• Published 22nd Jun 2020
  • 553 Views, 25 Comments

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis! - Rixizu

Because of a teleportation accident, Trixie finds herself trapped in another world controlled by an evil organization called Shocker.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!
Chapter 4
by Rixizu

It was dark as the trio snuck around the building’s entrance. Except for Trixie, Starlight and Twilight wore catsuits and domino masks concealing their identities. Trixie, naturally, went as herself red cape, hat, and all. Twilight and Starlight protested, but Trixie refused to budge on the issue.

“I’m an outlaw,” Trixie argued, “how are ponies supposed to recognize me and my freedom fighting deeds?” After more arguing, Trixie’s allies gave up letting the Ursa Ranger have her way. Besides, Trixie had plans and her trademark getup played a big role in it.

“Fine!” Starlight growled. “Don’t blame me when you get caught!”

Trixie threw back her cape with a dramatic flourish. “Trust me. The Great and Powerful Trixie will remain invisible until she wishes to be seen!”

“Whatever.” Starlight facehoofed.

“You’ve done this before, right?” Twilight forced a smile.

Trixie waved a dismissive hoof and snorted. “Trust me. They won’t know what hit them.”

The facility wasn’t very attractive only a grey brick building protected by a chain-link fence. Combatponies patrolled the parameter, holding staves in their hooves. They looked bored but remained alert for any dangers. Twilight had told Trixie what happened to ponies that failed Shocker. It wasn’t a pretty fate. Still, it didn’t impress Trixie.

“The defenses inside are much tighter,” Twilight whispered, “See that lock over there? It needs a key card to open.”

“A key card?” Trixie asked. “As in a card that’s a key?” Great more strange technology. She wanted to break inside using her armor, but that would draw too much attention. She’d rather not fight Cupido just yet.

Twilight nodded. “It opens the door with a swipe of the card. A top-level Shocker pony should have it.” She scanned the Shocker goons for anypony important enough to have the key.

Much to Trixie dismay, nopony looked like their target. Somepony must have it, right? What if somepony needs the bathroom or there’s an emergency? Then, when Trixie suggested they just risk it and break through the rather flimsy looking walls, a pony dressed in a black jumper with a black barrette exited the building. The Combatponies gathered around her and saluted. They chattered with her giving reports. The pony berated several Combatponies for various breaches in protocol and adjusted the suit of one that had become untidy. They nodded and made their way back to the building. Trixie was already moving as she observed this.

“What are you doing?” Starlight whispered.

“Come on.” Twilight sighed and followed.

When Trixie was sure nopony was watching, she downed the mare with a single blow to the back of the neck. She lost consciousness quickly and Trixie grabbed her before she fell and made any noise. Twilight and Starlight made their way towards her.

“Get the key and open the door,” Trixie said as they approached. Twilight was the tech expert here having the knowhow to use the key card thingy. It was a far less complicated process than Trixie had expected. All Twilight did was swipe this red plastic card through two prongs of metal and a light turned green allowing them entrance.

“You move fast.” Starlight said as they entered the building. Nopony was in sight as they closed the door.

Trixie beamed proud of herself. “Great and Powerful Trixie, remember? I’m a mare of many talents. You don’t become a skilled magician without being quick on your hooves.” Seriously, everything about being a magician was about movement. Did Starlight know how fast Trixie had to move through cramped trap doors and passages to get into position for her next jaw-dropping trick? Being a stage magician was exhausting.

The building wasn’t much prettier inside, full of boring ordinary-looking offices. Twilight stopped Trixie as she attempted to proceed through the halls. She pointed at a strange moving box attached to the roof. It moved surveying its surroundings with a shining glass lense.

“What is hay is that?” Trixie asked. “Can it see us?”

“It’s called a security camera,” Twilight replied, “it records and transmits visual signals so guards can view what’s happening throughout the building.”

“Makes sense,” Trixie recalled seeing such devices in Ditzy’s torture house of evil. So that’s what they did. She watched them and realized that, like a pony’s eyes, they had a range of vision. These things had blind spots. It sounded simple enough.

“Follow me,” Trixie said already moving, “I can get us through its blind spots easy enough.” It seemed childishly simple really. Not unlike performing a slight of hoof trick while the audience wasn’t looking. She didn’t bother turning invisible. Shocker would be idiots not having defenses against such tricks. Besides, she wished to keep her illusion magic a secret for now.

“What about your cape? The camera could catch it.” Starlight pointed at Trixie’s marvelous cape like it was a traitorous villain.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry about it.”

“I guess Trixie knows what she’s doing,” Twilight said deciding not to argue, “I hope.” Her voice trailed off.

Combatponies patrolled the halls carrying what looked like stun batons. They remained alert despite the late hour. Trixie remained patient behind a sinister-looking statue of a pony wearing a pointed hood and cloak. The description labeled this pony the ‘Great Leader’. Twilight and Starlight nervously watched as Combatponies passed by. Trixie felt bad bringing them along. They were complete rookies to dangerous situations like this, but she couldn’t do this alone.

“So, where’s this computer thingy?” Trixie whispered as they slinked through more hallways. Already, they were lost. All these corridors looked identical.

“Bottom floor, better security systems will be guarding it,” Twilight replied.

“Like that?” Trixie pointed towards a key card reader attached to an elevator.

“Yeah...” Twilight sighed. “Only top-level ponies have clearance. It requires a level 4 key card. I could hack it, but it would take time.”

Hack it? Trixie wasn’t sure what that meant but allowed her friend to do her techno-magic. “Fine. I’ll make a way inside.”

“How?” Starlight tensed not liking her tone. “You aren’t suggesting we break inside?”

“Maybe a little.”

“Won’t we get caught?”

“Relax. I know what I’m doing.” Trixie repeated for the thousandth time. Such little faith in Trixie’s skills.

“Okay.” Starlight sighed resigned. “What’s the plan?”

Trixie led them to an office behind the elevator. According to Twilight, the building plan didn’t show any stairs leading down. They might exist, but Trixie didn’t want to waste time finding them. The office had a lock, but Trixie made quick work of it with a lock pick. Starlight gasped as Trixie pulled out her morpher and hit the last button on it. Her morpher summoned her sword in Trixie’s hoof. The situation didn’t require her morphing just yet. With several quick slashes, she created a large hole leading into the elevator shaft. Trixie spotted a ladder and put her sword in her mouth and started climbing down. Starlight stared in astonishment before joining after her. Soon their group was climbing to the depths below.

“We’re inside, but what’s the plan to escape?” Starlight looked down and gulped. “The bottom looks at least 20 stories.”

“Twi, you still have those explosives?” Trixie asked.

“Yes, why?” Twilight asked worriedly. She stroked the homemade bomb sitting in her pack with nervous energy.

“There’s an anti-teleportation shield, right? We’ll just blow it up!”

Starlight sighed. “Must all your plans involve destroying things?”

Trixie beamed unapologetically. “It’s what I’m good at.”

“Yeah, I remember.” Bitterness entered Starlight’s voice and Trixie rolled her eyes.

“If we can’t locate it, I’ll create an escape route through the ceiling. I can carry both of you, easy.” It would be messy, but nothing her Ranger form couldn’t handle.

They climbed down until they reached the bottom. Trixie pulled her sword out of her mouth to create a new door. A sound caught her attention and she froze and looked up to discover the elevator coming down with frightening speed right towards them. Trixie wasted no time and cut a path to freedom on an opposite wall. Combatponies could be behind it, but they had little choice. Trixie grabbed Starlight and Twi, who cried out in surprise as they crashed into the ground face first as Trixie threw them to safety. Trixie felt the wind against her back as she jumped outside the shaft right as the elevator hit the bottom floor. She narrowly avoided getting her back hooves crushed.

“That was close.” Trixie looked around at their surroundings as her partners got back to their hooves. She was in a strange high tech room full of identical boxes that blinked multicolored lights. They lined the entire room. What these boxes purpose was, Trixie couldn’t tell.

“We’re in the server room. The main computer should be close.” Twilight said. Trixie nodded and pretended that she understood what that meant. She’d ask for an explanation, but they were on a time crunch and didn’t have time for one of Twi’s long-winded explanations. Trixie kept her sword ready as they explored the room.

“It’s unbelievable!” A voice said, and Trixie recognized it instantly. It was Ditzy. “The gull of that mare.” Trixie peeked around the corner to find Candance and Ditzy walking out of the elevator.

“Yes, she enjoys flaunting in our faces how great she is,” Cadance said, “Can you believe she calls herself the Great and Powerful Trixie?”

Some ponies have no taste.

Ditzy laughed. “I know right. Stupid, though. She is making our job easier. These public appearances only make her easier to apprehend. Still, something is bothering me.”

“Is that why you want to access the hidden records?” Cadance asked.

“I can’t find anything about the Trixie of our world.” Ditzy scratched her chin in thought. “It might prove some clues on her habits and special talent. She’s from a different timeline, true, but it will give us something.”

Cadance raised an eyebrow. “You can’t find anything? Odd. Shouldn’t she have a counterpart?”

“You’d think so. But I couldn’t find anything about her in the public database. I figure the private files might have something. It’s worth a shot at least.”

Cadance shrugged. “Sure, I guess so. Lead the way. I don’t think I’ve ever been here before. In the meantime, how about telling me…”

“No Cadance.” Ditzy snapped. “My dating life is none of your business.”

Cadance rolled her eyes but smiled. “Fine, keep your secrets. For now.” They disappeared into a far room after Ditzy swiped her black keycard. A sign labeled it the Main Computer Room.

“Princess Cadance?” Starlight asked, confused.

“She’s Shocker’s assassin or something,” Trixie explained, “she’s pretty tough and beat my flank last time.”

Starlight tensed. “That doesn’t sound good.”

“Cadance.” Twilight’s voice trailed off.

“What’s the matter?” Trixie noted Twi wore a wistful, nostalgic expression.

Twilight shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. That was a lifetime ago.” Trixie shrugged, deciding not to pry.

“What now?” Starlight asked.

“Simple, we steal Ditzy’s keycard when she isn’t looking and get inside the computer room,” Trixie said.

Starlight made a face. “Simple enough. What could go wrong?!”

“Sounds risky. Can you pull it off?” Twilight gave Trixie a grave expression, knowing the cost of failure.

“Leave it to me,” Trixie smirked, forcing a confidence she didn’t feel, but it reassured her companions. Trixie already had a plan as a Combatpony passed by.

“Let me borrow that keycard we stole earlier.” Trixie attacked the Combatpony from behind using the blunt end of her sword, knocking her out cold. “I have a plan.”


“Well, that was interesting. Not the answer I was expecting. This requires further digging. I’d never thought I’d hear that name again.” Ditzy said as she exited the computer center place thing. Trixie stood straight and did the Shocker salute when the inquisitor passed. Just as she had anticipated, her Combatpony disguise rendered her invisible. She smirked and pocketed the keycard she’d just pickpocketed. The switch had gone without a hitch. Sure, Ditzy would notice her new card didn’t have the proper clearance and was only painted black, but Trixie hoped they’d be long gone by then.

“You there!” Cadance said, and Trixie stood at alert. She gave an attentive, but bored expression to avoid drawing attention. Much to Trixie’s relief, Cadance walked past her towards another Combatpony.

“Um, yes, sir, madam, sir?” The Combatpony replied, shrinking under her commanding officer’s glare.

“Your suit is crooked.” Cadance used her magic to adjust the mare’s suit, making it neater and straighter. “We expect all Shocker agents to dress their best.”

“Yes, uh, sir, madam, sir.” The Combatpony saluted.

“You’re new, right?” Ditzy asked and the other mare shrinking in fear.

“Yes.” The Combatpony’s voice squeaked.

“Relax.” Ditzy gave a smile. “It’s hard working from the bottom. Work hard and you’ll climb to the heavens in short order.”

Cadance nodded. “It’s nice to meet?” Her voice trailed off, expecting an answer.

“3351, sir.” The Combatpony replied. “That’s nice of you to say, sir. I’m super nervous.”

Cadance shook her head and gave a rueful smile. “Just don’t let me catch you with a messy uniform again.” She smacked 3351 on the back and laughed. Ditzy and Cadance climbed into the elevator. Cadance pulled out a notebook and wrote down something and gave 3351 covert glances. She smiled and slammed her notebook shut.

3351 sighed. “She’s nicer than I expected. Still, she’s pretty scary. Well, duh, what you expect from an assassin, right?” The mare laughed. Trixie only nodded. She tried leaving, but 3351 trailed her, eager for more conversation.

“I haven’t seen you around.” 3351 said. “You must be new too. What’s your name?”

Trixie sighed, trying to rack her brain for a good number. “0001.” Stupid, why did I say that? No way would she’d believe that.

“Oh, that’s a nice name!” 3351 smiled. “If you need anything, I’d be happy to help. Us new Combatponies need to stick together 0001!”

Thank Luna she’s leaving. There’s something familiar about that mare. Trixie kept a close eye on the camera and gestured for Twi and Starlight to follow.

“What was too close.” Starlight gripped her chest and calmed her breathing and rushing heart rate.

“That was nothing.” Trixie snorted and pulled out the keycard after levitating the security camera, observing the door out of place. “We better be quick. Somepony will notice I’ve moved the camera.”

“Let’s go, before Trixie does something else crazy and suicidal.” Starlight said.

“No, I’m just good,” Trixie replied. Starlight opened her mouth to reply, but Twi stopped her.

“Guys, stop fighting. Combatponies might reappear at any moment!”

“Sorry, you’re right.” Starlight muttered.

“Yes, stop interrupting me, Starlight.” Trixie swiped the card and the door’s light turned green, opening with the click.

“Oh, sorry to bother you again 0001, but do you know where the bathroom is?” 3351 ran up to Trixie. “I super need to go.” She froze when she noticed the two mares in stealth suits and the stolen keycard in Trixie’s hooves. “What is this?!”

“Grab her,” Trixie said, and Starlight grabbed the struggling mare in her telekinesis. The computer room door slammed behind them.

The computer room was a high tech paradise with monitors and blinking lights everywhere. It contained a console with a keyboard in the middle of this techno chaos. Twilight ran towards the console, tapping at keys.

“W-who are you? You’re not really a Combatpony, are you?” 3351 asked, stuttering in fear.

“I’m glad you asked!” Trixie tore off her mask, revealing her face.

3351 eeped in terror. “You’re that terrorist, Trixie!”

Trixie snorted, insulted. “I’m not a terrorist.”

“Well, I’m pretty terrified right now.” 3351 said sobbing.

“Relax, we won’t hurt you,” Trixie said attempting to soothe the other mare with mixed results.

“Okay.” 3351 said, resigned to her fate. “I guess.”

Trixie narrowed her eyes. This mare’s voice sounded so familiar. Then it clicked. “Fluttershy?”

3351 gaped in astonishment. “You know my name?”

“In my world, we’re friends!” Trixie said delightedly seeing a familiar face. Sure, she was part of Shocker, but details. And this mare didn’t seem that different from her Fluttershy.

“What?” Fluttershy stared at Trixie like she was crazy.

“I’m from an alternate timeline.” Trixie waved a hoof in a circle. “It’s a whole thing.”

“Trixie, should you really be telling her this?” Starlight asked.

Trixie shrugged. “Anyway, Flutters, do you still like animals?”

“Yes?” Fluttershy wasn’t sure she wanted to respond.

“Then what’s a nice animal-loving mare like you working for Shocker?” Trixie asked.

Fluttershy sighed. “I’m doing it because Shocker offers to play for college if you enlist for a few years. I want to become a veterinarian.” She sighed again, defeated and forlorn. “Not that it matters anymore. I’ll never live this down! I didn’t even fight back. Shocker punishes ponies that fail. I’ll be lucky if they let me live!”

Pity filled Trixie. She didn’t mean to walk in and ruin this mare’s life. Fluttershy didn’t deserve this. A light lit up in her head and she smiled. “Put Fluttershy down.”


“I’ve decided. She’s joining our side!”

“Eh?!” Starlight and Fluttershy said in utter bafflement.

“What? What? But! What?!” Starlight babbled, totally thrown off by Trixie’s unexpected proposal.

“You want me to join you?” Fluttershy asked, bewildered.

“Sure, why not?” Trixie beamed.

“That’s crazy!” Starlight said, almost delirious. “She’s part of Shocker!”

“Do you want to be part of Shocker?” Trixie asked Fluttershy, her voice earnest. “You know they’re bad ponies. We’re fighting for truth, justice, and friendship!”

Fluttershy sincerely considered her offer. “Well, you’re right there. Shocker is full of meanies and they’re not very nice to animals either…”

“See, perfect reason to join us!”

Fluttershy gave the offer several more long moments of consideration before nodding. “Okay, you’re right. I’ll join your group.” To signify this, she pulled off her mask, revealing her face.

“Welcome to the team!” Trixie shook Fluttershy’s hoof.

“Are you serious?” Starlight was at a loss for words.

“It’s fine!” Trixie gave Fluttershy a wink, who blushed in return.

“Whatever.” Starlight put her face in her hooves. “We are so screwed.”

“Guys, I’ve got something!” Twilight said pulling them back to the reason they infiltrated this facility.

Everypony rushed over to the screen and Trixie peered at some text that appeared on it. It filled the screen and Trixie guessed it was an old report. “What is this?”

“It’s a record of the renovations done on the Castle of the Two Sisters,” Twilight replied, “According to this, they found the statue you told me about and demolished it with a bulldozer...”

“Oh well, it was worth a try.” Trixie sighed, figuring this wouldn’t be that easy. Nothing in her life ever was. Still, were the elements gone for good? Their power always felt more metaphysical than physical to her. She didn’t lose her Ranger powers when she entered this timeline, so they must still exist somewhere. Or was friendship itself her power source?

Twilight started when she noticed Fluttershy peering over her shoulder. “Who are you?”

“She’s joining our side, I guess.” Starlight sighed, her tone defeated.

“Huh?” Twilight said, taking the unexpected news in. “Welcome to the team!”

“Thanks.” Fluttershy blushed.

“What now? We can’t win without the Elements of Harmony!” Starlight threw up her legs.

Trixie shrugged. “We’ll come up with something else. Anything on the Amulet of Kairos?”

“Nothing.” Twilight shook her head. She entered the Amulet of Kairos into a white bar and the computer replied with “No items match your search.”

Figures. If I had something that powerful, I’d make sure nopony knew about it too. “Anything else we can use? Like plans to the new castle? If we can defeat Shocker’s leader, it would be a good start.” Trixie suspected that if anypony had the Amulet of Kairos, it would be the head honcho.

Twilight tapped at the keyboard and broke into a grin. “Yes, I’ll download the blueprints to a tape.”

“Taking out the Great Leader, that’s, uh, quite the goal.” Fluttershy broke into a nervous sweat.

“Always think big, that’s my motto!”

“Got them,” Twilight said pulled out a strange box thing out of the computer.

“Let’s hurry. Princess Cadance might return at any moment.” Starlight turned to leave.

“No, wait!” Twilight said stopping her. “I want to check something first. Something Inquisitor Ditzy said bothers me.” She returned to tapping on the keyboard.

“Is it about this timeline’s version of me?” Ditzy’s words had also bothered Trixie too. Nopony knew her, which worried her.

“Give me a second.” Twilight gasped. “It can’t be.” Her hooves dropped and started in total shock.

“Oh, my!”

“What is it?”

“Trixie, somepony expunged your personal files from the public record!” Twilight replied.

Trixie blinked. “Why would anypony do that?” Had this version of Trixie done something? Was this Trixie also a freedom fighter, but got expunged for her trouble?

“I don’t know. But that isn’t everything.” Twilight paused and took in a breath. “The pony that did it was Twilight Velvet, my mother!”