• Published 22nd Jun 2020
  • 553 Views, 25 Comments

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis! - Rixizu

Because of a teleportation accident, Trixie finds herself trapped in another world controlled by an evil organization called Shocker.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
Chapter 7
by Rixizu

“I’m telling ya, it’s ain’t right!” The apple farmer, Applejack said. Twilight captured every word she spoke on her notepad. “I’m here trying to make ends meet like any decent pony and gosh darn Shocker ain’t doing a lick to help! Sure they got their fancy-dancy cyborgs, but cyborgs still need to eat!”

“I see, and Shocker is slow to provide financial assistance?” Hot Scoops asked.

“Sure, we get a loan once in a blue moon, but they’re never in any hurry to dispense it.” Applejack replied. “We ain’t top priority!”

The apple farmer spent several more minutes venting her frustrations before finishing up the interview. She gave many scathing remarks about Director Carrot Top, the head of Shocker’s Department of Agriculture, calling her an incompetent nincompoop. Twilight carefully edited those parts, turning them into gentle criticisms instead.

“Thank you for your time, Applejack,” Twilight said.

“Ah shucks, any time sugarcube.” Applejack replied. “Sure you ain’t interested in staying for supper. We might be struggling, but I ain’t about to turn away a guest!”

“We’d love to!” Hot Scoops beamed. Twilight’s stomach growled and she nodded. It had been a while since she’d had anything better than ramen noodles. Being an intern was hard, not providing much to pay the bills. She hoped Ore Journal would hire her on full time by the end of the year.

Something caught her eye and she turned to find Trixie waving at her. Fright filled Twilight’s heart, hoping nopony was around to see the world’s most wanted fugitive. She excused herself for a moment and rushed over.

“Hey, Twi. Big news!” Trixie said, beaming.

“What are you doing out in public?” Twilight scolded. “What if somepony sees you?”

Much to Twilight’s irritation, the scolding didn’t chastise the Ranger even a little. If Trixie was Princess Luna’s student back in her world, Twilight wondered how Luna kept her sanity.

“What is it?” Twilight sighed, deciding to change the subject.

“I found your mom!” Trixie replied. A jolt like lightning hit Twilight, gasping she raised a hoof to her face, it was shaking and she couldn’t stop it.

“Where?” She demanded.

“Shockeropolis Maximum Security Prison. It’s like super secure and full of bad guys, but hey, we can figure something out. ”

Shockeropolis Maximum Security Prison? Dear Shocker, Shocker wasn’t making this easy on them. She’d visited there once for a school trip. It boasted security and technology beyond anything she’d seen since or now. It had scanners that analyzed a pony’s DNA. It was far beyond what they faced in the Data Center. Still, despite everything, Twilight would free her mother.

Twilight ran back to Applejack to excuse herself, unfortunately, Applejack wouldn’t have any of it, forcing Twilight to have dinner with her family. It was a good meal and Applejack had a nice family. She chided herself for trying to avoid the meal. Twilight Velvet wasn’t going anywhere and rushing in blind without a plan helped nopony. She enjoyed the apple farmer’s company more than she expected and was sorry to leave her.

She waved goodbye to Hot Scoops, promising to send him a transcript of their interview via e-mail tonight. She found Trixie waiting for her back at her apartment, thankfully not getting into any more trouble. Twilight had worried Trixie would get into mischief left alone. The Ranger was awkwardly tapping at Twilight’s computer, pressing each key with a careful hoof acting as if the computer would explode if she hit the wrong key. Fluttershy stood behind her, giving advice.

“This internet is interesting,” Trixie said as Twilight entered, “but I can’t find much about Shockeropolis Maximum Security Prison.”

“Not surprising,” Twilight replied, “it’s one of the most secure prisons in the world.”

“It won’t make sneaking in any easier. Even an outside photo would be helpful.”

“Well, uh, I’m sure Twilight will think of something,” Fluttershy said. Angel stood on her back watching Trixie play on the computer, “she’s a super genius. She can hack into their computers, no problem.”

Twilight made a face. “I’m not that skilled of a hacker. Shocker would notice the intrusion and come after me. I can’t cover my tracks well enough.”

“Well, darn.” Trixie left the computer desk, giving Fluttershy room to use Twilight’s computer. “I’m sure we’ll come up with something,” The ex-Shocker Combatpony opened a video of a kitten playing with a string and giggled. Angel gave a rare smile, watching with interest. Twilight gave it an eight on the cuteness scale.

“Where’s Starlight?” Twilight asked.

Trixie shrugged. “Off researching somewhere.”

I hope she’s not stealing more books again. Twilight still fumed with anger over that.

Fluttershy laughed again as a kitten got stuck in a small plastic tube while trying to explore it. The mare eeped when Trixie let out a cry of triumph.

“I’ve got it!” Trixie looked right at Angel and Fluttershy.

“Uh, why are you looking at me like that?” Fluttershy asked dreading the answer.

“Fluttershy’s animals can scope out the place!”

“No, no, no!” Fluttershy’s eyes were wide and fearful. “It’s too dangerous!”

Trixie looked right at Angel. “Nopony would care about a rat running around the place!”

“Angel is not a rat, he’s a bunny!” Fluttershy replied indignantly.

“You know what I mean.”

Twilight realized Trixie was right. Unless they wanted to break in blind, Fluttershy’s animals were their best chance to gather intel on the prison. “Please, my mother is there,” Twilight gave the ex-Shocker Combatpony a pleading look, “I have to find her!”

Fluttershy winced and looked towards Angel for guidance. The bunny sighed and nodded, and Fluttershy slumped.

“If you’re sure?” asked Fluttershy returned her attention back to everyone else. “He said he’ll do it.” Her voice became stern “But you escape at the first sign of trouble, got it?” Angel nodded.

Trixie grinned. “Looks like we have our in.”


“Are they in position?” Trixie asked behind Fluttershy who wore those techno earmuff things over her ears called headphones next to her home computer. They allowed the mare to communicate with Angel and her three mice friends infiltrating the prison. Everyone scrunched together in Twilight’s small apartment, eager for what Flutter’s animal friends might discover.

“They’re in position outside.” Fluttershy gave a solemn nod. She was all nerves, terrified something might happen to her friends. All her other animals huddled around her for support.

“Commence the operation!” Trixie commanded and Fluttershy gave her pet bunny the command to dig a small hole under the fence. Moments later, they were inside the compound.

“I can’t believe we’re depending on rats for this.” Starlight looked up from her book.

“He’s a bunny!” Fluttershy grunted in annoyance.

Thankfully, Starlight’s highway robbery had borne fruit and the books she’s procured had contained some clues about how they might teleport to the moon. It would take some advanced equipment, but it was doable. Twilight joined her, lost in her reading. Not even a crashing airship would catch her attention.

Trixie shrugged. “Needs must.”

“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!” Fluttershy hyperventilated her breathing coming in ragged gasps. “Angel’s spotted Combatponies!”

The mare listened for several moments before letting out a relieved breath. “That was a close one! They ducked out of sight!”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Flutters, they haven’t even entered the complex yet. Getting worried about everything won’t help anything.”

Fluttershy slumped and sighed. “I know. Shocker is super scary. I can’t help but worry.”

Typical Fluttershy, whatever the universe. Trixie put a comforting hoof on the animal lover’s shoulder. “They’ll be fine.”

“Okay.” Fluttershy said glumly before perked up. “Oh, my! That’s interesting.”

“What is it?”

“Ben overheard something! Uh-huh. Oh my, it seems he’s found the wardens. They’re talking about a special prisoner! Think that might be Twilight’s mom?”

“Sounds like it!” Trixie leaned forward. “Get every word.”

Fluttershy took out a notepad and transcripted their entire conversation. Twilight Velvet was being troublesome and not revealing anything helpful. As punishment, they had imprisoned her in solitary confinement in the deepest part of the prison. Good. The less Shocker knew, the better.

“Keep on them, have everyone else map out the rest of the prison,” Trixie said, “see if they can locate where Twilight’s mom is being held.” Fluttershy nodded and scribbled harder in her notebook.

“At least we know her location,” said Starlight, putting down her book.

Still, why all this secrecy around this timeline’s Trixie? She looked forward to asking Twilight’s mom.

“I’ll get our suits ready, I take it we’re attacking it tonight?” Starlight asked.

“I want you to stay here,” Trixie replied.

“What?” Starlight exclaimed, eyes going wide.

“I want you to control this headphone stuff and keep watch here. We need somepony on the outside. Besides, I need you to continue with the moon teleporting research. We’ll need a base soon. Twi’s apartment is getting too crowded. We might need a quick escape.”

“Okay.” Starlight wasn’t happy, but she complied.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “What about me? Y-you’re not asking me to go in there with you?”

“No, you’re our getaway driver,” Trixie replied. Fluttershy released her held breath, relieved.

“Good, if you will excuse me, I need to get a nap for tonight’s mission!” Trixie jumped on Twilight’s couch and threw a blanket over her head. “I need my beauty sleep to stay refreshed.”

Starlight, Fluttershy, and her animals stared at Trixie before sighing and putting their hoofs/claws/paws on their faces.

“She’s our only hope. She’s our only hope.” Starlight rubbed her temple and repeated this mantra, hoping it to be true. Trixie grinned under her cover. It was fun messing with them.


Twilight peered over the rooftop, using her binoculars to get a better view of their objective. Goodness, this place had a lot of guards and Trixie wanted them to enter alone? Starlight was fussing over the comm and Fluttershy swung her head back and forth, terrified that any nearby shadow might contain Shocker agents.

“You think we can enter undetected?” Twilight asked.

“Sure,” Trixie said with a confidence Twilight didn’t share, “it’s the breaking out part that will get messy.” This time, the Ranger wore the catsuit without complaint. Twilight supposed this showed how seriously the mare was taking the mission.

Twilight slapped her cheeks. She could do this. Her mom was depending on her! She pulled up the sleeve of her catsuit and checked her watch. It was about two in the morning. The prisoners were asleep and only a skeleton crew was on staff. They wouldn’t find a more ideal time to strike.


Trixie snorted, giving a smug smile. “As if you have to ask?”

“Good luck!” Fluttershy yelled after them.

They approached the electrified prison fence. A single touch would kill a pony in seconds, but as they approached, some gophers waved at them, pointing towards a small hole they’d dug under the fence. Sweat formed on Twilight’s brow as she ducked low to avoid hitting the deadly metal with her back. They clung close to the wall, watching out for any cameras. Thanks to Fluttershy’s recon team, they knew their locations, but it didn’t hurt to be cautious. A Combatpony approached, but Trixie’s magic rendered them invisible. The inside of the prison had protections against such powers, but the outside was fair game and the guard passed them none the wiser.

The building loomed above them, it looked massive even from this distance. Twilight knew it stood at least four stories high. The next obstacle was the second inner wall made of solid stone standing on concrete. Pegasi Combatponies patrolled the sky, and Twilight located motion detector above the wall. She didn’t know their specs but guessed they would have a long-range. Any attempt to jump over it would set off an alarm.

A small bunny waved at them. They approached, staying out of view of the flying guards. Angel pointed towards a small crack in the wall just big enough for a bunny to fit through. The only other entrance was the gate where several Combatponies stood at attention.

“What now?” Twilight asked.

Angel tapped his paw in annoyance and pointed at their unicorn horns, gesturing them to do something magical. Trixie gave the problem a moment of consideration, before slapping her head with a hoof.

“Break the wall,” Trixie said, “my magic can silence the sound. It’s not pretty, but it will get us through.”

How long before somepony noticed? Five, ten minutes at most? Trixie’s magic worked like a charm and the wall broke open without making a peep. Inspiration stuck and Twilight used her magic to make the damage look like a natural collapse. She wasn’t confident it would fool anypony, but it might buy them valuable time.

They followed Angel towards the other side of the building to discover a nondescript door with an intimidating complicated lock. A sign indicated for guests to scan their retina and hoof on the panel.

“And you’re sure this will work?” Trixie stared at the machine like it was the greatest technological marvel in history.

“I’ve already got this handled.” Twilight gestured towards the scanner. “Try it. It will register you.”

“Okay.” Trixie reached out a hoof like it was cobra ready to strike with deadly venom. She tensed as it scanned her, worried an alarm might sound at any moment. Instead, the light turned green and the door unlocked. Trixie stared at it in wide-eyed amazement.

“I hacked into the system and added your profile.” Hacking into the system wasn’t as difficult as Twilight had expected. Their security for low-level systems was pitiful. She registered Trixie as a new guard and nopony had been the wiser. “It’s basic level 4 clearance only. I have a plan for how we might enter more secure areas.”

“Nice!” Trixie beamed and gave Twilight a hoofbump and they hurried inside, finding themselves in a bland corridor. They appeared to be in the administrative part of the prison, full of identical offices.

“Any more neat tricks?” Trixie asked. “Can you higher my clearance from here?”

Twilight shook her head. “Not from here. Only the wardens have that clearance. They should have a computer we can use in their office. I can hack it, no problem.”

Trixie slammed her front hooves together. “Lead the way.” Angel nodded and they followed him through the confusing corridors.

The décor became more fancy and expensive the further they explored. The prison had a mansion where the two wardens lived, complete with servants and everything. This section’s security was light for the wardens who cared more about security for the prisoners than themselves. After stealing some maid costumes from the wash, nopony even glanced at them. Angel and the rats hid in Trixie’s apron’s pockets.

Twilight tugged at the skirt of her disguise. It was far too tight and she flushed at how much skin it revealed. Still, needs must and it allowed them to explore deeper into the mansion. To maintain the illusion, they carried cleaning supplies and faked dusting the expensive statues that littered the corridors. They avoided high ranking ponies out of fear of getting challenged.

Angel guided them to the top floor and the décor became even more lavish. Dear Shocker, the rug she stood on could pay for a modest house. Laughter echoed through the corridors coming from a door at the end of the hall. Glasses clinked together the two wardens enjoying a drink. Two Combatponies stood on guard, sharp and alert despite the late hour.

Twilight peered over the corridor, eyeing the obstacle to their progress. They crouched down, muttered quietly how they might approach the problem. They jumped as a stallion in a tux stomped towards them and yelled at them.

“What are you doing?!” The stallion said. “Slacking off on the job, are you? You have five seconds to get down into the wine cellar and start dusting. The head maid has been on my flank because of how dirty it looks.” He glared at them only for his eyes to widen in surprise as he spotted a bunny popping out of Trixie’s apron.

“Hold on, who are you?” he sputtered. Twilight opened her mouth hoping to come up with some excuse but suddenly the stallion’s eyes rolled up into his head and he slumped to the ground unconscious. Behind him stood a grinning Trixie, her hoof held against a nerve cluster on his neck.

“Is everything okay?” Starlight asked, her voice alarmed.

“It’s fine. We handled it.” Trixie peered at the stallion before brightening.

“You have an idea?” Twilight rose an eyebrow.


“Excuse me,” Trixie said, walking up to the guards.

She wore the butler’s suit after using her pocket disguise kit to match the colors of the pony she was masquerading as. Trixie insisted on keeping her illusion magic a secret from Shocker. Twilight followed behind still in her maid disguise, head hung low pretending to be in deep trouble.

“Wait here,” Trixie held her head high eyeing the fake maid with disgust, “the Wardens shall decide your fate.” Dear Shocker, the Ranger had almost convinced her she’d really done something wrong. The Combatponies saluted and let Trixie pass. The guard watched her silently judging her. Twilight eyed the camera watching from across the hallway. She made no reaction as Ben scurried up towards it and disconnected it.

“Explain. What are you here, Silver Utensil?” One warden said. “Don’t you know the hour? We were about to get to sleep. Inquisitor Doo is visiting us in the morning and we’ve been on our flanks all day!”

“A maid has done some serious damage to one of your paintings,” Trixie said, no doubt surveying the room. They needed to know of any unexpected surprises before striking.

“Again?” The other warden groaned. “Why bring this to our attention now? Couldn’t it wait for the morning?”

“Friad not, sir,” Trixie replied, “I feel it’s only the start of the trouble.” Twilight got the hint and attacked the nearest Combatpony with a strike to the throat. They crumbled to the ground. The other’s eyes widened in alarm, but she used her magic to slam his head hard against the door.

“What the hay was that?” The first warden said in alarm. Twilight opened the door and threw the two unconscious guards inside.

“What?” The first warden, a unicorn stallion with slicked-back red mane, took a step back.

“Ha!” Trixie threw off her disguise, revealing her true face. “You’ve been bamboozled by the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Twilight revealed her true appearance too. Wearing her mask, of course.

“You!” The second warden, another unicorn wearing a prominent mustache, backed away overcome with fear.

“That’s right,” Trixie replied, “you better show us where your computer is, or things are about to get messy!”

“Uh, guys.” Fluttershy said over the comm. “Trouble is coming your way. Inquisitor…” Everypony jumped as an alarm blared, hurting their ears.

Twilight groaned. “They must have discovered the broken wall.”

“Don’t fret, brother.” The first warden wore a triumphant smirk. “The hated Ranger is powerful, but we outnumber her two to one. Shocker has blessed us with the newest augmentation. She’s no match for us!”

“Right!” The second regained his confidence. “They aren’t leaving here alive!”

“Let’s join, brother!”

“Righto! Let’s show this foal the true power of Shocker’s science!”

The two wardens’ bodies glowed so bright Twilight had to avert her eyes. The two lights formed together, merging into something new, greater. It intensified until solidifying into a powerful, dangerous new form. The creature was beyond anything she’d ever seen in her life, a monstrous combination of a scaly lizard and a scorpion. Its left hoof had deadly claws while the other had a powerful pincer. A scorpion tail grew from its head and it dripped a deadly poison that melted the floor on contact.

“Call us, Sasoritokages.” The monster said. “You should feel lucky. We are a new experimental model of Shocker monsters!”

Trixie pulled out her morpher. “Twi, do you computer stuff. I’ll handle this guy. It’s morphing time, Ursa!”

Twilight nodded and ran past Sasoritokages. They ignored her, focusing on their true foe instead. The combatants circled one another, waiting for somepony to make the first move. The monster threw the first punch and Trixie dodge sending a counter punch into the creature’s torso. Sasoritokages huffed in amusement and knocked the Ursa Ranger in the head with its pincer sending her into a nearby table shattering it to pieces.

“Ouch.” Trixie groaned in pain. “They weren’t kidding. Got to turn it up a notch.” She summoned her sword and leaped out of the way as the monster jumped down towards her head to cave her skull in with its pincer. Trixie swung her sword towards the creature’s head. It sent off a few sparks, but Sasoritokages appeared unharmed.

Twilight ran towards the warden’s office and blew the door open with a magical bolt. She didn’t have time to waste. Inquisitor Doo was on her way. It only took a moment to spot their computer. The alarm appeared to blare even louder, reminding her she didn’t have long until this place swarmed with Combatponies. She pulled out her hacking device only to stop and smirk. The wardens had helpfully put their password on a post-it note on the side of their computer screen. They must have assumed nopony would get this far.

Twilight entered the password, FliMFlAm00, and the computer’s desktop screen popped into view. She clicked on the Prison Security app and reentered their password, which worked like a charm. They must hate having multiple passwords. It took only a moment for her to find the screen for modifying high-level security. It would be simple to give Trixie access to the most secure parts of the prison.

“What are you doing?” Sasoritokages roared and Twilight screamed as the monster ran towards her and clamped her neck with its pincer.

“Twilight, what’s happening?!” Starlight asked, but Twilight was too busy struggling for breath to answer.

“Twilight!” Fluttershy cried out, alarmed.

“Twi!” Trixie ran towards them, but she’d arrive too late. Blackness was already filling Twilight’s vision. She tried prying the creature away with her magic, but it was no use. He was too powerful.

“Attempting a prison break, are you?” Sasoritokages laughed. “Too bad for you that nopony has ever escaped Ponyville Maximum Security Prison. Not alive anyway.”

“No!” Twilight gasped.

The front door burst open and

Combatponies flooded into the warden’s mansion, led by Inquisitor Doo. She smirked when she spotted Trixie and her mechanical eye glowed an eerie red.

“I knew it. Any sort of trouble is your doing.” Inquisitor Doo said. “Well, it’s the end of the line. Get her.” The Combatponies surrounded Trixie, leaving Twilight at the mercy of Sasoritokages.