• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 4,872 Views, 117 Comments

An ANON FILLY Story - FIM Fiction

An Anon story for of weird randomness and chaos, for those seeking a story with no direction.

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14, More Hospital stuff

"Hmmm" Anon sat on her haunches, thinking. Of what exactly? Let's find out.

"Why am I in a straight-jacket, and why was a rat in a hospital room?" Anon tried to wriggle out of the straight-jacket, and failed. She grabbed the rat with her mouth, and carefully stood up. She walked over the where the door would be and waited. Soon enough, the door opened and Anon slipped out, screaming "THE BRITISH ARE COMING THE BRITISH ARE COMING!" as she ran down the hall. She stopped, kicked open the door that held Screw Loose the dog lady, hopped onto her back, and rode down the hall. "YEEHAWW!"

Doctor Mindscape stared in shock, before pulling out a whistle. "We've got two trying to run!" he shouted.

Smolder grumbled as she marched towards camp. "Stupid Discord, where were you?" she growled as she entered the clearing. Her eyes widened as she saw a statue of Discord sitting on a log, smiling as he looked at a map. The statue started to fade into dust, the map falling on top of the pile. Smolder stood there with her eyes wide and her jaw open. "D-Discord? Listen pal, this isn't funny." She walked over and grabbed the map, clenching it in her fist. "Okay ha ha yeah it's actually funny. Come on out from wherever you're hiding." Only silence responded.

Smolder held back a tear, reminding herself that dragon's don't cry. "Screw it." she said to herself, before letting a tear fall. She unrolled the map. It showed many towns crossed out, with one circled. "Ponyville." Written over it was the word "Hospital".

Smolder gently rolled up the map. "I'll find Piggy. For the both of us," she said, carrying a restored confidence.

Twilight and her friends entered the hospital. "What in Celestia's sweet name is going on!?"

"It looks like a madhouse!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"IT IS THE MADHOUSE!" an old pony holding a chair shouted.

Fluttershy ducked as the chair flew over her head. "Oh my." she whispered.

"Hey doc! What's going on?" Spike called out.

"Miss Piggy." Stable Horse griminced. "Miss Piggy happened."

"What exactly happened though?" Applejack asked, before getting tackled.

"Miss Piggy let out every loonie we had. Twelve, but still enough to cause chaos." Mindscape answered.

"CATCH!" Anon threw a Daring Do book at the ceiling, somehow causing it to hit Rainbow Dash firmly on her left wing.

"AH!" Rainbow Dash fell over in pain, while the Secretary's desk caught fire for no reason.

Anon survied the chaos, before hopping onto Pinkie's head and screaming "I AM CHAOS! WOO-" Anon slipped from Pinkie's head and landed on her own. Her last thoughts were 'Am I head heavy or something?'.

Anon awoke in a hospital bed, broken hoofcuffs on her bed. "Ugh..." She rubbed her head as she sat up human style. "What happened?" she groaned.

Doctor Stable entered the room. He frowned seeing the broken hoofcuffs. He removed the hoofcuffs while levitating over a chair. He sat down beside the bed. "Hello Miss Piggy. How are you feeling today?" he asked warmly. He left the door open.

Anon stared at Stable Horse's head. "Uhh..." Anon could have sworn that Stable was an Earth pony. She shook her head. "I gotta admit, I feel a little bit everywhere."

"That must be rough." Stable replied. "Do you need an icepack?"

Anon stared. "You aren't weirded out by me what so ever, are you?"

"No. Is that bad?" Stable asked.

Anon rubbed her chin. "No, I guess not..." she said suspiciously. "But meh, if I can't weird you out then I must try harder."

Stable let out a barley noticeable chuckle. "I'm curious, why do you try to be so weird?"

Anon raised a hoof before letting it drop. "Am I insane?" she asked herself shakily.

"What's the matter?" Stable asked, concern lightly touching his voice.

"..." Anon took a breath. "I've- well-" Anon looked away. She shook her head. 'Do I say? Or do I not? If I try to explain I was once a human... Well, they already think I'm an insane child. I've read too many stories where admitting leads nowhere.'

Anon let out a sigh. "Can I go to my room? I think I've have enough weirdness for today.' she said, exhausted with herself.

Dr. Stable nodded. "Of course. A little filly like you needs her naps, after all."

Anon let out a yawn. "Yeah, that makes sense.


"AHH I'M UP!" Anon stared around the room, panting heavily.

"AHH YOU'RE UP!"Pinkie exclaimed, before falling off her chair. "Hey, nice hat! And I'm digging that floating monicle!"

Anon stared. "What? No, rewind. What did I miss? Cause a lot of things went nuts."

Pinkie gave a small smile. "Well, a few days ago you started acting like a cat? Then you seemed to have completely lost it before trying to overthrow the hospital." Pinkie scratched her head. "Are you sure you don't want to enter the adoptio-"

"I am sure." Anon snapped. "Sorry. I just need a nap." she apologized.

"It's alright..." Pinkie glanced around the dark room. "Bad things seem to keep happening to you. I think you need a vacation or something."

Anon sighed. "Maybe. But I'd need a guardian for that, and a legal one." Her ears flicked and she raised her head.

Pinkie raised her head, looking out the window. "Did I just see an orange dragon landing in the distance?"

Anon smiled. "I think my legal guardian has just arrived."

Chapter is !$ done.

Author's Note:

I threw out all the trash from this chapter and halved it's size. But at least it's no longer trash.