• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 1,932 Views, 687 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Unstoppable Ego - MagicS

Bored at the recent lack of adventure in her life, Rainbow Dash goes flying off to find some.

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Break Day

Her opponent collapsed to the ring like a puppet with its strings cut after the devastating barrage of blows she had visited upon him. It was her third match of the day and her victory here signified her moving on from the preliminaries and into the main event. The other fighters of A Block (who could) all clapped for her as Rainbow Dash stepped out of the ring and looked herself over.

“We’ll give you a checkup, there’s no need to worry about that,” a nurse said to her as they came to recover the Reindeer she had just pummeled into the ground.

“Awesome,” Rainbow Dash nodded and began to look around at the other rings until one of Tiza’Nogt’s officiators came up to her.

“Rainbow Dash! Congratulations on getting out of the preliminaries. We’ve recorded your advancement and once everyone else is finished we’ll announce the first round of matches for the day after tomorrow,” he said.

“The day after tomorrow?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at him.

He nodded. “Of course! There’s a full day of rest between each round so the participants can get ready for their next fight. The true tournament matches need to be taken more seriously and we wish to avoid injuries and creatures overexerting themselves as well.”

“Guess I don’t mind some extra sleep before getting to kick more butt,” she shrugged.

“That’s the spirit! You can head over to the nurse’s station now while you wait for the other blocks to finish up.”

Thanks to her naturally being one of the fastest to get through her matches she still had plenty of other blocks to wait for. Including Sia’Lorna’s and Wandering Claw’s. So without anyone to talk to for the next few minutes at least she decided to go over to the nurse’s station and get her promised checkup. And of course because she was so awesome she barely had any injuries and wasn’t really tired at all, it was a totally routine checkup and she basically used the time to just sit there and watch some of the other fights at the closest rings. Rainbow Dash was easily going to be in tip-top condition for her next fight.

After a short time she was able to hop away from the nurses and soon most of the preliminary matches had finished up as well. Rainbow Dash was happy to see that both Sia’Lorna and Wandering Claw had won their blocks and she quickly trotted over to the both of them. She wasn’t exactly sure if she should just leave yet or something, having already advanced, so she figured it would be best to ask Sia’Lorna what happened next down here.

“Hey! Nice work you guys!” Rainbow Dash said to the both of them.

Wandering Claw just grunted in affirmation while Sia’Lorna smiled to her. “Nice work as well, Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah so I guess we’ll be kicking butt together next round. So what now? We need to stick around here for something?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes, actually,” Sia’Lorna nodded. “Once all the blocks have a victor, Tiza’Nogt and the other officiators will create the bracket for the main event with all the fighters on it. When that’s done and we all know who we’ll be fighting everyone will be dismissed until the day after tomorrow. The ones in charge will spend the day between advertising the tournament and who’s fighting who for the general audience.”

“Awesome, so that means we all get to see who we’re fighting really soon?”


“Then I hope we’re on opposite sides of the bracket,” Rainbow Dash grinned and Sia’Lorna grinned right back.

Wandering Claw snorted. “Silly. Like it matters.”

“It matters cause nothing is stopping me from getting to the finals,” Rainbow Dash boasted.

The trio was then yet again interrupted by another blowing of a whistle. All the matches had ended while they were talking and now Tiza’Nogt had the tournament bracket ready to show everyone. It was done up on a huge chalkboard she and her subordinates had wheeled in, with the names of all thirty-two fighters on it at the bottom lines. Rainbow Dash scanned over and looked for her name (hoping Sia’Lorna’s wasn’t right next to hers) and finally found it on one line. She was surprised when she saw who her first match would be against though.

“Graham?” Rainbow Dash spoke the decidedly un-Reindeer name and looked around the crowd. Her eyes ended up landing on a griffon that was also staring right back at her. “Huh, what are the chances of that?”

“Just random luck but it seems you’ll be fighting one of the few other fighters who isn’t a Reindeer from the very beginning,” Sia’Lorna said to her. “And unfortunately right after that...”

Rainbow Dash looked at her to see what she was going on about and then followed her outstretched limb as it pointed at the chalkboard. “Oh.”

Sia’Lorna’s name wasn’t right next to Rainbow Dash’s, but her opponent’s was.

“Looks like we’ll be meeting up in just the second round of the tournament,” Sia’Lorna sadly smiled to Rainbow Dash.

“If you both even make it that far,” Wandering Claw chimed in.

Rainbow Dash frowned at him and looked back at the board. Wandering Claw was all the way on the end of the bracket, neither Dash or Sia’Lorna would end up fighting him until the finals if it came to that.

“Well since I know who I’m fighting I’m gonna get out of here. See you once the tournament really begins,” Wandering Claw said and started walking away.

“Bundle of fun...” Rainbow Dash grumbled. She then shrugged and looked over at Sia’Lorna, putting a happier smile on her face. “Sucks that we’re gonna have to fight each other that soon but it’s all good. At least it’s definitely gonna happen. Cause neither of us are losing that early in the tournament, right?”

Sia’Lorna giggled, holding a hoof up to her mouth. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”

“I guess we’ll go train on our own then though… since we’re gonna be fighting each other and all. But I’ll still see you later, and I guess we’ll all be gathered again on the first day of the tournament,” she hooked her hoof over her shoulder and pointed back towards the griffon that would be her opponent. “Right now I gotta get myself ready to knock that guy’s block off.”

“That’s right, I’ll be doing special training of my own but we’ll meet up the day after tomorrow. Let’s both put on a great show for our first round and show the whole audience who the two best fighters in the tournament are.”

“Ninety-five… ninety-six… ninety-seven… ninety-eight… ninety-nine… one-hundred!” Rainbow Dash yelled and flopped back onto her bed after finishing her set of sit-ups. She didn’t know if core strength was what she needed to beat a griffon but it was good exercise regardless.

Despite this being a rest day she felt like she needed to get all she could out of her time between matches if she wanted to win. The competition would be harder from here on out and she knew Sia’Lorna was going to be a tough opponent. And besides, she was Rainbow Dash, she had energy to spare. All it was going to take would be a single night of good sleep and she’d be good to go the next day. That’s why the moment she had woken up she got busy.

Sia’Lorna wanted the both of them to be as explosive as possible tomorrow and Rainbow Dash had absolutely zero problem with that. She’d excite that crowd as much as possible and get herself drowning in cheers.

Rainbow Dash had already told Ark’Nogt who she was fighting next and what was going on. He wished her good luck and supposedly went to go speak with his wife some more. Rainbow Dash was looking forward to seeing them tomorrow at the tournament.

It was funny to think her next opponent was going to be one who also would normally be flying around but instead they were both grounded. She doubted there was any sort of exception to the rules saying that if two creatures with wings were fighting they could fly. Even if there was, Rainbow Dash kind of didn’t want to utilize it or anything since she needed to get more used to fighting without flight. She had already had a few fights with Reindeer now but until she fought someone who was really on the level of a potential tournament winner she didn’t want to take anything for granted. After all the next Reindeer she was going to fight was going to be Sia’Lorna after all, Rainbow Dash was looking far beyond the match against her griffon opponent tomorrow.

She lied down on her bed sweating for a little longer before rolling off it and onto the floor. “Whew… what next? Bet Wandering Claw is just swimming again.”

A smile graced her face. “Well if I’m not going to be flying I might as well be running. Next best thing!”

Rainbow Dash threw the door to her room open and took a deep breath before running out into the hallway like a lightning bolt. She zoomed through the communal living center, dodging anyone else unlucky enough to be in here at the same time, and left to go head northeast.

“If I’m running I’ll just redo my big race again! I’ll beat my old time and do this thing even faster!” She shouted to herself as she ran towards the huge rock formation once again, all the obstacles and space to run waiting for her.

Meanwhile, a lone wolverine did indeed continue to swim laps back and forth in the pool.

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