• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 4,872 Views, 117 Comments

An ANON FILLY Story - FIM Fiction

An Anon story for of weird randomness and chaos, for those seeking a story with no direction.

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4, DRAGON!!! And Luna


"Augh..." Smolder raised her head from the ground with a groan. What was-" Smolder looked down at the cutest thing she ever laid eyes on. "What by the scorching flames is that!?" Smolder stared down at the small green animal. It was... fluffy. She grabbed a stick and poked it. It moved in response.

"Ugh..." the small green puffball groaned. Smolder took a step back. "Five more minutes, mom..."

"Uhh..." Smolder poked it again. It actually sounded a lot like a girl. And... Adorible. Smolder loved adorable things, as much as she hated to admit it. "What are you?" she asked it.

"Mph. I'm a pony now." Anon opened her eyes, groggily staring at the dragon. She blinked a couple of time, let out out a yawn, before her eyes shot wide open and she started having a coughing fit. "HOLY COW IT'S A DRAGGO!"

Smolder gave a smug grin at the pony's amazement. "Heck yeah I- wait, Draggo?"

"I'm gonna be eaten alive, aren't I?" Anon asked. "I knew running around irresponsibly would lead to my demise, but I didn't expect it this fast."

"Uhh..." Smolder raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Nah. You're part of my hoard now."

"Sweet!" Anon exclaimed. She got up, and fell over. "I can't walk. Carry me, master." she said, reaching up with her arms.

"Master?" Smolder asked as she picked up her new treasure. She slung the filly over her right shoulder, head over the back.

"Well you own me now, right? Like the virgin sacr- actually that never happens so never mind." Anon stuck out her tongue. "Is calling you master too weird? Or should I call you mistress, or something else?"

"What's the difference?" Smolder replied, slightly confused.

"Well, a master is for males. Mistress is for females." Anon answered.

"That's dumb. Just have master and be done with it." Smolder said. "I wonder if Garble would let me keep you in his hoard chamber until I find my own."

"Is he a red dragon?" Anon asked.


"I see him."

Smolder turned around to see her brother Garble flying over. She waved him over with her left claw.

"Hey sis!" Garble said as he landed. "What you got there?"

"I got a pony!" Smolder said, excited.

"Sweet! You planning on sharing?" Garble asked, licking his lips. Pony meat was pretty tasty!

"Heck no! She's my treasure!" Smoulder exclaimed, turning around and walking.

Garble walked up to her. "Your... treasure?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yup. My first hoard item." Smolder said proudly. "Claws off."

Garble scratched his head. "You're not gonna eat it?"

"Her." Smolder corrected. "And no. At least, not yet."

"Hey!" Anon hit Smoulder's back. "I think, and therefore I am. I breath. I'm alive, unlike crystals and gems!"

"I was just joking, pony." Smolder said, smacking Anon's rump in return. "I'd say don't hit me, but you're incredibly weak."

"Just because I'm part of your booty doesn't mean you can smack my booty." Anon said, flicking her tail so it would flick Smolder's nose. Garble poked Anon's nose, and drew his hand back as she tried to bit his hand.

"Are you sure you wanna keep it- her, I mean. You're gonna have to feed her, and I'm pretty sure ponies don't eat jems."

Smolder frowned. It would be alot of work to keep this thing. "Uhh... Pony, what do you eat?"

"Fruits, veggies, and nom noms." Anon answered, stretching her left arm towards Garble. She poked his nose.

"What's a nom nom?" Garble asked.

"Something tasty, like cake or steak."

"What's steak?" Smolder asked. She neared the other dragons.

"Roasted tofu slabs." Anon answered.

A large, brown dragon bent his head down towards Smolder. "Why do you have a pony?" he asked. Many smaller dragons came close to see the pony.

"She's my first hoard item!" Smolder exclaimed. She set Anon down. "You can look, but don't touch."

Anon looked at the crowd she gathered. She stood on her hind legs and gave a small wave. "Hi."

Garble raised a brow. "Aren't ponies suppose to walk on four legs?"

Anon gave a shrug. "I guess." She sat back down like a pony would.

The large brown dragon looked at Smolder. "What purpose do you have for keeping a living pony? They are useless and may as well be cooked."

At this, a dragon leapt at Anon, only to be flung back through the air by an orange glow. "Well for starters I got magic." Anon said. 'Swweeeeeet!'. "I also know how to grow gems." 'Hopefully. If FIMFiction stories are right.'

All the dragons stared wide eyed. "Did you just say you can grow jems?" Garble asked.

"Yup! So I'm gonna be a great... oh crap." Anon's legs splayed out in front of her like a human. "I'm a slave now." She held her head. "Aaaand I forgot about my head wound." Her head swam. "Good night." Everything went black and she fell unconscious.

Anon woke with a shudder. Darkness surrounded her. "Hello?" she asked shakily. A dragon, no, a demon, stood over her.

"GET TO WORK!" the beast roared. It brought down a whip. Anon let out a shriek, petrified as the whip lashed her. It stung, bringing deep cuts.

"Stop!" she cried out. The beast did not listen. "Please stop!" she sobbed. It whipped her again. "Somepony help me!"

"NOPONY CAN HELP YOU!" it roared.

"Good thing I ain't a pony then!" a voice called out. The beast turned to look and was kicked between the legs by Adam. It fell over, rolling in agony.

Anon looked in shock. She looked up at her savoir, and felt... weird. At times, when a human dreams, they can dream of many people and "be" an entire group, rather then themselves. But not ever aware of that until they wake up. Now...

"Hey, no time for deep thinking." Adam said, lightly slapping herself. Or was it still himself?

"Well then what time is it!?" Anon angrily shouted back. "We're slaves now!"

"Well I did kinda agree to- wait we? We're one and the same and frick I did the same thing." Adam sat down on a tree stump. Oddly, the darkness was now replaced with a minecraft plain biome. A brown robed villager HRMed nearby. "I guess we're kinda like these guys now." The villager disagreed with a grunt.

"How are we similar to a villager!? That's dumb!" Anon scolded, pointing a stick at him.

Adam pointed a minecraft stick at the villager. A village formed nearby. "They're useful and few people actually try to protect them unless they got good stuff. We know how to grow gems, so that's our trade item. And the only reason they have for keeping us alive."

"Yeah, well that's dumb. Are we gonna try to get home?" Anon asked.

Adam shrugged as the sky became night. "I dunno... In some stories they manage to send the person back. In others, the person stays and makes a life in Equestria." He moved off the stump and laid on the grass, staring at the stars. "But this isn't a story. It's real life. Trying to get home might rip a hole somewhere in this universe and kill a lot of innocent aliens. But this planet would never know." he mused. "The unconsidered consequence."

Anon looked down, dropping her stick. It became a minecraft potato. "I guess your right..."

Luna had finished helping many a dream. It was her duty. But she had trouble finding the foal. At last, she found the dream and entered. Luna searched for the dreamer, and was confounded when she couldn't tell if there were one or two dreamers. She searched the dream, and found the filly eating cake with an odd, blocky creature in brown robes. She landed. "Anon?"

"Sup?" Luna turned and saw an oddly thin, tall creature of her own height. It resembled an ape, but it's proportions were greatly off. It wore a white t-shirt, blue pants and white socks. The oddest thing was not it's green skin, but it's lack of eyes and a question mark over the face.

"Sup?" Luna echoed, confused. She looked at Anon and at the creature.

"We're both me." Anon said as the night changed to mc day. The sun was square. "I'm seeing out of my eyes."

"And I actually have a third person view." Adam said. "Not seeing out of my eyes but." He pointed upwards. "I'm seeing from up there. And from her eyes. It's very weird."

Luna frowned. "Indeed." She noticed that the filly had tear streaks on her face. "Art thou alright?" she asked, sitting beside the filly. Anon let out a sob before hugging Luna. This surprised the Alicorn, but even still, Luna returned the hug with her left wing. "What is wrong?"

"I'm a slave now!" Anon sobbed.

"What!?" Luna lifted Anon in her hooves. "Where art thou!?"

"It won't actually be that bad, being a slave." Adam said. He gained a glare from Luna.

"How dare you say such a thing!?" Luna scolded.

"Hey moon butt Nighmare, don't forget. The girl and me are the same mind, just split in two for the sake of a dream. Any attempt to reprimand me is just reprimanding her." Adam said.

Luna frowned. "Why are there two of you?"

Adam sat up. "Dunno. We may be insane. And would you look at the time? It's an odd bitey feeling in the arm o'clock!"he said, looking at his wrist. A watch with teeth nawed at him.

Anon frowned. "We're gonna wake up to a dragon trying to eat us, aren't we?"

"Where art thou!?" Luna said as the dream faded. "TELL ME!"

Anon punched her arm immediately, bopping someone's snout. "I ain't food, fool!" she said as she got to her hind legs. A dark grey dragon stood before her.

"You are to me." he growled. Before he could lunge, he heard a cry of a demon leave the pony's mouth.

"*ROOAAAAARRSCRRREEEECCCHH!!!*" Anon shrieked. The dragon jumped and hightailed it out of the cave.

"OH MY FLAME OH MY FLAME WHAT THE FIRELORD WAS THAT?" Anon turned to see Garble stumbling towards her, holding a torch. "What are you doing out in the hall?" Garble picked up Anon and threw her into an inner chamber. "There's a- I don't even know what's out there!"

"*Yawwn*" Smolder smacked her lips as she got off the small (large enough for her to sleep on) pile of treasure. "Something wrong, Gar Gar?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Something tried to steal your pony. But they ran off." Garble said. "Go back to sleep, I'll take care of it."

"Thanks." Smolder said groggily. She grabbed Anon and laid back on the pile. She cuddled Anon like she was a plushie. Garble couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Now I know why she likes cute stuff." he said, shaking his head.

"You know I'm awake, right 'Gar Gar'?" Anon asked, blinking cutesy at him.

"Uhh..." Garble sweated slightly. "That nickname... Only Smolder calls me that, okay?" He couldn't tell off Smolder's pony.

Anon squirmed out of Smolder's grasp. The young drake let out a noise of complaint, before snoring. "Got it. Mind if I watch the stars?"

Garble scratched the back of his head. "Most of the dragons don't think you can grow jems, and just wanna eat you. And if anything happened to you, Smolder would rip out my fangs."

"Well I did the demon shriek, and it worked well." Anon said, walking over to the cave entrance. Garble followed.

"There's no way you made that sound." Garble said.

Anon walked out of the cave entrance and took a deep breath. "Ahem. *ROOAAAAARRSCRRREEEECCCHH!!!*"

"Great gore!" Garble took a step back, his hand on his chest. "That is scary!"

Anon tucked her left arm in, and her right out. "Thank you." she said, bowing. "Also my injuries are making me exhausted, so I think I need a doctor or something." Anon said, blinking. "That, or I need way more sleep. Child vessel, ya know?" And with that, she passed out onto the floor, snoring happily.