• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Rainbow Dash's Unstoppable Ego - MagicS

Bored at the recent lack of adventure in her life, Rainbow Dash goes flying off to find some.

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Overstorm XIV

Aside from its size the slumbering pegasus looked like any other. His chest rising and falling with each great breath he took in his sleep. Rainbow Dash knew some big ponies, like Bulk Biceps, but this guy put most dragons to shame.

“It’d take a whole country of pegasi to make this storm huh?” Rainbow Dash said to herself. “Or just one really big one.”

She flew over closer to the bed of clouds the gargantuan pegasus was sleeping on. There was no wind or any air currents inside the eye, it was a complete dead zone, even her mane and tail just hung limply off her. Rainbow Dash chewed on the inside of her cheek. She didn’t really know how to react to this. She was expecting some kind of weird magic or something, but a gigantic pegasus? No, that wasn’t very high on her list of what was causing this massive, everlasting storm.

And the fact it was a pony doing this… it didn’t exactly fill her with confidence that this guy would be nice. Dust Bunny, Pile, Lightning Rod, their homes and everything were destroyed by the storm that this pegasus created here. Rainbow Dash wouldn’t have been surprised if it turned into a fight when she woke him up. Was he even really a pegasus and not some kind of monster? I mean, he was huge after all. Maybe he just looked like an upscaled pegasus but was something else.

But her friends back at the lab said that the storm was generated by pegasus magic the same you would find from any other. Geez, this was just weird.

“Ugh, whatever!” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I’m not a thinker I’m a doer, and I’m waking this guy up!”

Regardless of the possible outcome, Rainbow Dash floated on over to the blanket of white clouds and touched her hooves down. The giant pegasus still took no notice of her and continued sleeping so she frowned and walked closer. His coat was a stormy gray while his mane and tail was of pure white snow, they were ragged and unkempt not unlike her own but they still looked exceptionally silky. They were the kind of mane and tail that Rarity would fawn over and try to convince the owner of to brush and shampoo them as well as possible to draw out the most beauty. Although she could understand why this guy left his hair a little untidy; where were you going to find a brush he could use? And you’d need to bathe in a lake and have enough shampoo to fill a swimming pool. Probably the only way this guy could get clean was just sitting out in the rain. And on his flank was what would pass for a mural anywhere else—three white clouds for a Cutie Mark.

Now as she approached him she was just before the folded up hooves that he rested his chin on. Once he opened up his eyes she’d be the first thing he saw. If he did turn out to be a monster or dangerous she was confident enough in her speed and reflexes to get away.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and cupped her hooves around her mouth. “HEEYYYYY! Wake up already!”

The yell echoed around the eye of the storm and it ringed pretty hard even in her own ears.

At first she wasn’t sure if that would be enough, but slowly the eyebrows of the colossal pegasus knitted together and he shifted his head around on his hooves. Unconsciously his wings fluttered and the great head of the pony lifted up, mouth opening wide in a yawn that could’ve sucked in a carriage. Blearily, the pegasus blinked a couple of times and Rainbow Dash glimpsed rainbow colored eyes beneath his heavy lids. The pony stretched in his prone position and let out a breath of air through his nose while he wearily looked around as if confused as to why he woke up from his slumber.

Finally his rainbow eyes noticed the small pony standing practically right under him. He lied there as still as a statue at first, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

An uncertain frown pulled at his face and he actually slightly leaned back from her. “Who are you?”

His voice was far more boyish than she expected and his actions and body language confused her. Whatever he was he definitely wasn’t a scary monster, that much was for sure. Rainbow Dash lifted an eyebrow at him an answered. “Uh, I’m Rainbow Dash.”

“How did you get in here?” If anything the giant pegasus was even more confused and startled by her presence than she was of his.

“I just flew in, dude. Had some help but yeah, that was it,” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “So uhh… you’re the one making this storm?”

The huge pegasus hesitantly nodded. “Yes, it’s my storm. I didn’t think anyone would be able to make it through...”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “Is that why the weather is so bad? And why whenever I got close to the eye you’d make the wind even worse and blow directly against me or anybody else coming in?”

“Huh?” The snowy-maned giant responded in confusion. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I sleep for months and months at a time, I didn’t know you or anyone else was trying to fly through my storm.”

“So your storm was just trying to keep me away from here on its own?”

He slightly nodded again. “I… I think so. When I made the storm I told it that I just wanted to be left alone, my weather magic probably does it all automatically.”

“Ohhh, so it’s like a reflex. It’s like how any pegasus can shape a cloud or kind of tell the weather what to do, except because you’re so big and strong you can even make this huge hurricane listen to your will after making it. It’s like uh, what would Twilight say? Your subconscious or something. The storm wasn’t thinking or anything when I was trying to get through it, it just noticed something was coming and reacted, trying to keep me out of the eye cause that’s what you wanted,” Rainbow Dash said. The storm was like an animal’s defense mechanism, it was like a hedgehog or armadillo rolling into a ball to get some sleep. She then looked up at the big pegasus. “But why? Why’d you do all of this in the first place and why are you trying to keep away from everybody else?”

The colossus wilted, lowering his head in a mixture of shame and fear, letting his eyes drift away from Rainbow Dash. “Other ponies scare me.”

“Scare you?” She was so flummoxed by what he just said that she couldn’t help say it.

“Mm… mhm,” his lip quivered as he answered her and he drew his hooves into his chest like he was curling into a protective ball. “Everywhere… my whole life has always been the same no matter where I go. Ponies laugh at me, or attack me, or worship me, or yell at me… I’ve never been able to live in peace around anyone else.” The great pegasus sniffled and tears started spilling from his eyes and down his cheeks in rivers.

“Oh, well uh, sorry you had to deal with all that stuff,” Rainbow Dash grimaced. She wasn’t prepared for the pony to cry so much but she still felt a pang of sympathy for him, even if it was a little awkward, what kind of element bearer would she be if she didn’t?

The more she talked to him though the less she wanted there to be a meeting or confrontation between him and the other ponies. But for the exact opposite reason than her initial fears. Dust Bunny and the others were very kind and cordial but Rainbow Dash couldn’t imagine they’d react well to learning about and seeing this guy after their homes were destroyed and everything else they had gone through. Seeing just this big guy as the cause of the storm would probably make them really angry, they’d be furious that he made the storm and just kept it going and going while it blew everything away. Which led to her next question.

“But why did you come here then? You destroyed a whole city with your storm, if you wanted to be left alone why would you come here and do that?”

“I did what?” The massive pegasus said as he rubbed the tears away with his hooves.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “You do know there were already ponies living in these mountains, right?”

The giant shook his head, his eyes red and puffy. “N-No, I thought this place was empty. I didn’t know there was anyone around. When… when I left the last place I had tried living in I just flew up into the clouds and cried for a while.” He took in a big whimpering breath, his nose becoming runny from crying. “They threw rocks and food and stuff at me to make me go away, after that I thought I’d never be able to find somewhere where I could be happy.”

She winced as he told his story, feeling bad for what he seemingly had to go through his entire life. “And then what?”

“Well I was just crying in the sky for a while. I made some clouds and was resting on them when a pony came to me,” the big pegasus frowned and sniffled a bit as he thought. “He was a pegasus too I think. Or maybe a unicorn? And he told me that if I wanted to live somewhere peaceful where no one would ever bother me again that I should come out here to these mountains and make the biggest, most powerful storm around myself that I possibly could. He said that these were empty mountains that no one ever came to… I thought I could finally be alone.”

Rainbow frowned. “Hate to break it to you guy but there are ponies living here. They were here for a long time before you arrived and started your storm. I don’t want to make you feel bad and I know you didn’t do it on purpose but you really caused a lot of problems for them, the wind from this hurricane destroyed their old homes.

“Ohhh...” the pegasus whimpered and started freshly crying again, each tear drop enough to fill a fishbowl. “I-I didn’t know! I really didn’t mean to!”

“H-Hey!” Rainbow Dash flew up to his face, worried. “Look, it’s alright okay? I don’t know what that other pony was talking about but I’m not blaming you, and believe me, no one else has to know about this. If you want me to keep you and everything a secret then I will.” She hesitantly reached out and started patting his very big head. Geez, it’s like I’m taking care of Fluttershy or something.

“T-Thank you,” the pegasus sniffled once more. “I’m sorry, I’m not used to ponies being nice to me.”

“Oof, rough revelation right there pal,” Rainbow Dash gave him a lopsided grin, trying to get a laugh or something out of the huge pony.

To his credit he at least caught the joke and smiled slightly at her. “Yeah. A little bit.”

Rainbow Dash looked around the eye of the storm now, at the huge unmoving wall of clouds and the raging storm that emanated from it. “So you really made this huge storm all on your own? Wow. And you sleep for months? I wish I could take a nap like that sometime.”

“Mhm. I went to sleep right after I finished making my storm and this bed. This is the first time I’ve woken up since, I don’t know how long it’s been but it feels like a while. A couple of months at least.”

“Huh. It’s pretty amazing that your storm just stays up and does all of this while you’re asleep. That’s some pretty awesome pegasus magic.”

The giant blushed and looked away in embarrassment. “Thanks…” He looked around the eye too and when his gaze drifted to the direction she had come in from his face scrunched up. “There’s something… out there though. I can feel it in my storm, just flying out there.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyebrows lifted and she looked back. “Oh, that’s probably the lab.”

“Lab?” He asked, looking down at her, confused.

“Yeahhh… you see the ponies that live here have kind of been trying to figure out a way to get through or stop your storm and stuff. And uh, I’ve kind of been helping them,” Rainbow Dash smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. “That thing you’re noticing inside your storm is the lab their science type dudes have been studying your storm in.”

“I feel so bad for what I’ve done to them, I never wanted to hurt anyone, I just wanted to find a quiet place and make sure I could just hide away from everyone...” a single gargantuan tear rolled down his cheek.

Rainbow Dash looked at him sadly and sighed. “Yeah, I’m really sorry I had to come here and do this but… you’ve gotta go somewhere else. I know how lame that is after you thought you could sleep here in peace but you can’t stay here if you’re going to keep that storm going. And if you don’t leave after stopping it they’re going to come looking for you to find out what caused the storm in the first place.”

“I know,” the giant’s head hung low. “I’ll just go somewhere else again...”

Rainbow Dash lowered herself to the bed of clouds and bit her lip, scratching her head before speaking to him again. “You know if you keep going south for a while you can go to Equestria? That’s where I come from, and the ponies there are super nice and understanding, I know they’ll treat you right. It’d be a pretty long journey for you though.”

He shook his head. “That’s alright, I just want to be left alone. Thank you for the offer but all I want is some peace and quiet away from everybody else.”

“Sorry. I wish you could’ve met some nicer ponies earlier in your life,” Rainbow Dash shrugged.

“Me too,” his young voice carried an age of sadness to it.

Rainbow Dash didn’t know what else to say but then the giant’s head perked up again and he stared at the wall of clouds, his eyes narrowing slightly.

“There’s something else coming here through the storm. I can feel it now.”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash looked with him. Could it have been Whistler or Autumn Breeze following her?

“It’s close. Another pegasus like you.”

Rainbow Dash watched as a shadow appeared beyond the clouds, closing in at great speed until it burst through the wall and into the eye. The large form coming to a stop as it panted in exhaustion from the journey. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened in shock when she realized just what it was.

“Blizzard?!” She yelled at the former Commander of the Eternal Pegasus Empire as he appeared in the eye of the hurricane with them.

“You know him?” The colossus asked her, but she was too focused on the interloper to respond.

The dark blue stallion was without his armor and his chest heaved, white and black mane looking like a ragged mess as it spilled about his head. For a second his eyes searched back and forth until they landed on Rainbow Dash and his pupils narrowed to slits. “Found you. Finally.”

With his maddened gaze locked on her he floated over to the edge of the white clouds and landed, slowly walking towards her. “Surprised to see me?”

Rainbow Dash groaned and dragged a hoof down her face. “Dude, what is even your deal? I didn’t even know you were still alive.”

“My deal is that you took everything from me. Destroyed all I held dear. I have made it my mission to track you down wherever you go and destroy you in retribution!” His eyes drifted up to the gigantic pegasus, as if seeing it for the first time. “I see you’ve found some freakish monster in your journey. Still peddling your disgusting Equestrian friendship to others?” He sneered.

The giant pegasus drooped, upset. “He must not be a friend of yours. He seems mean.”

“You don’t know the half of it buddy,” Rainbow Dash snorted.

“Enough! Your time is up, Rainbow Dash!” Blizzard yelled at her, snarling and practically frothing at the mouth. His grip on sanity seemed a little… tenuous compared to the last time she had seen him. “I’ve chased you long enough and now you’re mine! I will-”

He never finished that sentence as the giant pegasus puffed up his cheeks and blew a strong gust of wind out of his mouth, it spiraled down to the clouds and slammed into Blizzard, blowing him away and carrying him out of the eye entirely as he screamed in rage. The former Commander was as helpless as a fly trying to fly against an electric fan.


Rainbow Dash blinked. “Huh.” She looked up at her giant friend. “Nice one.”

“I didn’t like what he was saying to you,” he frowned. “That wind will carry him beyond the edge of the storm.”

“Heh, thanks. That actually helps me a lot,” Rainbow Dash smiled.

The two of them just stayed there, looking at each other for a moment, until the huge pegasus sighed and stood up, his colossal legs and body actually causing a rumble along the bed of clouds and making Rainbow Dash stumble. The stormy gray wings of the pegasus extended and cast an enormous shadow throughout the sanctuary while his big rainbow-colored eyes looked up to the sky.

“I guess I should get going. I’ll stop my storm now,” he looked down at her with a mixed expression. Looking like he might want to smile but not quite being able to. “Thank you. I don’t really want to be around other ponies but I’ll miss you, you were nice to me.”

“No problem,” Rainbow Dash waved to him. “Good luck out there, dude. And if you ever do change your mind, come on down to Equestria! I promise I’ll help you be happy!”

This time he did slightly smile right as he flapped his wings, the force of them alone creating an immense whirlwind inside the eye of the storm as he lifted up and up while the clouds thinned around them. Rainbow Dash looked on in awe as the wall of clouds around the eye disappeared and the violently spinning winds of the storm beyond started to die down. Everything was clearing up, unleashing a bright day upon the mountain range while Rainbow Dash’s newest friend kept flying until even his massive form became little more than a speck. Miles of cloud just straight up vanished and the wind lifted completely too, leaving nothing but rays of sunshine to hit the cool mountains. The white clouds beneath her hooves started disappearing too and Rainbow Dash buzzed her wings to fly in place. The impossible storm finally now over.

Rainbow Dash looked around proudly at the mountain range, she gave a single last glance over her shoulder and could now easily spot the floating lab without the clouds blocking her vision. It looked no worse for wear. She grinned and turned back to look north.

“Well, guess I’m done here. Time to keep going.”

Down in the tunnels, Dust Bunny pushed her broom against the metal floor of the tunnels right outside the janitorial pod. She was completely oblivious to everything that had happened since Rainbow Dash left and was thus also unaware that the seemingly everlasting and unstoppable storm had just lifted. With a sigh, she paused for a second and looked up at the roof of the tunnel, thinking of the sky beyond it.

“I hope you’re okay, Rainbow Dash.”

The mare got back to sweeping, like always there was a lot of work to be done.

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