• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 4,872 Views, 117 Comments

An ANON FILLY Story - FIM Fiction

An Anon story for of weird randomness and chaos, for those seeking a story with no direction.

  • ...

19, Hang on a moment, what?

23 The HAng on this doesn't seem right.

Adam woke from his dream with a start. That was all so... strange. Talking ponies? Or something... Already, the details were fading. Anon stared out the window, watching the rain fall outside. "Yet another fantastic day." he grumbled. "Hey Ma!" he called out. "Are we busy today?" he asked, calling from the living couch.

"Planning on getting drunk today?" a cheerful voice came from the kitchen. "Or hanging out with your boyfriends?"

"Nah, I'm thinking about getting a gun and ending dad." Adam replied.

There was silence from the kitchen, before a soft response. "Were it that easy."

"What?" Adam stood up. "What do you mean-"

"Let's drop the subject, okay?" his mother replied.

Adam sighed, and nodded. He grabbed his coat and pulled it on, heading for the door. "I'll ask the pastor how to kill a demon, ya?"

"Adam Noah Oswald Naylor! I said drop it!" Adam's mother replied angrily. He simple walked out the door.

Anon. His name was Adam, but his friends would always call him Anon. Said it sounded better. More mysterious. He liked it too. Far better then "Amelia". But people would only use his full name if they were proper cross at him.

"Wait a minute. 'Boyfriends'?" Adam recalled how close all his friends acted around him. "Are they all gay for me?" he asked, scratching his head. "I mean, that sounds amazing but..." Adam pulled out his phone. "Text all, guys meet me at Joy's Bar."

Adam looked at the text and nodded, before clicking send. "No use beating around the bush." he said with a grin.

Adam walked to the bar, whistling as he went. He stared at the sign, before walking in. "Hey Mally!" he called out to the bar keep. "I've invited all my friends for a party. Have we the room?"

"Uhh... Okay, first off, call in advance for this kind of shit. Yeah. Yeah, we got room." Mally said, glancing around the mostly empty bar. "Spose it'll be good business. What's the occasion?" he asked. "Win the lottery?"

"Already won it baby!" Adam said, plopping down on a stool. "Spent it all on a dick."

"Who was that?" Mally asked.

"Me." Adam chuckled. Mally raised an eyebrow, and motioned for him to continue. "Well, I gained a working dick I had so much money. Bought me some boxers, everything a guy could need really."

"I don't really understand." Mally said. "But you've always paid your tab, so who am I to complain."

"Also the occasion is to see if my guypal will be my boyfriend!" Adam said, spinning in his chair.

"Oh, whose the lucky man?" Mally asked, setting down a root beer float for Adam.

"I have no idea!" Adam said, throwing his hands up with a giggle.

"Anon, you've got to be the weirdest man I know."

Adam nodded. "Good. For a second I was worried I was losing my touch."

The bar started filling up with several people, who sat down at the tables as Adam simply grinned. After they all sat down, Adam stood on the stool.

"I have but a single question, inspired from a statement my mother made." he explained, looking out at everyone. "So, raise your hand if you wouldn't mind dating me!"

Five hands shot into the air. A bodybuilder name Brad, a biker named Jimmy, a single dad dressed in a T shirt named Steve, their Forever DM Harry, and Mally. "Well that's interesting." Mally said, looking at his own hand in mild surprise.

"This is awkward..." Steve said. "Anon-"

"What do you guys think about poly relationship?" Adam asked, his grin even wider. "You can lower your hands."

"Well, I don't really think a single person could handle you, so I wouldn't be against it." Brad said, shrugging.

"Considering my options? Why not" Jimmy said, trying to hide a blush with a menu.

Harry rubbed his chin. "I guess we could try?" he said. "Honestly you're a real life bardic..." Harry scowled. "I've been DM for seven years. I should know DnD flirts."

"Fuck. Yes." Steve said, a massive grin on his own face.

Everyone in the bar turned to face Mally. Some people even poked their heads in from outside. He gave a chuckle. "I've gotten to know the drunk you, should be fun to discover the sober you." he said.

"Woo!" Adam said, throwing his hands into the air. The rest of his friends applauded. Adam started dancing on the stool before quickly falling off as the stool fell over. Mally caught him and set him down. "NOW LET'S GET WASTED!" he shouted. His friends cheered. "I'M RICH EVERYONE IN THE BUILDING IS GETTING DRUNK AND I'M PAYING EVERY CENT!" The entire bar broke into applause.

Steve sighed. "Well, looks like I'm the designated driver."

Don't worry, I am certain things will be corrected shortly!

Author's Note:

An ending approaches, with a new beginning already on the horizon.