• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 1,932 Views, 687 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Unstoppable Ego - MagicS

Bored at the recent lack of adventure in her life, Rainbow Dash goes flying off to find some.

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A Mammoth of a Problem XIII

She got up early the following morning. Earlier than everyone else in the house in fact, even Larkon. Which actually gave her not much to do since he was going to be her guide today again. She could eat breakfast aside from the fact she wasn’t sure if they’d be okay with her raiding their kitchen without their knowledge. And she didn’t really know where anything was kept in there or if they even had just something like cereal or not. Larkon might be planning on taking her back to Norma’s Cafe too anyways.

So for now she was floating through the halls of this big house, looking out the windows into the backyard revealed a layer of freshly fallen snow across the grass. There were probably mammoths all throughout the city just barely waking up right now who were getting to street cleaning duty. The trees and roofs of the buildings in the city must all be covered in snow as well. It would probably look really pretty right now, with how quiet and still everything was.

Eventually Rainbow Dash’s wings took her to the dining room and she ended up sitting on top of the table once more. Whenever Larkon woke up this would probably be one of the first places in the house he’d come looking for her. So she decided to yawn and stretch for a bit before rolling over onto her back and staring up at the ceiling. Maybe not the cleanliest sort of thing that should’ve been done with a dining room table but oh well. She was bored and impatient right now.

And thoughtful. More thoughtful than she usually ever was. Curiosity may have killed the cat but she couldn’t help but want to fly out to those slums now and see what they were like. And maybe confront this Karkona mammoth.

“What else do I really have to do around here?” She questioned herself.

Her back hooves hung over the side of the table and she kicked them about carelessly, taking a deep yawn as she waited around. There was definitely a lot Larkon wasn’t telling her, she knew that. She had only been given brief tidbits about what the mammoths used to be like and half of that had come from William in the first place. Larkon had been really nice to her but despite being the historian of the city he wasn’t forthcoming at all about their history before becoming pacifists. Too much was missing when it came to these mammoths.

Her knowledge pretty much boiled down to they used to be bad but now they’re good. And Karkona didn’t like that. While also being enough of a firebrand that he could sway the minds of impressionable and dissatisfied mammoths.

Well there was no sense in really thinking about it, that wasn’t getting her anywhere. Rainbow Dash would either do something or she wouldn’t. When it came time for it she was a mare of action. Which is basically how this whole crazy adventure of hers started.

She didn’t have more time to think about it anyways as she soon heard footsteps walking towards the dining room. Too light to be either Larkon or Shibu, so it was either a mammoth she was going to be happy to see or one she wasn’t going to be happy to see.

Alykon opened up the door and a smile spread on Rainbow Dash’s face.

“Morning,” the pegasus said to her and sat up before floating off the table.

Alykon yawned and rubbed her eyes of their sleep before smiling back at Rainbow Dash. “Good morning.”

“You’re up early,” Dash said.

“I was hungry. What about you?”

“Hungry and bored. Waiting for your dad to wake up so we can do whatever he has planned today,” Rainbow shrugged.

Alykon mumbled and glanced at the door to the kitchen. “I’m really sorry about my brother last night...”

Rainbow Dash grinned and flew over to her, giving her a rub on the head. “Heh, it’s not your fault he’s like that.”

“Do you want some food?” Alykon looked up at her.

Rainbow considered it for a second before shaking her head. Larkon was definitely going to take her somewhere for food, she was pretty sure. “No thanks. I can wait for whenever your dad wakes up.”

“It should be soon, he usually wakes up before any of us,” Alykon said.

“Big day for him yesterday,” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“He probably didn’t sleep well...” Alykon rubbed the back of her head with her trunk. “That always happens when he argues with Samarkon.”

Rainbow Dash thought of that grouchy little mammoth, and seeing how upset Alykon was right now it reignited a certain passion in her. Rainbow Dash loved flying, she loved competing, she loved winning, she love cider, she loved her friends, she loved Tank, and she loved something else that she hadn’t really gotten to do much of since starting on this adventure.


A mischievous grin spread on Rainbow Dash’s face as she rubbed her hooves together. “Hey Alykon… how do you feel about pranks?”

The door to the dining room from whence Alykon came was currently slightly ajar. By what Alykon said, Samarkon should be the next mammoth to come through that door since he always ate breakfast in here relatively early as well. And the reason the door was ajar and they were waiting for him in particular was because of the bucket of water precariously balanced atop it. The next mammoth that opened that door would get a very unwelcome bath.

“Classic,” Rainbow Dash snickered to herself as she sat at the table with Alykon.

“This’ll serve him right,” Alykon giggled too.

“I just hope we don’t accidentally get your mom or dad, but it’s worth the risk,” Rainbow said.

Alykon nodded. “Definitely. And don’t worry, I’ll take the blame no matter what happens.”

They stopped as the sound of a mammoth walking down the hallway reached their ears. With the door slightly open it was easy for Rainbow Dash to tell that it definitely wasn’t one of the adults. She couldn’t keep the grin off of her face as she watched the door in anticipation. Alykon too was waiting for it. Samarkon was utterly clueless as he was about to become the victim of one of the classic pranks.

The mammoth was dragging his feet as he made it to the door and with a disgruntled huff he pushed the dining room door open and stuck his head inside.

It was almost too perfect.

The bucket full of water tipped over and doused the teenage mammoth before banging onto his head. Samarkon yelled in surprise and pain and slipped about on the newly wet floor before tumbling over into a heap of wet fur and limbs.

“Arghh! W-What?!” He cried as he rubbed his pained head.

“Ahahahahaha!” The two girls in the room laughed and laughed in unison.

Samarkon’s head snapped up with his eyes wide at first, but they quickly narrowed as he glared at his sister and the obnoxious guest. “You!”

“Relax,” Rainbow Dash flew over above him. “It was just a little water.”

“Stupid pony!” Samarkon’s trunk shot up, attempting to smack Rainbow Dash down, but she easily avoided it.

Rainbow Dash flew beside him and picked up the bucket before carrying it back into the dining room. “Guess we’ve gotta clean up now. Oh well, it was totally worth it.”

“Totally,” Alykon smirked.

Samarkon scrambled back to his feet and shook his head to get dry. “You—You dummies! I’ll get you back for this!” He yelled at them and then turned tail and ran off back down the hallway.

Rainbow Dash was fairly certain she heard the sound of sniffling and held back tears.

“That was a good one,” Alykon said as she went through the last of her giggles.

“Oh yeah,” Rainbow Dash nodded. “We oughta do something like that again sometime.”

Alykon and Rainbow Dash cleaned the mess up after that and then Alykon got to eating her own breakfast while Rainbow Dash continued to wait around. It thankfully wasn’t much longer for the impatient pony that Larkon finally made his entrance, there were bags of sleep under his eyes but besides that he looked fairly jolly.

“Sup? What’s in store for today?” Rainbow Dash asked the historian.

“Glad you asked!” Larkon stepped towards her. “Today we’ll be visiting somewhere you’re already well familiar with, the grandest and most important place in the city: Tarmok’s Hall! You hardly saw enough of it on your first visit, so much goes on there that I simply have to show you around. It also happens to be where I would normally be spending most of my days working.”

Anything involving government had the implicit tag of boring attached to it in Rainbow Dash’s mind. But Larkon was clearly enthusiastic about it and he said all kinds of stuff went on there so… eh? Why not.

“Are we gonna get something to eat first?” She had to ask.

Larkon nodded. “Of course. We’ll have to go out of our way a bit but I was thinking we’d go to Norma’s again.”

“Works for me,” Dash shrugged with a satisfied grin on her face.

“Good, there was another thing I wanted to tell you about as well,” Larkon said.


“In exactly one week from today we are holding our spring festival! Our largest festival of the year,” Larkon seemed quite proud of it. “All throughout the streets there will be singing, dancing, food, celebration, and every other sort of fun and entertainment you could think of! It’s all centered around town’s square, I promise you’ll have an absolute blast! You see, as the name implies, it’s to celebrate the spring season where things are at their liveliest and the world around us is most favorable.”

“Heh, so you guys will be even happier and stuff than normal?” Rainbow grinned.

Larkon had to chuckle at that. “Yes, yes, everything about this festival is a celebration of positivity and a reminder of how good things are. And it’s a real holiday, everyone will be out and about having fun, everyone. You’ll get to see so much and meet more mammoths in that one day than you could in a month!”

“So one week huh? Alright then, I’m looking forward to it. Trunkball was just as fun of surprise as you hyped it up to be, I hope this can deliver too. In the meantime I can still check out everything else in this city,” her stomach suddenly growled. Loudly. A blush spread across her face as she descended to the ground. “Er, some food first would be nice though. Let’s go to Norma’s.”

“You’ll definitely have a great time at the festival. But yes, you’re right, some food would be nice right now,” Larkon said and went to the other door leading from the dining room into the hall that would take them back to the front door. Rainbow Dash followed along.

“Bye Rainbow Dash! Have fun!” Alykon waved goodbye to her from the table.

“Totally will! See you later,” Dash waved back before the door closed shut.

At the entryway, Larkon reached his trunk up and grabbed off a black fedora with a red velvet band and a feather stuck in it from the hat rack. Rarity might’ve gagged if she saw it but Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes. She was used to his hats by now.

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