• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 1,932 Views, 687 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Unstoppable Ego - MagicS

Bored at the recent lack of adventure in her life, Rainbow Dash goes flying off to find some.

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Full Heart

The street ended well before the mountains began. It simply hit a dead end with a metal wall that looked like it stretched south to the limits of all the buildings up here on the surface level of the canyon. Beyond the wall the ground would slowly begin to slope up and become much more uneven, so building anything beyond it was just impractical. But there was something waiting for her at the end of the road; another viewing platform.

This one was a little different, still had the same semi-circle shape that jutted out over the top of the canyon along with another safety railing, but there was no glass bottom for looking down, instead it was just cement. When she peeked over the railing instead it seemed like there was nothing to look at down there anyways. Probably because of the seclusion of this platform there weren’t any other creatures currently on it, Rainbow Dash had seen fewer and fewer others walking down the street the closer she got to the end and the buildings thinned out a little too. This part of the city wasn’t near as lively as it was closer to the hotel.

Rainbow Dash flapped her gums as she stood at the edge of the platform and looked across the canyon some more. A sight she had already gotten very used to.

“Probably about time for lunch, I should start heading back in a minute.”

And then from there she was going to fly down east to some of the other canyons and rifts in the ice and rock up here, looking for that fun stuff Tol’Vai told her about. And if she ever got bored? Well she could just up and leave after doing some work at the hotel to pay off the “free” room. It’s not like she had hit the north pole yet or anything, there was undoubtedly still a ton of stuff in the True North to go.

Rainbow Dash smiled and took a big stretch, getting ready to fly back to her hotel. “Yeah, that’s what I’ll do while I’m here.”


Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up at the happy voice and she turned around to see a pony standing at the street right in front of the viewing platform. She was an earth pony mare, hot pink coat, with a sparkly and almost translucent white mane and tail. Her mane was done in a bob cut that perfectly framed her face and showed off her large blue eyes and the small close-lipped smile she was wearing on her face. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at the unassuming but friendly looking pony, was she a polite local that had come down this way too?

“Uh, hi?” Rainbow Dash said back to her.

The mare just stood there for a minute and stared at her, only blinking once or twice and not saying anything else. Rainbow Dash was quickly growing impatient.

“Can I help you?” She raised an eyebrow at the mare.

“I’m just-” the pink mare said in a light, singsong, voice. “Are you really just a normal pony?”

“Huh?” Dash frowned and did a 360 to show herself off to the strange pony. “What’s it look like to you?”

The pony tilted her head slightly as she kept smiling. “You’re just so much brighter and warmer than anything I’ve ever seen before. The feeling you give off… it’s amazing. You’re not like any other pony I’ve met in my whole life.”

Rainbow Dash grinned and puffed out her chest, her pride and ego getting to her immediately. “Well yeah, of course you’ve never met a pony like me before, I’m awesome! Probably the most awesome pony in the world!” She laughed at her own boasting. “Heh, sorry for getting a little carried away, but it’s true.”

“I can tell,” the pony nodded eagerly. “You’re even brighter and warmer than the sun! So who are you?”

“Glad you asked!” Rainbow Dash spread her wings and brought up a hoof to thump her chest. “Name’s Rainbow Dash, I’ve come up here all the way from Equestria if you’ve heard about it. So what’s your name?”

The mare’s smile grew a little wider and she turned so her side was facing Rainbow Dash, looking back at and lifting a hoof to point at her Cutie Mark on her flank. It was a large red heart outlined in black. “You see my Cutie Mark? I was born with it, and my parents decided to name me Full Heart because of that.” Her blue eyes flickered back to Rainbow Dash. “But as I grew older my parents started calling me Heartless instead. So that’s what I go by now.”

“Okaaaay.” Rainbow Dash replied and scratched her head. Seemed kind of weird to her but whatever. “Well it was nice meeting you but I’ve gotta get back to my hotel and-”

“Your life.”

“What?” Rainbow questioned again as Heartless cut her off, the pink pony still standing in front of her.

Heartless took a step forward onto the viewing platform. “Your life. It’s so strong that it drowns out everything else. I’ve felt it calling to me for so long and now you’re finally here. I was waiting, and waiting, watching you as you made your way closer to me. I had no idea what you were but now I’ve finally met face to face with you.”

“Uhh, okay? I don’t get it but good for you,” Dash said as she took a step back.

Heartless took a few steps closer, always smiling as she got right in front of Rainbow Dash. “I need it. Thank you for coming to me, your life will be unlike any I’ve felt before, I know it.”

She lifted up a hoof and reached out to touch Rainbow Dash’s cheek.

Rainbow Dash was about to ask what she was doing and pull away from the pink hoof when it grazed against her. It was so brief. It was barely a touch at all. And at the same time she felt all her energy and strength leave her body—like it was sucked out right through that pink hoof.

Dash sharply inhaled and swatted Heartless’s hoof away, stumbling backwards and collapsing onto the cement floor of the platform. Her body was screaming at her as if she just sprinted a marathon or had gone through the hardest workout of her life. She had gone pale and a cold sweat had started to break out all over her.

“W-What happened? What did you do?” Dash struggled to speak and breathe as she fought her way back to her hooves.

Heartless meanwhile had closed her eyes and had a look of utter bliss on her face. “I knew it. I knew it, so warm, so filling like nothing else.” She sighed and opened her eyes to look down at Rainbow Dash. “And you’re still so strong. Most ponies are dead after a single touch or can barely move. But not you, you’re as special and full of life as I thought you were, Rainbow Dash.”

The smiling pink pony took another step towards Rainbow Dash. “But it’s not enough, I want everything you have. I want your entire life, Rainbow Dash.”

She reached out her hoof to Rainbow Dash again and the pegasus’ eyes widened in fear.

“Get away from me!” Rainbow Dash shouted and extended her wings, with a single powerful flap she shot up off the viewing platform like a rocket, going high into the air before using another powerful burst to shoot off north at high speed with a sonic boom erupting from where she left.

Heartless blinked at the rainbow trail left behind and lowered her hoof. “Incredible. Just incredible. You’re so amazing, Rainbow Dash, to think that you could even still do something like that too. That warm, bright life of yours is overflowing with strength and vitality. I can’t wait to feel more of it.” She smiled and held her hoof close to her chest.

Then just as Rainbow Dash had left through the sky and went north, something else came down from the sky to the south and landed right behind Heartless.

Something heavy that shook the viewing platform she was standing on.

With a now blank look on her face she turned around and spotted a large but very haggard and injured looking pegasus. Two more average sized pegasi were coming down behind him.

“You… that pony...” Blizzard wheezed and pointed up at the spot Rainbow Dash had just shot off from. “Are you her friend? What were you talking about?”

Heartless tilted her head as the small smile reappeared on her face. “Who are you?”

“I’m asking the questions here!” Blizzard snarled while behind him East and West Wind landed. “Where did that pony go?! Tell me!” Spit practically flew from his mouth as he yelled his questions. “I must know where she’s gone, Rainbow Dash will be crushed beneath my hooves!”

The smile left her face.

“You can’t do that,” Heartless said to him.

Blizzard’s jaw clenched and his pupils shrank in anger while East and West Wind both gulped. “So you are her friend. Protecting her then? I’ll have you know that I won’t hesitate to put a pitiful mare like you-”

He never finished that sentence as Heartless calmly walked up to him and tapped him on the chest. Blizzard gasped and collapsed to the ground, unable to speak and losing the sensation in his limbs at the same time. But still alive and cognizant enough to stare up in shock at the little earth pony mare who had done this to him. East and West Wind were both confused and startled, backing away from the two others on reflex.

“You’re strong too,” Heartless said as the smile returned to her face. “But your life is nothing like hers.”

She reached down and Blizzard could do nothing but watch as she touched him right on the forehead, his body seized up, his tongue caught in his throat, and his eyes rolled back into his head.

And then he was still. A motionless body lying on the platform that was only seconds ago so full of life.

“C-Commander?” West Wind finally managed to squeak out as he and his brother looked at their now deceased leader.

Heartless completely ignored the two of them and the now lifeless body of Blizzard, turning back around she looked back up to where Rainbow Dash had flown off to and smiled wider. “I get it now. I understand. Even such a strong and warm life like his felt like nothing after I touched you, Rainbow Dash. Nothing will ever feel the same again—you’re the only one, it has to be you.” She walked to the railing and put her front hooves up on top of it. “Rainbow Dash, I’m coming for you.”

Author's Note:


Five day break.

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