• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 4,872 Views, 117 Comments

An ANON FILLY Story - FIM Fiction

An Anon story for of weird randomness and chaos, for those seeking a story with no direction.

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3, Racist and Hospital

A Royal Guard burst into the room. He slammed against Zecora, knocking her against the wall. "Run child! I'll hold it off-"

"CALLED IT! MAJOR RACIST GUARD!" Anon sang. She grabbed a random bottle and managed to throw it. It hit the guard and bounced off. "Dang it, the glass is too tough."

The Guard tied up Zecora, putting a gag in her mouth as well. "Come child, we must leave to get you to safety. I will kill the beast!" He pulled out a sword, and was tackled by Anon.

"Not happening, ya dummy!" Anon tried to lift the sword away, but the pain from the splits decided to say SUFFER YOU SWINE. "OWW" Anon fell over and clenched her legs together. She threw another random bottle. This one broke.


Anon looked up at Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. "And then the bottle blew up, sending the guard out the window. He continued to be an angry racist, then more racist guards came in, I may have killed one, and Zecora needs medical attention." Anon gave a sweet expression. "Am I to be punished for hurting guards, or praised for my combat skills?"

Luna stared down at the foal standing on two legs. "We... Thou... Sister, assist me for whether she deserves praise or punishment."

Celestia looked at her sister in shock. "What!?"

Anon looked proud. "Wow! I left the princesses speechless!"

The mane six arrived. Rarity immediately levitated Anon over to her. Or, at least tried to."Oh my! That nasty creature didn't hurt you, did-"

"RACIST!!!" Anon screamed loudly at Rarity's face. She shocked Rarity to being dropped. "Oof." Applejack rushed over. Before she could even see if the child was hurt, she was also screamed at. "RACE! IST!"

Fluttershy arrived with Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Spike. "RACIST!" was screamed at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. The child then hugged Twilight's leg. "Not racist, but quite smart." The child then hugged Spike. She was smaller then the young dragon. "Spikey Wikey. I'm sleepy now." And with that, the child fell asleep. Or rather passed out from leg pain.


Anon groaned as she woke up. She looked around the room. "Well fudge monkeys. I'm in a hospital room." Anon hopped out of the bed. She winced as a needle was pulled out in the process. "Uhh... I have no idea what that's for." Anon waddled on her two legs. "Let's see... I'm a child, probably was out of it when we came here... Hurt legs? Probably think I was raped or something. Self claim to insanity is also there." Anon walked over to look at her clipboard. "Weird language that I can't read. Well then. This seems like it's a stupid fimfiction story."

Anon rubbed her chin. "Hmm... Is there a god obsessed with fimfiction who did this? Maybe..." (Nah...) Anon walked to the window and climbed on the window sill. "Out I go?"

"What are you doing!?" Anon felt some weird force tug her back, making her fall the the ground, back of head hitting the ground.

"Ouch! You could have just levitated me!" Anon got to her feet 'Because gosh darn it I'll be as human as fricking possible' and glared at the nurse who entered.

"I..." A puzzled face formed on the nurse. Her horn glowed as she tried to lift Anon. Anon was lifted an inch, but no more. "What?"

"Wow. This is getting more and more mysterious by the moment. See ya!" Anon ran to the window and opened it. "WHOO-ACK!" Anon was tugged yet again. "Discord! I summon thee!" Anon said as she hit the ground.

Discord popped into existence, looked at Anon and frowned. "Nope, I'm out. You're on your own, Adam." He then disappeared.

"Well crap. Discord knows what's up, but won't help me up. So, real life situation here, but I don't care and will probably mess everything up." Anon spun on her feet to face the nurse. "YOU THERE! Confused yet?"

"I-" was all the nurse could say before Anon ran out of the room. She stood speechless for a few moments, before running after Anon.

"Hey Discord! I'm gonna cause more chaos then you and replace you!" Anon shouted as she ran down the hall. He ran by a confused and startled Fluttershy, and jumped over a very confused Twilight. "ANARCHY RAINS SUPREME! NOT SURE HOW IT RAINS THE STUFF, BUT IT DOES!" Anon then tripped, fell on her head, and passed out.

When she came to, she was in the hospital room. But with another nurse beside her. A boy with the cute nurse hat. "H-hello. Are you alright?" He sounded like a teen.

Anon thought about that question, taking a moment to consider her whole day so far. From dying, to appearing in this world as a girl and child, but still alive. "Yeah, and nah. Complicated. But hey, look on the bright side."

The teen tilted his head, looking somewhat concerned. "Don't you have a headache or anything?"

Anon grabbed his face and brought their foreheads together, before whispering "I cheated Death, and I will replace Discord, Luna, Celestia, and Twilight once she becomes a Hybrid." She let go and began laughing.

The teen looked to the door. "N-Nurse Redheart? C-could you come in here please?" he asked in a nervous voice.

Nurse Redheart entered the room. She wore a kind smile. "Hello-"

"So first off" Anon interrupted, shoving a hoof in Redheart's direction, "I will not be treated like a child. But chances are you are going to treat me like one, so it's pointless anyways. Okay, how did Bruce and Green survive their worlds again? Crud. I forgot. WELP!" Anon then fell back to the bed and pretended to sleep. She read the fimfiction stories on hospitals and they always seemed so boring to her.

"Hello?" Anon's eyes snapped open. She sat strait up and glared at Pinkie. "Hi! My name is-"

"Big pink and racist." Anon finished. "Ima point out every illogical thing about you, then Ima out do it. I'll be Pinkie two point oh. Woo! Frick you!"

A gasp came spread though the room. "Don't cuss!" Pinkie scolded.

"Discord! If you teleport me right now I'll pay you a favor!" Anon shouted, waving her hooves. A glow of orange formed around her. With a poof, she was gone. And reappeared several hundred feet in the air. In the dragon lands. "SHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Anon screamed as she fell. "Wait Discord is still in stone at this point. Isn't he?" Anon looked around. "What was I saying?" She looked down. "Oh yeah. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!"


Smolder let out a grunt as she threw a rock. She was incredibly bored, and kinda hungry.

"iiiiiiiiiiiit" Smoulder raised her head. She heard something. But she wasn't sure wha- THUMP.
#We have arrived to the good stuff.

Author's Note:

I have paid attention to the fact that people think this story rushes too fast, and am making edits to fix that.