• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Rainbow Dash's Unstoppable Ego - MagicS

Bored at the recent lack of adventure in her life, Rainbow Dash goes flying off to find some.

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Rainbow Dash Rises VI

The seven squadmates of Rainbow Dash stood before the various stands where the crystals that controlled the Ice Sentinels floated. Twenty-nine in total that had to be destroyed if they wanted to protect the city. Even if Rainbow Dash defeated Blizzard, as long as the Ice Sentinels were still coming it wouldn’t amount to much. None of them were even really sure how fast the Ice Sentinels traveled or how much time they had until they arrived but they didn’t want to bet on it being long. And yet the seven of them hesitated. The uncertainty was putting a shadow of doubt in their minds as they struggled with the decision to actually destroy the crystals or not. The lack of really knowing what would happen when they did that was eating away at them.

“Okay, so are we totally sure we know what we’re doing?” Summer Rains asked the others.

“Nope,” Wild Wind shook his head.

“Gale was not remotely confident that destroying the crystals would lead to the Ice Sentinels being destroyed,” Flashbolt muttered. “And aside from Blizzard he should be the most knowledgeable.”

Crescent Moon clicked his tongue and walked up to the nearest podium. “Look, thinking isn’t going to get us anywhere. Neither is standing around like a bunch of stooges talking about it. We’ve been emulating Rainbow Dash haven’t we? And I’m pretty sure she’d just break all these darn things without thinking twice about it.”

“That is almost definitely correct,” Fierce Current nodded with a nonplussed expression on his face. The others had to agree with him as well.

“Okay so let’s get on with it then!” Crescent Moon looked at the first crystal with a rivulet of sweat running down the side of his head. Outside the storm still raged, flashes of lightning and loud explosions of thunder becoming ever more frequent. His hoof shook as he raised it to the crystal and his eyes swung over to Wild Wind. “Give me your helmet for a second.”

Wild Wind shrugged and took it off, hoofing it over to the Lieutenant. Crescent Moon raised it high above his head… and then smashed it down like a hammer on the glowing crystal, utterly shattering it into a million little pieces.

Besides the high-pitched screech that caused them to cover their ears when he did that nothing else seemed to happen.

“Well I suppose it’s impossible for us to actually see if the Sentinel that crystal is attached to is destroyed or not...” Crescent said.

The sound of another crystal being smashed reverberated through the room and the others looked over to see Clear Skies turning a random one into dust with his own helmet. He just raised a questioning eyebrow at their looks.

“What? If we already destroyed one we might as well hurry up and break the rest,” he said.

“True enough,” Crescent sighed and went to the next nearest. “Alright everyone, time to hope for the best. Break them all.”

The pegasi soldiers who had only so recently been loyal warriors under the command of Blizzard got to work destroying his tools of subjugation and terror. Crystal after crystal was quickly broken, each one letting out a pained shriek, stands were toppled over, the entire station was junked. It was like something that symbolized how the Empire would change, out with the old and in with the new. No longer would the pegasi of this city live their boxed in lives whether they be stallion or mare, soldier or civilian, with the Ice Sentinels gone and Blizzard soon to be defeated it would usher in a new era.

Ice Sentinel number one was flying towards the city after being called on by Commander Blizzard. It was making a beeline straight from its former post directly back to its original home. All of the other Sentinels were doing the same thing, converging on the city from the west and the south. It wouldn’t be long before they appeared in the skies and started laying waste to everything they saw. No pony would be spared. Their vicious and indiscriminate nature would see to that.

A spasm shook the flying Sentinel.

The glowing eyes turned out and then flickered back on.

For something that didn’t, couldn’t, truly think it must’ve had a difficult time grasping what was going on. Its eyes kept flickering on and off, getting dimmer each time, and its wings no longer moved. Steadily it stopped flying at all and just sort of glided through the air, only barely moving forwards thanks to its prior momentum.

Ice feathers fell from its wings, spikes broke off from its back, joint after joint in its tail disconnected and started to fall to the ground below.

It couldn’t bellow. Couldn’t stop any of this.

Finally, the glow from its eyes blinked out of existence for the last time, and the entire icy skeleton fell to pieces in the sky.

Commander Blizzard’s large hoof took up all of Rainbow Dash’s vision as he tried to bash her face in. She had to bend over backwards to just barely avoid it, watching it practically slide right over her eyes and clip the bangs of her mane lying over her face. She turned that bend into a backflip and kicked up against his extended leg to launch herself a bit below him and give her a second to catch her breath. They had been fighting like this for too long and she was actually starting to get a little tired having to dodge everything he threw at her and all of her attempted attacks not fazing him.

Snowshine and Gale should be done by now… Rainbow Dash thought while Blizzard dove at her. Tch, this guy never stops!

The wind from the storm had picked up considerably and both ponies had their manes and tails billowing about thanks to it. It wasn’t close to the windiest Rainbow Dash had flown in but it was in the running for most hectic and dangerous. Blizzard had no trouble moving through the hurricane force winds either and he came down to try and club her over the head with his wing. Considering she was pretty sure he could shatter stone with those wings she really wanted to avoid that.

Rainbow Dash hopped over his wing and kicked him in the face when she went. Something like that pretty much only hurt her though. She had been hitting him too much and her hooves ached, they’d be a mess of bruises tomorrow morning.

But it was only a small price to pay.

“Hey loser you still haven’t managed to get a single good hit on me!” Rainbow Dash shouted at him and then flew away laughing.

If it was possible for steam to shoot out of a pony’s ears then it would definitely be coming out of Blizzard right now.

She couldn’t help but grin at the look on his face as he chased after her. He was too angry now to even think of doing anything but breaking her to pieces, there were no more threats or strategies from him, he was flying in a blind rage at the pony he hated more than anything. She zigzagged more than she needed to as she led him to the edge of the city, just in case Snowshine and Gale needed more time. To her dismay though Blizzard was catching up to her. That stallion was already very fast and with her being a little tired and the adrenaline and anger in his veins… he might get her before she got to the open sky and the clouds out there.

Rainbow Dash ditched her grin and looked ahead, narrowing her eyes to see if she could spot any cluster of little stormclouds out there. Vaguely against the dark clouds encroaching on the city she could make out a dot of white with some yellow—Gale and Snowshine no doubt. Or maybe just his toga… no, there were definitely two shapes there. They looked like they were flying back towards the lowest level of the city. Trailing her eyes in the direction they were flying away from she saw that, sure enough, there was a big group of steadily buzzing and crackling stormclouds flying out over open sky.

“Okay, time to do this.”

Commander Blizzard though saw that he was steadily gaining on her, that fact filled him with even greater power and determination and with a single hard flap of his wings he shot towards her, getting right to her rainbow tail. The Commander grinned in pleasure as he prepared to knock her out of the sky.

Rainbow Dash could hear him slicing through the air to reach her, she looked over her shoulder just in time to see his hoof swatting down towards her back and jolted out of the way. Blizzard wasn’t done though, he kept right on her and went for hit after hit. With how strong those hooves were he’d probably break her back with a slight touch. She had to keep dodging to the left and right, making sure he didn’t clip her wings either, while she redoubled her efforts to get out there to the clouds Snowshine and Gale had gathered.

“You weak pest!” Blizzard growled, nearly foaming at the mouth, as he struck out at her time and again. His strikes were still accurate and fast and Rainbow Dash just barely avoided a few of them.

“If I’m so weak then why am I still fighting you after all the other times you beat me, huh?” She taunted him. “Face it, you’re the one who’s too weak to accept what’s happened. I’m not afraid of you and I’m never going to lose to you again.”

“Raaarrrrrghh!” He leaned his head down and tried to bite her.

Rainbow Dash’s pupils shrank and she ducked her head just out of the way of his jaws. “Woah!”

He followed it up with just trying to headbutt her in the back but Dash did a quick loop in the air, rolling with his head and actually ending up above him. That hardly meant she was safe since he kept biting at her hooves. His teeth sounded like two hammers hitting each other each time his jaw closed on empty air. A steel cable would be severed if it came between those mighty chompers. Rainbow Dash’s own little hooves would fare even worse.

Each time he missed though she was able to kick him in the side of the head, or the chin, or right between the eyes. It didn’t do much but it made her feel good.

She wondered how many ponies were still watching them from below. With the way the storm was raging most probably took shelter inside their homes. But she hoped there were still a ton of them paying close attention to her fight with Blizzard, the thought invigorates her and her defeating Blizzard is definitely something she’d want the entire city to see. It would be an irreplaceably amazing memory for the pegasi.

What she had planned was going to be pretty dazzling and cool too.

Dash had pretty much made it to the edge of the city now, the clouds were close. But so was Blizzard. She’d have to turn and face him soon once she was around the charged up lightning clouds. This chase had gone on long enough but she still had to lead him where she wanted and then she could finish the fight with him.

“Why don’t you stop trying to bite me and we can get back to fighting like normal?!” Rainbow Dash yelled at him.

“Big talk from the one running away!” He shouted back.

Rainbow Dash passed right by one of the lightning-filled clouds and grinned. “Then let’s stop flying and get to fighting!” She zoomed out and did a sharp button-hook, facing him in the air.

Blizzard came to a screeching halt even though he could’ve just tried to plow into her. A wild and savage smile spread on his face. “Hah, it’s your funeral, Rainbow Dash. I’m going to savor this.” He wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings at all. The storm, the strangely gathered clouds floating around him, they might as well not have even existed. Rainbow Dash was the only thing in his world right now.

“We’ll see,” Dash flew at him, kicking one of the clouds right behind her as she went and getting it to spark.

She was aimed right for his head so Blizzard tilted to the side and let her fly past, attempting to hit her in the stomach with his wing. Dash bounced off it with her front hooves though and flew a circle around Blizzard, discreetly hitting a couple more clouds as she passed and getting them to buzz with static energy. Blizzard then came at her, punching at her with a one-two combo that Dash parried with her wings before he brought his right wing overhead to club her. Rainbow Dash dove down and jumped off another stormcloud, getting a slight growl of thunder and lightning from it as she shot into Blizzard’s stomach, pummeling him repeatedly there before flying away to avoid his retaliation.

“Wretch!” Blizzard flew at Rainbow Dash while she floated right in front of another cloud. He came in with a left hook and then a right jab which Rainbow Dash both dodged. He then spread his legs and wings out and with his bigger size tried to grapple her, getting her in a bear hug and cutting off her ways of escape from him.

Rainbow Dash took her chances and flew against his right wing, thinking if she hit it head on with full force she could force her way past it. She kicked off the cloud behind her and set it sparking and ducked her head in while pressing her wings hard to her sides. Like an arrow she shot at his wing and made it buckle slightly when she hit it, bouncing off and over it. When Blizzard turned to her with a snarl from his throat a bit of static electricity from the cloud shocked his armor, not that he could feel it at this point.

“You’re just delaying the inevitable!” Blizzard said to her as Rainbow Dash recovered, flying upright and shaking her head.

Rainbow Dash blinked, looking at all the buzzing and electric clouds surrounding them, along with one more that was right next to her. “Uhh, I wasn’t delaying really. It was more like preparing.”

“What are you talking about?” Blizzard furrowed his brow at her.

“Dude. Look around you,” the mare pointed at the clouds. “And look at what you’re wearing.”

Blizzard finally seemed to realize just what was going on, his eyes going from one lightning-ready cloud to the next, before finally looking down at the metal armor he was wearing. “You… you can’t be serious...”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I was on the weather team back home for a long time. I know how to make clouds like this do what I want them to. And you’re a big flying lightning rod right now.”

“How dare you...” Blizzard clenched his hooves in anger. “Coward! To do something like this just because you know you can’t beat me!”

The mare from Equestria frowned. “You know what? I am annoyed that I can’t just punch you and beat you like normal. But defeating you is way more important than that. I have to do it for all of these ponies and everyone else you were going to hurt in the future. So bye. This isn’t your Empire anymore, and your true pegasus way or whatever dumb thing you called it is done.”

She tapped the lightning cloud next to her with her hoof.

Whatever angry response Blizzard could have made against her was drowned out as lightning crackled from the cloud, all the others around them joining in unison, the charged particles reacting together with Blizzard at their center. Lightning arced from cloud to cloud, the hair on Blizzard’s body started sticking up and he could feel the fuzzy static in the air around him. The lightning grew brighter and brighter and at its apex all the clouds released their energy at once, a massive bolt of untold voltage converging on Blizzard

He couldn’t even scream, Rainbow Dash had to squint her eyes and turn away thanks to the brightness, everyone in the city was going to be able to see this.

After a few seconds the lightning strike stopped and Dash looked back. The former Commander was twitching in midair, coughing and smoking underneath blackened armor, but amazingly still alive. Rainbow Dash just stared at him with an unimpressed look, not giving him the satisfaction. He was seemingly still conscious with his eyes glaring right back at her—until they rolled back into his head and Blizzard’s wings failed him, the strong but no longer powerful pegasus plummeting burnt and out cold to the ground below.

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