• Published 22nd Jun 2020
  • 553 Views, 25 Comments

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis! - Rixizu

Because of a teleportation accident, Trixie finds herself trapped in another world controlled by an evil organization called Shocker.

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Chapter 12

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
Chapter 12
by Rixizu

Pokey jumped as the door slammed so hard a picture fell off the wall, which cracked after colliding with a nearby table. He blinked when he discovered nopony there. In a moment, the reason became clear as Trixie regained visibility. He opened his mouth to chide the mare for breaking something after he worked so hard cleaning everything after Rainbow’s accident but froze when he saw genuine fear on his employer’s face.

“What’s the matter?” Pokey said nervously, not liking the frantic energy Trixie was displaying.

“Pokey, gather everything you can for a trip, we’re leaving for Canterlot on hoof!” Trixie peeked out the curtain, worried something might have followed her. Pokey noticed that Trixie was missing her trademark hat.'

“On hoof?!” Pokey said, mortified. “That’ll take days! Why not use a perfectly nice train station?” Had Cheerilee been teasing the mare about her lack of exercise, again? He understood wanting to get an intense workout, but this was ridiculous!

“Don’t argue.” Trixie snapped. “I don’t have time to explain. The train isn’t an option and I can’t send a message from here. We need to warn the Princess and get the Elements! The world’s in serious danger!”

Questions burned on Pokey’s tongue, but he would ask them later. Whatever was happening looked dire. Had Corona begun her reign of terror at last?

Before he reached the kitchen, a metal tube burst through the wall and a metal monstrosity followed along with it. It crushed the front door under its treads, rolling into the living room. It turned its head, swinging right towards Trixie.

“Thought you could escape that easily, Trixie?” A voice said from the metal monster. “I’ll hunt you down to the ends of eternity!”

Pokey’s eyes widened. He recognized that voice. “Raindrops?!”

“That isn’t Raindrops!” Trixie’s mouth formed a hard line. “She’s an evil copy from another world!”

“Damn right I am!” Raindrops gave an unpleasant laugh. “I’m the better version of that pathetic mare in the park. The Combatponies beat her to death within seconds!”

No, Raindrops! Pokey didn’t know Raindrops very well, but she deserved better.

“You’ll pay for that!” Trixie snarled. Pokey had never seen his employer so furious in his life.

The door of the metal monster opened revealing a Raindrops dressed in a black uniform followed by ponies in black skeleton costumes. In a moment, Pokey realized what Trixie meant. The real Raindrops, while grim-faced, always carried warmth in her eyes. This Raindrops was cruel, the type who enjoyed hurting ponies for fun.

“I thought about blowing you to bits with the tank’s cannon, but considering how much your counterpart humiliated me, I’ve decided I’ll break every bone in your body first. I can’t let you die too quickly!”

Another Trixie? Before Pokey registered this new information, Raindrops pulled a nasty-looking club while her fellows drew swords, knives, and staves.

Raindrops gestured to some device on her wrist. “Best part, with this little gadget, I can pierce your illusions. That’s how I found you. I bet you’re useless without your little tricks. You can’t transform into a Ranger like the other one. You’re helpless!”

Neither Pokey nor Trixie knew what the mare meant, but things looked super bleak. These guys outnumbered them ten to one! Despite this, Trixie wore a determined expression, refusing to surrender, and pulled something from her trademark cape.

Trixie laughed. “Yeah, right! The Great and Powerful Trixie is never out of tricks!” Raindrops and her goons coughed as the room filled with blinding smoke from the pellets Trixie had thrown to the ground. Pokey coughed and his eyes burned, blinding him with tears. Something grabbed him by the hoof and he didn’t protest, letting them guide him to safety.

“Thanks for telling me about the illusion piercing device, genius!” Trixie taunted as they exited Trixie’s backdoor. “Now I’ll know not to use my illusions!”

Raindrops screamed in impotent rage. “Damn you, Trixie! You aren’t getting away!”

“Watch me!”

They were out of breath as they reached the alley behind the bowling alley. It seemed they’d evaded their pursuers. The sound of screaming and fighting echoed throughout Ponyville.

“What the hay is happening, Trixie?!” Pokey asked.

“Some evil organization from an alternate universe called Shocker is invading our world.” Trixie pulled Pokey further into the alley as a group of skeletons passed them.

“You mean like the time that alternate Twilight and Trixie came to our world?” Pokey recalled the incident that almost resulted in the world’s destruction caused by an evil fake alicorn thing called Antithesis.

“Right! These Shocker guys seem to hate my guts. Whatever their Trixie did really ticked them off.” Trixie smirked. “A mare after my own heart.”

“Are we still walking to Canterlot?” Pokey asked, dreading the answer.

“Maybe.” Trixie paused in thought. “We need to get to Canterlot somehow. I doubt we could take the train. And the telegraph is out. Shocker has secured them already.”

“Wonderful.” Pokey slumped against the alleyway. He was a lover, not a fighter or a hero! But what choice did he have? Equestria needed him, but he feared they wouldn’t make the journey. Even that brief run had worn him out.

Trixie scowled. “I hope the others are okay. I didn’t see what happened to them. At least Ditzy ran off, taking Dinky to safety.”

A terrible idea flashed in his head. “Trixie, if the real Raindrops is dead, doesn’t that mean the Elements are unusable?”

“I only saw Raindrops get jumped by the Nightmare Night rejects. She’s a tough pony; they couldn’t have killed her easily. I hope. Let’s worry about getting the Elements and warn Princess Luna first. It’s a good start.”

“Okay,” Pokey said resigned, “if only we could use the train. It would be faster!”

A sly look formed on Trixie’s face. “Maybe we can. These tank monstrosities are powerful, but not very quick. The train is much quicker. I bet the creepy red robbed guy is using it to get there.”

“We’re doing something really reckless and dangerous, aren’t we?” Sometimes Pokey cursed the day he first entered Trixie’s house and accepted his new job.


“This way everypony!” Shocker Cheerilee said guiding the Combatponies to their designated spots not unlike how the real Cheerilee herded her classroom foals. “We leave for Canterlot in ten minutes. I don’t want anypony getting left behind. Hey you!”

Trixie stood to attention, sweat gathering on her brow, forcing a smile. They’d taken some Combatpony costumes to hitch a ride to Canterlot to warn Princess Luna and save the day. Getting noticed was the worst thing possible outcome. If they got discovered, the Combatponies would pound them into pulp.

“Yes, mam,” Trixie said.

“I don’t recognize you.” Cheerilee tilted her head. “Are you new? What’s your designation?”

“0001,” Trixie replied, then cursed automatically. Why had she said that? No way would anypony buy that. Pokey facehoofed.

Cheerilee, instead of siccing the Combatponies on them, only smiled and nodded. “I can see why you don’t understand the protocol. Don’t worry, you’ll learn it soon enough. Today’s a big day. No wonder you’re so nervous! Stand over here, please” She guided Trixie next to another Combatpony in the line with Pokey soon joining her, standing at rigid attention.

Is my Cheerilee this gullible? Trixie wondered.

Cheerilee mothered the other Combatponies and the train soon got moving. Nopony except Cheerilee spoke, talking with somepony in a black beret. Trixie eavesdropped learning much about Shocker and their operations. They were on high alert for somepony called Lux. Lux hadn’t made an appearance yet, making Shocker nervous, which was good news. This meant she had a potential ally! A Combatpony yawned, breaking the order Cheerilee had constructed which earned them some dirty looks.

“Sorry, I didn’t sleep much last night.” The Combatpony said. Trixie recognized that voice, but couldn’t place it. Probably just another evil version of some Ponyvilleian.

Cheerilee waved a dismissive hoof. “It’s quite alright. Me too! Too excited about the invasion, right?”

“I don’t believe this.” Another voice Trixie recognized, a cloaked mare walked into the room, and it was Ditzy of all ponies! Unlike the Ditzy Trixie knew and loved; this Ditzy wore an icy expression. She had a fake mechanical eye replacing her right eye. The nonwobbly eyes appeared somehow creepy and alien on her friend’s face. Much to Trixie’s amazement, Flim and Flam joined her, the two con-artist lackeys of Duke Greengrass that attacked Carrot Top once.

Not you too, Ditzy. It broke Trixie’s heart seeing her friend like this, evil universe or not.

“How hard is it to catch one powerless Trixie?” Ditzy fumed. “In every universe that mare causes us problems!”

“Captain Cadance is searching for her now,” Flim said, trying to reassure the mare. From his expression, it was obvious he feared Ditzy. Everypony in the room had tensed in her presence.

“Yeah, she isn’t important, Inquisitor,” Flam added, “it’s Lux we have to worry about. I’m worried she’ll ignore the bait and attack Shocker in our world instead.”

“She didn’t!” Ditzy snapped. From the black circles under her eyes, she hadn’t received much sleep either. “Lux is here, I can smell it. Comb the entire train again. I can’t have the Great Leader threatened!”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this handled,” Cheerilee said cheerfully, “nopony will get past my watch!” She withered under Ditzy glare.

“You better,” Ditzy growled, “I won’t have a repeat the Ore Journal debacle!”

Everypony in the room sighed in relief when Ditzy left the room, leaving Flim and Flam to investigate. Trixie tensed as Flam walked towards her and panicked, wondering how she messed up her disguise.

“Haven’t seen you around here,” Flam asked, “what’s your name?”


“New?” Flam asked. “I don’t mind showing you around. I’m a warden at Shockeropolis Maximum Security Prison. Yeah, I’m a bit of a big shot in Shocker. I’d be there now, but this invasion is a huge operation and I’m one of the strongest monsters in Shocker. I once fought Trixie to a standstill in her failed prison break attempt. She’s a tough cookie, but nopony I can’t handle.”

Flim rolled his eyes. “You’re flirting with mares now?”

“Have you seen this mare’s flank?” Flam whispered back. “She’s a dynamite babe!”

Sweet Luna, I can’t believe this is happening. After fighting back her horror and disgust, Trixie realized she had the perfect opportunity to gather intel.

“You fought Trixie?” Trixie said wide-eyed. “Somepony as dead sexy, great, and amazing as her? Do tell.”

Flam waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively and Trixie resisted the urge to vomit in her mouth, forcing a smile. “How about we go somewhere private and I’ll tell you everything?”

“Sound likes a plan!” She followed Flam out of the car.

“What are you doing?!” Pokey whispered.

“Stay here, I’ll be back,” Trixie whispered back, “stay out of trouble.” Her assistant looked miserable as they left.

“I heard Trixie has super dangerous powers. How frightening!”

“You heard right. Nopony really knows why.” Flam replied. “Dr. Shinigami says her Ranger powers are connected directly to her soul.”

What, like the Elements of Harmony? More than ever, Trixie felt certain she’d been correct in pursuing the Elements. The problem was rounding up her friends in this chaos.

“What exactly is a Ranger?”

“No clue.” It pained Flam to admit this. “It’s something she called herself. The Red Ursa Ranger.”

“Ursa!” Trixie exclaimed. Why was it Ursas kept getting involved with her life? She’d met an Ursa the last time somepony from another universe came into her world. And this Trixie was an Ursa based superhero?

“Enough about her.” Flam waved a dismissive hoof. “We’ve captured her and she’s locked up in the back car. She’ll be our secret weapon against Lux.”

Oh, ponyfeathers! Trixie cursed in several languages. That was the worst news she’d ever heard. How could her counterpart be so incompetent that she got captured?!

Flam eyed a nearby door and waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively again. “Ah, an unoccupied room. We have a half an hour until we reach Canterlot.”

“Perfect, but first, where’s the bathroom? I need to powder my nose!” Trixie replied, using the tried-and-true excuse to escape these situations.

Flam pointed towards a door marked Mare’s Room, the next car over. “I’ll be waiting.” He gave her a seductive look.

“Be right back.” As usual, the stallion bought it hook, line, and sinker.

She dove into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She needed to rescue the other Trixie. With her bizarre powers, Equestria might stand a chance! Trixie checked around the bathroom for an escape route. Flam was watching the bathroom, so turning invisible wouldn’t work. Besides, she worried Shocker might have more illusion piercers. The only other exit route was a small window above the toilet. A pony might fit through it with some effort. For a seasoned escape artist, it would be foal’s play.

“Great, sneaking out a window on a moving train.” Trixie sighed, hating her life. “What could possibly go wrong?! This sounds like an excellent idea!”

After sighing once more, Trixie climbed up the window, pushing herself through the tiny window. It proved smaller than she’d expected and grabbing onto the train’s roof proved perilous.

“I need to go on a diet!” Trixie grunted trying to push her bulk through, being very careful to avoid looking down towards the speeding tracks that meant instant death if she fell. Princess Luna owed her a raise for this! After more grunting and pushing, she finally got herself out the window and screamed in terror after almost losing her hoofing. Thankfully, she regained her grip and pulled herself to the roof.

“I’m never doing that again!” She spent several moments calming her beating, terrified heart. After regaining her composure, she crawled towards the train’s final car.

Not long until we reach Canterlot. Trixie guessed from their distance they had thirty minutes at most and crawled faster.

Strangely, she found nopony guarding the last car and Trixie thanked her lucky stars. This would make poking around easier. She jumped down and entered the car.

What is this junk? Super-advanced equipment sat around everywhere, made for some unknown purpose. If Equestria survived this invasion, the Ministry of Science would have a field day with this stuff. She found a clear tube full of some strange liquid and floating inside it was Trixie! Wires and tubes connected to her body and a breathing mask covered her face. Even though she’d expected to see an alternate version of herself, its bizarreness took her breath away. While taken aback at seeing another Trixie, something caught her eye. On the floor was an unconscious Combatpony. Alarm bells rang and something attacked her from behind, but before the blow could land Trixie dodged to safety. While she wasn’t fit and combat-capable like her friend Raindrops, she was an expert at running away. Trixie backed into a corner as the Combatpony glared at her.

“Lucky son of a gun.” The Combatpony said, and Trixie recognized it as the one who’d yawned earlier. “Don’t worry; I won’t hurt you. You’re only taking a small nap for a while.”

Again, the voice sounded familiar somehow, and then it clicked in place. “Twilight?”

The Combatpony gasped and pulled off her mask, revealing Twilight as Trixie had guessed. Though she wore a more fashionable manecut than last time, she’d seen the mare.

“Who are you?” Twilight asked, peering at her opponent.

“It’s me, obviously.” Trixie rolled her eyes.

“Trixie!” Twilight unexpectedly pulled Trixie into a crushing hug. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

“Yes, hi,” Trixie said awkwardly, trying to disengage the hug.

“Okay, you’re not my Trixie, but any Trixie is welcome right now.”

Trixie blinked. “What?”

“I’m the Twilight from Shocker’s world,” Twilight replied, “I’m here to stop them.”

“That’s good to hear.” Like the Twilight who became the Element of Magic, this pony was just as brave and heroic. It made her wonder why her Twilight wasn’t that way. Was there something defective about her? Even after losing the criminal charges and redeeming herself, her Twilight was content staying a nerd and librarian. It was probably Viceroy Night Light’s fault.

Twilight turned her attention to the other Trixie fiddling with the keyboard built into the tube containing her. It lit up to the touch and text scrolled on a screen above it. It was a lucky break Twilight was here. Trixie wouldn’t know how to make heads or tails of this nonsense, forced to break open the tube or something.

“Can you get her out?”

“I believe so, one moment” Twilight tapped more on the keyboard. The tube lit up and the liquid drained from it. The other Trixie hung like a deranged marionette.

“There you are!” Flam said walking into the car. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” He froze when he spotted the unconscious Combatpony and Twilight’s face. “You!” Rage filled his face as he spotted Trixie realizing how she’d duped him.

Trixie facehoofed. “Come on.”

“Don’t worry, I got this.” Twilight pulled out a strange gold belt, grinning ear to ear.

Panic filled Flam’s face. “Trixie, if you can hear me, activate now!” Eerily, the Trixie in the tube opened her eyes staring with empty eyes towards them.

A triumphant expression filled Flam’s face. “Trixie, kill these two! Destroy them with extreme prejudice!”

Trixie jumped back terrified as the other Trixie shattered the tube with a single punch and glass cracked under hoof as she exited it. The tubes and wires still hung from her body, dragging behind her. She pulled out a belt. It was black and covered in glittering stars with Shocker’s logo embedded on its front and attached it to her waist.

“It’s morphing time, Black Ursa,” Trixie said in a dull tone. The belt sparked red energy and armor formed around the mare’s body. It was black covered in stars with the constellation of Ursa Major glowing in bright golden stars on her chest. Her helmet had piercing red eyes and a silver guard protecting the mouth.

Possessed Trixie pushed a button on her belt and a sword made from darkness appeared in her hooves.

“Oblivion Blade.” Fire formed around the possessed Trixie’s sword and a wave of intense flames shot out towards Trixie and Twilight.

“No you foal, not like that!” Flam cried out in fear.

Twilight and Trixie jumped out of the way in time, but the flames struck the car behind them and before they knew it, the entire train derailed, flying off its tracks towards the busy Canterlot train station.