• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 4,871 Views, 117 Comments

An ANON FILLY Story - FIM Fiction

An Anon story for of weird randomness and chaos, for those seeking a story with no direction.

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5, Piggy

Garble poked the filly's face. "Come on don't be dead don't be dead don't be dead."

"Who's dead?" Smolder asked from within the treasure chamber.

"No one!" Garble shouted, now shaking the pony.

Anon let out a yawn, before grunting. "W-h-y-a-r-e-y-o-u-s-h-a-k-i-n-g-m-e-?" she asked.

Garble let go. "Oh thank goodness you're alright!"

Smolder exited the chamber, letting out a yawn. "Hey Garble. What we doin today?"

"Me and my pals were gonna go lava surfing." Garble answered. "You should take care of your pony. See ya later sis." Garble flew out of the cave before Smolder could call him out on the filly's wound.

Smolder looked at Anon. "You got a name?" Anon stared blankly at the wall, wondering how many pearls a dragon could stuff in their mouth. "I can't just keep calling you Pony." Smolder said. Anon remained silent. "Uh... How does Emerald sound?" Silence. "You alright?"

Anon drew her legs towards her and rocked, like a human child. "No. I don't know if I'm insane or not. And if I am, then on what half? This as a reality? And my first place a fake?" She grew silent, her foal brain trying to process the past two days. Her usual chaotic asshole mind paired with the child's body that had certain needs definitely did not seem as much fun as she thought it would. Plus, that weird orange teleported her way out here, so she couldn't screw with the ponies.

Smolder sat down. "You had it rough, huh?" Silence. "Alright then. How does... Actually, I'll talk to the Elders about it." Smolder got up and stretched down her hand. "Come on Pony. You got gems to grow."

Anon grabbed the claw and was pulled up. She walked on her hind legs. "I don't feel quite ready for that yet.., Plus I'd need help picking out a good spot."

"An Elder could help with that..." Smolder rubbed her chin. "Climb on my back. We're seeing the Elders."

"Ride on your back?" Anon asked. "I uh... Have a problem with... heights."

"Oh sorry!" Smolder said. "I had no idea. Maybe we should go and walk."


Anon clung tightly to Smolder, keeping her eyes shut as tightly as possible. "I HATE HEIGHTS!"

"Too bad!" Smolder shouted back. Her pony was gripping so tightly that even if Smolder crashed she would still be hanging on. 'Huh. That's an idea.' "Hey! Wanna see me do a trick?"

"No?" Anon squeaked. She let out a shriek as Smolder dived. "AHHHHHHHH PULL UP PULL UP PULL UP YOU SALTY SEA MONKEY!"

"WOOO!!!" Smolder shifted her wings so she went in a tight and quick spiral as she fell. At the last moment, she opened her wings at an angle, letting her glide along the ground at incredible speed, dodging the rocks and boulders. She used the momentum to skim up the Great Lair, landing at a pretty large ledge where an Elder dragon sat, watching. She landed while walking, as if she wasn't even flying just a moment ago. "Wasn't that fun?"

Anon clung tight, before her limbs released like a rigged claw machine. She stared up into the sky, petrified like a statue.

"Oh blazing fires!" Smolder's claws went to the sides of her head in worry. "Did I just break her!?"

The Elder gave a chuckle. "Give her a second." he told Smolder, moving her claws off her head. He recognized the look on the pony's face.

Anon suddenly gasped, before letting out a mighty "WOO YEAH BIOSHKI! WOOOO! GOOD LAWD I CAN'T MOVE!"

"She's alright!" Smolder shouted, pumping her fist.

"Now that we have determined that, please tell me why you have an injured foal." the Elder dragon Obsidian said. An ironic name, as he was a brilliant white.

Anon rolled over and got on her hind hooves. She now walked properly, not waddling. "That was wicked awesome like a freaking roller coaster and I never wanna do that ever again my gawd darn life but your just gonna do it any way AND-" Anon stopped to gulp in air

"Shush." Smolder said. "This is my pony. She landed on me after dropping out of the sky." Obsidian raised a brow. "She won't tell me her name, so I decided I should ask the Elders to decide her name."

Obsidian scratched his chin with a single claw. "And why would we do that?" he asked as another Elder landed. Long Tooth, a dark green dragon.

"She says she can grow gems." Smolder said.

"I can farm rocks. I'm a rock farmer." Anon explained. 'Internet you better not let me down.'

A certain dragon landed, curious as to why so many Elders were gathering. "What's going on?" Ember asked. She looked at the pony. "A baby pony."

"Yup. If you try to eat me I will eat you from the inside." Anon said, giving a sweet smile.

Ember let out a laugh. "She's a fighter, that's for sure. Why is there a pony?"

"She's mine." Smolder said proudly. At this time, a few Elders and a group of teen dragons had gathered.

An Elder named Dagger scratched his rusty chin. "How about Piglet?"

"Piglet?" the other dragons (and pony) asked in confusion.

"Let me explain. The pony will not give her name. So Smolder asked the Elders to give her one. She is pudgy "Hey!" so Pig would work. But she is also a foal, with advanced speaking and walking skills, so Piglet seems suiting."

"Makes sense." Obsidian said with a shrug of his shoulders. He laid down, propping up his head with his claws. "But I wonder. How does one grow gems? Or farm rocks, as the pony says."

Anon sat down like a pony as the entire group stared at her. She remained silent for a few seconds as her mind went blank of all videos and stories on rock farming. "Give me a second I'm not dumb I'm just panicking."

The dragons waited as the pony sweated.

"I uh..." Anon took a deep breath, recalling every story when Pinkie explained to her friends how the rock farms functioned. "I'd need a cavern of crystals that stretch underground. I'd also need a lot of ground preferably flat above those caverns. Oh! And the caverns need magnetic iron."

"Why?" Longclaw asked. "How does that grow gems?"

"Th-the caverns of crystal and iron- I- The rocks would be rotated over the caverns in certain areas at certain times, soaking up energy or something. Plus magnetism and more stuff I don't understand."

"That you don't understand?" Ember asked, suspicious.

"Well do you understand how Alka root calms the stomach?" Anon snapped back.

"Good point." Ember responded.

"Another point to bring up," Obsidian said, "Is to get Piglet healed. With her young age she is fragile. And those wounds are bad. If she is not healed, she will die in a week."

"WHAT!?" Anon said, before fainting in a dramatic Rarity fashion of flinging herself over a rock.
