• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 1,926 Views, 687 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Unstoppable Ego - MagicS

Bored at the recent lack of adventure in her life, Rainbow Dash goes flying off to find some.

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Yak Party

Late in the evening but not late enough to be called night and Rainbow Dash was still gliding over the wide valley between Mt. Everhoof and the northern limits of the Yaket Range. Her eyes still sharp and capable enough of seeing much of the world around her that flying at this time of day wasn’t a problem. She thought about making it all the way past this valley and maybe even those last few mountains tonight but figured there was no reason to push herself just yet. It was probably just going to be more of the same over there so why not take her time and make sure she didn’t miss anything cool.

So far it didn’t seem like there was much at all to this valley though. Now that she was in it she could plainly look west and see it indeed traveled possibly all the way to the borders of Yakyakistan before curving out of sight. East was merely more of the same until it reached the ocean. Below her was a thick forest of pine and redwood trees that were so densely packed there were hardly any places where she could see the actual ground through them. Although there had to be a river to feed all these trees somewhere in this valley, right? Dash was sure she’d find it or something else sooner or later if she kept flying above it.

The cool night air felt good on her coat and feathers, not oppressive like the freezing winds she expected from the north. Colder than she was used to but a comfortable sort of cold reminiscent of a calm winter day, where the snow fell slowly and you could catch snowflakes on your tongue. Those days where a snowball fight with your friends was the best fun any pony could have.

“I could go for beaning Applejack or Twilight in the face right now,” Rainbow Dash snickered.

That would probably have to wait for a long while though with what she was doing now. She took a deep breath and flew down closer to the tree tops, getting a strong scent of pine in her nose and smacking her hooves on some of the highest branches to shake the snow and frost off of them to pass the time. She was keeping her ears wide open in case she heard anything, even if it was just the hooting of an owl, she wanted to know.

Rainbow Dash glanced up at the gray clouds that created a solid bedsheet above the valley. With them blocking out most of the light from the moon and stars it would be nearly pitch black here as the night wore on. Maybe it would actually be best to go down into the forest and find some shelter? The thought kind of annoyed her since she already was making slower progress than she had originally intended, she already made the concession of not going past the mountains and now what? She was only going to go halfway through the valley before the day ended?

She flapped her lips and sighed. “Probably should’ve expected there wouldn’t actually be that much to do up in the north like this.”

The pegasus bolted up and started flying a bit higher above the valley again, her eyes looking around for anything different or weird or out of place. Not that she expected to see anything now after-


Rainbow Dash nearly paused in midair as she saw something on the ground out of the corner of her eye. The pegasus hooked around and flew lower to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.

A flame, a faint flame on the forest floor in a gap between the trees. It was moving too, slowly to the west. Now looking at the flame’s path, Rainbow Dash could see that there was a thin gap between the trees in the line it was moving. Probably a trail at ground level that she wouldn’t have noticed before.

“There’s someone carrying a torch down there,” Rainbow Dash smiled. “Awesome! Who lives in this valley? I wonder if they’ve ever met a pony from Equestria?!” She was getting a bit ahead of herself as she dove low, the excitement impossible to ignore.

She curled in her wings to slip right between the trees and fly above the path in the woods as she came up behind the slowly marching flame ahead. The flame was too weak and the distance too far to make out just who or what was holding it yet. But where her eyes were temporarily failing her her ears instead made up. For a low musical sound was coming up from the forest floor, coming right from that flame, and although it was subdued and quiet it was still a sound she recognized very well.

“Is that a yovidophone?” Rainbow Dash raised a perplexed eyebrow, the yak’s traditional musical instrument all too familiar to her by now thanks to her pink friend.

Whoever was playing it down there was playing it mechanically like a marching tune, step by step, a way to keep one focused as they walked through the cold evergreen forest with that single torchlight the only thing to guide them. Sharp and flat, one tune after the other in endless repetition.

Rainbow Dash was now close enough to make some more things out. This was indeed a party of yaks traveling through the valley, heading in the direction of Yakyakistan, although at this pace it would take them a solid week to get there. One big yak at the front of the party held the torch in one of his hooves and the yovidophone was done up on a rig suspended over his neck. Behind him were maybe a dozen younger yaks, Yona’s age at best, all following in lockstep, while at the very back of the line another adult yak brought up the rear.

Obviously she wasn’t making first contact with anybody but her curiosity was still piqued. “Hey!” She shouted through the night sky as she flew over them, coming to a hover right in front of the torch-carrying yak.

The yak, along with the others behind him, was clearly surprised to see her but he didn’t have a startled reaction to the blue pegasus suddenly flying in front of his face and halting their procession. His mouth left the pipes of the yovidophone so he could question her. “A pony from Equestria? What brings you up here to Yaketian Valley?”

She gave her most winning of grins to the yak, also looking past him briefly to see the younger yaks that were looking up at her in surprise too. “Name’s Rainbow Dash, and I’m up here cause I’m going on an adventure. And Yaketian Valley, huh? So that’s what this place is called. What are you guys up to? You’re pretty far from Yakyakistan.”

“Haha,” the lead yak gave a throaty laugh. “We are on sacred yak pilgrimage. Yaks best at pilgrimaging.”

“Heh, I’ve heard yaks are best at a lot of things,” Rainbow Dash chuckled and dropped to the forest floor.

“Yak’s name is William,” William told her and looked back over his shoulder. “Take rest!” He shouted to the others.

“Woah, hey, you guys don’t need to stop on account of me. I just wanted to see what was up,” Dash told him.

But William just shook his head. “Close to stopping anyways. Takes time to set up camp for the night. Pony from Equestria here is good change, looks like fun.”

“Well I may not be Pinkie Pie but I am pretty fun,” the pegasus cockily told him.

“Pinkie Pie?” William’s eyes widened a bit more. “Pink pony is well-known among yaks. She is friend of yours?”

“Uh, we’re like best friends dude. I guess you might not know about me but I’m a pretty big deal back in Equestria,” she brushed her mane to the side and smiled brightly at William.

“I am very pleased to make your acquaintance then!” William bowed his head lightly. He then grasped his torch and thrust the spiked end into the ground so he didn’t have to carry it anymore. “Please allow us to talk more.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Yeah alright.”

The young yaks gathered around the other adult and as far as Dash could tell started getting tents set up between the dense trees. Relatively small tents for yaks that were still more than big enough for just her if she needed one. Now that she was standing pretty much still she was thankful for that torch, otherwise the chill of the north would probably be getting to her. William took some time to dust around where the two of them were standing as well, apparently quite honored to meet Rainbow Dash he really didn’t want to rub her the wrong way. The big yak gently took his yovidophone off and placed it on the ground, taking a seat next to it while Dash plopped down right across from him.

“So like, what’s this pilgrimage about? I’ve never heard about yaks doing something like this before.”

“Coming of age ceremony. Yak children walk from Yakyakistan on this trail through the Yaketian Valley all the way to the eastern coastline and then walk back. Builds character,” William proudly thumped his chest with a hoof.

She thought it sounded kind of boring and slow for something she’d like to do. Even though the walking part would make it difficult it wouldn’t be the fun kind of difficult. “Sounds like a trip. So I guess you guys are on your way back then, good luck and all.”

“You should stay with us for a time. No sense flying at night with no light of your own I would think,” William smiled at her.

Rainbow Dash thought about that for a second, moving her head from side to side. “Wellll-”

“We have stew.”

“Kay, I’m down.”

“Gahahaha!” William let out a big belly laugh. “Certainly a better idea to eat and get a good night of sleep at this point than keep flying wherever it is you’re trying to go, pony. You sound like one who has great stories to tell to pass the time as well.”

“Definitely not gonna deny that. I’ll be sure to fill you in on whatever you want to know about me while we eat,” Dash said.

“Yes, and you said you were going on an adventure right now? Pray tell what kind? Why have you chosen to come fly over the Yaketian Valley?” William asked her.

Rainbow Dash gave him an honest shrug back. “Honest? I’m just flying north and looking for fun.”

One of William’s eyebrows perked up from behind his bushy face. “North? As in you’re going to keep going north from here?”

“Yep,” was her simple, smug, response.

“Do you… know what is north of Yakyakistan and these mountains?” William’s voice had gotten decidedly more serious as he leaned forward to affix her with his stare.

“Uhhh, no? That’s why I’m going partly. You alright, buddy?” He was kind of freaking her out now with his sudden change from the boisterous yak he was before.

William rolled his shoulders and snorted, mulling over his thoughts for a second before responding, still completely serious. “There are some things you may want to know about the north.”

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