• Published 22nd Jun 2020
  • 552 Views, 25 Comments

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis! - Rixizu

Because of a teleportation accident, Trixie finds herself trapped in another world controlled by an evil organization called Shocker.

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Chapter 16

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
Chapter 16
by Rixizu

“I’m fine!” Ditzy pushed away the nurse hovering around her. Her front left leg hung in a sling, broken in several places because of the train crash. Several other Shocker members sat in beds, some bearing far worse injuries than the inquisitor. Truth Assessor Cheerilee sported a nasty bruise on her head. They had commandeered a nearby clinic for attending the wounded and the frightened staff worked hard to accommodate their needs.

“Sure ma’am, right away ma’am!” The nurse bowed, fidget under Ditzy’s baleful gaze before attending a nearby Combatpony.

Damn you, Trixie! Dozens of Combatponies and several monsters were out of commission thanks to that detestable mare. Thank goodness the Great Leader was unharmed. She swore in the future whenever Shocker invaded a universe, its native Trixie would be their first target regardless of her personality. The multiverse would be a better place without any Trixies.

A hiss of pain escaped her lips as she jumped from her bed. With Shocker’s ultimate victory so close, rest wasn’t an option. Combatponies fought battles in the streets and required leadership and backup. The royal guard had proved more capable than expected. In the histories, it depicted the guards as weak and lazy, easily defeated by Shocker’s overwhelming might. No matter, they would fall soon.

“Are we leaving, sir?” The stallion who turned into the fearsome mushroom monster, Kinokomorgu asked. While he didn’t have any legs in a sling, he walked with an obvious limp.

“Yes, only the critically wounded will stay behind,” Ditzy replied, “we’ve wasted too much time already.”

A curse escaped Ditzy’s lips as her communicator buzzed. She’d given strict instructions not to be bothered unless in an emergency.

“What is it? Over.”

“It’s horrible Inquisitor!” The mare on the other end’s voice contained a hint of fear and worry. “Back in our world, there’s a massive uprising! Over.”

“Smash them to pieces! Over.”

“Not that easy, um, Inquisitor. There are so many of them! Ow! Stupid raven, back off! Shoo! Everything is chaos here. Bring the Great Leader back; he’s the only one that can restore order! Over.”

“No, he’s fighting against Princess Luna, and…” Ditzy winced as a scream erupted from the radio.

“Combatpony, what’s happening?!”

“Sorry, darling, but she can’t make it to the radio. I hope you don’t mind if I take over for her.”

“Rarity.” Ditzy’s voice dripped with venom and hate.

“How are you, darling?” Rarity said. “I would just love to catch up. How have you been?”

“You rebels think you might have scored a few victories, but Shocker is unstoppable.”

“About that, my friends and I have not only retaken back Ponyville but Shockeroplis also.” Rarity replied. “The castle is such a dreary place. I think some curtains will fabulize it!”

“You won’t get away with this!” Ditzy snarled. “Shocker rules the world! Any victories you achieve will only be temporary!”

“Sorry, darling, but I really must go. I have a spa appointment in five minutes. Ta-ta!” The radio went dead moments later. A primal scream of rage escaped Ditzy’s lips. Nurses scattered away in fear when her communicator shattered against the ground.

“Gather everypony you can!” Ditzy snarled. “We’re going back home to quell Rarity’s pathetic rebellion!”

She looked at the five monsters assembled in this tiny doctor’s office. While banged up, they would subdue the insanity of their world. It pained her, but she must leave the Great Leader in order to quash the rebellion back home. Besides, it was her duty to maintain order. They needed solid and ruthless leadership to get the job done. Five monsters shouldn’t change the outcome of the invasion. Luna and Lux were a pitiful force compared to the unstoppable might of the Great Leader and Ambassador Hell.

She turned towards an attentive Combatpony. “Find a sky chariot. If you can’t find a pilot, make one. Get a new communicator. I need to get in contact with Doctor Shinigami and Colonel Zol.” If only Colonel Zol wasn’t out of the country in Pferdreich.

These wretched rebels thought they could split Shocker’s resources and weaken their invasion with this pitiful attempt at an uprising. They would soon learn the futility of such foalishness. And she knew just what experimental monster that Doctor Shinigami had cooked up would serve their needs perfectly.


“What the?” Ditzy said in confusion. “What’s going on? Why does the other Trixie have powers?”

“I thought her powers were Shocker’s doing?” Cheerilee scrunched her brow in thought.

“You know, I’ve never gotten a clear answer about that one.” This world’s Trixie added.

A smirk formed on Trixie’s lips, enjoying that she’d returned to her true self. Her body buzzed with power, amplified by being near her friends. True, they were from another world, another timeline, but somehow she felt they contained the same power of friendship that she did. Either that or she just wanted to reconnect with her friends again, regardless of what form. Unlike the Shocker versions, they were her real friends.

“It’s a long story, but I’m like you. A warrior of justice smashing evil with the power of friendship! Ursa Red!” Trixie said. She sighed when this earned her strange looks from the alternate version of her friends. Come on, that speech was golden!

“Sure, whatever. Kick these guy’s flanks so I can return home.” A strange glint formed in this world’s Trixie’s eyes. “To avoid confusion, I’m Trixie and you’re Lulamoon. This is my world, after all. I deserve to be called Trixie.”

“No.” Trixie put her hoof down on that nonsense. “Call me, Red.”

“No, you’re Lunamoon!” Trixie shot back. “This is my world, and I choose what to call you.”

Red turned away from the fuming Trixie, ignoring her protests and focusing on the task at hoof. Ambassador Hell didn’t look amused by this change in development, while the Great Leader watched on impassively, but Red recognized the change in fortune had rattled him.

“So, what?” Cadance growled, crawling out of the crater and shakily rising to her hooves. “This isn’t over Trixie. It never will be.” A hoof extended towards her belt, summoning her polearm.

“Cadance, I…” Twilight said, but the Shocker Rider interrupted her.

“I’ll get to you next, Twilight.” Cadance’s voice dripped with venom. “You have nopony to blame but yourself for turning your back on Shocker. Pity, you had such promise.”

“Shocker is evil, Cadance!” Twilight’s voice was sorrowful. “Can’t you see that? Why do you fight for them?”

“Because the universe needs Shocker. Princess Luna was weak. Her Night Court only brought chaos and pain. Good riddance.”

“Cadance, that’s can’t be your only reason!” Princess Luna’s voice cracked, swelling with unexpected emotion.

“My reasons are my own.” Cadance snorted. “You know, princess, I used to worship you once, but one day, I realized you weren’t worth worshiping.”

In a flash, Cupido disappeared and Luna screamed in pain as Candance’s polearm impacted her chest, sending her into a castle wall. “And I’m about to show you why.”

“Princess Luna!” Rage filled Red and summoned her sword, swinging it towards Cupido, and screamed in pain when Garagaranda blindsided the Ranger with his whiparm. Twilight flew to Trixie’s aid, but Cadance’s polearm blocked her path.

“You handle Trixie, commander,” Cadance said, “this battle with Lux is personal.

“Very well.” Ambassador Hell bowed his head in acquiescence, before turning his attention towards Red who jumped back onto her hooves. “Shall we settle this, Ranger?”

“Fine by me.” Red pointed towards Trixie and her friends. “Attend the Princess, and deal with them.” Combatponies swarmed in, attracted by the commotion the battle had created.

Trixie tensed with obvious fear, before nodding, dreading the upcoming battle. “We’ll deal with the small fry, I guess.”

“Leave Princess Luna to us, Red!” Ditzy said with cheer and gusto. One reason Trixie liked being around the mare. Her enthusiasm shined through even during the darkest hour.

“Don’t worry Princess, we’ve got you!” Cheerilee clobbered the nearest Combatpony making her way towards where the princess had fallen.

“Win this!” Shining looked on his last legs, but he gave Twilight a confident smile before joining the others.

“Please win,” Pokey said, “we’re counting on you. Dear Luna, how did it come to this?” Despite the insult, this brought a smile to Red’s lips. She missed this stallion.

“Go, team?” Starlight said weakly, not liking the odds, before stunning an incoming Combatpony with her magic.

Red stepped aside as Garagaranda’s whiparm flew towards her and ducked as it whipped back towards her. The combatants circled each other, vying for position, waiting for the other to make their first move. The sound of the two Riders fighting in the background caught Trixie’s attention. But she had absolute faith in Twilight’s abilities.

“It amazes me you’ve made it this far,” Garagaranda said. “A stranger from a foreign world, fighting forces she can’t begin to comprehend.”

“What can I say?” Red replied. “I’m really stupid. Quitting isn’t in my vocabulary.”

Red blinked and Garagaranda’s whiparm darted towards her face and she flipped back, narrowly avoiding the blow. This monster’s speed was incredible, but Red had learned much from her previous beating ready for some payback.

“Know this, Trixie.” Garagaranda pointed his tail-like appendage towards her. “You will never escape Shocker’s grasp, in this life, or the next. You will bow and serve Shocker.”

In a flash, the Ranger ran forward summoning three different versions of herself, each attacking with their sword from a different direction. Garagaranda’s eyes darted around, trying to find the real Trixie. He swung towards a Trixie attacking from behind, but his whiparm hit nothing but air. The Shocker commander screamed in pain and sparks flew as Red appeared from nowhere and attacked him from below. Two follow-up slashes followed before Red winced as his whiparm slashed her across the chest.

“Illusions and games, nothing more!” Garagaranda proclaimed, forcing Red to retreat towards the hedge maze. The Ranger watched the Great Leader out of the corner of her eye, worried he might try something. She didn’t know what terrible power he might possess.

Red dodged several more whip attacks and summoned more of herself to confuse her opponent. Her opponent grunted in annoyance but remained calm and resolute. He paused, seemingly realizing something, and Red was in midmovement before she realized what. She cried out in pain when her invisibility illusion scattered and a nearby statue exploded when she impacted its base.

“I see, your illusions are cunning, Trixie, but they aren’t perfect!” Garagaranda said.

Damn sunlight. In the heat of combat, her illusions by default were flawed and creating and hiding shadows were always tricky. Ponies underestimated the difficulty of creating a believable shadow on an illusion, especially a moving one. No matter, illusions were only a small part of her unfathomable talent. Trixie didn’t create an illusion this time as she charged towards her opponent.


Sparks flew as Twilights sword impacted Cupido’s armor, but Cadance only grunted in annoyance and counterattacked with a slice across Lux’s chest for her trouble. Twilight teleported behind Cadance as her polearm dove towards her head and slashed the evil Rider from behind, but again this more annoyed Cadance than injured her. Another teleport took Lux out of range before Cupido retaliated.

My sword isn’t strong enough. Twilight soon realized why. While her sword contained an enormous amount of photon energy, it bled most of it, making it weaker and less effective. Unless she discovered a more effective way to harness her photon energy, her sword was almost useless against a powerful enemy like Cupido. She watched in envy as Trixie used her sword, which blazed with fire, to score some serious hits against Ambassador Hell. When this was all over, she needed to create a weapon capable of effectively controlling her powers. With a flick of her hoof, she dispelled her sword.

“Done with playing with toys, are we, Lux?” Cadance tone contained a smirk.

Instead of replying, Lux entered a fighting stance. Her hooves and photon energy created a dangerous combination. As Cadance entered striking range, Twilight teleported around, making it difficult for Cupido to use her weapon. With lightning speed, Cadance stuck towards her head, but Twilight teleported on top of the weapon, running across its length. Cupido recoiled in pain when a flying kick landed in her face. Cadance drew her weapon back to strike, but Twilight had already teleported away. Twilight’s teleporting made it difficult for Cupido to land a single blow, while Lux continued her hit-and-run tactics.

Cadance’s weapon clattered to the ground as she tossed it aside. “It seems both our weapons of choice aren’t very effective. I never realized you were such a skilled teleporter, Twilight.”

Twilight responded with a shrug. “I learned it because it was a difficult spell. I spent months practicing it until I perfected it.”

“You never could resist a challenge, Twilight.” Cadance chuckled, before entering a fighting stance of her own. “Let’s see if you were as rigorous with your martial arts.”

Pain erupted in Twilight’s chest as Cadance seemingly disappeared and impacted a devastating blow into her chest.

Fast! Twilight didn’t waste time and blocked the next blow, but soon found herself outpaced. Somehow Cadance predicted her moves, and even teleporting didn’t help. The Evil Rider picked apart her fighting style and delivered punishing blow after punishing blow, not helped by Twilight’s previous injuries. Twilight couldn’t match Cupido’s skill or experience. She cried out in pain as Cupido kicked the ground from under her and smacked hard against the ground. A kick from Cadance sent her flying, but Twilight teleported back onto the ground, panting from her exertions.

“But I’m faster!” Twilight appeared behind Cadance, only to teleport under her opponent moments later. Cupido’s response was too slow and grunted in pain when she received a hoof strike to the chest.

Twilight didn’t let up her teleporting tricks flickering around her opponent faster and faster, moving at the speed of thought. It used a terrible amount of energy, but Twilight didn’t care, striking her opponent at blinding speed. Cupido tried to retaliate, but she might as well be a statue to Lux. Her energy drained away after every teleport, pushing her beyond what a unicorn should be capable of, but Twilight didn’t care. Her horn crackled with energy, threatening to break at any moment. She had to make this last attack count for everything.

“It’s over! Photonic Burning Rider Kick!” Twilight appeared above the dazed Cupido and her hoof erupted in photon energy as she dove towards her opponent.


Twilight cried out in pain as Garagaranda’s whip struck her out of the air and she instinctively teleported back on her hooves. Her horn burned in horrible agony, making her see red, and she toppled towards the ground.

“Twilight! Searing Blade!” Red responded with a surprise attack of her own, her sword ablaze with flame, throwing Ambassador Hell off his hooves. Cupido flew to catch him and placed him back onto the ground. While the two remained occupied, Red ran to her ally’s side.

“Idiot. What were you thinking?” Red chided, and Twilight had trouble seeing her past the pain.

“Sorry, I failed. I pushed myself too hard.” Twilight swayed, threatening to fall unconscious.

“No, it’s fine.” Red shook her head. “You’re new to this. Still, you softened Cadance up for a KO!”

This earned a slight smile, despite the horrible never-ending throbbing coming from her horn. The Red Ranger was right. She’d been a foal, too eager to win her first big fight. What an idiot she’d been, and this probably cost them victory.

“What now, Trixie?” Cadance asked. “Your pet Rider can’t fight anymore. Your princess can’t save you. Yeah, I would say you’re pretty screwed.”

“I’ve been through worse!” Red replied, but Twilight could detect the worry in her voice. “Can you perform one more teleport?” she whispered.

“Uh.” The mere thought of performing another teleport made Twilight hiss in pain. Her vision was returning, but her magical capabilities were almost nil. “Maybe.”

“That’s all I can ask,” Red replied, “ready?”

The pain coming from her horn said no, but the Rider only nodded. Do or die, they’d win this. She eeped in surprise when Trixie suddenly grabbed her tossing her towards Cadance at high velocity. After recovering her senses, she prepared her final Rider Kick. While caught off guard, Cupido threw herself out of the throw’s path. With a blink, Twilight reappeared above Candace, using the insane momentum from Red’s throw boosted by gravity to propel her forward. Twilight screamed in agony as her horn burned out and cracked from overchanneling too much energy. But she would perform this final Rider Kick.

“Photonic Burning Rider Kick!” Twilight’s Kick blazed with energy and Cupido didn’t have a hope of dodging it in time. Garagaranda realized their plan and whipped his whiparm again to disrupt the kick. Red, however, predicted this and threw her sword into his chest, throwing him back. The Ranger’s sword embedded itself deep into the ground.

Twilight’s Rider Kick slammed into the unsuspecting Cadance’s chest and Lux flew past her, landing on her hooves. An explosion erupted behind Twilight as the Shocker Rider burst into flames.

“No.” Cadance untransformed and fell to the ground. “Great Leader, I’m sorry…” She said weakly before losing consciousness.

“Cupido! Damn you, Trixie!” Garagaranda howled.

Red wasted no time, running forward and grabbing her fallen weapon. Despite his boundless strength, Trixie’s last attacked had drained him and his next swing was clumsy and slow. It took no effort to dodge his next swing.

“Searing Blade!” Red swung her blade in an arc striking Garagaranda in the chest sending him flying and the Ranger turned her back to him.

Ambassador Hell returned to his pony form, gasping for breath. “Damn you, Trixie! Damn you! I will return. Not even the depths of Hell will protect you from my wrath! Trixie!” He exploded in a fireball moments later.

Twilight felt her body lose its strength, and she collapsed. Red caught her as she untransformed.

Twilight gave out a weak laugh. “We did it. We beat them.”

“We sure did,” Trixie replied. Despite her helmet covering her face, Twilight could detect the grimace when the Ranger spotted the deep crack forming along with her horn.

“Unbelievable.” The Great Leader said. “Two of the Shocker’s best ponies failed.”

“Looks like you must get off your lazy butt and fight us yourself,” Trixie replied.

“Foal!” The Great Leader’s eyes glinted a silvery color and struck Trixie and Twilight with a wave of unbelievable power. Pain erupted in her body as she stuck a nearby broken statue. Trixie grunted in pain, struggling to regain her hoofing.

“This foolish act of rebellion ends now. You now face the true power of Shocker, Rider, Ranger. Face it and tremble under its might.”