• Published 22nd Jun 2020
  • 552 Views, 25 Comments

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis! - Rixizu

Because of a teleportation accident, Trixie finds herself trapped in another world controlled by an evil organization called Shocker.

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Chapter 1

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
Chapter 1
by Rixizu

“No, you can’t have it!” The mare said, but Juice Bar ignored her. They stood in a dingy alley behind the Canterlot castle. The mare had been holding a satchel before he’d clobbered her with a billy club. They’d caught her off guard while leaving her hotel. The mare had believed she’d been careful when using with the artifact, but she’d been careless. Quantum Curve had detected her trail and tracking her down had been foalsplay.

He retrieved the amulet with reverence and smiled. With its power, he could fix everything, returning his beloved Shocker to its deserved glory. The mare tried shotting a stun bolt with her magic before he could use the artifact, but Juice Bar had already disappeared. He said a final farewell to Quantum Curve and his other friends. They’d done Shocker proud. The world spun around and around as unknown forces threw him into days long past when Shocker was at its height of power before those meddlesome Riders defeated them.

He took stock of his location, finding himself in the same alley in Canterlot, but outside revealed a different picture. Buildings had changed and businesses were completely different. What year was it? The nostalgic fashion styles of the ponies looked correct, but it wasn’t enough proof. Had Ichigo been created yet? A newspaper that had blown against a leg revealed the date as May 15, 1971. Perfect. It was years before the Riders defeated his beloved Shocker. He ran off, not even pausing for breath. He knew the organization’s secret base’s location. In those long distant years, he’d been only a simple Combatpony. The Great Leader would be so pleased. Soon, nothing would stop them from ruling all time and creation!'


“It’s impossible, Twilight!” Trixie complained for the eighth time.

“No Trixie, you can,” Twilight replied, “focus! Picture your destination in your mind”

Trixie sighed. Every other attempt to teleport had been a complete failure, even with master teleporter Twilight’s help. It had been a foolish attempt. Her skills in magic didn’t go this way. Her specialty was illusions. Still, the power to teleport in battle would be invaluable. Their enemies were only getting stronger and she needed every edge she could get. The Galaxy Rangers weren’t hurting for enemies.

Trixie closed her eyes and focused her thoughts. She only needed to teleport five hooves. It shouldn’t be difficult. Her horn glowed with magic, imagining herself in the new location. Her body vibrated and her horn sparked with magic. She was doing it! She cried out in pain as the spell failed, exploding in a violent flash of light, giving her a massive headache.'

“Argh!” Trixie downed another dose of aspirin. She hated when spells failed. They were always a painful affair.

“You almost had it that time!” Twilight said with undeserved enthusiasm.

“Can we take a break, please?” Trixie said. “There’s no rush. It had been quiet lately. It isn’t important I learn this right away or anything.”

After Corona’s supposed reformation, Equestria had been quiet. Save for the occasional alien invasion, Night Court noble plot, or monster attacks from other dimensions. Trixie planned to use this respite to hone her skills and get more training.

“I guess,” Twilight said, “we can do this tomorrow. It’s getting late and it will rain soon.”

Trixie looked outside and found Raindrops pushing some dark clouds into place with the other weather ponies. A curse left Trixie’s mouth when she realized she’d forgotten her umbrella. Her trademark hat and cape only protected her from the elements so much. After thanking Twi for her hospitality, she left the apartment and ran towards home.

She cursed again when the heavy rain drenched her. Just once, she wished Raindrops would leave spaces in the cloud cover so she wouldn’t get rained on. It made the ground instantly muddy and got her favorite red cape dirty. She’d just cleaned the thing too. The sound of thunder boomed overhead.

“Hey! Over here!” Ditzy Doo said, waving. She sat under the protective roof of the post office.

Taking her friend’s generous offer, Trixie ran towards the post office. A chat with Ditzy would be nice. She was so distracted by thoughts of getting out of the rain that she missed the cart full of sofas and quills coming her way.

“Look out!” Ditzy cried out and Trixie turned to see the cart charging right towards her.

Several odd and amazing occurrences happened at once. The cart turned to avoid Trixie, but accidentally dropped its load of sofas right on her. Trixie cried out in terror. Out of desperation, she casted a teleportation spell to save herself. In a bizarre freak of nature, lightning struck Trixie right as she attempted teleporting, giving her just enough energy to cast the spell. Everything went red as reality disappeared around her.

The pain was indescribable as it tore her atoms to pieces and temporarily forced her out of reality. She swirled through a black void devoid of anything for several eternities. Time stretched on forever and telling how long she stayed in that place was impossible. Thankfully, real air filled her lungs again and she moaned, her body aching worse than a full body beating.

“What the hay?” Trixie was glad she wasn’t dead, but she didn’t feel far off from it.

She shook her head and tried to blink away the stars in front of her eyes. Trixie noticed it wasn’t raining anymore and guessed the spell must have worked. She was back in Twilight’s small, cramped book-filled apartment. Confusion struck her when she realized she was sitting on hard concrete and not carpet. She was sitting on a street instead.

Okay, maybe I ended up somewhere else. At least I didn’t die by sofas. I swear Quills and Sofas will be the death of me one day.

Vision returned to her and she double-taked. Where in the hay was she? She wasn’t in Twilight’s apartment at all. Instead of peaceful quant Ponyville, she was in a city full of concrete and hard stone buildings with sharp lines everywhere. Each building had a red banner with a bird, its wings outstretched, grasping onto the world with its talons.

“Okay.” Trixie stared at her surroundings, stunned and lost for words. Where the heck was she? What was with that evil-looking logo? A large sign in the distance labeled the city as Shockeropolis.

Shockeropolis? Not Ponyville?

“Hey, you! Curfew is in ten minutes. Get home or enjoy months in a cell!” A voice said, drawing Trixie’s attention. It was hard and authoritative and didn’t sound friendly.

“Hey, this might sound funny but…” Trixie turned to the pony and froze. It was Raindrops. She wore a black uniform with a black gold trim hat and her arm had a red stash with the same bird logo. Unlike her friend, however, Trixie saw no warmth or compassion in this Raindrop’s eyes.

“Raindrops?” Trixie’s mouth dropped.

“It’s Captain Raindrops, scum.” Raindrops replied, eying Trixie’s wet and dirty appearance. “Did you hear me? Get home or else.”

Trixie opened her mouth with a million questions on her tongue but froze when she realized this Raindrops didn’t recognize her at all. Her instincts told her this wasn’t her friend. She needed to leave. Now.

“Right, going home!” Trixie forced a grin and turned, hoping to find someplace safe to figure out what strange world she’d found herself in.

“Hold it! I don’t recognize you.” Raindrops' eyes narrowed. “Are you new to Ponyville? Show me your identification papers.”

Time to run. “Sure thing officer!” She tried casting an illusion spell but found her magic drained. She couldn’t so much as light her horn. That damn teleportation spell drained her of almost everything. Instead, she did the second best thing, hoofing it.

“Come back here!” Raindrops gave chase.

“Ha! Catch me if you can!” Trixie yelled back.

“Combatponies!” Raindrops yelled out and out of nowhere ponies in black dressed like skeletons jumped from the tops of nearby buildings, blocking Trixie’s escape. They wore a grey belt with the bird logo on it and moved to surround her.

“This is getting interesting.” Trixie eyed her new opponents.

Raindrops smirked. “You aren’t getting away. You’re a foal for crossing Shocker. You aren’t leaving here in one piece.”


“You aren’t scared?” A pony with sunglasses said and the Combatponies gave way to him. They saluted him as he approached with their hoof raised high.

“You’re in for it now.” Raindrops said, grinning evilly.

Trixie yawned. “It takes more than a bunch of ponies in low-rent Nightmare Night costumes to scare me.”

“You’re either brave or stupid.” The sunglasses pony transformed. His body stretched into something grotesque. He grew mandibles and three large red eyes. His hooves grew claws and a cape made of web appeared on his back. He became some bizarre spider pony hybrid.

“Huh, didn’t see that coming.” Trixie looked around and saw ponies watching the show from the safety of their homes. Nopony dared come to her rescue, knowing it would be suicide. These ponies had long abandoned hope that anypony could oppose Shocker. Well, Trixie would have to change that.

“What now, little pony?” The Spider Pony mocked.

“It’s morphing time!” Trixie pulled out her morpher and thrust it forward. “Ursa!”

In a blink of an eye, red armor appeared over Trixie. It was completely red except for the white vest over her chest which contained the constellation Ursa Major in golden stars. Her helmet had a black visor with a yellow star behind it and her horn poked out of the middle.

“What?” The Spider Pony gapped in complete shock and the Combatponies gasped.

“A Rider?” Raindrops’ jaw dropped. “Impossible!”

“Rider? Sorry, I don’t know what that is.” Trixie replied. “I’m a Ranger. Call me the Red Ursa Ranger.”

“Whatever, rogue Rider or not, you’re dead!” The Spider Pony leaped towards Trixie, claws extended.

Trixie dodged the claw swipes with ease. This creature was fast, but Trixie was an expert black belt and had faced monsters like this creature before. Raindrops and the Combatponies cheered the monster on. Trixie felt disappointed nopony cheered for her. Oh well.

The creature leaped about with mighty bounds, trying to catch Trixie off guard. He tried to jump her from behind, but she saw the attack coming, thrusting a powerful punch into the spider creature’s face. He cried out in pain, continuing his attacks, only for Trixie to knock it to the ground in a single kick. Frustrated, it shot webs from its mouth, trying to trap her. Trixie figured it might attempt this and summoned her sword, burning the webs away.

“What?” The Spider Pony stepped back. “No!”

“My turn.”

In blinding speed, Trixie delivered several slashes to Spider Pony’s belly and sparks flew. He tried clawing at her, but she dodged them with ease. One kick sent the monster sprawling on the other side of the street. Trixie pressed a button on her morpher and flames gathered around her sword.

“Searing Blade!” Trixie slashed the Spider Pony in the belly and turned around pointing her sword right at Evil Raindrops. The monster exploded behind her.

“Anypony else ready to rumble?” Trixie said.

And I didn’t even need my magic to win. Nice.

“Impossible!” Sweat formed on Raindrop’s brow, unable to comprehend what she’d just witnessed. The Combatponies backed away, unsure they wanted a piece of her anymore.

“Not bad. I’m glad I stayed in town an extra day.” A voice said. Trixie jumped to safety as something rode from a rooftop right at her in a black blur. It’d been inches from colliding with her. The thing circled around Trixie. It was some strange two-wheeled vehicle, a single pony dress in black leather with a Shocker Logo helmet sat on it. The pony pulled off her helmet to reveal Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.

“Princess Cadance?” Trixie asked, bewildered. What was Cavallia’s ruler doing here?

“Princess?” Cadance snorted. “As if.”

“Commander Cadance!” Raindrops said, filled with renewed hope.

“Let me handle this interloper.” The alicorn got off her vehicle and pulled out a strange belt buckle. It was gray with a black heart-shaped gem embedded in the middle. She attached it to her waist and a red strap appeared, strapping it on tight.


Cadance smashed the heart-shaped gem with a hoof and black mist emerged out of it, engulfing Cadance. It formed a gray bodysuit with dark green armor that looked like a cracked heart. Over her head was a dark green helmet that resembled the face of a grasshopper with large red eyes and antennae grew from its head. It too looked cracked and broken.

“Call me, Kamen Rider Cupido,” Cadance said, “the deadliest assassin in the world.”

Okay, another crazy surprise.

“Cupido! Cupido!” The Shocker goons cried out in reverence.

“And we have an audience and everything. Perfect.” Cadance extended her hooves, leaving herself wide open for attack. “Come on; show me what you’ve got, Ursa Red.”

Trixie didn’t waste the opportunity, throwing a punch right at Cupido’s face, only to find empty air. She cursed and swung where she thought her opponent was and again hit nothing. Cadance laughed and gave Trixie the perfect opportunity to attack her. Trixie summoned her sword mid-attack to catch her opponent off guard with its extra reach, but again she missed. Every attack she tried failed.

Darn it. She’s toying with me. She’ll find that a big mistake.

Trixie held nothing back, using every ounce of her tremendous speed. Cadance wasn’t so cocky this time and winced when Trixie slashed her in the chest. She gave Trixie a slight nod, acknowledging the single point.

“Your powers are interesting,” Cadance said, “I can see why the Spider Pony was no match for you. Too bad I’m a Rider and Shocker is second to none.”

Everything changed at that moment. One second Cadance was standing still, the next she was pounding Trixie with punches and kicks. Trixie blocked out the pain and fought back only for her blows to hit dead air or a hoof blocked them. Somehow, Cadance predicted every attack and every move Trixie made. Nothing caught the Rider off guard. She summoned her own sword by pulling it out of her belt. It was longer than a great sword and it had a jagged saw-like blade. Sparks flew and she cut Trixie with ease.

With a back hoof blow, Trixie’s sword flew across the street. Shocker goons cheered and chanted Cupido’s name. Cadance soaked in the praise, practically glowing. Trixie doubled over from a sharp and painful jab to the ribs. Cadance followed up the attack with a slash to the face and Trixie stumbled, stunned.

“About time I end this, I think,” Cadance said and crouched down towards the ground. She leaped into the air and dive kicked right towards Trixie.

“Oblivion’s Rider Kick!” Cadance’s blow impacted into Trixie’s chest and she went flying, tearing concrete to pieces before stopping.

Trixie unmorphed and moaned. It had been a while since she’d received such a beating. Even standing was impossible. This was not her day. But the bruises weren’t what hurt her the most. It was the downcast expressions from the ponies watching them. These ponies had gotten their hopes up when Trixie defeated the Spider Pony, only for them to get dashed when Cupido appeared. Again, they had no hope. Shocker had won. This realization brought tears to Trixie’s eyes.

Sorry, I failed all of you.

A purple shape caught her eye and it disappeared before Trixie got a good look at it. Was that Twilight? No, Twilight would have helped and fought by her side. She was all alone and friendless in this strange world. The corrupted, evil Raindrops was the proof. She looked at Trixie like she was something the pegasi had scraped off her hoof.

“Still alive? Good.” Cadance unmorphed. “Captain Raindrops.”

“Yes, Commander Cadance!” Raindrops stood to attention.

“Bring this one in for questioning,” Cadance replied, “I want to learn how she got her power and where she came from. Tell Inquisitor Doo to use any method to get the information. Just don’t kill her. She’ll make an excellent test subject. The Grand Leader will be most pleased.”

“Yes, mam. Hail Shocker!” Raindrops did the Shocker salute and motioned some Combatponies to gather Trixie up.

“Hail Shocker!” Cadance and all the Combatponies repeated.

Dear Luna, what world had Trixie found herself in?