• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Rainbow Dash's Unstoppable Ego - MagicS

Bored at the recent lack of adventure in her life, Rainbow Dash goes flying off to find some.

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Rainbow Dash Rises V

The dark and stormy skies didn’t represent the mood of the joyous city at all anymore. Loyal soldiers to Blizzard were being defeated or gave up at every level while civilians and soldiers on the side of Rainbow Dash partied and celebrated all over. The rumbling of thunder and the occasional crack of lightning didn’t dissuade anybody. And the cheering for Rainbow Dash to defeat Commander Blizzard only grew louder the more the two of them were seen over the city, Rainbow Dash having led him on a wild chase over buildings and streets to show off what she was doing to everyone. The more Blizzard had to chase her the more he heard the cheering and the angrier he got. Rainbow Dash seemed to completely bask in it and get even stronger, she didn’t feel tired or worried at all anymore.

“Fight me! I’ll break you into pieces and show you off to all these filthy traitors cheering for you!” Blizzard yelled as he flew at breakneck speed in pursuit of her.

“Catch me, loser!” She stuck out her tongue at him and sped up, leaving a rainbow trail in the air for the ponies below to see.

A lot of them looked up and watched her flying so carefree while their angry Commander chased her down. They were awed, inspired, it was incredible what she was doing. None of them would’ve ever thought they could feel this way before, or see a mare doing what Rainbow Dash was doing right now. Was it because she was from Equestria? Was it just because of who she was? They didn’t know for sure but it was obvious that Rainbow Dash was an incredible pony that brightened up wherever she was.

Blizzard was about to snap hearing them cheer for her and being unable to take his anger out on the mare from Equestria. He ground his teeth and narrowed his eyes at her, feeling the veins in his neck and forehead practically popping out.

“If you don’t come here and fight me I’ll go down to the streets and deal with the traitors myself!” He threatened.

Great… Rainbow Dash frowned. She definitely couldn’t let him go and hurt the ponies in this city because she was just flying around. She wanted to mess around with him more and make him as furious and humiliated as possible but that was going to have to stop for now.

Rainbow Dash paused in midair and turned, flying to face Blizzard while the large stallion grinned.

“Fine! You want a fight? You’ve got one!” Rainbow Dash dodged the first punch again from the stallion and kicked the inside of his knee, then punched him as hard as she could in the face.

Blizzard just grinned harder. “Is that what you’re doing? I thought you were trying to give me a massage.”

Rainbow Dash grit her teeth and hopped over him, kicking him at the base of the neck when she did and then landing on his armored back. Her attacks may not have done much but he couldn’t hit her from here either. She grabbed his wings and tried to keep him from flying the way he wanted, it was almost like she was pulling an Applejack and wrangling him. She tried to yank and twist his wings to dislocate or hurt them but she might as well have been trying to pull a tree out of the ground by the roots.

“Get off!” Blizzard roared and started bucking around in the air, trying to knock her off him.

Rainbow Dash was amazed he was still able to fly like this, just more proof of his strength. His wild movements were also becoming a problem for her to stay on him and she tried to steady her hooves against him but the smooth armor made that difficult. If he wasn’t wearing it she was sure she could dig her hooves into his back and balance enough with her wings that he couldn’t knock her off but like this she was close to slipping and being thrown.

“Why don’t you just shut up and give up? You’ve already lost anyways!” Dash yelled at him.

“Would you give up?” He barked back at her.

She didn’t answer, but he did have a point there. Not that she was going to say “no” to him.

Instead she leaned down and stiffly headbutted the back of his head. But that just hurt her. Despite the lack of damage she was doing, Blizzard was still annoyed and he redoubled his efforts to get the pesky fly off of him. Twisting around in the air he finally managed to get her back hooves to slip off his armor and Rainbow Dash lost all her leverage.

She let go of his wings and tried to fly off but not before she was smacked in her underside by one of his wings and thrown far away. Dash rolled end over end in the air thanks to the force of his blow before she finally caught herself. Rubbing her chest she winced, it hurt but she was pretty sure nothing was broken. That was good at least.

She wasn’t exactly feeling good though. “This is so dumb, I can’t do anything again! It’s like when I fought the stupid ice monster thing, I couldn’t beat it on my own...” Rainbow Dash frowned and looked at the storm raging around the city. “I had to use something else.” She nodded to herself. “Okay, got a plan but I’m gonna need a little help.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Blizzard yelled and flew at her.

“And I’m gonna need a distraction for a second...” she grimaced.

Luckily for her the world decided to give her a break. A number of soldiers who had seen her fighting with Blizzard and saw that she needed help flew up from the streets to attack him. Rainbow Dash didn’t exactly want this, since she knew how poorly it would end for those soldiers, but it was still a huge help.

“We’ve got your back, Rainbow Dash!” One of the soldiers said as the whole group flew in-between her and Blizzard.

“Thanks but be careful! I don’t want any of you guys getting hurt but can you just hold him back for a minute?” She asked.

The soldier gulped but nodded. “We’ll try...”

Rainbow Dash sped off while behind her she heard Blizzard practically slam into the other soldiers like a freight train. But she couldn’t do anything for them right now, it was more helpful if she got back to Aurora and the others. She had to talk to Snowshine and Gale. Pushing herself as hard as she could she left a rainbow trail in the sky on the way to the streets where she had left her friends earlier. Hopefully they had stayed in the same spot and hadn’t gone anywhere else. She’d only need to talk to them for a second before starting her fight with Blizzard again. Getting back to the streets and buildings close to the jail, Rainbow Dash vigilantly looked all over the ground.

“There they are!” She yelped in delight when she spotted them, still roughly in the same spot on the street with a bunch of other ponies around them now.

She dove down and put the brakes on, coming to a screeching stop with a cloud of dust kicked up behind her. The others were quite surprised to see her suddenly back after leaving to lead Blizzard on a chase over the city.

“Rainbow Dash? Did you win?” Aurora asked with a big hopeful smile.

Dash grinned but shook her said. “Sorry kid, not yet, I need your sister’s help first.”

“Me?” Snowshine pointed at herself, plainly shocked.

“Yep, Gale too,” Rainbow looked at him.

“Oh dear...” Gale gulped.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing crazy. But I need the two of you to go fly out to the edge of the city and gather up a bunch of storm clouds, lightning clouds, ones that look really charged up and like they’ll blow at any second!” She told them.

“Why?” Snowshine asked.

“No time! Blizzard’s still after me, just put a whole bunch of them in a group out there and do it fast!” Dash said and then lifted off, knowing Blizzard was probably already looking for her again.

She was right.

“Rainbow Dash, you coward! I told you to stop running and fight me!” Commander Blizzard yelled in outrage as he came for her.

“Yeah I heard you!” She taunted and flew towards him while out of the corner of her eye she saw Gale and Snowshine taking off. Hope you guys go fast…

Summer Rains ducked under a punch and headbutted the soldier attacking him right in the chin. And since he was wearing his helmet that soldier wasn’t getting back up for this fight. The rattled soldier limply fell to the ground below while another came from behind and tackled Summer Rains. The two of them ended up on a rooftop with the loyal soldier preparing to beat down Summer, only for Summer to flap his wings against the roof and use them to push off of it, knocking the other soldier off him and then punching him in the face.

All around him the fight was raging as over thirty pegasi all battled in the air around the Sentinel station. His whole squad had to fight multiple other soldiers at once, and he was proud to say that they were doing an exceptionally good job. He was tired and had taken some hits but he felt invincible for some reason. The adrenaline rushing through his veins was greater than any time before in his life. It must’ve been the same for all of them.

Skychaser and Flashbolt flew back to back, taking on a circle of six other soldiers all trying to fight them at once. The two cousins covered their blindspots and weaknesses perfectly, so in sync they didn’t even need to talk to or signal each other to tell the other what they needed. One enemy soldier came at Flashbolt’s left while another came from below at the same time. Flashbolt didn’t even bother with the one coming at his left, Skychaser kicked him in the side with his back legs while Flashbolt blocked the one coming from below with his hooves and clubbed him between the eyes with a wing. The two cousins continued to fight on and on like that, doing a good job of keeping safe.

Fierce Current and Clear Skies meanwhile were just going blow for blow and throwing their weight around with every soldier that came at them. The two of them were probably the best actual fighters in the group and they were showing that now. Bruises covered the unarmored portions of their bodies but they just kept going, tossing their opponents away and powering through any hits they took. One soldier jumped on Fierce’s back and put him in a headlock but Fierce just grabbed his hooves and threw him over his head, right into another soldier that was flying at him, the two smashed into each other and fell onto the roof of another building. Clear Skies grabbed two enemies around the neck and bonked their helmeted heads together. With a satisfied smirk he dropped the unconscious soldiers to the streets below.

“This aint so bad,” Clear Skies said.

“We’re just too good,” Fierce Current grinned.

At the same time, Wild Wind was doing much the same as Summer Rains, flying around and dealing with any soldiers that came after him one by one. He stuck to the air more and focused on tiring out and avoiding his opponents more than directly engaging them though. A few soldiers that tried to catch him he kicked away or led them to almost fly into each other. One enemy soldier came from above and Wild Wind briefly had to turn over and block a few punches before kneeing him in the stomach and knocking the wind out of him. He really didn’t want to hurt any of them too badly.

Another couple of soldiers came flying at him and the white pegasus frowned. “Please just let us through, we’re doing this for your sake as well.”

They didn’t answer and Wild Wind was forced to continue his fight.

Crescent Moon was the one closest to the crystals, facing off with East and West Wind as the two Captains floated right outside the broken window, acting as gatekeepers.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Lieutenant?” East Wind asked.

“You’re not giving me a choice,” Crescent answered.

“And you think you can take the two of us together?” West Wind raised an eyebrow. “I think you overestimate your abilities.”

Crescent frowned and tensed up. “It just has to be done.”

None of them spoke anymore words but in the flash of a second East and West Wind darted to the sides of Crescent Moon in a pincer attack. East coming from his left and West coming from his right. The Captains were skilled and ruthless fighters and Crescent was pretty sure that he couldn’t win on a normal day. Probably even just against one of them. But this wasn’t a normal day and he would never give in, even if they broke his wings he’d keep fighting.

West Wind was slightly faster and Crescent allowed him to barrel into his side, the twin grabbing him around the midsection to hold him steady while East Wind came in to punch him in the jaw without resistance and probably try to knock him out quickly. But Crescent instead elbowed West in the face and ducked his head down right as East tried to punch him so the purple stallion’s hoof instead bounced right off of Crescent’s helmet. The blunt force trauma still hurt his head pretty bad but East’s hoof was probably feeling worse.

Of course West reacted to getting hit with uppercutting Crescent Moon right in the stomach, making him wheeze and fly upwards a little to put some distance between himself and the two Captains. East Wind only had to rub his hoof for a second before he flew at the Lieutenant with his twin brother right behind him. East Wind threw a punch that Crescent dodged but West Wind suddenly appeared behind his brother and punched straight at Crescent’s face. This time the caramel pony couldn’t react in time and West’s hoof struck him dead on.

The force of the blow knocked Crescent Moon’s helmet off and he momentarily lost his focus enough that he fell down onto the roof of another building, his helmet clattering next to him.

“Traitors like you get exactly what you deserve!” East Wind said and dove for Crescent, West Wind flying behind him again in the same formation.

“Cry about it!” Crescent grumbled and grabbed his helmet to throw at East Wind.

The Captain dipped his head underneath it… so instead it flew right into West Wind’s face, who didn’t have as good of a view of it.

“Brother!” East Wind yelled in shock as West Wind crumpled and fell to the roof like a sack of dirt. But he didn’t have the time to help his brother out as Crescent Moon flew right at him and tackled him. The momentum from the traitor carried them over the edge of the roof and they fell in a jumbled mess to the street below, punching each other the whole way down.

Neither of their wings could get the lift they needed to fly with the way they were tumbling and grabbing at each other so Crescent Moon made the smart move of twisting around and putting East Wind beneath him so the purple stallion was the one to hit the ground directly with Crescent on top of him. By the time East Wind realized what he was doing it was too late and they landed with a crunch on the street, East’s armor saving him from anything permanent but still taking him out of the fight.

The twin whimpered on the ground, coughing with his wings splayed out while Crescent Moon climbed off of him and limped to stand next to the wall of the building.

He didn’t have the chance to relax though as West Wind dove down from the roof to attack him, having recovered from being hit in the face by Crescent’s helmet. The angry twin was red in the face from both his injury and his anger. He jumped on top of Crescent and the two rolled over the street, each one trying to keep the other pinned down as any semblance of a clean fight had been lost.

West Wind won out and put one hoof on Crescent’s chest to keep him down before repeatedly punching him in the face. “You’re… not… winning!” He spoke out in labored breaths during the beatdown.

Crescent’s hoof shot up and suddenly blocked the last punch while he swung his wing across West Wind’s face. The purple pegasus staggered back and Crescent got up, shoulder-checking West Wind and knocking him down. Before West Wind could stand Crescent Moon kneeled on his side, keeping his free wing pinned to his armor, and kicked the Captain hard in the chin. His head bounced back and his helmet popped off and just like his brother he was out of commission.

Two out of two down.

The Lieutenant took a single deep breath and flapped his aching wings so he could get back up higher on the level of the station’s broken window and see the rest of his squad. “Well that at least went far better than expected.”

He got into the air right as another soldier came flying down right past him, tossed by Clear Skies. Crescent grinned and looked to see six victorious ponies flying together. The roofs and streets around them were littered with twenty-four groaning and defeated soldiers loyal to Blizzard. Rainbow Dash would definitely be proud of them. Crescent Moon waved to the others and they waved back, smiling and slowly flying over until a loud roar of thunder broke out above them.

The soldiers flinched and looked up at the dark sky, that thunder and the frightful storm was like a reminder that they didn’t have the time to chat. Crescent Moon frowned and looked towards the broken window.

“Come on, we need to destroy those crystals immediately!”

At the very edge of the city where there was nothing below them but ground and above them but sky, while the storm started to rage harder and harder, two pegasi flew about gathering up small clouds. The staticy black clouds were buzzing with barely restrained lightning and they had to be careful to not accidentally buzz themselves but Snowshine and Gale were still doing a decent job of rounding some up. Rainbow Dash’s instructions were vague so there were just about ten of them randomly floating around together so far. Snowshine looked down at the tundra that sat far below their floating mountain city, wondering if Rainbow Dash actually wanted the clouds all the way out here or still above the other clouds that made up the bottom of the city.

Her brief lapse in concentration came back to bite her when while nudging one of the angry clouds it zapped her. “Ouch!” The mare yelped and brought her hoof to her mouth, blowing on it. “Ohhh, ow, ow, ow… I’ve never moved a cloud in my life...”

“Every pegasi has the natural instincts to do it,” Gale “helpfully” said as he moved some of the clouds closer together.

That just made Snowshine frown. “Hmph.” She looked over the clouds they had gathered and then back at the city, where they could still make out the very eye-catching colors of Rainbow Dash as she fought with and evaded Blizzard. “Do you think we’ve gathered enough clouds?”

“I have no idea. I don’t even know what she’s planning on using them for,” Gale said as he corralled some steadily buzzing clouds closer together.

Snowshine bit her lip and decided she’d just have to have faith in Rainbow Dash. She’d probably be looking out to come over here soon so they should finish up with getting these clouds together as quickly as possible.

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