• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 4,853 Views, 117 Comments

An ANON FILLY Story - FIM Fiction

An Anon story for of weird randomness and chaos, for those seeking a story with no direction.

  • ...

12, Cat got your tongue?

Anon hid beneath a random bed. The ponies of the hospital were looking for her.

"Hello! Sorry to say this, but what ever you're hiding for, it's going to happen sooner then later." a female's voice spoke.

"Yeah... But I don't want it." Anon answered.

Carrot Top let out a sigh. She knew Miss Piggy, as Pinkie said to called her, was very unstable and easy to scare. So she had to be careful about what she said. "What you hiding from? Shots?"

"Going into foster care." Anon answered. "Got any advice?"

"No, not really. But why is foster care so bad?" asked Carrot Top.

"Weeeelllllllll.... Chances are the adults are stupid and think I was raped or something like that. So foster folks would be careful with me, blah blah blah and all that not good stuff." Anon answered.

"...Huh." Carrot Top said. "Please get out from beneath my bed. I don't mean to sound rude, but my leg's broke and I don't want you to accidently jostle the bed.

"Wait.... Hmm..." Anon crawled out from beneath the bed. Carrot Top raised an eyebrow, seeing the child's troubled expression.

"Are you alright?" Carrot Top asked, concerned.

"I'm gonna tell you a secret, okay Golden Harvest?"

"It's Carrot Top."

"I can do magic."

"Huh?" Carrot Top tilted her head. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I can hypnotise slash confuse people." Anon said, grinning, before trotting out of the room.

Carrot scratched her head in confusion. "What- oh. I get it." She let out a small chuckle.

Doctor Stable looked around the room. "Why has there been no physical check on Anon A Miss?" he asked. "She's been here for over a week. And beyond appearance, we have no notes on her physical wellbeing."

Nurse Redheart raised a hoof to object, only to lower it as she thought. "You're right. I'll get on it right away."

Anon stared up at the ceiling. "Well crap pies." she said to herself. "I was sure they wouldn't ever do that." Anon felt like the last of her honor was taken. "Welp, Ima just lay here and ponder on nothing."

Doctor First Aid studied the file in confusion. She then stared back at Nurse Redheart, who was just as puzzled as her. "Where... why...?" First Aid set the folder down. "There is something very wrong with her genitals. Her body is pony, except for that! It's of a whole other species!"

"Do you think it has anything to do with... her?" Redheart asked.

First Aid stayed silent. "...Maybe. But chances are that stripped witch has already set defenses in case her lair is attacked again."

Anon rubbed her chin. "What would it be like to be a cat?" she asked herself, before sneezing. A burst of orange filled the room as Nurse Redheart entered.

"Anon? What was that? Nurse Redheart asked. Anon stared blankly at a wall. "Anon, are you alright?" She asked slowly.

"Meow?" The filly answered, eyes now blue.

Two dragons stood in the woods, by a lake. Smolder let out a grunt as she angrily kicked a tree. It crashed to the ground. "GAH! HOW FREAKIN HARD CAN IT BE TO FIND ONE PONY!?!?" She picked up the tree and threw it into the lake. "I JUST WANT TO FIND MY PONY!" Smolder took a deep breath and blew fire out at the tree, lighting ablaze despite being wet. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!" She snapped towards Discord. "AND YOU! I OUTA-" She paused and gave an angrily confused look. "What are you even doing?"

Discord poured a cup of tea. "Please, have a seat."

"Where did you even get any of this?" Smolder snapped.

Discord sipped his tea. "That is not important. What's important is finding your pony. And for you to relax." Cracks formed on Discord's chest. "Hm. Just about show time. I must soon depart in a matter of days. Now sit."

Smolder sat on one of the chairs, mimicking Discord's sitting stance. She grabbed a tea cup and sipped. She quickly drained the cup. "Whoa! What is that?" she asked.

"Some kind of tea I stole from the queen of England." Discord answered. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, actually. Thanks, Discord... I needed this." Smolder said with a grin.

"You certainly do!" Discord snapped, slamming his paw on the table. He stared at the paw. "Well, that complicates things. But that can wait until later. For now..." Discord gave a small smile. "We relax over a nice cup of tea."

"AHHHH WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING!!?" Anon screamed into the Desert air, landing onto a pile of clay pots and junk. "Uhg..." Anon rolled out of the wrecked belongings, before doing a self inspection. "Huh. I'm a cat now." Anon looked further, before giving a fist pump. "HECK YEAH! I'm a dude again."

Anon stood on two paws, and rummaged through the trash. "Score! A mirror." Anon set the hand mirror up so he could see himself. "Okay, I'm mostly black. Except for... Really?" Anon looked at his butt to see a white question mark. "Ugh. Okay, still got black eyes." Anon inspected his paws. Up to his front elbows his arms were white, like long gloves. "Wait..." Anon leaned forward to look at himself. "I'm a kitten. I'm a frikin kitten." Anon found a white bandana and put it on like a cloak. "Welp, I gotta control my sneezing." Anon said.

Anon stood in front of the mirror, Hood pulled over his head, barely showing his eyes. He set his hind paws on his hips. His legs were slightly spread. He thought he was in a heroic stance. "Looking good, and even more innocent. " Anon let out a cackle. "Now let's see what trouble I can get into."