• Published 22nd Jun 2020
  • 552 Views, 25 Comments

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis! - Rixizu

Because of a teleportation accident, Trixie finds herself trapped in another world controlled by an evil organization called Shocker.

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Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
by Rixizu

There, there.” Cheerilee patted 5420’s back, who cried into the Truth Assessor’s shoulder. Getting trapped into another timeline had crushed the poor Combatpony’s heart, knowing she’d never see her husband and two children again. They were hiding in an old theater, after it received damage during the invasion. The evil monstrous Princess Luna had closed the bridge between the two timelines forever. In her heart of hearts, Cheerilee knew she and the rest of her Shocker comrades would never see their beloved Equestria again. The Great Leader’s death had completely demoralized the Shocker remnant.

Even the usually proud and boastful Flim and Flam were slunk in their seats, depressed. Each wore an eyepatch on the opposite eye after the accursed Trixie had wounded them in their fight. Of the forces brought to this timeline, only Flim, Flam, Molung, and a dozen Combatponies remained uncaptured. Shocker was a shadow of its former self.

Come on, Cheer! Do something! The Great Leader’s death left Truth Assessor Cheerilee as the highest-ranking officer.

Cheerilee hung her head, fighting back tears. What could she do? She wasn’t even that good at her old job! How could she lead these ponies?

But you must! Cheerilee took in a deep breath, calming and centering herself. It doesn’t matter if you were terrible at your job. Shocker was counting on her. These ponies were counting on her! These ponies were her friends and family! A surge of determination filling her.

The others watched with curiosity as Cheerilee headed towards a closet containing costumes and props. She dug through it, searching for anything interesting. She cried in triumph when she spotted something. It was a mask. The bottom half was white, while red and gold interlaced in an intricate pattern resembling a sun over her eyes. The foals of this timeline still feared the sun like children, which suited Shocker’s purpose perfectly. They would understand true terror soon enough.

The old Cheerilee had died once she placed the mask over her face, reborn like a phoenix into something new, greater. The others realized the

implications of this action and stood to attention, giving the Shocker salute. Tears welled in everypony’s eyes.

“I am the new Great Leader.” Great Leader Cher said. “It may be many years until we are powerful enough to challenge Princess Luna and the hated Trixie, but we are patient. They will forget about us. They will become complacent. Then we strike! We are Sol Shocker, the future rulers of the world!”

The others cheered and straightened, saluting even stronger. She’d ignited the hope in their hearts. A smile stretched across her face. The battle had only begun.


Trixie awoke to the sound of cheering and winced when pulsing lights in a multitude of colors flashed into her eyes.

“Alright everypony, let’s party!” Loud, deafening dubtrot boomed from above.

“Can’t a pony sleep?!” Trixie shouted and adjusted her bulk better towards the sewer entrance. They ignored her, and the music and flashing lights seemingly increased their intensity.

After surrendering the prospect of sleep, Trixie curiosity burned wondering what was the cause for celebration. Shocker never allowed such disruptive public displays before. Why release these restrictions now? She crept closer to the sewer entrance, hoping to catch some snippets of conversation.


“Death to Shocker!”

“You suck Shocker! You don’t rule us anymore!”

Trixie’s mind whirled from the implications. Ponies were openly revolting against Shocker? Impossible! Ponies had always hated their tyrannical reign, but such a declaration of independence seemed impossible. What changed?

Trixie noticed the small leaflets raining in from the sewer drain and Trixie slunk towards them to investigate. While she might not have limbs anymore, Trixie prided herself that she got around without them.

What? Impossible! Trixie’s mind whirled when she read the title, “Trixie Lulamoon, hero and Shocker’s ultimate enemy.” After recovering from her shock, she read through the leaflet.

“Excuse me?” The leaflet denounced Shocker and praised Trixie, who apparently successfully raided a Shocker data compound, making them look like foals.

“Am I dreaming?” She’d always dreamed of becoming a hero, fighting against Shocker’s evil. Had she done these heroic deeds in her sleep somehow?

She hadn’t always been an amorphous blob. Once she’d been a promising student in the Shocker youth program with high hopes of becoming a high-ranking Shocker officer. But she’d foolishly accepted an application for a secret experiment. She desired power and this experiment seemingly would provide it to her. Soon, she’d be on the fast track to promotion and prosperity. How wrong she’d been. She still remembered the agony as the magic tore her body to pieces, leaving her nothing but a puddle of goop.

But Shocker made one mistake. They assumed she’d died in the experiment. Trixie swore revenge, making them pay for what they’d done to her. Now another Trixie had stolen her glory and revenge? Unacceptable! Hatred filled her amorphous heart, refusing to stand for this outrage.

While the experiment failed, it gave her unimaginable untapped power. She only needed to master that power! The experiment had shattered her mind, but she persevered, regaining more of herself every day. It was only a matter of time until she learned how to solidify her body. She’d master her power and get her revenge! Only her endless hatred of Shocker had kept her sane.

And I wouldn’t allow this other Trixie to take everything I’ve ever dreamed of! Trixie extended a portion of herself which solidified into a hoof. She’d mastered this several months ago, but it wasn’t enough. She needed to go further!

She concentrated on that single hoof. More parts of her body solidified around it, becoming more pony-like. She focused on Shocker and the wretched scientist who’d ruined her life, using that hatred to push her forward. Nothing would stop her from getting her revenge. She would be the hero!

A head formed revealing an azure unicorn with a pale blue mane and her lips twisted into a smile. She was doing it! A curse escaped her lips when her body collapsed back into a blob. She’d almost had it. Refusing to give up, she continued her efforts while the party above her raged on.

Hours, days, and weeks passed, and Trixie refused to surrender. Over the weeks, she’d learned much. Apparently, an imposter Trixie had defeated the Great Leader and Shocker was in shambles. Refusing to surrender, Shocker was regrouping and fighting back against a revolutionary leader called Lux. Good, this meant Shocker still existed for her to smash. She’d find this imposter Trixie and kick her flank.

Trixie gritted her teeth, pushing herself further than she’d ever attempted before. Wings formed on her back and her back legs solidified. After a cry of rage, her body collapsed into a cold pool of water beneath her and she panted, completely exhausted.

Her eyes widened examining herself in amazement and tears flowed freely. Trixie was a pony again! A real pony! It took some effort, but she rose to hooves and experimented with the simple act of walking. It wasn’t as difficult as expected and she adapted to her new limbs quickly.

Trixie laughed and laughed, prancing around the sewer, enjoying the simple joys she never knew she missed. The wings were new, but she’d master them too, in time. She stood straight and proud, ready to take on the world.

“Watch out Shocker, fake Trixie, I’m coming for you!”

Comments ( 15 )

This crossover does not compute. In that, if you're going to do a shameless knockoff of OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders, shouldn't it be Super Sentai instead of Power Rangers?

I might have missed something since I don't read the Lunaverse. Just thought I'd ask.


I may have borrowed a few plot elements from that movie, but this is its own beast. It's very different from Let's Go Kamen Riders. As for why its a crossover with Power Rangers and not Sentai? I have been writing Galaxy Ranger stories for almost four years now and I thought it would be fun to do a crossover with Kamen Rider. Literally no other reason, I just thought it would be cool.

Besides, Kamen Rider did have an Americanized show called Dragon Knight so this crossover isn't that strange. DK did heavily imply that there were more Kamen Rider universes out there. So maybe think of it more of a crossover with Dragon Knight instead? Actually, part of me wanted to have Cadance and Twilight say Kamen Rider instead of Henshin. But the KR purist of me won't allow it.

Anyway, what do you think of the story? One of the things that disappointed me about Let's Go Kamen Riders, is that it barely touched upon what the Shocker controlled world was like. This story does a lot of world-building about Shocker controlled Equestria and its one of my favorite parts of the story.

I know about Dragon Knight, and the source material, Kamen Rider Ryuki, so I know it's not totally out there.

As for the story, I wouldn't know. I don't touch anything associated with the Lunaverse, for I have literally nothing good to say about it.

I probably wouldn't even have commented here except the description caught my eye. But that was it.


Don't dismiss it so quickly. Trixie as a Power Ranger is a fun premise. She definitely isn't your typical Red Ranger. Celestia is Lord Zedd and a deliciously evil villain. Give it a shot. You might discover its more enjoyable than you expected.

Why Flim and Flam are Earth Ponies?


Oh, you're right. Dang it. How'd I miss that? Thanks.

I hope there will be a sequel. I'm intrigued how this Alicorn Trixie will impact the story.

This was great! I had to read some of the Galaxy Rangers fics to really get why this Trixie was so different from canon, or even the standard Lunaverse, but I'm so glad I did! This was such a good read!


Thanks of the comments! I imagine Trixie overcompensates for her fear and insecurities by doubling down on her arrogance. That, and it really annoys her enemies. Att the beginning of the story, she was only a minor nuisance to Shocker. By the end, they've decreed a Trixie genocide on all Trixies in existence. That's going to be a plot point in a future story.

Makes sense... I can't wait to see the resurgence of Sol Shocker as Kamen Rider Lux's main enemy, or possibly Other!Trixie's enemy. Maybe she'll be Lux's Secondary Rider!

I love that a Ranger is around Rider level on their own, but get way stronger with their team beside them. For too long have I seen them as being a single Rider's power level, spread out amongst 5 people.


And your questions will be answered! The Sequel, Sins of the Parent is finished!

Thus has made me want to watch kamen rider, any recommendations on where to start?


My recommendation would be W, OOO, Fourze, and Build. I started with Fourze myself and I've been a big fan since.

This story used the original Kamen Rider series from the 70s as its basis because I love SHOCKER from the original series and thought it'd be fun to create a world where it took over the world. I definitely recommend the original Kamen Rider too, but be warned it's very cheesy and outdated. It might not be your cup of tea.

thanks for the recommendations, and cheesy and outdated sound perfect to me


Cool. You can watch it on Shout Factory TV for free on their website.

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