saying, "You would swoop in at the last moment and make enough cider as the ponies could want establishing yourselves as heroes, then come next year you buy apples at whole sale or grow your own and sell cider completely independently, undercutting Sweet Apple Acres."

Applejack got red faced at this statement as she approached the two saying, "Is that true!?"

"Well... I mean, it's not like there's any harm in friendly competition among businesses," said Flam.

"Exactly," said Flim as he straightened his tie saying, "In fact how about we take that literally with a competition tomorrow. Whoever can make the most cider wins, what do you say?"

JoJo chuckled at that again as he said, "What would be the point in that?"

"Why proving we don't need to cheat to be better then the Apples and we where legitimately trying to help them of course," said Flim with a smirk.

JoJo simply smiled back saying, "Please, you've already proven you can make more cider faster, what matters is how it tastes. Which brings me to the other reason you wanted to work with the Apples, that being you wanted to learn and copy their family recipe."

"WHAT!" said Granny Smith as she stepped forward saying, "That recipe has stayed in Apple family since before we even settled in Ponyville and I sure as spit aint letting it fall into the hooves of some no good con ponies!"

"Tha-that's absurd," said Flam as he tried to wipe sweat from his brow.

JoJo simply smirked as he said, "Nest you'll say, 'we'll gladly prove our cider tastes better then yours'."

"We'll gladly prove our cider tastes better then yours," said Flim before gasping as he realized what just happened.

JoJo's smirk grew wider as he said, "Which brings us to the REAL competition, a simple taste test. Three judges each being given a mug of each cider without being told which is which and asked to pick which one they like better... that is if the Apples are OK with it of course."


The two brother looked at each other for a moment before Flim said, "And what do we get if we win this little contest of yours?"

JoJo chuckled as he said, "What more do you need? If you win you'll prove that your cider is not only faster and cheaper to make but unequivocally better."

The two brothers whispered to each other before Flam spoke up saying, "Alright then, we'll agree to your little contest, but then who will be the judges?"

JoJo stroked his chin as he said, "Well I'm obviously out since I came up with this... as are the Apple family and of course you two since that would a conflict of interest... well Rainbow Dash would be good, I know she wouldn't object to guaranteed cider."

"OH HECK YEAH!" said Rainbow excitedly.

"Hmm... how about you Twilight?" asked JoJo.

"Wait me?!" asked Twilight startled.

"Well why not? I'm sure you've read plenty about the proper making of cider and how it is rightly supposed to taste if it is high quality," said JoJo.

Twilight blushed and scratched her head nervously as she said, "Well I suppose that is true... I could probably come up with good commentary on the overall ratio of flavors..." she then looked back smiling as she said, "If you think I can do it then I will."

"Excellent and... I suppose it would only be fair to let you two pick the third judge, but I warn you try any funny business and I'll pick up on it in a second," said JoJo as he eyed the pair up and down.

The two put on their best innocent smiles as Flam said, "Wouldn't dream of it," as he got back in the carriage.

"Indeed, and might I add those terms sound very reasonable, you are a very savvy business pony my friend, " said Flim as he hopped back into the carriage saying, "So then, see you tomorrow morning at dawn, we'll bring out judge and our cider and you have yours ready, agreed?"

JoJo briefly glanced at Applejack as she nodded to him, before he smiled and said, "Agreed."

As the pair soon drove away JoJo smirked to himself as he thought, "Well this will be rather interesting"

Author's Note:

So JoJo has already changed the plot of an episode pretty severely. What will happen next, find out next chapter whenever that may be.

Anyway as always thanks for reading, hope you liked, constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day.

Comments ( 12 )

"JOJO'S ALIVE!!!" I said in Stroheim's English dub voice.

Hey hey hey, very important question... IS THIS A JOJO REFERENCE?

Joseph was a shrew businessman. But... need I point out he was outwitted by a mere food staller in Egypt during the Stardust Crusaders?

What do you expect from a future real estate mogul!?

Thats cool, Though I have a question, Josuke was a result of Joseph cheating, so that does that mean (if you do include him in the future somehow) this will occur too?

I can litterally see jojo doing that, and Pinkie Pie would be the one who loves your next line is. XD

Awesome! Glad to see another chapter from this story.

OK, I'll tell you but this is serious spoiler territory, like the very end of this fanfic spoilers

Josuke and Holly are going to be twins, and the children of Joseph and Twilight. Joseph never cheats in this story

Technically it was one of Dio's minions disguised as a food stall salesmen... now why Steely Dan did that is unclear but like allot of things in JoJo's it may not have made sense but it happened

PLEASE continue this soon!!!

Managed to catch up.
Curious on what will happen next.

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