• Published 22nd Jun 2020
  • 552 Views, 25 Comments

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis! - Rixizu

Because of a teleportation accident, Trixie finds herself trapped in another world controlled by an evil organization called Shocker.

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Chapter 10

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
Chapter 10
by Rixizu

The sound of laughter made Trixie awake with a start. Her body protested as she registered the pain that the Shocker guy had inflicted on her. She tried moving her limbs and found them restrained by metal binders. She’d been strapped to a round metal table, strange instruments and computer banks surrounded her with ponies dressed in white surgical garb ponying them. Above her was a large plaque showing Shocker’s logo, which loomed over her menacingly. Combatponies stood in a line peering warily at her despite having her captivity.

“Ah, so she’s awake,” said a pony. He was a pegasus wearing a black opera cloak with a large blood red collar. His coat was snow-white with a long mane grayed with age which draped down his head.

“Have you guys ever thought you’ve overdone it with a logoing?” Trixie looked down, noticing even the table had Shocker’s logo on it. “Are you worried you might forget who you work for?” She counted at least twenty of them in this room alone.

“Flippancy.” Trixie started as the giant logo above her spoke, its eagle eyes glowing red. “Is that how you hide your fear, I wonder?”

Trixie soon regained herself. “Of a bunch of ponies in low-rent Nightmare Night costumes? Never.” She smirked, taking some gratification when she got a rise out of the Combatponies. The Dracula pony above her didn’t react, seeming more amused than anything.

“She has spirit despite her dire situation,” Dracula said, “she will serve Shocker well.” He took pleasure at Trixie’s panicked expression.

Oh ponyfeathers, this is where they brainwash me, isn’t it? She regained her composure and smirked, hiding her panic. “You won’t find me that easy to control.”

“Understand this, Trixie, the Red Ursa Ranger.” The eagle said. “You belong to Shocker now. Your strange powers will make Shocker even mightier. Already, we have learned the secret of how you crossed into our timeline. You will spearhead our invasion of other worlds.”

“No!” Trixie struggled in her bonds. They gripped at her tight, but she could slip out of them. But it required time she didn’t have.

“It shall be done, Great Leader!” Dracula saluted. “I, Doctor Shinigami, will learn the secrets of her Ranger powers and turn her into a beast that will rain terror amongst every timeline, every universe!” Everypony in the room did the Shocker salute.

“No!” Trixie screamed and a doctor put a mask over her face and her vision faded as the anesthesia did its work. Blackness consumed her and her last sight was Doctor Shinigami smiling down at her.


“Look, Truth Assessor Cheerilee, if you want to complain about what happened to your vehicle; bring it up with your insurance company,” Ditzy said annoyed, “it isn’t mine, or Shocker’s business to handle insurance disputes.” The fact Trixie and her band has used the vehicle in a jailbreak would probably cause some complications with the other mare’s insurance company. Not that Ditzy cared. Why did everypony think they needed to come to her with their problems?

“I’m just saying you could put a good word in for me,” Cheerilee replied, “to smooth things along! Your word has weight.”

“No.” Ditzy had enough of this nonsense. “In fact, I think we should put you under more scrutiny.” She smiled inwardly at the other mare’s reaction.

“What do you mean?” Cheerilee forced a smile. “I do my job well.”

“And you let Lux slip under your hooves not even suspecting for a moment one of your journalists was a traitor.”

“Well, uh, I…” Cheerilee stammered, sweat gathering on her forehead. “Twilight Sparkle was a hard-working pony. Anypony would have been fooled by her cheerful demeanor!”

Another journalist of Ore Journal, Pinkie Pie, had also turned traitor. Cheerilee’s incompetence was staggering for not noticing such vipers in her mist. Still, they were journalists, hard to control at the best of times. Shocker had given Ore Journal too much freedom. The paper would need to be closed immediately, and its remaining employees placed under careful scrutiny. Ditzy would lead the investigation herself, but she was too busy trying to locate Twilight Velvet.

“Leave.” Ditzy enjoyed the effect that simple word had as Cheerilee stammered an apology before rushing out of the room.

“You have too much fun messing with ponies.” Commander Cadance said behind her.

“I have to get my fun somehow,” Ditzy replied, “it makes dealing with ponies like Truth Assessor Cheerilee bearable.”

“Still no sign of where Twilight Velvet and her cohorts disappeared to?” Cadance asked.

Ditzy signed. “No.”

A grimace formed on Cadance’s face. “I knew her many years ago, I think the higher-ups don’t realize what a threat that mare will become. They’re too focused on their new invasion plan.”

“Didn’t you foalsit her daughter?”

Cadance gazed into the distance, wearing a wistful look on her face. “Yes, Twilight Sparkle. It’s hard to believe it has been over five years since I’ve seen her. I wish I kept more in touch with her. I might have prevented her from falling into the wrong crowd. Convinced her to join the Shocker youth program. Lux… I should have seen it coming.”

Ditzy put a comforting hoof on her friend. “It’s not your fault. She made her own bed.”

The Rider sighed, knowing her own duty, and nodded. She wouldn’t take pleasure in fighting her old charge, but Shocker needed her. Ponies like Twilight Velvet and her daughter would only cause chaos and delay Shocker from bringing their glory to everyone.

“Come on. Let’s go over Twilight Sparkle’s things again. We might discover a clue as to where they disappeared to.”


Angel’s nose twitched as he hoped through the ancient castle. He’d never thought that he’d ever find himself on the moon. Even though the gravity inside the castle was stronger than on the surface, his delicate rabbit senses detected a slight spring in his step which brought him great pleasure. He perked up when he spotted a closet and opened it, hoping it contained some cleaning supplies, and sighed in relief when he found a mop and a bucket. His friend and roommate Fluttershy would be pleased. She would enjoy making this place spick and span again. A useful trait for somebunny that worked with animals.

Angel directed Harry the bear to grab the mop and followed the rats to the kitchen, which thankfully still had running water. How that worked after a thousand years of disuse, he couldn’t imagine, but ponies were weird creatures with powers that made little sense. He hopped around the corridors to find Fluttershy and it struck him how strangely quiet it was. Something about it he didn’t like. At least the pink one should be shouting, peeling the paint off the walls with her high-pitched voice.

Angel hopped through the castle, trying to find any signs of pony. After an hour of search, he still hadn’t found anypony which worried him. The ferrets gave him some assistance and sniffed out Fluttershy’s scent. Much to their confusion, it ended in the library, but they saw no trace of their quarry. Had they, for whatever reason, teleported back to earth? But Fluttershy wouldn’t just leave them here without a word, would she?

Bill caught his attention, directing a paw towards a bookshelf. They indicated the pony scent ended here. After a careful search, they found a hidden door opened through a fake book. It took some effort with their small bodies, but they pulled down the book with a satisfying click, revealing a hidden staircase. The pony scent continued further down and they followed down the winding stairs. Angel’s ears perked when he heard pony voices, and he directed the ferrets to get help while he investigated.

“Mom, please, don’t do this!” Twilight said.

Angel found himself in some sort of laboratory. Old flasks covered with dust sat on shelves with scrolls full of forbidden knowledge organized on counters for some nefarious purpose. It was full of ancient equipment that Angel couldn’t guess their purpose. He stared in shock as he found his friend. Fluttershy was unconscious, strapped to a metal chair on the edge of some magical circle with Pinkie and Starlight likewise restrained at equidistant points around its circumference. Twilight laid in the middle, strapped to the floor. Strange tubes with colorful chemicals were flowing into her. Twilight Velvet, the one they worked so hard to rescue, worked on some strange equipment that looked far newer than anything else in the lab. Angel found the last pony, Rarity, lying in a cage.

“This is what you wanted, correct?” Twilight Velvet pushed some strange belt on her daughter’s waist while reading some ancient scroll.

“What are you trying to do?” Twilight asked. “If you’ve hurt them...”

“Don’t be absurd.” Twilight Velvet replied. “I am only taking their natural magic and infusing it into you. You shall be reborn as an alicorn. Don’t fret. Unlike last time, it shouldn’t kill them.”

“Last time?”

“I tried the same process on Trixie, the one of this timeline, but I miscalculated.” Twilight Velvet said. “I underestimated the balancing magic on the earth pony and used two unicorns and one pegasus. It caused a violent magical chain reaction, leaving the subject nothing but an amorphous puddle. The donators didn’t survive either.”

Twilight gasped and tears came to her eyes. “Trixie…”

“Don’t fear, Little Spark.” Twilight Velvet stroked her daughter’s face. “I thank you for bringing the perfect ingredients. They will provide the balance we need. The magic of the unicorn is especially powerful.” Twilight gritted her teeth but didn’t reply.

Experiment! Amorphous blob! Whatever the crazy pony was attempting, there was no way he’d allow anything to happen to Fluttershy, safe or not. What could he do, though? He’d seen Twilight Velvet’s power. Even together, Fluttershy’s animal friends won’t be a match for her and they wouldn’t arrive in time. The experiment was about to begin.

The white one! Angel ran towards the small cage and kicked the unconscious mare’s face.

“Uh, what happened?” Rarity mumbled as she awoke. Angel made a shushing gesture and the pony got his meaning right away. Thankfully, Twilight Velvet didn’t notice her captive’s awakening.

Rarity saw the crazy contraption that Twilight Velvet had constructed and pulled out a hairpin. It only took her a moment to open the lock. She pushed the door open without making a single noise. Twilight screamed as her veins bulged as whatever chemical was being pumped into her increased its speed. Panic bubbled in Angel as sparks flew from the contraption. Whatever was happening, they only had moments. Worse, neither one of them knew if interfering would only make things worse, Trixie’s fate loomed in Angel’s mind.

“Screw it.” Rarity gathered her magic and pulled Starlight free from her restraints. Angel gave her a worried look. “Breaking the circle should stop whatever magic she’s trying to work!”

“You foal, you will ruin everything.” Twilight Velvet gritted her teeth and the magical energy dissipated, ruining whatever spell she was attempting.

“That’s the idea, darling.” Rarity swung her mane, giving the other mare a cocky grin.

Much to their shock, Twilight’s screaming increased and she writhed in agony. Energy shot from her eyes and mouth, which burned what they touched. Fire erupted as the sparks hit a piece of machinery, setting it aflame.

“Oh, dear!” Rarity cried out in panic, using her magic to pull Fluttershy to safety while Angel tried freeing Pinkie.

A magical shockwave blew Angel and Rarity away, dropping Fluttershy back to her chair. Angel almost lost consciousness as he crashed into the floor. He weakly looked up to see Twilight Velvet sitting in the chair Starlight had occupied. Smoke filled the room, creating a haze over the monstrous experiment.

“Foal, you’ve likely killed my daughter.” Twilight Velvet’s horn sparked a brilliant cerise, and its light bathed the four ponies in the magical circle. “I won’t allow it! She will become the ultimate being! Nothing else matters!”

“Twilight!” Rarity extended a hoof in a panic, unsure what to do.

“You will shine brighter than them all, my Little Spark.” Twilight Velvet stroked her daughter’s cheek before closing her eyes. The light of her horn brightened and the magical circle erupted with brilliant light, and Angel had to avert his eyes. The equipment exploded, blowing Angel off his paws, though Rarity caught him this time. The four figures became beings of pure energy and their essence flowed into Twilight melding with it turning Twilight’s purple color into a rainbow of pink, yellow, cerise, and purple the belt on her waist sparked with power and light.

Vision returned and Angel found the ponies unconscious and he put a tentative paw on his friend. Thankfully, Fluttershy was still breathing and awoke when she shook her.

“Uh, what happened?” she said weakly, trying to get her bearings. Angel helped unhook her and they surveyed the chaos.

“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.” Fluttershy rushing to unhook the others, “I hope they’re okay.”

“My head is spinning.” Pinkie said after regaining consciousness. “I feel weird, like I’ve experienced the worst down on a sugar high ever!”

Angel asked if his friend was okay.

“Oh, I’m fine,” Fluttershy replied, “just a little tired.”

“I’m more worried about her.” Rarity eyed Twilight with worry. “She’s breathing, but she isn’t regaining consciousness.”

“Can somepony tell me what’s happening here?” Starlight asked. “Twilight’s mom isn’t breathing!”

Rarity looked downcast. “Yeah, I’ll explain. What I’ll say to Twilight though…”

Pinkie’s hair deflated. “Poor Twilight. It turns out her mom’s a megalomaniacal mad scientist!”

“What about my mom?” Twilight asked weakly. She sprung straight up and ran to her mother, holding her body tight. “No! How could this happen?! I just got you back!”

“Twilight, I…” Rarity trailed off.'

Angel gestured, explaining to Fluttershy what happened after they interfered with the experiment. It was his fault too, and his ears drooped. Why did they ever think it was a good idea to interfere when they had no clue what Twilight’s mom was attempting? If Twilight Velvet hadn’t sacrificed herself to save her daughter… Angel gripped his paw tight as Fluttershy explained to Twilight how, despite everything, her mother had given her life out of love to save her. The pony listened but didn’t reply, and Angel worried what the mare might do next.

Instead, Twilight only hugged her mother tighter, tears flowing freely. “Oh, mom. How did it come to this?”

“Twilight, I…” Rarity said, full of anguish and heartbreak. Angel put a comforting paw on Twilight.

Twilight shook her head. “It wasn’t your fault. It was a stupid accident. You couldn’t have known.”

“Still…” Rarity trailed off.

Twilight stood up. “We should give her a proper burial!” She levitated her mother’s body and left the room, leaving her concerned friends who followed after her.

“This is Shocker’s fault!” Twilight said after turning a corner. “They’re the ones that changed history and messed up my mother! In Trixie’s time, she’s a loving mother!”

“Twilight?” Fluttershy tried keeping up with the running mare.

“This is no time for tears! They will pay for this!” Twilight wiped her eyes clean. “I’ll make everything right, somehow! I’ll save Trixie and we’ll kick the Great Leader’s flank!”

Twilight used her magic to dig a hole into the moon’s surface and floated her mother inside it. “I think she’d like to be buried here.” She looked towards the grey and bleak plains of the moon that was both desolate and breathtaking. Angel watched as Twilight put the remaining dirt on her mother’s body.

“Good, that settles that!” Twilight forced a smile. “Now we can focus on kicking Shocker’s flank!”

Twilight’s friends looked at each other, unsure how to proceed, deciding it would be best to let Twilight grieve in her own way.

“Twi, do you feel different?” Pinkie asked. “You’re like some part alicorn grasshopper pony hybrid thing now! Though without wings. Not even bug wings! How disappointing is that?!”

“Yeah, uh, are you like a Rider now?” Fluttershy asked. “You have a belt and everything!”

Twilight closed her eyes, thinking and holding her new belt tight. The device burned with brilliant light. “I’m not sure what my mom did to me, but it worked. I have the power I need now. Shall we try it out?”

Twilight’s friends gave her a nervous look before Fluttershy, bless her soul, stepped forward to ask the vital question. “Um, what do you have in mind?”

“We follow Trixie’s example and make a big show!”


“This is so lame!” Rainbow kicked a stone on the street.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure once they realize how outstanding citizens we are, they’ll allow us to reopen Ore Journal.” Hot Scoops slurred leaning against a lamppost. He smelled of cheap whiskey. The stallion hadn’t taken losing his job very well.

“Sure.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. After the stunt Twilight pulled, she doubted Shocker’s pride would allow them to ever step hoof in their office building again. It was such a good gig, too. She still couldn’t believe that a super nerd like Twilight was Lux. Even saying those words out loud, she had trouble believing them.

“Hey, clear the streets!” An authoritative voice said. Rainbow turned to find Captain Raindrops glaring at her.

Great. She’d known Raindrops from school and it didn’t surprise her that a bully like her grew up into a Shocker toady. She recalled how the mare had enjoyed tormenting Fluttershy.

“Why?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow, not wanting to back down. “Curfew isn’t for another two hours.” And by Shocker, they planned to hit every bar along the way before they had to be home.

“Yeah! It’s our right! We got the right to be here!” Hot Scoops drunkenly protested the alcohol dimming his common sense.

“Don’t argue.” A cruel smile formed on the mare’s face. “The entire city is going under strict martial law. We’ve got big plans, and I’ve been told to be a little rough with anypony that disagrees.” She pulled out a nasty-looking club for emphasis.

“Hey!” Hot Scoops got into the mare’s face. “You ain’t got no right to tell us what to do!”

Panic filled Rainbow when she realized how badly this could spiral out of control, grabbing her friend before he tried anything. “Scoops, uh, it’s not worth it. We’re going!”

Hot Scoops threw off Rainbow’s hoof. “No! I’ve got a bone to pick with this one. I’ve lost my job because of her!” Much to Rainbow’s horror, he sent a drunken hoof towards the Shocker Captain who dodged without issue.

“Is something the matter, captain?” Somepony said and they turned to find one of Shocker’s monsters glaring at them. It was some hideous crab pony thing with a terrible-looking pincer on its right hoof.

“Kanibubbler! Good to see you!” Raindrops said, enjoying every cruel word. “We have some troublemakers.” Anypony left on the street panicked in fright taking any cover they could find leaving Raindrop and Scoops alone with the Shocker goons.

“Look, it’s fine! We’re leaving!” Rainbow picked up the protesting Scoops, sweat glistening on her forehead.

“You’re not going anywhere.” Raindrops replied. “How about we make an example of them? Your bubbles can dissolve ponies instantly, right?”

Oh, ponyfeathers! Oh, ponyfeathers! Worse, Combatponies flew to surround them, leaving no escape.

“I’ll enjoy taking today’s frustrations out on you.” Raindrops smiled unpleasantly.

“Not so fast!” Out of nowhere a pony jumped from a rooftop and Rainbow gasped.


“The escapee? Perfect!” Raindrops rubbed her hooves together with glee. “You’re a foal for revealing yourself.”

“Ha! Captain, you’re not the only one who will vent their frustrations today!” Kanibubbler said. The Combatponies moved in to surround the new arrival, allowing Raindrop and Scoops the opportunity to escape.

What now? I can’t just leave her! Raindrops panicked. That idiot Twilight was about to get herself killed! Much to everypony’s surprise, Twilight pulled out a belt and attached it to her waist. It had a round device in the middle with strange mythic symbols and the mare entered a fighting stance, extending her two front hooves.


The round device split open revealing a red jewel beneath showering Twilight with brilliant light. When the light disappeared, it revealed a new, suited figure. Her suit shone with power, with golden armor with black joints. The muffler around her neck was a brilliant cerise and her helmet looked like the head of a grasshopper with large red eyes, with large antennae.

“You can call me, Kamen Rider Lux!”