• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 1,932 Views, 687 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Unstoppable Ego - MagicS

Bored at the recent lack of adventure in her life, Rainbow Dash goes flying off to find some.

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North Pole IV

Rainbow Dash got to enjoy a very refreshing shower and after toweling herself off went to Sia’Lorna’s room to enjoy some tea as well. Tea was never exactly her drink of choice but she wasn’t going to refuse something like it either. The shower didn’t have a lot of room but the water was just as hot as she needed. Of course thanks to the weird nature of Nogt it wasn’t actually that cold up here in the city at all. She had been so surprised by everything else but the truth was that the inside of the tornado was surprisingly warm, which might have been due to the sun crystal thing or some other magical property. Either way it had to at least be somewhat warm for all the grass and plants to grow like they did—even though those were weirdly frosted over too. Twilight could probably figure all of this out.

“Whatever,” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I just said thinking isn’t my thing. Not like the fate of the world hinges on figuring this stuff out anyways.”

She reached the door to Sia’Lorna’s room and pulled it open without bothering to knock first. The doe naturally had quite a few more things in her room, likely all personal belongings she had brought up to Nogt with her. There were several large bags stacked up against the far wall and she had a set of heavy weights laid out at the foot of her bed. Other than that there was a pot of tea on the nightstand along with several teacups.

“Welcome! I know there isn’t much space but please make yourself at home,” Sia’Lorna greeted.

“Sure thing, Sia,” Rainbow Dash said and then stopped as she noticed the uncomfortable wince from the Reindeer. “Er, what?”

Sia’Lorna recovered quickly and put a smile back on her face and waved for Dash to come sit down and join her. “It’s not your fault, Ark’Nogt must’ve forgotten to mention it, but it’s against Reindeer custom to shorten names like that. Just for the future I want to tell you to make sure you always call a Reindeer by their full name, our personal names and our city of origin.”

Rainbow Dash smiled apologetically. “Sorry… didn’t know.”

Sia’Lorna giggled and waved Dash off. “That’s exactly why it’s nothing you need to apologize over. I had assumed Ark’Nogt would’ve already told you.”

“Well Ark’Nogt really helped me out a lot so I won’t hold it against him,” Rainbow said, sitting on the bed, which was the only place to sit in here.

“I’ve always thought he was a great Embracer,” Sia’Lorna nodded.

“You want to come with us tomorrow morning or anything? I know you said you’ve got training to do but I’m just wondering,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I appreciate your offer but I do think I have to decline. I don’t want my regimen interrupted so soon, but perhaps later tomorrow night I’ll be free. Perhaps we can even train together. Although since we’re both going to be competing against each other, maybe not.” Sia’Lorna grinned.

“Heh. Good point. So I guess you’re already registered? Ark’Nogt said he’ll take me to the big stadium tomorrow for that.”

“I am. And I wouldn’t worry about that, registering is quick and easy for a small tournament like this.”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “You keep saying it’s a small tournament, I kind of really wish I was here for one of the bigger ones.”

“I do too, it would be quite the spectacle. Unfortunately this is what we have to put up with for now,” Sia’Lorna shrugged.

“Yeah, and I won’t be here long enough for the next big thing. I never am.”

“Going somewhere else?”

“Not… really. I’m just always looking for something new and exciting. I’m from really, really, far away. I’ve been in a ton of really incredible fights since leaving home but I just can’t settle down. I always just want to fly off for more adventure. So I’m thinking that maybe this’ll be it. I win this fighting tournament at the top of the world and then I end up going somewhere else again. Or even back home. It would’ve been more awesome if it was your Reindeer’s biggest tournament or something but oh well.” Rainbow Dash explained to her.

“Yes, it sounds like you’re quite the special creature. Getting to fight more Reindeer, and having more of our people see you fight, would’ve been better. It sounds like you’re likely from farther away than any other creature who has partaken in one of these tournaments,” Sia’Lorna rubbed her chin.

“I can pretty much guarantee that I am,” Rainbow grinned.

“I’ve fought ponies before, and griffons, and wolverines and some other creatures throughout my career. What kinds of creatures have you fought on your long adventure?”

Rainbow Dash wiped a hoof across her forehead. “Wooh, where do I even start?”

“From the beginning?” Sia’Lorna snarked.

“Heh, I didn’t know you Reindeer could be smart like that,” Rainbow winked and playfully punched Sia’Lorna’s shoulder. “But fine, the beginning then. Well I fought a yak, which is a really big and hairy creature, like way beefier and stronger than a pony. That was kind of a draw. I won the fight but I didn’t really knock him out or anything. And like right after that I fought this living ice monster that I told Ark’Nogt about, that wasn’t a real fight though, since I couldn’t really touch it… but then there was also this huge jerk pegasus I had a few fights with after that. He was super strong. And after him I fought these big mammoths-”

“Mammoths?” Sia’Lorna suddenly interrupted. “You’re saying you not only encountered mammoths but you fought them? Our histories speak of those creatures...”

“Oh boy, I have a lot that I should probably tell Ark’Nogt about those mammoths when I get the chance. There’s a lot my old pal Larkon would probably want me to say...” Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her neck. “Uhhh, as for the fighting goes though it’s a little different than what you’re probably thinking. Yeah mammoths are super big and strong but I was magically powered up by something else. So it wasn’t a normal fight for me or anything like that.”

“I see… I was a bit worried for a second there when you said you had fought mammoths. We Reindeer learn about them when we’re young, incredibly large and powerful creatures who had warred with our ancestors, but we thought they had disappeared.”

“Not quite. But they’re really different now. Honestly just going off politeness they’re kind of like you.”

“An interesting idea to think of...” Sia’Lorna wryly grinned. “But do go on. What other fights have you engaged in on your adventure?”

“Nothing as impressive after the mammoths. I fought some normal ponies and these metal monsters but they weren’t really tough. That’s kind of the reason I’m not satisfied, I want a good fight with someone who’s my equal, someone I can be really happy about beating just with my own power on my own terms. No magic enhancements or outside help or anything like that. That’s the kind of fight I need to win. I’ve done a lot of cool stuff on this adventure but… having a good clean fight honestly isn’t one of them.”

“Hmm, I can see why that would be unsatisfying. I understand your feelings.” Sia’Lorna nodded.

“Especially cause you love fighting too?” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“I’d say that is indeed the reason why I can understand you,” the kindred spirit chuckled.

“None of my friends back home really like to fight—I don’t blame them or anything—but like, I can’t talk to them about it. And on this adventure things have been way more serious for most of the ponies and other creatures I’ve met for them to care about fighting for fun. You know, just to feel your blood pumping?”

“Despite us Reindeer loving competitive fights there are plenty who don’t see what’s so good about it. I have plenty of family members who don’t understand my passion,” Sia’Lorna sighed. “Along with one or two I’ve even alienated quite a bit. But I can’t help it, I’m mostly traveling and training these days.”

“Hey, don’t let anyone get in the way of your dream. I didn’t,” Rainbow Dash clapped her on the shoulder. “I mean, yeah it would be awesome if you could fix your relationship with your family too but I guess I’m just saying you shouldn’t let that get you down. If fighting is your thing and you want to dedicate your life to that then go for it.”

Sia’Lorna smiled at Dash. “Thank you. Those are words I’ve told myself, and admittedly have heard from others, but it always helps to hear from another. And it’s reassuring to know creatures are alike all over.”

“No problem. It’s just fun to talk to someone like you too,” Dash said.

“It certainly is. Anyways, things are starting to get late, let me pour you some tea.” Sia’Lorna said and got up to get the tea and teacups for the two of them.

“Sure, I know you want to get a lot of good rest before tomorrow so don’t let me keep you up. Normally I like to sleep. A lot. But I guess I have a big day tomorrow too.”

“This tea is good for relaxing ones nerves and helping with sleep. It’s quite the healthy drink,” Sia’Lorna said as she poured out some hot tea into the teacups and hoofed one over to Dash while keeping the other to herself. “The flavor is very soothing, it’s an old Reindeer specialty that has been brewed since the discovery of Nogt.”

Rainbow Dash eyed it, the tea was a deep, dark green and smelled very earthy. She took a single sip and allowed the smooth liquid to run down her throat. It was pretty good, better than she expected. “Hey, that’s not half bad.”

“I’m glad you think so. That tea blend is just one of many things we Reindeer take pride in,” Sia’Lorna beamed. “I’m not a sommelier or connoisseur or anything so I hope it’s good enough. If you get the opportunity you should definitely visit a tea shop in Nogt.”

“It’s plenty good for my tastes. My friends Fluttershy and Rarity drink way more tea than I do, they’d probably have more to say about it. I just think it’s good,” Rainbow shrugged and took another sip.

“Well I suppose that’s good enough for me then.”

The two fighters and soon to be rival contestants in the upcoming fighting tournament finished their tea together, and despite having plenty more to talk about with each other they said their good nights’ for now and Rainbow Dash went back to her room. While Sia’Lorna quickly slept with the aid of her tea, Rainbow Dash was still bristling with excitement and would take much longer to calm down. This was it. This was going to be the grand finale to her adventure and she was excited for it to begin tomorrow. She was going to make sure to make the best of this tournament and her inevitable, glorious, victory.

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