• Published 22nd Jun 2020
  • 553 Views, 25 Comments

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis! - Rixizu

Because of a teleportation accident, Trixie finds herself trapped in another world controlled by an evil organization called Shocker.

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Chapter 17

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
Chapter 17
by Rixizu

Pain erupted in Red’s chest as the Great Leader’s eyes glowed again, shooting a powerful shockwave towards her. Red struggled to her hooves. She spared a glance at Twilight, who appeared in no state to fight. An ugly feeling bubbled in her stomach when she spotted her friend’s cracked horn, recalling from experience the pain that injury caused. The Rider clutched at her belt, but couldn’t find the strength to stand. Red was on her own.

“Twilight!” Trixie ran toward the fallen Rider, followed back Princess Luna and her friends. They’d taken care of the Combatponies, ready to rejoin the fight.

“I’m fine.” Twilight panted.

“Get her on Raindrops’ back. She needs a hospital!” Ditzy said.

Twilight clutched at Ditzy’s hoof and tried again to pull herself back to her hooves. “Not without beating him first.”

“Stupid! Stay down!” Ditzy shot back, but the Rider ignored her.

“Hen-shin!” Twilight’s armor reformed around her.

“What are you doing? What about your horn?!” Like Red, shock filled Lyra’s face after seeing the crack.

Raindrops said nothing, instead lifting Lux back to her hooves, supporting her weight.

“Fine, whatever!” Lyra’s face turned into a scowl.

“Brave,” Luna said with a nod, “you Riders are never without courage.” She turned towards her opponent. “You’ve lost, Great Leader.”

The Great Leader’s eyes glowed and the Princess summoned a shield to protect herself and Trixie’s friends. It shattered on contact and Luna collapsed, screaming in pain.

“Princess!” Shining rushed to his princess’s aid, he generated his own shield but it also cracked before the Great Leader’s assault and he fell back leaving only Trixie and the rest of her friends to protect Luna.

“You have fought hard, but it is a futile gesture.” The Great Leader said. “You have nothing left. Your Princess has fallen. Like she did before and will again.”

“Never!” Red appeared behind the Shocker leader and swung a hoof towards his chest. He cried out in pain but quickly blasted the Ranger back with a burst of power. After landing on her hooves, Red rushed forward.

“You fight the impossible, Ranger.”

Another shockwave stuck Red, but she recovered, ready for another round.

Red shrugged. “What can I say? Friendship always prevails.” The Shocker Leader sent another blast towards Red, but she leaped out of its path, having a better understanding of its range. “ And Shocker ends with you!”

The Great Leader turned back and forth as Red summoned several clones of herself. He summoned a shockwave to dissolve them, but not before the Real Ranger reached him.

“Let’s see what’s under that stupid hood of yours!” Before the Great Leader could stop her, Red pulled the hood off his head and gasped in surprise.

Every bone in her body hurt as she received the full brunt of the Great Leader’s shockwave attack. She hardly noticed. Of everything she expected to find under the Shocker leader’s hood, this hadn’t been it. Snakes hissed from the Great Leader’s head, slithering around in a horrible jumble. A single unequine eye blazed between the mane of snakes with horrible intensity, a blood-colored iris surrounded by black.

“Impossible! What are you?!” Princess Luna said, taken aback by the Great Leader’s true appearance. Even she had never seen a creature such as him. Everypony else starred in equal shock.

“An ancient being, Moon Princess. Older and more powerful than you could ever imagine. I have watched Equestria since time immemorial, manipulating, and guiding it to the path I desire.” He extended both hooves and fireballs erupted from them towards his enemies.

Red braced for impact, while Shining and Luna pooled their magic together to create a powerful shield. Everypony went flying as the protection magic shattered, blown away from an explosion of unbelievable power. While bruised and battered, everypony had somehow survived, but it was clear the princess and the guard captain wouldn’t have the power to withstand another onslaught again.

Lux limped towards the Ranger, joining her to stand their ground and protect the others from the Great Leader’s might, no matter how futile it might be. This earned a smile from Red, if she were to die; there was no other pony she’d wish to spend her last moments with. Somehow this gave her hope.

“You have failed Ranger, Rider.” The Great Leader proclaimed and extended both his hooves again.

“Never! As long as friendship burns through our hearts, we’ll never fall!” Red proclaimed.

“Yeah, suck it!” Ditzy said. “We’ll never surrender!” She and the rest of her friends limped towards Red and Twilight. They were normal ponies without powers, but they refused to surrender to this evil.

Cheerilee joined them. “You will never win, your kind never does!”

“As long as we’re together, we can do anything!” Carrot Top put a protective hoof on Red’s shoulder.

“You’re going down!” Lyra brandished her lyre, ready to rumble. Raindrops only snorted, joining her friends.

“Hey, guys don’t hog all the cool moments.” Trixie sported a smug smile. “I have a reputation to uphold.”

“Together, you can’t beat us!” Twilight entered a fighting pose.

“You choose death, so be it.” The Great Leader’s hooves erupted the fireball heading towards the desperate heroes.

The Great Leader stared in shock as a rainbow barrier bust into existence in front of his enemies. It shimmered brilliantly and the Shocker Leader recoiled from it, burned by its brilliance.

“What’s happening?” The Great Leader winced as the light grew more powerful. “What is this power?”

“This is our power, Great Leader. The Power of Friendship!” Trixie walked forward. On her head stood a crown of rainbow light.

The rest of her friends had a rainbow-colored necklace. Each adored the symbol of their cutie mark. Red watched amazed, also finding a crown on her head and warmth filled her, energized her. Every pain, worry, and fear evaporated. Instead, happiness and contentment replaced it. These six mares were like her, warriors of friendship and their power was resonating with her even without the Elements present. Twilight too was affected and she stared at her hooves in utter amazement.

“As long as we stand, you won’t win!” Cheerilee said.

“Yeah, I’d say you’re pretty much screwed,” Lyra added.

“You can’t beat us!” Carrot Top gave the Shocker Leader a confident smile.

“Together, we’re unstoppable!” Raindrop said.

“Shocker will never win!” Ditzy said.

“It’s over, Great Leader, or whatever you are!” The light coming from Trixie intensified and the six mares floated into the air and rainbow light hit Red and Twilight.

“No, this can’t be the end!” The Great Leader bombarded Trixie and her friends with fireballs, but they evaporated like smoke, worthless.

“It’d say it’s about time we end this.”

Behind her, a visage of Red’s friends emerged, each wearing their armor and baring their weapons. Trixie and her friends gasped at the appearance of their counterparts. Not there in person, but in spirit. It didn’t matter if entire universes kept them apart. The Galaxy Rangers wouldn’t let an insignificant thing like that separate them.

Red pushed a button on her morpher. “Searing Blade.”

“Omega Arrow Crusher!”

“Gales of Destruction!”

“Solar Sting!”

“Nova Crasher!”

“Wave Cleaver!”

“Unyielding Judgment!”

Rainbow energy gathered around the seven rangers gathering around their weapons. Twilight prepared her own attack and kneeled down, prepared to unleash her Rider Kick. The Great Leader gasped as two figures appeared behind her. Red didn’t recognize them. They heroically stood behind Twilight, standing tall and proud. They, like Lux, bore a resemblance to a grasshopper. They wore silver helmets and green armor, and their red scarves waved in the wind.

“Riders Ichigo and Nigo?! Impossible!” The Great Leader took a step back in fright.

Twilight gave the two Riders a respectful nod, which they gave in return before returning her attention to the Shocker’s leader. “The heroic spirit of justice of the Kamen Rider will never die, Great Leader! It doesn’t matter if you erase us from existence, we’ll never give up!”

The three riders jumped into the air, legs extended together aimed right towards the Shocker Leader’s heart. “Rider Kick!”

“Galaxy Buster!” The Rangers swung their weapons and their attacks combined into one, creating a wave of destruction aimed towards the Great Leader.

The Great Leader screamed in pain and fury as the Riders and Ranger unleashed their wrath. He stumbled as the smoke cleared. The entire world was silent, holding its breath for what would happen next.

“Shocker, we will rise again. Hear this, Rangers, Riders. Our spirit will never die either!” He collapsed and exploded, engulfed in the fireball.

“Unbelievable, we won,” Trixie said in awe.

“Shocker’s evil has been vanquished once again.” Luna sighed relieved.

Red unmorphed, running towards Twilight. “Are you alright?”

“I feel like 100 percent!” Twilight untransformed and everypony gasped when they saw the Rider’s horn.

“Your horn is back to normal!” Lyra said, amazed.

“That’s friendship power, I suppose,” Trixie replied.

“It’s healed.” Twilight ran her hoof along with her horn, eyes wide in shock.

“How wonderful for you,” came a somewhat sarcastic voice. Starlight limped towards them, her coat blackened from the explosion sporting multiple bruises over her body. Princess Luna and Shining were also not in great shape either. Thankfully, Pokey was fine who emerged from a statue he’d been hiding behind. This earned a shrug from Red and Trixie.

“It matters not, it will heal in time.” Luna turned her attention towards Red. “I’m curious; you share the same friendship power as my student. How can this be?”

“Ah, I see your confusion,” Red replied, “I’m from yet another timeline. Starlight created three timelines, not two.”

Trixie and friends’ eyes boggled and they turned their attention towards Starlight, who squirmed under their gaze.

“Ha! I knew it!” Trixie said in triumph. “You tried to get revenge against me, only you bumbled it, hard!”

“Unbelievable.” Cheerilee pinched her nose and the others offered their own complaints.

Starlight gave a nervous laugh. “Live and learn, right?”

Princess Luna walked up to the scorch mark where the Great Leader had once stood and withdrew an amulet from it. It looked like an old sundial attached to a chain.

“The Amulet of Kairos! This disappeared from the forbidden vault weeks ago. It’s why I increased the vault’s security. Apologies, my student, it slipped my mind.” Princess Luna said. “Starlight must have used to travel through time which created the alternate timelines.” This earned Starlight more scathing glares.

Princess Luna tapped her chin. “It must also be how Shocker entered our world. They used the amulet to tear a hole into space-time. Very foalish and dangerous.”

“What, like possibly cause the collapse of everything bad?” Red asked. This question earned a nod from the princess.

“I see. I might not get home again.” Red sagged, heartbroken at the prospect of never seeing her friends again.

“I’m not so sure.” Twilight tapped her chin. “A teleportation accident caused you to come to my timeline, right?”

Red nodded, wincing when she remembered the pain she experienced when space-time tore her to pieces, ripping her from her universe.

“So your entry to our universe must have left some form of weakness in the fabric of magicspacetime,” her eyes flicked from side to side as if she was looking for a blackboard to start scribbling on, “a crack leading from your world to ours!”

“Excellent idea, Twilight. We can use that small crack to get you back home.” Princess Luna put the amulet over her neck for safekeeping.

“Wonderful!” Red danced around and gave her mentor a giant hug which the princes returned readily.

“Good, I don’t think this universe can hold two Trixies,” Pokey said.

The rest of Trixie’s friends shuddered. Trixie glared in indignation while Red only shook her head and laughed. Why was her counterpart so thin-skinned? She used this period to get a better look at her counterpart. Dear Luna, did her doppelganger even know what a salad was? How could anypony save the world with such a figure? She wasn’t a superhero, but still. Red’s mind raced for a tactful way to suggest that Trixie should hit the gym more. A scream interrupted her thoughts.

“Great Leader, no!” Cadance said, struggling to her hooves.

“I’m sorry Cadenza, but it’s over.” Princess Luna’s voice was compassionate. “Shocker has lost. There’s no need to fight anymore.”

“Please Cadance.” Twilight pleaded. “The princess is right. We shouldn’t be enemies anymore!”

“No!” Cadance’s voice boomed, hurting everypony’s ears. “It will never be over. Shocker, it can’t lose. Never!”

Cadance got to her hooves and everypony gasped when they saw the state of the alicorn. Sparks erupted from the joints on her limbs. What Red thought was blood, revealed to be oil. Dear Luna, what was she? What had Shocker done to her? Was she even a pony anymore?

“Shocker will never die!” A bright light erupted from Cadance’s horn, blinding everypony. When the light cleared, she had disappeared.

“Cadance…” Twilight’s head drooped.

“Shocker’s grip on her heart was worse than I thought.” Luna’s voice was solemn, containing visible pain. “Ranger, Rider, we must assist the royal guard and bring this battle to a swift end.”

“And save Ponyville!” Ditzy added.

Luna nodded and she joined Shining, Twilight, Red, and Trixie and her friends, as they rushed off to aid the guard and bring peace back to Canterlot.


“As you can see, darling, we’ve gotten the situation handled.” Rarity said.

“Nice!” Red gave the fashionista a hoof bump and Trixie could only watch in bewilderment. Nothing about these other worlds made sense. She found it hard to wrap her head around the fact that Fluttershy, of everypony, had been instrumental in defeating Shocker.

“From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.” Princess Luna bowed. She wore her hoof in a sling but otherwise seemed normal.

“It’s nothing, princess.” Rarity replied. “Just doing my part to fight evil.”

“Still, Shocker’s silence in the other world worries me.” Twilight scrunched in concern. “Two more Shocker commanders remain and Cadance has disappeared.” After the evil Rider had fled Canterlot, ponies had seen her flying back into her world and nopony had seen her since.

“Eh, you can take them,” Red said, “your world is safe with you to protect it.” Twilight didn’t share the Ranger’s confidence but gave a slight smile.

They watched as royal guards returned the defeated Combatponies back to their world in chains. The other timeline Applejack guided them through, making sure nopony caused any trouble. The evil Raindrops snarled as she passed, hurling insults and obscenities. She cried out in pain when Applejack whacked her over the head with a stick.

“That’s enough from you, varmint.” AJ whacked the stick against the hoof promising more if the Shocker captain caused any more trouble. Evil Raindrops glared, but said nothing, disappearing in the portal.

Trixie winced as Real Raindrops entered another one of her foul moods. Ditzy put a comforting hoof on her friend’s back.

“Don’t worry, you are nothing like her,” Ditzy said, “I mean, there was an evil version of me too! And she was an evil cyborg that loved hurting ponies. Shocker just made them bad and taught them violence and cruelty were the only way to be strong. Unlike her, you have loving parents and friends who will be there to help you. The other one was angry and spiteful. It makes me wonder if she had anypony in her life.”

“Right, Shocker corrupted her.” Trixie gave her friend a wink. “You have us if you ever go astray.”

“… Thanks.” It didn’t entirely convince Raindrops, but her friend’s kind words comforted her.

Stupid Shocker! They ruin everything they touch! When Red had told them about the other Ditzy, Trixie had trouble believing it. It was amazing there wasn’t a Shocker version of her too. Red and Twilight were oddly quiet about that subject.

“I just hope we got them all,” Cheerilee said.

“We’re still hunting, but I believe we’ve gotten most of them.” Princess Luna replied. “I shall create a special task force dictated to stopping yet another resurgence of Shocker!”

Trixie blinked. “Another resurgence.”

“Yes, another group soon formed after the original Shocker’s defeat, Destron.” Princess Luna sighed. “And after them was Black Satan, and then Neo-Shocker. Shocker has a habit of refusing to stay dead and coming up with the most awful names. After the destruction of Geist, I had hoped the world had seen the last of Shocker’s evil influence.”

Dear Luna! Would she have to sleep with one eye open from now on, fearing Shocker’s return for revenge?

“We have been lucky that Riders have appeared to quell their evil.” Princess Luna said. “Trixie, I believe it would be best if you and your friends held onto your Elements for safekeeping. Corona isn’t Equestria’s only threat. We need you and the other Elements.”

Trixie said nothing and only nodded. She feared it might come to this. As much as she hated to admit it, she needed to step up her game to protect the ponies she cared about. That, however, didn’t mean she’d be hitting the gym. Unlike the freakish other Trixie, she was a strategic thinker, not a muscle-bound thug. And she really didn’t appreciate the veiled comments about her weight from Red. Maybe Luna might have some tips about how to further improve her illusions? Was it possible to create an illusion capable of interacting with the real world?

“Oh, there you are!” Red said, and she dashed forward giving Trixie’s version of Twilight a hug who returned it awkwardly.

“Hi.” Twilight shifted uncomfortably trying to distance herself from Red. “So, Roseluck was right about there being another Trixie in town.”

Trixie sighed. “It’s a long story.”

“I’m glad you’re safe,” Red said, “when you didn’t show up, I was worried something had happened to you.”

“I was here in Ponyville,” Twilight replied, “I was asleep when the invasion happened.”

Red beamed. “And you stayed here defending Ponyville from Shocker! Good work.”

“Right.” Twilight forced an awkward smile. Trixie guessed the bookish unicorn was probably hiding somewhere. She decided it would be best not to mention that not wanting to humiliate the mare once again. Hey, she was learning!

“I’m just glad to know that in whatever universe, Twilight and Trixie are the best of friends!”

Rider Twilight also beamed. “I’d say. With these two here, this world is safe from Shocker’s hooves!” Red and Rider Twilight hoofbumped.

Twilight and Trixie exchanged a look, unsure how to respond to such a display. Again, it was bizarre how friendly this other Trixie was. Trixie would have assumed she’d be more of a nervous wreck, having to fight monsters on a daily basis. This gave credence to her theory that Red was utterly bonkers.

“I’m sorry, but I must cut this meeting short.” Princess Luna said. “We must return Red to her world. If the link between her timeline and Twilight’s gets any weaker, she’ll never return home. After that, it will remain closed forever. As painful as it might sound, other timelines shouldn’t interact with each other. It’s very dangerous.”

Red turned her attention to Trixie, extending a hoof to shake. “It was an honor to fight alongside you, all of you.”

“You too.” Trixie grabbed the hoof and shook it. Red gave the rest of Trixie’s friends a hoofshake.

“It was nice meeting you Shining!” Twilight gave her brother a quick hug.

“Take care, okay?” Tears welled in Shining’s eyes.

“And you, Pokey.” Red stopped and started again, trying to find the best words. “Take care. You’re one in a million.”

Pokey rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. “You too.”

“You know…” But Princess Luna and Trixie stopped Red before she could continue.

“No, Red. We aren’t giving Pokey his own statue.”

“Come on! He completely deserves it! If it wasn’t for him, Shocker would have won!” Red argued back.

“While I appreciate what he’s done, he only played a small part in defeating Shocker.” Princess Luna replied, annoyed.

“In my world, they have a statue of him in Ponyville Park!” Red shot back.

“Really?” Pokey’s eyes widened in complete amazement.

Red’s face turned solemn. “It is to honor his sacrifice. He gave his life to defeat a terrible evil.” No wonder Red had been so choked up about seeing Pokey. It still didn’t mean he deserved a statue, though.

“Actually, can I get a stained glass window instead? A statue is what somepony gets post-mortem.” Pokey asked, but everypony ignored him.

Princess Luna and Red broke into an argument about Pokey’s qualifications. Despite Red’s impassioned speech, Princess Luna chose sanity and refused to give Pokey a statue. Luna had insisted Red was more deserving for such honors, but the Ranger refused to listen, instead stubbornly pushing them on Pokey instead. Like Trixie had said earlier, the mare was bonkers.

“Um, I would like to say something before everypony goes.” Starlight dragged her legs behind her, scratching the dirt and trying to gain some courage for her next words. Everypony turned towards her expectantly.

“Go on, Starlight.” Princess Luna said, urging the mare on.

“I have a request.” Starlight took in a deep breath. “My desire for revenge caused this whole debacle. To atone for what I have done, I’d like to stay in Twilight’s world and help her defeat Shocker.” This earned a gasp from everypony.

Princess Luna gave Starlight a serious look. “If you do this, you’ll be putting yourself into exile, never to return. You’ll never see your friends and family again.”

“I know.” Starlight looked down, ashamed. “But I need to do this. I’ve made too many mistakes, and it’s time I make up for them.”

The moon princess nodded her head, a slight smile on her muzzle. “That will be adequate punishment for your misdeeds for both causing Shocker’s return and the theft of the Amulet of Kairos. You made recompense for your crimes when you helped stop Shocker’s invasion, but this will fully redeem you. I wish you luck in your new world.”

“Trixie, Trixie, I’m sorry for what I’ve done.” Starlight said. “I let my anger and hate consume me.”

“I understand what that’s like.” Trixie’s version of Twilight gave Starlight a warm, knowing smile. No doubt remembering her own exile in her bid for revenge against Trixie.

“You made a mess of things, but I agree with the princess,” Trixie replied, “just do better next time.”

Red snorted. “That works. We’ll never be friends, but you’re not so terrible in a fight.”

“I’ll be glad to have you as a comrade!” Rider Twilight gave an encouraging smile.

Tears welled in Starlight’s eyes. “Thank you, everypony.”

“Au revoir!“ Red gave a slight wave before leaping through the portal, disappearing for their world forever.

“Just like Trixie to not say a proper goodbye,” Cheerilee said, earning a chuckle from Trixie’s friends.

“Goodbye, everypony.” Rider Twilight waved and entered the portal.

“Bye.” Starlight entered next.

“Bye!” Trixie and her friends waved after the three.

“I will be back shortly after returning Red to her proper world, then we can begin the rebuilding process.” The Princess made her way towards the portal.

Luckily, we’ll never see an invasion like that again. Trixie worried this debacle might have earned her some premature gray hairs. Again, it baffled Trixie why her counterpart was so battle crazed. A nasty bump to the head? It seemed the most logical explanation.

“Do you really think we’ll never see them again?” Trixie asked.

Princess Luna considered the question. “Our universe is a vast and strange place, who knows? But if a crisis comes again, we’ll know we have powerful friends to rely on.”


“What technology.” Princess Luna swiveled her head around gapping at Shockeropolis. “Shocker always had an edge on the technologic scale, but I hadn’t imagined that Shocker had developed this far. I hardly recognized Ponyville.”

“It shocked me too. Actually, it’s Shockeropolis now. Shocker has an obsession with branding. I guess they’ll probably change it back soon.” Trixie replied. “They have a network system that can send information over the globe! Far beyond anything a telegraph can do.” She enjoyed her mentor’s reaction to that revelation.

“Our technology has much room for improvement. Princess Luna sighed. “I must thank you again. We were lucky to have you on our side. Now it doesn’t surprise me Shocker believed they could conquer Equestria with such a small fighting force with this level of technology.”

They walked through Shockeropolis enjoying the sights. Despite being dark and grimy, the city was impressive in both construction and scale. Trixie saw Shocker’s logos painted over with black paint and ponies were celebrating the Great Leader’s defeat. Shocker still controlled most of the world, and wouldn’t surrender without a fight, but these ponies deserved this victory party. Ponies cheered as Trixie and Twilight passed them. Pinkie had created a makeshift party, complete with banners, streamers, and balloons. Pinkie probably had those stored in the slim chance of Shocker’s defeat. Something like that. They showered the heroes with the very leaflets Lux had created to inspire them.

“You know Twi, it wouldn’t surprise me if they give you a Ponyitzer Prize,” Trixie said which earned a shy blush from the Rider, not used to such attention, but she knew the poor mare would only get more famous as the news spread.

“Once we reopen the Ore Journal, how about I let you write the first front-page article?” Da Chief slapped Twilight on the back. “It would be my honor.”

“I’m only an intern,” Twilight replied, shifting awkwardly.

“Come on, Twi!” Rainbow said flying with them. “You totally deserve this! No doubt you will write an awesome article about how amazing you are!”

“She’s right, you’re a star now.” Hot Scoops added. “Embrace it!”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, I think it’s most impressive.” Angel rode on her back, while the other animals danced with partying ponies.

Pinkie shot off a party popper. “I can’t wait to read it! You’ll probably get another Ponyitzer Prize under your Rider belt!”

“If I write the first front-page article, it will be a heavily researched piece about how Trixie sparked the revolution against Shocker. I couldn’t have stopped them without her.”

Heavily researched piece? You were there, Twilight! Typical Twilight.

Soon they approached the spot Trixie had first appeared and sparked this whole mess. Princess Luna scanned the area with her magic and lifted the amulet off her head.

“It’s worse than I thought. The riff has almost healed completely. Once I open it, you’ll only have seconds until it closes again.” Princess Luna said.

Trixie nodded. This was her only shot. While she enjoyed her new friends, this wasn’t her world. Her true universe needed her.

“I suppose this is goodbye.” Trixie turned towards everypony.

“I’ll miss you, Trixie.” Twilight rubbed her eyes, breaking into tears, and gave Trixie a sudden hug. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had!”

Trixie only smiled returning Twilight’s hug. “I will miss you Twilight!”

“Um, I would like to say something.” Fluttershy stepped forward. “You saved me. Before, I went along with whatever Shocker told me, but you taught me there was a better way. I don’t have to be a mean old pony like Raindrops. Thank you.” Fluttershy sniffled, fighting back tears.

“Ah well.” Trixie rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed. She hadn’t realized she’d meant so much to the mare. “It’s what I do.”

“It was an honor to fight alongside you, Ursa Red Ranger.” Princess Luna said. “Your mentor taught you well. You are one of Equestria’s finest heroes. Say hello to my other self.”

“Yeah, bye.” Starlight gave an awkward smile.

Trixie supposed she saved Starlight, too. Funny how that worked out. Was she more inspirational than she thought?

“It’s open.” Princess Luna channeled her magic through the amulet and a portal opened in space right where she appeared before.

“B-Bye.” Trixie whipped away tears. Where had those come from? She hated crying. Without another word, she entered the portal. She grimaced as she passed through, recalling the pain she suffered through last time. Much to her amazement, only a slight tingle struck her as she returned to her timeline. Luna’s portal must have been more stable than the one Trixie created by accident.

“Ouch!” A pony cried out as Trixie landed on them. Unlike her previous trip, she’d landed back in her world without excruciating pain and blinked, finding several ponies staring at her.

“Trixie?” Twilight said in astonishment.

Trixie stood up and found the corner square filled with strange equipment which beeped, booped, and buzzed in the early morning air. No doubt the equipment was to discover how Trixie had disappeared in that bizarre teleportation accident.

Note to self, never teleport again. I suck hard at it.

“Trixie!” Twilight gave her a fierce hug.

“Hey, hey!” Trixie laughed as she pushed Twilight off. “None of that please, it’s embarrassing me.”

“Trixie!” Ditzy flew down, giving Trixie an even more furious hug. “Where have you been? You had us worried sick about you!”

“Trixie!” Other ponies cried out her name, running towards her.

“It’s a long story,” Trixie replied letting her friends who rapidly approached hug her, “but now, I’m home!”